six--floating--souls · 10 months
> [*…]
> [*RESET?]
> *YES.
> UPDATING… 1% of 100%
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👐 Alexia, how did you fall? Do you regret it?
🍳: “I slipped.”
[*She chews on the inside of her cheek at the memory, feeling that similar twisting feeling in her gut. Guilt? Something like that.]
🍳: “My little brother was sick. Really sick, and he had this accident, and- well, the doctors said he probably didn’t have that long, so we could take him somewhere fun, if we wanted. ...We, took Morgan to the mountain. He liked the breeze, the trees, the birds, all that stuff.”
🍳: “I heard that maybe there were some plants? Some flowers that grew there? Near the top, that could be made into a medicinal tea, and that it was calming, and maybe healing? I just wanted to help him feel more at ease. I wanted to help.”
[*She takes a deep breath.]
🍳: “They were right at the top, but it was so crumbly up there, unstable. I mean, I got there, and I got the flowers, but I fell straight after.”
🍳: “...I regret it every day. I never even said goodbye to anybody! ...To Morgan.”
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Jesse, do you think Ethan-Lewis would agree with your view on killing? I'm asking you because I want to know what you think he'd think, not because I want to actually know what he'd think
[*Jesse snorts. He runs his finger along the rim of his cowboy hat.]
🍀: “‘Course. I’d say we think quite alike.”
[*He shrugs.]
🍀: “And I think, he’d see that it weren’t for enjoyment, or because imma bad person, or whatever it is yall’re tryna say. If I sat E down n’ said ‘If I could, I’d hunt down those fellas that got my parents’, he’d be like ‘Oh, yeah, okay. If that’s what makes you happy.’”
🍀: “No tellin’ me it’s bad, or bringin’ up my sister, he’d just nod n’ move on, I think. His views on killin’ may be different like mine, but he’s real carin’. Empathetic n’ such. I think he’d get it.”
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👐 Do you think Danny would approve, Jesse?
[*He frowns, tired of this particular line of questioning.]
🍀: “I don’t need your judgement or attempts at guilt-trippin’. It falls on deaf ears. But’cha want my honest response, n’ I’m inclined t’ give it.”
[*A beat.]
[*Jesse shakes his head.]
🍀: “...No, I don’t think he’d approve neither. He’s also a good person.”
[*He smiles for a moment at the thought of the grumpy kindness soul, then shrugs.]
🍀: “I don’t need his approval, though. All I’d ever ask is for him t’try and understand my point of view. But y’know, this is something you could ask him?”
🍀: “Don’t need me tryna guess all his thoughts.”
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👐 most likely to be a discord moderator?
[*After a brief moment of telling Jesse, Faith and Dustin what Discord is, “Oh, like the SkyNet?” the answer is almost unanimously:]
🥊: “Evan! He likes smart computer stuff!”
🍀: “Ev.”
🍳: “I’d also have to say Evan! I think he’d be good at upholding the rules.”
🎀: “...Evvie, I think.”
🩰: “I think I would make a good mod. But, brain boy seems like the obvious answer.”
[*Evan scratches his jaw.]
📒: “Me, I... I suppose!”
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👐 + Jesse, would Cassie approve of you wanting to kill people? Hypothetically, I mean.
[*He narrows his eye at you.]
🍀: “No hypotheticals here, ‘nonymous: Cassie don’t have parents or a big brother with her no more, cos, wouldn’tcha guess, somebody killed ‘em.”
[*You got him once with the little sister card. Not again. Not this time.]
🍀: “But no, she probably wouldn’t. She’s a good kid. She’d probably tell me that talkin’s the way t’go, diplomacy n’ all that.”
[*He waves a hand dismissively.]
🍀: “And I would agree with her. T’some extent. Talkin’ only takes you so far. Y’know, with fellers who probably woulda got me and felt no regrets. If I didn’t fall beforehand.”
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👐 + Have you ever had a dream that, had you, um, you had, you'll, you would- you could, you do, you would you want you, you could do some, you... you'll do, you could you, you want?
[*Evan and Faith nod solemnly. You’ve just transcribed their inner monologues.]
📒: “All the- all the time, honestly.”
[*He laughs a little, finding this silly.]
🎀: “...Yes.”
[*She, however, is entirely serious.]
🩰: “Have YOU ever had a dream that, had you, um, you had, you’ll, you would- you could, you do, you would you want you, you could do some, you... you’ll do, you could you, you want, though? HUH?? Have you??”
[*You dare come and meme in her presence. She will outmeme you. She will be memeing until your dying day.]
🩰: “Damn right.”
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Jesse you're my favorite
[*He shrugs.]
🍀: “Not tryna be. But thanks, stranger.”
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👐 would you fight God? To
[*To who?? To who, anon! God got em. Tragic. Anyways, here’s Bella.]
🩰: “I would, but then I wouldn’t have God’s power on my side, so, I guess not. For the power. But I would. Next question.”
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Killings bad, mmmkay kids
[*Jesse fixes you with a glare. With the one working eye he has, anyways.]
🍀: “Tch. For th’most part, I do agree, ‘non. But I don’t think it matters much. We all got killed, didn’t we?”
[*You’re back now, though.]
🍀: “Plus, it ain’t like I’m... hypothetically... wantin’ to kill some poor bystander. It’d be revenge killin’. Justified, like I said. Eye for an eye n’ all that. ...Literally, I s’pose.”
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incredibly amusing to me that andy feels SO bad for killing somebody, and everyone’s digging into him, and jesse’s over here like “yeah I’d kill. and what.”
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👐 + all! You have twenty four hours to commit any crime you want. What crime do you commit?
🥊: “Crime isn’t good! :(”
🥊: “BUT I!! Would steal SO many sweet things!! From the blue cat guy!! Nice creams for everyone!!”
[*Rest are under the cut!]
🍀: “It’s not really my kinda thing, bein’ the son of a sheriff n’ all.”
[*Uh huh.]
🍀: “Maybe murder, though. It would be justified murder.”
[*...THAT took a turn.]
🍳: “Oh! Ummm, maybe petty theft? From supermarkets with lots of stock. Take all of the non-perishables, and give them to a food bank, or an orphanage. Something like that.”
🎀: “...No.”
[*She simply shakes her head.]
🩰: “I would WANT to do so much vandalism to that orphanage. ...So much. But that wouldn’t be fair to the kids that live there, huh? ...Tax fraud.”
[*Have you ever done a tax? Or a fraud?]
🩰: “Nope!”
[*Evan frowns, twiddling his thumbs.]
📒: “Maybe, m-maybe, um, breaking and entering. I... I really- I really want to see, want to see what the inside of- of N-NASA looks like.”
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👐 Bella, what's your biggest regret?
[*She hums, leaning on her hand.]
🩰: “Honestly? I wish I’d kept in contact with my brother, Hayes, more. After I left the orphanage, I never really talked to him much. ...I kinda wanted to leave everything and everyone from my old life behind.”
[*A pause. A sigh.]
🩰: “But he didn’t deserve that. I hope he’s okay.”
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My muse is under an honesty spell for one hour.
Send 👐+ any question you wish to ask my muse. They will have no choice but to answer truthfully.
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it’s been 84 years
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I for one love your souls :O !!! but I can understand losing interest in something and not wanting to continue it- tbh my interest in UT comes and and goes so I get it, and if you do decide to discontinue everything I hope people won't give you an issue over it. Glad you will keep the blog up tho, I love your designs dhdjd they just look so funky!!
!!! thank you stephen!! this is very reassuring dfjkghjk :’)) but yea nobody worry, the blog is Staying, it will be here even if i am not so much anymore :]
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hi non! uhhh to tell you the truth, not really, no! i don’t particularly think about these guys as much nowadays, and figured there wasn’t too much interest in them anymore as a result!
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