smhsenpai · 7 years
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Sukka commission for elvyralani which was a real delight to work on.
Commissions are open!
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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But I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? ✨
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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To Jinyoung and Jaebum, the two people who have brought not only me but a lot of other people endless happiness. The two people who were meant to be together from the very start, who had their ups and downs just like everyone else but showed us that you need to have experienced failure in order to fully appreciate success. #1700DaysWithJJproject
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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king of self reflection and character growth
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smhsenpai · 7 years
good morning carly rae jepsen wherever you are
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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BTS OT7 + a tint of Yoonjin in ‘I Need U’ making (secret hideout part)
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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where the fuck am i
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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smhsenpai · 7 years
me: *makes one good drawing*
me: nice, lets keep this up
my body: Sorry! It looks like you've already made a good drawing today! You can try again in 72 hours, or subscribe to premium service for only $15.99 a month!
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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smhsenpai · 7 years
to add to this: you know how those two r hyping each other as soon as they open their mouths like... namjoon’s singing? rapping? hoseok’s his #1 cheerleader!!!! hoseok’s dancing? namjoon is clapping, smiling, cheering, crying somewhere on the ground in the bg. just wanna acknowledge this side of the ship bc a v big part of their relationship is being supportive friends who always compliment and respect each other!!! psa!!! friendly reminder!!!
concept: the 94 line hyping each other up
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smhsenpai · 7 years
concept: the 94 line hyping each other up
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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BTS Hyung Line
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smhsenpai · 7 years
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our 94 line leaders (also taejin at the back ;_;)
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smhsenpai · 7 years
Hoseok Ships
My take on Hoseok dynamics with his fellow members:
Vhope: Sunshines. Hype men. Believe in the good but understand that life truly isn’t all rainbows, you know? Always try and be positive and lift spirits. Most likely to party hard together at the club. Nothing is too much when it comes to personal space. Genuinely find each other attractive, maybe even have some secret, real attraction?? Both think fondly of each other. Are there for each other and understand each others moods and needs. V looks up to Hoseok very fondly. PS-Let’s not forget Rookie King debacles hehe. 
Namseok: The ‘we don’t have to do anything to show we understand each other’ duo. These two just get each other. They support each other, and praise each other. Most importantly, they respect each other. Hoseok once said he was 99% close to Namjoon, with that 1% of space. You can tell they are totally comfortable with one another. They are total opposites but in the best way. I think Hoseok’s energy really impacts Namjoon, and Namjoon’s thoughtfulness impacts Hobi. 
Junghope: As everyone says, they truly are the Golden duo. Both multi talented. You can tell that they really support each other, and that Hoseok looks at Jungkook with care. You can also tell that Jungkook would do almost anything for Hoseok. They have a very close bond. I feel like if Jungkook was crushing on someone, he’d tell Hobi first. 
Yoonseok: Too much to say, really. We all know how Hoseok’s presence changes Yoongi and makes him more cheerful. Yoongi said he gains strength from looking at Hoseok. You can tell that these two have meaningful chats regularly, but aren’t shy to be sarcastic and dry with one another, and tease each other. Yoongi always looks out for Hoseok, and you can tell they have a very deep relationship. I believe these two have exchanged secrets from their lives that none of the other members know. I think that Yoongi isn’t afraid to be vulnerable in front of Hoseok, and vice versa. 
Jihope: Hoseok’s in love with Jimin, it’s true. He looks at him so fondly, always. These two have dance in common, and I think Jimin looks to Hoseok as a dance inspiration. Hoseok also appreciates Jimin’s dance style and the differences between them. They like to tease each other, and show skinship. There aren’t many boundaries. They love to give each other massages, and are always laughing. 
Jinhope (what is this ship’s name??)- Jin and Hoseok seem so natural together. They honestly just seem like great friends; comfortable friends. I think that Jin has probably opened up to Hoseok quite often about things that are quite difficult for him. I think they both like to release their inner child sometimes, but also appreciate being mature and quiet when needed. I believe that Jin admires Hoseok’s social abilities and the ease with which he’s able to communicate with others. Watching these two together just feels so right. 
There’s a bit of my take, hope you like it!!!
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