sofya-creations · 2 months
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My tribute to Akira Toriyama.
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sofya-creations · 2 months
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sofya-creations · 2 months
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sofya-creations · 2 months
Oda's message about Akira Toriyama passing away.
"It is too early. The hole is too big. Sadness washes over me when I think that I will never see him again. I have admired him so much since I was a child.
I remember the day he called me by name for the first time, the day you used the word "friend" for me and Kishimoto, I remember being overjoyed with Kishimoto on the way back home. I also remember the last conversation we had.
He was one of those who took the baton from the days when reading manga made you a fool, and created an era when both adults and children could enjoy reading manga. He showed us the dream that manga can go global. It was like watching a hero going forward. For not only manga artists but also the creators in various industries, the excitement and emotion of the time of Dragon Ball serialization must have taken root in their childhood. His existence is like a big tree.
For the manga artists of our generation who stood on the same stage, the closer I got to Toriyama's works, the more I realised that they had a greater presence. Scary. But I am just happy to see the easy-going man himself again. Because we love Toriyama-sensei on a blood level. With respect and gratitude for the creative world he has left behind, I pray for his soulful rest in peace.
May heaven be the joyous world just as you envisioned it." (X)
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sofya-creations · 2 months
Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, dies at 68. Absolutely tragic. Rest in peace Legend.
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sofya-creations · 2 months
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Mamoru and Usagi from Sailor Moon for my Fluffy February 2024 contribution for the prompt : Kiss.
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sofya-creations · 2 months
M’accorderais-tu cette danse ?
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Fandom : Frieren : Beyond Journey's End
Relationship : Himmel x Frieren
Voici ma participation pour le Fluffy February 2024 pour le prompt : Danse.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : « Je n’ai jamais dansé, dit Frieren. »
Himmel la regarda, surpris.
« Jamais ? »
Elle secoua négativement la tête. Elle se demandait pourquoi il était aussi surpris.
Disclaimer : Frieren appartient Ă  Yamada Kanehito et Abe Tsukasa.
Frieren regarda Stark qui invitait Fern à danser. Habillé de son beau costume et avec cette attitude, il ressemblait à un vrai prince. Fern mit sa main dans la sienne et se leva. Ils se dirigèrent vers le centre de la pièce, se mélangèrent aux autres invités et dansèrent. Tous deux bougèrent avec grâce et personne n’aurait pu croire qu’il y a encore quelques semaines, aucun d’eux ne savait danser.
Frieren ne put s’empêcher de sourire en voyant à quel point Fern était heureuse, même si elle essayait de le cacher. Un souvenir lui revint en mémoire. Cela s’était passé il y a plusieurs décennies, mais pour Frieren, qui n’avait pas la même conception du temps, c’était comme si ça s’était passé la veille.
Frieren et ses compagnons avaient aidé à la reconstruction d’un village qui avait été attaqué par des bandits. Une fête avait été organisée à la place centrale du village pour célébrer la fin de la reconstruction. Tout le monde mangeait, buvait, dansait. Tous s’amusaient.
Frieren se trouvait près de la table où était le buffet. Elle venait de se servir une grosse part de gâteau et s’apprêtait à le déguster lorsqu’elle entendit des pas derrière elle. Elle reconnut immédiatement Himmel. Elle avait la faculté de reconnaître chacun de ses compagnons lorsqu’ils s’approchaient d’elle. En particulier Himmel. Il était celui dont elle se sentait le plus proche. C’est étrange, se disait-elle, c’était la première fois qu’elle s’attachait ainsi à quelqu’un. Elle leva les yeux de son gâteau et se retourna. Himmel lui souriait.
« Tu ne danses pas ? Demanda-t-il.
-Je préfère manger ce gâteau. »
Elle piqua sa fourchette dans le gâteau et mangea un gros morceau. Il était délicieux. Rien qu’à manger cette merveille la mettait de bonne humeur. Son regard se posa sur les différents groupes de danseurs. Tous avaient l’air de s’amuser.
« Je n’ai jamais dansé, dit-elle. »
Himmel la regarda, surpris.
« Jamais ? »
Frieren secoua négativement la tête. Elle se demandait pourquoi il était aussi surpris.
« Je n’en ai jamais vu l’intérêt.
-S’amuser, passer un bon moment, partager un instant convivial avec ses amis. Quand tu les vois danser, tu n’as pas envie d’essayer ? »
Frieren haussa les épaules. Elle n’y avait jamais pensé et elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi cela avait l’air si important pour lui. Elle ne comprendrait jamais les humains. Himmel se plaça devant elle et lui tendit la main.
« M’accorderais-tu cette danse ? »
Frieren écarquilla les yeux, ne s’attendant pas à ce genre de demande. Elle observa sa main quelques secondes et finit par accepter. Elle voyait à quel point il voulait lui faire découvrir les joies de la danse et elle ne voulait pas lui faire de la peine en refusant. Elle posa son assiette sur la table du buffet et se laissa conduire par Himmel jusqu’au milieu de la piste improvisée par les habitants.
Ils dansèrent sur une musique rapide, puis plus lente. Frieren ne savait pas combien de danse elle avait dansé, mais elle devait avouer qu’Himmel avait raison. Elle s’amusait grâce à lui et elle s’amusa encore plus lorsque Heiter et Eisen les rejoignirent. C’était un beau moment que Frieren garderait en mémoire toute se longue vie. Comme tous les moments passés avec Himmel. Elle sortit de ses souvenirs lorsque Sein, qui était assis en face d’elle, lui parla.
« Une petite valse ? Demanda-t-il.
-J’ai un gâteau à manger. »
Elle ne détourna pas le regard de son assiette. Elle porta un morceau de gâteau jusqu’à ses lèvres et se régala. Sein n’insista pas et regarda Fern et Stark qui étaient toujours en train de danser.
La seule fois que Frieren avait dansé dans sa vie, c’était avec Himmel. Et elle n’avait aucune envie de danser avec quelqu’un d’autre.
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sofya-creations · 2 months
Can I have this dance ?
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Fandom : Frieren : Beyond Journey's End
Relationship : Himmel x Frieren
My Fluffy February 2024 contribution for the prompt : Dance.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : “I’ve never danced,” Frieren said.
Himmel looked at her, surprised.
“Never ?”
She shook her head. She wondered why he was so surprised.
Disclaimer : Frieren : Beyond Journey's End belongs to Yamada Kanehito and Abe Tsukasa.
Frieren looked at Stark who was asking Fern to dance. Dressed in his beautiful suit and with this attitude, he looked like a real prince. Fern put her hand in his and rose from her chair. They walked to the center of the room, mingled with the other guests and danced. They both moved gracefully and no one could have believed that just a few weeks ago, neither of them knew how to dance.
Frieren could not help smiling at how happy Fern was, even if she tried to hide it. A memory came back to her. It had happened several decades ago, but for Frieren, who did not have the same notion of time, it was as if it had happened yesterday.
Frieren and her companions had helped rebuild a village that had been attacked by bandits. A party was organized in the central square of the village to celebrate the end of the reconstruction. Everyone was eating, drinking, dancing. Everyone was having fun.
Frieren was near the table of the buffet. She had just helped herself to a large slice of cake and was about to eat it when she heard footsteps behind her. She recognized Himmel immediately. She had the ability to recognize each of her companions when they approached her. Especially Himmel. He was the one she felt closest to. It’s strange, she said to herself, it was the first time she had become so attached to someone. She looked up from her cake and turned round. Himmel smiled at her.
“Aren’t you dancing ?” he asked.
“I prefer to eat this cake.”
She stuck her fork into the cake and ate a large piece. It was delicious. Just eating this marvel put her in a good mood. She looked at the different groups of dancers. Everyone seemed to have fun.
“I’ve never danced,” she said.
Himmel looked at her, surprised.
“Never ?”
Frieren shook her head. She wondered why he was so surprised.
“I never saw the point in it.”
“To have fun, to have a good time, to share a moment with your friends. When you see them dancing, don’t you want to try ?”
Frieren shrugged her shoulders. She had never thought about it and she did not understand why it seemed so important to him. She would never understand humans. Himmel stood in front of her and held out his hand.
“Can I have this dance ?”
Frieren opened her eyes wide, not expecting this kind of request. She looked at his hand for a few seconds and finally accepted. She saw how much he wanted to introduce her to the joys of dancing and she did not want to hurt him by refusing. She put her plate on the buffet table and let Himmel lead her to the middle of the dance floor improvised by the inhabitants.
They danced to fast music, then slower music. Frieren did not know how many dances she had danced, but she had to admit that Himmel was right. She had fun thanks to him and she had even more fun when Heiter and Eisen joined them. It was a beautiful moment that Frieren would remember for the rest of her long life. Like all the moments spent with Himmel. She came out of her memories when Sein, who was sitting in front of her, asked her :
“Shall we dance as well ?” He asked.
“I’m going to eat cake.”
She did not look away from her plate. She ate a piece of cake and enjoyed it. Sein did not insist and looked at Fern and Stark who were still dancing.
The only time Frieren had danced in her life was with Himmel. And she did not want to dance with anyone else.
The end
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sofya-creations · 2 months
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Stark and Fern from Frieren: Beyond Journey's End for my Fluffy February 2024 contribution for the prompt : Dance.
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sofya-creations · 2 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!
Loid and Yor from Spy x Family for my Fluffy February 2024 contribution for the Free space prompt.
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sofya-creations · 2 months
Fluffy February 2024 Prompts
Welcome to Fluffy February 2024!  In our fourth year, we want to spread fluff and good feelings throughout all of February. The guidelines for submissions/content are here.
We are using the one prompt-a-day format. As in previous years, no one is obliged to write/draw/create every single day -- do as many as you want!  2024 is a LEAP YEAR so we have an extra day of fluff to celebrate!
You are totally free to reinterpret the prompt in a different way.  Please tag @fluffyfebruary​​ so we can reblog your creations!
Soooo here we go!  Happy creating!!
2. Eavesdrop
3. Entertain
4. Learn
5. Planet
6. Fire
7. Recovery
8. Smile
9. Storm
10. Care
11. Quest
12. Discipline
13. Splurge
14. Free space!
15. Craft
16. Spontaneous
17. Pleasure
18. Pain
19. Shadow
20. Partners
21. Reward
22. Sacrifice
23. Dance
24. Apology
25. Kiss
26. Rain
27. Protect
28. Shy
29. Fresh
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sofya-creations · 3 months
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sofya-creations · 3 months
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sofya-creations · 3 months
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Urusei Yatsura
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sofya-creations · 3 months
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Sarah Michelle Gellar
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sofya-creations · 3 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist
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sofya-creations · 3 months
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Mylène Farmer
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