stories-n-such · 9 days
Thanks, Anon!
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stories-n-such · 13 days
You can call me M, and most of the writings here are about one of my LARP characters I've had over the years. (I'll intro them below) There are some things I'm going to have to tweak in a lot of these stories, to separate them slightly from the world they are based in, due to me not owning that world. I'm don't really consider myself much of a fanfic writer, because I don't tend to write stories with non-ocs, and mostly only My OCs and the characters they directly interact with. Hopefully you like what I write, and please feel free to send an ask or leave a comment on anything.
Character Introductions (kinda)
So, now that I’ve posted a bit about each of them, lets give some basic backstory my two main OCs that will be seen in these stories. Both of them were made first as LARP characters, and most/all of the other characters in these stories are either the characters created by my friends for the same LARP, NPCs created by the LARP staff for the story, or background characters I just kinda… made up for narrative convenience.
First we have my miscreant cat, Xane Darastrix. He is a black and silver/grey cat with blue eyes. He loves to dress in bright colors and as little of a shirt as he can get away with. (The cultural group in the LARP that he was from was based on stories and stereotypes about the Romani people, so bright colors, loudly enjoying life, that sort of thing.) (he's actually the picrew that’s the pfp for this blog) Xane himself is an incorrigible flirt, and pretty much omnisexual. With that though, he is surprisingly respectful, doing his best to curb the propositions towards characters that said they weren’t interested nor comfortable with him acting like that. He spent most of his tenure as my main LARP character basically illiterate. He could only read and write about as well as the average 6-7 year old in modern times, and was only really good with making sure anything he had to sign wasn’t getting him scammed. As a fighter, he was a skirmisher, running around the edges of the battlefield with twin daggers and only really putting himself into the middle of things when someone needed help.
The other main character in my stories is Trisara Page, also known as Tris. She is a purple humanoid dragon, with muzzle, wings, tail and all. She was raised in a library, and is (unintentionally) VERY Autistic coded. She is bad with social situations, and she learned much of her etiquette from about 90 year old books designed to teach young ladies how to properly behave. As such, her normal outfit includes a skirt and petticoats, and (given her wings, which are HUGE) since she can’t wear normal shirts, she used aprons that she added fabric to as halter-top style shirts. She is a mage, uses every type of magic available to her, and as a backup carries a massive glaive as a weapon. As she adventured, she ran into a small group of others who kind of… adopted her since she was hopeless out on her own, and almost walked into some very dangerous situations. She ended up dating two of them (who were married to each other as well but yeah SHE didn’t know that for a long ass while) and was very close with the other three. She started out VERY lawful good, which slowly was eroded to neutral/chaotic good behaviors.
I started out both my characters with little to no trauma. The closest thing was Tris never knew her actual parents, just the librarians who adopted her. And Xane was addicted to a drug called kinnip (think catnip, but it relaxed him). So yeah, any trauma that they come out with is from their current story, not backstory.
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stories-n-such · 14 days
Fluffy bit
Sitting near the fireplace, Trisara turns another page in the book she has been engrossed with, only to have a black gloved hand cover the newly revealed words.
“You’re done for tonight, love. We need to sleep,” the book is deftly pulled from her lap, bookmark slid into place, then set on the desk in the corner. Tris looks up at the woman standing over her and huffs.
“You needn't wait up for me. You can just go to sleep and I'll join you when I'm done reading.” The dragon stands up out of her chair and begins to pull off baubles. Delmira just chuckles quietly.
“The last time I fell for that, you didn't sleep at all, and were a nearly unmanageable grump the next day.” Mira mirrors her dragon, pulling off the gloves she is so known for, along with several knives, setting them on a bedside table. She closes the small distance between them, stepping behind Tris and picking at the knot holding her ‘shirt’ up. Leaning in close, she whispers “besides, I want to cuddle my girlfriend as I fall asleep.”
Tris grins, reaching her arms back and clumsily giving Mira a hug. “If that's what it is, then I suppose I can indulge you.”
“Oh, how generous of you darling.” Mira's voice drips sarcasm, but she's still smiling as she finishes untying Tris's apron and slides it off, tossing it onto the chair. She turns Tris around with a gentle hand, giving her a quick kiss then pushing her to sitting on the bed. “Thank you oh so much for indulging me,” she teases, quickly changing into her nightclothes and sitting down next to Tris.
Tris shakes her head, climbing into her normal place next to the wall and raising her arm invitingly. “Come along then, if you're making me come to bed you must also lay down and cuddle me in return.” Mira doesn't hesitate, laying down and scooting into Tris’s arms.
“Goodnight love” she murmurs, snuggling into Tris’s embrace.
Tris spreads her wing over Mira, settling into the mattress. “Goodnight dearest.”
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stories-n-such · 22 days
Tris wakes up suddenly out of a dream. She stays still, looking around without moving much. The darkness outside the window and how far the fire had burned tells her its very late, middle of the night or thereabouts. She starts to push herself up, and Mira makes a noise. Tris freezes, torn between her need to move and shed the dream she was in, and not wanting to disrupt or disturb her Mira. Tris takes a deep breath, thinking quickly, then gently rests her hand on Mira's arm and casts a silent sleep spell. She gets up carefully still, quietly pulling her day clothes on and grabbing her bag before slipping out of the room. Walking as quietly as she can past the other rooms, Montbelliere’s then Conall’s then Sarina and Ephraim’s, down the stairs and out the front door of the inn they had stopped at. It wasn't really a town they were in, more a fancy way station, only having the inn and a small general store. She calls a dim glow to her hands as she walks down the road a short way, then into the woods on the side of the road, still trying to shake off her dream. Under the trees it’s hard to keep track of any kind of time, and even though she noted the half moon high in the sky, she could see none of it here, and the nervous energy kept her going for far longer than she probably should have. It wasn't until she heard the first hints of birdsong that she even noticed how the diffused light was getting brighter. Guiltily, she pulled the ring Mira had given her out of her bag, focusing an identify down on it to lead her back to the inn, hopefully before anyone else woke up to find her gone.
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stories-n-such · 27 days
Your body will transform to fit the world you go to, and you can choose for time to pass slower on your original world. There's a good chance you'll end up dating (and probably fucking) the creature you with if that's the thing you're into. You can still contact them after you go back home.
Reblog to get them to appear swiftly. Like to give them a little treat on their way there.
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stories-n-such · 28 days
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stories-n-such · 28 days
The Next Morning
Xane drifts up from sleep, still half wrapped around the dark elf he had spent a most enjoyable night with. Looking over her still sleeping form, he marveled at the drastic change. Soft fur replaced with smooth skin, whiskered nose flattened out into a gorgeous face, and her long icy white hair cascading down her back. He brushed a strand out of her face, a soft smile on his face. Then, he carefully rolled out of the bed, surprisingly soft and luxurious for being made of shadows, and pulled on his pants, not bothering with a shirt. Standing up just as carefully, he silently pads over to his pack that came through the portal with him. Shifting his daggers off the top of the pack, he opens it and pulls out a box, checking to make sure it hadn’t opened while he was carrying it. Satisfied with how it looked, he stands up, glancing over at the bed again. His lover, his Goddess, still fast asleep. Not surprising, he thinks to himself, they had been very active last night. He glances around the room, taking in the bits of furniture, writing desk, comfy chair, wardrobe, sealing pedestal, all made of different shades of shadow, and goes to grab the chair at the writing desk. Moving it over to the bedside, he is surprised at how heavy it actually is. Setting the chair down, and the box on top of it, right next to the bed, then sitting on the edge and reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. “G’mornin’ lovely. Well, probly mornin’, eh it's when we’re gettin’ up so close enough ta mornin’. I brought ya a surprise.”
She murmurs and hums under her breath as she slowly sits up, hair falling into a neat cascade behind her, and shadows coalescing over her body as the sheet falls, to his mild disappointment. “Hmm? Surprise? What do you mean?” Her voice is still husky from sleep, and her eyes only half open.
Xane gestures at the box on the chair beside the bed. “Well, given the lack o’anything like sunlight ‘ere, I figured you weren’t gonna be growin’ anything, so I took tha liberty of grabbin’ a few things from the market afore I came ‘ere.” He flips the lid on the box open, and inside, cushioned with one of his scarves, are a couple peaches, a big bunch of grapes, and a large number of strawberries piled around them. Her gasp of surprise brings another big grin to his face.
“Strawberries?!? And peaches? Oh, fresh fruit! I haven’t had these in ages” she exclaims as she scoots across the bed to grab a strawberry and pop it directly into her mouth. She half melts back into the bed, eyes closing and humming in pleasure.
Xane chuckles quietly, grabbing a small handful of grapes and starting to snack on them as well. “I’m glad ya approve of my offerin’  love. An’ very glad it’s bringin’ ya such joy. Just cuz yer a Goddess now don’t mean you gotta have no fun anymore. In fact, I’m pretty sure it means the opposite.”
As she opens her eyes back up, a smile on her face, he leans over and grabs a strawberry, holding it up to her mouth. His smile gets sultry, and his voice drops a bit. “Ready fer another one? Of these, or what I gave ya last night? I’m good with either.”
She blushes slightly, then smiles, opening her mouth and taking a bite out of the strawberry before grabbing his hand and pulling him closer. “Can’t we do both?” She purrs, then brings his hand up to her mouth, taking the rest of the strawberry and his fingertips into her mouth, biting gently. His eyes slightly unfocus, and the fur on the back of his neck starts to stand up.
“Oh, yes, we can do both.” He shivers slightly, pulling his hand away from her mouth. “But I think you need ta eat a bit more first.” He is very carefully pronouncing his words, eyes intent on her. “Lemme ‘elp you with that,” he says as he grabs another strawberry and brings it over to her mouth. “Open wide, love. If yer good an’ eat up, I’ll reward ya.”
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stories-n-such · 29 days
Fluff Drabble 1
A small area near the edge of a lake, it has been cleard of the overgrowth of grasses, and a pair of squat logs have been moved into the small clearing. On one of them is a dragonkin, her nose buried in a book, almost litterally, humming softly to herself. She has a full skirt on, and a bit of fabric wrapped around her upper body. A decent sized bag sits next to her on the ground, leaning up against the log. The top hangs open, showing a black wand, a silvered chalice, and several notebooks and pens. Her wings are partway open, and she is obviously enjoying the heat most others would find punishing. Her quiet humming managed to cover up the sound of gentle footsteps. A gentle hand runs down the top edge of her wing, towards her shoulders, and comes to rest on the back of her neck.
“One of these times the person coming up behind you will be less than friendly.” A disapproving voice comes from behind her, the hand on her neck squeezing slightly.
“If that were the case, the Warning Seal I placed around this area before I settled in to read would have activated. As it didn’t, I believe I am safe from you, dear.” Tris’s voice is bemused as she closes her book, finger marking the page she was on. “Did you need something? Or were you just coming out to enjoy the wonderful weather and the, honestly, picturesque view?” She gestures out over the lake, and the reflection of the sky and trees made a wonderful picture.
“This kind of weather may be good for a reptile, it is less so for a mammal like me.” They say with a chuckle, then kiss the top of her head. “I was just coming out here to check on you. I’m glad to see you are taking precautions against harm.”
“Well, I was tired of being told off for it. And given a Barrier Seal makes it so no one can reach me, including those who would help, I guessed a Warning Seal would be the best choice.” She sighs and leans back slightly, resting her back against the person behind her. “I do appreciate you coming to check on me, though. It is very sweet.” She feels the slight vibrations as they chuckle.
“I am glad you think so.” A finger gently presses on the bottom of her jaw, tilting her head up. They lean forward and give her a kiss on the end of her nose. “Now, I am going to go back to the tavern and sit in the shade with a cool drink. You enjoy the rest of your book.” There was a gentle push on her shoulders, and she sat back up straight as the person behind her turned to walk back to the tavern.
She sighed gently, a smile on her face as she flipped her book back open and got back into the story.
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stories-n-such · 29 days
“Make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face.”
It was a stupid, bravado laden thing to say, even he realized it, but what else could he say? Arms pinned behind him by two guards who were also forcing him to his knees, and the woman he had tricked standing before him. It was never his nature to keep his mouth shut. It had saved him several times, but almost as many times it has dug the hole deeper. He knelt, not even fighting anymore, and looked up at her. Even so angry, she was gorgeous. Her guards had been beating him, and given he had been found in her dressing room after dark, he understood that. A beating, searching his person for any items, then getting thrown out into the street, that's what he expected.  What wasn't expected is the lady herself taking an interest. Her servants had found him, and drug him out onto the courtyard. Three guards had started beating him, and he was just able to keep the fact he was slowly healing himself under wraps. Then he heard her voice. Telling the guard throwing the punches to stop. He did, turning and bowing to her. The two holding his shoulders pushed him down as they bowed as well. She stood, about 5 feet away, looking down at him. He met her eyes, grinning. He was already trapped and beaten, there wasn't much more she could do at this point. She looked over at the guard who had been throwing punches.
“Captain, do you mind if I give it a go? I have been vexed most of the day, and I have also been practicing.”
“Be my guest, my lady. Just remember to keep your wrist straight,” the guard took a half step away as she walked up.
“Ya know, at least someone beautiful and gracious is gonna lay her hands on me for once, not jus’ brutes and bruisers. I’d be grateful if ye could do me just one small favor, lady.” He spoke the clearest he could, short of breath and with a bloody lip from the guards.
She raised an eyebrow cynically. “What would that be? Let you go?”
“Nah,” he chuckled. “I know ye ain't gonna do that, no need ta waste my breath. If yer gonna hit me, beautiful, make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face.”
Her face went red,  from anger or embarrassment, he couldn't tell. Her fists clenched and she stepped up to him. Arm back, punch thrown, and then nothing for a while.
He came to slowly, in the alleyway behind the house he had been in. His ribs hurt, his clothes ripped at the pockets, and his nose afire. He chuckled weakly, wincing as the motion aggravated his injuries. “What a woman…” He got himself up and walking away slowly. Still grinning at the look on her face before he blacked out.
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