striking-twice · 8 years
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So I went to the Prison Break S5 Prop Sale today at Bridge Studios Vancouver! Basically everything used to dress the sets, extras and secondary characters was there for sale. Also a few big ticket items like Michael’s tombstone, casket and the infamous beige suit. There weren’t many hero items but I did grab some memorabilia! I'm not going to post pictures of everything I bought, but these items might give some interesting clues to speculating fans! Prison Break was the first grown-up TV show I ever chose to follow on my own and I watched every episode as it was airing. Basically my first fandom, and it means the world to me. S5 is going to be amazing.
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striking-twice · 8 years
quotes from BvS
Batman: Yeah, you're cool to hide here, but first me and him got to straighten some shit out. Superman: Fine. Batman: Why you been acting so messed up towards me? Superman: Why you been acting so messed up towards me? Batman: Well, you go first. Batman: So I'm rappelling down Mount Vesuvius when suddenly I slip, and I start to fall. Just falling, ahh ahh, I'll never forget the terror. When suddenly I realize "Holy shit, Bruce, haven't you been smoking Peyote for six straight days, and couldn't some of this maybe be in your head?" Superman:I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is. [Talking about the files] Batman: They're *in* the computer? Superman: I'm sorry that good-looking people like us made you throw up and feel bad about yourself. Batman: I felt like, "This guy's really hurting me." And it hurt. Superman: Now if you'll excuse me, I have an after-funeral party to attend. Lex: As a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, so must you become Derelicte!
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striking-twice · 8 years
Are you still active online?
Hi there!
2015 was a really rough year for me, I lost my job shortly before ECCC (why I didn’t end up going) and everything generally went to hell so I was not very active online! I am going to try and finish some projects this year when things settle down, here’s hoping. 
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striking-twice · 9 years
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for nepalese hindus, today is kukur puja, the second day of the five day tihar festival, nepal’s version of diwali. literally meaning “worship of dogs,” kukur puja is dedicated to honouring our special relationship with dogs, who are adorned in vermillion and garlands of marigold. photos by (click pic) narendra shrestha, niranjan shrestha, navesh chitrakar, prakash mathema in kathmandu. 
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striking-twice · 9 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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striking-twice · 9 years
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My half-assed Peggy Carter makeup and hair test! The real thing will have some fake eyelashes, better application and hair that isn't just my straggly unwashed hair pinned up into lazy victory rolls.
Working on Peggy for ECCC!
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striking-twice · 9 years
Me at the fabric store. Legit.
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striking-twice · 9 years
I'm not sure how I feel about MCU's ability to do Civil War justice but I support this post.
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striking-twice · 10 years
My favourite character, but not the character wearing yellow latex.
Hint #2
I am really bad at tumbling so I don’t know how to reply on photos, but as for additional hints to the series and character of the yellow latex photo…
I did it thirty five minutes ago.
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striking-twice · 10 years
Hint #2
I am really bad at tumbling so I don't know how to reply on photos, but as for additional hints to the series and character of the yellow latex photo... I did it thirty five minutes ago.
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striking-twice · 10 years
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project I'm slowly working on, these are sample of custom-coloured latex in different thicknesses for said project that I'm hoping to debut at ECCC next year fitness and finances providing... anyone care to guess what character it's for?
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striking-twice · 10 years
I haven’t for over half a year, now. In fact, I’ve been 100% single this whole time.
I wasn’t going to say anything - because it was private, and I was in a great deal of pain, and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it - but now I’ve come to the point where I’m getting pretty annoyed by...
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striking-twice · 10 years
I am not sure if I am capable of comprehending the existence of these Women of Robotech doll commercials.
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striking-twice · 10 years
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For the person who asked for more pictures of the bias-tape hammer pants, this is pretty much the only other picture of Peony I have from the convention and also in-progress shots of the pants!
They were made of bias tape, bias tape and more bias tape. I also made the bias tape. After this costume I never wanted to look at bias tape again.
I'd also like to note all the fabric for my Peony costume was found on clearance for less than $5 a metre. I would like to fix this costume up and rewear it again sometime in the future for real photos.
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striking-twice · 10 years
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Cluny lace FAQ and tutorial!
Since I've been using this stuff for an upcoming project of mine a lot of my friends have been asking me about Cluny lace, so I decided to make this mini FAQ and tutorial! What is Cluny lace? Cluny lace sturdy bobbin lace for clothing and interior decoration made by hand or machine of linen or cotton thread and characterized by wheat or wheel designs on a coarse mesh. Cluny lace has been used in women's costume since the late 18th century and is both accurate and appropriate for many historical garments, especially ladies fashions. Why else is Cluny lace awesome? It comes in hundreds of different styles and sizes, from extremely chunky patterns to delicate net. Since Cluny lace is made of either cotton or linen it can be starched for extreme stiffness, washed for softness or dyed a huge variety of colours. Cluny lace is easy to use and is an extremely versatile lace. Many larger laces come with hidden threads to gather without running your own stitch. It's also very easy to attach different laces together to create huge panels and intricate designs, you can also trim the lace to customize the shape and size which is especially handy for cosplay. Beware, once you use cotton and silk laces it is difficult to go back! I just can't handle using polyester laces anymore because it can look very cheap in comparison, especially when used for historical costuming. You can't starch polyester laces (not very well anyway) they can't take a lot of wear and tear and they don't have nearly the range of sizing and style. It's also not that much cheaper, and can be even more expensive in some cases. Click the photos above for a short tutorial on gathering and combining lace with notes in the captions! For more information you can send me a note or use google, happy lace...ing.
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striking-twice · 10 years
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striking-twice · 10 years
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Some of my crappy 'before' webcam pictures of my 80% complete Effie costume before I tear it apart and put it back together again. I'm going to try and get some better photos so I can document the changes that a proper fitting can make to a costume after weight loss, or just wearing and realizing some stuff needs to be changed. Sometimes a few changes can give a costume a complete facelift, and if you really love the character or the fabric is only going to come around once in a lifetime, it's worth it to tear it apart. I used what little was left of the movie fabric for this costume, so I have to be really careful with my changes or I'll be SOL. My computer can't handle the fabulous fuchsia moire fabric, it rebelled and starting doing some weird pixellation stuff. The front is just safety pinned closed Current list of alterations: -redo collar, made lapel wider -raise top of arm scye 1" higher -remove 4" of volume from puff sleeve -add another layer of crinoline to sleeve inner lining -shorten back by 2" -raise waist by 1" -remove roughly 3" from waist -add proper front closures -flexi boning in side seams I'm going to wait for another couple inches to come off my waist, and then Project Effie will begin again :)
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