#<---trying a new tag to organizing my sewing stuff
squared my first fabric today  😠
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practicalsolarpunk · 5 months
Hello I was wondering if you had any advice for solar punk dwellers that live in apartments. I always see all these cool add-ons to houses to make life more sustainable, but a lot of them I can't really do while living in an apartment. Also my apartment is fully indoors so it doesn't have a balcony where I can put stuff outside. However, I have started an indoor garden.
Hi! Indoor gardening is a fantastic place to start. Beyond that, it can really depend on what you're interested in. If gardening is really your thing, see what kind of gardening resources are around! Is there a community garden in your area that you could participate in? Would your apartment complex be interested in letting you start a garden for the complex? (They may be more interested than you might think - it's an amenity they can promote to future tenants, it engages current tenants, and they don't have to pay for landscaping on the area you turned into a garden.) If you have a lot of gardening experience, are there people in the area who want to learn that you could work with? If you're new to gardening, is there someone in your local Food Not Lawns group who would be willing to teach you more in exchange for some work on their garden?
Speaking of Food Not Lawns, see what other groups are around in your area that you could get involved in. Food Not Bombs, Freecycle, and Buy Nothing are other good groups to look for. There's also likely groups specific to your area - you may be able to find them by searching on Facebook, but more likely by connecting with other people at one of these bigger groups and asking.
Beyond that, I highly recommend cooking, mending and sewing (see our #mending, #mend and make do, and #sewing tags), and building some community. Meet your neighbors and get to know them! (I love cooking as a vehicle for this - humans often bond over food, and bringing over cookies or inviting them to share some homemade soup is a great way to connect.) You could start a free pantry in your apartment complex or building, or talk about a tenants' union. You can also try similar stuff at work, like a Breakroom Free Box. If politics is more your speed, you can do some activism (see our #activism tag) or even get involved with local political organizations and push them to be more progressive. Especially in local politics, one person can make a big difference.
For more ideas, we also have the following tags:
#apartment solarpunk
#dorms and small spaces
#community building
#mutual aid
#fiber crafts
I'd also encourage you to check out this post and this post, which are previous answers to similar questions.
I hope this gives you some places to start. If you have more specific questions, feel free to send in another ask!
- Mod J
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comics-and-fanworks · 2 years
Miraculous Master Post
Hello! Here’s the master list of all my stuff! I have no idea if I’m doing this right so if I’m not, please let me know and I’ll try to fix it!
Miraculous College AU:
Part 1
Contains class salt, Lila salt, and Adrien salt
Miraculous Career Choice AU:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (Jasonette child) coming soon
Contains minor class salt, Lila salt, Gabriel salt, Adrien salt, and Maribat Jasonette
Bio Mom Au 
Starfire Part 1
Starfire Part 2
Zatanna Part 1 coming soon
Contains class salt, Lila salt, Adrien salt, Minor Chloe salt, and potentially more salt to be added.
Requests: Organized by ships or other stuff
New Phone Who Dis?
Contains class salt, Lila salt, Adrien salt, Alya salt, Chloe redemption, and probably more I don’t remember.
Revenge Never Looked So Good
Contains class salt, Lila salt, Adrien salt, Alya salt, a lotta salt.
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Panthère de Nuit
Contains class salt, Lila salt, Adrien salt, Alya salt, a lotta salt. This is super long so I suggest taking an intermission, stretching your legs, and going to the bathroom around the sewing machine part. 
Edit: Fixed tagging
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dandyshucks · 1 month
hiii dandy !! i wanted to ask, what do you think you and guzma would do post-canon after the events of sun & moon ? (i might have asked this before - if i have, i apologize..) (i also wanted to say that its been really cool seeing ur progress on ur plush!! it seems so hard, so you having that skill is rly admirable and i wish u lots of luck w finishing it!!) (@dmclr)
CLARA HI i hope u (and dimitri hehe) are doing well :] !!! wah thank u for the question, u havent asked it before dw !!! 
OKAY SO admittedly I mostly only know the story through reading Guz’s wiki page a few times (teehee) and through osmosis from the general fandom dsgjkl, i want to play the game one day and maybe read the manga, and I’ve watched the anime eps he’s featured in and that’s all i’m watching of that LOL. I haven’t actually experienced much of his story (or su/mo in general) first-hand myself though fdsjkl
answer below the cut because.... the rambler's curse got me LOL
after the events of su/mo, I don’t think he’d actually disband Team Skull because… what is the point of that honestly LOL, so Team Skull stays together in MY version of the world hehe. they’re required to do community service to make up for whatever shenanigans they get up to, but they stop stealing pokemon and move onto just like… graffiti and casual pranks and stuff. they still cause trouble, but it’s mostly mischief now rather than any actual crime. I set them up to work on murals for shop owners around the islands so they can spraypaint and be artistic that way rather than randomly tagging walls and getting into trouble for it fjdskl. they keep their disdain for authority figures and rules because at the end of the day most of them are rowdy teens who feel outcasted from society, and that’s just the way the ball rolls with them (also a certain level of that is healthy and warranted tbh). I work with Plumeria to organize events and outings (outside of community service) for the squad though, which helps give everyone healthier outlets for their energy and focus.
Hala mentors Guz to help put him onto (and keep him on) the right track, and Guz learns to appreciate the islands and their traditions a bit - even if he still doesn’t agree with all of them. Part of that mentorship is also sort of therapy (in a more holistic naturally-occurring way rather than like... clinical therapist sitting with patient), so trauma gets unpacked and healthier ways of handling emotions are learned and implemented. Also fuck the Aether Foundation HFDSJKL I keep Guz far away from Lusamine and make sure she never gets close to him again (idk what Gladion and Lillie get up to, I haven’t thought enough about them yet fsjkl). There’s a lot of healing and self-improvement and learning how to Be A PersonTM for both of us tbh!
Beyond that, it is mostly just regular Alola/island living!! Beach visits, walking around, getting ice cream and popsicles, casual battles with tourists, catching wimpods, all that sort of thing :] Also we visit Sinnoh (my home region) for half the year (i have… a whole schedule worked out for that actually LOL) so there’s that, too.
as for the plushie omg thank u sm WAUGH :D i cannot tell if it’s just because i have a weird hodge-podge skillset but i DO think it is not actually all that difficult !!! you just need a pattern for cutting the felt and then I learned the ladder stitch for hand-sewing, and it’s been very straightforward on how to sew the pieces together!! the hardest part so far has just been the hair because I have a difficult time translating 2D images to 3D reality in that way.
I just really want to encourage ppl to try their hand at new crafts and creative skills because I think it’s really fun and honestly really good for ppls well-being!! i am very passionate about making creativity accessible to people as much as possible!!! maybe i could make a tutorial or smth… the pattern I'm using is free and available on the creator’s website, and it’s genuinely not that difficult esp compared to some other things i’ve tried my hand at in the past LOL I feel like some of my paper mache projects have been more complex than this lil goober!!
THANK YOU AGAIN, AND SORRY ABOUT BECOMING THE RAMBLING RAMBLER LMAO i actually entirely rewrote this once because I wanted to shorten it and it STILL ended up this long 😭
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taruchinator · 1 year
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💭 General Audiences
💭 3k Words
💭 For the #TWEWYSecretSanta2022 event!
A small platform was incorporated into the box as a stand for the plushies, which were all aligned perfectly next to each other and attached by yarn so that they wouldn't fall. Rhyme stared wide eyed at the variety, with Beat taking a few peeks here and there.
What immediately caught his attention was a particular doll at the very back.
The cat plushie wore a sleeveless purple tank top, white cargo shorts and a yellow wristband around it's tiny paw. But most telling of all, was what was placed on its head— felt-made purple headphones.
“Yo, Shiki. Is that supposed to be Phones?”
Greetings once more, dear friends! 👋
You'll be seeing lots of me in these few days all thanks to my love for joining events, even during the Holidays— such as this wonderful TWEWY Secret Santa! ❄
This story was created for @stumblynn, who wanted some BeatNeku and I'm always happy to deliver on that~ I really hope you like this one, since I had lots of fun with it!
Thank you to the mods of @twewysecretsanta for organizing this!
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If there was one thing Beat didn't understand, it was fashion.
He was the type of guy who would stick to the basics and simply wear whatever he found most comfortable, not really caring for the way it looked. Sure, he had favorite shirts or sneakers with cool designs on them, but that was about it.
The entire industry from different brands, to what was ‘trending’, or what was considered fashionable was completely beyond him.
But considering that one of his best friends was a successful fashion designer, he figured he could always give it his best whenever she needed help. And this was one of those instances, even though technically he wasn't the one who was asked for assistance.
A few days earlier, his little sister Rhyme had gotten a text from Shiki asking if she could come to her home to give her opinion on a new line of toys she was working on— an exclusive lineup only available for the holidays.
Why would Shiki be making toys of all things? Because these would be Mr. Mew character themed plushies, and the brunette was mostly working on designing the clothes and accessories for each little cat doll.
Rhyme happily agreed, feeling excited to see Mr. Mew again along with other adorable doppelgangers. The only issue was that the brunette was only available in the evenings due to her tight working schedule, and Beat still had his reservations about letting his sister go out alone at night. The Reapers' Game was something that really helped in making one more paranoid than usual, after all.
Because of this, the youngest sibling asked Shiki if it would be alright for Beat to tag along, to which the Gatto Nero founder had agreed on instantly.
And so, that's how they ended up in their friend's apartment waiting for a Mr. Mew runway.
“Oh Shiki, this is so exciting! I can't wait to see what you came up with!” Rhyme's voice dripped with glee as she kept swinging her legs back and forth from the chair she was sitting on.
Beat couldn't stop the soft smile that spread across his face as he chuckled lightly. “Is good to know my little sister still likes this sorta stuff.”
A blush spread across the blonde girl's cheeks as she rolled her eyes and lightly punched her older brother's arm. “Of course I do! Shiki makes amazing things, plus I'm trying to be an objective customer here!”
The oldest chuckled once more as he raised his hands in defense. “Whateva you say, sis!”
“Alright you two, I appreciate the liveliness you bring to my home, but I believe someone is all set and ready for you!” Shiki's voice cut between the siblings as she finally returned from her sewing room, holding a large box with a white curtain covering the front and placing it as gently as she could on top of the coffee table.
Rhyme's attention was quickly brought back to the task at hand as she started clapping and smiling like a child on Christmas morning. “Yes! Let's do it!”
Both Beat and Shiki chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. It was always so infectious. After a moment, the brunette proceeded to adjust her glasses and give a quick bow before her guests as she proudly presented the cardboard box. “Miss and gentleman! May I present Gatto Nero's very first and one of a kind— Mr. Mew Plush Winter Collection!”
As soon as the words left Shiki's mouth, she pulled back the curtain to reveal the dolls inside.
The inside of the box was decorated to look like an actual runway, adorned with wintery items such as snowmen and mistletoe in the background in the form of drawings. A small platform was incorporated as a stand for the plushies, which were all aligned perfectly next to each other and attached by yarn so that they wouldn't fall.
Rhyme stared wide eyed at the variety, with Beat taking a few peeks here and there.
He recognized some of the figures the cat was dressed as. A few from what he'd seen around Shibuya and others based on some of Rhyme's interests— he was also pretty sure he recognized a character from that one game Rindo liked thrown into the mix.
What immediately caught Beat's attention however, was a pair of plushies that remained in the back of the display.
These weren't as detailed as the ones on the front, most likely earlier versions of what Shiki had actually intended to do with the plush doll idea.
The first doll had a black beanie with a large skull imprint on the front. It's clothes consisted of a simple sleeveless white tank with loose light brown cargo pants, as well as what seemed to be tiny accessories like a chain necklace and spiky wristbands.
If he didn't know any better, Beat would think that Mr. Mew was dressed like him from a few years ago.
It was the second doll however, that made him stop and have to do a double take.
The cat plushie wore a sleeveless purple tank top, white cargo shorts and a yellow wristband around it's tiny paw. But most telling of all, was what was placed on its head— felt-made purple headphones.
“Yo, Shiki. Is that supposed to be Phones?” The blonde stood from his seat on the couch and pointed at the Neku lookalike with wide eyes.
Shiki was caught off-guard for a moment— a confused look on her face, until she turned to where her friend was pointing, and a blush quickly spread across her cheeks as she giggled. “Oh! That's where I left those! Yeah, they're actually meant to be you and Neku.”
Rhyme leaned in to take a closer look, and let a smile grace her lips as she saw the dolls. “Aww, I can totally see the resemblance! The expressions are so on point, too~”
“Haha, I'm glad you think so! To get used to sewing clothes on a smaller scale, I tried starting with patterns I was familiar with.” The older girl picked up the Mr. Neku doll and tugged at the small wristband while giving a little wave. “Beat and Neku's outfits back then kinda got imprinted in my head, so it was a no brainer. Plus they were lots of fun to do as a warm up!”
“Well I think these look great for being warm ups!” Rhyme picked up the Mr. Beat plush and wiggled its arms around with a smile on her face, which in turn brought a smile to the teen's own face.
“You guys can have them, if you want! I was planning on you taking one as a thank you for your troubles, anyway.” Turning towards the older sibling, Shiki raised a questioning eyebrow as she held the Neku plush. “Not sure if you'd want this one though, so feel free to pick another, Beat!”
Taking one final look at the plushie in her hands, the blonde couldn't help but agree with his sister's earlier statement. The expressions were quite uncanny.
As he stared at the familiar grumpy face of Mr. Neku, Beat chuckled and gratefully took the doll from his friend's hands. “Nah, 'is cool! Wouldn't wanna ruin the set. He a cute little fella, anyway!”
Both Rhyme and Shiki exchanged looks at that statement, causing Beat to raise an eyebrow in confusion, until the words replayed in his head and red immediately covered his face. “I-I'm talkin' 'bout the doll, yo!”
“Sure you are, big brother~” Rhyme said in a sing-song voice, to which the brunette couldn't contain her giggles as Beat huffed in annoyance, cheeks still dusted with a hint of pink.
Moments like these really reminded him of the glory days from when he was an only child.
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The Mr. Neku doll had come in handy more times than Beat cared to admit.
After searching for his best friend in the confines of the UG for more than two years, the blonde still had his fair share of nightmares recalling the traumatic experience of not only seeing him die in front of him over and over, but also picture scenarios in which he never found him in the first place and was still out there looking.
He tried keeping these to himself, especially from Rhyme since he didn't want to worry her— although he had a hunch that she already knew to some extent.
One night however, after waking up in cold sweat from one of these regular night terrors, the teen's hand instinctively reached for the feline plushie and held it against him as he tried to calm his rapid heartbeat. In a matter of minutes, Beat was sound asleep, with nothing but pleasant dreams filling his subconscious.
It didn't take long for the boy to notice the pattern of how whenever he'd sleep with the Mr. Neku doll he'd have good dreams, while if he slept without it, the nightmares would come back full force. As such, it became a habit to never go to sleep without his good luck charm by his side.
Why was this method effective? Maybe because having a physical reminder that his friend was back safe and sound was exactly what his mind needed to find peace. Maybe it was also because the doll was just too darn cute and resembled Neku in more ways than one, and only intensified the blonde's feelings for the other boy even more.
But he would rather die and go through the entire Reaper's Game again than admitting that out loud.
“I'm heading out! We need more milk. Do you want anything?”
Rhyme broke through the silence that was her older brother's thoughts as he sat down for dinner, scrolling aimlessly through his DMs after answering back to some of their friends about a meet up the following week. He raised his eyebrows in question. “What'cha goin' out for? We can just call mom and pops if somethin's missin'.”
The teenage girl reached for her backpack hanging by the entrance and turned to the boy with a smile. “Kaie messaged me to meet up. Something about a new app he's developing that he wants my thoughts on. So, I figured I could just stop by on the way.”
Beat chuckled as he pushed his almost empty bowl of rice to the side. “Looks like my little sister's turning into a real big shot programmer someday! Don't forget about the little guys like us when that happens, 'kay?”
Rhyme rolled her eyes, but smirked in her brother's direction as she unlocked the door. “I won't, don't worry. I wouldn't be able to forget you even if I wanted to~”
“Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!”
“I think it means you're good at leaving an impression.”
The third voice caught the siblings off-guard for a moment, until they realized who the figure at the door was. Rhyme smiled and went for a hug instantly. “Hey Neku!”
“Hey, you guys! Sorry for barging in, the door was open so…” Neku chuckled as he returned the younger blonde's embrace. After that, he turned upwards to address the oldest sibling on the far end of the room, waving a couple of notebooks in his hand. “Thought I should stop by and return these.”
“Dang, you done already? Took me weeks to learn all that algebra shit for the test!” Beat chuckled as he stood from his seat and walked towards the duo.
After returning to the RG, both he and Neku had lots of catching up to do, and among those matters was the dreaded subject of school. Beat was lucky enough to have an incredibly talented genius sister who had taken notes from all his classes thanks to the permission given to her by the principal.
Neku however, wasn't as fortunate. Because of this, the blonde had insisted that the other boy copy his notes to get up to speed on all subjects. That was a mere two weeks ago.
“As much as I'd love to sit here and listen to how copying my poor brother's notes went, I have somewhere to be. It was nice seeing you, Neku!” Rhyme chimed in and quickly headed for the open door. Reaching for her pocket, she pulled out her keys and phone for Beat to see. “And yes, my phone is fully charged.”
Before either boy could say anything, she closed the door behind her with a soft click.
“Can't believe how grown up she is. Not like she and Shiki weren't more mature than us back then too, right?” Neku broke the silence as he turned to his best friend with a small smile.
Beat couldn't help but nod and stare at the door with a hint of melancholy in his eyes. “You can say that again, dawg. Rhyme's always been independent, but now 'is like she's goin' at her own rhythm, ya know? Makes me wonder when she won't be needing me anymore…”
Neku sighed at that statement, and quickly placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder. It was a… comforting touch. “Like she said, she couldn't get rid of you even if she wanted to. And something tells me she doesn't want to, especially when she's got someone like you caring so much for her.”
In another circumstance, the blonde might've blushed at such a comment, but he tried his best to keep it cool and just return a smile instead despite the increasing sound of his heartbeat. “Thanks man. That means a lot coming from you.”
“Anytime. Anyway, should I just leave these in your room?” The red head smiled but then changed the subject as he pointed at the notebooks that were still in his hand.
Beat nodded and quickly made his way back into the kitchen as he replied. “Yeah, fo' sure! I'ma heat you up some rice to take home, too. We gots too much left over, so it shouldn't go to waste!”
Neku grinned and headed for the room he had been to many times before. “Very thoughtful of you. Your mom told you to say that to any guests that come by?”
The blonde merely huffed. “So what if she did?”
Another chuckle resonated as Neku disappeared from Beat's field of vision. The blonde rolled his eyes, but still grabbed a small container from the clean dishes and began scooping chunks of rice until it was full. Once he closed it off, he reached for a plastic bag and gently placed the container inside for easy travel.
His mother would definitely be proud of the handiwork.
Taking the bag with one hand, the older boy headed for his room and placed it on one of the drawers with a grin decorating his features. “Trust me man, if anyone knows how to do some good rice, 'is my mom! You gonna be beggin' for more once-”
The words were immediately caught in Beat's throat as he saw Neku standing by his bedside, holding a very familiar plushie between his hands. His mind went blank as he began mentally kicking himself over not remembering the furry companion that now lived with him.
There was just no logical explanation for either how or why Beat had something like this in his room, but all he could do was try to save any dignity he had left as he began mumbling his story. “O-Oh, that! Yeah so um, Shiki was workin' on some weird dolls a-and she asked Rhyme for help on how they were goin' and this one was one of 'em! S-She gave it to me and well, I just, I-”
After rambling for what felt like ages, Neku silenced the blonde in one of the most bizarre ways he could've imagined— by placing Mr. Neku's muzzle against Beat's lips.
Beat's eyes widened in confusion, until the other boy turned to him from behind the doll and smiled softly. “If you wanted me as a cuddle buddy, all you had to do was ask.”
At that statement, the implication behind the innocent gesture finally clicked in his brain and the blonde's cheeks lit aflame as he scrambled backwards. Neku chuckled at the other's expression and started rubbing at the back of his head sheepishly. “Guess I'm gonna have to ask Shiki when that Mr. Beat doll is gonna be ready, cause after seeing this guy, I really want mine too.”
Beat stared as the blush began to subside. “A-A doll? Fo' you?!”
It was Neku's turn to blush as he adverted his gaze to the floor. “What can I say? The idea just sounded really comforting when she suggested it. Although, I'm sure it wouldn't compare to the real deal…”
The blonde stared for a long time, until eventually the thought of Neku sleeping with a Mr. Beat doll was far too cute to pass up. He smiled sheepishly too— scratching at the back of his neck as he stared at the boy he grew to be so very fond of. “Well… why not test it out?”
It was safe to say that the duo had a wonderful rest that night, with Rhyme having to tiptoe around the house to prevent the sleepy teens from waking up. Not before taking a picture to share with her brother later, of course.
Neku was right. Cuddling next to the one he loved was a far cry from doing so with his plushie doll.
And even though Beat would be keeping Mr. Neku, along with Mr. Beat once he was complete, the blonde was glad to know that he could reach out to the real deal in times of need, even more so after realizing that perhaps they were more similar than they had previously thought.
If the next day was filled with embarrassing comments and unstoppable teasing from his sister along with their friends who she gossiped to, he would just have to handle it.
After surviving a Reaper's Game, everything else seemed a little less scary, especially when he wasn't at it alone.
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neopetitedolldreams00 · 8 months
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, l*sing w*ight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, l*sing w*ight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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neopetitedolldreams · 9 months
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, l*sing w*ight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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neopetitedollquest · 9 months
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics: 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests: 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, lsing wight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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petitedollquest · 9 months
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics: 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests: 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, lsing wight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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fentrashcat · 11 months
Hi, I'm Fen (any pronouns)! I'm pretty new to all these social media things (and social stuff in general 😬) so if I make some mistakes please be patient with me 😅. There will probably be a lot of emoji use here, since I struggle with tones and words so I use them as add ons and sometimes replacements if I can't come up with the words😊
Also I LOVE tag games and ask games and asks, but I'm a little anxious to tag back, so feel free to send asks or tag me in anything 🥰
I don't really like reblogs if unless they contain info or I can add on to them, so please don't be upset if I don't do those.
I started teaching myself embroidery around July 2022, and realized pretty quickly that it seemed to help calm the tics in my hands. Since then I've been trying to learn more and more, since I really enjoy it.
In an attempt to work on my anxiety, I decided to start sharing my art, and trying to spread some positivity. I'd also like to spread some info about Tourettes, including how it can affect my life.
If you are looking for anything specific in my sea of reblogs, a majority of my original posts are tagged for organization 😊
#trashcatsews- for all embroidery and sewing posts
#fentics- for Tourettes info and anecdotes
#trash(cat) writings- for my occasional writing and info on if I publish anything
#art and trashcats- for non-embroidery art
#cooking with tourettes- adventures in cooking when I like to throw shit 😅
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Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, logic, losing weight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol, fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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neopetiteporcelaindoll · 10 months
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics: 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests: 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, lsing wight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, l*sing w*ight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
1 note · View note
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, l*sing w*ight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
1 note · View note
Intro Post
I am an incredibly curious person and want to learn everything, despite knowing how unrealistic that is.
I am aiming to work in the field of cognitive science research, specifically neuroscience, preferably neurocriminology (though that’s an extremely new field and I’ll have to wait a few years for that), but really most any kind of psychology research at this point.
My interests are listed where indicated below under a cut, but overall, I’m am interested in 90s stuff, analog horror, creating things, criminology, cute things, fantasy, fashion, history, learning, sci-fi, medicine, psychology, and science. I also have a variety of favorite YouTubers.
This blog is largely a place for me to delve into my non-fandom related interests but there may be fandom posts from time to time.
There will also be a heavy focus on aesthetics, listed where indicated below.
I will put up a page later on that lists all of my commonly used tags.
My aesthetics and interests are listed under a cut and are of course subject to change.
My Aesthetics 1950s suburbia (just the décor, fashion, and general domesticity, NOT any of the ideals), After Hours, Animecore, Classic Academia (but with accessibility), ClassicLol, Coffee House aesthetic, Dark Academia (but with accessibility), Cottagecore, Delicate Sweet aesthetic, Dreamcore, Ethereal aesthetic, Fairy Kei, Fairycore, Fantasy aesthetic, Frogcore, GothLol, Liminal Space aesthetic, Halloween aesthetic, Internet academia, Kawaii aesthetic, Kidcore, Poolcore
My Interests 90s cartoons, 90s Dad beach vacation shirts, 90s Lisa Frank, 90s toys, a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing guitar, analog horror, anime, board games, Buzzfeed: Unsolved, card games, collecting erasers, control, cooking, criminology, cute things, dark academia, documentaries, domesticity, European history, fantasy, French, genetics, Good Mythical Morning, graphics editing, gymnastics, Halloween, Hello Kitty, House M.D., human biology, Japanese, kidcore, learning, logic, l*sing w*ight, lucid dreaming, medicine, murder documentaries, Neopets, neurocriminology, neuroscience, organization, playing piano, playing violin, psychology, reading, religion, roleplaying games, science, science fiction, sewing, singing, sociology, Spanish, SweetLol fashion, The Try Guys, traveling, video editing, video games, vintage fashion, Watcher Entertainment, The Witcher, yoga
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