#°□°literally cannot decide on a caption but maybe they can speak for themselves
eye-burning · 7 months
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♡Forget all that bullshit, let's just focus on this / I just wanna be the one you want / To move with / Want to groove with / Want to dance with♡
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miss--awkward · 4 years
With Sebastian Stan making a post today about racism in America and having a notification bounce into his video of a text, the content of which contains a draft (possibly) of the caption used on the post sent to/from his publicist, and likely other members of his PR team, agency, etc., I feel I want to say something here.
Before we praise a white man (albeit a very lovely looking white man) for doing what is actually very little in comparison to both other actors, influencers, and front line protestors, let’s evaluate some things here. People are dying for being black. People are dying because police are shooting them, punching them, choking them, kneeling on their necks. People are injured because police are shooting pepper bullets and rubber bullets into peaceful protestors. People are injured from being shoved by cops, walked all over, tased for driving away in their cars. Reporters are being fired at and arrested despite respecting distance and police instruction. This is not hearsay. This is documented on video.
For someone with the amount of influence, power and money that not only Sebastian but COUNTLESS other people have to then post something that doesn’t really do much to help the issue? Doesn’t sit right with me. Or many other fans. For someone who seemingly claims to not be racist, or discriminatory, or hateful, to not then put his money, so to speak, where his mouth is, doesn’t sit right with me.
I do understand that maybe the goal was to elevate black voices, to use a video of black youth to inspire change. That is a move I can understand, and appreciate. At the same time, to not take a stance when it’s quite literally a fight for black lives, a stand off between the criminal justice system and black existence, a war for recognition of basic fucking personhood that will end with death and the emergence of either a country worse or better off, to not take a stance is a stance in and of itself. By not saying, Black Lives Matter, by not sharing and elevating black voices on the front lines, by not asking others to educate themselves and showing that he’s educating himself, is to take a stance that Black Lives dont Matter as much to you as your reputation does. As your career does. As a white man, taking that stance MEANS something to political leaders. It is a SIGNAL. It means that black lives actually do not matter as much as capital. So they can continue on with their inhumanity and murder.
When celebrities, most of all white celebrities with power and influence, put pressure on leaders, things fucking change. Movements actually move things. Society goes through a software update. When people with power and influence not only speak out in support of the most dehumanized people in our society but try to actively, aggressively enact change, THINGS FUCKING HAPPEN. To do as little as Sebastian did, is not going to do enough. I hope he does more in the coming days, like posting links, showing how he’s educating himself and urging others to do the same, showing where he’s donating, elevating black liberation orgs and community orgs, bail outs, etc. On top of that, urging his affluent and powerful friends to do the same. This is a war on all fronts. It should be fought on all fronts.
I do want to make clear, as I believe I have several times in this post, that this is not the sole responsibility of Sebastian. I understand that. I want to BOLD AND UNDERLINE THAT. IT IS NOT HIS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY. BUT IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILITY. IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY.
And before we start saying, he did enough, stop asking him to do more, he has no obligation, we don’t have to like his politics to like him, etc. - for people of color in this country (actually, EVERYWHERE), we cannot exist outside politics. Our bodies, our behaviors, our clothing, our careers, our vernaculars, EVERYTHING is subject to judgement, stereotype, discrimination. As an Indian woman, despite being born in this country, I will always be seen as foreign. A latinx person, no matter their immigration status, will be called “illegal” and have DHS or ICE called on them. A black man, despite possibly having generations of ancestors living in the country that they built, will not only be side eyed in a white neighborhood, but possibly killed. Our identities are politicized. Our LIVES are politicized to the point of needing LEGISLATION TO PROTECT US. AND IT DOESNT EVEN TRULY PROTECT US. To then say you can enjoy something absent of politics shows your immense amount of privilege. I cannot watch someone who does not support my right to be in this country. I cannot watch someone who does not support the right of black people to fucking be alive and have the audacity to ask not to be killed. To say you can, shows me exactly who you are and what you value. It is not me. It is not any person of color. It is not any black person. It is your damn self. So don’t ask me to value you.
Last of all, when we evaluate whether a person has done enough, it is not up to US as people in positions of privilege. It truly is not up to me. If a black movement leader/participant or a group of black fans tells me that everything in this post ain’t shit? Then it ain’t shit. It’s not up to me. It’s up to who is being affected here. Who is fighting for their rights. Who needs support. It’s not up to me. It’s not up to you. It’s up to them.
All in all, while I do love Sebastian and his kindness outside of this situation, if he does not continue to stand for the rights of the less privileged in the way only someone with his position in society can, if he does not continue to support not only the Black Lives Matter community but other organizations that protect identities and communities that support and find kinship in him, if he does not support peoples rights to be alive and choose their own destinies and paths? His power and influence is undeserved.
Get the fuck out of here if you think you know what’s good or adequate for the black community. They know what’s good for them. Listen to them. Not just me, or Sebastian or anyone. To them. Don’t decide for them.
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