#…. also i just want to get my MA so i can focus exclusively on art history and not fucking gen eds
saavik · 2 years
semester has just started and i am already deep in hell. undergraduate degrees are so evil
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the-rational-mystic · 6 years
Bored of Meditation?
I get it, focusing on nothing or on your breath for 20 minutes every day doesn’t seem that appealing. Whether you’ve tried meditation once or committed to it for a year, there will be a stage where your meditation practise becomes flat-out boring. We all know that meditation is renowned as one of the most important ways to spend your time as it has the potential to open up many profound benefits for an individual, arguably more-so than anything else you can do in your life - so of course, I want to suggest a few approaches to help you relieve your festering boredom and encourage you to continue mediating.
I used to come out of meditations feeling refreshed and awake. However, after months of meditating, it started to sap my happiness, an effect that was completely counterintuitive with what meditation was supposed to help me with. Every meditation I finished, I came out of it feeling more drained than before; it continuously failed to produce the same sense of peace I used to feel; it was an endless sensation of boredom I couldn’t overcome. Eventually this boredom created a downward spiral of doubt and negativity that couldn’t be escaped by simply focusing on the breath.
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Many meditators have said that if you meditate long enough, that stage of boredom will surpass. Meditation is, after all, used to recognise that we must accept the present moment as it is. I was skeptical this ever was going to happen - I knew I had to take a different approach.
So, here are my top 4 suggested ways I found to combat meditation boredom:
1. Visualisation Meditation: Your Peaceful Place
Visualisation is a technique you can use while you meditate. Rather than focusing on the breath, you can engage in a world of pure imagination, all in your own control. This technique is much more active for the mind - it seems to boost my creativity and ease my mind so much more than a regular breath meditation. I am an artist and visualising seems to easily slip me into a familiar state of flow as if I would when I am drawing or painting. You may be aware of the flow state yourself: it is characterised as a trance-like state, where you are in complete absorption in what you are doing (often what you love to do), resulting in a loss of one's sense of space and time, also known as being entirely immersed in the present moment. This meditative state is what we seek during meditation: it allows us to return to the source of our soul, or subconscious, just as a breath meditation would do.
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My favourite way to visualise is to imagine the most peaceful place you can picture in your mind’s eye and try to imagine yourself exploring it in vivid detail. Personally, I like to play rain forest sounds aloud on my phone while I meditate and envision myself there using all five of my senses; hearing the birds chirping; feeling the moss in between my toes sinking in the ground; smelling the earthy humidity in the air; making out shapes and colours of the space around me in progressive detail as I peek here and there.
Over time, my personal space has grown in complexity: I have a small clearing where I go to connect back with my source. I have created a hot spring there with a waterfall, a small hut with pillows to get comfy in, a yoga mat to do yoga, an area for arts and crafts - I even imagine my favourite foods, or imaginary fruits that don’t exist to explore my sense of taste and smell. I bring what I love to life in this sacred space created in my mind and I encourage you to explore your own space with freedom and joy during your mediation, especially if you usually struggle to keep the mind focused on mundane tasks such as breathing.
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If you are finding it hard to visualise, there are many guided meditations that describe a peaceful place for you, which is a good way to hone your skills in visualisation. Once you are a skilled visualiser, I strongly advise you to try this technique without guidance and find joy in creating exactly what you want to create to be the next focus of your meditation, have fun with it and explore! You start waking up wanting to meditate and wondering what wonderful sensation you can conjure up next - you truly start to surprise yourself.
2. Other Visualisations: Spirit Guides, Past Life Regression, etc…
There are many videos you can find, particularly on YouTube, that claim to help you perform a past life regression or assist you with meeting your spirit guide for example. These videos all come under the same umbrella: they are all guided visualisation meditations and all are technically classified as hypnosis, as you are allowing someone else to guide your subconscious. Hypnosis allows for a certain degree of control, as it is your mind that is imagining, not the hypnotists’. Self-hypnosis, on the other hand, allows for full control. Arguably, hypnosis and self-hypnosis both seem to induce the mediative state that is accessible using breath meditation. Although both methods allow for this state, I feel it is more effective when you perform the visualisation on yourself once you’ve become skilled at it because the sensations or descriptions that come up in your meditation session will seem a lot more personal to your own subconscious and hence bring you a greater sense of peace and connection. 
I often like to branch off into other ways of using visualisation once I’ve first arrived at my peaceful place during meditation. Other methods of visualising include past life regression which can help you learn more about the situations you faced in your past life memories and you can use for guidance by comparing it to you present life’s journey to help find the best solution. You can also do inner child work, where you visualise yourself comforting a younger version of yourself and bring up past memories to relive, in order to help shed yourself of the ego’s defence mechanisms, built up to defend subconscious emotional inner child wounds. 
Meeting your spirit guide is also a very useful visualisation, as you can ask your guide to come forward for comfort or advice when you find yourself to be troubled at any point in your daily life outside of meditation. I also enjoy meeting my spirit guide regularly to just chill together while I am in my mind’s peaceful place. Some say spirit guides are the mind’s visual representation of your intuition and others may tell you they are genuinely real spirits. Either way, experiment with the concept of having a spirit guide and see intuitively what works for you best.
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(Art by Janie Olsen)
Many people put off these techniques because they believe it is all just imaginary, they see hypnosis or self-hypnosis as mutually exclusive to the meditative state or believe it can’t actually help as effectively as meditation where you focus purely on the breath. In my opinion, visualisation is just imagination, but people often underestimate the power imagination has - it is literally our ability to tap into the vast imagery hidden deep in the subconscious, timidly waiting to be experienced. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis are often portrayed in a bad light as well - they are seen as something completely separate to experiencing a mediative state. Contemporarily, there is not enough research to distinguish whether they are practically the same thing or not, but I believe they all come under the same umbrella. My advice would be to take what I say about the effectiveness of these techniques with a grain of salt and try to experiment with it yourself - all I know for certain is that it has had a very profound effect on my life, just as much as breath meditation used to have on me and perhaps even more so!
3. Open-eye Meditation
There are many ways to meditate through out your day. My favourite and most flexible technique I have learnt is to focus on the space between objects as you do you daily routine and to be aware of not only the space in front of you, but also the space behind you. By shifting your awareness to inhabit that space, you are moving out into something much bigger than the limits of your ego mind. The more you move your awareness outward and into the universe, the more you spend time noticing the subtle beauty in everything you see, unlocking your potential to be fully present and at your highest spiritual potential.
In the book, “The Open-Focus Brain” the authors engaged in conducting experiments on volunteers to test what relaxation method was most effective at producing the most phase-synchronous alpha and measured this by monitoring their EEG. Alpha waves are one type of brain wave that predominantly originate from the occipital lobe during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes. Some were asked to visualise a peaceful scene, look at colours, try different fragrances, etc. But none seemed to produce more than a mild alpha-enhancing effect.
As soon as they asked, “Can you visualise the space between your eyes?” A high amplitude of alpha was produced immediately. The same significant increase in alpha brain synchrony was monitored after asking similar “space”-related questions which described “objectless imagery” like “Can you imagine the space between you ears?” and so on. One Eastern mystic wrote that it was important to “attain a state of mind in which even though you are surrounded by crowds of people, it is as if you were alone in a field extending for tens of thousands of miles.” The Japanese have even coined a philosophy called ‘Ma’, which is the ability to see the space between objects as well as the objects themselves. Surprisingly, it’s one of the least known techniques, yet appears to be one of the most beneficial - more research is needed!
Shifting your awareness to the space between objects is one open-eye technique and very efficient for helping you with mindfulness. You can also eat mindfully, by first appreciating where the food came from, how it has been developed over time and what others had to go through to bring it to your plate, etc, before you start eating. Appreciate the smell, the detail on the food and the colour which will help immerse yourself in the present moment. Take smaller, slower bites where you actually take the time to appreciate the texture in your mouth and the taste. Practise mindfulness like this with all the sensations of all your five senses throughout your day, not just at meal time, and you will find your sensory world will strikingly come to life. If you have a constant awareness of your own thoughts and feelings developed through being present and mindful, you can easily decipher and notice which thinking patterns serve you and which ones need replacing.
4. Yoga
Yoga, Tai Chi or any exercise that operates through sequences of bodily movements that are interwoven in coordination with the patterns of the breath are forms of meditation. Yoga is mostly seen as a physical exercise across the Western world but in Indian traditions it is considered much more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core. It can also make your meditation practise much easier if you do it directly after a physical practise, as it imposes your awareness to shift into the sensations felt in your muscles and breath rather than the ego mind, creating a much more comfortable starting point to meditate.
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Incorporating all four or even a few of these different types of meditation into your day-to-day routine may be enough to completely replace breath meditation if you loathe it that badly. Personally, when I started using all four techniques, it made breath meditation a more approachable and a lot less of a boring practise for me and I began to find it as peaceful as I did back then once more!
Confused or have desperate questions about this blog post? Feel free to send a message and I will be happy to give advice or clarification as soon as possible. 
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xseedgames · 7 years
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection - Localization Blog #1
Excelsior, true believers! Nick here again, penning these gladsome tidings from my grand scriptorium full of musty scrolls and ancient cartridges. Alas, it’s been quite a while since I checked in with all of you – well over a year, in fact, with the release of the first Trails of Cold Steel. With that giant title now roaming free in the wild like the majestic brachiosaurs in Jurassic Park, you may have wondered what I’ve been working on over the course of the last year. It always seems to unintentionally happen that I get assigned to projects I can’t talk about for significant lengths of time, but this stretch has easily been the longest. So many times I’ve wanted to tell you some quirky story or fun little side-note about this game as I worked through its script, but alas, the official XSEED duct tape was covering my mouth – until very recently, that is.
In our yearly lead-up to the gaming extravaganza that is E3, we finally announced my long-in-coming project: the classic Falcom action RPG Zwei 2, making its debut outside of Japan as Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection!
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Of course, I’ve also helped out with a variety of other, more time-sensitive projects, leading to Zwei taking a bit longer to bring to you than it would have otherwise, but I think we’ve got something you’ll really enjoy in the making here. And conveniently, the benefit of the slow going is that the release isn’t too far off now. As Zwei II enters its final stretch before release, I wanted to tell you more about the game – which is exactly what I’ll do, over the course of the next couple weeks.
Zwei II has an interesting history: released in 2008, it was the very last game Falcom developed exclusively for PC. Back then, the PC gaming market was far from being the robust, thriving scene we know it as today, especially the Japanese market. Thus, the title seemed almost fated to fly under the radar despite its quality craftsmanship and hours of fun. But now, with the worldwide PC game market booming and digital storefronts ensuring copies can get into the hands of anyone who wants to play, it felt like the right time to fill this conspicuous gap in Falcom’s lineage.
“But...what about the first Zwei?” you may be pondering aloud to your monitor. If you’re wondering whether you’ll be at a disadvantage playing the second game in the series before the first, worry not! I’ve played both (thanks to Tom’s Japanese boxed copies) and can confirm that Zwei II gives you all the info you need to understand the world, its plot, and its characters. There was a 7-year gap between the first and second Zwei games in Japan, and Falcom couldn’t assume players would’ve played the earlier entry, so the structure is something more akin to Trails in the Sky versus Trails of Cold Steel, where the games take place in the same world, but in different locations and with different casts. This makes it easy to jump right in.
To start things off, I wanted to sit down and flesh out the game a little for you, since compared to its siblings in the Ys series, and even Xanadu, it’s far less known by fans. What is the Zwei series? What makes it great? How does it play? Why is it cool?
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Let’s start from the ground up: the name of the game. “Zwei” is simply the German word for “two” and, as you’ll soon discover, it’s a very fitting title – the game features not one, but two protagonists. Our leads in Zwei II are Ragna Valentine, a lively treasure hunter and pilot-for-hire, and Alwen du Moonbria, a confident vampire princess looking to avenge herself against an unknown enemy. How these two very different people meet and come to really understand (and maybe even appreciate) each other is the relationship that forms the heart of the game, and I’ve done my best to make that journey of growth and understanding a fun and memorable one. And, as with any good RPG, the journey is not without obstacles to overcome. Fortunately, our hero and heroine are up to the task, with Ragna skilled at mixing it up in melee, and Alwen versed in the ways of magic. You can swap between them at any time, and whoever you’re not controlling runs along behind you, ready to leap into the lead role at the press of a button.
Zwei II’s combat is action-based, not unlike the Ys games or Gurumin, but the two-character setup creates an interesting dynamic in combat. Over the course of the game, Ragna will be able to upgrade his weapon, the half chain-whip/half katar Anchor Gear, into several different forms, and Alwen (who begins the game bereft of most of her magic) will regain her powerful spells. You end up being able to do some interesting things, like using a claw-variant of Ragna’s Anchor Gear to grab an enemy, then throw it into another enemy, knocking both into a corner, then swapping to Alwen and unloading a fiery salvo on them. Or have Alwen cast her whirlwind magic to sweep up a couple enemies and keep them stun-locked, then swap to Ragna to leap into the air and string together a midair combo on them. In many dungeons, I often found myself favoring one or the other to take the lead because of the strategies I came up with to best deal with certain types of enemies, and you’ll likely fall into styles of play that fit the way you prefer to approach the game’s combat as well.
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And speaking of approaches to combat, Zwei II has a rather unique leveling system, too. In the game, you don’t earn EXP from quests, or from beating up monsters. You actually earn it by eating food – the same food you use to heal yourself when you’re running low on HP. There’s even a “food exchange” service available at the restaurant in the main village of Artte that lets you trade 10 of any one type of food for one of another type that gives more EXP than the ten individual pieces of food would have if eaten on their own (example: trade 10 cheeses worth 10 EXP each for a single pizza worth 150 EXP). Will you chow down now, or hoard in the hopes of cashing in for savory plates of EXP-rich cuisine? You decide! It probably sounds weird (it certainly did to me when I first learned about it), but in practice, it actually works really well. It frees you up from having to grind in dungeons, or feel like you absolutely MUST kill every enemy on the way to your destination. It also gives you a lot of control over your own challenge level. When I was playing the Japanese version of the game, my loose rule was that I’d never eat food just to level – I’d just use it when I was hurt, to restore HP. I ended up going through most of the game under-leveled because of this, but never TOO under-leveled, because the more under-leveled I was, the more damage I’d take, thus getting infusions of EXP more frequently from using food to heal myself. There’s a strange sort of balance to it, and the game isn’t stingy about giving you food in chests, as drops from enemies, and even from giant slot machines you’ll find in each dungeon, so you can decide whether you want to blow through the game as a force of nature but with less on-demand healing available, or a bit underpowered but with a fully-stocked pantry.
If that talk of slot machines that dispense food or trading wedges of cheese for a pizza sounds a little...weird, that’s by design. More than any Falcom game I can think of, the Zwei series embraces its sense of humor, poking in good-spirited fun at its two main characters, the townspeople, and even many of the foes you face down along the way. It’s got a lively, colorful, and cartoonish art style that has helped the graphics hold up well, too. You probably know from personal experience that stories more focused on being comedic sometimes run the risk of not being able to successfully shift into a more serious mode when the story calls for it, but thankfully, Zwei II doesn’t suffer from this issue. It’s surprisingly adept at conveying a serious atmosphere when the story calls for it, making for some excellent dramatic moments, and even a dab of pathos here and there. But on the whole, Zwei II is a game that feels deeply informed by 90s anime and manga, with all the oddness and charm that comes with that. I can certainly say that being rooted in that style proved fertile ground for my work to help the game achieve its comedic potential (speaking as a weeb from ancient times), and I’m already planning my next blog post to focus on some of the details of the writing and the characters.
One thing I love about Zwei II is that it reaches out and really grabs you from the start. In just the first 20-30 minutes, you get the following ace setup (obviously, skip these next two paragraphs if you want to go in totally blind):
The game begins in the skies, as courier pilot Ragna Valentine is cruising in his cool red biplane, the Tristan, toward the island of Ilvard on a routine delivery mission. Suddenly, he’s ambushed by unknown assailants, and after a dogfight against a pair of dragon-riders in the skies over Ilvard, his plane takes a bad hit and plummets toward the land below. The next thing he knows, he wakes up in a bed in the nearby town of Artte as the town doctor marvels at how he came out of such a crushing impact with barely a scratch. After all, his plane didn’t fare nearly as well. Going out to investigate the crash site, Ragna finds his plane on a hill on the outskirts of town, busted up and snapped in half just as the doctor said. So how did he even survive such a nasty crash?
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Well...he almost didn’t. After that crash, as he lay among the wreckage, broken of body and bleeding out, he was rescued from his mortal fate by none other than Princess Alwen du Moonbria. Alwen isn’t your ordinary RPG princess, though: she’s a sharp-tongued shut-in vampire princess. Not too long before the start of the story, Alwen’s castle was invaded by a mysterious foe who ultimately seized the stronghold and gave her the boot, after stripping her of her ancestral magic. Seeing the outsider Ragna as her best bet to help her search for her magic and retake her castle, she takes some of his blood and gives him some of hers, sealing a pact that turns him into her ‘Blood Knight’ – a warrior in thrall to a powerful Trueblood vampire whose physical abilities and regenerative capacity far exceed what humans are capable of. But Ragna, see, is all about freedom and doing things his way, and he hates the idea of working as anyone’s lackey. After realizing the situation he’s in, though, he strikes a deal with Alwen: he’ll help her get her castle back as thanks for saving his life...but instead of being master and servant, they’ll do it as equals.
And so, our story begins.
Cool, right? And that all happens in fairly short order – no longwinded tutorials, no hours of quests before the gears really start to spin. Zwei II has a lot of heart and a lot of dialogue, and to its credit, it seldom feels like it drags. The story starts with a bang and keeps things moving at a good clip.
That’s not to say there isn’t plenty to do, though. The island of Ilvard is dotted with thriving communities and, in the fashion of the Trails or Ys games, they’re populated with fleshed-out NPCs who have their own small story arcs and conflicts to overcome over the course of the game, with dialogue that changes frequently after progressing the main story. Some of the residents are funny, some are petulant, and some are just downright strange, so I hope you enjoy getting to know all of them over the many times you’ll visit the towns. You might even stumble upon unique scenes, a secret hint, or a good ol’ fashioned RPG quest (you know, the kind from back before there were convenient quest logs to keep track of things). And of course, what with Zwei II being focused on Ragna and Alwen as dual protagonists, they’ll often have unique things to say in response to other characters depending on whom you’ve got in the lead.
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In the course of working on the game’s script, I observed with no small amount of fascination that in some ways, it almost seems like Zwei II was made more with Westerners in mind than the Japanese market. Ragna himself is an incredibly un-Japanese character, with his bravado, easygoing swagger, and sass, but he’s a character that I know will click instantly with the North American audience in particular. We see Ragnas in our books and films; we all probably know someone like him, or who has elements of his personality. Alwen, too, is a character I think will be well-liked by the West. Not content to lament the loss of her home or sit idly by, she picks herself up and decides to get even and take back everything that was taken from her even though it promises to be an uphill battle. The core of her personality is her self-assured nature – even when confronting a world she’s mainly just read about (in books that were, sadly, out of date on the latest trends and customs). Quick-witted and keen, she matches Ragna tit-for-tat, helping the two play well off each other. Beyond just them, there’s the wild west-flavored bounty hunter Odessa, chain-smoking nun Isabella, the worldly jazz pianist Shester, dependable engineer Miriam, and of course, the irrepressible luchador-masked man of mystery, Gallandeau, among many others. Having a zany cast of characters like this all together in one place feels like the kind of storytelling we enjoy so much in Japanese games. But at the same time, after seeing so many forgettably milquetoast light novel-style characters in the games and anime of recent years, it’s refreshing to come upon a game where the characters have an abundance of personality – where I know they’ll resonate with the audience I’m localizing the game for.
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So...there you go. In a nutshell, this and more is what you have to look forward to when Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection finally makes its debut. Like a time capsule laden with the charms of a bygone era of RPGs, I think it’ll prove its worth to you as more than simply a pleasant surprise – I think it has the merit to stand proudly as one of Falcom’s finest.
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ilynm2018-blog · 5 years
Now that we have discussed aestheticism in someone depth and I've managed to conclude my definition, let's apply those theories to some artworks. All art pieces presented in this blog post have solely been done by me. 
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Figure 1. Anderson.Paak fan-art.
I am a digital artist but have dabbled in traditional arts - like sculpture, acrylic painting and so on. The first piece was a work of fan-art I had done for a former close friend of his favourite musician Anderson Paak. Although I had gone in detail with the facial features, I lacked any effort in even forming a background and even the neck down is quite rushed. Although I can be critical of my artworks, I understand that my level of art is relatively high, so this portrait was one of my better-received images.
Applying Kant's theory of aestheticism, the image suitable. Although not entirely true to life, it has a somewhat Disney-esque feel to it, which is almost always universally accepted and loved by most non-artists alike. There is nothing too jarring or extraordinary about it and the image focus is almost exclusively on the face. This artwork, although technically sound, is very much quite plain to me. The 'natural' and 'soft' features allow it to be received as a very nice and warming portrait - which ultimately falls under Kant's theory, from my interpretation anyway.
Now on the other hand, if we delve into theorists like Eagleton and Saville, does this portrait invoke any sort of emotional response? Yes, the image is fine and pretty, but realistically, if I look at it for long enough, I'm not unaware of its boring qualities. Although deemed as beautiful by the receiver and a fair few people, this image invokes absolutely no emotion in me whatsoever. I suppose if I looked further, the image itself is aesthetically sound based on stylistic choice, but what could be sound to me might not be sound to some? The more I read into aestheticism, the further my grasp on the concept seems to get.
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Figure 2. The sleeping boy.
The next image is also entirely digital. I've referenced my lack of skill in choosing interesting colour palettes before and I've made an effort recently to step-up my game in that department. I'm a very big fan of blue, purple and pink hues! There's something so mystical and dreamy about it to me. Although this image includes background and surrounding 'props', it is not nearly as rendered as the previous one. Ultimately I aspire to be a cartoonist, so hyper-realism has never been my forte.
“For Baumgarten, aesthetic cognition mediates between the generalities of reason and the particulars of sense; the aesthetic partakes in the perfection of reason but a ‘confused’ mode. Aesthetics is thus the ‘sister’ of logic”. Eagleton, 1989, The Rhetoric of Interpretation and the Interpretation of Rhetoric, 75 - 76.  
When I was younger, I would strive for absolute perfectionism - well perfectionism to the degree that I could achieve as a 13-year-old. I was particularly anal about any images I would render and if it didn't meet my standard criteria, I'd bin the entire picture and be done for the day. I was a big sook, to put it bluntly. These days, I've loosened my fear of making mistakes and although that 13-year-old in me still pin-points every error and flaw, I've found that allowing myself to experiment has widened by artistic horizons. I always had some strange nagging fear that if I had posted an image that delved from my norm, I would disappoint my audience - that ideology had stunted my growth to a horrible degree and is something I'm still working on recovering from now.
Experimenting with different filter apps and colour has increased my digital reach and allowed myself to be seen by a bigger crowd. What I thought was aesthetically jarring to some was quite beautiful to others, and knowing which colours to use to invoke which feelings have played an impact on my art at the moment. Looking at this image, I know that almost any people can relate to the feeling of your alarm screeching at you to get up at some ungodly hour. The stark light-ish pink, almost white window behind creepily shining in on what could have possibly been a wonderful sleep-in, now shattered. The lightning and star symbols plastered on top of the image adds an entirely new layer to what could have been a very boring image, in my opinion anyway. Playing with symbols and lighting has not only improved my... artistic story-telling but it has just been plain old fun!
I no longer strive for just pretty images, I want to tell stories and I want my audience to feel the emotions I am trying to invoke!
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Adorno, T., 1996. Aesthetic theory. 1st ed. London: Athlone.
Dickie, G., 1964. The Myth of the Aesthetic Attitude. 1st ed. University of Illinois Press: North American Philosophical Publications.
Hernadi, P., 1989. The Rhetoric of Interpretation and the Interpretation of Rhetoric. 1st ed. Durham: Duke University Press.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2019. Aesthetics. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.iep.utm.edu/aestheti/.[Accessed 20 August 2019.]
Kivy, P., 2004. The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics. 1st ed. Malden, MA: The Blackwell Pub.
Lamarque, P. and Olsen, S., 2019. Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
Plato Stanford. 2016. Nietzsche. [ONLINE] Available at: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nietzsche/. [Accessed 20 August 2019.]
Wikipedia. 2019. History by Period. [ONLINE] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_by_period#Mid_Modern_Period_(1750_–_1945). [Accessed 20 August 2019.]
Y9history. 2019. What factors shaped the world from 1750 to 1918? [ONLINE] Available at: http://y9history.weebly.com/uploads/2/6/0/9/26094658/y9chapter1.pdf. [Accessed 20 August 2019.]
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 7/30/20
Blue Flag, Vol. 2 | By KAITO | VIZ Media – How do I already love these kids this much?! Blue Flag is the story of four friends in their third year of high school who care about each other but who are all also dealing with their own problems and trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. I especially love Taichi and identify so much with the childhood memory he shares with Masumi—“I regretted my inaction so badly.” Taichi is always trying to become the sort of person who can act (and supports Futaba as she seeks to make the same change in herself). And thus, we are inexorably led to the cliffhanger of this volume, where Taichi gets the chance at a do-over, seizes it without a moment’s hesitation, and perhaps pays another, different price this time. I’ve never meant “I can’t wait for the next volume!” more than I have this time. – Michelle Smith
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, Vol. 8 | By Inio Asano | Viz Media – We finally get one of the big reveals in this volume, which involves the origin of Oran and the sort of girl she used to be. It also gives us, even if it’s not quite the real thing, an origin story of the friendship between her and Kadode, and it’s really sweet and fun. That said, their meeting with an alien goes very differently here, and the series finally begins to tie in with all of the Doraemon parodies that it’s been using at the start and end of each volume. Sadly, this is not a good thing, and the entire volume ends on a horrifically nightmarish cliffhanger that I can’t see ending any way but tragically. As always, I hate reading this series, one of the best manga I’m currently reading. If that makes sense. – Sean Gaffney
Dr. STONE, Vol. 12 | By Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi | Viz Media – We’re going on a boat journey, taking along most of the important cast members, in order to discover the island with Sena’s dad’s past and also find platinum, which can help speed up un-stoning everyone. Unfortunately, there are villains about, and they take out most of the cast, who are petrified once more. In between this, we get a lot of cool Jump adventure, some goofy gags, some fun surprises (we know that Suika would stow away somehow, the question was how) and some serious drama as, well, the cast is being re-petrified by powerful unknown villains. There’s nothing earth-shattering in this particular volume, but it still adds up to a great time. – Sean Gaffney
Haganai: I Don’t Have Many Friends, Vol. 18 | By Yomi Hirasaka and Itachi | Seven Seas – I could review this entire volume, but honestly, the last 50 or so pages sort of dwarf the rest of it. We are reminded, as is the school, that Sena is fantastic at everything and has no idea that other people can’t do what she does. This all comes to a head at the Christmas party, where she starts to be attacked for all of her bad points, and lashes out at everyone in a justified but ill-thought-out diatribe. Which is then passed to Yozora, who also defends Sena and finally, amazingly, admits that the two of them are friends. This may be more important than which girl Kodaka picks, to be honest, and is absolutely fantastic. (Speaking of Kodaka, his solution is very Hachiman, and works about as well). – Sean Gaffney
Moms | By Yeong-shin Ma | Drawn & Quarterly – One thing in particular that makes Moms stand out from other manhwa in translation (and honestly many other comics in general) is the focus of its narrative—the lives and loves of mothers in their fifties. The volume takes direct inspiration from the creator’s own mother after she shared some of her personal experiences and stories about her friends. While there is some humor and absurdity, the resulting work’s realism is gutting as the characters navigate divorces, affairs, workplace harassment, and constantly shifting allegiances. A central thread is an on-again, off-again relationship between Soyeon and her boyfriend Jongseok. Without him she’s lonely, with him she’s miserable, a common theme in Moms. Most of the men in the work are frankly disappointing human beings. The women aren’t always entirely blameless, but they’ve put up with a lot, so it’s exhilarating to witness when they can live their lives with uninhibited gusto. – Ash Brown
Secret XXX | By Meguru Hinohara | SuBLime – Secret XXX is pretty explicit and features a seme who says things like “Too late. I’m not stopping now” and “I love your feeble protests,” but also includes a lot of cute bunnies. Shohei Ikushima is a college student who believes he is allergic to rabbits but still volunteers at Itsuki Mito’s bunny-exclusive pet shop because he’s fallen in love with the gentle-seeming proprietor. I can’t tell if what I found frustrating is intentional characterization, or simply that the narrative had to make Shohei look vapid in order to work. Like, he never actually considered “Do I even swing this way?” until he was literally in bed with Mito. And no one (including his parents, evidentally) ever suggested antihistamine until he finally sees a doctor. I did like the emphasis on appreciating family, though, and plan to read the spinoff starring Mito’s meddling little brother. – Michelle Smith
A Sign of Affection, Vol. 2 | By suu Morishita | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – A lot of shoujo titles are content to move along at a glacial pace, and the good ones do that by keeping the character solid. Yuki and Itsuomi are still feeling each other out. She’s fallen in love for the first time, but has communication issues that go beyond her deafness, and also a childhood friend who (I suspect) likes her more than she is aware. Asd for Itsuomi, he has some past baggage that really isn’t going away, and has goals for the future that do not involve being in Japan—goals which are likely more important to him than romance. Despite that, these two are very cute together, and you’re rooting for them to find a way to make things work. One of the better recent digital-pnly titles. – Sean Gaffney
Spy x Family, Vol. 1 | By Tatsuya Endo | VIZ Media – It only took a few pages for me to completely fall in love with Spy x Family. Debonair “Twilight” is an experienced spy for Westalia, but when his next mission requires him to quickly acquire both wife and child, he ends up choosing an assasassin (Yor) for a bride and a telepath (Anya) for a daughter. Neither Twilight nor Yor is aware of the other’s real line of work, but Anya knows all. Only, she loves her new life and family so much that she isn’t going to say anything to jeopardize it. In fact, she’s doing her best to get accepted into a prestigious school so that Twilight can get closer to his target and they can all continue to stay together. I really like all the characters, the “found family” trope always works for me, the tone is fun, and the art is stylish. More, please, and soon! – Michelle Smith
Takane & Hana, Vol. 15 | By Yuki Shiwasu | Viz Media – The bulk of this volume introduces us to Takane’s mother, who is a lot like he is in both looks and eccentricity, and turns out to have a checkered past with her son that, to no one’s surprise, involves bad communication. Hana tries to get the two of them to make up while also showing off how she’s a great match for Takane, and her cheer is infectious. That said, the background does remind readers just how high a bar Hana has to clear if she’s going to end up happily ever after with the guy she loves. The series is gearing up for its finale, and I suspect that class conflict is really going to come to the fore here. But at least she’s won over Mom, which is a big start. – Sean Gaffney
A Witch’s Printing Office, Vol. 3 | By Mochinchi | Yen Press – Following up on the last cliffhanger, there is another Japanese person here, and he’s actually gone about things the proper isekai way, as opposed to our heroine, Yomiko… um, I mean Mika. Yeah, about that, I get the feeling that 80% of the people reading this series are reading it because they want to see Yomiko from Read or Die in an isekai setting. It even feels like the super-ditzy side of her, as opposed to, well, the other, less popular aspects of Yomiko. As for the manga itself, there’s more Comiket gags, Mika managing to accidentally get a town popular, an ancient spellcaster possessing exactly the wrong person, and a rival publishing company. This is big goofy fun, sort of slice-of-isekai life-ish, but lacks any substance at all. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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morrisbrokaw · 6 years
Why, How and What I’m Reading this Year
I started this year with the goal of trying to read one book a week. Turns out—with pregnancy, a new job, house-hunting, two moves, buying a house, and now a newborn—that just wasn’t in the cards for me. When I realized this, I tempered my loftier ambition and decided to aim for at least two books a month. This still hasn’t been the easiest.
But reading helps make me feel like myself, and in the midst of so much transition (…see list above), it’s been important for me to maintain habits that feel like they anchor me. These kinds of habits (the self-loving, life-giving kind) tend to be the first ones I sacrifice when life gets busy—it feels luxurious, bordering on absurd, to insist that I take time away from my ever-growing to-do list to read a novel, doesn’t it?! So to make sure that casual reading wasn’t sacrificed on the Altar of More Urgent Priorities, I made a plan. I thought in advance about what I wanted to read, why, and how to make sure it happened. I thought I’d share not only my reading list with you, but my thought process in creating it during such a busy year.
Choose from books you already own
If you’re a book hoarder like me, this is a no-brainer. It’s easy to read books that you already own—much more convenient than having to order a new one each month when book club decides its next pick. And (bonus!) it means you get around to those books that have been given as gifts for Christmas or birthdays before they collect dust!
  Diversify your author list
Taking a cue from my old book club in New York—which decided as a group to read exclusively female authors for a year following the last presidential election—I’ve tried to skew my personal reading list toward women writers, writers of color, and queer writers when possible. Since so many of the authors assigned within the canon of traditional education are white or male, I consider it a responsibility to get exposed to more diverse voices and perspectives. Additionally, I also try to make a point of reading a mix of both debut authors and classic works.
  Diversify the genres you read
In a given year, I want a good helping of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, prose, short stories, memoir (and so on). Sometimes I have all these things on my bookshelf waiting to be read, and sometimes I reach out to friends (or the NYT bestseller list) to get ideas.
  Read more than one book at a time
If a certain book I’m reading seems to be dragging on and on, I simply start the next one without feeling guilty. (I know some of you are cringing right now!!) Reading, at least for me, is often mood-based—so having more than one book going at a time means I can have different reading experiences that suit whatever my mood is at the moment. This way, if I don’t feel like bringing some morose novel to a picnic in the park, I can bring a series of short stories or some poetry, instead.
  Support local bookstores and local publishers
Let your reading list be an excuse to support local bookstores and local publishers! In the Twin Cities, I love Subtext, Birchbark Books, Magers & Quinn, and Midway Book Store. And our great state has a booming local publishing industry, as well: Milkweed Editions, Graywolf Press, and Coffee House Press are all favorites of mine.
All of this thoughtfulness in advance helps me focus on reading, rather than trying to decide what to read. This is really important! If there’s one reason I don’t read as much as I’d like to, it’s that I haven’t decided what to read—I don’t have a book going, or I finish a book and don’t know which one I’ll start next.
With all this prep in mind, here’s what I’ve read this year:
WHEREAS by Layli Long Soldier– in this book of award-winning debut poetry by a Lakota woman, Long Soldier is “clapping back” against the total inadequacy of the U.S. government’s “Congressional Resolution of Apology to Native American” offered under the Obama administration.
  Jailbird by Kurt Vonnegut – Vonnegut was one of my brother’s favorite authors, and reading him always helps me connect with more of my brother’s soul, his taste, his absurdist sense of humor and wry wit.
  Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood – this is a memoir that came highly recommended from several friends; Lockwood is a writer perhaps best known for her poem “Rape Joke”; this book is tragic and funny and beautiful and difficult in ways I didn’t know one author could combine so skillfully.
  Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado – from our very own local Graywolf Press (as is Long Soldier’s book, above)! This debut book of short stories has won tons of awards, all well-deserved.
  The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath – a classic that has long been on my must-read list, but it finally felt like the time was right. I knew it would be heavy (it deals with suicide, depression, and mental health stigma, especially in women) but also knew it was important to read.
  My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman – a Christmas gift! And an author I’d heard of but never read; it was a lovely and light novel compared to some of my other selections which is always nice to have in a lineup.
  It’s Okay to Laugh, Crying is Cool Too by Nora McInerny Purmort – I somehow hadn’t read this book yet but knew I needed to (because I adore everything NMP does, and her book came so highly recommended by so many people!) I finally picked it up after a reading she hosted at Subtext Books in Saint Paul.
  Winter Journal by Paul Auster – Auster is one of my favorite writers; his style has been called “absurdism,” often dealing with identity in the postmodern world. I wanted to read this book because I’m such a fan of his fiction, and this memoir, which focuses on art, mortality, bodiliness, and aging, sheds light on his other artistic projects.
  Self Portrait with Boy by Rachel Lyon – the debut novel for Lyons, about an artist in the 90s trying to further her art and maintain her relationships and integrity. The author is a good friend-of-a-good-friend from New York and when I saw her book in a bookstore in Saint Paul, I scooped it up immediately!
  Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward – ahh, this book crushed me. Jesmyn Ward is an award-winning author and this is her second novel; it’s about a little boy growing up in Mississippi and the poverty, racism, drugs, spirituality implicit in that space and time.
  Commonwealth by Anne Patchett – Anne Patchett’s ability to tell a story and weave in and out of different emotions and characters is truly profound. This was my first Patchett novel despite how often she’s been recommended to me!
  Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Cox –a baby book! About baby sleep habits! Because let’s be realistic, I have to be practical about what I’m reading sometimes, too.
  The Diary of Anaïs Nin Vol 2 by Anaïs Nin– Nin is one of my favorites. She was a bohemian Spanish-Cuban-American woman living in Paris with a bunch of literati, keeping a journal as the threats of world war grow increasingly imminent.
  The Ninth Hour by Alice McDermott– McDermott is an award-winning author writing about spirituality, scandal, and the ways women persevere in the midst of these things.
  The Power by Naomi Alderman– this book is like The Handmaid Tales in reverse; a society in the future where women have come to dominate and run society, and social stereotypes are all reversed.
  Holy the Firm by Annie Dillard – Dillard is one of my all-time favorite authors, so I didn’t want to miss the chance to read her this year! This particular book is a short meditation on nature and spirituality.
I’ve got a few more books started and a few that are on my list to finish before the year is up. What books are you reading? And what tricks or tips do you have for picking out what to read, and sticking to a book or a reading list once you begin?
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 Ellen Koneck likes reading and writing and thinks homebodiness is a virtue. She has her MA in religion from Yale and works in academic publishing. She has one plant, one tattoo, and an identical twin. Contrary to all conventional wisdom, she regularly brings up both religion and politics at the dinner table.
  The post Why, How and What I’m Reading this Year appeared first on Wit & Delight.
Why, How and What I’m Reading this Year published first on https://workbootsandshoes.tumblr.com/
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itesfashion · 6 years
5 airlines with fantastic luggage allowance for college students
5 airlines with fantastic luggage allowance for college students
It is far from a solution that making a choice to review within a several region is extremely demanding, and going to the college which you decide on could possibly be primarily neurological-wracking. The place from your vacation spot state may possibly identify which air travel to utilize as well as option may not be quite broad.coming of age in to kill a mockingbird essay But quite a few airlines deliver journeys around the globe and will deliver college students with extremely attractive and hassle-free ways for secure, relaxing and, most of all, inexpensive air travel.
Uk Air passages
United kingdom Air passages is not really the least expensive air travel, as it possesses a fantastic support ensuring its clients get the finest hovering encounter. It is possible to take full advantage of 60 leaving lounges along with about 90 spouse lounges around the globe. What is perfect for college students is always that plane tickets may be monitored from the cellular application form designed for several mobile phones. Uk Breathing passages present a serious nice luggage allowance and feasible reduced prices for learners.
Us citizen AIRLINES
Us citizen Airlines was of course a exclusive headline ?Air travel of year? by Oxygen Move Planet. It is actually no surprise, as soaring with all of these airlines supplies wonderful coziness due to its clients. Not merely energy stores can be obtained aboard, however, many aircrafts can feature with possessing the chance to deliver Wi-Fi in the journey. You can find a certain luggage allowance guidelines which is required to be looked at beforehand; even so, Us citizen Airlines is among one of individuals soaring firms that can make a price reduction for undergraduate people.
For 6 decades Turkish Airlines was benefiting from an prize ?The european countries?s Very best Air carrier?. This name was approved with the most highly regarded customer survey business, which means this echoes amounts. You would possibly really benefit from an in-air travel amusement, for instance video clips, computer games, tunes, instructional video clips and many more. In case you are each student that is eager to find out more and its desperate to start to see the environment, we have a fantastic program to apply your flight terminal transportation time by looking at Istanbul. The totally free visit should be set up before hand, nevertheless it can offer an excellent probability to expend your transportation time with delight and educationally beneficial. Naturally that reductions in price for individuals can be established.
Emirates is really an overseas air travel of Dubai. On the other hand, it really is well known worldwide, and in the united states its airplanes take flight from 12 America towns dealing with about 150 places world-wide. The flight is well known not just to its welcome but in addition for responsibility of learner journey requires. Travellers can benefit from in-journey amusement, however, most essentially, this air carrier presents reductions for individuals.
Touring offshore as a possible overseas pupil can be extremely difficult, but to help make it trouble-no cost, the preceding analysis is needed. There are a number of points that need considering prior to vacationing overseas by jet. Hopefully the fact that number of the airlines, which get undergraduate wants in mind, is usually beneficial, and will also build your trip uncomplicated and relaxed.
Does Ludwig Mies vehicle der Rohe, Daniel Libeskind, Richard Meier and SOM seem familiarized for your needs? Should they do, this information is surely for yourself. As an designer is incredibly intriquing, notable and exciting as you will definitely develop wonderful properties away from plans and convert tips in your thoughts within the actuality. Because it is amazing to produce a strategy during the mind it happens to be as difficult to attain.
Mastering on the structures university wants loads of do the job, proficiency learning and creative thinking enhancing. Our company offers you some pointers to generate your learning in school as successful as is feasible. Take full advantage of your knowledge in the design classes!
Doing A Crew
Doing work in a recording studio with some other wonderful potential future designers is definitely exciting. You and the friends are brimming with incredible concepts and you will do not ever you know what route the undertaking can take within the class job. Therefore, remember that that you are doing work in a team even when you are dealing with your individual venture. The doing the job studio room is the ideal spot to obtain close friends and potential co-workers on your undertakings. When dealing with your developing prepare try and watch other folks?s performing behaviour. Could be you will see your structures true love that you are relaxed to do business with later on. Doing the venture requires too much time and hard work. You will likely continue to be up latter on the studio room combined with other individuals for days. Consequently, be sure you be useful when you are able, as you may need assistance sooner or later on top of that.
A Gourmet coffee Split Received?T Burst The Master Plan
Creative thinking along with a pen are some of the key designer?s applications. However, occasionally the project will get jammed just after doing it a substantial amount of time. Will not pressure you to ultimately focus on the undertaking at 4 a.m. any time you sense that you are outside of suggestions. I am just not stimulating that you waste time ? just sleeping in it. The encouragement may come whilst operating the subsequent a . m . whenever the top of your head is rejuvenated and you also are loaded with vitality. Will not anxiety when there are actually no deserving strategies eventually. A treatment method should be to obtain a minor burst: have a cupful of herbal tea or take a stroll. Just as basic as that! Go searching you and strive to enjoy the type exterior for a long time so you?ll have the strength returning to you.
Performing Education Exercises
Structures university will not be about understanding 24-several hours daily. Tend not to misinterpret me: only determination plus a working hard will cause being successful. Despite the fact that, allow yourself at some time to experience each student lifestyle in class. Interacting with friends and participating in a wide array of actions on college campus will enhance your sociable practical experience. It may well are offered in palm not just in existence but down the road at the office. Never squander the top yrs in your life when you are fresh and enthusiastic.
Leave behind THE Stress Apart
Obstructions and downfalls are definitely the a part of the learning procedure. When you believe the situation is planning terrible, there?s continually an opportunity that could are already a whole lot worse. So, usually do not worry ahead of time if the personal computer monitor converts light blue at the center of the task or possibly a plan doesn?t appear adequate. Almost everything may be set ? you only need to stay relaxed and attempt to obtain an ideal option. You can easily say it, naturally. Alternatively, it isn?t too challenging to put into action frequently. Imagine the better image in your mind and do it!
?Ma?am, ould you love seafood or poultry?? I believed so it didn?t make a difference what dish I selected ? aboard both had been slightly bland. Continue to it had been the ideal chicken breast in doing my daily life simply because I believed it was subsequently the starting of my vacation. Mastering elsewhere could be the use of an individual?s everyday life most replete with feelings, recollections, amazing things and practical experience. What follows is a selection of why a semester in one other nation provides much more excursions and working experience than you are going to possibly get in your house.
Uncover The Entire world AND Your own self
Mastering overseas is a marvellous venture not just in an international region but for your intrinsic planet. It happens to be tough to reside in an additional nation, as a result it?s obvious why you may encounter many interpersonal, linguistic or ethnic issues. Although, what exactly is the most incredible regarding this ? one never knows what disguised . private components you possess.
Remaining surrounded with enjoy, treatment and money assist in the home you?ve most likely experienced no requirement to look at arriving at school all on your own or taking good care of home tasks. Residing apart not just at home but distant from associates, widespread practices and nearby offers a good improve to build up dwelling abilities and harden your temper. In the event you?re not certain just what you are amount of and what you are able reach in your life, a semester in another country suits you.
Enhance THE Way of life
The greater it truly is complicated, the greater amount of it is packed with pleasurable. Societal diverseness is the reason why travelling so thrilling and unknown. ?Make an effort to bring the best from the excursion. Put on?t be described as a inactive ? the entire awesome society is looking forward to you while you phase away from the plane?s steps. Conduct a little researching in advance to determine the most helpful locations. Perhaps a art gallery of Ambitions, or Madame Tussaud?s gallery, or Azuma Makoto event of blooms in an ice pack? Nevertheless, if you think there?s not very much time for sightseeing and tour, it is possible to uncover the amazing things of traditions perfect close to you. Individuals surrounding you generate a terrific component of customs and practices too. You may possibly not only enhance your expertise but promote the nice thing about your region among the your brand new associates and university or college buddies.
Producing Expressions Abilities
There?s no much better method to review a vocabulary when compared to its normal natural environment. Think of the scenario if you want to reveal a thing for the duration of lecture but the truth is shortage some words and phrases. The sole reaction you can have is to consider a less complicated approach to talk about it with the aid of acquainted terms. It energies your brain to make synonyms and increases the considering operation. Exercising the dialect daily can be a freedom that you really could not get at your home. Additionally, your school contributes to the dialect is often amazing, the ultimate way to research the colloquial vocabulary is from the discussing our society.
Profession Progression AND Viewpoints
There?s a possibility that you might adore individuals as well as their customs a great deal of which you?ll elect to remain there for the little bit lengthier. An excellent choice is to look for operate soon after graduating. For a few disciplines the job chance is the key reason why learners opt to go overseas. Primarily, it?s accurate concerning the establishing places that put on?t have sufficient monetary assistance through the authorities to carry out research and provide the labs. At any rate, a be aware within your go back to about examining offshore indicators for an manager relating to your critical abilities, widen future, wish to produce and task on your own and adaptability. You may be stunned in the end with the getaway just how many points you?d triumph over.
The post 5 airlines with fantastic luggage allowance for college students appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion https://ift.tt/2jLdsbe via IFTTT from Untitled https://ift.tt/2IbcvDU via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion https://ift.tt/2KPuPEk via IFTTT
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ladiesfashion25 · 6 years
5 airlines with fantastic luggage allowance for college students
5 airlines with fantastic luggage allowance for college students
It is far from a solution that making a choice to review within a several region is extremely demanding, and going to the college which you decide on could possibly be primarily neurological-wracking. The place from your vacation spot state may possibly identify which air travel to utilize as well as option may not be quite broad.coming of age in to kill a mockingbird essay But quite a few airlines deliver journeys around the globe and will deliver college students with extremely attractive and hassle-free ways for secure, relaxing and, most of all, inexpensive air travel.
Uk Air passages
United kingdom Air passages is not really the least expensive air travel, as it possesses a fantastic support ensuring its clients get the finest hovering encounter. It is possible to take full advantage of 60 leaving lounges along with about 90 spouse lounges around the globe. What is perfect for college students is always that plane tickets may be monitored from the cellular application form designed for several mobile phones. Uk Breathing passages present a serious nice luggage allowance and feasible reduced prices for learners.
Us citizen AIRLINES
Us citizen Airlines was of course a exclusive headline ?Air travel of year? by Oxygen Move Planet. It is actually no surprise, as soaring with all of these airlines supplies wonderful coziness due to its clients. Not merely energy stores can be obtained aboard, however, many aircrafts can feature with possessing the chance to deliver Wi-Fi in the journey. You can find a certain luggage allowance guidelines which is required to be looked at beforehand; even so, Us citizen Airlines is among one of individuals soaring firms that can make a price reduction for undergraduate people.
For 6 decades Turkish Airlines was benefiting from an prize ?The european countries?s Very best Air carrier?. This name was approved with the most highly regarded customer survey business, which means this echoes amounts. You would possibly really benefit from an in-air travel amusement, for instance video clips, computer games, tunes, instructional video clips and many more. In case you are each student that is eager to find out more and its desperate to start to see the environment, we have a fantastic program to apply your flight terminal transportation time by looking at Istanbul. The totally free visit should be set up before hand, nevertheless it can offer an excellent probability to expend your transportation time with delight and educationally beneficial. Naturally that reductions in price for individuals can be established.
Emirates is really an overseas air travel of Dubai. On the other hand, it really is well known worldwide, and in the united states its airplanes take flight from 12 America towns dealing with about 150 places world-wide. The flight is well known not just to its welcome but in addition for responsibility of learner journey requires. Travellers can benefit from in-journey amusement, however, most essentially, this air carrier presents reductions for individuals.
Touring offshore as a possible overseas pupil can be extremely difficult, but to help make it trouble-no cost, the preceding analysis is needed. There are a number of points that need considering prior to vacationing overseas by jet. Hopefully the fact that number of the airlines, which get undergraduate wants in mind, is usually beneficial, and will also build your trip uncomplicated and relaxed.
Does Ludwig Mies vehicle der Rohe, Daniel Libeskind, Richard Meier and SOM seem familiarized for your needs? Should they do, this information is surely for yourself. As an designer is incredibly intriquing, notable and exciting as you will definitely develop wonderful properties away from plans and convert tips in your thoughts within the actuality. Because it is amazing to produce a strategy during the mind it happens to be as difficult to attain.
Mastering on the structures university wants loads of do the job, proficiency learning and creative thinking enhancing. Our company offers you some pointers to generate your learning in school as successful as is feasible. Take full advantage of your knowledge in the design classes!
Doing A Crew
Doing work in a recording studio with some other wonderful potential future designers is definitely exciting. You and the friends are brimming with incredible concepts and you will do not ever you know what route the undertaking can take within the class job. Therefore, remember that that you are doing work in a team even when you are dealing with your individual venture. The doing the job studio room is the ideal spot to obtain close friends and potential co-workers on your undertakings. When dealing with your developing prepare try and watch other folks?s performing behaviour. Could be you will see your structures true love that you are relaxed to do business with later on. Doing the venture requires too much time and hard work. You will likely continue to be up latter on the studio room combined with other individuals for days. Consequently, be sure you be useful when you are able, as you may need assistance sooner or later on top of that.
A Gourmet coffee Split Received?T Burst The Master Plan
Creative thinking along with a pen are some of the key designer?s applications. However, occasionally the project will get jammed just after doing it a substantial amount of time. Will not pressure you to ultimately focus on the undertaking at 4 a.m. any time you sense that you are outside of suggestions. I am just not stimulating that you waste time ? just sleeping in it. The encouragement may come whilst operating the subsequent a . m . whenever the top of your head is rejuvenated and you also are loaded with vitality. Will not anxiety when there are actually no deserving strategies eventually. A treatment method should be to obtain a minor burst: have a cupful of herbal tea or take a stroll. Just as basic as that! Go searching you and strive to enjoy the type exterior for a long time so you?ll have the strength returning to you.
Performing Education Exercises
Structures university will not be about understanding 24-several hours daily. Tend not to misinterpret me: only determination plus a working hard will cause being successful. Despite the fact that, allow yourself at some time to experience each student lifestyle in class. Interacting with friends and participating in a wide array of actions on college campus will enhance your sociable practical experience. It may well are offered in palm not just in existence but down the road at the office. Never squander the top yrs in your life when you are fresh and enthusiastic.
Leave behind THE Stress Apart
Obstructions and downfalls are definitely the a part of the learning procedure. When you believe the situation is planning terrible, there?s continually an opportunity that could are already a whole lot worse. So, usually do not worry ahead of time if the personal computer monitor converts light blue at the center of the task or possibly a plan doesn?t appear adequate. Almost everything may be set ? you only need to stay relaxed and attempt to obtain an ideal option. You can easily say it, naturally. Alternatively, it isn?t too challenging to put into action frequently. Imagine the better image in your mind and do it!
?Ma?am, ould you love seafood or poultry?? I believed so it didn?t make a difference what dish I selected ? aboard both had been slightly bland. Continue to it had been the ideal chicken breast in doing my daily life simply because I believed it was subsequently the starting of my vacation. Mastering elsewhere could be the use of an individual?s everyday life most replete with feelings, recollections, amazing things and practical experience. What follows is a selection of why a semester in one other nation provides much more excursions and working experience than you are going to possibly get in your house.
Uncover The Entire world AND Your own self
Mastering overseas is a marvellous venture not just in an international region but for your intrinsic planet. It happens to be tough to reside in an additional nation, as a result it?s obvious why you may encounter many interpersonal, linguistic or ethnic issues. Although, what exactly is the most incredible regarding this ? one never knows what disguised . private components you possess.
Remaining surrounded with enjoy, treatment and money assist in the home you?ve most likely experienced no requirement to look at arriving at school all on your own or taking good care of home tasks. Residing apart not just at home but distant from associates, widespread practices and nearby offers a good improve to build up dwelling abilities and harden your temper. In the event you?re not certain just what you are amount of and what you are able reach in your life, a semester in another country suits you.
Enhance THE Way of life
The greater it truly is complicated, the greater amount of it is packed with pleasurable. Societal diverseness is the reason why travelling so thrilling and unknown. ?Make an effort to bring the best from the excursion. Put on?t be described as a inactive ? the entire awesome society is looking forward to you while you phase away from the plane?s steps. Conduct a little researching in advance to determine the most helpful locations. Perhaps a art gallery of Ambitions, or Madame Tussaud?s gallery, or Azuma Makoto event of blooms in an ice pack? Nevertheless, if you think there?s not very much time for sightseeing and tour, it is possible to uncover the amazing things of traditions perfect close to you. Individuals surrounding you generate a terrific component of customs and practices too. You may possibly not only enhance your expertise but promote the nice thing about your region among the your brand new associates and university or college buddies.
Producing Expressions Abilities
There?s no much better method to review a vocabulary when compared to its normal natural environment. Think of the scenario if you want to reveal a thing for the duration of lecture but the truth is shortage some words and phrases. The sole reaction you can have is to consider a less complicated approach to talk about it with the aid of acquainted terms. It energies your brain to make synonyms and increases the considering operation. Exercising the dialect daily can be a freedom that you really could not get at your home. Additionally, your school contributes to the dialect is often amazing, the ultimate way to research the colloquial vocabulary is from the discussing our society.
Profession Progression AND Viewpoints
There?s a possibility that you might adore individuals as well as their customs a great deal of which you?ll elect to remain there for the little bit lengthier. An excellent choice is to look for operate soon after graduating. For a few disciplines the job chance is the key reason why learners opt to go overseas. Primarily, it?s accurate concerning the establishing places that put on?t have sufficient monetary assistance through the authorities to carry out research and provide the labs. At any rate, a be aware within your go back to about examining offshore indicators for an manager relating to your critical abilities, widen future, wish to produce and task on your own and adaptability. You may be stunned in the end with the getaway just how many points you?d triumph over.
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countingyams · 7 years
This year, I resolve to waste time well
By Lydia Lum for The Sunday Times on January 01, 2017
New Year's resolutions can make for hard reading, especially in a year with sputtering economic growth and spiralling geopolitical risk, not to mention cost cutting and belt tightening, all of which can suck the cheer out of a festive season. Pledges to eat less, drink less and spend less just add to the gloom.
So I have decided to focus not on what I want to cut back on, but on how I want to enlarge my life.
This is no small step for a careful saver like me who has for decades embraced the Singapore ethic of squirrelling money away for a rainy day and, along with it, the modern cult of personal productivity which spurred me to purge my life of time-wasting activities such as watching television and reading storybooks.
Both seemed like indulgences I could ill afford. Instead, I have for years read almost exclusively non-fiction, the sort I need for work or for self-improvement.
Such a regimen trains you for a life that can seem awfully purposeful. But if adhered to too strictly, it fails to free you and instead tethers you to a powerful vacuum cleaner that sucks the joy out of living and leaves you wondering what you are storing away time and money for.
So this year, I resolve to do the opposite and think hard about how to waste time.
I use the word "waste" intentionally, a verb the dictionary says means to "use or expend carelessly, extravagantly or to no purpose". Its synonyms include "squander" and "fritter away".
I wish to devote this column precisely to extravagance and those aspects of life that seem to serve no purpose, at least not any that we can touch or tote up in our bank accounts or lists of achievements.
Many years ago, when I was still in school and had the time and space to wander around those magical places called libraries, linger among the shelves and delve into the books I chanced upon, I stumbled across some lines of poetry about buying "hyacinths for the soul". For some reason, that phrase enchanted me and I never forgot it, perhaps because it reminded me of that time long ago and those stories I read - stories from around the world about people and places and happenings that piqued my curiosity, fired my imagination and, yes, fed my soul.
The phrase likely comes from the work of a 13th-century Persian poet named Muslihuddin Sadi, who is said to have written these lines:
If, of thy mortal goods, thou art bereft,
And from thy slender store two loaves
alone to thee are left,
Sell one and from the dole,
Buy hyacinths to feed the soul.
Last year, I started reading fiction again and was transported to worlds I would never be able to travel to physically, no matter how big my budget. I was moved to tears by Madeleine Thein's novel, Do Not Say We Have Nothing, on China's cultural revolution, and thrilled that Tan Twan Eng's Garden Of Evening Mists taught me some of the history of a place I love - Cameron Highlands. I found myself wanting to tell my family and friends about what I learnt from reading those books. I cannot wait to discover more literary gems, especially those by Asian writers.
In a lecture he delivered in October 2015 on the future of reading and libraries, British writer Neil Gaiman spoke about visiting China in 2007 for the first-ever Communist Party-approved science fiction and fantasy convention. He wondered why science fiction, which had been disapproved of for a long time, was now allowed.
He asked a top official and related what this official said in reply: "It's simple, he told me. The Chinese were brilliant at making things if people brought them the plans. But they did not innovate and they did not invent. They did not imagine.
"So they sent a delegation to the US, to Apple, to Microsoft, to Google, and they asked the people there who were inventing the future about themselves. And they found out that all of them had read science fiction when they were boys and girls.
"Fiction can show you a different world. It can take you somewhere you have never been. Once you have visited other worlds, like those who ate fairy fruit, you can never be entirely content with the world that you grew up in. Discontent is a good thing: Discontented people can modify and improve their worlds, leaving them better, leaving them different."
American writer Maya Angelou stopped talking for five years after being raped at age seven. "In those five years," she said in an interview, "I read every book in the black school library. I read all the books I could get from the white school library. I memorised Shakespeare, whole plays, 50 sonnets. I memorised Edgar Allan Poe, all the poetry, never having heard it, I memorised it. I had Longfellow, I had Guy de Maupassant, I had Balzac, Rudyard Kipling. When I decided to speak, I had a lot to say, and many ways in which to say what I had to say... And I was able to draw from human thought, human disappointments and triumphs, enough to triumph myself."
Fiction, it seems, is a good waste of time.
What of music?
Just over a year ago, I was speaking to two friends whose seven-year-old daughter is now learning the cello. I mentioned cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the three of us discovered that some 20 years ago, when we had not known each other, we had gone separately to watch him play with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra at the Victoria Concert Hall. What was amazing was how well we all remembered that concert - actually I had only managed to get tickets to the lunchtime rehearsal - and how moved we had been by his playing. I had gone with a friend who is a classical music aficionado and I remember turning to him at the end of the Elgar Concerto and swallowing my words when I saw tears rolling silently down his face.
A couple of months ago, over tea in the office, a colleague surprised me by describing in vivid detail a trip he had made to Amsterdam, from Cambridge where he had then been studying, to catch a performance by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. It was clearly an experience he would cherish for the rest of his life. Since coming back to Singapore and starting work, though, he has had little time for concerts, he said. That made me sad because he spoke with such depth of feeling about the beauty of a Mahler symphony.
Why listen to classical music, or any other kind of music for that matter, especially if you have no plans to make a career of it?
Musician Andrew Balio, founder of Future Symphony Institute, a think-tank dedicated to classical music, believes classical music "opens for us a door into a space that exists beyond our physical world, and what we hear moving in the music through that space is us. The symphony takes us on a journey through the secretive shadows and the uncertain vistas of our human condition. It touches those things of value within us, and it invites them to witness the miracle of transubstantiation wherein the dross of our daily existence, however trivial or tragic, is changed into the possibility of salvation".
Mr Balio also reflects on why he thinks classical music audiences are ageing: "Obviously, our elders come to concerts not because they hope the music will make them better at maths or more successful in their careers. There is no use to which they plan to put the music they come to hear, cleverly plying it to realise their five- or 10-year plans.
"I think if we asked them, we would find that classical music for them is only about beauty. I think they would sympathise with John Ruskin, who said, 'Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless.'
"And maybe this is the real reason that audiences for classical music are aging: That it takes us so much longer to shake off the utilitarian mindset that pervades our modern world, so well-rooted it has become in our unexamined ways of thinking and being."
What would you like to waste time on this year? I leave you with that question and wish you a Happy New Year.
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