#♾️ you know the world can see us; in a way that's different than who we are || inspiration.
missmontez · 2 years
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Lord Huron Asks
Ends of the Earth 🌎 — What is a land you have always dreamed of seeing?
Time to Run 🏃 — If you were being run out of town on threat of hanging, what would your crime be?
Lonesome Dreams 🛤️ — What is your most frequent recurring dream, and what do you think it means?
The Ghost on the Shore 👻 — If you were a ghost, what place would you haunt?
She Lit a Fire 🔥 — Describe a stranger that you only met once but have never forgotten.
I Will Be Back One Day 🏜️ — What is your ideal place to settle down forever?
The Man Who Lives Forever 🌐 — How would you spend a lifetime of immortality?
Lullaby 🔪 — Who would you go to if you had nowhere else to turn?
Brother 👫🏻 — Who would you want by your side in an apocalyptic battle?
In the Wind 🌬️ — What is the one thing you would wait an eternity for?
Setting Sun 🌄 — Your lover has been unfaithful. Do you actively hunt them down for revenge or wait until they fall into your carefully-planned trap?
Love Like Ghosts 💕 — Rank your top three favorite quotes about love.
Until the Night Turns 🌠 — How would you want your apocalyptic remains to be found? (think Pompeii, but Lord Huron style.)
Dead Man’s Hand ✋ — What would be your reaction to finding a dead body by a desert road?
Hurricane 🌀 — What is your idea of thrill-seeking?
La Belle Fleur Sauvage 🌸 — What flowers do you want in your grave?
Fool for Love 💙 — What is the most outrageous thing you have done for love?
The World Ender 💀 — Describe your “coming back from the dead to take vengeance on your enemies” outfit.
Meet Me in the Woods 🌲 — What experience completely transformed you as a person?
The Yawning Grave ⚰️ — If you were an eldritch otherworldly being, what would you be and what would your domain be?
Frozen Pines 👽 — Have you ever encountered anything extraterrestrial, and if so, what was it?
Cursed 🖤 — What curse would a witch place on you?
Way Out There ⛰️ — What is the furthest you have ever gone from home?
Louisa 💞 — If you died, what is the one thing that could revive you?
The Night We Met 💜 — If you could choose one moment in your life to go back and change, what would it be?
Lost in Time and Space 🌌 — Where would you go to start a new life?
Never Ever 🎨 — How would your life change if you found out that your SO was just a figment of your imagination?
Ancient Names (Part 1) 🔮 — What part of your future would you like to know most?
Ancient Names (Part 2) 🗝️ — What do you believe happens after death?
Wait by the River 🏞️ — Where do you go to collect your emotions?
Secret of Life ⭐ — What is a dark secret of the universe that you would give anything to know?
Back from the Edge 💊 — What is the closest you have ever come to death?
The Balancer’s Eye 👁️‍🗨️ — What do you think is the one unforgiveable sin?
When the Night Is Over 🛣️ — What is your favorite thing to do in the rain?
Moonbeam 🌗 — If you could appear in someone’s dream, what would you do?
Vide Noir ⚫ — If you were a drug, what would you be?
Emerald Star 💚 — Write a poetic description of your favorite person’s eyes, using as many unusual metaphors as possible.
The Moon Doesn’t Mind 🌙 — What do you look for in the night sky?
Mine Forever ♾️ — What can you not live without?
Love Me Like You Used To 💗 — Where would you go if you lost everything and wanted to feel something again?
Meet Me in the City 🌃 — Describe your ideal place for a secret rendezvous.
Long Lost 🗻 — Where does your spirit feel the most free?
Twenty Long Years 🍺 — You’re twenty years older than you are now, and you’re in a bar when a stranger comes up and asks you to tell them a story. What do you tell them?
Drops in the Lake 💧 — Describe yourself if you were a lake.
Where Did the Time Go ⌛ — What feels like it happened yesterday but actually happened a long time ago?
Not Dead Yet ☠️ — Would you rather be half alive or half dead? (Or do you think there is a difference?)
I Lied 💔 — Would you make a promise to someone you loved if you knew you could not keep it?
At Sea ⛵ — What would you do if you were stranded on a ship for a week?
What Do It Mean ✍️ — Write an epitaph for yourself.
Time’s Blur 🕰️ — What is the furthest out of your mind you have ever been?
Your Other Life 🎭 — If you could live a double life right now, what would your other life be like?
Mighty 🦁 — What frightening power would you wish for?
Son of a Gun 🔫 — How would you take revenge on someone who abandoned you with a child?
The Stranger 👥 — If you met Death, what would you ask him?
When Will I See You Again 👋 — Write a poetic goodbye to someone you will never see again.
Into the Sun ☀️ — Who would miss you the most if you sailed away, never to return?
The Problem with Your Daughter 💖 — If you had been kept hidden away for 20 years, how would you escape?
We Went Wild 🏝️ — How would you spend thirteen days on an island?
Moon Song ✨ — Write three superlatives that you think you could win.
The Birds Are Singing at Night 🐦 — What would put a smile on your face if you saw it as you were dying?
Last Night You Were a Dream 💤 — What is an experience that was magical the first time and disappointing the next time?
Ace Up My Sleeve 🃏 — What is the “ace up your sleeve” that you can always fall back on?
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mobblespsycho100 · 3 days
I'm so self aware sorry. It's just that my self awareness is so sexy it makes me hyperfocus on my flaws and think that they make me the worst person in the world. Then I proceed to hyperfocus on my strengths and admirable qualities and start to think that I was born to be on Top of The World. It's truly a cycle, a Sisyphean Task if you will. Again and again, the World Revolves Around Me. It doesn't matter if I have to keep climbing up and up and up and up and up and fall all the way back down as long as I can get up and up and up and up again. It feels so ... lonely. So excruciatingly awful. This is why Mob Psycho(logical) 100 really helped a lot with my mental health. I think it was so revolutionary to see a hopepunk-- optimistic nihilism media about how Nobody is special because if Nobody is special You can be whatever You want to be.
What I want to say is thank you Mob Psycho 100, for helping me. I'm not fixed. I don't know if the symptoms will get better with age as most people say or if it will only get worse now that I am becoming more of an . Adult, and moving into a different phase of my life but I just wanted to thank ONE tbh for creating such a good story. Is it perfect? of course not, but it's real and it exist and has helped so many people realize things about themselves. Mob Psycho 100 is a killer show, and it's a love letter to people and The Golden Rule.
The Golden Rule is of course -> precept in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. . . .”
Anyway, Live. We must live, and continue living, however difficult it may be. Our actions, however small, have the potential to change the world in ways that we may never fully understand. We will make a mark, we will make a stand, whether it be a helping hand to a random stranger on the street, or an ear to lend to a friend who needs advice, or saving a life and donating your blood and organs for them.
We will continue to live, so we must continue to fight. "There's no use, what can I do?" You can do so much, because we are creatures of power. We are apex predators, we have evolved, for better or worse. So we must make the conscious decision to be Better. Why be mean when you can be kind ? Why disrespect boundaries when you can give people space to breathe ? Why alienate others when you can be their Lighthouse.
I don't think I would feel this ... terrible need for controlling the way others react to everything I say and do if I didn't have NPD. However, MY Narcissistic tendencies also makes me kind. It makes me protective of others that I care about and their self esteem. It makes Me want to Advocate and be the Voice for billions of strangers that can't do so on their own. I would not be this way if I did not have this disorder, which is kind of twisted but now that I think about it, PDs do affect someone's personality. Wow. who would've thought, right?
Tl;dr : Be kind to others because even if thats "all you can do" sometimes, all you can do is enough. Your best is enough. Your not good enough is enough. Your awful... is sometimes enough ! Let it be known that life gets easier when you acknowledge that you're not the most important being in the universe and people care about you more than you think. Stop self-deprecating, let's all watch Mob Psycho 100 Forever ♾️✨🪷❣️ . Peace and Love on Planet Earth (Wind, and Fire)
🫶💞☮️✌️🏳️🕊️ Anyway, this Pride Month, remember to be kind. Remember to keep people in your prayers, donate to causes and people who require monetary aid to save themselves, be a lantern or the Female Anglerfish's Esca in someone elses lives. You deserve to rest too though, rest and remember, get angry but also use that anger to fuel your love for other people. That is enough, I promise. That will be enough.
Anywho, I'll end this on a cool quote, because why not:
“ The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas. ”
— Hermann Hesse, Demian (1919). Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend.
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