momusu-jpop · 1 year
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モーニング娘。'17 「Tokyoという片隅」
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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佐々木 ほのかは、日本の女性アイドルであり、女性アイドルグループ『アップアップガールズ』のメンバー。好きな色は赤。 特技はダンス・空手。 福岡県出身。公式ニックネームはほーちゃん。YU-M エンターテインメント所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2006年1月30日 (年齢 17歳)
出生地: 福岡県
所属グループ: 青SHUN学園; (2010年頃 - 2016年); アップアップガールズ(2); (2018年 - )
現年齢: 17歳
青SHUN学園 初等部に所属となる。
「モーニング娘。'16 『新世紀』オーディション」に応募するが、3次審査にて落選。
4月21日、東京・新宿BLAZEで行われた「アップアップガールズ(2)1st LIVE #アプガ2サプライズ」で、中川千尋とともに追加メンバーとして加入することが発表された。
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nanamizm · 8 days
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(本当に怖かった夢の話。弓桁朱琴 | モーニング娘。’24 16期17期オフィシャルブログ Powered by Amebaから)
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momuse · 8 months
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Yumigeta: I suppose that many of the other idols change their outfits and hairstyles to keep up with the trends of the times. But the members of Morning Musume, In a good way, are only interested in what they like, and are very particular about it. Especially Makino-san is. I'm also the type of person who prefers clothes that I like rather than what's trendy. So that's what I like about Morning Musume. モーニング娘。16期&17期とつんく♂のスペシャル座談会!
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hotarutranslations · 3 months
Spring Concert Tour Dates!
🌎Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
Everyone! The spring tour has been decided! Yeah!
I'm happy
Thank you very much😌🫶🏻
3/16 (Sat) Tokyo 3/17 (Sun) Tokyo 3/23 (Sat) Osaka 3/24 (Sun) Osaka 4/6 (Sat) Aichi 4/7 (Sun) Aichi 4/13 (Sat) Hokkaido 4/20 (Sat) Miyagi 4/28 (Sun) Nagano 4/29 (Mon, Holiday) Niigata 5/4 (Sat, Holiday) Fukuoka 5/6 (Mon, Holiday) Ehime 5/12 (Sun) Okayama 5/18 (Sat) Gunma 5/19 (Sun) Tochigi
16 days, 31 performances🌏💫
With the tour title, Are you curious? with this title, right
Its just, "more"
For myself I'm still at the stage like, what is it!? If I get an explanation and take some time with it, I'll properly let you know soon~~🫶🏻
For the opening days, there are 4 performances over the weekend, It feels like a schedule we didn't have in the autumn so, Its really been a while, For the members, I think the hardest one is here-- lol
For the Miyagi performance, there is only 1 performance in Tohoku but…… .🥺🥺
I'd be happy if you could visit us!
We're also having a performance in Nagano, Akane-chin's hometown after its been a while!
There will also be Kanto performances at the end, in Gunma and Tochigi!
With Fukumura Mizuki-san having graduated, I think this spring tour, will be the time of the most changes
Everyone definitely,
Please watch over us!!!
I'll do my best!!!
Ah~~ But I'm looking forward to it~~
I can't wait! Already!
I hope that I'll be able to meet, with everyone!
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It'd be nice to perform in Fests in May as well……
Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special
January 19th~January 31st📺✨️
It seems you'll be able to enjoy the stream again! For those who can't wait for the blu-ray, by all means!
Birthday Stream Event Is Here
January 19th~January 25th📺✨️ Don't miss it,,
Birthday goods are also here
~Deadline to buy is January 30th🩵 Please take a look--
Tokyo Sports note Series✍️
#138 Mentally Strong Birthday Girl
Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura🫶🏻
Up To Boy They're delivering unreleased shots
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
see you ayumin <3
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iikurakoen · 11 months
モーニング娘。'23櫻井梨央ファースト写真集「梨央 17歳」CM
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cheltranslations · 10 months
Autumn Tour Announcement!@Nonaka Miki (23.07.17)
Chel here😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Which household chore do you prefer
Washing up?
Washing up
Was the slight majority!
I prefer vacuuming!
Sometimes I even get a sudden urge
To completely clean and declutter!笑lol
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
Morning Musume。'23
Will have an Autumn Tour!
We'll visit all of these places!I'm so excited ❤️
I'm also excited
To see the set list and the goods l!
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Goods from our Nippon Budokan performance the other day!
Fan Club advance reservations
Are until 7/26 at 17:00!
Details are here
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
What's your favourite hiragana character?
I think I like 「ぬ」 best…?笑lol
Or 「ぽ」…。
See ya 🐾
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I Turned 18!! Okamura Homare (23.05.09)
I'm Okamura Homare 🌼
Thank you very much for your likes and comments ⸜❤︎⸝‍
All of your warm comments are my motivation ´`*
(T/N Gaokki voting information has been omitted)
Today I turned 18!!
Thank you for all of your celebratory comments on my last day as 17 years old 💛💛
Thank you for all of your love ✨✨
Your support fuels Homare's life!!
I want to work even harder to return all of that love to you too!!
As an 18 year old I want to take care of my body and have lots of fun!!
I was able to hold my birthday event on the actual day of my 18th birthday!
From 5/8 onwards Hello!Project guidelines have reversed to allow cheering at events again、so I chose the set list while thinking about the calls。
🎤Set List🎤
1. Lalala no Pipipi(Michishige Sayumi-san)
2. Eighteen Emotion(Smileage-san)
3-①.My Darling〜Do you love me?〜(Tsubaki Factory-san)
3-②.21ji no Cinderella(Berryz Kobo-san)
4. Kare to Issho ni Omise ga Shitai!(Morning Musume。)
5. Onegai Miwaku no Target(Melon Kinenbi)
For some of you it would have been your first calls in a while and for some of you it must have been your first time with calls?
All of your heated calls for Homare made me emotional 😭
The MC was Turtle Goro AKA Sawayaka Goro-san 🐢(The rabbit and the tortoise)
Thank you very much for your energy!
My video letter was from Angerme's Hashisako!Thank you✨✨
I had so much fun、I don't know how to calm myself down 笑笑lollol
As a commemoration for today、please get my birthday goods💛
With today's memories my treasures have increased by one。
Really thank you very much for today!!
T/N News and information has not been translated
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albireo0 · 1 year
今まで、人に固執されるのもするのも好きじゃないから型にはまらないように、初めからはじかれるように大袈裟に奇を衒いがちだった。でもそうしなくても自分自身の性格の面倒さに辟易、興ざめすることも多いわけで。自分を客観視すると思わずため息が出てしまう。そういえば、大好きなバンドで犬になりたいという曲がある。好きな人が結婚するけど犬になってそばに居たいよ的なやつ。わたしも人生それでいいやーって思う。まったく、良くないんだけど。’22 1127 17:50
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haro-mem-no-kotoba · 2 days
モーニング娘。に加入してから学校行事とか行ってないんやけど修学旅行とか遠足の度に京都にいるお友達が私の、がおっきー連れてってくれるんですよ笑 私も一緒に行けてるみたいで嬉しいです。
おでかけがおっきー。 井上春華 | モーニング娘。’24 16期17期オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
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yotchan-blog · 3 days
2024/4/26 11:02:35現在のニュース
元「モーニング娘。」市井紗耶香氏、参院議員辞職 在職1日は最短(毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 11:02:17) 全国唯一の「スカイレール」 収支悪化だけではない廃止の理由(毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 11:02:17) 大切な「先駆者」の存在 夫の帯同と海外出産を決断した理由(毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 11:02:17) 佐賀・玄海町議会、「核のごみ」文献調査求める請願を採択(毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 11:02:17) イヌワシのひなをみんなで守ろう、ドライブウエーに柵 伊吹山 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 11:01:53) 「地元に残って」娘に言いづらく 福島33市町村に「消滅可能性」 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 11:01:53) サブカル×三井化学の「化学反応」 無視できない熱量と革新力 本社コメンテーター 村山恵一 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:38) Microsoft純利益20%増 1〜3月、AI効果でクラウド好調 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:38) AppleやGoogle念頭、巨大ITの独占是正新法を閣議決定 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:38) NTTデータグループ社長に佐々木裕氏 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:38) 海運、混乱続く新常態 パナマ・スエズ、二大運河に同時危機 低運賃・航行の自由揺らぐ - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:38) 委託費7億円未払い 1人1台のタブレット端末運用で 大阪市教委 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:31) 昔は「ベトナム」、今は「ガザ」 米大学で広がる反戦デモ 逮捕者も(毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:06) 笠谷幸生さん死去 80歳 札幌五輪「日の丸飛行隊」金メダリスト(毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:55:06) 自民離党の宮沢博行氏、議員辞職 「妻子持ちながら女性と同居」報道 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:48:40) 落選転覆図ったトランプ氏側近ら起訴 本人は共謀認定も訴追免れる | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:48:40) 三輪自動車「トライク」が停車中のトラックに追突…運転の39歳男性死亡、同乗の男児重体([B!]読売新聞, 2024/4/26 10:46:03) 遮断機、警報器ない踏切、群馬県が全74カ所を廃止・転換の方針 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:42:23) 人手不足が深刻化、将来の介護「受けられぬ心配」9割 朝日世論調査(朝日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:41:36) 甲子園球場で使ったアクリル板、キーホルダーに 歴史館来館者に配布(朝日新聞, 2024/4/26 10:41:36) 119番の緊急判定、石川2消防のみ 能登地震、当日の通報殺到 奥能登は平常時の20倍 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/4/26 10:36:13)
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nanamizm · 2 months
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(ゆるしてちょんまげ  弓げた朱琴 | モーニング娘。’24 16期17期オフィシャルブログ Powered by Amebaから)
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momuse · 8 months
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弓桁:モーニング娘。って、恋愛に関する楽曲が多いですよね。けど、私は恋愛したことがないので、曲をどう解釈すればいいのかわからないんです。例えば「愛して 愛して 後一分」という曲が大好きで、歌ったりするんですよ。けど、練習がてら録音すると、ちょっと滑らかに艶っぽく歌っているだけで、気持ちがこもっていないように聴こえるんです。野中さんが歌っているのと比較すると「なんか違うな」って思うんですよ。「恋愛したことがなくても、好きなものに置き換えて」とアドバイスをいただいたんですが、うまくできなくて。どうしたらいいんでしょうか。
つんく♂:いい質問やね。でもそれって、ミュージカルの舞台とかで強盗の役やったら「私、銀行強盗したことないんです」って言ってるのと同じでしょ? 「演じる」って、そういうことじゃない。歌も同じだと思うんだよね。そういう意味では、恋愛しようがしまいが、「どうやりきるか」を考えるしかないはず。
つんく♂:歌手に対して「恋愛した気持ちになって」とか言うこと自体、俺からしたらどうでもいい。「歌詞とリズムとメロディーがあって、音楽に対してどう気持ちいいか」が最初にあるんだよね。そして歌詞をよく見ると、スッと入ってくるフレーズがある。中には、今はよくわからなくても数年経てば「わ!」と思う曲もあるだろうしね。弓桁が、「愛して 愛して 後一分」を純粋に好きだと思っているのであれば、それで問題はなくて、その気持ちで歌えばいい。恋愛したことあるとかないとか、理屈じゃないの。ミュージカルにしたってお芝居にしたって歌にしたって、その日の朝、お母さんとめっちゃ喧嘩してずっとムカムカしてても楽しい歌を歌わなアカン。好きな人とラブラブでも、悲しい歌を歌わなアカン。これがプロ。プロとして、どう自覚するか。
つんく♂:例えば、マクドナルドに行った時に、店員のお姉さんが「今日から働いている人」か「3年働いてる人」かなんて、お客さんからしたら関係ないやん。「チーズバーガーをセットでください」って考えるだけで、そのお姉さんがうまいかうまくないか、考えたことないやろ? お客さんってそういうもんなのよ。モーニング娘。がずっと好きな濃いファンはわかるけど、そうじゃなかったら、ふと、急に興味持つわけやん。先輩がいようが、後輩だろうが、好きになった子を好きになるわけやから。先輩の順番は待たんでいいし、メンバーをかきわけて「はいはい!」ってアピールしないと。
Yumigeta: Morning Musume has a lot of songs about love, doesn't it? But I've never been in love, so I don't know how to interpret the songs. For example, I love the song Aishite Aishite Ato Ippun, and I'd sing it every now and then. But when I record it for practice, it just sounds like I'm singing a bit sexually seductive without real feelings. When I compare it to Nonaka-san's singing, "There's something different" I realize. I was once advised "You can replace it with something else that you like, even if you've never had a lover" but I couldn't get it right. What should I do?
TSUNKU♂: That's a good question. But it's just like saying "I've never robbed a bank" when you play a robber in a musical. That's not what 'acting'. means. I think it's the same with singing. In that sense, whether you're in love or not, you have to think about how you're going to 'perform it' after all.
Yumigeta: (nods)
TSUNKU♂: I myself don't care about telling singers "sing like as if you've fallen in love with someone". The primary thing is 'there are lyrics, rhythm and melody, and how you feel good about the music'. And if you read the lyrics carefully, there'll be phrases that just slip in your mind. Even if you don't understand what the lyrics of some songs mean for now, after a few years you'll get what they means like "Wow!" If Yumigeta genuinely likes Aishite Aishite Ato Ippun, then there's no problem with it. You just can sing it with that feeling. It's not a matter of logic like whether you've ever been in love or not. It makes no difference whether it comes to a musical, a play or a song, you need to sing a fun song even if you had a big quarrel with your mother that morning and then you're pissed off all the time. Even if you are in love with someone, you need to sing a sad song sometime. This is professionalism. It's crucial how to discipline yourself as a professional.
Yumigeta: (nods)
TSUNKU♂: For example, when you go to McDonald's, you wouldn't care about how long each staff has been working there, like "That one has been working here for 3 years" or "The other one has just started working here today" or something. Because that personal stuff doesn't matter at all to the customers. You'd be just thinking "I'll have a cheeseburger as a set," and you never think about whether the staff in front of you is well experienced in the job or not, do you? That's how customers are. I'm not sure about how the veteran fans who have been into Morning Musume for a long time think about you new members. But new fans who have just unexpectedly got interested in the band wouldn't care which member is sempai or kouhai, they'd just get into the member who had attracted them. You don't have to stand in a line behind your seniors for chances to appeal to the fans. You need to cut in the line and assert yourself.
Yumigeta: (nods)
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hotarutranslations · 5 months
2023 FNS Song Festival!
"2023 FNS Song Festival 2nd Night"
Morning Musume '23 🎤Suggoi FEVER!
Morning Musume '23 "Suggoi FEVER!"
Kashiwagi Yuki-san x Morning Musume '23 🎤Renai Revolution 21
Morning Musume "Renai Revolution 21"
We got to perform these🩷
Thank you very much!
It was fun! right! Did everyone enjoy it!
I wonder if Kashiwagi-san had fun too~~~🫶🏻
We met for rehearsal yesterday but, The reaction from when we were like…thank you very much, I could tell that she liked it a lot,
Since you can also watch her on YouTube as well so! I know that she likes Hello Pro but,
Directing that toward us now,
It was kind and warm🫶🏻
She has been an idol for 17 years, Before graduation, she go to go on her last FNS Song Festival, For a dream to come true,
She chose a collab with Morning Musume,
Really! We are really happy about that Thank you very much for the wonderful meeting
Ishikawa Rika-san also made an appearance, The surprise was a huge success!!!!!
I was able to see a beautiful moment, uwaa
Everyone, thank you very much, for your support today!
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I think that FNS-san is amazing but, During the last RenaiRevo WOW, They assigned everyone to take a shot of each of us…… huhhh, I'm really happy about that…… I want to give you a great one……
Thank you very much!
Lets enjoy the show up until the end---!
⋆͛📣December 13th (Wed) Fuji TV 「2023 FNS Song Festival」
Now, the first night is airing, I'm especially interested in the dance project!!!
⋆͛📣December 16th (Sat) Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
December 21st (Thurs) 11:30PM~ Hello Pro Dance Academy Season 10 #5
December 22nd (Fri) TV Asahi "Music Station SUPER LIVE 2023" We'll be appearing with a special medley with the OG-san!
⋆͛📣Around New Years…… It seems Sendai Broadcast's "Sugo! Job" will be rerun👩🏻‍💻
Definitely read the serialization, ok
#134 I'm now the oldest in Hello Pro✍️
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" If you missed, "Ishida Ayumi Goes!" its being streamed on,
#Ishida Ayumi Goes!
There is also a YouTube version of the Making, so by all means
see you ayumin <3
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iikurakoen · 7 months
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cheltranslations · 10 months
17ki Blog Start @Nonaka Miki (23.06.30)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Do you join queues
Was the majority!
Thank you very much for always queuing up to buy our goods 🥺
When I'm not out alone
I join queues?!
Even queuing together with someone is fun ❤️
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
17ki members
Inoue Haruka-chan
Yumigeta Ako-chan
Their blog posts、have started!
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Haru-san's blog
Her tangent story about her lesson shoes
I guess on the day of our Budokan rehearsals
She tried wearing
New sneakers…?!!!!💚
She's so cute!
Gettaa's blog
In her first blog
She mentioned me saying that we're from the same prefecture!
Which made me suーper happy 🥺
Morning Musume。'23
16ki 17ki official blog
Go like and comment on their blogsー!
I can't leave them any comments
So I'm sorry about that 🎀
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
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An off shot I haven't uploaded yet !
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
Have you gotten anything interesting recently
Yes?Not really?
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much!
Please come by again tomorrow ❤️
There see lots of things I want to announce
And lots of things I want to write about
I'll do them one by one、
One by one!
There's also lots of information that I can't tell you about yet
So please wait for now?!
See ya 🐾
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