rennebright · 2 months
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Bunny girls by ちょろス [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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minew01 · 5 months
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myscrap · 1 year
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ましゅーさんはTwitterを使っています: 「下着モデル「頼光さん」 #FGO https://t.co/t5DkVj19e4」 / Twitter
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bluelotusmagi · 1 year
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will try to upload most of my onmyoji fanart from twitter onto here for the next couple of days! starting off strong w the best yorimitsu i ever drew
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nep-draws · 1 year
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Mama Raikou is happy that you came to the volleyball match.
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iking113 · 3 months
[內部玩家招募令!!] 遊戲現已在Google Play商店上架! 首次進入遊戲,即可獲得價值30,000台幣的真實儲值! 成為我們尊貴的內部玩家,享受專屬活動和福利。 沒有複雜的條件,簡單註冊就能立即獲得贈品。 詳情請添加賴:cy-1688(領取碼TK999)
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maplechad · 2 days
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源頼光 | Minamoto no Raiko
📋Commissions =  Please send a message to discuss ★ Support my work on Patreon [ https://patreon.com/MapleChad ] --------------------------------------------------------- Images were generated using Stable Diffusion. My images typically involve a variety of prompts, Lora's, and checkpoints. If you have any questions or want to discuss details regarding a paid request/commission, please send me a message.  画像は、Stable DiffusionとWebUIを使って生成しました。私のイメージには通常、様々なプロンプト、ロラ、チェックポイントが含まれます。質問、またはリクエストに関する詳細について話し合いたい場合は、私にメッセージを送ってください。 --------------------------------------------------------- Due to Pixiv policy changes, AI image requests are no longer allowed through the normal process. I am still accepting requests, however you will need to send me a message to discuss. Pixivのポリシー変更により、AI画像のリクエストは通常のプロセスではできなくなりました。それでもリクエストは受け付けていますが、メッセージで相談する必要があります。 ---------------------------------------------------------
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arctic-blade · 3 months
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叁伞 on X: "源頼光/丑御前 #FGO https://t.co/JtEShlliRH" / X
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dummy-dot-exe · 3 months
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源頼光/丑御前 by 叁伞@SANSanSS10
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rennebright · 5 months
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スポブラ源頼光 by kuavera [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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zakuro3d · 10 months
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比堅尼女僕源頼光 bikini maid minamoto no raikou (Fate) pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14150994 R-18 version available on patreon R-18版本在patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/84889713
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myscrap · 1 year
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Lee-taro@FGO絵描き 3/25 13時新作投稿済みさんはTwitterを使っています: 「#みなさん去年の今頃はどんな絵描いてましたか 去年の今頃は覗きに対して睨みつける頼光さん描いてました💡✨✨ https://t.co/gDbrjx3k9v」 / Twitter
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yoga-onion · 8 months
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Celtic beliefs in trees (20)
Q for Quert (Apple) - September 2nd - September 29th
“Fruit of love - 10th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Star: Venus: Gemstone: emerald,; Gender: female; Patrons: Gaia, Aphrodite, Venus, Hera, Pomona, Nemesis, Astarte, Ishtar, Ceridwen, Olwen, Gwen, Arwen, Shekhinah, Freyja, Iðunn; Symbols: faith + gratitude, love + trust, tolerance + Abundance, self-respect, the work of fate.
The original species of apple is the crab apple. The crab apple belongs to the rose family and has short, flower-bearing young branches with thorns. The fruits are firm, round, acidic and vary in colour from yellow to crimson. September is the apple month, when the flowers bloom in late spring, the sweet fragrance is released and the fruit ripens.
Hazel, oak and apple are all legendary magical fruits, and it is believed that the three fruits together will fulfil all the needs of life. Birch, alder, willow, oak, holly, hazel and apple are designated as sacred trees in ancient Irish law. Of these, the apple and hazel were especially considered sacred trees, so much so that anyone who deliberately cut them down was punished with death.
In classical Western mythology, the 'Paradise Island', a paradise of fruit trees, was thought to contain the Tree of Wisdom, which bore three sacred apples. It is important to remember here that the apple, the fruit of love, was the food of the Celtic gods and they ate apples.
The apple tree, a favourite parasite of mistletoe, was regarded as sacred, especially by druids (Ref2). According to Druidic teachings, holy drops from heaven spilled over into the cauldron of Ceridwen, and the three drops that splashed out of the cauldron became the source of wisdom for the three apples that grow on the Tree of Wisdom. These three drops symbolise the three pillars of the Tree of Life in the Hebrew mystical philosophy of Kabbalah. These three pillars represent the masculine and feminine principles respectively, with the central pillar representing the union of the two. These also coincide with the most sacred symbol of the Druids, the 'three rays', each representing the power of vision, the power to manipulate letters and symbols, and the power to understand them. These strange three drops can be seen as a spiritual energy that gives life energy to all living things.
Legend has it that the Otherworld is a magical land of thickly growing apple trees, and that visitors from the Otherworld often come to this world carrying apple branches. Wearing a piece of apple wood is said to bring about a loved one and a long life, and is an essential part of good luck charms and spells. Apple trees were often planted in gardens in the British Isles, as they were believed to protect the home and bring love to it.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (20)
QはQuert (リンゴ) - 9月2日~9月29日 
『愛の果実 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第10月』
星: 金星: 宝石: エメラルド、; 性: 女性; 守護神: ガイア、アフロディテ、ヴィーナス、ヘラ、ポーモーナ、ネメシス、アスタルテ、イシュタル、ケリドウェン、オルウェン、グウェン、アルウェン、シェキナ、フレイア、イドゥナ; シンボル: 信仰+感謝、愛+信頼、��容+豊穣、自尊心、運命の仕業
リンゴといえば、原種となるのがクラブアップル (ヤマリンゴ)。クラブアップルはバラ科に属し、花をつけた短い若枝には棘がついている。果実は堅くしまった球形で、酸味が強く、色は黄色から真紅色までさまざまだ。晩春に花が咲き、甘い香りを放ち、果実が熟す9月はリンゴの季節である。
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yukiyanagi01 · 2 years
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yamada50 · 1 year
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紅葉が散る前に雪が降って雪紅葉の美しい寒河江八幡宮🍁❄️ 前九年の役の戦勝報賽にて京都男山八幡より勧請し源頼政、義家親子によって創建されました また承久の乱後、御家人大江親広が討幕側に反旗を翻し敗れ当地に身を隠した際、鶴岡八幡宮より勧請し元の八幡社と合祀して寒河江大江氏の産土神とします 大江親広を祖に18代寒河江氏は続きますが戦国時代、羽州の狐寅、戦国時代一の邪悪と呼ばれた最上義光に滅ぼされて400年続いた寒河江氏の歴史に幕を閉じることになります #寒河江八幡宮 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ 寒河江八幡宮(さがえはちまんぐう) 鎮座地:山形県寒河江市八幡町5-70 主祭神:誉田別命、大山祇神 社格:県社 別表神社 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ #神社 #神社巡り #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #recotrip #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #神社仏閣 #パワースポット #寒河江市 #紅葉 #雪紅葉 #寒河江八幡宮 (寒河江八幡宮) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBpWtgv2GA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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laststardust3d · 7 months
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比堅尼源頼光 bikini minamoto no raikou R-18合集更新 There are 19 sex scene in patron-only post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/nsfw-bi-jian-ni-89492467 可以先在pixiv預覽 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/111853993
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