#🌓The Veiled World🌗
trancetales · 11 months
As today is my birthday, I decided to talk a little about celebrations of birth in The Veiled World. These are, of course, general customs that's many people will adhere to. Not everyone of a particular culture or heritage will celebrate in the same way, but more often than not, these are the typically followed customs.
• Beginning with Veil, people don't celebrate the birthdays of individuals. Instead, they celebrate all the people born in the month once The Shroud passes.
The Shroud is a monthly occurance on the day of the full moon. It is a hard time for everyone, so they celebrate the following day, and this became used to especially celebrate the people who were born in the month prior. Each month is named for one of the eight Patron Martyrs, which are seen as similar to zodiac signs, and people born under that month's Martyr are celebrated after The Shroud of that month.
• Next we have Lahab, where things are more akin to how we might celebrate a person's birthday individually. Each person's birth is celebrated annually on the day.
Traditionally, on the day, the person whose birthday it is will go to a shrine for blessings from the Sun Queen, and will often spend the whole day there. In more rural areas, people may travel to cities and spend less time at a shrine, or they may have their own customs if crossing the desert is too arduous.
• Meanwhile, throughout Brym, people are not celebrated for their birth, but for their coming of age. They are given a name at birth, but their surname is comprised of two names based on their parents. When they come of age is when they get their full name.
The coming of age ceremony is generally when a child reaches a certain age, they must prove their strength and will to survive the harsh land of Brym, which requires them to spill blood, among other trials. This varies by tribe, but many great tribes have trials of combat to decide which are strong enough to stay with the tribe. Some tribes even encourage parents not to become attached to their children until they pass their coming of age, which is why it is custom not to celebrate them until then.
• In the Empire of Jufeng, the custom is that a child is blessed by their first storm - literally the first time a storm hits after the child is born, that is their "first storm".
This means that batches of children may end up with the same Storm Ceremony, though storms are very frequent in the islands, so unlike in Veil, celebrations will occur through the year, rather than at regular monthly intervals.
Again, these are not exclusive customs. These are customs across entire continents, and there are variations across those. In Lahab especially, but in all places, the culture varies across the continents, and some areas are losing their traditional nature, either changing things around, or moving away from these customs entirely.
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trancetales · 9 months
👤Psychometry: What is your OC’s most prized possession? What’s the history behind it?
🗺️Teleportation: If your OC could be anywhere, where would they go?
Hey Berry! Lets do this thing, you little sleep rebel:
👤Psychometry: I'm not going to go too deeply into this one for secret spoiler reasons (yeah i know, I'm actually keeping a secret, incredible). However, the most significant example of this Selveta from #🌓The Veiled World, and her scarf.
Its not overly good for you to inhale certain things in the forge, and she is a blacksmith by trade. So her apprentice gave her a scarf, just to cover her face while she works. She used to wear it whenever she was working. She doesn't wear it at all anymore, though.
🗺️Teleportation: This one's a trickier one, because I'm smallminded and only think specifically about immediately important locations. For the most part my cast is either conent where they are, or their focus is more on who they're with, as opposed to where they are.
So! I'm going to so with something even more secret of a little side project of mine (yes, another one) called 🌫️The Stagnant Lake.
This is a place detatched from reality where visitors sometimes visit. The Guide escorts these visitors to the lake, where there are a few destinations to go. When the visitor is ready, they can leave through the Gate.
The Guide cannot. The Guide has never known anything else beyond the domain of the lake.
The Guide, one day - just once - would want to see what lies on the other side of the gate.
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trancetales · 1 year
🌓The Veiled World🌗 Character introductions - Residents of Falguard Watch
Its time I introduced some of the characters that I'll eventually get around to telling the stories of! Today I'll be focusing on some of the residents of the town Falguard Watch - a border town established to ease tensions between both sides.
The town is built on a plateau up against a cliffside, and there are two distinct halves; - Shelter, which is closer into the cliffside, and better sheltered from the elements. - Overlook, which is closer to the edge of the plateau, with a wide view over the hills and valleys.
Falguard Watch is located within the continent of Veil, though some of the characters are connected to Lahab, another continent to the south.
So, lets look at a few of those townsfolk who live here:
Selveta Uamea The tired blacksmith from abroad (originally from Lahab), who currently lives in Overlook. After an incident about a year prior, she lost all passion for her work and her cheerful demeaner faded with it. These days, she has very few customers, due to her change in attitude pushing away most people, and only her contract with the town watch allows her to consistently keep herself fed. Constantly beset by the weight of what happened in the past, she struggles with depression and alcohol, and suffers from night terrors almost every night. One of the few things that keeps her going is the support from the very few friends she has left who still stand by her.
Although she has lived in Veil long enough to speak the language fluently, the only thing she can read in Veilan script is her own name.
Camilia Suzette Dewfort A girl who dreams of adventure, currently living a short distance away at the closed mining camp. She loves stories of adventure, but following a misadventure with her father (involving colourblindness and dangerous plants), it is something that she knows she can't live out. After contracting a particular condition, her left arm is always bandaged, and for her own safety, she cannot utilise her own mana for fear of agitating her condition. She used to live in Shelter with her mother, but after her father was kicked out, she was practically housebound so the town wouldn't find out about her condition, until she met Desanka.
As the daughter of an explorer and a physician, she is well educated. Since running away from home, she prefers to go by Suzette.
Desanka Tumaini An orphan girl whose parents were from Lahab, though she has always lived in Veil. Originally, she lived in a small migrant village in the hills, where they were never too well off. As she approached adulthood, their village was raided and most of the people there didn't survive. After this, she found her way to Falguard Watch where she had to survive however she could. During this time, she spent a lot of time learning to steal from the richer people in Shelter, and befriending a pet rat, who she felt kinship to, as people treated her as though she was vermin as well. This continued until she happened to visit the Dewfort household, trying to sneak in the same night that an adventurous girls decided to sneak out.
Desanka cannot read or write at all, despite her attempts to learn. Instead, if she needs anything, she will get Suzette to help her.
Helmi Vind-Ylande The daughter of a Veilan man and a Brymir woman, she is half-Brymir and stands head and shoulders over most other people in town. Her mother was a warrior in an invasion where the hulking Brymir assailed eastern Veil. She tried to raise Helmi to be a savage warrior like she was, but even when she came of age, Helmi struggled to meet expectations. When she finally did take blood, she didn't take it well. Helmi was disowned by her mother after this, and had to fend for herself. Though she was able to handle herself, she wasn't well versed in survival techniques, and soon fell ill from eating meat from an otherworldly creature. To a Veilan, this would be lethal, but her constitution from her Brymir blood kept her going until she was found by Rico de Souza, who would take her in and become her adoptive father.
For a long time, Helmi didn't even realise what writing was, as the Brymir don't use written communication. She also has no sense of taste, which she lost in her time surviving alone.
Sofia Vestito A knight originally from the Order, which controls the territory to the north. Sofia first arrived in town as part of a squad tasked to investigate the mine near town. She was not among them when they returned, and ordered the mine be closed off permanently. When Sofia was found unconscious, she was unaware of any time having passed when she was awoken, though a lot of it had. Grappling with the loss of her old life, her loyalty to the Order, and a newfound sense of fidelity towards the person who found her, she struggles to find her place in the present day.
Sofia is well educated and literate, but completely unaware of events in the time she was trapped in a coma. She is also very stubborn about trying to handle things herself, with good intentions for making life easier for those she gets close to.
Rico de Souza The proprietor of one of the local inns, The Salty Collier. The business was inhereted from his brother when he passed away from unnatural causes. He then did his best to uphold both The Salty Collier and the side business that came with it. He has a knack for bringing people together, and especially for taking good care of those important to him, though often he tries to keep his involvement to himself where he can. He knows a lot of people, and seems to have ways to get anything done, whether you need a letter carrying half way across the continent, or finding out where a fugitive is hiding. Most people know not to get on his bad side, but nobody seems to actually know why.
Rico is fully literate, and even knows how to write in Lahaban script. He's not the most educated, but he knows where to look for anything he doesn't know himself. Do not cause problems for Helmi, and you'll stay on his good side.
Yvonne Wildwall A retired assassin who used to be an assassin, but retired. She was in the employment of the Kingdom of Falcross, working directly for their military. She ends up retiring when she meets with Rico, who offered her a job working at The Salty Collier. She promply rejected, with no intention of working as a bar maid. However, she did stick around, feeling indebted to Rico. She does end up helping out at the bar during The Shroud, and on specific occasions, but she will always officially tell people that she is retired, and generally doesn't work for pay unless she needs to. Unfortunately, very few people get any retirement funds, but Rico does his best to help when she needs it.
Yvonne has lived in a relatively small world, she knows the places she's been and not a lot more - she's been an assassin for a long time, and her teaching and training didn't go a long way past that skillset. Now that she's intended to quit the profession, that skillset isn't needed, and she's ended up more naive about the world than you might expect.
That will do for now, although there's a couple more people. I might give the Falguard Watch Town Watch their own post though.
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trancetales · 1 year
I'd love to hear about Helmi and Rico's relationship 💖
Thanks for the ask!
Firstly, since I've not gone fully into anything about Rico just yet, let me start with a little on him. He owns the Salty Collier tavern, which is one of the places to drink in Overlook. It used to be owned by his brother, but Rico inherited it when his brother died. He took on the tavern as well as the completely above board business that he just happens to not talk anyone about unless they already know about it. Rico knows a lot of people, and he cares a lot about those close to him. While he was travelling back to Falguard Watch with a new shipment of ale, he had to drop a few kegs to be able to get a half-Brymir woman onto the cart, but the bigger problem was actually lifting her on. Although he was in his early thirties, and she in her mid-late teens, she was already bigger than him.
Rico helped Helmi recover, but there were things that he couldn't help fix up for her: She'd eaten the meat of a creature that had permanently damaged her sense of taste, and she'd been disowned by her mother because she hadn't been able to kill as easily as a Brymir warrior should be expected to. It was clear to Rico that Helmi wasn't cut out to be a warrior at all, and in the absense of a parental figure, he decided to try to help guide her and fill that role for her. He helped her iron out her language, and taught her more about Veilan culture. He would tell her stories, such as the creation story of the Celestial Sister Queens, and the heroic tales of the Patron Martyrs. In return, she ended up teaching him quite a bit about Brymir culture, as much as her mother had taught her, at least. As time passed and she grew under his care, he started to see her as his own daughter.
Unfortunately, Helmi was a child of the Brymir Invasion less than 20 years prior, and scars of this are still fresh, especially in the hearts of the people. Rico would always stand up for Helmi against this prejudice, and did her best to reassure her and help her through it. When she started helping at the Salty Collier, he lost a lot of custom from people who said that Brymir people are savage and violent. Helmi always felt awful for these conflicts, but Rico would always say he didn't want or need the custom of someone who would insult his daughter like that. Although he could protect her within the tavern, she always felt out of place around town, and he couldn't always look out for her. She was always getting looks, people stepping away from her. So, she started spending less time around people she didn't trust, which was unfortunately, most people. In a stroke of seeming genius, she thought to go to the mine around the hill, where she could put her natural strength to use, help out her dad (since it was a salt mine, and salt was always desired, even by Rico himself), and also keep herself away from strangers. Rico was naturally concerned about this, but he trusted her to take care of herself, and knew her natural fortitude would keep her safe.
Cutting forward, Helmi starts to be more independent, but keeps helping out around the Salty Collier when she can, and especially during The Shroud (Full moons, the sun doesn't rise, otherworldly creatures come through, people take shelter). She gets more comfortable around people as they get more comfortable around her, coming to see her as a reassuring safety figure as she helps protect the tavern during The Shroud. Otherwise though, she starts living at a cabin by the mine, much to Rico's disappointment (though she's not far, its probably about a 10 minute walk - the tavern is called The Salty Collier because it originally catered for the people who used to work at the salt mine.) She never stops depending on Rico though, and when anything comes up, she will always go to him straight away to ask for his advice. Such as she did when she found a comatose knight Sofia during a foray into the mines. Skipping forward a bit, she becomes close friends with Sofia, who had somehow missed the last 40 years and therefore had no predisposition about Brymir people - but this isn't about those two. However, Rico's always looking out for his daughter, even when she's apart, and as soon as it becomes evident that Sofia will be sticking around in her life, he starts to keep an eye out for her as well, to make sure Helmi's life remains as stable as possible. He wants to make sure, now that she's happy, cheerful, and outgoing, that he'll never have to see her broken like when he found her.
Hope that puts a bit more light on their relationship for you! I've not really had to describe relationships between characters like this before, so hopefully its what you were hoping for!
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trancetales · 11 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday 🎉
I have to ask about ants and other insects in your worlds, obviously. I'm 99% sure you have some form of interesting or magical insects somewhere
Happy WBW!
So when I first started working on The Veiled World, I remember telling myself "this is going to be a regular world, its just going to be humans, but with magic, nothing overtly fantasy. Everything will be like in the real world, but magic happens to be there". Veil itself as a continent is intended to be quite analagous to Europe in a few ways, so I always figured that fauna would be regular things, even down to those little old insects. Now, this is past tense - as things developed, although this remained true for the world itself on a natural level, that is not true for the universe itself. In short, some fissures to another place started appearing, and not-so-natural creatures lived there. And then before long, started to live in both. So although I'm sure I could go on and on about European species of ant, and how they're basically the same as real life, instead I'm going to talk about one of those otherworld species.
Manaleeches are a species of insect that is native to Reftis, "the Mana Realm", which also happens to be where mana is from. Because of this, any creature that comes through from there is highly attuned to mana, which presents itself in a wide array of ways in different creatures. Human attunement, for instance, allows for control of mana to shape it into magic. Mana is also tied to life itself - in most cases. Manaleeches on the other hand, are insectoid creatures that rely on a host's mana supply, on an inability to retain it themselves. There are a few subspecies, each with different traits while attached to a host, but they all rely on the same means. They will find a host, and will attach themselves, usually digging into a bloodstream where possible with their jagged tails, using their six legs to dig into the flesh firmly. It can be very dangerous to forcibly remove one because of this, as it can rip open a large wound, often at a major blood vessel. To explain the specifics, here's their entry in "The Dangers of Reftis: A Lexicon", a record logging all known creatures that are native to Reftis:
"Manaleeches are widely considered to be one of the more concerning and distressing fiends that we are aware of at the time of writing, both for what they do, and for what we can hypothesise based on their capabilities. Small creatures though they may be, they possess a disturbing ability to latch to a host, with the seeming intention of leeching the prey’s mana. Were this all they were capable of, they would be a nuisance or a pest, but while a Manaleech is latched to a host, they exert a level of control over the host by manipulating them through currently uncertain means. Varying by case, Manaleeches have been reported to exert wildly varying levels of control on their hosts, from minor suggestion to seemingly complete control.
Currently there are three known species of Manaleech: Influencer, Dominator, and Ravager. All three can vary in size, but the Influencer is the smallest at a maximum size of about the average palm. Ravagers are often much bigger, usually at least the size of a full hand-span. The larger Ravagers are often fatal to their host, due to the amount they take from their host. Dominators can exert complete control over their host through influencing their mana, usually using the body to find the next host. Meanwhile, Influencers are mostly harmless, they take a small enough of the host's mana that they will never become seriously ill, and they only exert persuasion onto their host. If you happen to notice anyone you know change their behaviours, becoming highly focused on self-preservation and avoiding danger to an unusual degree, they might just have a parasitic Influencer on board.
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trancetales · 8 months
I've been tagged for a tag game, called Head's Up, 7 Up? I don't know the rules so I had to look it up and I think its just my last 7 sentences that I wrote?
Assuming that's right, or even if it's not, here's my last 7 sentences, from Rico's journal, in The Veiled World.
She’s been a real help. I’m glad to have her around. I know she deeply regrets what she did, and I worry that she only stays around because of the guilt. I hope she knows that she’s If you still watch over me, I hope you don’t hate me for forgiving her. I hope that, despite everything, you can forgive her too. It’s been a long time, and she’s never discarded my trust since that day.
Thanks @thatndginger for tagging me, I hope I did it right??
And now I'm supposed to tag 7 persons, so let's see if I even know that many names! @lyra-brie @namesarehard123 @jay-avian @leisoree @mysticstarlightduck @chainsaw-raven @zestymimblo Sorry for tagging you all out of nowhere!
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trancetales · 10 months
Happy STS my new friend! Have you ever regretted creating a character? On the same topic, have you ever deleted someone because they did not turn out the way you thought they would?
Hellooo there, good morning, good day, good night, whenever you are! Its nice to meet you!
I am one of those writers with those terrible habits of becoming very attached to everything I make. I am terrible at removing things and I do not delete anything - personally I find that its easier on me to simply shuffle them out to the side, and hold them as a template for use later - one such character is Merida Aluri, who was originally made for a story I was making within someone else's setting, who was Deputy Planetary Governor of a planet called Aurelius and got pulled into the Governor's conspiracy. These days, no such story exists, but she finds herself in my Trace Systems setting, admittedly only in concept. She unfortunately finds herself much worse off for it because Trace Tech's government isn't one you want to get on the wrong side of, and she becomes a cybernetics research experiment without even knowing it. Originally she was actually going to be pardoned and become the full governor, but it was not to be. So in short, she was a similar but different character once, but after a bit of restructuring, she finds herself a new place in a different story. She gets to live on (in a manner of speaking), I get to feel the satisfaction of jigsaws piecing together, and all is well.
The closest I came to removing a character entirely would actually be a character called Mordanion, who existed in my Veiled World setting, but what happened with that is kind of a spoiler. However, if you were to say the name to the right people, they would know exactly who you were talking about, so in that sense, he wasn't deleted.
As for the first part, whether I've ever regretted making a character, I'm not sure I have an interesting answer for you. As mentioned above, I don't feel as though I end up caged in by the existence of certain characters because I can just pluck them out and rework them a little. However I do have a character called Maeve, in my Veiled World setting, who I regret creating as she is. I simply cannot work out how to implement her without fundamentally changing her - she's essentially a forest hermit witch, she lives deep in the forest, and she torments people who disturb the forest. The problem is, the forest is savage, she lives in the deepest parts, and its about the size of a country - I simply cannot conceive a way for her to be in any way significant or relevent, but if I want to move her into a context where she can be, she won't be a forest hermit anymore. So its not like I regret creating her as a character, but rather that I regret the context around her, and how fundamental to her I let it be to her motivations, that she's just sat there practicing unethical trickery on random people to amuse herself because she's bored of waiting for me to give her something proper to do?
Sorry, that was a total ramble after all. Thank you for the ask! I hope I didn't overdo it.
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trancetales · 10 months
I've been working on a placeholder map for the continent of Veil, the the focal continent of The Veiled World setting. Its all placeholders with royalty free stuff because I can't art, but its all the general idea.
Tumblr media
Perhaps it will change with time, but this is the image in my mind, just in terms of division of territory on Veil.
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trancetales · 4 months
Hey, Trance! Since you enjoy worldbuilding, are there any neat cultural details (like family dynamics, social norms, belief systems, customs/traditions, folklore, etc.) that you've included in your world(s) that maybe don't come up within the narrative or aren't discussed in detail?
Hey Runey!
My focus is all over the place, and the characters are reasonably diverse in my current main project, but without a doubt, the culture with the least focus is the culture of the Brymir, from the cold lands of Brym. The main focus there is on two separate dominant tribes, the Soloveyan tribe and the Voronian tribe, which both follow largely similar cultural trends.
So family dynamics are quite different there to begin with. In the majority of cases, the tribe's youths are all raised together, and are brought up by all the parents. If one parent was to die, there would be no change to the routine, not even for the child of that parent, they would continue with the parenting as the group. This is because they're no stranger to tribal conflicts, and its not unusual that a number of parents wouldn't return from battle, and to ensure their children would be able to grow and train unhindered, this system was adopted. The children also all grow up seeing the whole generation as their own family, to encourage tribal closeness.
For belief systems, this is where the two dominant tribes clash somewhat. They each have differing interpretations of the words of Ymir, the God-King. He decreed that the earth was his, and only he was to be it's king. The Soloveyan tribe interpret this in a literal sense, and never since have they been ruled by a man, lest he be deemed to be challenging Ymir's place. Meanwhile, the Voronian tribe is led by the one that they see as closest to divinity. Their leader is seen as the embodiment of the god-king, so they have no qualms with using the title of king, to the chagrin of the other tribes who interpret things differently.
For customs and traditions, the main distinction is that a lot of decision making is determined by clashes of strength. Traditionally, this was how leadership was decided, via duels, but as time passed this because less fierce, and used for lesser matters. Nowadays, it may just be a wrestling match to decide who gets to choose a meal for dinner, etc. Very few elements of Brymir society don't have any element of competition involved.
Lastly, the folklore, which links into their beliefs. When Ymir led his armies east, they boarded ships and sailed across the ocean. There were great storms and not a single ship was seen again. Because of this, storms are considered as a great misfortune among the Brymir, and travel is often considered to be tempting fate. This can vary from travelling in unfamiliar places, to travelling beyond sight of civilisation at all, or travelling anywhere at all at night in a storm. Similarly, other folklores project this fear on the open ocean instead, fearing not the storm but the endless depth of the seas as the only thing that could claim even the God-King. This leads to stories of great beasts below the waves, or that the ocean itself consumes anything that ventures too far from the coast. Because these tales are passed on by word of mouth they can vary a lot, with all kinds of exaggerations, especially when scaring the youths straight by telling them they'll disappear if they even go outside in a storm, or that they should stay away from the ocean lest the waves reach out for them.
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trancetales · 5 months
Happy STS!
For New Years, I will ask what New Years-esque traditions are celebrated in your book universe.
Hey Rainky! Happy new year! Depending on timezone, anyway.
So an important thing to know about Veil specifically is that the end of a month is actually a more significant event than the end of a year. Although the years are marked on an 8 month cycle, people are much more concerned about the month-by-month. That's not to say that people don't celebrate at all, of course, because of what the months actually represent. Where the start of a new month is a celebratory affair to remember each of them individually, the start of the new year is a mournful one to commemorate their shared sacrifice.
Each month is named to commemorate one of the Patron Martyrs who gave their lives to seal an ancient demon, or so the stories go. So, there's a certain symbolism when all the months have passed, though that varies a bit by region. For instance, in later years, the Order of the Crossguard has tried to quash the mournful celebrations of the new year, though they're the outlier in this.
Most other regions celebrate fully, and among other things, the Kingdom of Falcross and the Empire of Hartsteed have a shared pact that no combat can occur between them, even during the most heated of conflicts, in respect of the Patron Martyrs coming together from different lands to work together. On a more individual scale, collections are done in memory of the Martyrs, with the intention of emulating their selfless sacrifice, to give to those less fortunate.
A lot of this is brand new, hot off the presses (just invented on the fly)! I hope it wasn't too much of a tangent.
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trancetales · 7 months
Happy STS! If your characters were royalty what would their epithets be? (think like Queen Susan the Gentle from Chronicles of Narnia or Queen Margo the Destroyer and King Quentin the Moderately Socially Maladjusted from The Magicians)
So I've been sitting on this one for a while, because I was wracking my head trying to work out what people would call people as a title, but eventually, I realised the problem was with the cast I was looking at. And, its been quite a while since I touched on my Falguard Watch cast, so I'm gonna go for them.
First up, we have Camilia Suzette Dewfort. She has a few notable traits, like her adventurous nature and her positivity, but she also has an arm which is host to a parasitic plant. And lets face it, that's what people would talk about. So she'd probably end up being called "Queen Camilia the Verdant", even though she prefers to go by Suzette.
Next, there's Desanka Tumaini, the homeless thief, at least when we first meet her. A little tricky, because one assumes that wouldn't be the case if she were royalty, or if she was, nobody would honour her with an epithet. But its easy enough to just give her one, so she'd probably be "Desanka the Impoverished".
Then there's Helmi Vind-Ylande, who is tricky because she's a Brymir living in Veil. If she had an epithet in Brym, it'd be quite different to one she was given in Veil. In keeping with the others though, I'll go with Veil. So she'd probably be "Queen Helmi the Gentle". In Brym, it'd be something far less complimentary.
And lastly for this, Sofia Vestito. Now, I'm going to drop the royalty thing for her. She is a knight, and would have no desire to rule. Instead, she would devote herself to the service of whichever of the above was monarch. That being the case, she would be "Sofia the Steadfast". Unless Helmi was monarch, in which case she would be "Sofia the Devoted".
I actually had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason, but when I swapped over to this cast, it became a fair bit easier. Thanks for the ask, K!
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trancetales · 10 months
Last Line Tag
Thanks to @namesarehard123 for tagging me! This is the latest line in a series of journal entries as written by Sofia Vestito, in my Veiled World setting.
If I find out that you’ve been reading this far, I’m going to make sure that you’re only eating meals that Helmi’s cooked for the next week, so you’d better hope your tolerance for spicy food has improved from the last time.
I'll tag the following people unfortunate enough to be mutuals, if you feel like sharing: @zestymimblo, @chainsaw-raven, @lyra-brie
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trancetales · 1 year
Hello Tumblr
Hello there!
I am Trance (he/him), and I am a 29 year old writing hobbyist. I write stuff.. occasionally, I'm not overly productive, though not for lack of imagination or ideas. I'm open to tag games, though I can't guarantee I'd be able to complete them
Outside of writing, I am interested in ants, and otherwise I like to play videogames. I play a few gacha games, and I like RTS games especially.
This blog was originally mixed, but I decided I wanted a separate one for writing, which is now this one. For me being normal (idiot), or to see a wall of reblogs of my personal interests, you'd wanna check @swordsmantrance, but I don't recommend it.
Don't really know how to put my foot into the writeblr door, but this seemed like a sensible place to start.
I'm really into worldbuilding, and find myself doing that a lot more than actually writing the stories.
Currently I have 3 different settings going on, which I hop between so I can keep creating as my fancy shifts. Anything relating to my writing can be found tagged with #Trance's Tales
• The first is "The Veiled World" (#🌓The Veiled World🌗), a fantasy world with magic and stuff, where they had to invent a second magic system because the first one started going wrong.
• The second is "The Trace Systems" (#🌌 The Trace Systems) a dystopian sci-fi in which a security company has complete control. This also has supernatural elements to it.
• The other is a contemporary real world setting. A light-hearted(?) spin on occult and cultist themes. This is more like a single story, named "Aikaterini" (#⚰️ Aikaterini), rather than a whole world.
I'm going to try to post bits of writing here, hopefully you'll like it!
I'm always up for a chat about stuff so feel free to pop me a message if you want to chat! In the meantime, I need to get more food because the ants are nicking it all!
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