#(or like...a straw that breaks the camel's back)
chaifootsteps · 2 days
not naming names because I don't wanna shame anybody, but back in my days of actually reading HB fanfiction there was one author who I started to avoid. It was mostly because I noticed whenever they wrote a fic they would always go out of their way to give Stolas as much benefit of the doubt as possible and even invent headcanons that weren't in the show to explain away the worst of his behavior
so whenever they wrote fics where he and Blitz fought and then talked it out, Stolas had never done anything wrong that wasn't just a misunderstanding or something Blitz shouldn't have taken at face value or something. needless to say I gave up reading because it was just frustrating watching fic writers uncritically parrot the party line Viv fed them in s2 and make Stolas this flawless soft boy while Blitz always had to be the one to eat crow. since it was annoying me I did the sensible thing of 'don't like, don't read' and just disengaged with large parts of the fanfic community
anyway, out of curiosity I checked in after the most recent ep and noticed they'd written one about the Apology Tour shots from the trailer
and even they, one of the most committed writers to defend Stolas for pretty much anything & everything, didn't like the idea that Stolas is singing in front of a 'Blitzo sucks' banner or putting him on blast. Don't get me wrong, they still didn't have Stolas give any real apologies in his song ans he was still framed like Blitz needed to make stuff up to him, but like
even they didn't have the stomach for Stolas going full bitter Blitz diss track right in front of a banner saying how much he sucks
I just wonder how the fanbase are gonna take it if Stolas does exactly the thing everyone is dreading next episode. Are they just gonna find a way to excuse that too or is this finally gonna be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
Because even the people who think Stolas' offscreen phone calls and texts make up for a season of treating Blitzo like trash, even the people who've blotted season 1 out of their minds, think it's a bridge too far for Stolas to publically humiliate Blitz for the crime of not wanting to date him the second he asked
Almost kind of makes you hope that it's as bad as it looks, just to see what will happen. Because I think if it is, this fandom's going to blow the fuck up.
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keikakudom · 1 month
Lemme try and make sense of Vox's mindset, and correct me if I get anything wrong?
I think Vox in RR!au hardly actually thinks about suicide. He's too much of a busy man to do that, after all! Thinking about death is for people with too much time on their hands, who don't have to deal with a billion problems on the daily. And sure, maybe it wouldn't be a terrible accident if he was locked out on extermination day one year (not that there's exterminations anymore), but he'll never bother to actively seek it -- why would he? He has things to do. Empires to run/build. Deals to make. Resorts to run, residents to settle, princesses to talk to.
Really, everything would be just fine and dandy, as long as progress is being made, nothing goes wrong at the resort, heaven doesn't come down for no good reason, and that deer freak manage to not bother him for a single day. All dandy!
So what if he's been going through business ventures like someone going through Doritos at the back of the car? It's difficult to stay on top, in Hell, and he can't rely on tech or media forever, not when they cycle faster and faster(and he would know, of course, his whole body is made of it). He's doing what it takes, and if it's risky, what business isn't?
And re: Alastor, vox may have once had feelings for him, but now it's probably soured into maybe wishing that Alastor would just fuck off somewhere where he'll never be heard from again. I think Vox knows very well from years of companionship that Alastor considers him a source of amusement and entertainment rather than an equal, and that hasn't truly changed even after he left, and in a way that has to bite? That Alastor cannot leave it alone, has to make his opinions and disdain clear to all of hell every single day, and also make it clear that vox cannot do anything to stop him (that tv still runs on radiowaves fundamentally, that he can't get rid of Alastor's influence).
Like the way I interpret canon!vox's feelings re:alastor has a lot more insecurity and the desire to show he's stronger now, he's over it, he doesn't need him, than just being rejected romantically, and in contrast RR!vox grinned and bore it longer without letting on, and then at some point just gave up, by which time his feelings have soured so far past insecurity and bitterness into straight up nihilism. (Doomed yaoi my fav)
Ok I'm just rambling now but yeah I think vox in RR!au is really really interesting? Bc he's y'know not in the best place but also he's fine. He's not, probably never, going to actively do anything, left to his own devices he's just going to keep at his daily routine and eventually self-destruct on his own hubris by taking on far more than he is capable of (people pleasing tendencies, hm?). But otherwise he's fine.
*drops my glass of milk* yea, this all. Checks out.
(that tv still runs on radiowaves fundamentally, that he can't get rid of Alastor's influence)
I think RR!Alastor is also chasing RR!Vox because he knows something is really wrong when Vox wants to cut something *fundamental to his functions* out from his life... If Alastor had any heat to his words, he could do some serious damage to Vox.
But Alastor was not able to reciprocate back then(or in general) the way Vox ever wanted him to. Alastor might think, "What's so wrong about being amusing to me? What's so wrong in being cared for that way?" But we know that Vox, even in canon, is pretty damn emotional. A confession was bound to happen, but since RR!Vox never did, he opt'd to shut them off. It started off with distractions, and those worked too well. Eventually he gave up trying to figure out his emotions and took the "easy" way out, nihilism--but like everything Vox dips his foot into, it's never enough. Only this time it's not only power(like I interpret canon!Vox to seek) that's growing/he's greedy for, it's this all-encompassing void.
Another interesting characterization to tack onto RR!AU Vox is his strong lack of self-preservation, I did mention it here when I had some thoughts on canon!Vox, but rather than "confidence", he does not care. And on occasion, he can go irrationally, batshit crazy for the same reason.
Let's set the stage in hmm, 1980s? He starts not to care about smaller allies, the people he stomps on, eating them up to become an overlord. Recruits Valentino, doesn't care that Val is immoral. At first it's "not his business", but it starts spreading. What is it that he's looking for? Power? Love? Entertainment? People to accept him?
Which is why RR!Vox decided to jump the gun a little bit and shoot for becoming a form of "GOD", aka the original reason for all his anguish in Hell(his religious roots as a human). It's kind of...an endpoint? It's not the most sane, or sensical route-- but he doesn't care that much. He's functioning on this tired/desensitized, pseudo-robotic, logical reasoning with a combo of "oh god I'm running out of interest"(in existing/running himself to the ground). So....hm, "fine" is a tragic word, indeed.
He's not, probably never, going to actively do anything, left to his own devices he's just going to keep at his daily routine and eventually self-destruct on his own hubris by taking on far more than he is capable of (people pleasing tendencies, hm?). But otherwise he's fine.
Welllll, he did always want to go out with a bang. If he did. I don't know, something really big. Like becoming God! Yeah.....That'd do it.
IMO, the premise of RR!AU isn't in stasis-- the reason Vox picked up this project in particular is an aggressive move. He's no longer distributing the same amount of work to the other Vees either anymore, so there is....some urgency, is what I like to think....
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i find this shit sooooooooo fucking annoying and frankly unworthy of respect… obviously advertising and branding are powerful and that’s why companies invest in them but i genuinely have no fucking patience for grown ass adults acting like corporations are standing their holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to spend money on their stuff. it’s genuinely pathetic to me. grow the actual fuck up please
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faunandfloraas · 23 days
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even the twitter girls are getting sick of loewes shit, you know its serious
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crownedinmarigolds · 2 months
Do you ever notice you lose a couple of followers and you're like "was it something I said??" Haha!
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transboysokka · 5 months
god I met a major deadline at work this week at great personal cost, my home is a shambles for example bc all my energy has gone into work, I’m SO burnt out it’s a major struggle to get through this Friday, and the food I ordered for delivery just came but they gave me the WRONG SHIT
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notchainedtotrauma · 6 months
Megan Pete dared to reveal her vulnerability, the depth of her physical and emotional wounds, and her frailty. Even as her body, which was zeroed in on as impervious to pain, excessive, and hypersexual in ways that centered around her frame. And since then, near everybody in the throes of misogynoir and obsessed with physically associating her with violence, has been yapping. She releases Cobra, which shows the extent to which she has been emotionally (and physically) ruptured. So that decaying veneer sentient diarrhea of a human being had somebody create the most illogical lie of all times, knowing that people don't do logic. I hope for the bitch he keeps using like a rag doll and that keeps letting herself being used has some type of evidence and the will to clear her name so he can actually be held accountable and I don't have to see nary a #FreeTory again.
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oh the tumblr news is….. actually bumming me out real bad
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animalcrossingshowdown · 10 months
every so often when a poll is close and I'm passionate about the results I reblog to main (you guys all do it only fair I get to hype up my faves too) and. I have been SO CLOSE to blocking people rebloging from my main with tags rooting against what I rebloged it for lmao
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neatokeanosocks · 1 year
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ok Sir Wearing-a-neck-tie-like-a-bow
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dilfsisko · 7 months
'No use crying over spilled milk." What if i really wanted to drink the milk. what if i was looking forward to the milk. what then
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epic-and-kitty · 14 days
i an flip flopping between existential dread and fandom joy and I honestly think I'm just a push away from a mental break
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trafficpan-ic · 3 months
Part - idk how much-
About why u should go to the therapist
I really am super self aware and know my needs, more aware then most People and still we found something today that i didnt know but is a huge deal and why i have so much stress!
So yes you van think you know what is happening in your life but actually you don't know and that's where therapist helps you have insight in
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I’m genuinely in tears because of Duolingo rn wtf I hate this app so fucking much
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short-circuit-2 · 2 months
I accidentally shattered my nick valentine figurine and now it feels like I'm going to shatter too
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justisco · 6 months
i'm not a woman of the cloth but even i'm starting to think a higher power has got it in for real madrid this season, 19 injuries and we're only 4 months into the season.
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