kaeruharukinoko · 1 year
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足の長い蛙だって可愛いはず! #カエル #1発描き #アナログ #ボールペン #Frog #アマガエル https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWlnd9v0S6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mangatime-kirara · 1 year
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『ももいろモンタージュ』(著:まめ猫) 「どうして、この絵はエッチに見えるのか?」 「なぜ、描かれた一本の線に欲情させられるのか」 こういった疑問を真剣に探究する、真面目でエッチな漫画です。 【衝撃の1話・コミックス①発売中】 https://t.co/sLgy60ZUsS https://t.co/NIjsQyWGin Source: https://pic.twitter.com/NIjsQyWGin
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camellia0x0 · 3 months
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本日『魔女の執行人』第1巻が発売されました🌙 描き下ろしはオマケ漫画が4Pとちょっとしたカットイラストが数点です。カバーも中身もかっこよくデザインしていただきましたので、ぜひ手に取っていただけたら嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします🙌
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junngoro · 5 months
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茨城県北地域の魅力発信を目的とし 6市町をテーマに実際にある景色や街並みをイラストで描かせていただきました!
▼詳しくはこちら https://emotional-kenpoku.com
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brygry · 1 month
僕の経験と観察ですが、限界集落化した土地に残る人々が窮乏の中で暮らしているかというと、決してそんなことはなくて、実はちゃんと食っていけて貯蓄もあったりします。実はそこが問題で、例えば靴屋があったとしてそれが1件なら十分やっていけるがもう一件靴屋ができると共倒れするのです。すると もう一件の靴屋を作らせないシステムが発動します。不寛容な社会になるわけです。買う方とすれば選択肢は他にありませんから、品物が粗悪であろうが高かろうがそれを甘受する必要があります。これは全ての業種に同じ原則が当てはまります。 そうするとある種の「貴族化」が始まり、町の権力者たちが公共事業の分配権を持ち始めます。国からのお金がバラマキだった頃はまだ良くて、現在の地方創生事業だと都会のコンサルと限界集落貴族が結託して富が両者の間で山分けになり��す。ここによそ者が入り込むと厳しい洗礼を受けることになります。 限界集落化した町は、こうした商業貴族連合と鉄板の資産を持つ漁業家と農業家の支配下に置かれます。店や土地・漁業権などを持たない人々は「何でも屋」として色々な仕事を兼業します。彼らも彼らで実はちゃんとやっていける。年を取るとお金がありますから都会のマンションを購入します。 こうして地元には金が残らず人口もさらに減るのですが、彼らの子供たちはそれがたとえ小さなパイでも人口が減る分だけ一人当たりの取り分は増えるので「コンパクトシティ?なにそれ美味いの(笑)」という感じになります。最大の脅威はよそ者という構造ができます。 福祉研究をしている先生に聞いたのですが、システムとして福祉が機能するのは人口2万人からだとか。私の経験と一致しています。1万人を切ると市場原理は機能しないので、物物交換の世界に入ります。既得権を持つ住民は実は美味いものを極めて安い価格で手に(口に)入れています。 こうなると「地産地消」という都会人の思い描く永久機関はあり得ません。海産物にせよ農業の収穫物にせよ、彼らは良いものを都会で売り捌きます。地元の労働力は外国人研修生が受け持つことになるので、人手不足も起きませんから移住者には過酷な環境が形成されます。
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ryotarox · 3 months
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(アニメなどで、爆破物を起爆させる際に出てくるスイッチが自転車の空気入れのような形をしています。どのような仕組みで作動しているのでしょうか? - Quoraから)
恐らくご質問のアイテムはダイナマイトプランジャー(Dynamite Plunger)かと思われますので、そちらで回答させて頂きます この装置はご存知の通りに爆弾、ダイナマイトを起爆する目的の物ですが、マンガやアニメなどではT字の棒を押し込むと爆発する描写がほとんどかと思われます しかしそれは誤りであり、実際には棒を上下に動かして十分に発電してから起爆スイッチにキーを差し込んでまわすことで起爆するので、1回のポンプですぐに爆破する事はありえません。 つまり仕組みとしては、ダイナマイト・プランジャーを電線で爆薬に繋ぎ、ポンプの動作で人力発電を行い、起爆スイッチを押す事で電気で発火させ爆破させます。
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ダイナマイト・プランジャー - Wikipedia
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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g-men-movie · 1 year
個性大爆発な役柄&キャラクタービジュアル第1弾がついに解禁!! 本作初の映像となる特報&ティザービジュアルも同時解禁!!
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門松勝太(かどまつ・ しょうた/岸優太)
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notfreetoday · 7 months
MPW Ep 5 Subtitle Corrections
Masterlist: EP 1 || EP 2 || EP 3 || EP 4
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Y: 釣り合うわけないじゃん Y: 相手はよりによって これだぞ これ Y: There's no way (I) can match up (to him) Y: To this (person), of all people, this!
Ep 5 is about Yoh struggling with his desire to "match up" to Segasaki, and the objective difference that he sees between the two of them. It's different from Ep 2's struggle - which arose chiefly because he felt insecure about where he stood with Segasaki. This time, Yoh's struggle is predominantly with himself - because now he has to face up to his worst fear confirmed - that maybe he really is incompetent. And this time, he has to do it without the aid of alcohol too.
I've seen a lot of people talk about how Segasaki shows Yoh his love in every way but in words, and that that's the reason for their miscommunication - but that's not true. He may not use the word "love" or "like", but culturally these words are not often used anyway. What Segasaki does say however, multiple times throughout the show in fact but most clearly in this episode, is essentially "I like it when you depend on me". It's as direct a reassurance as you can get to the fear of being hated because of his perceived incompetence - but that's just the thing - Yoh's perception is skewed by his self-judgement. So, it's not that Segasaki can't use his words - the problem is that Yoh isn't ready to listen yet. Despite this, Yoh's confidence in his relationship with Segasaki is growing every episode. He might not realize this consciously, but it's right after Segasaki comforts and cares for Yoh at his lowest, that Yoh also drops to what is arguably the most casual speech level he's ever gotten with Segasaki (thus far) - and in response, so does Segasaki.
So, same translation disclaimer applies, Ep 5, let's go! (no twitter space for EP 5 probably because of the fan meets).
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Y: 学生時代から不定期でもらってた単発の仕事も途切れて Y: 完全無職だ Y: あ、せめて、家事ぐらいはちゃんとやらないと Y: Now that the one-off jobs I've been receiving on an irregular basis since I was a student have been cut off Y: I'm completely jobless Y: Ah! At the very least, I have to do something as small as the housework properly.
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Y: だって そういうのがすきなんだよ、俺は Y: But, actually, that's what I like Yoh's explicit use of the personal pronoun "I" here again emphasizes that this is his own opinion. The way this sentence is phrased also gives the impression that Yoh feels a little aggrieved at the whole "your male characters are irritating to male readers because they're too perfect" explanation his editor gave him.
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Y: *そりゃ、ほっといたら描いちゃうよ Y: **お前のせいだ Y: お前みたいなのが ***近くにいるから Y: バーカ Y: *Well I mean, if I'm left to my own devices then I'll end up drawing (him) Y: It's all your** fault Y: It's because someone like you, is (always) around*** me Y: I~diot. *The "aggrieved" feeling is even stronger in this sentence - Yoh is basically saying that he doesn't set out to draw the characters that way - it just sort of happens, and well it's not his fault, because as long as no one (including he himself) is paying attention to what he's drawing, well then, the characters just turn out that way. ** This is the first time that Yoh has referred to Segasaki using the informal pronoun "お前 (omae)" for "you". Depending on the context, it could be considered a rude pronoun, but is mostly just seen as a marker of masculine speech, and thus leans more towards being simply "impolite". It's the same pronoun that Segasaki uses when he speaks to Yoh - but Yoh usually uses the slightly more polite "あんた(anta)" instead, both in his head as well as when he speaks aloud. The switch here emphasizes Yoh's accusation, that this is all Segasaki's fault. ***the phrase here is often used to say that someone is "by your side" or "here for you" and doesn't only refer to physical distance. So, although he's using "omae" and "blaming" Segasaki for his characters turning out looking perfect, these 4 lines actually still sound pretty intimate. Together with how he drags out the word "idiot", this is very clearly Yoh's amae, similar to what we saw in Ep 4. I... will probably write a post about amae as well, because it's so important to their relationship.
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Y: 洋服を着たまま海に溺れるように Y: 暗いものが染み込んで Y: 黒いものを吸い込んで Y: ブヨブヨになった体はずっしりと Y: 重く 重く。。。 Y: It feels as if I'm drowning in the ocean whilst fully dressed Y: The darkness seeping into (me) Y: The blackness pouring into (my mouth) Y: My body, now swollen, sinks heavily down Y: So heavy. So heavy.
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S: なんだ いるじゃねぇか S: 電気も付けねぇで 何やっ S: Oh so you are here S: Not even switching on the lights, what were-
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S: *あちゃ~ これやり直しだな S: *Ahchaa... This needs to be redone then..
*This is just a sound that you make similar to "oh man..." so I'm not sure why it was translated so forcefully as "it's no good"😅 This sentence is another example of soliloquy, or talking to oneself aloud, that is common in Japanese.
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Y: ご飯、ない Y: ごめんなさい Y: すぐ準備する S: *しょうがねぇなぁ ほら立て S: 行くぞ Y: Food... there isn't any Y: I'm sorry Y: I'll make it soon S: *What do I do with you... come on stand up S: We're going
Yoh is really down here because he loses practically all his words. His first sentence is literally "food, none", and when he says I'm sorry he uses the casual (but full) version "gomen nasai" instead of "suimasen" like he usually does. It makes him sound a lot younger than usual, and overall just adds to the kicked-puppy vibe really well. *しょうがねぇなぁ (shouganee naa) - this is a common phrase that literally translates to "there is no way (to deal with this)" or more commonly "(this situation) can't be helped". It's used to express a sort of acceptance, like in a "oh well, it can't be helped, so don't feel too bad" or "well there's no way this could've been avoided, so let's just get on with it" sorta way. Here, the way Segasaki adds "naa" at the end with a rising tone, actually makes it sound a little indulgent - like when you find your puppy made a mess but it's too cute for you to feel upset and you just love it more. (Also, this is a really common way to show affection between characters in dramas/anime - when one character is down in the dumps, another will be like "well what am I going to do with an idiot like you, I guess I have to help, right?")
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S: 葉 とりあえず 口開けろ S: Yoh. In any case, open your mouth first
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S: ごちそうさまでした (gochisousama deshita) S: Thank you for the food This is a standard phrase said at the end of a meal (it's counterpart is "itadakimasu - I gratefully partake" said at the beginning). It expresses gratitude to everyone involved in making the meal possible - from the farmers who grew the vegetables to the person who cooked the meal, and yes, even to the animals themselves. Usually, you would say this to the person who made the meal, or the one treating you to it, but it's Segasaki here who leads the saying of this phrase. This isn't weird at all, given the broad meaning of the word, but it is reminiscent of what a parent would do at home, or a teacher would do in school (Japanese teachers eat with their students in class).
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S: なんか落ち込んでんの? Y: 漫画が とてもだめです* S: You seem a little down about something? Y: My manga is... really bad.* *desu form is back, to give emphasis to this sentence. That said - and I'm really not trying to belittle Yoh here - but similar to the "food, none" phrase earlier, this sentence is just so short and simple that it just makes him sound, well, young. Imagine asking someone "you don't seem to like that person?", and they look at you all serious and say "they're a bad person" - it just sounds unexpectedly young and innocent, and the whole "desu" at the end just tops off the kicked puppy vibes for real. It's why Segasaki snorts a little and smiles.
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S: お前漫画がだめだと こうなんの? S: えっ そんだけ? Y: うん S: ふーん Y: そんだけってなんだよ Y: こっちは 今にも 死にそうな気分なのに
S: So when your manga is bad you become like this? S: Eh? That's all? Y: Mm. S: Hmm~ Y: What do you mean "that's all?" Y: When here I am feeling like I'm about to die soon In case you were wondering, "that's all?" in Japanese sounds exactly as it does in English, so no blaming Yoh here for being all 😟 about it.
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S: ほら* 早く来い S: Now, come here, quickly. *ほら (hora) - I last highlighted this word in Ep 3, but Segasaki actually uses it a lot more that just these 2 instances (not least because Yoh's always avoiding him). It's simply a word used to get the listener's attention, like, "look here" or "now" or "see" or "come on" etc.
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S: 今日はお前がされるがまま*で気分よかったわ S: もっと落ち込め S: Today you did exactly as you were told, so I felt really good S: Be dejected more often *されるがまま - this phrase means to passively go along with whatever the other person says or does to you, without any resistance (it can also refer to letting nature take its course). It's mostly used to describe a negative situation since it usually implies that the person has no free will of their own, but can also be fairly neutral as in "I followed the waiter's recommendations exactly". So, it's quite amusing that in these 2 sentences, negative sounding words are actually meant to be really sweet (just like how Yoh's "I hate you" sounds eh?).
Personally, I also appreciate how this is a callback to Yoh's monologue in Ep 3, when he talks about noticing the way Segasaki looks just that little bit happier when Yoh listens to him. Here, Segasaki confirms it for Yoh (and us), reinforcing to Yoh that he really doesn't mind Yoh depending on him one bit.
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Y: こんなの本物の恋人同士みたいだ Y: あんた* まるで本当に 俺のこと好きみたいじゃん Y: Like this... it feels like we're a real live couple Y: You*... it's as if you really do like me *We're back to Yoh's usual "anta" here for "you", instead of the "omae" he used earlier.
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S: しょうがねぇなぁ S: What do I do with you This is the same phrase as earlier, when Segasaki found Yoh by the laundry machine.
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Oh, the moon is beautiful isn't it? 🤭🤭
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Y: だって 俺の漫画は世間に求められてないわけですし Y: But, it seems like the world doesn't want my manga... The phrase "the world wants/doesn't want" is commonly used when talking about finding one's place in the world/society, and young adults often say this when trying to figure their life out. So yes, not so uncommon a phrase that this sentence sounds ridiculous, but it definitely does sound a little dramatic. Hence Man-san's response.
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M: *甘ったれんな 思い上がんな M: Don't be so *spoiled. Don't think so highly of yourself. *The is the same word, amae, that Man-san used in Ep 4 when she said Yoh was being affectionate with Segasaki. This is another meaning of amae, and it is used in a negative way here, which sort of shows you the complexity of this concept. Underlying it is the message that it's okay to be dependent on your loved ones for your emotional needs, but you still need to take responsibility for your own life.
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M: 衣食住の保障された環境でのんびり描いてて  M: 一回仕事が途切れたぐらいでうじうじ言ってんのか M: 本気で気に食わない Y: 万さん オーバーキルです M: Being able to draw freely without having to worry about your clothes, food or lodging M: and yet acting all wishy-washy the moment something as small as getting your work cut off just once happens M: I really can't stand that Y: Man-san, that's overkill The term Man-san uses to describe Yoh's current living arrangement is the same term that Segasaki used in his not-proposal, so this suggests that by now Yoh has told her everything about how they got together (and I love that Man-san totally does not judge). It's not explicitly talked about in the show, but despite their similar status as Segasaki Otakus, Man-san does often come across as something like a mentor figure to Yoh, or at least someone senior to him in the Manga world. For one, she speaks very casually to him (for a lady, she sounds as rough as Segasaki tbh 😅), even for someone from the Kansai region, and she often gives him advice. Yoh usually speaks to her informally, but in this whole conversation he does shift up to the desu/masu form often, in response to her scolding him, because she's really going at it (even after taking into account her usual speech pattern😅) and well, he's smarting a little at the moment 😂
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M: 世間がどうとかじゃなくて ダヨちゃんはどうしたいの? Y: え? M: ダヨちゃんにとって 漫画って そういうもんだったの? M: もうちょっと落ち着いて 考えな M: Rather than thinking about what the world wants, what do you, Dayo-chan, want to do? Y: Huh? M: Is that all that manga is to you, Dayo-chan? M: Calm down a little more and think about it yea?
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Y: かたじけのうございます Y: I am indebted to you! This is a very very archaic way to say thank you, think like samurai-level archaic. These two definitely live in the world of manga 😂😂
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S: もう体調は戻ったのか? Y: はい おかげさまで* S: また 崩してくれても**いいんだぞ Y: ええ? S: Have you recovered now? Y: Yes, thanks to you* S: It's okay to feel down again for me** too you know Y: Eh?? *Okagesamade - standard phrase you use when someone asks after your health, or when you want to express gratitude for someone else's role in your success/improvement/recovery etc ** 崩してくれて (kuzushite kurete)" - adding "kurete" at the end like this literally means that Yoh does the action of feeling down for Segasaki, rather than just "it's okay to feel down again", which is why Yoh responds in such a surprised manner. As he did before, Segasaki takes what normally is a bad thing and talks about it like it's something good instead. It's his way of emphasizing that Yoh depending on him isn't an inconvenience, in fact, it's something that Segasaki is happy to be on the receiving end of.
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Y: これから自分たちをモデルにした漫画を描きに行きますなんて言えないし Y: そもそも、万さんのところにしばらく通うことを許してくれるかどうか。。。 Y: なんとか説得しないと Y: It's not like I can just say "from now on I will be going (out) to draw a manga based on us!" or something like that and... Y: In the first place, (I don't know) whether or not he'll allow me to go to Man-san's place regularly during this period... Y: I have to find some way convince him.
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Argument breakdown time, things get intense~~
Y: あの。。。 S: ん? Y: 今日 編集部で打ち合わせをすることになった* Y: Um... S: Hm? Y: Today, I have a meeting at the editorial department* *Literally, "It has been decided that today (I) will be having a meeting at the editorial department" - this might sound like an indirect way to say "I am going to a meeting" but it's pretty par for the course when speaking politely. Except, Yoh doesn't use the polite form here like he did in Ep 4, nor does he phrase this sentence as an explanation that he's going to follow up on. Nope, by Yoh's usual standards, this is An Announcement, so it's no wonder Segasaki is immediately suspicious.
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S: はあ? 仕事切られたんじゃねえのかよ? Y: いや そ、その。。。新しいやつ Y: しばらく 忙しくて Y: 場合によっては編集部に泊まりもあるかも S: 昨日の今日で そんなことあるか? Y: たまたま連絡がきたんだよね S: お前 なんか 俺に嘘ついてない? Y: う、嘘じゃない S: いや おかしいだろ 泊りって S: お前 まさか変な仕事じゃねぇだろうな? Y: そんなこと。。。ないよ! S: Haa? Didn't they stop giving you work? [じゃねえのかよ - Segasaki slurs the end vowel here, and adds the end particle "かよ(ka yo)" at the end, which is a rough way to express doubt or surprise, and usually implies some irritation. This, combined with Segasaki's trademark annoyed "haa?" results immediately in a rather flustered Yoh, who stutters a little on the next sentence] Y: No, it-it's... this is a new one. Y: For a while, I'm going to be busy and Y: Depending on the situation, staying overnight at the editorial department... might... be... necessary... [No end particles here - this is still a statement, and would sound stronger if not for the fact that he's hesistating so much] S: And all that just happens today, on this day, just one day after yesterday? Y: ...It just so happened that they contacted me, you see... S: You... are lying to me, aren't you? Y: I-it's not a lie! S: No, it's weird isn't it, to stay overnight? S: You - don't tell me - you aren't doing some kind of shady job are you? Y: There's nothing... of that sort!
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S: 葉 Y: はい S: Yoh Y: Yes (hai)?
Yoh's been making a valiant effort to stick to his story throughout this whole conversation but his tone changes completely and he pretty much gives up once Segasaki points out he's lying. In response - and this is not easy to hear but if you want to, go back to about 19:56 or 19:57 of this episode - do you hear Segasaki's small "tsk", after his sigh and before he says Yoh's name? Clicking your tongue, or "tsk-ing" someone is a very very rude way to express frustration or anger in Japan. We're talking get-into-drunk-fights level of rude, if you do it to a stranger. Amongst close friends and family, you're more likely to draw shock first, since it shows the depth of your anger, but they might still get pissed with you afterward. Here at least, Yoh can tell both from the tsk and Segasaki's tone of voice, that he is Not Happy, so he answers Segasaki with a proper "hai" here too.
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S: ちょっとここ座れ* Y: はい S: 早く S: Come sit here* Y: Yes S: Be quick. *Slurred "r" on the word "suware" - sit makes this sound very very rough. Segasaki doesn't normally do this, so again, this is him angry, and he's going to slur his r's quite a bit more.
S: お前さ 自分の立場わかってんの? S: 分かってねぇだろ 分かってねぇから 泊りで仕事とか言い出すんだろうが Y: え~っとだから 遊びに行くわけじゃないし。。。 S: そうじゃねぇだろ S: ああ~もう S: 金か?なんか欲しいもんがあるなら買ってやる Y: 違くて 少しはさ。。。 Y: 自分が稼がないとって S: 必要ない なんで分かんねぇかな S: お前は稼がなくていいんだよ S: Listen, you - do you even understand what position you're in? S: You don't do you? You don't understand and that's why you can just say things like you'll stay out to work overnight. [This is harsh. Not only is the speech rough, he's still slurring some of his "r"s here, and the ending particle だろうが emphasizes the forcefulness of this statement and Segasaki's frustration - and you can see the effect it has on Yoh.] Y: Umm well... it's not like I'm going for fun or something... [This is indignant, but also nervous - Yoh's speaking a lot faster than usual, and he has to drag the filler words at the beginning out before he can figure out what to say.] S: That's not what I'm talking about is it! [slurred r again] S: Argh I swear - S: Is it money? If there's something you want then I'll buy it for you [more slurred "r"s] Y: That's not it! Even just a little - [This is the first time Yoh uses the end particle "さ (sa)", and just like Segasaki, he's using it to draw attention to what he's saying, essentially the equivalent of "listen!". This whole line isn't rude, but it is direct and it's probably the most forceful Yoh has gotten with Segasaki so far, even compared to their argument in Ep 2 - Yoh might have physically pushed Segasaki then, but he mostly just sounded hurt. Here, he's very tense, but he's cut off by Segasaki biting his ear.] Y: - I should earn some money myself (at least, I thought so) [This is more like how Yoh usually voices his opinion - by "hedging" his sentences a little with "I think" and so on to sound less direct - though he's still using truncated forms here, so he's not quite back to his usual level yet] S: There's no need to. [To self:] Why don't you understand? S: It's fine even if you don't earn anything. [Similarly, Segasaki softens this sentence just a tiny bit by tacking on a よ(yo) at the end]
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Y: でも! S: あのな 俺はお前に漫画の仕事がなくなろうがどうでもいいんだ Y: But! S: Listen to me. I don't care at all whether you lose your manga work or not. [To be fair to Yoh, the phrase "どうでもいいんだ" literally means "it's fine either way" but it tends to feel like "I don't care because it doesn't matter/make a difference to me/doesn't really involve me", so you can see why it triggers him.]
It's interesting to contrast Yoh's reaction here with the above 2 times Segasaki says something with a negative connotation. Of course, Segasaki also sounded a lot sweeter then (though in his defence, he didn't have to worry about why Yoh might be trying to lie to him all of a sudden), but the biggest difference really is in Yoh's mindset.
Y: え? S: 当然だろ S: だから余計なこと*すんな Y: なんだよ どうでもいいって Y: 漫画のこと 分からないなりに 応援してくれてるもんだと思ってたのに Y: あんたにとってはくだらないことでも Y: 俺にとってはすごく Y: すごく大事な事なのに Y: 全然よくない Y: バカにすんなよ! Y: Huh? S: Isn't that obvious? S: So, don't do unnecessary* things [*余計なこと - This phrase is used to refer to the problems that arise from whatever thing/action is in excess, and so has a negative connotation. Yoh is too fixated on the previous line to notice though] Y: What's that (supposed to mean)... "I don't care" Y: I've always thought that manga was something you supported me in, despite not knowing much about it, and yet... Y: Even if to you, it's something trivial Y: To me, it's something that's extremely Y: It's something extremely important and yet... Y: This is definitely not ok Y: Don't look down on me! [word contraction - again, by Yoh's standards, at least when he talks out loud to Segasaki, this is a drop in speech levels]
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Y: 絶対あんたより稼げるようになってやる Y: 漫画で! Y: I'm definitely going to become someone who can earn more money than you! Y: With manga! I think difference between simply "earning more" and "becoming someone who can earn more" is important here - because it isn't about money - it's about competence. Yoh thinks his own worth is calculated in his ability to do things "well", be it in his work or at home. By that measure, Segasaki is worth everything and Yoh is sorely lacking, hence Yoh wants to "become" someone that is, in his mind, worth something. Because if he does not, then inevitably, Segasaki will one day come to disdain him.
There are so many times in this episode that Yoh hears things that should cement their relationship in his head, that he even recognizes as couple-like and accepts without protest - Man-san referring to Segasaki as Yoh's boyfriend, Segasaki losing his whole "man-of-a-few-words" thing and saying more to him in this episode than in any other, verbal confirmation that Yoh depending on him is something he welcomes etc. And yet, Yoh's fear filters all of that out and he hears only what sounds like his own self-judgement in Segasaki's voice. It's no wonder he lashes out at Segasaki like that, though really, who he's really attacking is himself. Afterall, sometimes when we hurt ourselves, we hurt the people who love us too, as we'll see in Ep 6.
(That was quite the arguement though, wasn't it!)
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tomozero · 1 year
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kaeruharukinoko · 1 year
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足の長い蛙だって可愛いはず! #カエル #1発描き #アナログ #ボールペン #Frog #アマガエル https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWkdhQh1TB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aokarimero · 21 days
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高校1年生向け進学情報誌 「2024 高校生活スタート号」 表紙イラストを担当いたしました。
新生活へのきらきらとした希望や期待を こめて描かせていただきました。
表紙デザイン:bookwall 発行:進研アド
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ari0921 · 1 month
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junngoro · 1 year
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協同出版から発売の教員採用試験受験者応援雑誌・月刊『教職課程』2023年1月号の 表紙のイラストを担当させていただきました!
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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ちとせ よしのは、日本のグラビアアイドル、アイドル、タレント、コスプレイヤー。佐賀県神埼市出身、女性アイドルグループ「あまいものつめあわせ」のメンバー。SPJ Entertainment所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2000年1月8日 (年齢 24歳)
出生地: 佐賀県
身長: 158 cm
学歴: 佐賀県立佐賀北高等学校
カップサイズ: H
スリーサイズ: 95 - 65 - 98 cm
デビュー: 2018年10月
鉄工所では、作業着、ヘルメット、すっぴんの姿に加えて唯一の女性社員だったことから、既婚者ばかりの周囲には親戚の子供のように扱われていた。また、芸能活動を社長以外には内緒にしていたため、作業着の下が恵まれた身体であることについては、周囲に知られていなかった。それゆえ、「YAグラ姫2019」にてファイナリストに残ったことについては、恥ずかしくて連絡を取っていないという。なお、鉄工所の社長はちとせの退職に際して勤務期間が8 - 9か月だったにもかかわらず優しく背中を押してくれたうえ、退職が決まった後に求人を出すとすぐにCAD経験のある女性から応募があったため、ちとせは神様からも上京を命じられていると思ったという。また、作業着については、上京後も初心を忘れないよう自室に置いているという。
YouTubeチャンネル「よしのんチャンネル」は、コロナ禍による休業に遭って外出自粛期間中に何かできることはないかと考えて始めたものであり、YouTubeで広く知ってもらえるきっかけにもなったため、本当にやって良かったと思っているが、グラビアアイドルがよく通る道である収益化停止に遭った際には、悔しい思いでいっぱいだったという。SPJ Entertainmentは関わっておらず、当初は企画、撮影、編集をすべて自分で担当していたが、弟が同棲するようになってからは撮影を担当してもらっているほか、編集も一部手伝ってもらっている。また、弟は企画も一緒に考えてくれるうえ、編集についてはちとせよりも高いクオリティに仕上げてくれるという。なお、2023年5月時点での最多再生回数を誇るのは『Eternal』のメイキング映像を収録した動画であり、227万回再生を記録しているうえ、YouTubeでちとせを知ってイベントを訪れるファンも増えていることから、YouTubeの凄さを実感したという。
佐賀県への思い入れは上京後も変わらず、2020年には写真週刊誌『FLASH』(光文社)のグラビア撮影を祖父母の暮らす実家にて行う、地元のラジオ番組にゲスト出演する、2021年には大町自動車学校のハロウィンイベント「大町 車肉祭 2021 in鍋島」にてトークショーに登壇する、2023年にはサガテレビのミニ番組『ユビサシカクニン』に出演するなど、地元への貢献のためにも時間を作っては帰郷している。また、将来は地元に貢献できるような仕事をしたいとも明かしている。 
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shinjihi · 5 months
「深入りするな。消されるぞ」と忠告され…アメリカ亡命中の研究者が決死の告発「新型コロナは『中国軍の生物兵器』として開発された」 かつては根拠薄弱な陰謀論とも言われていた「研究所流出説」。しかし、ここに来て米エネルギー省やFBIが、ウイルスは中国の研究所から流出した可能性が高いと指摘。重要人物がついに口を開いた。 隠蔽に躍起になる中国政府 世界で約7億人が感染し、約700万人が死亡したパンデミックはなぜ起きたのか―その秘密の扉がいま、静かに開かれようとしている。  「新型コロナウイルスは中国軍の生物兵器として開発され、意図的に武漢にあるウイルスの研究施設から漏洩されたものです。世界はその起源を知るスタートラインに立っています」  誰よりも早く「武漢起源説」を唱えて中国を追われ、現在、アメリカに亡命中の閻麗夢博士は、本誌の取材に対してこう断言する。  いま、アメリカで新型コロナの発生起源に大きな関心が集まっている。今年2月に米エネルギー省が、「武漢のウイルス研究所から流出した可能性が高い」とする報告書をまとめたことをはじめ、米連邦捜査局(FBI)のクリストファー・レイ長官も、2月28日放映のFOXニュースで「研究所の事故である可能性がもっとも高い」と述べるなど、次々と「研究所起源説」を支持する声が上がっているのだ。  その源流を作ったのが、イェン博士である。この4年間、決死の覚悟で「武漢研究所流出説」を訴え続けてきた博士は、世界保健機関(WHO)認定のウイルス研究の権威である香港大学公衆衛生学院の研究員だった。'19年12月、武漢で広がり始めた原因不明の感染症の調査を命じられた彼女は、感染拡大の隠蔽に躍起になる中国政府の姿を目の当たりにする。  「調査を始めた時、すでに武漢はパニックでした。調査を命じられた翌日、最前線で奮戦していた李文亮医師(後に感染して死亡)は、原因不明の肺炎が広がっているとSNSで警鐘を鳴らしたところ、中国政府に処分されました」 「深入りするな。消されるぞ」 イェン博士は、その後、香港大学の研究所の上司から「武漢の人々がラクーンドッグ(タヌキ)を食べるという情報を集めてほしい」という不可解な指示を受ける。  「同じコロナウイルスで肺炎を引き起こすSARSが'02~'03年に流行した時、まずハクビシンが宿主となって人間に感染したことを突き止めたのは香港大学でした。中国政府は新型コロナでも、中間宿主を動物とするストーリーを描き、それを権威ある香港大学に公表させたかったのでしょう」  しかし、いくら調べても武漢の市場にタヌキは売られておらず、武漢の住民がタヌキを食べるという情報もなかった。  一刻も早く感染拡大の危機を世界に公表しなければならないはずだが、政府や香港大学にその様子は見られない。'20年1月19日、イェン博士はやむなく、アメリカの中国語メディア『路徳社』で武漢の惨状を公表する。  「香港大学の上司から『深入りするな。消されるぞ』と警告されました。背後に中国当局の意向があることは明白でした。私は身の危険を感じ、4月28日にアメリカへ亡命しました」  亡命を果たしたイェン博士は、新型コロナの特徴と中国のプロパガンダ戦を告発する3つの論文、いわゆる「イェン・レポート」を、研究データのオンラインプラットフォーム「Zondo」に発表。'20年9月に公表された第1弾では、新型コロナが人為的に作製されたことを告発している。  「自然発生説によれば、新型コロナウイルスはセンザンコウやハクビシンなどの中間宿主内で変異し、人間への感染確率を高めるとされています。しかし、新型コロナウイルスには人間の細胞と結合しやすいスパイクタンパク質が含まれており、これは自然発生説の中間宿主に関する理論や実験結果と一致しません。そして、これらの部位には、人為的な改変の痕跡がはっきりとあります」 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/09597c4d0121190fb0934cca43bca947770dca43
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g-men-movie · 10 months
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2006年の結成以来、シンプルながら力強いサウンドと、甲本ヒロトのパワフルなボーカルで多くのファンを魅了し続け、現在も新曲を次々と発表するなど精力的に活動を続ける唯一無二のロックバンド。この度、そんなザ・クロマニヨンズの「ランラン」が『Gメン』の主題歌に決定!本楽曲は、2023年1月に発売されたアルバム「MOUNTAIN BANANA」の収録曲の1つ。G組をはじめとしたキャラクターたちの熱く真っ直ぐな生き様と、疾走感あふれる青春を描いた本作に楽曲の世界観がぴったりなことから、映画サイドからの熱烈なオファーにより起用が決定しました。
<瑠東東一郎監督コメント> 情熱。真っ直ぐさ。青春。爆走。 Gメンという作品をイメージした時、主題歌はザ・クロマニヨンズ以外の選択肢が僕には無かったです。 愚直なまでにパンクロックなザ・クロマニヨンズ。 いつもナンバーワンで最高にカッコいいザ・クロマニヨンズ。 ずっと大好きでずっと憧れていたザ・クロマニヨンズ。 この曲で映画が作れるなんて僕はただただ嬉しくて。 気分はランランです。
今回解禁となった本予告編は、私立武華男子高校に転校してきた岸演じる勝太が、転校早々に教室で「彼女なんてソッコーで出来るよ!」「這い上がってやろうじゃねぇか!!」と高らかに宣言し、クラスをまとめ上げるシーンから幕を明けます。しかし、勝太が入ったのは武華の中でも最底辺、“肥えだめ”と呼ばれる問題児だらけのG組でした…。 映像では、G組のメンバーをはじめとしたクセ強で強烈なキャラクターたちが続々と画面に映し出され、高良健吾演じる伊達が屋上から飛んで登場する衝撃のシーンや、田中圭演じる八神が自転車にブチ切れるシーンなど、インパクト抜群の衝撃映像が続きます。ザ・クロマニヨンズの主題歌「ランラン」が流れるとさらに勢いは加速し、レイナの手を引いて路地を走る勝太、ファンの女子と熱烈なキスを交わす瀬名、「天然か!」と瀬名にツッコミを入れる肝田、女子に「昭和くさ!」と言われる梅田などがテンポよく映し出されます。しかし、そんなポップな雰囲気から一転、血まみれで倒れる薙の姿、そして尾上松也演じる最悪の組織・天王会のトップである加藤の登場により、不穏な空気が映像を包み込む。勝太たちに魔の手が迫り、G組の熱き戦いが始まります!【G組にしかない】【大切な青春を】【もっと楽しめ‼】のテロップに合わせ、ド派手なアクションと熱い青春が切り取られ、ケンカに恋に友情に、今を全力で駆け抜けるG組の姿が描かれた、熱量たっぷりの予告編となっています。ラストに満を持して登場する、吉岡里帆演じる瞳先生の姿にも注目です。
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