#Aelynn Replies
celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
Aelynn, would you ever consider reconnecting with Florah? Like, not right now or even the foreseeable near future bc his moirail was just graphically and traumatically murdered, and he is completely unable to function. But eventually, possibly?
"Florah? I don't know anyone called that, I think?"
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>Aelynn has now been informed as to who that is.
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"They're still alive?"
"Last time I heard anything from them was so long ago, and I only remember how... brainwashed they were by that awful... and now you're telling me this? Fate does not give some people a break, seriously."
"I mean yeah, I'd definitely be fine with talking to him again. He was kind of difficult to talk to sometimes, but that was mostly just because of that... Allmah, was that her name? Hope he doesn't expect that plant he gave me to still be alive, I don't even know where that is anymore."
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celestialtrolls · 3 months
rennra, what the hell were you thinking buddy? has aelynn not told you stories about how awful that place was?
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"I was thinking wow, sure would be nice to suck less in every aspect of my life, maybe I should do something about that."
"Aelynn doesn't talk about the carnival. You are aware that she's not the most open with the shit she's dealt with, right?"
"Regardless, the main trend in what I had heard about involved that fucking top hat guy I had the misfortune of meeting sweeps ago, and he's not here."
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talisyr-squallborn · 3 years
Broken Realms: Heart of Mathlann
Part One: Ambitions
The sky was bruised. Dark clouds colored the horizon purple and curtains of rain caused the divide between sea and sky to turn hazy. Talisyr could taste on the wind the sweet promise of thunder. He smiled as the wind built around him, tugging on the tassels and charms that adorned his armor and frothing the tide around his feet to angry foam.
Talisyr had always enjoyed storms. He had been born in the middle of one, an omen that the Scryers of the Sunpool Enclave still debated to this day. Storms were symbols of power to his kin, but they were also omens of wanton destruction. The scryers had not yet been able to determine which applied to the Lochian Prince, something Talisyr found no small amount of pride in. 
He enjoyed being unpredictable.
“Intari is late.”
Talisyr looked at the figure standing just behind his left shoulder. Aelynn’s gaze was fixed out on the roiling sea and encroaching storm. One hand gripped her pelagic staff, the rune inscribed shell at its crown glowing faintly with the magic of the aethersea. The other gripped a pendant around her throat.
“Are you worried?” Talisyr asked. “That is not like you, Aelynn.”
The Tidecaster graced Talisyr with an annoyed look. “You have asked us here, to the edge of the Sunpool, to convene in secret about a subject which you have yet to disclose. Of course I am worried. This is your idea, after all.”
Talisyr smirked beneath his crested helm, a smug laugh cresting his lips. He crouched, allowing the surf to break around his knees as he reached into it and plucked from the sand beneath a stone worn smooth by the ocean’s abuse. He brushed his thumb across the stone’s face, feeling the grit against his skin before turning it over between his fingers.
“And yet you still came,” Talisyr said. “I think you actually like my schemes, Aelynn. Why else would you continue to answer my summons?”
Aelynn did not respond.
A light appeared over the water, small but strong as it swayed back and forth, drawing closer. Talisyr smiled and stood to his full height. “There he is. See? No need to worry,” he said as he skipped the stone across the waves.
The light bobbed closer, and a figure manifested from within its halo. Garbed in the purple robes and armor of the Sunpool, Intari wore a great crested helm atop his head, at the end of which dangled a lantern that glowed with yellow soul light. A swordfish swam in lazy circles about his waist, buoyed by the aethersea, and as the Soulrender walked, he used his long polearm as a walking stick.
“Intari,” Talisyr said in greeting as the figure came within earshot. “I hope the cuomhann didn’t give you too much trouble leaving.”
The soulrender waved a dismissive hand.
“I merely misjudged the tides,” he said. “The storm had them coming in stronger than I anticipated. I should have known better. You love your storms, Talisyr. Asking us to meet in this location, at this moment in time was planned. Given the circumstances, I see that now.”
Talisyr grinned. “My dear friend, you know as well as I that I cannot summon the storms to my will. Not yet.”
Aelynn quirked her brow upward out of morbid curiosity. “Not yet?” she asked.
“Not yet,” Talisyr repeated. He placed an amicable hand on Aelynn’s shoulder and looked between the two Isharann at his side. “But I have been thinking.”
“It never bodes well for us when you start thinking,” Intari said.
Talisyr laughed. Aelynn did not share his mirth. “Look,” Talisyr said, pointing towards the low hanging clouds coming ever closer. “There is upheaval in the realms. You both spend as much time in King Noylaan’s court as I. I know you are aware of what has transpired between Volturnos and Morathi.”
“Yes,” Intari said. “Morathi stole the Ocarian Lantern for her ritual. Volturnos attempted to retrieve it. He succeeded, though I do not believe the stories of how he accomplished that task to be entirely truthful.”
“Yes,” Talisyr agreed. “There were few survivors from what I understand. Volturnos is prideful, as are we all. I would not put it beneath him to hide the truth if he was bested.”
“And Morathi showed mercy upon him for attacking her?” Aelynn asked.
Talisyr shrugged. “Perhaps. She will likely need allies for what she is attempting to do. Gods to not take kindly to upstarts. Sigmar is as of yet blind to her treachery and it is only a matter of time before he finds out and reacts accordingly.”
“And what does any of this have to do with us?”
“Ambition,” Talisyr replied. His smile grew devilish. “If Morathi can become a god, what’s stopping any of us?”
“A great many things, I’d imagine,” Aelynn replied humorlessly. “Are you insane, Talisyr?”
“Insane is a matter of perspective,” the Lochian Prince replied. “What I am is ambitious. And what I have is a certain knowledge. You are both knowledgeable as well. You know of Mathlann, yes? The old god of the seas?”
“Yes,” Aelynn said. “But Mathlann is dead. Our eidolons are not so much divine reflections as they are simply facades bound in racial memory.”
“Yes, true, but when a god dies, his power has to reside somewhere. Nothing is created without loss and nothing is lost without creation. That is universal law.”
Intari arched an eyebrow. “So you believe Mathlann resides somewhere in the Mortal Realms?”
“Yes. Somewhere, in some form or another. All we have to do is find him.” Talisyr turned to his co-conspirators and smiled. “And it just so happens I know where to start looking.” He reached into a pouch at his hip and produced a sea scroll, unrolling it and revealing to the Ishrann a detailed network of runes.
“This…” Aelynn said, her voice dripping with disbelief. “This is the location of a stormvault. Where did you get this?”
“Worry not about that,” Talisyr replied. “Just know that the source is valid.”
“And what resides in this stormvault?” Intari asked.
Talisyr tapped a finger against the centermost rune. “This, my dear friend. This. The Heart of Mathlann.”
Talisyr could not help but drink in the shocked look on the Ishrann’s faces. He laughed.
“You see? I would not call you out here and waste your time for nothing.” He quickly rolled the scroll up again. “But a stormvault is no easy task. I will need your help. And the help of a few others, pacts I am currently working on. Can I count you in?”
Intari and Aelynn looked at each other. The uncertainty written on their faces slowly melted away, replaced with a hard resolve. As one, they nodded their agreement.
“Good,” Talisyr replied. “Good.”
After all, if Morathi could worm her way to divinity, why should the Deep Places be bereft of a god of their own?
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uprising-trolls · 4 years
comettrolls replied to your post: oh god yeah christ okay it was definitely tusira...
aelynn quietly ‘i did most of the work’
she did and im very proud of her
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princeofdoomrps replied to your post “i love the fact that absolutely no one i throw mikail at is going to...”
i’ve talked about him interacting w/ Lunati, Sveket, Rennra, and Aelynn and absolutely none of them were even remotely okay with his presence hdsfhgshdf
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studytune · 7 years
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six thousand followers lettering celebration! by studytune
hello everyone! thank you so much for 6k followers! it’s such an honor when you tag me in your photos, or intro posts. it’s an honor when you simply reblog a post.
in celebration, i’m going to be creating a whole spread (possibly two) or pages with lettering of people’s urls! then i’ll post the spread, tagging all the people included.
it’s sort of like a huge shoutout of sorts!
with some of my favorite followers/mutuals, i will also be lettering and doodling a small banner thing with your url, photocopying it, and sending it to you!
rules: 1. reblog this post! (likes do not count)
2. send me an ask with the url you want me to letter! (that is the url i will tag in the final post)
you can also say anything you want, i’ll reply to some messages and choose to make a banner for some💓
3. that’s it! wait until you’re tagged in the final post!
thank you so much! this will end whenever i either run out of space or requests, whichever one comes first!
xx, aelynn.
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
A❤ , 9♣, K♦, 7♠
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
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"I doubt she'd appreciate her name coming from my mouth, since last time I checked she was on some moral high-horse about how she's soooo much of a better person than me."
"Sonati Yxlisi."
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
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"Being free of the carnival? Being able to maintain relationships for sweeps? Managing to stay sane despite my own brain constantly fighting against me? I don't know, take your pick."
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
"I mean, probably something to do with my sewing? I make all of my own clothes, and I'm pretty good at it at this point. Although I honestly don't want to worry about trying to run a business, it seems like a lot of work I don't really have the thought for."
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
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"...No matter how peaceful things get, how much it seems like everything is over and nothing can go wrong... It still can. But I'll take the good times while I can."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
hi aelynn will you go on a date with me
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"I mean, we can hang out and grab a coffee I guess, if that's the kind of thing you mean."
"But like, I'm a little bit taken in the 'dating' department?"
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celestialtrolls-moved · 4 months
aelynn wtf girl you're so nice. good beaded fabric can be hard to find so i'm sure someone would be so happy to find the work you've done. i wonder if you could put like. a tag on it so someone can post about what they made with your fabric or patterns? it might be really cute to see
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"I just don't want to be wasteful. I'm never going to wear it again, after all."
"Nah, I mean I'm pretty sure I'd recognise the embroidery or shades of purple if I saw them around. No need for that kind of stuff, and I don't use social media much."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 4 months
hey ae, i know you're pretty overwhelmed, but has there been any part of the ball you've been enjoying?
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"Of course. I already weighed the positives and negatives in advance."
"I knew I was going to struggle with the cameras and that seeing the carnival stuff constantly was going to bother me, but it was okay. I got to spend time with Adonis..."
"And seeing all the dresses was very inspiring, it makes me want to improve my sewing skills more."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
if you could go back in time aelynn, which of your deaths would you avoid? the other isn't avoidable, even if it'd be a different instance that you'd end up dying.
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"I... don't even really remember much of my second death, I... honestly, I don't really care. I know who did it, I don't know what led up to it, but at least it was quick."
>Your fingers hover up to the collar around your neck, which hides the hole that pierces straight through it.
"My first death... Abadon dragged it out for so long, I just wanted him to kill me so that I'd be free, but he kept me alive."
"I should have just killed myself in front of him, I should have done anything other than let him kill me in a fight that I lost intentionally, I suffered for so long and I don't think he even was going to kill me, I think he wanted to leave me alive as a broken plaything."
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"When my neck was snapped, it was a mercy, and I think he did it by accident after I couldn't take the torment anymore and managed to stab him."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
what inspired you to become vocali anyhow aelynn?
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"In short, I felt isolated but constantly subject to others judging me, whether I was 'right' or 'wrong', which I didn't even have a good grasp of when I was younger, and still had the carnival programming in my brain."
"When Sonati broke up with me for the first time, I spiralled. And during my descent, I met Abadon, and I rebounded into him. Hard."
"And it only made me worse. He was a man without morals, with many secrets, and it made me worse. I felt like I was justified to act however I wanted, to be manic... and violent. And I was stressed, I still wasn't coping with being left by Sonati, I needed another outlet, especially when he disappeared for weeks on end, and I was still so aggressive back then..."
"I felt isolated, and yet surrounded by people at the same time. I had other quads back then too, Adonis... Dorani... I didn't want them to know, I knew they would disapprove, and I... I subconsciously knew things weren't right with Abadon, so I knew things weren't right with... me acting like that."
"So I wore a mask, and it was freeing. Self-imposed isolation that I could control with just an outfit. No consequences for my actions."
"Maybe I'm overcomplicating it. I was impulsive."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
aelynn what part of your ball outfit did you enjoy making the most? what about the least?
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"I bought an embroidery machine just to make the patterns on the corset! I had to learn how to use it and the software from scratch, but it was actually pretty fun, and made really nice results! I'm very happy with it."
"...As for my last favourite part... sewing on all the individual rhinestones by hand... I'm not looking forward to trying to attach them into my hair either, but... For the sake of continuity within my outfit, I do what I must."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
aelynn what happened between you and solitaire?
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"Not much."
>You refuse to dwell on this question at all.
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
aelynn, if you could have one fruit, and it's the only fruit you could ever have again in any form (drink, desert, ect) what would you pick
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"Well, it doesn't really matter since I don't need to eat anyway."
>But you pause for a moment in your work regardless, a decisive hum following shortly after.
"Strawberries. I think they're cute decorations and they smell nice."
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celestialtrolls-moved · 5 months
Aelynn! How's preparations for the ball going? Outfit done being created? Accessories accessorized?
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"Are you crazy? Do you think I'm half-assing this? I taught myself a whole new sewing technique just to try and replicate the appearance of shell piping with fabric, no I'm not bloody done!"
"No... I still have a lot of work to do... I bought a new embroidery machine too and I need to get that set up as well..."
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