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Living on Aiur is fun (c)
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galaxyglaze · 1 year
it’s having feelings about zeratul o’clock
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shinigami--apples · 9 months
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Aiur's Cabaret Club battle begins
(my friend has been streaming Yakuza, I was hit with a vision)
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wren-key · 10 months
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The first day on Aiur
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official-zerg-fangirl · 7 months
How about an Au where kerrigan doesn't get kidnapped in new gettysburg by the Zerg but somehow gets a connection with the overmind and is human up until the end of Broodwar.
(thanks so much for playing along with my silliness)
There's two fucking directions we can go with this: what would Blizzard write, and what would I write. this is actually a dichotomy I find myself looking at sometimes, usually when it comes to the reasoning behind certain character choices. (for example: Blizzard's explanation for Izsha is probs something like "the campaign would be boring if Kerrigan had no one to talk to", but *my* explanation is a deranged rant about Kerrigan's lingering humanity)
SO let's go over both possibilities. fuck it. It's 11pm and I'm finally ready to explore the spicy idea you've presented to me.
Blizzard Version
Blizzard has a comic booky attitude when it comes to writing, I've noticed. Not always, but enough times to be notable. which is to say, I don't think they're gonna get bogged down with details like "what the fuck does she eat on an abandoned space platform" and will be more focused in making her look like a badass for surviving the full might of the Swarm.
first: how does she connect to the Overmind? such a feat of tapping into an alien hivemind is in and of itself a moment of badassery, and Blizzard will probably want this Overmind connection to be the very thing that saves her. which makes this tricky, bcs, as I pointed out, you'd think it'd telegraph her presence to the zerg.
you'd think.
but what if it didn't.
what if she had figured out a way to slip her mind in, used her telepathy to 'listen in' on the psionic communications of the Swarm, and then, could covertly send untraceable thoughts along the same frequency. and she initially uses this to misdirect the zerg, give false orders.
then she begins outright commanding them in this way.
then the cerebrates notice. and call out to her.
this would be the new Zerg campaign tutorial. instead of escorting the chrysalis, you're discovering and unraveling the hidden rogue element that seems capable of communicating with you directly. and bcs Blizzard did this in real life, I think they'd want to conceal Kerrigan's identity as this mysterious rogue element up until like mission 4, wherein she unveils her true identity to... Raynor. who's been dreaming about her. because just like in canon, she called out to him.
but before she leaves Char (don't ask how she got onto Char), the Overmind intercepts her with... an offer. idk lets say blizz planned the Amon shit from the beginning (It could go either way tbh like maybe they had this all planned out from the start maybe they didnt maybe something in between - whatever!), so okay the Overmind is looking for a free agent that can break the Zerg free of their master's control. this rogue element is a pain in the ass, but she's also an opportunity.
by this point, Kerrigan's learned a lot about the zerg. A lot of shit she's been keeping to herself (but you the player know she's learned this stuff - in the mission briefings, she's had extensive dialogues whenever she anonymously interjected herself into the communications. angry interjections. she'd been listening, and she's furious). But she knows they're not simply a mindless swarm. she knows the humans are ultimately just a step in a grand process. these aliens are actually hunting down the Protoss. they just need something to crack Aiur.
... and that's what the Overmind offers to her. The Zerg will leave these Terrans alone - no, they will aid her friend and wage war on the Dominion. So long as she helps them reach Aiur.
[Raynor voice] "alright Sarah, so we've gotta... Sarah? Sarah, where'd you go?"
and anyways the rest of the campaign has a human ghost making a deal with the devil more directly in order to fulfill her desperate need for revenge. in Brood War, she's commanding the zerg in basically the same way she does in the first half of HotS, but with the added bonus of every time people interact with her, she looks and sounds ever so slightly less human, as the zerg infection slowly seeps in...
... Aight, so what would I do?
My Version
let's make something clear: Kerrigan surviving New Gettysburg definitely does not mean she's out of the fucking woods. let us fucking remember she's "killed" because her evac is G O N E. She's on a fucking space platform being overrun by bugs attracted to the scent of her goddamn psionics she is so deeply and unequivocably screwed. if she manages to establish a psionic connection to the overmind? oh that's just worse: she's telegraphing her presence directly to the hive mind! She can't hide, she can't run, and she sure as fuck can't fight.
don't worry, I have a secret weapon: it's an absolutely deranged concept that I originally wrote for that fanfic I mention way too often on this blog. in fact I think I've mentioned this exact concept a few times.
you know, the one where I have decided that the Zerg can't infect a ghost nonconsensually?
"m'am what the fuck" hear me the fuck out: there was a short story. Now it's been a while since the wiki dive where I read the synopsis of that story, but if I recall correctly, the main character was a psionic human, who Kerrigan had tried to infect, and there was like some parallels drawing they did, and then like, it failed or some shit, like instead of being the super smart and fully psionic infected human like Kerrigan is, our tragic hero instead just became a zombie like every other infected terran. ... I think that's how it went? and the story didn't fully elaborate on why, but listen to me. listen.
y'all do realize the zerg hive mind operates on psionics right? that's why psionic disruptors fuck with them so hard. by the way, this is also why "de-zerged" Kerrigan is capable of commanding the zerg - it's not actually a unique biological feature, it's a specific psychic frequency that other species just haven't figured out how to access (and if they have, they're not recognized as sufficient authority to be making commands).
but like okay. it's psionics.
and in HotS, we see that zerg do in fact have a sort of individuality and are not in fact under constant direct mind control. it's just that the vast majority of zerg units have animal-level intellects and have the instinct to respect and defer to beings that communicate to them with sufficient psionic power... or maybe just the right psionic "passcode".
so... maybe that's why assimilating a psionic is so problematic. a psionic has better standing to resist assimilation. think of it like this: zerg react to projected power. to the zerg, and to any normal assimilated human, the commands of something like the overmind are speaking like. super fucking loud. like big booming voice.
but let's say you're a psionic. and you're pretty accustomed to that type of booming voice, because you can make it yourself. are you going to bow to this king when you're as strong as he is? I didn't think so.
so let's say this is true. the overmind cannot assimilate kerrigan until she agrees to it. at the same time, the overmind is like "alright but we sure as fuck shouldn't kill her bcs she's a really strong psionic (this is canon btw - kerrigan's an absurdly strong psionic. again, Blizzard is kinda comic booky sometimes), and I kinda want strong psionics, like when would i get this opportunity again? hrm... I'll just let her hang around this platform until she realizes joining us is a good idea."
so the overmind reaches out, tells her to surrender and join the zerg. Kerrigan, spooked out of her mind that something impossibly ancient is talking inside her head, says fuck no and shoots holes into a few more hydralisks. overmind's like. "okay. I can be patient. good luck."
and thus begins this intensely awkward prolonged period, where kerrigan tries her best to get off of here, while intimately aware of the fact that she's only alive because she's been *spared*. all the while, she's paying attention to the voice inside her head... and then she unlocks the 'frequency' of zerg communications.
then she figures out how to take advantage of it.
now we get into a scenario pretty similar to blizzard's version, wherein Kerrigan becomes this "rogue element" that the Overmind is tolerating, and who is still the key to them reaching Aiur, but this time her relationship to the Overmind is much more antagonistic. She's trying to take advantage of her connection to the zerg, not work with them. and the Overmind lets her "commandeer" even an entire brood (Zasz died and she said "oh cool can i have it"), because what Kerrigan doesn't realize is that the Overmind actually totally wants her to get used to commanding the Zerg.
after all, this is the destiny it laid out for her. She will become a fine queen, once she truly accepts her future...
by the point of Brood War, she's opened up to Raynor about her awkward relationship with the Zerg, and both of them are understandably worried. However, it seems like her power over them is useful, and nothing bad's happening... yet.
and then a diplomatic fiasco at Shakuras. that one protoss didn't trust her wisdom, and she lashed out.
her anger seems to grow as she brings the scattered zerg under her thrall. she realizes her body is changing... frankly, she's let the zerg infect her, bit by bit. she has nothing to fear from it, after all. The Overmind made it clear that, as a ghost, her will could not be subjugated, and now that the Overmind is dead, there's nothing for her will to be subjugated to, anyways... so why not use the zerg to improve her capabilities?
Raaynor has objections to this. and then he has objections when she betrays her former allies. he wonders when his friend turned into a monster... not realizing, of course,
nothing's changed in her at all.
she's just come to truly understand the unconditional loyalty of the Zerg. the respect they give her as their queen. the power they offer. the ability to exact vengeance on those who wronged her (and oh so many have wronged her).
Humanity's never really fit her, anyways.
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miracleinfeathers · 1 month
Less than a millennium has passed and here is a small description of my main Protoss characters xd
Не прошло и тысячелетия и вот небольшая характеристика моих основных персонажей протоссов
Senia - Khalai hails from Aiur. Her neural processes were damaged during the accident. Because of this, she had to leave her home planet and wander alone among the stars in space in search of herself and her path.
Siya - Comes from the family of judges on Aiur. She is the younger sister of Yais. She is not particularly "talkative", prefers to deal with documents and hold meetings. She believes that she is looking for her way to perfection (she just wants to be as outstanding a judge as her older sister).
Alesta - Comes from the Templar castle from Aiur and is a Zealot. An orphan who was accepted into the Templar caste as a child, mentor Rogond and she, along with her adopted "family", grew up and studied the skills of the Templars. Until Aiur was captured by the Zerg. She has lost everything that was dear to her and she has only herself and her faith in herself.
Agnest- Comes from the Templar caste from Aiur and is the highest Templar. She has a calm personality and although she is an experienced warrior, she is more attracted to botany at heart. There will definitely be a lot of plants in the room she lives in. Agnest misses all her friends, whom she lost because of the battles.
Shirin - ???
One day, the Mobius Foundation thought about what would happen if Protoss were crossed with other species (they also managed to cross Protoss and Zerg through cloning, although it was considered impossible). Shirin is a successful experiment, but she does not remember at all and does not know who she is. In the course of a combination of circumstances, she accidentally found herself on a safe planet, being lost to scientists, having gained freedom.
Kai - Khalai hails from Aiur. She is well versed in shipbuilding and engineering, but due to self-doubt, she usually stays away. Secretly dreams of becoming a pilot, because she is well versed in the systems of spaceships and not only ships, but because of indecision, dreams remain dreams until she decides to change something. He understands space maps, easily navigates constellations and is fond of astrology.
Viola - Comes from the Templar caste from Aiur and is a Zealot. In one word - "movement". She is rarely found bored with nothing to do, she will always find entertainment for herself, whether it is training or making fun of others.
Sati - is a dark Templar from the Lenassa tribe and hails from Shakuras. Behind the taciturn and slightly irritated appearance is a kind nature that just wants to protect the people dear to her. She lost her lover during the military campaign to protect Aiur and after that she is especially distrustful of people from Aiur.
Mia - is one of the most poorly thought-out characters so far. She is a tal'darim.
Yais - Comes from the family of judges on Aiur. She is Siya's older sister. Although she is literally a couple of minutes older than her sister, everyone still sees her only as Siya's older sister and the heiress of a family they are proud of, who has a great future and a successful career. Since childhood, You had to take responsibility for both herself and her sister (although she never admits this, how to actually take care of her well-being). During the war, Yais was stolen by the Mobius Foundation as an experimental way to create hybrids.
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Сения/Senia - Кхалай родом с Айура. У нее были повреждены нейронные отростки в ходе несчастного случая. Из-за чего ей пришлось покинуть свою родную планету и в одиночку скитаться среди звезд в космосе в поиске себя и своего пути.
Сия/Siya - Происходит из рода судей на Айуре. Является младшей сестрой Яис. Не особо "разговорчива", предпочитает разбираться с документами и проводить собрания. Считает что ищет свой путь к совершенству (ей просто хочется быть такой же выдающейся судьей, как и ее старшая сестра).
Алеста/Alesta - Происходит из касты тамплиеров с Айура и является зилотом. Сирота, которую приняли в детстве в касту тамплиеров, наставник Рогонд и она вместе со своей приемной "семьей" росла и обучалась мастерству тамплиеров. Пока Айур не был захвачен зергами. Она потеряла все что ей было дорого и у нее осталась только она сама и ее вера в себя.
Агнест/Agnest - Происходит из касты тамплиеров с Айура и является высшим тамплиером. У нее спокойный характер и хотя она является опытным воином, её больше в душе привлекает ботаника. В комнате которой она живет, обязательно будет много растений. Агнест скучает по всем своим друзьям, которых она потеряла из за сражений.
Ширин/Shirin - ???
Однажды в Фонде Мёбиуса задумались о том что было бы если скрестить протоссов с другими видами ( у них же получилось скрестить через клонирование скрестить протоссов и зергов, хотя это считалось невозможным). Ширин является удачным экспериментом, но совершенно не помнит и не знает кто она. В ходе стечения обстоятельств, она случайно оказалась на безопасной планете будучи утерянной для ученых, обретя свободу.
Виола/Viola - Происходит из касты тамплиеров с Айура и является зилотом. Одним словом - "движение". Ее редко можно найти скучающей без дела, она всегда найдет развлечения себе, будь это тренировки или подшучивание над другими.
Кай/Kai - Кхалай родом с Айура. Она отлично разбирается в кораблестроении и технике, но из за неуверенности в себе обычно остается в стороне. Тайно мечтает стать пилотом, потому что превосходно разбирается в системах космических и не только кораблей, но из за нерешительности, мечты остаются мечтами, пока она не решиться, что то менять.
Разбирается в картах космоса, легко ориентируется в созвездиях и увлекается астрологией.
Сати/Sati - Является темным тамплиером из племени Ленасса и родом с Шакураса. За неразговорчивой и слегка раздраженной внешностью находится добрая натура, которая просто хочет защитить дорогих ей людей. Она потеряла своего возлюбленного во время военной кампании по защите Айура и после этого особенно недоверчива к выходцам с Айура.
Мия/Mia - пока что она одна из самых слабо продуманных персонажей. Она является талдаримом.
Яис/Yais - Происходит из рода судей на Айуре. Является старшей сестрой Сии. Хотя она старше сестры буквально на пару минут, все все равно ее воспринимают, только как старшую сестру Сии и наследницу семьи, которой гордятся, которую ждет великое будущее и успешная карьера. С детства Яис пришлось нести ответственность и за себя, и за сестру (хотя она никогда не признается Сие, как на самом деле заботиться о ее благополучии). Во время войны была похищена Фондом Мебиуса в качестве экспериментального способа создания гибридов.
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chromezi · 1 year
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I know your life is for Aiur but can we at least agree on respecting my CD Zeratul? Just please don't insta blink back into the crowd after I pull you. Please I'm begging you. Zeratul please
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predwolfxx121 · 1 year
She's a Gargoyle of an ancient clan who guards an abandoned temple that once belonged to the Protoss more than ten thousand years ago within the desert terrain of Aiur.
Like the Gargoyles of legends on the human's home planet Earth, these Gargoyles have a primary objective is to protect the people.
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Name: Speranta
Age: 367
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Wingspan: 9 Meters Long
Height: 7'2" feet tall
Rank: Healer and Night Guardian
Lore: Speranta was born on August 1st, 2139, she was the daughter of the former clan leader (her father who's nameless) of the Gargoyles (now deceased), and the matriarch Chari (her mother) who was once second in command, is now the current clan leader. At the beginning of hatchlinghood, she was the only Gargoyle student to learn the ways of the Khala and psionic abilities from a young executor of the Templar cast. Despite being a well-behaved student at her school & child of the family, she was constantly being bullied by some Protoss children because she was a Gargoyle. But not kids were mean, some were fascinated by how amazing she is, especially when she glides on currents of wind. Not so for the teacher advisor, who's always very strict and he always criticizes her for "putting her life and others in danger".
Years later, she became a healer and then eventually she became a Night guardian.
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akirameta84 · 6 months
Akechi being Rivulet definitely works! And can also act as Aiura both desperately wanting to help Saiki, and get some vengeance for Saiki via having Akechi be built specifically for ripping out Kuusuke's Rarefaction Cell, whether he consents to it or not. And maybe she included a secondary purpose afterwards. One geared towards giving Saiki a companion after the Rarefaction Cell transplant happens.
Aren could be the Spearmaster Scug, but his creation was completely different. Like, Saiki could've created him as a desperate attempt to communicate with Kuusuke and get him to stop draining all the water, even if it's probably too late, via acting as his messenger because Kuusuke wasn't listening to all other methods of communication. And when that didn't work, he finally gave up and had Aren send out his final message. The ability to tap into the Iterator network could've been a side effect of Saiki's attempt to figure out why this is happening bleeding into Aren's creation process, and by the time he switched focus from investigator to messenger, it was already coded into the genome. ...and I'm adding angst via throwing out the idea of Aren sticking around Saiki's collapsed Super Structure until things have both cooled down enough, and there is an opening even there, so that he can finally reunite with his creator.
Mera as the Artificer. Her siblings and mother were killed by the Scavengers, so she decided to go a little crazy. ...yes if there was a way for her to have learned what happened to Saiki due to Kuusuke's actions she wouldn't be happy with him whatsoever. But for a while she had no way of learning and by the time she can learn she's living on top of Kuusuke's Super Structure taking care of some Slug Pups she found because it's safe from the rain so she probably won't learn about it until way later on.
Hairo is a less chonky Gourmand, but that's only because of his energy because otherwise he still cooks to keep up with the amount of energy he burns just by existing. Anyways he just got a bit lost scouting, met Saiki once, surprisingly without Nendou or Aren nearby, helped him out with a lizard, left, met Nendou and Aren individually and helped them hunt a bit, then met Kuusuke, got him to open the gate, then left. But he still visits on the occasion. Not at all realizing the two loner slug cats and the other Iterator know each other until Teruhashi arrived and helped them.
Speaking of, Teruhashi, she's the Survivor. She was swept away, and is now desperately trying to survive. She met Aren who chucked some food at her then left, and later Nendou who guided her to Saiki, alongside Saiki, Toritsuka, and Aiura's Overseers. Which she trusts because they've helped her so far. Anyways she ends up getting the necessary Neurons for Saiki because Nendou and Aren are too busy guarding him from the wildlife to go, and despite his body language it's obvious Saiki is nice via how he didn't hesitate to absent mindedly pet all the Scugs around him. ...when she meets Kuusuke the dislike on her side is great and Kuusuke is trying very hard to ignore her reasoning for grabbing his neurons, instead acting like she isn't grabbing them.
Kaidou is the Monk. He was a member of the colony Teruhashi was from and after a bit decided to go after her. He's fucking terrified the entire time, somehow ended up meeting Kuusuke before meeting literally anyone else, and had to be guided by Kuusuke to Saiki, and as a result Saiki's group of Scugs. Including Teruhashi. Saiki is just extremely confused on how they know each other.
Now then, as for the Monk... I honestly have no clue the Monk could be the same Slug Cat for all I know the little guy is wack like that.
yes. very much yes. i have 2 rain world aus now it seems lmfao, a scug one where its an isekai and everyone is a scug, and this one, where they replace the canon cast <3
akechi was definitely designed to also be a companion after he did his job. hes sleek and fast but strong, as aiurs didnt know how hard stealing a rarefaction cell from a mostly functioning iterator would be.
rain world kinda implies that rivulet was a purposed organism (being so unique + already having the mark), so in this au its just the actual truth
you did Monk twice but i think you meant Saint can just be the same crazy fella, and i agree haha
spearmaster aren is perfect. kuusuke hsd closed all communication networks so a messenger was needed, and kusuo was still functional enough to make one. and hes there as a companion too <3
mera, as the most feral character, works well as the most feral scug lol. those scavengers didnt stand a chance.
everyone who wasnt a purposed organism has to got through kuusuke to get the mark of communication, since the other closest iterstor cant exactly do that. so them winding up there makes sense lol
ty for the ask i agree with everything so so so much <3 love getting these even if i apologize for a lackluster response because honestly all i have is agreement ahdb
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cun I smll eyoure aiur
I'm a shark
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cgogs · 1 year
This is like in StarCraft when Aiur (greater DSMPblr) was destroyed so the Aiur Protoss (greater DSMPblr people) had to go to Shakuras (your askbox) and do their best to put aside the conflict with the exiled Nerazim (nuance enjoyers) but for years it was thought there would never be unity between the people (they are sending whatever this is to your askbox) this can only be resolved by Artanis (cTechnoblade) unifying the Protoss (people not sides) in the new Daelaam society (progressive vs reactionary ideology)
This is based as shit everyone go ask lore questions to @ranboo5 instead
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1358456 · 2 years
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I did mention that the Yakuza series has become my 3rd favorite, as the top 2 have nostalgia. And no, Pokemon is not among those two.
My top favorite franchise... the hints are scattered everywhere in my stories and on Tumblr. Though of course, you need to recognize those hints. The second favorite... well, it’s a lot more closely guarded.
I won’t reveal my second favorite franchise, because... let me keep some secrets. Hahaha.
My top favorite franchise of all time is... ... I did say that I was an RTS nut, right? I love real time strategy games. And what happens if you look up the most popular RTS game of all time?
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Yes. My top favorite franchise of all time is Starcraft. “Starcraft is such a Korean game”. ... Well, I am Korean. And it’s not my fault that foreigners, aka non-Koreans, just can’t match Koreans in Starcraft I. In SC II, it’s a lot more diverse, which is great. But I’ve seen the #1 foreigner in SC I take on a Korean champion, in a 7-game showmatch, and lost all 7 games in a straight up stomping. ... And I’ve also seen a Korean guy beat a Chinese guy using his foot for the keyboard. There’s a reason why there are never any foreigners in the ASL. They simply don’t make it through the qualifiers.
Starcraft 1 has been released in 1998. I did mention that the first games I’ve played were from 1998. And Starcraft 2 is from 2010. They’re both very old at this point. And still going on strong. I watch a Starcraft game every day, whether that’d be a pro match, or a world tournament match. Starcraft 1′s tournament, the ASL, is going very strong, delivering tons of amazing games. That game hadn’t had a balance update since like 2000, and the meta is still changing. ... Annoyingly, because I’m watching the AfreecaTV Star League (ASL), Youtube sometimes recommends me the top 25 American Sign Language (ASL) videos.
And I did mention in the “Get to Know Your Buddies” post, that the last series I’ve watched was GSL. Global Starcraft II League. Speaking of which...
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Round of 4 tomorrow. Definitely watching that. ... Not live, since GSL happens in Korea, thus Korean time. C’mon, herO! Win 2 seasons in a row! Don’t let Maru win for the 5th time! He’s going after the G5L trophy! Stop him!
Anyways. So, what kind of hints did I litter everywhere? For one, specific references! I mention Starcraft units, upgrades, abilities, etc every now and then. In the Zelda game playthrough, Lonk finds a pair of boots? I mention the Zealot Charge upgrade from the Twilight Council (SC II), and the Leg Enhancements upgrade from the Citadel (of Adun) (SC 1). Of course, you need to know what that meant. So loose hints.
Next, Destiny. Destiny’s chapter titles are ALL mission titles from SC I and II campaign missions. I had to avoid the very specific titles, like “For Aiur!”, and there were a lot of those. SA being titled after Halo missions and sub-chapters was a lot easier.
Next, “the Legacy package”. The hell does that mean? If you look at Starcraft II’s expansions... the first one was Wings of Liberty (2010), then Heart of the Swarm (2013), and then Legacy of the Void (2015), and there’s the Nova Covert Ops (”Covert Ops”, you say?). The last three stories of mine are Eternal Legacy, For Her Heart, and The New Wings. SC II starts with “Wings”, “Heart”, and “Legacy”, in that order. My stories END with “Legacy”, “Heart”, and “Wings”, in that order. Of course, the SC II expansions are shorted to “Liberty”, “Swarm”, and “Void”, so that might have been hard to notice immediately.
Next, the Mew icon. What is that on its wrists? People have asked before and I never gave a straight answer.
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Starcraft’s Protoss Psi Blades. Most commonly seen on Protoss Zealots. Which is why I refer to it as zealot blades.
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Because everyone knows that the Protoss stuff is the coolest in Starcraft. Though game-wise, balance is an issue. But that’s a common RTS problem. How can Marines shoot down a Battlecruiser? In the lore, they don’t. In the games, if the Marines have +3 but the Battlecruisers don’t have armor upgrades, they melt to a decent sized ball of Marines.
And this is why that crossover story idea didn’t get anywhere. If a Protoss Mothership appears in orbit above a planet, it’s going to fire its purifier beam, and the planet will be incinerated. How do I write a story about a handful of PEOPLE while that’s happening? Though it would’ve been interesting to write having a single Protoss Zealot helping the main cast through a Zerg invasion, who then later get killed, and the Protoss armor warps away the occupant upon taking fatal damage. And the warrior then comes back inside a Dragoon shell to fight once more.
There’s a specific chapter in Destiny where... “I” appear. Lots of Protoss stuff there, starting with the ability Recall, Stasis, has Zealot Psi Blades, Charge boots, tinkering with a Vortex cannon, has a drone that seems awfully like a miniature Protoss Warp Prism, seems to have Observers scattered around for surveillance, etc.
And note how many times I used the words “warp”, “stasis”, and “recall” in my posts and stories. Whenever something is teleported, I say it’s been “warped away”, or “recalled”. If something’s locked down, it’s in stasis.
Look at the icon for the story that I don’t like talking about. What is Mew’s silhouette carrying? Looks like twin green reaper scythes.
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Protoss Dark Templar’s Warp Blades, that’s what. And since Dark Templar are cloaked and thus invisible... it fits how the silhouette is barely visible.
These are all Protoss stuff though! Starcraft has three races. Human Terrans, high-tech Protoss, and swarming Zerg. ... I’m a Protoss main in both SC I and II. But I do mention other races’ abilities from time to time.
In Destiny, I refer to “burrow charge” a lot. That is a Zerg Ultralisk ability that was scrapped given how stupidly powerful that was.
I do remember mentioning “stimpack” or “stims” from time to time. Terran ability. Marines take a quick stim to move and shoot faster somehow. ... I think stimmed Marines have the highest DPS in the game. So you just make Barracks, make Marines, and keep doing that to win. ... Until you run into splash damage like Protoss Colossus or Psionic Storm, Zerg Lurkers or Banelings... and then you complain about balance on the forums like all Terran players.
... Anyways. I think this post has gone on long enough. I think you get the idea. I can’t point out all the references I’ve made. This Tumblr was made in December 2013. I’ve been playing/watching Starcraft since 1998. It’s safe to say that this Tumblr is filled with references.
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I dreamed that the starcraft wiki asserted as fact that in the 1970s (blurry science fiction writer) came up with the "coolest idea ever": the mouth of batheloth, a device that would transmit the history and culture of the planet batheloth in all directions and then collapse it into an Ultimate Forever Singularity so the memory of the bathelothians would persist but it would prevent the planet from being captured (the rest of the information was shown repeatedly but Ultimate Forever Singularity was replaced with a different Overkill Nullity Description every time).
the reason the starcraft wiki asserted this was there was apparently such a thing in the sc1 campaign (this is not correct) and there was a mission where you had to activate the mouth of batheloth (it was still called the mouth of batheloth despite being on aiur) but it malfunctioned and could neither transmit nor destroy the planet.
i then looked up from the wiki. it turned out that starcraft 1 had originally been a mod for these weird pinball/foosball tables that you had to control by moving a curved paddle in front of a series of sensors. there was a devoted contingent of highly competitive fans who thought sc2 sold out by being released for the pc. i didn't want to play starcraft but they kept twisting everything i said around to mean the opposite. i woke up before i actually had to play a game
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wren-key · 10 months
quiet working days
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OC of mine, Noxar (this little tal`darim) and beateful Lucille and her (and two random) three-eyed Aiur cats by @einkleinesmittelding (thanks for the permission to post!)
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my life for aiur
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miracleinfeathers · 9 months
Юная Алеста и ее друзья, до падения Айюра.
Давно я не рисовала акварелью, так что может быть немного кривовато.
Young Alesta and her friends, before the fall of Aiur.
I haven't painted in watercolor for a long time, so it may be a little crooked
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