#Altea Shepard
Word Game Wednesday
I was tagged by @mythicaitt Thank you for all your love and support! My words are: believe, stop and moon.
All of these will be pulled from Wrong Side of Heaven, my Shepard/Vega fic (that I hope to return to writing soon.)
James had seen the posters, watched the propaganda footage and seen the VI’s of Shepard a thousand times. His “Remember the Normandy” poster showed an outline of Shepard’s features and he had memorized them. But the white-washed, posed and dirt-covered pictures did nothing to prepare him for how beautiful Altea Shepard was. Her skin was not white, as he’d been led to believe but a tanned, satiny, olive. The thick lips, the beauty mark just under her nose and her knee-buckling gaze were on point though.
“What’s the matter Lieutenant, can’t handle the heat?” There was a challenge in her eyes that begged to be met. 
He didn’t know if he should give in to it or not but the words left before he could stop them. “Commander, I pack so much heat, I’d have you dripping in seconds." Que mierdas dije? His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He knew he shouldn’t have. There was just something about the way she was looking at him that forced the words out of his mouth. But, as he held his ground, unwavering even as the chill of utter humiliation coursed through him, he saw the slow smile that crept across the Commander’s lips.
Then, Altea’s brow shot up in apparent intrigue. “Alright, Admiral, I approve. At least things won’t be boring.”
“Dude, you got her drunk?” Cortez shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He obviously didn’t approve of how this story was going. Of course, he also knew that James wasn’t at his best when he was inebriated.
“Not on purpose, or well, not for that purpose.” James stroked his hands over his face, trying to keep his cool and not sound like some mooning school girl with a crush. “She was stressed and I was trying to make her feel better. I wasn’t drinking that much, so I didn’t see the harm.” He shrugged, remembering how she got so cozy next to him after the first two glasses. Maybe he should have said goodnight then. It probably would have been better going forward to not have this unknown thing hanging above them. Hell, he’d left her with a kiss earlier and not much else.
“Uh-hu and then she drunkenly planted one on you?” It seemed that Cortez knew this was where the story was going. Maybe he could already tell by the way James was acting.
“She almost fell asleep, so I carried her to her bed. When I tried to pull away, she kissed me.”
Kinda feel like this was a set up to have me revisit favorite moments. LOL
Tagging @pikapeppa @crackinglamb @fogsblue Your words are: brave, heart and soft
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heavenlyeros · 4 years
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commission for @mrscullensrutherford of james vega and altea shepard, a scene from their fic <3 thank you!
instagram || ko-fi || commissions || redbubble
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helilart · 4 years
expertmakodriver replied to your photo “Altea Shepard for the amazing @mrscullensrutherford​”
im just that good babeyy
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heartofliions · 5 years
Starter call for Ally bear. Default verse will be main unless specified.
Main verse: Allura was found wandering a deserted colony and brought back to the Garrison by Commander Shepard. After proving she that is the Princess, she was taken to New Altea by Coran. Allura currently waits for her coronation date.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years
If Love and Legends had voice acting, who do you think would be the VAs for the love interests?
I’ve never actually thought about this before. This is an interesting question. Hmmm… well…
jon Curry- Iseul. Jon Curry voiced Zevran in Dragon Age. Someone mentioned Iseul was discount Zevran and I can’t get it out of my head now because I hear Zevran’s voice when I play Isuel but without the accent? And maybe a bit… soft I guess? I’ve always though Isuel had a very nice voice but a very smooth one to.
Corinne Kempa- Altea. Corinne Kempa played Leliana in Dragon Age and given that in DA she’s the equivalent of French and Altea is the equivalent of French… yeah. Though I’m thinking Origins Leliana where she was bubbly and happy. I picture Altea as having a slightly higher voice and maybe she’s more giggly in tone but she’s very sweet.
Jennifer Hale- Helena. Jennifer Hale is one of my favorite voice actors. She voiced Female Shepard from Mass Effect and Krem from Dragon Age. As Shepard I feel she has a smoky sort of tone, like really sultry when she’s flirting and I picture Helena speaking like that.
Mark Meer- Reiner. Mark Meer voices Male Shepard from Mass Effect and it’s a nice deep tone that sounds really nice when he’s flirting. I dunno why but I can totally hear Reiner with his voice.
Tom Taylorson- August. Tom Taylorson voiced Male Ryder from Mass Effect Andromeda. It’s a really nice voice. Quite cheerful and can be serious or silly and it’s a youthful tone. I know that August isn’t really a youth but I’ve always kinda of heard him with a voice like Tom’s that’s… ergh. It’s hard to describe. Like a young but not to young voice? I’m 80% sure August is above 25 (I forget how old he technically is) but I have always felt he’s got a young sounding voice in the beginning. Eh.
Nicholas Boulton- Saerys. Nicholas Boulton plays Reyes in Mass Effect Andromeda and it’s a nice deep voice that’s got the right amount of flirt to it. Saerys (I can’t remember if this is a headcanon or actual canon) has a deep voice that to me is slightly flirty but can be incredibly serious.
As for Alain… I legit don’t know? I usually play video games but I don’t really know of a voice that strikes me as being Alain? Maybe… errrrr Yeah no. If I had to I’d stick him with Cullen’s voice actor from Dragon Age Inquisition. Greg Ellis. I think they would sound similar at the least.
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texanredrose · 7 years
Thoughts on S3 of Voltron:
Part of me is super fucking happy we finally have a sensible, canon reason for why Keith pilots the Black Lion but wears red, Lance pilots the Red Lion but wears blue, and Allura pilots the Blue Lion but wears pink. Yes, this is still one of my biggest gripes about the original series, fuck you.
Hell fucking yes for Allura wearing pink not because it’s suitably ‘girly’ but because it’s a color of honor for Altea. Thank you. There’s not even a pink fucking lion why would there be a pink combat costume!?
Saw the evil!Alteans twist coming. Still, enjoyed the execution. Not everything is black and white- very good point to hammer home.
I LAUGHED SO HARD AT SVEN AND THE ‘SPACE HOSPITAL’ LINE. HOLY SHIT. But also, I wonder if people who never watched the American release are super fucking confused about that. STILL, BEST EPISODE FOR NOSTALGIA FACTOR ALONE.
Fuck you, Lotor. I don’t believe for a second you’re trying to do the same thing Zarkon did, but what you are planning is probably objectively worse. What’s even worse is, I think you can pull it off, fuck.
Actually, fuck Lotor altogether- and this isn’t a bad thing. Lotor in the American release was a hammy, dramatic, horny bastard obsessed with Allura and a huge fucking womanizer. This Lotor is fucking smart, fucking charming, fucking cold and calculating, and fucking likable in a way his predecessor wasn’t. As in, I liked the old Lotor getting his butt kicked, because he deserved it; this new one is like... I almost want to root for him, because he seems to have something more up his sleeve. I want him to bring his A game and I want Voltron to win, but if he ended up joining forces with Voltron? Wouldn’t complain.
His generals are wicked cool. Nice to see a bit of continuity with the weblum Galra. If she defects, also wouldn’t complain.
Also, like, fucking kudos for embracing that speculation that Haggar is/was Zarkon’s lover at one point. Did not think that would happen.
On that note: Zarkon flirts like Commander Shepard. End every conversation with “I must go” and you’re sure to get the girl. I think that’s hilarious.
Still not convinced that Haggar/Honerva is Lotor’s mother, though. While it makes sense in some respects, when he was conceived is still up in the air. I can buy the resurrected Haggar and Zarkon living for-fucking-ever because of direct quintessance exposure, but Lotor? Like, when? Were you conceived?? Because Haggar is snooping after you like a concerned mom, but she didn’t even remember her former life as Honurva, so it muddles things slightly. I feel like Alfor would’ve become, like, some sort of guardian to Lotor had he been born around the same time as Allura- which, huh, interesting AU idea, but anyway- and I don’t see zombie!Zarkon being super invested in reclaiming his son considering his detachment to Haggar/Honerva after resurrection. Still, maybe he got frozen in time somehow? Or Alteans have the fucking longest gestation period possible? And after Lotor was born Zarkon was like ‘hey, that’s my son’ and Haggar was like ‘seems legit’ and they just never discussed how he was conceived?
The Galra give babies war helms. Fuck yeah. Also, mimicking Lotor’s helm from the original, gfdi, that made me laugh.
I want more Lotor/Zarkon/Haggar/Galra backstory is what I’m saying, yes, please.
Zarkon was actually really cool before he died!? Like, you can tell that, yeah, he was in it for his people and his empire, but it seemed like his core motivation came down to love for his wife and fear of losing her. It’s Honerva’s obsession and exposure to quintessence that actually caused the whole debacle, and even then it’s due to her love for the science. Love is good but obsession is a dangerous route, and that’s a theme that should be explored more often in fiction.
Actually, just giving Zarkon a different motivation- seeing as ‘lust for power’ is the one character trait every iteration seems to share no matter what- is refreshing. He wasn’t originally manipulative or greedy or a terrible person; he was a genuinely good ruler of his people who got corrupted along the way. (Which makes keeping the caste based social structure of the Galra an interesting choice.) His relationship with Alfor was great to see, and I hope we get to see more flashbacks from his perspective down the road; this is entirely new territory, to my knowledge, so I’m all for getting MOAR.
I am a wee bit concerned about how much this ‘knowledge or death’ thing keeps popping up, though. Just because I think there should be another option or something, shit.
Are we going to follow up on Keith’s mom at all, now that I think about it? Would like that plot thread to reappear, thanks.
We can all agree this Shiro is a fucking clone, right? We’re all aware that this one is definitely not the original Shiro, right?
Lance, why did you think pick up lines would work on the Blue Lion? WtF?
Hunk and Pidge, you continue to be amazing. Love you both.
The Keith and Lance character growth is pretty bomb.
All Blue Lion pilots are flirts; apparently, it’s canon.
All Yellow Lion pilots are amazed at being a leg.
Also, did Voltron name itself? It seems like it named its-fucking-self.
We got less Space Mice this time around. Which, frankly, I’m okay with, because I remember Snarf and sometimes it’s better to leave the animal sidekicks well enough alone.
Going back to Lotor: he hasn’t actually seen Allura yet. I have to admit, I am entirely surprised by this development. I thought for sure he’d capture the Blue Lion during one of the trap episodes. Color me impressed that not only did Allura outsmart him when her first iteration would’ve certainly been captured, she did so without being directly aided by anyone else. God, why couldn’t I have grown up with this Allura?
Another note: really happy to see Allura’s first effort piloting a Lion had the same overall ‘oh shit oh shit oh shit’ tone but wasn’t her stealing the fucker or being inept for no reason.
I love all the Generals. All of them. Did I mention this already?
Also, kudos to having the recently liberated people not super thrilled about the Blade of Momora. Liked that touch, even if it sucks for them. Poor good Galra.
Okay, so, now that we’ve got most of the cast- aside from one-offs and the whole of Planet Pollux and we should probably avoid that whole debacle altogether- in their appropriate places, I think I might be able to be surprised more often than not. Thank. God. 
I am ready for October!
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sasuhinasno1fan · 7 years
Birthday pets?
So I came up with this whole story idea on the shance chat I’m apart of (yes I know it’s klanro but we multiship ok), and one of my friends mentioned how they have a zoo of pets later and I decided that the dog was a present to Shiro on his birthday and it kinda spiralled from there. Ok so quick backstory so you know what’s going on:
Lance is a singer who has Shiro for a manager. When he came out as bisexual, Garrison Studios told Shiro to hire Lance a bodyguard in case any backlash happened, which lead him to hire Keith. As time goes on Keith sees Shiro and Lance like each other, even though he liked Shiro and then started to develop feelings for Lance, and then an event (which I’ll mention in the story) made Lance realise how much he like Keith, while also liking Shiro. Stuff happened and klance happened and Keith finally cornered Shiro and told him how the two felt about him, which lead to klanro. I don’t know if I’ll eventually do the actual story, which is why I didn’t give explicit details. So yeah, I hope you enjoy and happy birthday Space Dad.
It was early when he woke up. He woke up alone, the heat of two bodies not next to him. Looks like Lance was up late again writing songs, which meant unless Keith willingly got up early, he had stayed with Lance the night before to make sure he got to bed, which of course didn’t happen. He at least hoped Keith got him on the couch before passing out.
He changed into his usual running attire, making sure he had his phone and armband, as well as his keys, before walking out of the bedroom. Lance’s writing table was empty of the Cuban singer, though Blue was in her usual place, curled up in the corner. She did let out a questioning mew when she heard his footsteps. He scratched her behind her ear, lulling her back to sleep. He walked over to the couch in the living room and looked over the back. Yep there they were. Keith, his hair still in a ponytail from the night before asleep, curled up to Lance who was still in his clothes from the day before. It didn’t help that Lance had interviews, so Shiro was sure the skinny jeans didn’t feel great right now. He brushed Lance hair off his forehead, making Lance stir a bit, but he fell back asleep, pulling Keith closer. They’d be out for a while longer. Being as quite as possible, he let himself out and pulled his headphones in his ears, heading to the elevator. As he headed down, he opened up his calendar to see what Lance would have to do today. He noticed the date and pushed down the excitement that came with seeing the date.
“Come on Shrio, you’re birthday isn’t this year. Getting excited about the 28th can’t happen this year.”
Lance was showered and changed by the time Shiro was back from his run. He was in the kitchen making a Panini when Shiro walked into the kitchen.
“You’re up.” Shiro noted, planting a kiss on Lance’s cheek as he went to the fridge.
“And you aren’t 7 yet.” Shiro gave him an exasperated look, which Lance just smiled back at. “Happy birthday.”
“Lance, my birthday isn’t for another 4 years.” Shiro said with a smile.
“Gez, people already judge me for going out with two guys. What are they gonna do when they find out I’m dating a kid too.”
“Screw you.” Shiro said with a glass full of water.
“Maybe later tonight after birthday dinner.”
“Lance…” Shiro whined                                                                        
“It actually wasn’t Lance’s idea this time.” Keith was walking into the kitchen, in more casual clothes. “Allura wanted for you to have dinner with everyone tonight and tomorrow, but we convinced her to only one night. Just so you know, she’ll try for two nights next year.”
“It’s not that big of a deal. Besides, I’m going to be spending most of my day inside an Altea meeting room with Lance talking meetings. We’ll be lucky if we can break for lunch away from the building.”
“You sure you don’t want me to come with?” Keith asked
Shiro shook his head. “It’s your day off. I don’t want to drag you to your job.”
Opening the Panini maker and pushing his breakfast onto a plate, Lance said, “I’m sure there’s something you want to do with your free time.”
Shiro didn’t notice the secretive look his boyfriends shared when Keith said, “I can think of a few things.”
“Alright, well I need to get changed. Lance, eat quick. Our first meeting starts in an hour and you know how Allura can get.” Finishing the glass, Shiro disappeared back into the bedroom, messing with something on his phone.
Seeing Shiro faraway enough, Keith moved closer to Lance. “So Allura will come up with enough things to keep him busy right?”
Lance nodded, “it should give you more than enough time to find him the perfect dog. I can’t believe we’re getting him a dog for his birthday. Well almost birthday. Maybe I can finally convince him to let Blue come with us on tour.” Lance said, looking excited
“It might take a bit more than that.” Keith wasn’t gonna lie. It was a bit exciting getting another pet. Blue adapted to anyone, so Lance was sure she’d be fine with a dog. Getting a dog was something Shiro talked about wanting to do, but he was sure that with his job as Lance’s manager, he wouldn’t have the time. He seemed to forget he lived with 2 other people who’d be more than willing to help. So while Shiro was busy with meetings, Keith would be choosing a dog to adopt and hopefully be able to show up to the Altea Records building with the dog in hand. “Just keep him from messaging me a lot, ok?”
Lance nodded, still looking excited. Keith couldn’t help but share the smile and he rested his forehead against Lance’s and the two smiled about the shared secret.
It didn’t seem like long after that Shiro was changed and dressed, walking Lance out the door, giving Keith a kiss and telling him to enjoy his day off. While Keith waited for enough time to pass, he put more food in Blue automatic feeder and made sure her water bowl was full.
“Hopefully when we get back, you’ll have a new sibling.” He told the Russian Blue, as he scratched her behind the ears, laughing as she meowed distressed when he stopped. Honestly Keith loved animals. People couldn’t tell based on his outward appearance, but he’d melt at the sight of all the animals. He hadn’t really told that to Lance cause it did seem a bit embarrassing, the big bad bodyguard melting at the sight of a puppy, but Keith was sure he’d control himself once he got there.
When he did get there, it took everything not to let out a high pitched ‘awww’. The woman helping him knew who he was and he had somewhat of a reputation to keep. Most of the dogs were right up to the cages, trying to get Keith’s attention and he wanted all of them. He had to be smart about though. Training it to help him with body guarding was something Shiro would point out would help, but he still wanted it to be something Shiro could enjoy.
“You said the dog needed a lot of training?”
“Yeah, well Shiro gets stressed sometimes from work, so it’d be nice to have someone who can listen to direction when he needs it. Plus if they can help when I’m body guarding.”
“Well, there is a dog. She was a guard dog for the house for those she didn’t really trust. The previous owners say she has a wonderful temperament. Plus, they were starting training for her to be a therapy dog. Wanna meet her?”
“Sure.” This almost sounded too good to be true. But there she sat, whimpering slightly at the sight of a possible new friend. She had the markings of a standard German Shepard, but her eyes were a really intense blue.
“She’s a husky Shepard mix, about a year and a half. Her previous owners called her Voltron, after that old school rock band apparently. How about we take her outside?”
The woman was right. Keith gave her commands once they got outside and she followed them. When she wasn’t following commands, she was incredibly sweet. Keith couldn’t help it, he had fallen in love, and he was sure Shiro would too.
The woman then asked, “Were you thinking of adopting anyone else today?”
Keith knew he shouldn’t but asked, “Who else do you have here?”
Shiro and Lance walked out into the Altea Records lobby where they waited by the front desk for Keith. They had gotten out of meetings with an hour and a half break to go eat lunch.
“Hey look, they’re playing my video.” Lance said, right before jumping into singing the lyrics. History, the music video that changed everything. Shiro watched as the Lance on the TV screen behind the desk sang about his past relationship, which was depicted by Lance and Keith dancing on the deck of the house where the video took place. Shiro still remembered back when Lance was still with Garrison and feelings hadn’t been spoken, the model acting as Lance’s past boyfriend for the video cancelled at the last second. The whole shoot would have been rescheduled if the director hadn’t been looking at Lance and Keith interacting and insisting Keith play the past lover. Watching them act like a real couple, made the feelings grow, for all of them. It helped Keith and Lance get together and realise how they felt about him, and then Keith cornered him, telling him how they felt. Honestly if the shoot had gone differently, they wouldn’t be here now.
Seeing Shiro smile at him, Lance smiled back, still mouthing the words to his song. He let Shiro pull him closer and plant a kiss against his head.
“Sorry you’re stuck inside on your birthday.”
Resting his head against Lance’s, Shiro said, “I get to spend it with you, partly. It would make it even better if Keith was here.”
“You didn’t correct me about it not being your birthday. Does this mean you’ll let us take care of you tonight?”
“Sure. You two can show how much you love me.” He was so focused on Lance he didn’t see the brown streak until it hit him in the side, knocking him over.
“Voltron, no!” the weight got off and Shiro pushed himself up, noticing that he had also pulled Lance down with him when he fell. He looked straight at the dog, who sat looking back at him, panting. Keith was catching up with the dog, a slightly guilty look on his face. Shiro looked over to Lance who had the same look.
“Um, happy birthday?”
“You got me a dog?”
“Well you wanted one, and we wanted to get you one so Lance convinced Allura to keep you busy with meetings,”
“Which were real by the way, it’s just half we didn’t have to talk about now.” Lance explained
“Right, so while you were busy, I went out and found you a dog. Shiro, meet Voltron. She’s a year and a half husky-German Shepard mix.”
Shiro was silent as he stared down the dog more. “You got me a dog?”
“Are you upset?” Lance asked. Voltron started whining, but Shiro started to pet her on her head.
“Well, it’s certainly a surprise. A really sudden one, but I can’t complain too much. Did you guys think this through though? We do have another animal living with us.”
“Blue lived with my brother’s dog before back when she was a kitten, so she’s fine with dogs and our apartment is huge, it’s practically a house.” Lance stated.
“Plus she was a bit of a guard dog for her former owners, so she can help me with my job.”
“Aww, how could anyone get scared of you?” giving her more scratches, Voltron was melting in Shiro’s hands. A surprise yes, but a very happy one. Shiro let her lick his face when he noticed a box sitting by Keith’s feet. “Uh, Keith, what’s that?”
Going very still, Keith stuttered out, “w-what’s what?”
“That.” He said pointing to the box, which he was sure moved just a bit.
“Oh, uh. Well they asked if I wanted to adopt any more animals and…”
“Wait, Keith you didn’t.” Lance asked disbelievingly, which made Keith look even guiltier.
“Keith, what did you do?” Shiro asked.
“I might have also adopted two cats?”
“You did what?”
Keith opened the box and two heads poked out. He picked up the black one, and Shiro noticed she had three legs. “This is Midnight. Her previous owner hurt her really badly but they said she knew who to trust. She came right up to the cage when I went there. Look at her.” Keith cooed. Cooed.
“You must be joking. Keith, I told you to find a dog, not a small zoo.” Lance said, covering his face in exasperation.
“But look at her wittle face.”
“Did you just say ‘wittle’?” Shiro deadpanned. This was turning out to be a strange pre birthday. He got a dog and his tough, scary boyfriend, melted at the sight of animals and said ‘wittle’.
“Besides, didn’t you say you wanted to adopt another cat for Blue? Midnight’s taken care of the kittens they bring in and Stripes here,” he pointed to the Calico cat that jumped out of the box and was being sniffed by Voltron, “she’s been with a bunch of different cats at once, so she could fit in fine. I couldn’t just leave them there. They kept looking at me.”
“I can’t believe I’m seeing this. My boyfriend and bodyguard, who strikes fear into the hearts of all paparazzi, is a sucker for a furry face. I am not safe.” Lance sighed.
“I can do my job just fine, thank you.” Keith said before cooing at Midnight again.
“I’m not so sure about that.”
“What’s going on?” they all looked up to see Allura, Lance’s boss, standing over them. “I thought you were going for lun-puppy!”
Lance sighed, it seemed like the people he thought could be serious were weak to fuzzy faces.
Shiro flopped on the bed, tired. He was actually much happier today wasn’t technically his birthday, because this would have been the most stressful one. Other than finding out he now had a dog and cat to take care of –Stripes under the care of Keith- they later found out Keith also adopted a large snake.
“What the fuck, Keith? Don’t you need a license to get one of those? Why is it in the car?”
“They also had them and look at him.”
“I’ll look at him from a cage. Keith we’re taking him back.”
“No buts. He’s going back.”
Keith pouted the whole way there but it didn’t matter. Shiro sensed they were going to have to keep an eye on him when Lance volunteered at animal shelters.
The bed dipped as Keith flopped against his back, Lance dropping down next to him.
“So other than the unpleasant surprise waiting in the car, did you have a good birthday?” Lance asked
“well, while I did have to buy way more pet supplies than I thought cause someone got adoption happy,” Shiro started, pointedly looking over his shoulder at Keith, who just turned his head and pouted into Shiro’s shoulder blade, “it was a nice surprise. Not one I thought I’d get now, but I am happy.” He could feel Keith smiling against him. “Thank you two. Though, try not to go so insane next year. I don’t know if I can handle the stress.”
“Hey blame Keith; he’s the one who can’t control himself around animals. I’m watching you next week buddy.”
“I can to control myself.”
Reaching over to pet the top of Keith’s head, Shiro said, “sure, babe. I’ll believe it when they’re isn’t a large snake in my car.”
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soymilkluce · 7 years
Vld x Toz
So um I’ve been thinking abt this a lot. I wrote this in notes first then copied pasted it. I’m currently drawing art of this too so expect to see that c; * Shiro as the Shepard * Keith as the squire * - that whole bullshit thing w shiro happens “Keith if I don’t make it I want you to be my he Shepard” * Lance as a water seraph - weapon bow * Hunk as a earth seraph - weapon gloves/fists * Pidge as a wind seraph - weapon the thing Dezel has * Matt a wind seraph as well - weapon gun like Zavied maybe? * Matt gets captured by Zarkon and Haggar and is turned into a hellion maybe? * That’s why the whole expedition starts tbh * Shiro and Keith lived in a small village and Shiro was friends w Matt/has a high resonance like Keith * Matt, pidge, hunk and lance lived in near them in the forest(seraphim don’t make homes the village sorey lived in had houses to make him feel more human). * Lance and Keith lowkey fight a lot(have a crush on each other cOUGH lance knows more that it’s a crush keith is still confused and intrigued by lance) and shiro doesn’t know they know each other(and Keith doesn’t realize lance is a seraph despite him being a huge celestial record nerd rip him) * Shiro and Matt go on an expedition to look at ruins bc Matt is a highkey nerd and Shiro is a nerd from second hand nerding from both Keith and Matt * The expedition goes wrong like ¾ of the way through? * They get ambushed by a lotta hellions and they’re kinda like fuck * Matt ends up pushing Shiro to safety but only after a hellion ends up biting shiros arm off. * Shiro wakes up later to be in a city with doctors swarming around him. * Turns out the seraph princess allura w the help of her human advisor/translator/protector coran saved him and replaced his arm since if they didn’t he might’ve bleed out(or smth like that idfk) * (Allura is like Lailah and Alisha fused in this au? She’s the guardian of the sacred blade but is still called princess by coran and most even tho she’s technically not the princess, she’s the advisor to the princess through coran(Shay is the actual princess of there). Coran works as a translator for Allura since he has a very high resonance and his family has been worshiping the group of seraphs that live in the city. He holds hands w the person allura wants to talk to and she talks. She’s respected by some people but there’s rumors of her not being real brewing in the city causing malevolence) * Shiro is kinda highkey freaking out since 1) he has a metal arm now???? And 2) his seraph bf lowkey kinda sacrificed himself to save shiro and he doesn’t know if he’s alive or tainted or not?? * Turns out he’d been gone for months * While this is all happening pidge has snuck out to go find their brother(hunks and lance caught them so they’re coming too) * Keith is also worried sick abt shiro so he leaves the village to search for him * All four end up bumping into each other on the way there(comically Keith still doesn’t know they’re seraphim and lance makes the other two keep their mouths shut. Doesn’t stop pidge from making some boyfriend jokes that oblivious keith doesn’t get but wonders why lance is so red) and once they realize that matt and Shiro went together they team up to find them * They spot him in the town the Altea (substitutes lady lake in this au) and misinterpret the situation thinking he’s being held captive. * Hilarity ensues when they try to “rescue” shiro * Long story short Shiro explains what he remembers that happened, Allura and Coran are introduced, and Keith finally figures out lance and the others are seraphim. He is very pissed at them not telling him and for not figuring it out himself. * Suddenly they hear commotion and find that while princess Shay was giving a speech a riot of hellions appeared from the citizens negative thoughts * Thinking on her toes Allura tells Shiro about how there’s this thing called the sacred blade that they could use to right the hellions and in the long run could help them find matt * Keith immediately starts to protest since he knows what that would mean but Shiro has already left to grab the blade * With the help of allura he’s able to purify the hellions * He is named the Shepard soon after * He then proceeds to fall unconscious for a week * During that time keith is at his bed at all times * Lance is worried abt him but after a day of trying to comfort him he realized it was fruitless * Hunk lance and pidge go to search the city for answers * Hunk meets Shay * Shay has a lower resonance like Alisha herself so hunk in kinda admiring from afar and watches as she tries her best to help the people of the city after what happened * Hunk falls hard for her * Pidge and lance do not waste the opportunity to make fun of him because of this * Coran finds out and offers to be the middle man for the two. * Hunk and Shay speak for the first time and it’s really cute * Hunk’s all flustered and giving her compliments and while Shay seems to be keeping her cool she’s getting flustered as well * They talk for abt 3 hours straight until coran accidentally falls asleep and they decide they need to give him a rest * (They send letters to each other the rest of the journey it’s really cute) * After wards hunk comes and helps lance and pidge again to search * While they were being dorks pidge and lance were just at the library working(well pidge was working at least) * They find the entrance to a ruin under the city and decide to check it out(pidge is unsure, lance says it’s fine, hunk is worried and says they probably shouldn’t. They all compromise by saying they’re taking a quick look but not going too far in just in case). * They narrowly avoided detection by hellions and continue on(despite hunks better warnings) * They find a door and pidge deciphers it saying smth abt it having the royal symbol on it * Perfectly timed Hunk realizes that the dagger Shay gave him as a present has the royal symbol on it(a lotta cooing from the other two when they hear they’re already giving each other gifts. Bc of that hunk doesn’t tell them abt the dried flowers he gave her from his collection. It’s the little victories that count anyways). * Hunk opens the door briefly to make sure it works but closes it immediately after saying they’re not going any further until shiro wakes up * After shiro wakes up(Keith tackle hugs him duh) allura and coran explain the gravity of the situation and the trio say what they found. * The kiddos say they wanna come w him to the ruin but he says no bc he doesn’t want them to get hurt only him and allura will go. * Hunk says well y'all can’t get in without my dagger * Lance says he figured out that they could use the dagger to begin with(I hc that he’s actually really good at symbol and spacial awareness puzzles) * Pidge says they deserve to be in this till the end since shiros the one who lost their brother and he will help them get him back(pidge is kinda lowkey guilt tripping shiro here and while the feel bad for that they will not be excluded from this). * Keith says that he should come too since he knows the celestial record front to back and they’re fucking brothers no way he’s letting shiro go alone * Shiro says no to them all, is they’re all just children and Keith’s a human he could get really hurt * Allura tries to pipe in abt squires and sub lords but shiro gives her the look and she shuts up * Shiro takes the dagger and apologizes to hunk saying he’ll give it back later before leaving * Allura looks at them then at coran and they talk w/o actually talking? * Once shiro and allura leave coran fills them in abt a ruin outside of the city that has some sacred weapons they could get to be sublords. He says it like “apparently there’s a ruin with some sacred artifacts outside of altea. It’d be a shame if young seraphs came upon them and took them for there own desires…” * All the kiddos really love coran already * Keith comes w to help them since he figures if they are able to join shiro can’t single him out * Meanwhile allura is trying to casually talk to shiro abt letting the others join the journey * Shiro is no pleased but she gets to him kinda and he rethinks some things * The kiddos fight through the ruin and long story short get the artifacts quickly and get the fuck back to the city * By then shiro is kinda getting fucked over by so many hellions * The kids manage to find him cornered and help him out * With more to come they quickly explain to him what they did and reluctantly he agrees to let them join since he’s getting his assed kicked and some backup would be nice * Allura makes the pacts and they manage to fight them all, shiro and allura artimtizing for the first time and Keith and lance doing it too. * Shiro faints again since he just accepted 4 pacts holy shit. They carry him back to the inn * Only takes him 3 days since he’s now getting better at this * Coran helps them get ready to leave * He gets teary eyes and wishes them luck * Allura looks at shiro w puppy eyes and he’s like fuck it why not welcome to the team new squire coran * In summary shiro is the Shepard with Keith and coran as his squires. Allura is the Prime lord with lance, hunk, and pidge as sub lords * Before I forget the thing where Alisha gets send to that sick village happens to Shay and hunk is like !!! Oh no she’s in trouble!! * Doesn’t take a lot of convincing for the others to go help her * I realized I didn’t mention that Allura is a fire seraph like lailah as well * And regarding alluras father….um….cough cough Aizen…;;
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altea, lion
Altea - favorite place to spend time?I like spending time in my little apartment because it’s just really peaceful. But I also enjoy finding public gardens and staying there for a while. Lion - Do you have any pets?I have my kitty, Angel! But back with my parents I have another cat, Lily, and three dogs. Two German Shepards named Karma and Kodi, and a really chubby Australian Cattle Dog named Juno. We also kinda share four chickens with our neighbors and some horses.
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im-no-jedi · 7 years
I found some more OC questions in my reblogs from like... 3 years ago LOL. these are really unique, I’m gonna answer them for Fae first:
1: What's your OCs favorite color? - blue! 2: Where does your OC work? - she’s Allura’s personal bodyguard and has protected her for many years 3: What's your OCs favorite food? - she LOVES nunvil, she can’t get enough of the stuff XD 4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic? - she has no idea what either of those things are :P 5: How old is your OC? - 18 human years, plus 10,000ish years from cryostasis 6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers? - she’s super strong and can shapeshift like all Alteans do, but that’s it 7: Is your OC in a relationship? - not yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 8: What are some of your OCs strengths? - besides her physical strength, she’s extremely positive and uplifting, everyone always goes to her for help and support when they need it :3 9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses? - she hides her negative emotions from other people and tries to ignore them instead of dealing with them. she also struggles a lot with the idea of losing loved ones because of her brother dying, so she’s often overly protective of her friends 10: What is your OCs favorite outfit? - she always wears her white Altean armor 11: What is your OCs spirit animal? - a German Shepard :3 12: Is your OC sexually active? - haha no 13: What is your OCs earliest memory? - she remembers playing with her older brother as a small child, they spent a lot of time together before her brother joined the army 14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind? - she has a communicator in her helmet, but that’s it 15: What makes your OC angry? - anytime someone threatens Allura or one of the paladins 16: When is your OCs favorite time of year? - back on Altea, it was when all the flowers were in full bloom c: 17: How long can your OC hold their breath? - about two minutes, maybe a little more. she trained to be able to hold her breath for a long time 18: What kind of underwear does your OC wear? - probably just plain white, although she would totally wear cute, brightly colored underwear if she could X3 19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots? - she would like both, but I think she’d prefer dots a bit more 20: What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza? - she would love pizza with a lot of meat on it, Meat Lovers pizza would be her absolute FAV, the more meat the better 21: Who is your OCs best friend? - Allura :3 22: Has your OC ever killed someone? - heck yeah LOL 23: Whats your OCs biggest secret? - despite claiming to have no fears, she’s only really afraid of one thing: losing her loved ones :c 24: What does your OC smell like? - sweat and whatever soap she uses LOL 25: What time of year does your OC prefer? - ...this almost exactly like question 16 wtf XD 26: Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk) - human-like alien 27: What languages does your OC speak? - Altean and English 28: Does your OC like anime? - oh heck yeah she would, she’d love shows like DBZ and One Punch Man and other fighting anime haha 29: Can your OC swim? - yes 30: What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there? - nothing, nobody ever looks there, so why should she care? :P 31: Does your OC believe in fairies? - SHE ABSOLUTELY WOULD YES 32: Did your OC go to college? What did they major in? - she trained for the military at a young age, so I guess it would’ve been military school? 33: Are your OCs parents dead? - yes, she was raised by her older brother 34: Is your OC religious? - not really, no 35: How flexible is your OC? - pretty flexible 36: What turns your OC on? - physical strength and good sword technique, she looooves a guy that’s good with a sword LOL 37: What was your OCs first word? - oh gosh idk, probably something related to food ROFL 38: Does your OC have any pets? - no but she loves playing with the castle mice :3  39: Who is your OCs biggest enemy? - Zarkon 40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done? - she does a lot of frickin crazy things, she’s taken down like a dozen Galra with her bare hands before, nothing scares her LOL 41: What is your OCs motto about life? - stay fit, stay healthy, stay positive~ 42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea? - neither, but she would totally be a coffee drinker LOL 43: Who is your OCs biggest hero? - her brother and Allura  44: What color eyes does your OC have? - blue, slightly green 45: Does your OC like reading? - yes! she loves history books mainly 46: Is your OC loyal? - EXTREMELY 47: Does your OC tolerate violence? - she kinda has to, but only when it’s war related  48: What social class is your OC from? - her family has always served the royal family in some way; her father was a general in the Altean army, and her mother was a bodyguard for Allura’s mother  49: What country was your OC born in? - Altea, idk exactly where LOL 50: Does your OC cry easily? - no, only if she’s really happy or really upset 51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music? - she’ll listen to anything, but her favorites would probably be rock, pop, and dance music 52: How does your OC feel about insects? - they’re fine, she actually would think most of them are cool or cute LOL 53: What is your OCs sexual orientation? - pansexual, but she leans more towards masculine people 54: Does your OC smoke? - nope  55: What gender is your OC? - female 56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear? - again, this is like question 10, she only ever wears her armor 57: Would you call your OC adventurous? - VERY MUCH SO YES 58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted? - very extroverted 59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? - probably how upbeat and friendly she is, she’ll give you a big smile and say “hello!” as soon as you’d meet her :3 60: Does your OC enjoy nature? - oh yes, her and Allura always visited the gardens and admired the flowers together, she loves being in nature c:
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Character Study
Thank you for the tag @n0rmandysr1​ sorry this took me so long. 
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Altea Shepard
HAIR STYLE / COLOUR: Dark brown, almost black, long and wavy
CLOTHING STYLE: off duty, she loves jeans, leather jackets and crop tops. 
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: According to James, her booty. But she gets compliments on her eyes, too. 
FEARS: Losing those she loves. 
GUILTY PLEASURE: Smutty vampire novels
BIGGEST PET PEEVE: People being overtly cruel. I.e., Doesn’t like hateful speech, people talking down on themselves, or not giving things they can spare. 
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE: To survive. Altea doesn’t believe she will be able to face the Reapers and come out of it alive. 
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP: Sweet Jesus, I need to pee!!!
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED: It is usually a mess of things, ranging from the events of the day to coming events. People she’s lost or is afraid to lose and James. She worries he won’t make it either.
LIE: Yes
BEEN ON STAGE: Speeches and debates. 
FAVOURITE COLOURS: Black and pink, but don’t tell anyone she likes pink because you’ll catch hands. 
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Big cats, though she’s never actually seen them in real life. 
FAVOURITE BOOK: Some smutty vampire novel
LAYER 08: AGE? 36
LAYER 09: I…
I LOVE: My crew
I FEEL: anxious.
I HIDE: my doubts and fear that I won’t survive. 
I MISS: my friends that aren’t with me anymore. 
I WISH: I could send the Reapers to hell and know that my friends will make it to the end. 
Tagging: @mythicaitt​ @kittleskittle​ @fogsblue​ @mordinette​ @schoute​@flamehairedsiren​ @cryptid-jack​ @pikapeppa​ @crackinglamb​ @rpgwarrior4824​ @dafan7711​
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Give a brief description of the beginning of 3 of your WIPs or recent works, and tag 6 people.
Thank you for tagging me @rpgwarrior4824
Tagging: @pikapeppa @mythicaitt @kittleskittle @flamehairedsiren @natsora @myrddinderwydd @mordinette @n0rmandysr1 @valaloy @eri-223 @cryptid-jack
1. "War criminal" turns herself over to the authorities.
2. A friend tries to help another but goes too far.
3. A young girl discovers herself.
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Wrong Side of Heaven
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Chapter 14, Priority Palaven: Menae
Palaven burned.
Altea had been staring at the monitor as the shuttle flew into Menae. She could see the grids and lines of the Turian homeworld. The ones that were standard in mapping out the terrain. But, as the shuttle moved in closer, the image shifted to real-time. The red haze on the horizon. The machines. She’d witnessed the devastation on Earth but that was up close and personal. She had no idea how much of her home planet looked like what she was seeing now. Fuck, she thought. Fuckity, fuck, fuck.
It didn’t matter that she was a space child. All humans had the right to call Earth home. Just as any Turian had the right to call Palaven home. She’d heard the numbers, read the reports but this was an all too realistic view of what both the human race and the Turian’s were facing. Her stomach lurched as her worries for Garrus’ safety tried to claw their way out of her belly.
Liara, lost in her own thoughts, finally looked up to the monitors. Altea heard her breathy, “Oh no… no... Palaven.” The Asari twisted her fingers together as she watched the devastation play out, saw the ships that now surrounded them.
James stood across from her, worry etched in the lines of his brow as he looked between the two of them. Altea could tell he wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her everything would be alright but Liara didn’t know about them and the less the crew knew, the better. This was so new that neither of them wanted to deal with the fall out should someone not approve of their relationship.
“Garrus, please be alive.” Altea nearly whispered the words but she knew both James and Liara heard her. She leaned her head back against the hull of the shuttle gently tapping against the metal, not wanting to seem entirely crazy but needing something else to focus on.
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@obvidalous​ tagged me in this and I REALLY made an attempt to do Altea justice but I don’t know how successful I was. 
Here is my Altea Shepard, done using Picrew.
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Tagging: @natsora​ @smolbiotic​ @cdrkateshepard​ @oops-gingermoment​@myfeyrelady​ @pikapeppa​ @fogsblue​ and anyone else who wants to show off their OCs
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OC Tag
Thank you for the tag @fogsblue We all know any chance for me to talk about Altea Shepard, I’ll happily take.
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art by @helilart
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled (she has a chronic illness) / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated  
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between  
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between  
✖ cautious / reckless / in between  
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between  
✖ leader / follower / in between  
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between  
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
tagging, if ya want, @mythicaitt @kittleskittle @pikapeppa @schoute @helila @flamehairedsiren @obvidalous @crackinglamb @cdrkateshepard @smolbiotic @mordinette​ @myrddinderwydd​ 
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OC Quiz
Thank you for the tag @obvidalous this looks like fun!
Altea Shepard
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Asked someone to marry you? - No.
Kissed one of your friends? - Yes.
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? - No.
Ever told a lie? - Probably.
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? - Yes.
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? - Yes.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? - Yes.
Kissed a picture? - No.
Slept in until 5pm? - Possibly.
Fallen asleep at work or school? - No.
Held a snake? - No.
Been suspended from school? - No.
Stolen something? - I plead the 5th.
Done something you regret? - Yes.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - No.
Laughed until liquid came out of your nose? - Yes.
Kissed in the rain? - Yes.
Sat on a roof top? - Yes. (Does the Normandy count?)
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? - Yes.
Sang in the shower? - Yes.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - No.
Shaved your head? - No.
Slept naked? - Yes.
Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - Possibly.
Donated blood? - Yes.
Eaten alligator meat? - No. (What is an alligator?)
Eaten cheesecake? - Yes.
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? - Yes.
Have/had a tattoo? - Yes.
Liked someone, but will never tell who? - No.
Been too honest? - Yes
Ruined a surprise? - No.
Eaten so much that you can’t walk after? - No.
Dressed in a man’s clothes? - Yes.
Dressed in a woman’s clothes? - Yes.
Joined a pageant? - No.
Still have communication with your ex? - Yes.
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who meant it? - Yes.
Cheated on someone? - No.
Gotten totally drunk and missed an exam? - No.
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? - No.
Got so angry that you cried? - Yes.
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? - Yes.
Thought about suicide? - No.
Thought about murder? - Yes.
Actually murdered someone? - Uhhh... define murder.
Thought about mass murder? - Ummmm...
Actually committed a mass murder? - ... shit
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? - Yes.
Stalked someone? - Yes.
Had a girlfriend? - Yes.
Had a boyfriend? - Yes.
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? - Yes.
Tagging: @natsora @mythicaitt @oops-gingermoment @pikapeppa ​ @blueboxness @cdrkateshepard ​ @n0rmandysr1 ​ @heavenlyeros ​ @crackinglamb ​ @helila ​ @smolbiotic ​
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