#BEST characters and the writers just went nope and threw their arcs out the window
excuse me i'm just going to keep being delusional in my corner and asking the question what if the 100 kept its main characters as the trio of clarke, bellamy and wells????
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lazarus-lazuli · 3 years
What are your opinions on people in The Magicians fandom being gatekeepy about Quentin’s relationships with Alice and Eliot. From the beginning Alice and Quentin were made for each other and so were Quentin and Eliot! Alice and Quentin had an intense relationship, they loved each other so much, and even in times they weren’t getting along the love never died. Quentin sacrificed so much to bring Alice back even though he knew it would damage their relationship! Same thing with Eliot and Quentin! From the beginning Eliot was such a supportive friend to Quentin while he was with Alice. And when Q and Alice broke up his relationship with Eliot started to blossom and they had a beautiful life (that we didn’t get to see unfortunately) together. Quentin spent an entire season trying to bring Eliot out of that possession! It’s obvious that Quentin was in love with Alice and was in love with Eliot too! I’m sick of people trying to pretend like Quentin was only in love with Alice or he he was only in love with Eliot. Bisexual men exist for fucks sake! What do you think?
I don’t think Alice was in love with Eliot per se (show canon wise), but I think they have a very interesting dynamic and it’s pretty garbage that it wasn’t explored more outside of that one episode in season 5 and a few interactions in season 1. The fact they both are in love Quentin is a good jumping off point but they never went much further than “Yep, we both love him, that much is true”. They could have been great friends but nope, we’re not allowed to eat good food in this house. Not after 4x10 aired, anyway (save for 5x05 and 5x06; I will die on my sword for those episodes). 
I think both relationships got the short end of the stick in regards to writing (in fact most of the relationships on The Magicians don’t really get a chance to flourish; the ones they established early on ended up crashing and burning and then the ones they established later on that were frankly really strange writing decisions without much thought/development that ended up being endgame... and I do say this despite my soft spot for Margosh). With Eliot it’s obviously way more egregious because he’s a gay character that never got a proper love story; even the one that was established with Quentin was taken out by the knees just when the writers confirmed that there were mutual feelings there. It was never a matter of queerbaiting, it was a matter of they WERE queer and they WERE in love and the writers decided to fucking take the plotline out back and shoot it anyway because they just HAD to kill the main white male lead despite the fact he was bisexual and mentally ill. If Jason wanted to leave/his contract was up and he didn’t renew it then whatever, his prerogative, but the writers could have done literally anything else to sideline Quentin. At the very least, they could have given him and Eliot some closure. But NOPE straight to Superhell for gay crimes. That’s how they decided to end his nearly completed arc.
However, I feel like his relationship with Alice got treated with the about the same amount of respect despite it being a “Straight” ship. I think that’s why people are pretty shit about it (that and some people are just highkey misogynistic and hate female characters, especially ones that “get in the way” of mlm ships); they just kind of dropped the ball and made it almost uncomfortable to watch. 
Their relationship was not nearly as healthy as the one between him and Eliot; in fact I would argue it was pretty toxic. But they still loved each other and still fought hard for each other, even to each others detriment (namely how pissed Alice was when Quentin made her human again).  I have no idea what the writers were going for when towards the end they threw him and Alice back together. Seriously, in my opinion they should have just been friends and supported each other because they do love each other very much, they just weren’t in the right place in their lives to work as a couple unfortunately. And honestly that would have been much more realistic than Alice running back into Quentin’s arms and Quentin taking her back. It’s like she wasn’t allowed to be an independent character outside of her relationship with him (but that’s a whole other discourse and I have enough to say about this aspect of it alone).
Then to add insult to injury he didn’t even so much as LOOK at Eliot when they brought him back, which makes absolutely NO sense considering how for the whole season up to that point he stood up to a God-powered entity that could have snapped his neck on a whim on behalf of the man he loved. Then the writers were like “lol cool, anyway we’re killing Quentin so he doesn’t get to have any meaningful relationships or even interactions with his love interests or even his best friends today” and threw it all out the window. Like, you wanna talk BAD finales... 
Sometimes I wish I was a fly on the wall in the writers’ room while they were working this shit out because honestly what level of brain rot do you need to have to take all these interesting characters and relationships and do the worst things possible to them? It’s like they WANTED everyone to ragequit the show. Long story short the more I think about the way certain relationships on the show are written the more I wanna slam my head through drywall. It was so good in so many ways but then they completely bungled within the span of like THREE EPISODES!
All that being said, I don’t blame some people for being weird and gatekeepy about certain ships because of the end of season four. However, I feel like everyone has a good dynamic (or at least a dynamic that was good at one point or another) and people have the right to ship who they want. SO much setup with so little payoff; if people wanna fix it via fanfiction or just straight up ship it anyway they’re allowed to. Like you said, Quentin is bisexual and he loves both Eliot and Alice; one love does not invalidate the other regardless of personal opinions on which should have been endgame/how well the respective relationships were handled writing wise.
PS while I personally prefer Marqueliot but Alice/Quentin/Eliot is valid too. 
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flamedoesart · 6 years
Season 13 Roundup Thoughts
Okay, so this post is gonna be a touch lengthy, and I will be ranting A LOT. So, readers beware.
So, season 13 has come and gone, and now it’s time for me to give my overall thoughts on the season. This season has had a shitload of ups, and downs, and I wanna discuss what I liked, and hated about this season, as well as some additional thoughts on it. And since I want this to end on a good note, I will start with what angered me, and then go to the good stuff. 
Also, these are in no particular order, I’m just going by what I think of first.
Things I hated:
1. Gabriel’s Arc 
Okay, WHAT THE FUCK. JUST......WHY??? When I found out Gabriel was back, I rejoiced. I was internally throwing a fucking party, because holy shit, one of my favorite characters has returned from the dead! Maybe we’ll keep him for good this time! NOPE!
Instead, we get like, 5 episodes of him, and then he’s dead again. What makes me the most angry about this, is that his resurrection was basically pointless this season, because they use Lucifer to get them into AU world anyways. THE ONLY REASON GABRIEL WAS BROUGHT BACK, WAS TO HAVE AN EXCUSE TO THROW DEAN AND KETCH INTO AU WORLD, AND TO KILL ASMODEUS. THAT’S IT.
And the worst part, is that Gabriel being brought back opened up SO MANY DOORS FOR HIS CHARACTER. Like, my personal favorite is his relationship with Sam, because I was hoping those two would become closer in terms of their trauma. Well, those hopes were basically thrown out the window, since it was almost glanced over. As a Sabriel shipper, this felt like a kick to the fucking face. I feel like the writers were like, “Oh, you ship Sabriel? Hahahaha, we’re gonna bring him back, give you guys some fanservice, and then kill him again!”
I mean yes, their relationship was somewhat brought out of nowhere, BUT that doesn’t ignore the fact that even if they weren’t on the best of terms in the early seasons, they still had something. And I’m angry that they threw away this opportunity for Sam to have a close friend, because GOD FORBID Sam have a close friend that doesn’t die.
What also angers me about Gabriel’s arc, is that they were building towards him being the new leader of Heaven, and then they throw it to the waste side. Like, why the FUCK were they hinting at that, if they were just gonna ignore that? It would’ve actually been awesome if Gabriel was the one to run Heaven, since he’d do a much better job than the other archangels. Besides, wasn’t Naomi the one to tell Cas to bring Gabriel back? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE GONNA TELL HER NOW???
I HATE it when the meta writers, and theorisers can write the show better than the writers can. And no, I don’t hate you guys, quite the contrary, but when the writers of the show have all these open doors that the meta writers, and theorisers run with, the writers almost ALWAYS ignore them! ALWAYS! 
Like for example, before last night’s episode aired, people were saying that Gabriel wasn’t actually dead, and that the him that was stabbed by Michael was an illusion, OR that it was him really leaving his vessel, and escaping within one of the Winchesters. Wouldn’t THAT have been more satisfying? Also, why did Lucifer say that angel handcuffs don’t work in that world, but the archangel blade in that world DOES?? THAT WENT LITERALLY NOWHERE ALSO!!
To close off this topic, I feel sorry for Richard, and the fact he got dealt into this show after such a long time, only for him to be kicked out again. I love Richard, and an actor as awesome as him doesn’t deserve this shit. RIP Gabriel.
2. Bucklemming.
I’m gonna be blunt here. Can we fire these two? Please?
They get the most important episodes this season, and THEY ALWAYS SUCK. The only episode from these two that I like is Exodus, because that episode actually had some goddamn EFFORT put into it. 
However, it’s also their fault that Gabriel is dead.
I haven’t payed super much attention to the episodes they have written, but out of the ones I KNOW they’ve written, Bring ‘Em Back Alive was the most disappointing episode for me. Almost everything in that episode was rushed, or forced, ESPECIALLY that “I need you” line. (Yeah, even as a Sabriel shipper, I thought that was stupid.)
These two can’t keep consistency AT ALL. The only writers whom I feel should stay on this show is everyone else (especially Perez and Dabb, because those two actually know their shit, and I trust them.)
But Buckner and Lemming need to quit working for this show, and move onto something easier, because writing a show like this is HARD AS FUCK. 
I hate these two as writers, but not as people. A person can be a shitty writer, but a good person, as the Fault In Our Stars once said.
But, the point is, these two need to either stop taking on the actually important episodes, or they just need to stop working on this show.
3. Asmodeus
This is the most disappointing villain I have ever seen. Like, I feel like the only reason he exists is to give Ketch a rival/abuser, thus resulting in his redemption arc. He serves literally no other purpose this season, and he dies too damn easily.
I expected the fight between him and Gabriel to be slightly more epic, but NOPE. They just DBZ each other, then he gets set on fire, and that’s it. 
I mean, we could’ve gotten a LITTLE more insight into who he is, and what his backstory is, but NOOOOO. The boys finding their mom and son is far more important than figuring out ONE OF THE MAIN VILLAINS OF THE SEASON. 
I wouldn’t have minded an entire episode where we find out more about Asmo’s backstory, because at least then we’d understand him a little better. All we get about him, is that Lucifer treated him like shit, and he was the weakest Prince of Hell. That’s literally it. 
Crowley didn’t die for this shit. Crowley SHOULD NOT have died, but if he didn’t, then this whole season would have been resolved in about 10 episodes. So, ya know, he just HAD to die.
Anyways, Asmodeus sucks. Moving on.
4. All The Unresolved Conflict
Okay, this bothers me way more than it honestly should. They had this (kinda?) subplot going on in the first half of the season about Dean and Cas, and how they aren’t communicating, and the season makes you think it’ll be resolved in the finale, and that doesn’t happen either. As a die-hard Destiel shipper, this was also a slap in the face. I mean I get it, it’s all part of the slow-burn, but we literally got NOTHING, other than Dean telling Cas all season not to do anything that’ll get him in danger. 
What also bothers me is the first half of the season is dedicated to a Destiel feels trip, but the second half is about Dean being protective over Sam again. I love Sam with my whole heart, I really do, but either Dean is worried about Cas, or Sam. PICK ONE, WRITERS!!!
And the situation in Heaven, just...ugh. That was brought up for literally ONE EPISODE, and they mention it in Beat the Devil, and then they’re just like, “lol nope, Gabe is dead now, so we’re fucked.” Again, how is Naomi going to react, knowing that the ONLY PERSON who can help them is now dead? Unless Chuck gets off his ass for once, and resurrects Gabriel, Heaven is basically fucked.
5. Lucifer
I am so glad this bastard is finally done for. The writers gave up on his character years ago. I prefer Kripke’s version of Lucifer, because he was...ya know...ACTUALLY THREATENING. 
But as for what he did this season...yeah, it was disappointing.
His whole relationship with Anael was just stupid, and pointless. Her only purpose was to give him Grace, and him running Heaven went by so fast, I forgot it even happened.
I heard from someone that maybe Lucifer would get a redemption arc through Jack, by learning to love him because of his humanity, BUT NO. I’m not asking for Lucifer to become a member of TFW (fuck no,) but I feel like it would’ve been great for him to learn to love his son despite him being half human.
So, that was all thrown to the waste side.
The worst part, is that they made it constantly seem like Lucifer would actually be redeemed, especially with his conversation with Gabriel in Exodus, but NOPE.
Eh, whatever, I stopped caring about him anyways, and I’m glad that my baby Sam is finally free.
6. The “Plot Twist”
Ever since Singer and Dabb opened up their mouths, and said Dean was gonna be someone else in the finale, everyone KNEW it was gonna be Michael.
Everyone predicted it, so it wasn’t surprising when it did happen.
The twist would’ve been less stupid if we were never told about it.
I mean, we didn’t see Gabriel’s (or Charlie’s) returns coming, so why the fuck were we told this massive spoiler (it WAS a spoiler, because everyone predicted it, and saw it coming,) if we knew it was gonna happen anyways? 
Ugh, it was bad and dumb.
Now, onto the things I DID like:
Of course this is my first one. I mean, it wouldn’t be a seasonal roundup without it.
The Destiel in this season was fucking AWESOME.
I was not once afraid that they’d fuck it up this season.
And for what it was, they did pretty good.
As angsty as it was, I actually really liked Dean’s depression from the first five episodes, because we see how torn apart he is over Cas dying. We see how he’s basically dead inside, and how he has lost his faith, and how Cas is the thing that keeps him grounded, keeps him alive. Cas is his anchor, and it’s so blatantly obvious that he loves him (don’t tell me that him killing himself was “familial,” because it wasn’t. The show made that clear.)
I like how him and Cas are basically hunter husbands all damn season, and it’s always so fun to watch, especially when Dean is being cutesy and dorky, and Cas gets annoyed (seriously, I’d watch entire episodes where it’s just them being dorks.)
I always love Dean and Cas, and if season 14 is as promising as I think it is, then there is a very very VERY high chance that these two will become canon (and, it’d be their 10 year anniversary, so they HAVE TO)
True love’s kiss will break the spell....
You can’t have Destiel without Sabriel, as I like to believe.
But yes, the Sabriel was awesome too.
I love how it all started with Sam giving Gabriel back his voice by cutting off the stitches. I love how soft, and gentle he is with him.
I love how Gabriel saved Sam’s life twice, because he cares about him.
I love how Sam asked Gabriel if he was okay, and didn’t push him when Gabriel lied.
I love how these two just care so much for each other (too bad it had to end in angst, jfc.)
And besides, Sabriel is kinda 50% canon already, since Richard himself said that Gabriel has a soft spot for Sam.
So, yes, these two are amazing.
3. Scoobynatural
A bit of background: I literally just caught up with the season by the time this episode came along, so I was really excited.
This episode didn’t disappoint at all, and I loved almost every second of it.
It was an animated fun little adventure for our boys, and while they were in danger that episode, it was clear they both enjoyed being there.
Just...yes, this episode was awesome.
4. Jack’s Arc
I love Jack as a character, and how he has to deal with having all this power, but not being able to save everyone. I also love his relationship towards his family (you know which one I’m talking about.)
I always say that Dean and Cas are his parents, and I will not argue that Sam is important, and was more of a father figure towards Jack than Dean this season.
But I feel like Dean teaches him how to remain strong, and Cas teaches him his morality.
I also like his relationship towards Mary, since they spent a long time together this season, and he grew to care for her (as we all saw when he instinctively protected her.)
I am upset that Lucifer took his grace, so now he’s stuck with being human, and a bunch of regret stacked on him.
I hope Jack learns to let things go, because while he may be a baby, he has a long way to go before he can truly feel comfortable with himself.
But...baby steps. He’ll learn through his family.
While there are more negatives than positives, I DO NOT hate this season, far from it. (Besides, my least favorite season will always be season 7.) But, I feel like this season should’ve changed a lot of things, and now that season 14 is happening, many things might not be resolved.
But, we had a good wrap, guys.
So, thank you Jensen, Jared, Misha, Richard, Mark, Alex, Samantha, and everyone else for another great season.
And until fall comes around, and we get into the next season, this is me signing off (for reviews).
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