#Best beginner banjo
wordscrafting · 8 months
Choosing the Best Beginner Banjo: Top Banjo Brands and Strings
Are you ready to embark on a musical journey with the banjo? This iconic instrument has a rich history and a unique sound that has captured the hearts of many music enthusiasts. Whether you're drawn to bluegrass, folk, or country music, the best beginner banjo can be your ticket to creating foot-tapping melodies. However, as a beginner, selecting the right banjo can be daunting. In this article, we'll explore the best beginner banjo options, highlighting popular banjo brands and strings to help you make an informed decision.
1. Deering Goodtime 2 Banjo
Deering is a name synonymous with quality banjos, and their Goodtime 2 model is an excellent choice for beginners. Crafted in the USA, it features a maple rim, a resonator for extra volume, and precise tuning machines. The Goodtime 2 is known for its bright and crisp tone, making it perfect for learning and experimenting with different playing styles.
2. Washburn B10
The Washburn B10 is an affordable and well-constructed beginner banjo that offers great value for money. It features a mahogany resonator and neck, providing a warm and resonant tone. The geared tuners ensure stable and accurate tuning, making it ideal for beginners who are just starting to learn the ropes of banjo playing.
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3. Epiphone MB-100
Epiphone, a subsidiary of Gibson, offers the MB-100 banjo, which is designed with beginners in mind. This banjo boasts a mahogany body and neck, providing a warm and mellow sound. The affordable price point makes it an attractive option for those who want to test the waters before investing in a more expensive instrument.
4. Recording King RKR35-BR Madison Resonator Banjo
For beginners who are willing to invest a bit more in their first banjo, the Recording King RKR35-BR is an excellent choice. This banjo offers exceptional craftsmanship, with a maple resonator and neck, and a genuine Remo head for fantastic tone and projection. Its high-quality hardware ensures durability and precise tuning, making it a banjo you can grow with.
5. Ibanez B200
Ibanez is known for its quality instruments across various genres, and their B200 banjo is no exception. With a closed-back design, this banjo delivers a bright and clear tone. The mahogany neck and body provide warmth and resonance. The Ibanez B200 is a great option for beginners who appreciate versatility and style.
6. Oscar Schmidt OB5
Oscar Schmidt's OB5 is another budget-friendly option for beginners. It features a mahogany resonator and neck, along with a Remo head for great tone. The geared tuners ensure that you stay in tune while you learn to play. The OB5 offers a classic banjo sound at an accessible price point.
Now that you have some insights into the best beginner banjo options let's talk about the importance of choosing the right banjo strings. Strings play a crucial role in defining the sound of your banjo. Here are a few popular banjo string brands and types that beginners should consider:
1. D'Addario J61 Nickel Wound Banjo Strings
These nickel-wound strings from D'Addario offer a bright and articulate tone. They are known for their durability and tuning stability, making them an excellent choice for beginners.
2. Martin V700 Light Vega Banjo Strings
Martin's Vega banjo strings are known for their clear and balanced tone. They are designed for light gauge, making them easier on the fingers, which can be beneficial for beginners building up calluses.
3. Ernie Ball 2307 Banjo Strings
Ernie Ball's banjo strings are made of high-quality materials and are known for their consistency in tone and playability. They are a trusted choice for banjo players of all levels.
In conclusion, choosing the best beginner banjo involves considering factors such as budget, style preferences, and the specific sound you want to achieve. The banjo brands mentioned in this article offer a range of options to suit different needs and price ranges. Additionally, selecting the right banjo strings is crucial for achieving the desired tone and playability. With the right instrument and strings, you'll be well on your way to mastering the banjo and creating beautiful music. So, get ready to pluck those strings and start your banjo journey today!
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mcneelamusic01 · 1 year
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Buy Beginner Banjo at McNeela Music
McNeela Music is a reputable music store that offers a range of instruments, including banjos. McNeela Music offers a range of beginner banjos at different price points. Consider your budget and look for models that fit within your price range. For more details visit to the website.
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 months
So if I took up private music lessons again (budget pending), which would you vote for?
Banjo: The original private lessons plan. Bluegrass and its history have become a deep soul-fulfilling passion for me since I got into it in 2019. I've run into technique issues (ex: hand adjustments) that I don't know how to correct and are bottlenecking progress. If the teacher here is good, lessons would un-bottleneck me so I could work up tunes full speed and participate informally in local jam groups, which, if they're sorta good, would be stimulating and allow me to live my passion for a moment.
Cons: bluegrass lessons risk not being as bang-for-buck, with more casual and less intensive information and progress. There are many free resources I could tap into - and while they don't replace in-person feedback, might get me just as far in other respects. Many bluegrass greats didn't learn through lessons, and my prior musical training means I have a good sense of what I should be fixing. I also live in an area where there's rather limited bluegrass.
Level: late beginner Progress stakes: low Rewards: casual Local opportunities: casual
Flute: The instrument I've invested the most into already (besides piano). At my musical "height" in 2011, I was good enough on flute to be first chair all-state orchestra but not polished enough to audition into a good music school's spots. I'm craving returning to classical music and there is no thrill as extraordinary as performing flute like a diva in orchestra. This is when I feel at my best. Truly polishing flute would be working up my first, most driven, and cared-about investment, and could light a deep fire in me like nothing else.
However, I live in a small area with few resources and few ensembles - even fewer good ones. Most interesting ensembles I'm locked out of because I'm not a college student. The other interesting ensembles I'd had difficulties doing because flute is omnipresent and competitive. I'm already in one of the only bands I can access (it's "meh" and doesn't 100% fill my itch). I'm good enough to do the chamber groups at a classically-oriented church. There is a "semi-professional" orchestra and a local chamber group here, but the likelihood of there being a flute opening in the next five years is slim. I'm trained enough I can polish and grow myself. It would be an honor to study under a master flautist, but what is the chance that in this small area, there's someone advanced enough to push me to a new level? (the level I would need to get into the orchestra if an opening did happen)
Level: early advanced Progress stakes: high and ambition-oriented Rewards: best, but rare and high risk Local opportunities: rare for what I want
Viola: The instrument I've historically used to get into ensembles I shouldn't've. I had a grand one year of viola lessons with a high school classmate I was dating in 2011. I've used the viola to get into lower non-auditioning collegiate orchestras and church special events. There is a non-auditioning orchestra here I could participate in. There are always open viola spots in the "semi-pro" orchestra and they're far less competitive to get into than flute. The orchestra will accept advanced high school students, so I only have to be as good as an advanced high school student to squeak in. I suck at viola now, but I'm not starting from scratch. I think that a year or two of viola with a good teacher will get me good enough to be a participating fish in this small pond. I would not be able to work up my viola skills to get into the orchestra without a teacher. There are good string teachers here and I've received a recommendation for a viola teacher. Getting into orchestra would get me into the ensemble I've been most passionate about. This could also unlock me playing string trios at a local church. This is a very strategic choice.
Level: late beginner Progress stakes: medium Rewards: medium Local opportunities: multiple
I've been thinking I should switch my plan of doing banjo to viola. I could pound out the hardest two years of viola in my life, then switch to banjo lessons. In an ideal world, I'd take multiple instrument lessons at a time (would be nice to find a good piano teacher, too....), but I'm frugal, want to save for housing and retirement, don't have high-paying jobs, and have medical payment obligations that rein me in. So. If I allocate carefully, I can squeak in one instrument at a time properly. (Improperly, I could do two instruments at a time where lessons are every-other-week - ergo cycling lessons between the two instruments.)
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thislovintime · 10 months
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Photo 4 by Henry Diltz.
A look at some specific books mentioned by Peter over the years...
- How To Play the Five-String Banjo: "Pete Seeger’s book was very, very good. He’s a lively writer as well as a very good musician, a good teacher, good, very enthusiastic kind of all around person. So it was very good to learn from his book. And I recommend the book highly if anybody ever wanted to learn how to play folk-style five-string banjo, his is the book to learn from.” - Peter, Headquarters radio, 1989 (x)
- Naked Lunch: “In Melbourne last night Peter Tork said that Sydney airport Customs officers had seized from his bag the banned book ‘The Naked Lunch,’ by William Burroughs. A Customs officer had taken one look at the book and said, ‘I’ll have that. It’s banned here.’ […] ‘It is a good book,’ Tork said. 'I was just getting interested it. It’s sold out everywhere back home. I didn’t know it was banned here.’” - The Sydney Morning Herald, September 17, 1968 (x)
- Letters to a Young Poet: One question posed to Peter for the Ask Peter Tork column in 2008 was, “Do you think [becoming a writer is] worth a try, or do you suggest I 'keep my day job'?” From Peter's reply: “What writers I know of say is, if you want to be a writer, you’re probably not going to do very well. If you must write, then write! Do you see the difference? Rainer Marie Rilke wrote 'Letters to a Young Poet,' which I recommend on this point. (It’s a small book, and cheap at the bookstore, and free at your library.)”
 -Why Do I Say Yes When I Need To Say No?: Escaping The Trap Of Temptation by Michelle McKinney Hammond: “Some years ago there was a movement afoot to separate assertiveness from aggressiveness, which I heartily endorse to this day. 'Why Do I Say Yes When I Mean No,' is, I believe the name of one book that tackles this subject.” - Peter, Ask Peter Tork, 2008
- Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: “I recommend sitting in Zen meditation. The best book I know for that is Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki. It’s all about watching your own mind rather than obeying it as tho’ it were the infallible voice of the truth.” - Peter, Ask Peter Tork, 2008
- The Sayings of Buddha: “The Sayings of Buddha (a small, inexpensive book you can find in almost any book store) always rests on the night-table beside my bed. I find that ancient wisdom, meditation and contemplation puts my mind in order and brings me great serenity. These things also broaden my scope of understanding.” - Peter, 16, September 1968
- Stranger in a Strange Land: “One of my favorite books now is Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. It’s about the orphan child of the first Martian explorers. He grows to twenty-one years of age before he’s discovered by the second expedition to Mars which rescues him. He comes back to Earth, having been raised by the Martians — really fascinating!" - Peter, Fave, March 1968
- More Than Human: “Another writer I dig is Theodore Sturgeon, one of the greatest science fiction writers alive today. He visited our set one day and we were all very thrilled. He’s a visionary and a mystic, really one of the giant talents of the day. I hope everybody reads him. He wrote a book called More Than Human and a lot of other novels and short stories.” - Peter, Fave, March 1968
Q: "You read a book a day. Of all the books you have read, which three are your favorites and why?" A: "No, I don’t read a book a day. I sometimes spend weeks on a book. Of all the books I’ve read, my favorites are 'The Book Of [Tao],' 'Stranger In A Strange Land' and oh, I don’t know, a whole mess of other books, because they turn me on—they get to me." - Monkee Spectacular, January 1968
- The Book of Tao: “Peter also reads The Book of the Tao… all about an ancient Chinese nature philosophy with some simple, beautiful and meaningful messages in it. He studies all kinds of different religions, too. Peter has now figured out his own religion, what seems closest to Truth for him. It’s the result of much studying, thinking and sorting out. Peter was also influenced by the Oriental philosophies Zen. ‘Zen Buddhism believes in the theory of sudden enlightenment or sudden awakening. This idea is Japanese. I believe that Truth can just come to you in a sudden flash and you’ll know where it’s all at, if you prepare yourself to receive it. ‘Zen also teaches that you should just go along and live your life as best you can from minute to minute, always living in the present. You’re already there and there’s nothing else. If you can make the most of each day, accomplish and learn all you can now, you’ll get so much more done in your lifetime than if you sit around waiting for tomorrow to come. Because when tomorrow gets here it’s just another today. You end up just waiting and putting things off and nothing ever gets done. So, try to make each minute count!’” - Fave, March 1968
- Upanishads: "[Peter] starts clowning around [on set], but after a bit he settles down and starts reading a book. He sees you looking and explains, ‘This is a book of some of the excerpts of the Upanishads. Actually, these are excerpts from ancient Hindu writings. I guess you could say that in a sense they are like the Bible, only they were written many centuries before the old testament.’ Peter stops speaking for a moment. ‘Am I boring you?’ he asks gently. After you assure him that he is not boring anyone, he continues, ‘Well, the Upanishads are simply but beautifully written. I mean, they are quite easy to understand. You can buy the Mentor pocket edition for about 50 cents —′ Just about that time, Peter becomes aware of 16’s camera focusing on him. He promptly becomes a clown again, laughing and joking and holding his book myopically up to his eyes. You realize that you have just had a glimpse of the real Peter Tork — the sensitive, sincere young man who hides behind the veneer of a silly-funny Monkee. And it makes you feel very warm that for a brief moment you have glimpsed Peter Tork’s secret self." - 16, February 1968
- Autobiography of a Yogi: As Henry Diltz recalled (in Laurel Canyon: A Place In Time), “I remember giving one to Peter on The Monkees set. I did a group shot of them sitting on a couch and he was reading the Yogananda book. I always felt so good about that.”
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tianalova · 8 days
Seriously, I discovered this man in 2021. I vividly remember listening to Death with Dignity, at night, laying in my bed, in the dark, with just my earphones in. I was 13, and i was then listening to music on Youtube. The algorithm randomly added that song in my mix, and it was the slowed and reverb version of it LOLL
I’ve never thought i’d listen to this kind of music (i used to listen to only agressive pop and all that kind of stuff), but this album opener blew my mind. I fell in love with the song within the first few guitalin? (i think) arpeggios. I thought « how is it possible to make something this beautiful ?? and i’m not even 10secs in. »
I didn’t really understood the lyrics at first, as English isn’t my native language, but his voice really activated some part of my brain. It tickled it and i fell in love with Sufjan’s voice : i have never heard a voice like this before !! so breathy, beautiful and « lived in ». I mean. He has lived a lot of things lol
the piano part in the song made me almost cry.
and don’t even get me started on the last part of the song. The vocals. The instruments. so much emotion conveyed without any lyrics. The little chord progression (i hope that you know which one i’m referring to) that made the whole thing feel so mesmerizing. The last few notes of the sliding guitar? i think… idk what instrument that is. I cannot explain with words how i was feeling. and all of that in slowed and reverb LOLLL it made me so emotional. I wasn’t even able to process the whole thing. Too much happening for me. and the song ended. it was a whole experience.
And then i listenend to carrie and lowell. No shade in the shadow of the cross always gets me. John my beloved too. my three favorite songs ever. Maybe i’ll write a whole new post for them.
illinois : a whole different thing. I was like bro that man can do anything.
the greatest gift : carrie and lowell but the unreleased and the remixes. The demos really make me emotional all the time. We can hear sufjans voice so clearly
age of adz : the first time i listened to it i think i despised it LOLLLL. but now it’s my FAVORITE album ever. Who is able to make a 25 min long song this good?? and there are no boring parts in Impossible soul. Man this guy is a genius. I want to be well is my favorite ; sufjan conveys the feeling of being sick so well?? the little high-pitched electronic sounds really sound like nervous disease
michigan : i just have one thing to say : so pretty
the ascension : never thought i’d like electronic pop music but i do now !!! he does everything so well. I particularly love this album bc his voice sometimes gets really loud and strong (on landslide, make me an offer i cannot refuse or tell me you love me, for example)
A beginners mind : wowowowowowowow this blew my mind. If « magic » was an album it would be this one.
reflections : i love these piano pieces !!! the same for the decalogue
planetarium : this album grew on me a lot. I love Jupiter, and also the end of Neptune. I love watching sufjan performing mercury on Youtube. But the spoken part at the end of Earth freaks me out. i ended up crying 😭😭😭 they were so scary.
Aporia : haven’t really listened to it…
Carrie and lowell live : i’m gonna have to make a whole new post for this one too
Silver and gold : man how is Sufjan able to make a christmas album with 58 songs, when he already made Songs for Christmas ?😭 he is so prolific. i love justice delivers its death. maybe one of the realest songs i’ve ever heard in my short life lol. And christmas unicorn being right after that heart wrenching song is so hilarious. I AM THE BIGGEST CHRISTMAS UNICORN FAN !!!!
All delighted people : one of his best works. I’m gonna make a post for this one too
The BQE and RUN RABBIT RUN : haven’t listened to them but i will. in three years i have never wanted to listen to them 😭 but i will. i will
songs for christmas : love the vibe : jesus, banjo and piano and pretty synthesizers and organ
man i am writing too much
The Avalanche : illinoise but another one. with 742947 versions of the same song (and i Love Sufjan for that)
a sun came : make some bangers and add some talking tracks in the middle. and don’t forget satans saxophone
seven swans : take seven swans but make them Christian and add guitar and banjo. and don’t forget the American references. And don’t run, because He will chase you cause he is the Lord.
and i’m ending this with Javelin
The first album drop i have ever witnessed in my life.
man i will make another another another post for this one too
and he has so many singles
you can tell i got tired writing this LOLLLL i stopped being serious and i don’t even know if someone is going to read all of that but if someone does, thank you lol
but i am forever full of respect and love and i’m so grateful for Sufjan’s music, and for Sufjan himself. I hope he will heal completely from GBS. praying for him!!
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purplekoop · 7 months
A very unwarranted introductory gameplay breakdown of Mario+Rabbids, a game I take way too seriously:
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So the first big new original Mario game of the Switch back in late summer of 2017 was... not just a Rabbids crossover, but a turn-based tactical shooter? This was leaked ahead of time too, not only in early word-of-mouth rumours but also a promotional image that infamously gave Peach the title of "Badass Princess" (NOT kidding in case you missed that)... what do you even make out of a reveal like that?
Well, turns out, a very creative and beginner-friendly take on the genre that's also not afraid to turn on the heat when it wants. The style is also largely standard pleasant Mario fare with the less defined but still recognizable Rabbid twist, all tied together by a delightful soundtrack by the legendary Grant Kirkhope of Donkey Kong and Banjo Kazooie fame.
And while it's not a game I hear many people raving (no pun intended) about much, apparently enough other people liked it for the game to be considered a success, to the point where not only did it get a side story DLC featuring Donkey Kong in 2018, but also a full sequel in 2022, Sparks of Hope, which I'm still in the process of clearing myself but I feel confident in calling a grand improvement almost completely.
But you could read the first line, my focus here is to give a rundown of how the gameplay works, which will be followed up by posts about each of the characters across the two main games (still haven't played the DK DLC for Kingdom Battle or the Rayman DLC for Sparks of Hope, oops). This post is to break down the general mechanics for those unfamiliar, before I can then go into detail for talking about the main attraction: the characters themselves. Because again, I'm the person who cares too much about the metagame of a Rabbids tactical shooter.
So let's go over those basics. We're gonna primarily focus on the first game, mostly because it's the one I'm more fully experienced with (since I. y'know. already beat it) and also because it's the simpler of the two.
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Breaking things down, the gameplay is set in grid-based maps, with each map having a dedicated mission. The most common variety is simply "Defeat All", but you may have to beat a certain number of enemies that come from constantly spawning waves, have any of your characters reach a set location, or (most dreaded) escort a non-combative character like Toad to a set location.
But what about the characters that can actually do stuff? You select a team of three characters, starting with only three but unlocking more after big milestone levels across the main story. The cast is Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, and rabbid counterparts of the four. The new rabbids are treated like equal characters in their own right, though they tend to at least have a vague gameplay theme in common with their non-rabbid counterpart. Both Peaches can heal, both Marios have hammers, and both Luigis... well they're both weirdos, at least.
There's an important thing to note about the first game though: your team comp is a bit restrictive. For one, Mario is a forced party member at all times. You're perpetually stuck with Mario and only get two picks, but those other slots have an annoying restriction too. The party is forced, by law to contain at least one Rabbid. Because Mario is always in the party, that means you can only pick one between Luigi, Peach, and Yoshi. You can pick two of the Rabbids if you want, which is a fine enough strategy, but you can't have just a party of the classic Mario, Luigi, and Peach, which sucks because as I'll explain later, that'd arguably be the best team in the game. The original humans/dinosaur tend to be more min-maxed than their parodies, with some bigger weaknesses but more defined strengths, bar the ironic exception that Rabbid Mario is more aggro and bombastic than the original.
So we know the who, but what about the what, as in what do characters do?
Well, each character has access to basic movement, two basic attacks (a primary and secondary weapon, with the latter having a one turn cooldown), and two unique cooldown-based abilities (hey like that one game!). You can only move once, attack once, and use one ability with each character in one turn. Movement warrants a special mention, as this game has two unique and stylish mechanics every playable character has access to: the Dash and the Team Jump. Dashes can be performed by selecting an enemy during your movement, letting your character bump into them along their path for an extra little bit of damage that can bridge the gap to confirm an early kill, or finish off a low-health enemy. Team Jumping instead requires you to select an ally during your movement, letting them use a teammate as a trampoline to greatly extend their movement range. Each character also has a special trait to one of these two movement actions: the original Mario gang each has a special Team Jump, while the Rabbids have uniquely improved Dashes.
But to unlock and improve most of these abilities, you need to visit the skill tree:
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Don't let the term scare you, it's actually a pretty tame skill tree system.
You first unlock your character's special movement ability, secondary weapon, and second ability for relatively cheap upgrades you should have for almost the entirety of the game besides very early on. For instance, Mario starts with the standard blaster and a reactionary shot ability, while he has to unlock his stomp jump, hammer melee, and team damage boost ability. You can also upgrade both the default and unlockable abilities extensively, along with a few other random stats like health and movement range, which over the course of the game really makes each character come into their own.
You progress the skill tree by collecting Skill Orbs earned by finishing normal linear main story missions, as well as by exploring the sections of the world between missions and completing bonus challenges unlocked after completing each main area. And don't worry, you can also reset any character's skill tree as much as you want from the menu, no penalty or cost whatsoever.
Though on the note of cost, you can also use the coins you grab along your adventure to purchase weapon upgrades, which increase linearly throughout the game in power and unlock as you progress, though you typically get two options with different critical status effects for each character available at any time. Critical hits in this game not only do more damage, but also inflict debuffs that can move or hinder the enemy in a variety of ways. Most characters typically have a clearly ideal debuff choice, but for others it's hard to choose and really down to preference.
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(also yes, you read that name right. this isn't even the only time they say "Hell" in this official Mario game.)
So that's I think more or less what you need to know to get how characters in general work in this game, so the next posts will be about the individual characters, grouping up the original characters with their Rabbid counterparts just for the sake of making less posts overall. So that's one for the Marios, the Luigis, the Peaches, the Yoshis, the two DK DLC characters, and I may do an additional post for the three new characters from Sparks of Hope if I've beaten it by then.
Thank you to whoever's read this far for indulging my ramble on this funny random game, more real serious stuff is coming soon but this just crossed my mind and I went "y'know what, sure, we're doing this now too".
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cakeinthevoid · 5 months
if you're willing to share, id love to hear about your OC flange gusset cowboy extraordinaire (i actually just acquired a few cowboy OCs myself recently)
Oh you have opened the floodgates, but I don't even know where to start... I hope my rambling below will make sense haha...
Flange Gusset, Cowboy Extraordinaire!
...and the closest thing West Hinge has to an engineer.
Flange became an 'official' cowboy as a teenager, about 15 years old, but growing up on the ranch in the budding city of West Hinge, he's been training all his life for it. Genuinely, he's one of the most cowyboy cowboys who ever cowboyed. West Hinge knows his name—often as Gus, or, nowadays, Mr. Gusset, which he always tries to wave off. Everyone knows that he's a dependable lad. He works hard and is always there to help—and he's your guy if you every need a cheap repair or a little thingamajig to make life a little easier.
His mom is Mexican, so he had plenty of Vaquero stories from her side of the family. While she's proud of the man her Flan Cake (her sweet nickname for Flange <3) became, she will always worry about his safety as a cowboy. She knows the life is hard. Flange sees his mother as the kindest and most generous person in the world, and aspires to be like her.
His dad was an american farmer who didn't raise no quitter!!! He taught him the importance of true courage and loyalty. Flange worked the fields and did repairs around town with his dad growing up, which is where a lot of his most practical skills came from. Flange feels like he could never replace his dad as head of the house. He misses his dad.
He's the oldest sibling, so he knew he needed to get a job asap to help provide for his family. "Inventor" wasn't exactly a career path he could dedicate himself to, so he took up ranching and cattle herding—he took to it like a duck to water! (There's a reason he's one of if not THE top cowboy in the town at his early 20s).
Cowboy Life:
Flange started working for ranch owner Mr. Lewis at 15, doing your typical beginner cowpoke chores. His skills and talents weren't going unnoticed though, and he was quickly rising the ranks, joining the older cowboys on round ups and cattle drives. The other cowboys on the payroll are some of his closest friends.
Cowboying around gives him enough quiet nights during travel and time off to pursue his not-so-secret passion: inventing. He’s come up with plenty of doodads to improve the lives in West Hinge—in addition to doing repairs n stuff. He treasures his simple yet purposeful life, but privately wishes to do good on a greater scale, to invent something truly marvelous… but right now, he has a job to do. 
So he does what he can. He’s no doctor, but he tries to help in other ways. He respects the trades and rolls his eyes at big business. Down right pisses him off when those mega-ranches try to scam or buy out the hardworking little guys.
He adheres to his own cowboy code, which is everything in the unwritten Code of the West and more. He scowls at those who taint the cowboy name, but he won't go picking fights unless the situation is truly dire. He also truly don’t mind most outlaws, unless they’re one of the ransacking and killing types. He would much rather everyone get along and sing by the fire, but he isn't naive.
He's run into enough outlaws and wicked cowboys to know better.
Fun facts!
Flange's #1 horse is a beige and white spotted cutting horse named Chico! He's the cowboy who can ride him best, and thus does the cattle cutting. He's prevented his fair share of stampedes, to say the least.
Flange is scary good at poker. The man never gambles, and seems to hardly know what is going on, but he's never had a bad loss.
Flange can play the harmonica, banjo, and guitar. He's real shit at piano though.
Flange is scared of being well and truly alone. He's also irked by wasps.
~ ~ ~
Oh man this was fun. Yes I got a little carried away and there is still so much I could go on about (realizing I barely spoke on his engineering endeavors) but AAA thank you for this ask <33 I hope you enjoyed
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For anybody interested in learning banjo I can’t recommend this book highly enough. Like the title says you can be a complete dumbass and this book will teach you the very basics. But not only that, the songs they teach you are great. A lot of beginner books will stick you with shitty boring songs that suck ass just because you don’t have the skill to play anything more interesting. The best part though in my humble opinion is that is teaches you how to learn a piece of music and then gives you tools to make the song a little more interesting to play. It doesn’t just teach you how to play a song by memorizing where to put your fingers, it teaches you to play music. If that makes sense. Ok. I’m. Did I mention you can get a digital version for 9 bucks? And comes with mp3 files of all the songs and parts so you can listen to it if that helps you learn or not. It’s a great book.
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jazzytrait · 2 years
Hello! Cactus and jasmine for the ask game, please.
Hiii! 👽 Thank you so much for the ask. I hope you're having a great day (I'm loving your alien baby posts) cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I'm a huge fan of learning and tend to start researching new topics at random. Recently I spent a ton of time learning about art and art history just because I'm a total museum nerd. BUT I most recently impulsively bought a super on sale beginner banjo! I have always wanted one. I'm a vocalist by trade, play the ukulele and dabble (badly) in guitar (and any other instrument I can get my hands on)... but I just love the sound of a banjo. I have no idea how to play it AT ALL. So I've been listening to a couple songs I like and trying to figure them out by ear. jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
I know this one immediately... Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. For those who don't know, it came out in 2004 and stars (weirdly enough) Jim Carrey, in what has to be his most compelling role ever, and Kate Winslet. I won't spoil it... It's about a quirky couple whose relationship is on the rocks and after the breakup, Jim Carrey's character gets a letter saying that his ex had a procedure done to erase all memory of him from her mind. What follows is one of the saddest heartbreak stories of all time that I think perfectly captures that feeling we all get when something that was once the best thing in our lives... ends. I cannot watch it.
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deandreraden · 3 months
Top tips on how to read banjo tablature
Start with simple songs: As a beginner, it’s essential to start with simple songs that utilise basic chord shapes and melodies. In addition, you should look for beginner-friendly banjo tablature online or in instructional books. Simple folk tunes and traditional bluegrass songs are excellent places to start!
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banjowarehouse · 6 months
Banjos for Sale – A Guide for Finding Your Match
In the world of stringed instruments, few can match the distinctive, soulful sound of a banjo. Finding the right banjo to match your style and preferences is essential when looking for banjo to buy. Whether you're a seasoned player or a novice looking to explore the world of folk and bluegrass music, you’ll need the perfect instrument for your musical journey.
Understanding the Basics
Before exploring the vast array of available banjos, you must understand the basics. Banjos come in 4-string, 5-string, and 6-string models. Each type has its own distinct sound used for different genres. Consider your musical preferences and the style you want to pursue before buying a banjo.
Choosing the Right Type of Banjo
There are three basic banjo types:
4-String Banjos
Ideal for jazz and Dixieland music.
Has a crisp, bright sound.
5-String Banjos
The most common banjo is popular in bluegrass and folk music.
A versatile banjo with a distinct twang.
A great choice for beginners and experienced players.
6-String Banjos
The tuning and playability are much like a guitar.
Perfect for guitarists wanting to discover the banjo's sound.
Where to Find Banjos for Sale
Here’s you can find the best banjos for sale:
Local Music Stores
Visit local music shops to test and feel banjos.
Ask knowledgeable staff for advice.
Online Retailers
Explore reputable online retailers with a wide range of banjos.
Read customer reviews to explore the quality and customer service of the supplier.
Secondhand Markets
Consider buying used banjos from reliable sources. 
Attend music instrument fairs, auctions, or browse online marketplaces for potential deals.
Tips for a Wise Purchase
Here are some tips
Set a Budget: Decide on how much you want to spend before starting your search. Make sure to balance quality and cost.
Playability and Comfort: Test the playability and comfort of the banjo. The neck and strings must suit your playing style.
Brand Reputation: Research reputable banjo brands. Established brands often provide quality instruments with reliable craftsmanship.
Choosing the Best Banjo
Find the perfect banjo for sale can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Still, it is essential that you understand the basics and do your research.
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celtic-cd-releases · 10 months
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mcneelamusic01 · 1 year
Looking for the best banjos on the market? Look no further than McNeela Music's! Whether you're a beginner just starting out or a seasoned pro looking for your next instrument upgrade, we've got you covered with our top-notch selection of best banjos. So why wait? Explore our banjo offers page today and find the perfect banjo for your needs! For more information visit https://mcneelamusic.com/
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What is the Easiest Musical Instrument to Learn?
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Interested in music, but afraid to start? That's why we've compiled the easiest apps for adults to learn. It is a common misconception that learning to play an instrument as an adult is difficult, if not impossible.
But, the myth that you need to learn music in life has prevented many people from exploring their musical talents. The good news is that it's never too late to learn! In fact, there are many benefits to learning music as an adult.
These can include psychological, social and even physical benefits. If you don't know where to start, here are five of the easiest musical instruments for adults to learn.
What is the Easiest Musical Instruments to Learn?
What is the easiest instrument to play? It varies depending on your skill level, background, and interests, but if you're looking for the easiest apps for adults to learn, this list is a good place to start:
1. Ukulele
Inexpensive to buy and fun to play, the ukulele is one of the best and most affordable instruments around.
With only four nylon strings (instead of the guitar's six), you can grab a simple instrument and play some of your favorite songs in just a week.
2. Harmonica
Whether it's blues, jazz, rock, folk, or country music, the harmonica (also known as the "Blues Harp") is a great choice for older beginners. You don't need to know much to start playing, and it's a big advantage that every note will be "on key" - it's hard to sound bad on the harmonica!
3. Bongos
If you are a fan of salsa, bongos may be your calling. Bongos originate from Cuba and consist of two drums joined together. It's a simpler option than a full drum kit, but it can provide the same satisfying drumming experience.
4. Piano
Piano can be complicated - after all, you have to learn how to arrange two hands at the same time - but it is actually one of the easiest musical instruments for adults to learn. Learning to play the piano lays the foundation for learning other instruments. When you learn to read the piano, you will be able to read almost any other instrument in the West.
5. Glockenspiel
You may be familiar with the glockenspiel (pronounced "glock-ench-peel") from your elementary school music lessons or if you've enrolled in a Kindermusik class. It looks like a small xylophone, but instead of having a wooden shaft, its shaft is made of metal, producing a bright, happy sound.
6. Guitar
A guitar is smaller than a ukulele and more practical. Learning to play six chords is a great option if you want something easy for adults. Check out the Epiphone Wildkat Electric Guitar review which you can learn faster.
7. Banjo
Another easiest instrument to learn to play is the banjo. It's like a guitar, with fewer strings than a guitar but bigger than a ukulele. You can learn a few simple chords and play simple tunes as a beginner.
8. Drum
We've already mentioned bongos as the easiest musical instruments to learn, but these aren't the only types of musical instruments worth mentioning. Any kind of music is fun and not difficult.
9. Recorder
For children, the recorder is the easiest tool to learn for children. Therefore it is crowded in schools! It's a great introduction to music, creative thinking, and music theory.
10. Violin
Violin is last on our list because although it is not the easiest technique to learn, it is worth the effort. Children often have more difficulty with the violin than adults, but it is still a good instrument for beginners.
Also Read: How Does an Accordion Work?
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trustpictures · 2 years
Tux guitar windows 8
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The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". You can use notes (full, half, quarter, eight, 16th, 32nd), sharp, chords, rest, tuplet tool, articulation tool, repeat tool, and more to create guitar tabs. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Popular Alternatives to MuseScore for Web, Android, iPhone, Windows, iPad and more. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
404 Error, content does not exist anymore.
How to buy an inexpensive beginner’s guitar.
The Segovia Scales for Guitar – FREE Downloads.
The Blank Book – for your notes and sketches.
How to Play Guitar Melodies in Every Key.
Free Guitar Chord pdfs – Sus Chords and Major 7th Chords.
COPPA – Children’s Online Privacy Policy.
Bass Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, Ukulele TAB Paper pdf.
It goes into some detail about the differences between Guitar Pro vs TuxGuitar.Īfter you watch this, check out the other video for additional updated information. One question you may ask is, do you really need to spend money on Guitar Pro when Tux may do everything that you really need? Watch the video below to help you answer that question.
Guitar Fretboard Secrets – Visualize all notes on the entire guitar fretboard in 30 days – Udemy Course Link Which software is best for me? This is an extremely valuable tool to use for practicing. This is to set playback to repeat a section of the notation at a sset slow tempo, then upon each repetition, have it increase the tempo. There is one great feature that the two software programs on this page can do.
Convert between “traditional” Standard Staff Notation and TAB.
Create digital copies (such as pdf files) to share with others.
Output MIDI files to use with other software.
Use various synthesized instruments to alter the sound.
Make speed variations and add dynamics and articulations.
to run in console you need go to 'start menu -> excecute' and type 'cmd' (it will open a windows console) Go to the TuxGuitar folder: cd 'C:put correct pathTuxGuitar'. Here are some of the things that can be done: please run TuxGuitar in command line and post here the correct exception. Having your music in electronic form then allows it to be processed in some very useful ways. What TAB and Standard notation softwares do is to create an electronic representation of the Tablature, much like Word Processors do for the written word. Need 4-String TAB books or just want to download some TAB or Notation paper? It’s on this page.īoth TuxGuitar and Guitar Pro not only do TAB, but they also write Standard Music Staff Notation. Check out this really useful 6-String TAB book that has PAGE NUMBERS as well as CONTENTS pages. In it’s present form, TAB uses a number of lines representing the strings of the instrument, with numbers written on those lines representing the fret number. This is a very old system that has been around LONGER than standard notation.
You can freeload Guitar Pro official latest version for Windows 10 in English.Probably most people who learn guitar will learn to use TAB or Tablature notation. The software is able to interact simultaneously with 256 tracks, plus four MIDI ports. If necessary, you can add special effects. The recording will be carried out on 8 tracks (1 percussion, 7 guitar). They can be recorded, make various records, export and import data. This software solution is used for the manipulation of scores. Guitar Pro for Windows 10 - A specialized program for those who want to learn how to play bass guitar, banjo.
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thaysenhvass71 · 2 years
Top Tips For Playing The Ukulele
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With its key and tuning, the ukulele is an easy instrument to be taught. It is also a good way so as to add some enjoyable to your subsequent social gathering! In this article, we'll provide you with some of essentially the most useful tips for playing the ukulele.
What's one of the best Ukulele?
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There is no one-size-fits-all reply to this query, as the very best ukulele for you'll depend in your individual preferences and desires. However, listed below are some suggestions that will assist you to choose the correct instrument for you: 1. Start with a primary model. If you haven't any expertise playing an instrument, begin with a mannequin that's relatively straightforward to make use of and play, comparable to an ordinary live performance or tenor ukulele. These fashions typically have smaller strings and are less expensive than different forms of ukuleles. 2. Consider your price range. While there are some great ukuleles available at very reasonably priced costs, do not be fooled into thinking that these fashions are poor high quality. In truth, many low-price instruments are made from good supplies and might sound simply nearly as good as dearer models. 3. Be sure that the size is right. Most ukuleles are available in three sizes (small, medium, and huge), but if you're not sure of which size to get, go for a medium dimension. This will provide you with loads of room to grow and improve your abilities over time. 4. Be prepared to
Best Ukulele Brands
If you're wanting to buy a beginner's ukulele, there are a couple of manufacturers you need to consider. Here are 5 of the perfect: Kala Hana Tanglewood Luna Epiphone
Best Ukulele Accessories
Top-of-the-line things you can do on your ukulele is to invest in some good equipment. Listed below are some of the best ukulele equipment that will make your enjoying expertise much more enjoyable and rewarding: 1. A superb ukulele case is essential if you need to maintain your instrument protected and sound. There are a lot of various kinds of cases obtainable, so discover one that is particularly designed for ukes. Some of the most effective circumstances embrace the Kala K-ONA Ukulele Case and the Banjo Brothers Deluxe Ukulele Case. 2. A great tuner can also be a must-have if you'd like to keep your strings in tune. There are many several types of tuners obtainable, so discover one that's compatible with your ukulele’s strings. Some of one of the best tuners include the Kala Uke Tuner and the Alvarez Uke Tuner. 3. Another nice accessory for your ukulele is a set of picks. Picks enable you to to play larger tones and make it simpler to manage the notes you are enjoying. A few of the best picks for ukes include the Tanglewood Custom Ukulele Picks
Best Ukulele Strings
With a view to get probably the most out of taking part in the ukulele, it is essential to pick out the precise strings. Listed here are some suggestions for selecting the best strings in your ukulele: - Ukuleles come with quite a lot of string sizes, so it's important to find one that can fit your ukulele's scale length. The string size you select needs to be 1/2 inch smaller than the size of the fretboard. - It's also important to find a string that has a mild touch and is simple to play. Some good options embrace nylon or polyester strings. - Finally, you'll want to tune your ukulele frequently and exchange the strings after they start to fray or lose their tension.
Learning to Play the Uke
There may be nobody method to be taught to play the ukulele, but following the following pointers should enable you start enjoying confidently very quickly. 1. Start with a fundamental song. Learning songs by listening to them moderately than making an attempt to play them from scratch will show you how to get more snug with the instrument. 2. Practice frequently. Even in the event you don’t know all the chords but, enjoying along with a friend or household member can enable you to develop your abilities sooner. 3. Go for quality over amount. Don’t be afraid to take your time learning each music, and don’t be discouraged in case you make mistakes – they’re part of the learning process! 4. Keep it fun! Playing the ukulele shouldn’t feel like a chore – ensure that to enjoy your self while you’re learning!
Tips for First Time Players
If you’re a newbie, the following pointers will enable you get began enjoying the ukulele. Whether you’re aiming to learn for enjoyable or to perform in a social setting, following these tips will show you how to get began on the right foot. 1. Choose the best Ukulele: There are various various kinds of ukuleles to choose from, but some are better suited to freshmen than others. For instance, a soprano-size ukulele is smaller and easier to play than a concert or tenor-size ukulele, and a mahogany ukulele sounds richer and extra sturdy than an all-wood mannequin. 2. Get Fingered-Length Strings: When looking for a new ukulele, make sure to get fingered-size strings. These strings are easier for learners to finger accurately, and so they produce a brighter sound than common strings. 3. Start with the Chords: Learning how you can play basic chords is essential for newcomers, as these chords can be used to create songs of your personal. Start by learning one or two chords that are widespread in popular songs, and then regularly develop your repertoire
Tips For Improving
Ukulele is a good instrument for learners and consultants alike. With the best instruction, you'll be able to be taught Ukulele buih jadi permadani in no time at all. Here are some ideas that can assist you improve your ukulele enjoying expertise! 1. Practice usually - Among the finest methods to enhance your Ukulele playing expertise is to practice usually. Playing the Ukulele will assist you to develop your timing, rhythm, and accuracy. Playing songs that you simply enjoy will also assist keep you motivated. 2. Take heed to music - Among the finest methods to enhance your Ukulele enjoying expertise is to take heed to music. Not solely will this aid you develop your musical skills, but it may also teach you about completely different types of Ukulele taking part in. You'll find a lot of ukulele music online or on CD. 3. Learn chords and melodies - One of a very powerful things you can do when studying easy methods to play the Ukulele is be taught chords and melodies. Chords are essential for understanding how songs are built up, and melodies are what make songs fulfilling to listen to. There are various chord books and melody sheets available that may teach you every part
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