#Bone Marrow Infusion Set
kdlmedtech · 2 months
Key Factors Opting for the Superior Bone Marrow Infusion Set
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When it comes to bone marrow infusion sets, choosing the superior option is crucial for successful medical procedures. Understanding the key factors that make a bone marrow infusion set stand out is essential. In this blog post, we will explore these factors in detail to help you make informed decisions for optimal treatment outcomes.
Key factors that make a bone marrow infusion set stand out is essential
1) Material Quality
One of the most important factors to consider when selecting bone marrow infusion sets is the material quality. It is crucial to use medical-grade materials such as silicone or polyurethane to avoid potential risks associated with low-quality materials. These materials not only provide durability but also minimize the risk of infections and other complications during the procedure.
2) Bone marrow infusion Needle Size and Gauge
Choosing the right needle size and gauge is essential for successful bone marrow aspiration. The needle should ensure proper penetration and extraction without causing damage to the bone or surrounding tissues. It is also important to consider patient comfort and safety when selecting the needle size and gauge for the bone marrow aspiration infusion set.
Read More : The Role of the Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle in Hematology Diagnostics
3) Sterility and Packaging
Sterility and proper packaging are key factors in preventing infections during bone marrow aspiration. It is important to check for expiration dates and ensure that the set is properly sealed to maintain sterility. A sterile infusion set is essential for immediate use without compromising patient safety.
4) Compatibility with Equipment
Ensure that the infusion set is compatible with bone marrow aspiration devices to avoid any compatibility issues that may affect the procedure. Check for any additional accessories needed for proper use to ensure a seamless and successful bone marrow aspiration.
5) Ease of Use
Look for a bone marrow infusion set with a user-friendly design to simplify the process for healthcare professionals. This will help minimize the risk of errors during bone marrow aspiration and ensure efficient and effective use of the infusion set.
6) Cost and Value
While cost is an important factor to consider, it is essential to balance cost with quality and features. Consider the long-term benefits and durability of the infusion set to avoid cheap alternatives that may compromise patient safety. Investing in a high-quality bone marrow infusion set is crucial for the best outcomes for your patients.
7) Manufacturer Reputation
Research the reputation and track record of the manufacturer before purchasing bone marrow infusion sets. Check for certifications and compliance with industry standards to ensure that you are trusting reputable brands for high-quality bone marrow infusion sets. Choosing a trusted manufacturer will give you peace of mind knowing that you are using a reliable and safe product for bone marrow aspiration procedures.
In conclusion, when looking for high-quality bone marrow infusion sets, consider the material quality, needle size and gauge, sterility and packaging, compatibility with equipment, ease of use, cost and value, and manufacturer reputation. By choosing infusion sets with these key features, you can ensure the best outcomes for your patients and streamline the bone marrow aspiration process. Trust in quality, trust in safety, trust in high-quality bone marrow infusion sets.
Source : Key Factors Opting for the Superior Bone Marrow Infusion Set
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beesmygod · 11 months
*BLOCK "long post/" or "bloodborne" to banish these from your dash!!
my friend shawn has finished his run of bloodborne recently which i was SOOOO excited for and throughout the process he indulged whatever is wrong with me by asking me lore questions. he has now finished his quest and i can answer all his remaining questions in this post, which is also peppered with his commentary on his experience (good, funny). as always i write these posts to try to be entertaining to ppl familiar with bloodborne and ppl who are fandom rubberneckers. i understand you. i long to cater to you as one of you. come with me on this bloodborne adventure...[holds out a hand covered in some kind of weird grey shit]
he has many good questions and i have too many words so this must be broken up into so, so many posts. even then these are going to be so long and make me look totally insane. dont like it? keep scrolling bitch im reloading my flintlock pistol. your ass is grass in 1-3 minutes.
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[sooooo smartly] i dont know.
the moon in bloodborne is one of the weirdest seemingly deliberate inconsistencies throughout the game. it has a bunch of bizarre qualities including the fact that it's a physical object that gets loaded in and its not part of a skybox that just gets switched during cutscenes. despite the inherent terror of the blood moon taking up so much space in our collective brains, it only appears in yharnam, the cathedral ward and yahar'gul. ive seen a lot of theories about why cainhurst or byrgenwerth have regular moons, but i think the more likely answer is that the blood moon is only affecting yharnam. these are also the only places where the tentacled amygdalas or, as they're known internally, "false gods" can be found.
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these things
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eileen knows too! she knows about dreaming ("No more dreams for me. This is my last chance.") AND the doll. ("You still have dreams? Tell the little doll I said hello"). both were kicked out of the dream because they no longer hunt beasts, thus breaking their contracts. djura protects them and eileen hunts hunters.
at the start of the game you "sign a contract" with the blood minister and get a yummy yharnam blood infusion that gives you access to the dream. presumably, all hunters do or did this to join the hunt and the doll's dialog ("Over time, countless hunters have visited this dream.") reveals that the hunter's dream was once host to many hunters. they likely all dreamed before going mad.
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yeah check this out: if you line your brain with eyes, you have insight. get it. eh? ehhhh??
the witch of hemwick is PROBABLY not wearing eyeballs...fresh ones at least. pebbles are calcified eyes that have hardened due to whatever force causes blood to calcify in bloodborne world (leading to blood shards, blood gems, etc). VERY RARELY will they drop an actual eye, which the item description reveals was taken "quickly" before death or immediately after.
eyes are used exclusively to access the hintertomb chalice, which is of interest to the church because it appears to be where they get their church slaves from (more on this later). BUT the women of hemwick do more than eyeballs. they create bone marrow ash by burning corpses and. hmm. well.
you're right. there's no beasts here. there's no beasts where there's incense in the game, like the parts of the labyrinth that the church has explored (evidenced by the architecture and censures that resemble those in the cathedral ward) or entrances to upper cathedral ward/forbidden woods. a few characters mention that they're running out of it or that it's masking scents. its the reason why the suspicious beggar has to stand outside oedon chapel lol. he cant deal with the stinky anti-wolf smoke
you know where else there's no beasts? yahar'gul. and the only incense is found in the cells where they keep their meat for experiments. but there is an unexplained burning corpse or two in the middle of town.
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if you break incense pots, they're full of bones. O_O oh shit i just noticed something lol: eileen's mask says "The beak contains incense to mask scents of blood and beast." YUCK!
the witches are not really educated and do not seem to partake in blood ministration as they are missing any bestial traits. it seems like they are "for hire" and work for both byrgenwerth and the healing church supplying parts from the graves they "maintain".
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it seems like they did once at some point in history and had to give up due to a combination of no more room to bury people and something going wrong with the corpses of yharnamites (more later!).
we know a little bit about yharnam funeral customs by way of eileen's crowfeather set which states that yharnam's treatment of burying the dead is considered a taboo and shameful act by outside cultures which leave their dead to "sky burials", a type of funeral ritual where the corpse is left for birds (like the fat ass crows in this game) to pick clean. those birds are eating so good lately.
perhaps the reason why underground burial is considered distasteful is due to the fact that the great ones were once buried underground by the pthumerians. the graves in the forbidden woods (including the forbidden grave) are, according to the art book, tombstones for great ones.
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here are some ways we know yharnamites deal with corpses:
cremate them for profit
bury them
exhuming them for profit
just leave 'em there
lock them in caskets and run before they come back
experiment on them
chuck them in a hole and forget about 'em
fake iosefka does the last one. someone (her?) exhumed a grave near her clinic that was absolutely packed with corpses and they dug deep enough to find an entrance to the hintertomb. the player must enter the hintertomb through a chalice ritual, but this locations is either THE or one of the ways that the hintertomb was discovered.
the hintertomb is described as an auxiliary wing of the pthumerian labyrinth filled with "unceremonious" tombs. hemwick witches can be found here, likely looking for some fresh product to move. its where various people and organizations dump their trash. you can find piles of dead pigs, fake iosefka's failed experiments, some church giants left to die (presumably, they did not originate from there as they are already belled), and some other crap.
how do we know this is the entrance to the hintertomb? first, there's the amount of tomb mold blooming here. it explicitly grows only in the old labyrinth
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second, they both share an environmental hazard unique only to them (and the nightmare frontier, whatever. IN THE REAL WORLD): POISON SWAMPS as a consequence of the decaying great one corpses.
i forgot the question. i think my point was that there are now so many bodies they're running out of things to do with them and its starting to be a problem. they are both taking things out of the labyrinth and throwing things in. yharnamites have a general disrespect for cultures and customs and it's really biting them in the ass
oh wait i remember. i was tying this back into the part about where the church gets their slaves from. all the church attendants and giants are pthumerians. the primary difference between them and their labyrinth counterparts are the lack of open slack jaw. and the fact the church pthumerians drop blue elixir.
Dubious liquid medicine used in strange experiments conducted by high ministers of the Healing Church. A type of anesthetic that numbs the brain.
the next part will also be...MORE ABOUT THE SETTING. until next time (later today)
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tachyon-omlette · 5 months
can't sleep. posting updated Eda physiology diagram
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more in-depth descriptions under the cut (feat. a rethinking of how dark energon/angolmois exists)
I use the term "cell-spawned" as a reference to how Armada Sideways was "grown from Unicron's own cells", implying there may be a difference between Unicronians that were once Cybertronians (ex. Galvatron) & those that were fully created by Unicron, like Sideways. or Eda.
cell-spawned Unicronians have 2 sets of major systems: molten metal & angolmois (dark energon)
the molten metal system is a vascular system equivalent, but a little different. ingested metals r smelted down until they're more liquid than solid (& as a consequence a Unicronian's internal temperature is extremely high), then passed through a network of arteries that deposit new metal around the antispark chamber & beneath external plating. this allows the antispark chamber to be reinforced even as its cargo slowly strips away the inner layer, & allows external weathering/surface-level injuries to be sheared off in favor of allowing new metal to grow underneath (which means neither Eda nor any cell-spawned Unicronian bears scars save for what they willfully upkeep). the metal is also infused with heat-resistant nanites once it enters the "bloodstream"; these nanites are what implant proximity sensors on exterior-facing plating & direct the flow of new metals to any pierced-armor injuries (the result of which leaves a scar that appears like a large weld, which can be sanded down or otherwise weathers away on its own). surface-level pierced-armor injuries are usually somewhat painless in the injured area, but release trapped heat & reduce mobility until that heat can be restored.
the dark energon aka angolmois system is, however, very different - where most things have interpreted angolmois as energon but Scary, in my mind it's more accurately an opposite: less fluid & more viscous like tar, a pitch-black that opalesces with deep purples & glitters like the night sky, and cold like the void of space. angolmois systems are more heavily-guarded than a Cybertronian's energon system; it is circulated usually where it is needed to cancel out or counterbalance the excessive heat generated by the molten metal systems (ex. the cpu/brain module & other finely-tuned systems), thus preventing a Unicronian from simply melting themselves down on accident. it also runs through major support structures like bone marrow, emitting a natural cooling that makes excessive heat integral to the use of limbs and digits, lest they grow frost - the rupture of an angolmois line is, thereby, equivalent in pain to a broken bone, & for a cell-spawned Unicronian who feels barely any or even no pain with more common & superficial scrapes, it is often a crippling injury. angolmois leaks are harder for the molten metal system to repair & often create systemic injuries by virtue of the extreme cold structurally compromising most metal it touches, & the damaged structures often require direct patching in order to aid the molten metal repair systems & prevent a total freeze-down. for cell-spawned Unicronians like Eda, angolmois can be naturally replenished by tapping into the entropy of the universe, whether that be through simply waiting (either lucid or in stasis) or artificially increasing localized entropy (i.e. causing problems & destruction & chaos wherever they are currently); for more severe cases the latter route is often necessary.
angolmois is still the most direct route to corruption, as it freezes & kills whatever it touches & often is difficult to recover from (ex. if some lands on a field of wildflowers, the wildflowers it lands on will die, along with the microorganisms living in that patch of soil. if it is removed, then only that place will have a dead area & over time will naturally repopulate; if it seeps into the ground, the entire field may die & will become hard or even impossible to repopulate a la the Prime Kindergarten from Steven Universe). for Cybertronians, coming in direct contact causes freezing injuries & in severe cases requires amputation. ingestion causes internal damage & generates and/or exacerbates inner turmoil(s).
any questions ?
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madamemachikonew · 1 year
More thoughts on Baizhu's story quest #4 - the poison is the cure
My other Baizhu story quest thoughts:
1 - Changsheng the Corruptor
2 - Baizhu's Lack of Self
3 - The Adepti
↓ ↓ Story quest spoilers below↓ ↓ 
I thought some of you might be interested in the perspective of A Sick Person (which of course is only my own - I don't speak for all...).
One of the things that really resonated with me was the age-old pharmacological principle that potentially anything is poison in the wrong quantity. But equally, some things which are technically toxic can in fact bring you a cure.
It is a principle with which I am intimately familiar. And Jialiang's dilemma was very easy for me to understand and empathise with. I have been going through cycles of chemotherapy to stabilise my multiple sclerosis. I played Baizhu's quest while recovering from being infused with highly toxic drugs normally used for leukaemia patients. They help MS by killing my immune cells en masse in the hope that they will repopulate as healthy cells instead of faulty ones that attack my brain and spine. However, the treatment was not an easy one to choose. The list of side effects is long and terrifying, not just immediate side effects during the infusion period itself, but long lasting ones; I am at risk of acquiring a whole plethora of new, additional and incurable health conditions. I had to do a balancing exercise when choosing my treatment. Was I prepared to trade my thyroid for a few more years of getting to use my hands and legs and being able to live independently? If not, I'd have to opt for one of the less effective treatments.
I'm getting to how this relates to Baizhu, I promise.
I don't even know if the gamble will pay off. While I have high hopes it will succeed, and has stabilised things so far, it is not guaranteed. This treatment is not 100% effective and fails for many people, even after a few years of their symptoms having been stabilised. And similarly, a day may come several years in the future when it is time for me to pay the piper and hand over an organ or two; thyroidectomies are extremely common. I'll also be immunocompromised for around a year or so, which comes with its own risks.
I don't raise any of this for sympathy - it simply got me thinking about the green man, in that we've both made a similar decision and almost embrace the opportunity to poison ourselves as a strange sort of gift (fun fact: the German word for poison is 'gift').
In a perverse way, I understand Baizhu's choice under the contract. For me, destroying my body is literally what will give me a second chance at life. Baizhu too chooses to barter away and destroy parts of his body and acquire new illnesses for what he classifies as a greater overall benefit - except in his case it's scientific discovery and the altruistic potential to save more lives rather than improving or maintaining his own quality of life. He has a weird solidarity with his patients in this regard; while he's confident he will succeed in his endeavour to achieve immortality, it is not guaranteed, and may one day bring a devil's price with it. What sets him apart, however, is that - unlike his patients - his choice is voluntary. It is the voluntary aspect that breaks my mind a little bit. I genuinely needed this treatment and even I was hesitant. Jialiang's choice was no choice at all. He wanted to cling to as many good days as possible, because the alternative was death. Yet Baizhu just takes on the mantle without any reservation. This feeds back in to how he conceives his sense of self. Such acts run so contrary to natural instinct that it takes great fortitude of spirit and intellect to overcome our hard-wired self-preservation mechanism. His sacrifice is ironically the greatest assertion of self. One of my friends is a long-standing blood and bone marrow donor. He was also a volunteer for the covid vaccination trials. Some people are just like that.
I had to consider which illnesses I was prepared to accept in the future as a consequence of my treatment, which made me wonder whether Baizhu has a line that he draws in terms of which illnesses or toxins he's prepared to absorb. I would like to understand how he calculates risk -v- reward. Presumably he does not take on anything that will be terminal. Nothing that can't be managed or put into remission through medication (or is at least tolerable and non-fatal without it). Nothing that would wreck his immune system too much. Nothing neurologically degenerative that would cause his intellect or limbs to irreparably deteriorate or fail, as that would impair his ability to conduct research. I imagine he'd also have to consider potential interactions, given the cocktail of medications he is on - some remedies will undermine others and he may have to abstain or moderate them. And some remedies will cause additional side effects or health conditions in their own right after prolonged use.
My treatment also made me wonder how much toxicity Baizhu himself potentially leeches out to the people around him. My chemo drug literally seeps out of my pores, salivary glands, tear ducts and so on for a week or two. I have to use a separate toilet/bathroom and any clothes or bedsheets have to be washed separately. I can't be intimate with anyone for a while because my bodily fluids are literally toxic. It made me wonder if Baizhu avoids intimate emotional or physical attachments not just because of the emotional damage to someone who'd fall in love with him and because he will always put his duties as a healer first (I think he'd care less about his own pain of foregoing a chance at love given his sacrificial nature), but because he might be physically toxic to be intimate with on account of the poisons, illnesses and medications he had in his system. He jokes with Traveller in his voicelines that he can test strong concoctions on them. But I think he's deflecting here; presumably he will take a liberty to dose himself more strongly than he might a patient if there is a potential research benefit behind it, such as learning how to dose properly and potential side effects. Or simply, to manage his condition with a harsher regime because he knows he's prepared to tolerate it.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Disease: A New Era of Treatment
 Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, claiming millions of lives each year. Traditional treatments, including lifestyle changes, medications, and surgeries, have long been the mainstay in managing heart conditions. However, recent advancements in regenerative medicine are ushering in a new era of hope: stem cell therapy for heart disease.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy involves the use of stem cells to repair or replace damaged cells and tissues in the body. Stem cells are unique because they have the potential to develop into different types of cells and can renew themselves through cell division. There are two main types of stem cells used in therapy: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. In the context of heart disease, the focus is primarily on adult stem cells, particularly those derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue, or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work for Heart Disease?
Heart disease often results in the loss of cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells), which the body cannot naturally replace in significant numbers. Stem cell therapy aims to regenerate the damaged heart tissue by introducing new, healthy cells that can help restore the heart’s function.
Cell Sourcing and Harvesting: Stem cells are harvested from the patient’s own body (autologous) or from a donor (allogeneic). Common sources include bone marrow and fat tissue. These cells are then processed and purified in a laboratory setting.
Cell Differentiation and Cultivation: The harvested stem cells are induced to differentiate into cardiomyocytes or other supportive cells necessary for heart repair. This step ensures that the cells are primed to perform the required functions once introduced into the heart.
Delivery to the Heart: The prepared stem cells are delivered to the damaged area of the heart via various methods, such as direct injection during surgery, catheter-based delivery, or intravenous infusion. The goal is for these cells to integrate with the existing heart tissue and begin the repair process.
Regeneration and Repair: Once in place, the stem cells promote regeneration by either directly transforming into new heart muscle cells or by secreting factors that encourage the existing cells to repair and regenerate the damaged tissue. This process helps improve heart function, reduce scarring, and enhance overall cardiac health.
Clinical Evidence and Research
The promise of stem cell therapy for heart disease has been supported by numerous preclinical studies and early-phase clinical trials. For example, research has shown that stem cell therapy can improve cardiac function, increase exercise capacity, and reduce heart failure symptoms in patients with severe heart conditions.
One notable study published in The Lancet demonstrated that patients who received stem cell therapy after a heart attack had significantly better heart function and reduced scar tissue compared to those who received standard treatment. Another study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reported that stem cell-treated patients showed improved heart muscle contraction and overall quality of life.
Challenges and Future Directions
While the potential of stem cell therapy for heart disease is immense, there are several challenges that need to be addressed:
Consistency and Standardization: Ensuring consistent quality and potency of stem cells across different batches is crucial for reliable outcomes.
Safety Concerns: The risk of immune rejection, potential tumor formation, and other adverse effects must be minimized.
Long-Term Efficacy: Long-term studies are needed to confirm the sustained benefits and safety of stem cell therapy.
Regulatory and Ethical Issues: Navigating the regulatory landscape and addressing ethical concerns surrounding stem cell use, especially embryonic stem cells, is critical.
Despite these challenges, ongoing research and technological advancements continue to refine stem cell therapies. Innovations such as gene editing, improved cell delivery systems, and enhanced understanding of stem cell biology are paving the way for more effective and safer treatments.
Stem cell therapy for heart disease represents a groundbreaking advancement in medical science, offering new hope for millions of patients worldwide. As research progresses and clinical applications expand, this innovative therapy has the potential to transform the way we treat heart disease, ultimately improving outcomes and quality of life for those affected by this pervasive condition.
The journey of stem cell therapy from bench to bedside is a testament to the remarkable potential of regenerative medicine. With continued investment in research and development, the dream of healing damaged hearts through stem cell therapy is becoming an increasingly tangible reality.
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ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Germany Best Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Germany Best Stem Cell Treatment in Germany is available with affordable cost. ALS is a rapidly progressive neurological illness that targets the nerve cells which control voluntary muscles. The disease manifests through atrophy and weakening of these muscle groups. The disease that is taking over your body and mind, ALS will slowly weaken you until all control over voluntary muscles are lost. Every 40 to 60 years, about one in every 100 thousand people are diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The disease typically strikes males much more than women and usually occurs as part of a mutation or defect on an individual's genetic code. At present time there exists no cure for those suffering from this condition; however recent developments in stem cell therapies offer some hope going forward especially considering how difficult it can be when you're struggling just getting through each day! Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Germany The average Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Germany starts from €18000.  A physical evaluation and laboratory reports analysis are just two steps in our process of determining a final price that will work best with all patients. Procedure Country Cost Stem Cells ALS treatment Germany €18000 Stem Cells ALS treatment USA $33,000 Stem Cells ALS treatment UK $35,000 Note: To find out more about our prices and services, contact a Customer Representative at your selected location! Procedure of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS Patient Evaluation: Patients interested in participating in a stem cell therapy trial for ALS would typically undergo thorough medical and neurological evaluations. This helps determine the eligibility of the patient for the treatment. Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells can be obtained from various sources, such as bone marrow, adipose tissue (fat), or umbilical cord blood. The choice of source depends on the specific trial protocol and the availability of suitable stem cell types. In some cases, stem cells might be derived from the patient's own body (autologous) or from a donor (allogeneic). Stem Cell Processing and Expansion: The collected stem cells are processed and cultured in a laboratory setting to increase their numbers. This step aims to generate a sufficient quantity of stem cells for transplantation. Preparation for Transplantation: Prior to transplantation, patients might undergo a period of conditioning therapy, which may involve chemotherapy and/or radiation. This is done to create space in the bone marrow and suppress the immune system, which helps improve the success of stem cell engraftment. Stem Cell Transplantation: The stem cells are infused into the patient's bloodstream, similar to a blood transfusion. The stem cells then travel to the bone marrow, where they can differentiate into various cell types and potentially replace damaged cells in the central nervous system. Monitoring and Follow-Up: After transplantation, patients are closely monitored for any adverse reactions, engraftment of stem cells, and potential improvements in ALS symptoms. Follow-up appointments and tests are scheduled to assess the therapy's effectiveness. Rehabilitation and Support: Stem cell therapy is often used in combination with rehabilitation programs and supportive care to help manage ALS symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life. Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS Stem cell therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is an area of ongoing research and clinical investigation. While the field is still developing and results may vary, there are several potential benefits that researchers and clinicians hope to achieve through stem cell therapy for ALS: Neuroprotection and Cell Replacement: One of the main goals of stem cell therapy for ALS is to provide neuroprotection and potentially replace damaged motor neurons in the central nervous system.
Stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, including neurons, and could help replace the motor neurons that degenerate in ALS. Slowing Disease Progression: Stem cell therapy may offer the potential to slow down the progression of ALS by providing support to surviving motor neurons and enhancing their functionality. This could potentially lead to a slower rate of muscle weakness and functional decline. Reducing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: Stem cells have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties that could help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are associated with the progression of ALS. Immunomodulation: Certain types of stem cells can modulate the immune response, which could potentially have a positive impact on the progression of ALS. By regulating the immune system's activity, stem cells might help create a more favorable environment for neuronal survival. Enhancing Muscle Function: Stem cell therapy might improve muscle function and coordination in ALS patients. If the transplanted stem cells differentiate into functional neurons and make connections with muscle cells, it could lead to improved muscle control and movement. Potential for Personalized Treatment: Stem cell therapy has the potential to be tailored to individual patients. This could involve using a patient's own stem cells (autologous transplantation) to reduce the risk of immune rejection and other complications. Combination Therapy: Stem cell therapy could be used in combination with other treatments, such as drug therapies, physical therapy, and rehabilitation, to provide a comprehensive approach to managing ALS symptoms and improving overall quality of life. Top Clinics ALS Treatment in Germany We have some best clinics for Stem Cells ALS Treatment in Germany which are listed below: .svc_categories_filter_732 li a.active{color: !important;background: !important;} /*for dropdown start*/ /*for dropdown end*/ div.svc_post_grid_732 article{ background: !important;} div.svc_post_grid_732 article:hover{ background: !important;} div.svc_post_grid_732 article header{border-bottom: 3px solid #dd3333 !important;} div.svc_post_grid_732 article section p a.svc_title{color: !important;} div.svc_post_grid_732 article section p a.svc_title:hover{color: !important;} nav.svc_infinite_732 div.loading-spinner .ui-spinner .side .fill{ background: !important;} Center for Advanced Medicine – Stem Cell Therapy in Germany Read More  CBC Health Stroke Recovery Treatment Center in Germany Read More  var wl = jQuery(window); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.svc_load_more_732').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(event); jQuery('nav.svc_infinite_732 p').css('visibility','hidden'); jQuery('nav.svc_infinite_732 div.loading-spinner').show(); var div_position=jQuery('#svc_form_load_more_732').position().top; jQuery('#svc_paged_732').val(Number(jQuery('#svc_paged_732').val())+1); var params=jQuery('#svc_form_load_more_732').serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'https://globalstemcelltherapy.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data: params+'&action=svc_layout_post', success: function(response) { isotop_callback(response,''); } }); }); var container = jQuery('#svc_post_grid_732').imagesLoaded( function() { jQuery('#svc_post_grid_list_container_732').show(); jQuery('#svc_mask_732').hide(); svc_imag_animation(); container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.element-item', filter: '*', layoutM
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cal innovations. The country's institutions frequently collaborate with international partners on groundbreaking studies, including those in the field of stem cell therapy. Regulatory environment: As of my last update, Germany had a well-established regulatory framework for stem cell research and therapy, which may provide patients with a safe environment to pursue such treatments. Patient care: Germany is known for a high standard of patient care, which could be crucial for those with debilitating conditions like ALS. This could include everything from the quality of nursing staff to rehabilitation facilities. Access to clinical trials: Depending on the specific research being conducted at the time, Germany might offer access to clinical trials involving stem cell therapy for ALS. This can give patients an opportunity to access treatments that might not yet be widely available. FAQs about Stem Cells ALS Treatment in Germany Here you can find information about Frequently Asked Questions for Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Germany: Why Many Patients Choose Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Germany? With Germany being a country renowned for its high standard of engineering and innovative thinking, it's not surprising that many people have been discussing the latest medical technology they've introduced to their hospitals. From 3D ultrasound machines available across all major cities in order execute accurate pictures as well as MRI scans which provide detailed images thanks again why this nation relies so heavily on them; along with stem cell therapy designed specifically towards those living with ALS disease. What Patients Can Expect for Having Stem Cells ALS Treatment in Germany? Stem cell therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for ALS in Germany. Unlike other countries where patients may have difficulty accessing this type of healthcare, it is available here at home earlier than anywhere else! Modern surgeries on time and with excellent patient care provided by German hospitals make them stand out as leaders across Europe or Asia Pacific region. A stem cell approach offers hope when others can't. How Stem Cells ALS Treatment in Germany Give Improvements to Patients? The discovery of stem cells has opened up a new potential for treatments. These precious little bundles can differentiate into any cell type, which means they may have great promise in treating various conditions like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis! Is Stem Cell for ALS in Germany Safe? Yes, it's safe. Medical tourists looking to escape the cold grasp of their home country's medical system will find a warm welcome in Germany. Staggering figures show how many people from all around Europe are flocking there, attracted not just by affordable prices but also high-quality care and human empathy that are rare these days! Start Your Journey for Stem Cells ALS Treatment Packages in Germany Today! Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Germany can be a groundbreaking encounter. You will feel improvement immediately with medicines from guaranteed experts who have long periods in their field! For more information, click contact us button beneath: Contact Us: https://globalstemcelltherapy.com/contact/
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Leukemia therapy with stem cell transplant, advantages of transplant, different types of transplant, side effects, and how to become a stem cell donor. the typical transplant price.
Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells and bone marrow, which means it results in excessive growth of white blood cells. The mutation in the bone marrow cells causes dysfunctionality and under-development of the body. While leukemia cases are approximated to be 3.4% of the total cancer cases, the success percentage of the treatment of the same has also increased. The general treatments for leukemia are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a set of these based on the type and stage of cancer. These treatments require further medication to improve the immune system deteriorated during the period and sometimes even end up with destroying the healthy blood cells.
The world is bestowed with a profound technique, namely, Stem Cell therapy or Stem Cell Transplant which helps in restoring your immune system and curing the disease at once. Stem cells are a kind of special cell possessing the ability to develop into any kind of cell as required, these are being frequently used to replace the cancer cells with healthy ones. The source of the stem cells is either from Adult body tissues or Embryo cells. 
Stem cell therapy stimulates the growth of new bone marrow cells which results in the repopulation of healthy blood cells and replenishing the body’s self-defense. There are two types of stem cell transplants, namely:-
Autologous Stem Cell Transplant 
Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant
Autologous transplant- This transplant involves the extraction of stem cells from the patient’s blood or bone marrow during the most stable condition of the patient. If extraction from bone marrow is to be avoided then stem cells from the bone marrow are pushed out to the bloodstream. The stem cells are collected by passing all the blood through an apheresis machine that draws out stem cells from the blood and returns the rest of the blood.  Further, these are harvested, frozen, and preserved until ready to be infused back into the patient’s body. This transplant can only be pursued if the patient is not suffering from any fatal condition. 
Allogeneic transplant- The transplantation involves infusing stem cells, extracted from a donor who is genetically matched with the patient. Usually, the donor may be a sibling or any blood-related person, just in case no one is available then, the nearest genetically equivalent person can also donate to the patient. Though this transplant is quite preferable around the world, still there might occur many complications in case the donor is mismatched. 
It is very important to be well aware of the fact that the person must be physically fit enough before going through the transplant. The procedure takes a longer period and nine different stages which are as follows:-
“Work ” Pre-Transplant
Conditioning therapy and TBI
Post-transplant complications(if any)
Discharging from hospital
 Side-effects resolution (if any)
These nine stages remain the same for both transplants. The whole treatment comprises recovery from any relapse if any, ensuring rehabilitation. 
The average cost of an Autologous transplant is $10,000 to $39,796 and for an Allogenic transplant, it lies between $10,832 to $44,701. (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc. July 1, 2014)
Are you interested in being a stem cell donor? Stem cell donation is life-saving for many people across the world. The deed is quite appreciable and has to be encouraged more. The volunteers can approach any health center for the stem cell donation, the extraction takes place from these three sources:- 1. Bone Marrow, 2.Peripheral Stem Cells, 3. Umbilical cord blood. The donated stem cells can also be used for autologous transplant if needed at any stage of life.
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paulsencombs · 2 years
NDSP 05: Prevalence as well as design regarding dyslipidemia within metropolitan and also countryside areas of Pakistan; a new bass speaker examination from subsequent National Diabetes mellitus Review regarding Pakistan (NDSP) 2016-2017.
Methods: Any retrospective study in the paediatric individual database at the Audiology Department with the University or college Healthcare facility of Ferrara continues to be carried out. In a time period among Present cards Year 2000 and 12 , 3 years ago, when using 272 paediatric circumstances are already determined (544 hearing). An Them A dozen Mercury apparatus was used for the electrophysiological threshold identification (ABR and EcochG). Mp3s ended up completed under standard anaesthesia, inside a guarded enviroment. Results: Throughout 20 from the 272 paediatric situations selected-38 ears (7%), the outcome of patience evaluation by way of ABR ended up unsure. The actual Ecochg saving come vital to the final diagnosis selleck kinase inhibitor with regards to definition of the actual reading limit amount, and it ended up being possible to ensure the much better hearing rehabilitation technique. Conclusions: ABR must be deemed the best throughout reading evaluation technique, because of screening or prognosis within newborns as well as in non-collaborating children; ECochG most likely will be considered a reliable diagnostic application. (H) 2010 Elsevier Munster Ltd. All protection under the law set aside.In this papers, we all examine the particular level of sensitivity involving orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing waveforms for the mutual frame distortions results of coexisting nonidealities within the setup of transceiver radio frequency (Radiation) consumer electronics, put together also with time different versions from the multipath radio stations channel. To cope with task inside evaluation of blunder prices below non-Gaussian joint disturbance, we advise a new semianalytical way of your look at the particular uncoded symbol-error rate with an arbitrary square quadrature plethora modulation as subcarrier modulation. This permits deriving maximum endurable disability ranges pertaining to Radio frequency build such that the hyperlink diagnosis mistake minute rates are retained at a targeted amount.Objective: Thrombocytopenia remains a life threatening problem in sufferers helped by high-dose chemotherapy along with navicular bone marrow hair transplant. In recent times, infusion associated with ex vivo expanded megakaryocytes (Mk) progenitors directly into sufferers has been recommended like a technique of shortening some time of platelet engraftment. The introduction of throughout vitro culture ways to get sufficient amounts of Mks coming from haematopoietic originate cells (HSC) is a crucial target throughout basic and clinical research projects. The purpose of this research would have been to develop a two-step ex lover vivo growth way of life technique associated with Mk progenitors through peripheral blood originate cellular material (PBSC). Approaches: PBSC had been gathered through 3 healthful grownup contributors. CD34+ cells have been remote as well as classy inside serum free advertising formulated with thrombopoietin (TPO) (Fifty ng/ml), Interleukin Several (IL-3) (30 ng/ml) and Interleukin Half a dozen (IL-6) (30 ng/ml) pertaining to 12 days and nights accompanied by a good incubation using IL-6 (Twenty ng/ml) along with TPO (60 ng/ml) for an additional In search of nights. The distinction associated with Mks had been supervised by simply circulation cytometry (Per-cent involving CD34+/41+ tissues). The morphology with the cells was examined by simply light, electron and also fluorescence microscopy. Benefits: Morphological analysis regarding cellular material generated right after 7 days involving culture showed normal areas of establishing Mks. The share associated with CD41+ cellular material ended up being higher than 75 upon morning 21 years of age.
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Oncology Nursing Overview
Definition of Oncology Nursing:
An oncology nurse is a specialized nurse who cares for cancer patients. These nurses require advanced certifications and clinical experiences in oncology further than the typical baccalaureate nursing program provides. Oncology nursing care can be defined as meeting the various needs of oncology patients during the time of their disease including appropriate screenings and other preventive practices, symptom management, care to retain as much normal functioning as possible, and supportive measures upon end-of-life, oncology nursing care must be outlined.
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UCG Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for the CME/CPD accredited 12th International Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference, scheduled on 25-27, July 2023 in Dubai, UAE.
Submit here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/  
What is the function of an oncology nurse?
Like all Registered Nurses, oncology nurses can work in a wide range of environments. Nurses who specialise in cancer care can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, hospice services, and doctor's offices. There are several different specialisations, including gynaecology, radiotherapy, surgery, and paediatrics. Oncology nurses are skilled in evaluating the client's condition, and the multidisciplinary medical team will be able to build a treatment plan using the results of this assessment.
In a variety of clinical settings, oncology nurses provide care for cancer patients and future cancer patients. You'll collaborate with doctors and other healthcare experts to give patients the cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, symptom management, and palliative care they require.
You will perform many of the same tasks as a typical registered nurse as an oncology nurse, but you will have a more specific skill set because cancer is a particular disease. This could indicate that the typical dosage of a medicine should be increased in comparison to what it would be for someone without cancer, or that you should learn more about how symptoms are related to chemotherapy. Therefore, further education and experience are required.
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For an interesting and enlightening educational experience. Interact with top speakers and researchers, and connect with colleagues from around the globe. Note: Abstract Submission Deadline is November 10th, 2023.
Submit here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/  
Within the subject of cancer nursing, specialisation is an additional option. For instance, you may train to be a paediatric oncology nurse if you wish to work with children who have cancer. Other alternatives include:
Oncology of radiation
Operative oncology
Genetic guidance
Oncology in gynaecology
Surgery to transplant bone marrow
Breast cancer
What do oncology nurses typically do?
Depending on where you work, your area of expertise, and the patients you care with, every oncology nurse will have different responsibilities. You may be responsible for any of the following at any given time:
Keeping track of a cancer patient's health
Conducting a range of tests and analyses
Managing cancer patients' symptoms
Giving cancer patients their medication
Assisting in the management of chemotherapy's negative effects
Administering infusions and other therapies, such as chemotherapy
Providing information to patients and their loved ones about a specific type of cancer, available treatments, and management strategies
Teaching patients and their loved ones how to try to prevent some cancers
UCG Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for the CME/CPD accredited 12th International Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference, scheduled on 25-27, July 2023 in Dubai, UAE
Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/
The advantages and difficulties of oncology nursing:
Being an oncology nurse comes with a certain mix of advantages and difficulties. Cancer is a terrible sickness that can result in worry, anxiety, more illness, and even death. When a patient is dealing with the unknown, they require medical professionals like oncology nurses who can establish bonds with them and provide support throughout their diagnosis and treatments. One of the most important advantages of working as an oncology nurse is being able to comfort cancer patients and their loved ones during what may be the scariest moment of their life. You'll develop relationships, in contrast to other nurse positions where you might only see a patient once or twice.
The numerous side effects of cancer and its therapy must be managed by nurses. Pharmacological and nonpharmacological nursing interventions, as well as when to apply them, need substantial knowledge on the part of nurses.
Important Information:
Conference Name: 12th International Nursing, Healthcare, and Patient Safety Conference
Short Name: 12NHPSUCG2023
Dates: July 25-27, 2023
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Email: [email protected]   
Visit: : https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/     
Call for Papers: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/  
Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/ 
 Call Us/WhatsApp Us: +12073070027/ +442033222718
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fareexpeditionsaz · 2 years
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@cocinaabierta by @martinlouzao provides a tasting menu in a contemporary setting, of vegetarian, pescatarian and carnivorous options. The menu takes you on a journey of world cuisines with dishes such as Moroccan Chicken Pastella to Beef Wellington. Puerto Rican Influences can also be seen here in dishes such as the Plantain Mofongo or the local fish Tiradito. Each bite is gustatory delight. Each plating a work of art. Featured in order: GRASS FED BEEF TARTAR Sardine sauce | "Chayote" squash salad | Bone marrow aioli | Cured mustard seeds | Focacci WILD LEAVES Roasted pumpkin panacotta | Malabar almonds | Pickled oranges | Seasonal fruit vinaigrette PLANTAIN MOFONGO Peking duck | Shiitake mushroom consommé BREADFRUIT & GOAT RICOTTA GNOCCHI House smoked pancetta | Wild arugula | Ausubal cheese FRESH LOCAL FISH SUQUET Annatto | Pujol sweet potato | Malabar almonds “picada” BEEF WELLINGTON Oyster mushrooms Duxelle | "Rosa Bianca" eggplant | Demi-glace CACAO Coffee | Lulo fruit foam | chocolate mousse | coconut ice cream | ginger ice cream Cocktails: Pica Piña Red pepper infused mezcal • pineapple juice Daiquirí Verde White Pepón rum • coriander syrup • lime • annatto oil 📍58 Caribe Street, San Juan 00907 #farexpedtionsaz #sanjuanpuertorico #puertorico #puertoricoeats #discoverpuertorico #chefs #tastingmenus #yummy #foodblogger #travelblogger #plated #eat #hungry (at Cocina Abierta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce9a6rePxZs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nikhilshirsi11 · 2 years
Blood Cancer Treatment |Dr.nikhil shrisi in pune
Types of Blood Cancer
Leukemia is a blood cancer that originates in the blood and bone marrow. It occurs when the body creates too many abnormal white blood cells and interferes with the bone marrow’s ability to make red blood cells and platelets.
Lymphoma this type of blood cancer affects the lymphatic system, which is responsible for the removal of excess fluids from your body and producing immune cells. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that fights infection. Abnormal lymphocytes become lymphoma cells, which grow uncontrollably in your lymph nodes and other tissues.
Myeloma This type of blood cancer affects the plasma cells, which are white blood cells responsible for the production of disease-fighting antibodies in the body. Myeloma affects the production of plasma cells which results in a weak immune system.
Signs & Symptoms
Blood cancer is a type of malignancy that affects the blood, bone marrow, or lymphatic system. Some of the common blood cancer symptoms include
Weakness, Fatigue, and Malaise
Shortness of breath
Minimal body strain results in bone fractures
Excessive or easy bruising
Bleeding gums
Recurrent infections or fever
Sweating of body during night
Weight loss
Causes of Blood Cancer
Although the specific cause of blood cancer is unknown, various factors are associated with its onset. Some causes are:
Family history
Weak immune system
Excessive or easy bruising
Certain infections
Blood Cancer Treatment
The primary objective of blood cancer treatment is the complete eradication of cancer.
Stem cell transplantation: A stem cell transplant infuses healthy blood-forming stem cells into the body. Stem cells may be collected from the bone marrow, circulating blood and umbilical cord blood.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses anticancer drugs to interfere with and stop the growth of cancer cells in the body. Chemotherapy for blood cancer sometimes involves giving several drugs together in a set regimen. This treatment may also be given before a stem cell transplant.
Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy may be used to destroy cancer cells or to relieve pain or discomfort. It may also be given before a stem cell transplant.
Dr. Nikhil Shirsi is one of the best hematologist-oncologist in Pune. He is One of the most renowned Medical oncologist in Pune. He has a vast experience in his field, and he has successfully treated hundreds of patients suffering from cancer and has helped them lead and long and healthy life. He specializes in the treatment of all forms of cancer via chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and precision medicine.
Dr. Nikhil Shirsi has had an excellent academic record. He has completed MBBS and DNB in General Medicine from the National Board of Examination, India. He has an experience of over 9+ years of in his field of Medical Oncology.
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candyswift-ny · 2 years
These Gene Therapy Drugs Offer Breakthrough Results Cost Millions
Genes are made up of the nucleotide sequences required to make a polypeptide chain or functional RNA, which maintains life's fundamental structure and function by storing all of the information necessary for race, blood type, incubation, growth, apoptosis, and other activities.
Gene is regarded as the "Holy Grail" of biological research due to its great potential. Gene therapy research has sparked a major medical revolution in recent years, but its costs have put people off. This article will discuss various high-priced gene therapies that are now available.
Zolgensma for SMA
Zolgensma is a gene therapy designed for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which is a serious neuromuscular disease characterized by loss of motor neurons leading to progressive muscle weakness and paralysis. The incidence of SMA is about 1 in 10,000 live births and is the main genetic cause of infant death. In the trial, 15 patients infused with Zolgensma remained alive for 24 months, and 92% of patients can sit unassisted for 5 seconds or longer.
In May 2019, the FDA approved Zolgensma with the price setting at $ 2.1 million, roughly 9 times the median sale price for a home in the U.S. and 33 times the national per capita income.
LentiGlobin for SCD
LentiGlobin is a kind of stem cell gene therapy designed to add functional copies of a modified form of the β-globin gene, which does not work as it should in sickle cell disease (SCD) sufferers, into a patient’s own hematopoietic stem cells. When patients have copies of the functional gene, their red blood cells can produce anti-sickling hemoglobin which decreases the amount of the faulty sickled hemoglobin.
Leerink, a specialist investment bank focusing on the healthcare sector, estimates LentiGlobin's price at about $1.2 million in the U.S. and $900,000 in the EU. 
Glybera for FCS and Strimvelis for SCID
Glybera and Strimvelis are two gene therapy products approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Strimvelis was launched in 2016 for the treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and Glybera was launched in 2012 to treat familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS).
SCID is a rare disease that causes newborns to almost completely lose their ability to resist viruses, bacteria, and mold. Some patients can only live in a sterile environment, so they are also called bubble boy disease. Strimvelis involves removing stem cells from the patient's bone marrow, transducing a normal copy of the adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene into the stem cells, and then reintroducing the stem cells into the patient by intravenous infusion, after which some of the stem cells will return to the bone marrow. The therapy has been implemented in 18 children with the earliest 15 years ago, and up to now, they are still alive.
FCS is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in lipoprotein lipase. The patients suffer from various acute pancreatitis recurs, which is very painful and even life-threatening. Glybera uses an adeno-associated virus (AAV) to deliver genes that produce functional lipoprotein lipase to patients' skeletal muscles. After treatment, the incidence of pancreatitis is greatly reduced, and dietary restrictions can be relaxed to improve the quality of life.
Glybera is priced at about $ 1,000,000 and has only sold 1 since it went on sale in 2012. Due to a lack of market demand, it delisted in 2017. Strimvelis is priced at about $700,000. Only two copies were sold after it was launched in May 2016, and only two patients are scheduled to receive treatment.
Although gene therapy has increased the cure rate of many rare diseases, the expense of treatment has made it unaffordable for most individuals. At the currently, the US government is progressively adopting an insurance reform pilot program in order to entice insurance companies to pay gene therapy.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Update on 9 year old boy fighting leukemia for the 4th time
Thank you for posting the request for prayers that I submitted a few days ago. I truly appreciate the support people have shown to a complete stranger as a result of my request.  Below is an update that I received from his mother today:
His bone marrow aspiration and lumbar puncture went well Friday, due to his head pain and others issues they got him back by 8:45.  
By the evening he was having more fevers and the blood cultures did grow bacteria, indicating a blood infection.  That night was a bit hectic.  The blood infection was the likely cause of fevers, so they gave him an antibiotic which caused an allergic reaction, then his oxygen levels kept falling too low and his bone marrow site was bleeding significantly due to again having low platelets- all within a span of about 10 minutes. 
They finally got everything under control and he slept well overnight.  
He will be in the hospital for a while, treating the infection and reducing the Leukemia disease burden in the interim, while we formulate a treatment plan.  They will also collect his T cells through apheresis next week.  He went through this in 2018 prior to his first CAR T.  It involves a machine that removes his blood and filters out his T cells, which can then be remanufactured for CAR transplant if needed.  Also, we began testing our own marrows for a possible match for a bone marrow transplant. 
He will have chemo infusions and steroids scheduled for another 5 days, as well as another lumbar puncture with chemo next Friday.  The results of the initial LP showed small amount of blasts in his brain fluid but far fewer than they thought they would, especially considering the head pain.  He had 39% Leukemia blasts in the peripheral blood.  This relapse appears to be more in the bone marrow rather than the CNS which is not what we are used to.  We are waiting on the complete bone marrow results.  
He has had a lot of chemo drugs and cranial radiation over the last 7 years, please pray for strength for him to endure more and for minimal toxicity. 
He will need more platelets and blood transfusions in the next days, we are so thankful for these selfless donations.  We would encourage everyone to consider this and also registering for “Be the Match”. It connects patients with possible donors and takes only about 10 minutes.  A test kit can be mailed and a simple with a mouth swab will enter you into the global registry and could save a life! 
Prayers for strength, hope, joy and peace.  He is tired but comfortable today, enjoying his new iPad (his dad surprised him with an upgrade) and Child Life brought in a Lego set and mega Hot Wheels track.  The NASCAR All Star race is on tonight- he says go #22 Joey Logano! 🏎
Skippy and others, please continue prayers and positive, healing thoughts for this child, his parents and sister. Thank you again!
Thank you so much for sending this in. Please, there are no strangers here….we do this with love. I have added this update to his Novenas, and I promise to keep this going for him and his family. Power of Prayers. God Bless him, his family…and YOU his dear great aunt....You are his angel, thank you for bringing this to us!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Erwin, Levi and Tea part 2 of 2.
So he told himself safe things, like that his admiration for Levi was perfectly reasonable, after all everyone admired Levi, even people who didn't much like the man admired him. His yearning for closeness was just a result of that admiration. But Erwin knew better and a part of him had known that he was drawn to Levi in a more passionate way then admiration would dictate, that he had felt something there that was strong and unyielding since he first set eyes on the way Levi flew. But Erwin tried his best to be careful during tea time, he focused on moderating himself, perfected the timing of his stares. Sometimes though, he felt himself to transparent, a gaze lingered to long an accidental touch that caused a bright red flush to become obvious on his pale cheekbones, but each time he thought he may have outed himself. Levi was as unaffected as ever and Erwin could internally sigh with relief.
Erwin was always the one to approach Levi and that didn't change until Levi lost Petra and Farlan. He remembers clearly the urgent knock at his door and the shock he felt seeing the smaller man's eyes bloodshot and rimmed red looking frantically around , trying to avoid looking at Erwin altogether As if somehow looking at him would hurt. Erwin just opened his door and offered to brew Levi some tea, his brewing skills had gotten better thanks to Levi's detailed and somewhat impatient instruction. Levi nodded still refusing to look at him and he left his office and came back with two cups and pot of chamomile tea, hoping it would help soothe Levi's nerves. The night was long ,countless cups of tea were drained and Erwin sat at his desk mindlessly going over the same pieces of paperwork, thoughts focused solely on the man in front of him. It seemed odd that hours earlier this same man held a blade to Erwin, furious and half in shock with grief, needing an outlet. Levi had lashed out .
Erwin was actually happy to be the recipient of that violent grief stricken action, it gave him a chance to let his comrade know the depth of his importance in the fight for humanity, it allowed him to express to the Levi that holding on to regret would only hurt him and the people depending on him. He was able to tell him with sincerity that they would push forward together and make sure that the death of his loved ones has meaning. He did his best to give Levi clarity and a solid goal while he was floundering in his grief. That this incredibly powerful man listened to Erwin's words through his pain set his soul alight. it was shaky, new and hard won, but Erwin knew that a certain amount of Levi's trust had been given to him in that moment.
Still as they sat facing each other mugs of tea in had Erwin was afraid to make a wrong step, to somehow damage his hurting comrades trust before they had a chance to build on it. He felt at a loss, his heart and guts felt tight and twisted up. Erwin knew to well that there was nothing anyone could say that would really help ease the pain. So Erwin was quiet, and as with most things in their slow blooming relationship, He let Levi take the lead. He remembers hoping that night that the warmth from the chamomile was comforting to Levi that somehow the familiarity of their interaction would help ease the frantic mans tension. At that moment Erwin wished he could infuse the tea with every warm thought he held for the man in front of him. He knew it was a stupid silly vain thing to wish for but the twisting in his gut relaxed at thought.
It was as though his body was calling out for him to comfort the grief stricken Levi. But he knew that they were not at such an intimate level and the knowledge was bitter in his throat, it pricked at the corners of his eyes and he had to compose himself subtly before looking back at the narrow steel grey eyes. His eyes seemed less frantic and more resigned underneath the delicate furrowed brows, and Erwin's stomach clenched at the thought of the turmoil Levi was experiencing. Erwin knew that Levi's heart was more tender then his in dealing with this sort of loss, not that Levi was in any way weaker because of it, just newer to the Corps and with a heart more decent then Erwin, Levi's heart to Erwin was a very clear indicator of strength, because despite all he had experienced it was still so full of the capacity to love. lost in these thoughts Erwin almost missed it when Levi said "Farlan, Isabel and I, we were saving up to go to the surface, you know? We were going to be filthy rich, the sort of rich where we wouldn't even have to wipe our own asses if we didn't want to." his fingers traced the outlines on a fancy tin of tea. "It seems stupid now, I'm sure it sounds stupid, but It wasn't about being rich, it was about comfort, if we could fantasize about a life that we didn't have to struggle through everyday just to be constantly shit on it was easier to wake up in the mornings."
Erwin blinked, shocked at the unprompted confession, in awe over the heart wrenching honesty. his heart pounding in his chest. Erwin hadn't known about the specific aspects of their plans to get to the surface, he knew the surface was the end goal of getting the bounty on Erwin but he didn't know the details. They came as a bit of a surprise to Erwin, but the comfort aspect made complete sense to him, having to live everyday struggling to survive carrying around the burden of a growling stomach would be hard without a fantasy to sustain you. That they fantasized about wealth was unsurprising. Full stomachs everyday, safe comfortable places to sleep, the ability to indulge in the things that made them happy. No longer being powerless.
Levi continued fingers still tracing the fancy lettering on the tin of luxury tea face resolutely pointed downwards "I wanted to tell you thank you though, for the tea, I don't actually care about being wealthy like the pigs in Sina but I didn't think someone like me would get the chance to look at some shit like this, and here I am drinking it almost every week, i mean shit its unbelievable, Isabel and Farlan were impressed, they didn't really like the tea very much but I'd bring some over to their ungrateful asses anyway, they were happy for me that I got to drink fancy ass tea. They were good people like that." Levi's laugh is hollow "Thanks Erwin" he gets up suddenly and walks to the door.
"We can drink tea whenever Levi" Erwin blurts out and before he can stop himself "Whatever tea you want, any sort of tea in all of Sina in all of the walls" and Erwin feels absolutely ridiculous and disgustingly bare under Levi's steady gaze. but to his massive surprise and relief the smaller mans lip curls up so slightly it would be easy to miss and Erwin probably would have missed it had he not spent so much time studying Levi's expressions. "Sure Erwin, whatever old man don't have a stroke" he closes the door behind him with a thud.
Erwin is left with his thoughts and the rising sun, he feels stuck to the spot behind his desk. His ears are red and he thinks about how Levi and his friends had dreamed of luxury, his friends are no longer around but Erwin is grateful that for the duration of their time with the Survey Corp they had full bellies and warm safe beds and even according the Levi got to try some of the luxury tea's that Erwin had bought. Erwin had no idea how Levi managed to sneak them out without him knowing but he suspects a lock picking kit and graceful, nimble, fingers that are all to familiar from Erwin's observation of them griping a tea cup by the rim or tracing over beautifully decorated packages. One day Erwin thinks he will manage to pluck up the courage to ask Levi why he holds his cup in such an odd way. Erwin shakes his head free from his frivolous thoughts, thoughts that are caught up in Levi completely.
Erwin knows that its selfish but he is so happy that Levi is still here living, breathing, and with him in the Survey Corp. He wasn't lying when he said that humanity needed Levi's strength, but Erwin knows that isn't the only reason he wants Levi around. He decides then that life really is to short, especially for them. In the short time they have left, since being in the Scouts is like living on borrowed time, Erwin wants to be the one that indulges Levi, he realizes this like a smack to his face stinging, bright and obvious. He wants to be the one that exposes Levi to every luxury possible given his budget. He may not be wealthy like the nobles in Sina but he has a fair amount of money, he is well connected, motivated and talented in scheming.
So when Levi comes to him a day after his night spent grieving in Erwin's room, Erwin is relieved. He let out a breath he had been holding since he stupidly let words naked with the desire of Levi's company spill from his mouth. Levi asks him if he's ever heard of tea that blooms when its brewed and Erwin smiles. He tells Levi he actually know where to get some, and Levi looks up at him through his fringe which looks like it needs a cut soon and says "Great lets get some of that shit" and Erwin's entire frame feels electric. He follows the request up by asking Erwin if he would be wiling to brew some tea in an hour or so, after dinner, and Erwin is sure his body is made of something capable of creating sparks.
He feels the desire to shower Levi in good things as something sharp and warm, almost possessive almost jealous. It's the part of him that guards his observations of Levi and each cup of tea he drinks with a feverish tenacity. That feels pleasure curl as deep as his bone marrow each time Levi requests a specific blend of tea, or lets out an obviously pleased sigh after sipping from his cup. That Levi had ever had the desire for luxury is a blessing for Erwin who delights in every good thing he can give the small man. Erwin who is awestruck by the wonder that colors Levi's expressions at things he never thought he would see or experience underground. He wants to keep those expressions to himself because there is something so fragile and breakable in those expressions of contentment, pleasure, excitement, wonder and awe that he has to fight back his instincts to protect and remind himself to enjoy the time he has with this incredible person. Erwin is no longer a frugal man, as Levi has unleased every indulgent part of him.
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lionfanged · 3 years
time for the promised New Atticus Thoughts(TM) for his genshin land verse. will likely make a new post when the next update rolls out, but this is what i have decided on so far from what i’ve played.
very similar to kujou sara in how he was discovered and brought into the fold of those serving the raiden shogun vs being already born into a noble clan. an orphan boy that lived in the wastelands surrounding the ancient bones of the serpent god, there was an air of mystery behind his background, as he refused to speak of what had transpired to separate him from his parents, and how he had strangely found a companion in a lion, native only to natlan. seeing the beast infused with the power of electro, passing samurai serving under the shogun took this as a sign that baal herself must see.
many rumors circulate from that point forth in inazuma. many assume that the boy had been unwittingly blessed by the archon, others whispering that he was some tie in her plan for eternity. ultimately, it was all mere coincidence.
atticus only saw baal once, from an incredible distance. from there, he found himself whisked away far from the imperial palace, and planted in inazuma city. there, by the blessing of baal, he became an apprentice under amenoma touga, an esteemed blacksmith who forged blades for the tenryou clan. there, atticus would begin to learn his craft, and quietly begin to plan out his new life.
due to his extensive knowledge of yashiori island, he knew precisely where crystal marrow sprouted forth from the old serpent’s bones, and how long it took for fresh growth to emerge. this, in tandem with his quick and precise understanding of his new craft, saw him flourish.
atticus gained his electro vision when, after years of training, he accomplished the one task he had sought to perfect: crafting the amenoma kageuchi to be precisely the replica of its predecessor, the hakuen bankou amenoma. there, the passion for his work truly lit, feeling a sense of pride in that he had not only mastered a nigh impossible to learn craft, but was serving his nation to the point of her excellency bestowing upon him this gift.
there was one thing that set atticus above all other blacksmiths, and it was his eventual breakthrough on fusing elemental stones to swords. using the properties of the elements that only with his vision had he been able to collect, he could make a blade so frigid it caused frostbite the moment it touched skin, set steel ablaze that required no oil or match. once again did atticus catch the eyes of those far above him in caste, but more than that, the raiden shogun herself looked upon him with favor.
from there, atticus and the shogun’s army became much intertwined, moving on with the blessing of his master to oversee weapons production. it was long before the vision hunt decree was even a glimmer in the shogun’s mind, and their weaponry was crafted with the finest jade steel to protect the land from demons and invaders. never did atticus anticipate watching the blades made to guard the people he served be turned against them.
when the vision hunt decree was enacted, initially, atticus did not flee, believing that the raiden would either realized what foolishness it was, or at least spare those directly beneath her. however, overhearing elite samurai captains discussing casually in the hot springs, he learned he was in fact on the list--many, save for sara kujou, of the raiden shogun’s servants were.
his wealth, his status, his work--everything he had built up since coming to inazuma city vanished in a single night as he paid off a cargo ship to take him far from inazuma, and silenced any guards who may raise an alarm by lining their pockets. it was a decision most difficult and heart-wrenching, not once ever dreaming of leaving home, but having witnessed firsthand what else beyond merely a vision was robbed from a person, he was terrified of being made to suffer the same.
after a long, grueling journey through baal’s tempest on one of the last few ships allowed to depart inazuma, atticus stepped foot in the guyun stone forest with a heavy heart and a bitter taste in his mouth. how could her excellency betray them like this? had she no trust in her people? was her devotion to them a lie? looking upon his vision, once a symbol of his pride, with disgust, he and cairo made the long trek to liyue harbor, that would eventually guide them to settle in mondstadt.
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prophetrick · 3 years
RP Loot-Edible Fruit/Veggies, Part 1
Continuing from the other loot page. Here’s the source link, should anyone need it for their own purposes: X These may be found in a demon/goblin market, or in the spirit world. Yasuhiro may have some familiarity with these. Not all of them, of course.
Bloodroot: A  fruit-like root that, when infused like tea, produces a narcotic effect  on vampire-like beings. Headcanon: Also works on parasitic-like beings. Sold at high prices at black markets internationally. Cocorange:  One fruit has massive seeds are about the same size and shape as a football, with a hard outer shell. They grow in tropical and subtropical climes and contain pulpy, fibrous, citrus flesh that can be eaten raw, squeezed  for its juice or cooked. When consumed, it produces a mild  intoxication, equivalent to about one shot of liquor. Coralscalp: Harvested from under the waves where a portal to the spirit  realm and the ocean meet, one fruit resembles kelp from a distance. Only close inspection reveals  it to be made up of long, fine, hair-like fibers. When dried and smoked, this kelp-like fruit bolsters charisma and self-esteem for 12 hours. Afterward, the consumer suffers terrible hallucinations.  Headcanon: This can be abated by “appeasing” the plant, but the method for doing so isn’t clearly known. Jarmyn Fruit:  A fruit that temporarily negates the effects of fatigue. This can be stacked with each dose, but each dose increases the number of days the consumer will need to shake off the effects. The leaves can be used for the same purpose. Headcanon: “Dose”=small, candy-sized blue, bulbous berries.  Jennyapple: Twisted, dark-spotted fruits which grow from a large shrub. When the  skin is pierced, it reveals a jennystone inside and produces a foul-smelling liquid that lingers for 24 hours. Jennystones are the hard  seeds, incredibly bitter to the taste. Their smell is so foul and so pervasive that anyone capable of smelling within a  five-yard diameter is rendered incapable of smell. Headcanon: Highly sought-after for their medicinal properties, rumored to cure maladies  related to the stomach, liver, and damage done by supernatural forces. Sells for a high price. Nightcap:  Makes the consumer lethargic and halves their speed. Botanists and those with similar experiences can tell the difference between it and its “cousin”, buglewart. Slumberberries:  These small, dark green berries are extremely sour, growing on parasitic  vines in clumps of 5 or 6. Eaten raw, they cause drowsiness. If the consumer was sleepy to begin with, they will fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. Boiled, however, they produce a tea that will cause  horrible, vivid nightmares often involving torture or other grievous  physical harm. Trenchmint:  This cross-breed of coupnettle and pitmoss is a highly invasive, rapidly  spreading weed which appears as a delicate-stemmed plant with curling  violet leaves. Walking through it releases a sharp, minty odor which  will cost the consumer some willpower but will grant them an increase in  a mental skill the consumer was thinking about at the time, or a  random mental skill of the mun’s choosing. When the effects  of the trenchmint wear off, the muse is lethargic. Doubly so if sloth is  one of the muse’s vices. Bloodbane:  A pale yellow lichen that tends to grow in damp conditions, it can be  dried and ground and then mixed in with other foods. Bloodbane prevents  the blood from clotting as it should, a single dose causing stomach  cramps or minor internal bleeding for 24 hours. Consumed more than once,  it prevents bone marrow from producing new blood and will cause massive  internal hemorrhaging. Flour-Of-One-Hour/Tiger Mallow:  Appearing in hot, humid areas of the hedge, this tropical-looking flower  looks first like a thistle before unfolding into a black,  trumpet-shaped bloom with a fiery center. It blooms for only one hour  each day, but not on any sort of a predictable schedule. Those with at least some skill in botany may brew it into a tea during its  blooming time that has a fiery quality that makes the skin feel  sunburned  and inflames passions and, when drunk, allows the character to  proficiency to physical strength or stamina for an hour. If more is  consumed they feel drained and suffer lethargy until they have slept for 8 full hours. If drunk after the hour has passed, it has a  chilling effect and tastes of anise. Fuguespores:  These brown spores grow on the briars of the hedge and when ingested  they grow inside the intestines, pushing through internal walls and  releasing toxins into the blood. Over time, the target develops  hallucinations and/or dizzy spells. The fungus is capable of spreading into the body, and if it takes root in the brain it will destroy the  character's memories and leave him in a fugue state, sometimes leading  to a coma or permanent brain damage. Serpent Gourd:  A long gourd with a shiny black exterior, serpent gourd grows high up on  tangled, woody vines spiked with cruel thorns as long as a man's finger  and is thus extremely difficult to harvest. When split open, its white  flesh comes apart in ropy-strands. If boiled with a fistful of its own  thorns, then strained, it produces a clear, syrupy fluid with a bitter  taste which affords the consumer some skill in dream divination.  Headcanon: While the effects are temporary, continued exposure may leave  the consumer unable to distinguish between reality, the spirit realm  and their visions. Can become addictive. Not recommended in large  quantities. Amaranthine: Small, red eggplant-like plant. Used to deal damage dealt by supernatural forces. Chu Chu Clum: Growing in grassland areas of the the spirit world, the stalks of this bamboo-like grass are filled with a blood-red liquid that tastes of sour  limes. Potently intoxicating, a half a teaspoon is enough to cause extreme intoxication, making the consumer happily drunk. For the next  hour the consumer is more adept in social settings, but suffers a noticeable detriment to their dexterity and intelligence. Cousin's Trumpet: A scentless, yellow, trumpet-shaped flower growing in jungle-like  areas of the spirit world, when steeped as a tea in the human world it has a  potent hallucinogenic effect. The consumer who partakes of such tea  experiences powerful hallucinations that extend to most all the senses  for an hour, generally (but not always) feeling euphoric and one with  universe, during which the consumer is subject to their physical skills being diminished; when the effect  ends,the consumer recovers some small measure of resolve. Consuming the tea within the spirit world does not cause hallucinations, but instead increases their psychoactive control of the supernatural and astral. Fear Gortach ("Hungry Grass"): Makes the consumer famished, but will only only crave the fruit. Glutinous characters will be have a harder time shaking off the effects of this fruit. Headcanon: Effects typically last for an hour. Judas Yew Berries: Growing in spirit deserts, the small red berries of the Judas Yew tree  are poisonous, causing a some lethal damage which cannot be avoided. However, this allows the consumer to go three times as  long without food or drink with no further ill effect. Nevernip: A hybrid of blushberries and Fear Gortach and appearing as purple berries, they heal but cause the same insatiable hunger for them that  Hungry Grass does. If the consumer has eaten Nevernip or Hungry Grass in the past, they will have to hold themselves back from eating more nevernip. Glutinous characters will be have a harder time shaking off the effects of this fruit.  Pitt Moss: Resembles rubbed sage and has a pungent taste. When consumed in large quantities, it causes overwhelming sloth. When consumed fresh from the field, it causes crippling boredom in the consumer. Babel Gum: A lichen-like growth in urban areas of the hedge, babel gum tastes of anise and has the texture of a dried-out marshmallow. Chewing on babel gum prevents the character from reading or making heads or tails of any written word, but allows them to understand any language spoken around  them. The effects last for one day.. Bloodapple: Shaped like a slightly distorted apple of deep crimson splotched with reddish-purple, its tough skin hides cloyingly sweet, juicy flesh the color of fresh blood with a tight, pit-like cluster of seeds at its center. Consuming a bloodapple changes one point of supernatural damage to lethal damage, though the consumer may only benefit from this once per day.
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