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ffarealestate · 2 months
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conyersmooney · 10 months
Portugal Real Estate: 8 BIG Mistakes You Must Avoid when Buying Property in Portugal
We are a premier Real Estate Brokerage in Portugal at https://brintportugal.com/ , working exclusively for buyers. We never work for the sellers. In our team, we count on the legal assistance of immigration and real estate attorneys and notaries. In this video, we show a list of the 8 mistakes expats make when buying property in Portugal.
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majaloveschris · 5 months
Maja the Vermont home is up for sale. Now we know why we didn't get a snow frolic 3.0. Lots of fun hidden goodies in the real estate listing photos…🤭/// and some blog claims he is selling this house to buy one in Portugal Go Portugal 😂 😂 😂
I'm 100% sure he is buying the whole country for her. Maybe she is going to be the next president 😂
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thelonesomequeen · 7 months
Seems like Chris deleted photos that show a lot of his house(s). I wonder if that was intentional so people won't be able to pinpoint his exact location/any new real estate he buys (looking at you Portugal!). Have y'all heard anything about the Architectural Digest? I could see him changing his mind and backing out of it tbh
We haven’t heard anything new other than the receipts we shared last time that proved everything was prepped, lined up ready to go in July and then suddenly nothing other than LD going forward with their own post about it and changing the name of the location.
But I do agree with you. Ariel and I were discussing just this and I was chatting with someone else in the fandom last night about how this seems like a concentrated effort to hide his personal life, family, homes, etc. Because I don’t know that when he was posting before he realized how much he was showing in the background with his posts that made it possible for fans to narrow down locations. And I don’t mean in the harmless way of pointing out if he was in MA or LA, but some people in the fandom went as far as to share his and other family member addresses. A couple of years ago he posted about trees, and days later a group of fangirls posted a photo from the same spot of the same trees saying they had found the trees/his house. We called it out at the time and a lot of people came for us saying it was harmless. We didn’t think it was because we were worried about people going further the next time. And that exact thing happened when a group of fans took a photo from outside of his house the next time. We saw fans this year claim they drove past his house on wedding weekend. Another fan was unhinged enough to fly to MA and show up to his house because they were convinced THEY were his soulmate and not Alba and “needed to find him” before it was too late. And that’s only the stuff we know about because the people who did those things openly talked about it and posted receipts like they were these amazing fandom martyrs and not complete stalkers.
I’m willing to bet worse has happened recently that we don’t know a thing about and he’s finally gone on lock down with his personal information to try a protect his friends and family. And more of that idea is backed up when there were places like Zillow or Google Maps that showed even just the street view of some of these homes and they’ve since been blurred out from the websites. There has been a concentrated effort to remove specific information from the internet. And good for him, I don’t blame him for doing that whatsoever. I think it’s a smart move that should have happened years ago honestly. I just hope nothing worse happened to him or his family because of fan behavior that we don’t know about, but I don’t have faith that it hasn’t happened because we’ve seen too much unhinged behavior occur as is. 🦎
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thesugarhole · 10 months
quick venting post just as i finally began internalizing 'oh well play the cards im dealt' and try to find some comfort in the life i currently have and making future plans to go for an easier get-by once i have a safety net (savings) its like. im suddenly and steadily bombarded by messages like 'make sure you do what you want now dont let life take you on the predicted path its a risk you gotta take' like fucking hello??? theyre not mutually exclusive to a degree but its also... idk to explain its like if you dont have it planned from 10 years old then you might have some good experiences but its never the life youll want. and its direct conflit with 'never too late to start doing something'
yesterday night for example i opened the 'news' (its more articles full of advertising and soccer than actual news) tab on my phone and there was one like 'tips from CEO who retired at 44!' and it w
boiled down to, quote 'having life planned to the microscopic detail by the time she was 20' (im 27 this year, fucking come on) studied hard, worked hard for the first youthful years, made it to portugal microsoft ceo(?) and amassed enough to retire early.
it was mentioned she lost her parents early (at 50yos, but how old was she then?) that helped push her to plan it like this but like. well first of all i guess im still too bright eyed because i dont believe this ceo thing possible without loosing morals/ideals along the way (ive yet to met a ceo thats not incredibly out of touch and wants to fuck over everyone and everything for their own gain), but i find it harder to believe there was no silver spoon, especially for those first years. granted if shes 44 now she probably had an easier economy then, but hm. millions work hard from the moment theyre born, how come they don't retire at 44?
the investments. there it was. 'oh i invested in real estate and other small things' thats not hard work, thats gambling. and thats the exact moral loss i expected, the way real estate in portugal is now. and god this pisses me off so much what the FUCK does 'invest in real estate' EVEN MEAN?? you want me to buy stocks off some company?? you want me to buy a house and become a landlord?? i dont even have a place for myself, much less for the tourists and digital nomads. and for every one person saying they got rich off investing, oh you gotta invest smart etc theres 10 currently trying and bleeding money and about 30 that already gave up on it. like it genuinely feels like any other get rich quick scheme where its disheartening that it worked for a couple people and those couple people already had money to begin with
idk if any if this is gonna make sense im writing from heart and whatever the text leads but you understand this right. like my current goal is to just find something later on that will pay decent, not make me slowly but steadily give up on it and have personal time for hobbies. and then i get this shit thrown at me. in 4 months ive been broken down enough that the ridiculous honey pot that is 'invest! stocks! etc!' is starting to appeal to me. like i am not going to be different from the other failure cases im not one lottery away from being set for life. and at the very least im not putting money in the machine selling 40m2 studio apartments for 1 million euros to foreigners while throwing people in the streets if they had houses, jail if they were illegally occupying abandoned houses with no roof. fuck sakes
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theculturedmarxist · 10 months
By Lambert Strether of Corrente.
This post was motivated by “The Obama Factor“, a long and rambling Q&A between Pulitzer-winning historian and Obama biographer David Garrow, and David Samuels, the Tablet’s Literary Editor. Garrow and Samuels answer the question posed in the headline in the affirmative; basically, “quite possibly, yes.” Spoiler: By Betteridge’s Law, my answer is “No,” but with significant qualifications. 
Most of the reactions to “The Obama Factor” — which focuses primarily on the irresistible rise of a fabulist creep who had written not one but two autobiographies by the age of 47, both in election years — have focused on Obama’s sensational fantasy life. In fact, I can only find serious reaction pieces from FOX and the New York Post; nothing from the other side of the aisle at all, and since the piece has been out for two weeks, I assume there won’t be (and if it were easy, the takedowns and the dogpiling would already have happened). Nobody seems to have focused on the most provocative part of “The Obama Factor”: Why Obama remained in Washington, DC, bought a mansion, and what he’s been doing with his time there[1]. In this post, I will take a first cut at explaining that.
I will first look at Obama’s neighborhood: Kalorama. Then I will look at his mansion, and what he is known to have done there. I will then present a great slab of Garrow and Samuels, who present the thesis that Obama is running a shadow government long form. I will conclude by briefly critiquing that thesis. 
The Neighborhood: Kalorama
Here is a map[2] of Kalorama:
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From Washington Socialist:
As locals will remind you, Kalorama comprises two separate neighborhoods: Kalorama Heights (also known as Sheridan-Kalorama) and, to its northeast, Kalorama Triangle.
 The Obamas live to the Northeast, in the Kalorama Triangle. Kalorama has always been full of rich people:
Kalorama emerged relatively late as central DC neighborhoods went and was not extensively developed until the very end of the 19th century. It quickly attracted the wealthy and well-connected who built or purchased lavish mansions or fashionable rowhouses.
But now Kalorama is full of nouveaux riche[3] as well. From Trulia, “The Real Estate Voyeur’s Guide to Kalorama Heights, Washington D.C.’s Most Bipartisan Neighborhood“:
Shortly after the 2016 presidential election, Kalorama, Washington D.C.—a small and tranquil neighborhood located northwest of Dupont Circle—suddenly transformed into the epicenter of wealthy and political elites in D.C. First former President Barack Obama and wife Michelle announced they were moving into an 8,200 square-foot home in the area (which they’ve confirmed they are buying). Next, Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos purchased a $23 million Kalorama house—the largest private home in the entire city. Earlier this year, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson purchased a $5.5 million property. And most recently—and prominently—current First Family members Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner began renting a 6,870 square-foot property in the neighborhood.
(Bezos is the dude with twenty-five bathrooms; Jared and Ivanka are already fighting with the neighbors.)
Kalorama is also full of embassies. From the Washington Diplomat:
[There are] 28 embassies in Washington’s well-heeled Kalorama neighborhood…. Embassies there include Algeria, Belize, Estonia, Greece, Japan, Latvia, Slovenia, Turkey, Madagascar, Mali and Syria. A variety of ambassador residences also call the tony neighborhood home — among them Afghanistan, the Netherlands and Portugal. Mostly, it’s simply a friendly neighborhood, European Union Ambassador David O’Sullivan said. The European Union has had a residence in Kalorama since 1972, and he looks forward to socializing with the new residents…. Maguy Maccario Doyle, Monaco’s ambassador to the U.S., has not run into her high-profile new neighbors yet, but “”I’m thinking of inviting them all over for a glass or two of champagne,”” she said. “”Perhaps they will drop by to watch the Monaco Grand Prix with me in the springtime? I would love to host them. I’m sure we will discover we all have much more in common than just a zip code…” In addition, says Maccario, “”the security is unbeatable, and it’s reasonably close to the best amenities and businesses that D.C. has to offer.””
So, speaking of ambasssadors and “unbeatable security,” what about the spooks? Bien sur! Town and Country once more:
Kalorama has its quirky side. Marie Drissel and I sampled it on a stroll down Leroy Place, a short street that dead ends into Connecticut Avenue north of Dupont Circle. She lives one street over on Bancroft, where Ralph Nader’s family have been longtime residents. “”This was a CIA safe house for years,”” she says of a large house on her corner. She points out an imposing, red brick house across the street.
Of course, the Spence debacle was in 1989; nothing like it could happen today. And I’m sure there aren’t any safe houses in Kalorama now.
And speaking of spooks and “amenities,” see WaPo’s “The Shadow World of Craig Spence“. A taste:
One Washington Times headline on June 30 said everything: “Power broker served drugs, sex at parties bugged for blackmail” The problem is that the prominent people named in the Washington Times — Ted Koppel, Eric Sevareid, Phyllis Schlafly, William Casey, Arnaud de Borchgrave and many others — attended the other parties. The parties where: People sat around in a perimeter after dinner discussing trade policy, where American policy makers were ushered into circles of foreign visitors to make serious talk; parties to which Koppel would sometimes send a stand-in; parties so dull that even Dossier magazine wouldn’t run the photographs. Spence, meanwhile, is nowhere to be found. His lap dog Winston — from whom he is rarely separated — is at a town house in Upper Marlboro with a longtime Spence employee. The imposing stone house on Wyoming Avenue in Kalorama, where Spence once lived and entertained, is attracting gawking news hounds.
The Kalorama Mansion: $8.1 Million
Obama actually has four homes: In Oahu, Hyde Park, Martha’s Vineyard, and the focus of our present interest, Kalorama. From Ghosts of DC, here is the exterior of the 8,200 -square-foot mansion:
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And here, from Town and Country, is part of the interior:
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These images are from the listing agent; they remind me of the Georgetown safehouse in Spook Country where Milgrim hears the voices of Brown and his handler coming up the stairs, Whispering Gallery style. The decor is certainly very white; Michelle seems to have redecorated it in neutral tones with accent colors.
What Obama Has Done in Kalorama Mansion
Two things that I can track down[4] (given Google and the limited time available to me; I have to attack HICPAC again soon).
First, Obama orchestrated Biden’s selection as the Democratic candidate from his mansion. From WaPo, April 14, 2020:
Former President Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden for president Tuesday, saying in a video, with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, Biden “”has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery.”” Obama said of his vice president and friend, “”Joe gets stuff done.”” Biden has used his eight years serving as Obama’s vice president as a central credential in his White House bid. ….Obama, in his endorsement, reached out to Bernie Sanders supporters with lavish praise for the independent Vermont senator while scorching Republicans. Visibly graying, Obama taped the video at his home in Washington’s Kalorama neighborhood.
The Night of the Long Knives was March 2. April 14 was the coup de grace. Obama clearly didn’t make this video on his iPhone; his office is set up for serious business.
Second, if Roger Stone (2020) is to be believed, Obama orchestrated Stone’s conviction:
For the sake of journalistic clarity and transparency, the woman appointed as the Jury Forewoman for my trial—Ms. Tomeka Hart—is an established Democratic Party activist and a protégé of the Donna Brazile…. I have in my possession a sworn affidavit from a secret service agent that claims that he witnessed Atty. Hart entering and leaving the residence of former President Barak and Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett on Kalorama Avenue in Washington, D.C.—during my trial.
Well, maybe. I can’t imagine this was ever proved in court. What Stone’s story does show is that Obama’s Kalorama mansion has been a focus on the right for some time.[4]
Obama’s Shadow Government
With that very long setup, we undertstand Obama’s Kalorama milieu and his, well, operational capability within his mansion. We can now turn to the great slab of material I promised from Garrow and Samuels session (bold is Samuels, of The Tablet, roman is Garrow). I have added notes and highlighted comments. A Literary Editor, Samuels, makes the running, but these are strange times:
[SAMUELS] What interests you most about Obama today? [GARROW] The number one thing about Barack this past five years is how completely he’s vanished. Why is he living in the center of Washington, D.C., then? Well, how much time is he spending there as opposed to Martha’s Vineyard? I have no idea. Between July Fourth and Labor Day, sure. The rest of the year, he lives in a large brick mansion in Kalorama. Doesn’t it strike you as weird that he’s an ex-president, he’s comparatively young, and he’s living in the center of Washington, D.C.? The original excuse was that Sasha had to finish school. Then you could say, “”Well, the opposition to Trump needs a figure to rally around.”” But now Sasha has graduated from USC, Trump is gone, Joe Biden was elected present, but he’s still there. I never see any mentions of him. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? I mean, I have heard from more than one source that there are regular meetings at Obama’s house in Kalorama involving top figures in the current White House, with Secret Service and cars outside.[1] I don’t write about it because it’s not my lane. There are over a thousand reporters in Washington, and yet there are zero stakeouts of Obama’s mansion, if only to tell us who is coming and going. But he clearly has his oar in….. It’s turtles all the way down. There are obviously large parts of White House policymaking that belong to Barack Obama because they’re staffed by his people[2], who worked for him and no doubt report back to him. Personnel is policy, as they say in Washington. Which to me is a very odd and kind of spooky arrangement. Spooky, because it is happening outside the constitutional framework of the U.S. government[3], and yet somehow it’s been placed off the list of permitted subjects to report on. Which is a pretty good indicator of the extent to which the information we get, and public reactions to that information, is being successfully controlled. How and by whom remain open questions, the quick answer to which is that the American press has become a subset of partisan comms. I’m going back to something you said 20 minutes ago. From the get-go, I know enough intelligence community stuff that from the first time I saw it, I realized that Christopher Steele’s shit was just complete crap. It was bad corporate intelligence, even. It was nonsensical. What scared me back then was coming to understand that a new milieu had been created consisting of party operatives, the people in the FBI and the CIA who are carrying out White House policy, and the press[4]. It is all one world now. And that’s something people still seem loathe to admit, even to themselves, in part because it puts them in a state of dissonance with this new kind of controlled consensus that the press maintains, which is obviously garbage. But if you question it, you’re some kind of nut.
Readers will understand why I find this thesis attractive. It conforms to my priors!
[1] We have a falsifiable theory. Do a stakeout. [2] A Flex Net, a familiar data structure. [3] Yes, a change in the constitutional order that I’ve been yammering about for some time, and also the central, unspoken theme of election 2024. [4] The Twitter Files show this “milieu” clearly, though I’m not sure the command structure is as Samuels understands it. Also, tech is involved through the content moderaion process, and maybe in other ways. (“Milieu” is a weak word’, I think, but we’re looking at a hard, unprecedented problem.
Samuels summarizes in his introduction:
To an extent that has never been meaningfully reported on, the Obamas served as both the symbolic and practical heads of the Democratic Party shadow government that ‘resisted’ Trump—another phenomenon that defied prior norms. The fact that these were not normal times could be adduced by even a passing glance at the front pages of the country’s daily newspapers, which were filled with claims that the 2016 election had been “”stolen”” by Russia and that Trump was a Russian agent.
Now to conclude with a critique.
Take “The Obama Factor” as read, as Samuels explains it. Is it correct to conceptualize the operation Obama is running from his Kalorama mansion as a government? (Remember that the scope of a shadow government is “whole of government,” not just parts.) Having read the article, and turning the question over in my mind, I posed the following question to the readership:
Query for the readership: Would Obama have invaded Ukraine, if he had been elected for a third term?
Because if Obama’s running the government, then he’s also running our proxy war in Ukraine? I should not have written “invaded”; I am always pressed temporally. Alert reader Nippersdad understood this, and answered what I meant to ask:
IIRC, Burns’ Nyet means Nyet cable was written during the Obama Administration when he was the Ambassador to Russia, a time in which Obama was saying that Russia had the advantage of proximity to any potential conflict with nearly unlimited ability to escalate (escalatory dominance, I think he called it). He was still saying that he was trying to implement the Minsk Accords as late as Feb. 2016. “”We are pressing hard to see Minsk fully implemented by the time the president leaves office,”” said a senior administration official, referring to the pact brokered by France and Germany and signed by Ukraine and Russia. “”We’re aiming for implementation during the second half of 2016.”” So, no, in spite of the obvious pressure on him it did not look like he would have gone to war with Ukraine in a third term. That was Hillary’s bailiwick.
Alert reader Carolinian wrote:
And while I don’t like Obama I don’t think he would have invaded Ukraine or provoked a war the way Blinken/Biden did. After all Hillary tried to get him to attack Syria and he didn’t.
Alert reader IACyclone wrote:
Re: Would Obama have invaded Ukraine given a third term. One of the few good things you can say about Obama is that he possesses a far more realistic understanding of foreign policy than most every other American politician. He’s still on board with the American imperial project and he constantly got rolled by opposing factions within the Deep State, but he at least he wasn’t totally high on his own supply. Case in point, he explicitly told Jeffrey Goldberg in an interview that Ukraine is a critical interest to Russia, and that it isn’t one for the U.S. Thus Obama’s reticence to provide weapons to Ukraine, which Republicans excoriated him over, in order to avoid a cycle of escalation that the U.S. would have no desire or will to match. For all the liberals chanting Slava Ukraine, it would be fun to see the looks on their faces when you remind them that the U.S. started sending actual weapons to Ukraine under the Trump Administration, unlike the Obama Administrations commitment to sending only non-lethal aid.
Alert reader Michael Fiorillo wrote:
I am far from an Obama fan, to put it mildly, but I think he’d have been reluctant to go into Ukraine. His refusal to send missiles there and his negotiating with Iran suggests some sense of limits to US power on his part.
And alert reader Pat:
I despise Obama, but I have always given him credit for recognizing what a disaster Hilary’s Libyan invasion was and realizing that the advice from that faction was almost consistently wrong.
(I understand Rev Kev’s point on Obama closing embassies, but I see that as posturing.)
So, I am with these readers. If Obama would not have fought the Ukraine proxy war that Biden is fighting, then Obama is not “governing.” QED. This was my first thought as soon as I cooled down — it’s nice to have one’s priors supported — after reading “The Obama Factor,” which is why I reached out for confirmation. (In essence, Obama never goes near anything that will make him look out of control, or like a failure, or dirty in some way. He moves away from situations like that like a cat backing away from a dish of spilt milk. A war in Ukraine, even a proxy one, would be more than capable of doing all three. So he wouldn’t go near it.) * * *
So what is Obama doing? What is “The Obama Factor”? Perhaps we should reframe government to that horrid neologism governance. It’s clear that Obama is maintaining his FlexNet and using it to….. do….. What, exactly? Control the Party so many of whose members have an Obama-shaped hole in their heads? Control the regulatory state through the Democrat Party? Consolidate the class power of the PMC? Whatever he’s doing, we can be sure it will be ice-cold, manipulative, and leave Obama with “clean hands.” Many have quoted Obama’s 2015 interview with quondam comic Stephen Colbert:
The transcript, in relevant part:
[OBAMA:] “”I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,”” Obama quipped.
As it turns out, Biden is not that front-man; otherwise, Obama would be governing, which is not. But if the entire Democrat Party were Obama’s stand-in… Well, that would be pretty neat, wouldn’t it?
Some “quip.” When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time….
[1] Interestingly, “conservative” venues like PJ Media say nothing about this topic at all.
[2] Thank you, Google, for cluttering the map with hotel icons that I have no interest in.
[3] I love it that Jim Bell, “a Kalorama resident and executive vice president of TTR Sotheby’s International Realty,” is also known as “the King of Kalorama.” Also: “Besides political heavy-hitters and diplomats, about a third of Kalorama’s residents are technology executives and hedge fund workers, Bell said. But no one is blinking an eye over the fame of the newest neighbors.” Quite a mix!
[4] Another example is the apparent myth that Obama gave Valerie Jarrett an office in his mansion.
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An experienced agent can navigate the complexities that are involved in the real estate Lisboa marketplace and provide insights into the most desirable neighbourhoods and offers. They can also help in issues related to the legal aspects of buying property in Portugal which includes the golden portugal visa program. Agents familiar with golden visa funds can offer useful advice on Portuguese investments that meet the golden visa Portugal criteria. Their knowledge and experience ensures a smoother transaction and helps you make informed choices throughout the process. Conducting thorough inspections and due diligence before buying any property is crucial. This includes checking the condition of the property, identifying any necessary repairs or renovations and confirming legal documents. If you're planning to invest in Lisbon real estate to sell through the golden visa Portugal program, be sure that the property meets all criteria. Knowing the long-term value of the property and potential return on investment is essential particularly in light of the growing popularity and demand in Lisbon real estate. Conducting thorough inspections can prevent future problems and secure a worthwhile investment. The benefits of the portugal real estate for sale, the golden visa is equally important. This program is not only a source of the right to reside in Portugal, but also an opportunity to become a citizen.
The golden visa investment in real estate Portugal is a strategic move for long-term benefits. In addition, exploring the options available in Portuguese investment funds with a golden visa is a great way to diversify your portfolio. The growing demand for Lisbon real estate to sell reflects the city's appeal as both as a residential and investment destination. Understanding these benefits helps you get the most value the most you can from Lisbon property. property buy in Lisbon. In the end, purchasing property is a process that requires careful planning and informed decision-making. When you evaluate your finances, selecting the best location and a reliable real estate agent, and conducting thorough inspections, you can better navigate the process. If you're planning to purchase property in Lisbon to use for personal use or for investment using the golden visa Portugal program, knowing these steps is crucial. It is important to know that the real estate Lisboa market offers diverse opportunities, and with the proper strategy, you will be able to find an property that meets your needs and offers long-term benefits. By following these essential steps, homebuyers who are first time buyers can be successful in entering the Lisbon property market.
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ffarealestate · 1 day
Lebanese Investors' Guide to Acquiring Portuguese and Dominica Citizenship in 2024
A very good investment opportunity comes onboard for the investor. Dominica offers a straightforward pathway to citizenship through investment, with the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program providing opportunities to invest in real estate projects, contribute to the government fund, or establish a business venture. Lebanese investors can benefit significantly from this program, securing Dominica citizenship in Lebanon and enhancing their global mobility. Portugal, with its stable economy, attractive lifestyle, and favorable tax regime, is a popular choice for investors seeking European citizenship. 
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Lebanese investors looking to invest in Portuguese citizenship can take advantage of Portugal's Golden Visa program, which offers a pathway to citizenship and access to the Schengen Area through various investment options, including real estate and business ventures. Faqra, a prime destination for real estate investment, offers a thriving market in Lebanon's mountains. 
Investors looking to buy land in Faqra can enjoy the region's natural beauty and potential for high returns on investment. By strategically leveraging these opportunities, Lebanese investors can secure their future, enhance their global mobility, and unlock new avenues for prosperity. By investing in Dominica citizenship, and Portuguese citizenship, and buying land in Faqra, Lebanese investors can safeguard their future and unlock new avenues for prosperity. As a Lebanese investor, you may be interested in acquiring Portuguese or Dominica citizenship in 2024. This blog guide will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision. Check out the blog now.
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Are you looking for New Apartment For Sale French Riviera? If yes, then visit Living on the Côte d'Azur portal! This boutique in real estate gives you an overall insight regarding the new apartments that are available for sale. Whether you want to invest in these luxurious properties for rent or live, we assist you in making the deal. Visit our website or drop your message on Whatsapp at +33783579579 for expert assistance!
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Best Real Estate Advisors in Portugal
In the dynamic landscape of real estate, navigating through the complexities of property transactions can be a daunting task. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time homebuyer, having a trusted advisor by your side can make all the difference. At Portugal Residency Advisors, we understand the importance of expert guidance in the realm of real estate. In this article, we delve into the invaluable role of a real estate advisor and why partnering with one can streamline your journey to property success.
The Evolution of Real Estate Advisors
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In the dynamic landscape of real estate, navigating through the complexities of property transactions can be a daunting task. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time homebuyer, having a trusted advisor by your side can make all the difference. At Portugal Residency Advisors, we understand the importance of expert guidance in the realm of real estate. In this article, we delve into the invaluable role of a real estate advisor and why partnering with one can streamline your journey to property success.
Understanding the Advisor's Expertise
Real estate advisors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. From in-depth understanding of local market trends to intricate knowledge of legal and regulatory frameworks, these professionals are equipped with the tools necessary to navigate even the most complex transactions. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing, a skilled advisor can offer invaluable advice at every step of the process.
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a1algarveofficial · 1 month
The Algarve Adventure: Your Ultimate Guide on How to Buy Property in the Algarve
Are you dreaming of owning a slice of paradise in the breathtaking Algarve region of Portugal? From stunning coastal views to rich cultural experiences, Algarve offers an unparalleled lifestyle for those seeking a blend of tranquility and adventure. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about buying properties in Algarve, ensuring your journey to becoming a proud homeowner in this idyllic destination is smooth and rewarding.
Understanding the Allure of Algarve
Before diving into the intricacies of buying properties, let's take a moment to appreciate the allure of Algarve. With its sun-kissed beaches, charming fishing villages, and vibrant local culture, Algarve captivates visitors and residents alike. Whether you're drawn to the golden sands of Praia da Marinha or the historic streets of Lagos, Algarve offers something for everyone.
The Property Market Landscape
As you embark on your property buying journey, it's essential to understand the current market landscape in Algarve. The region boasts a diverse range of properties, including luxurious villas overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, quaint townhouses nestled in picturesque villages, and contemporary apartments in bustling coastal towns. With a growing demand from international buyers, the Algarve property market remains robust, offering ample opportunities for investment and lifestyle enhancement.
Key Considerations for Buyers
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When buying algarve properties, several factors merit careful consideration to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and objectives. From location and property type to budget and amenities, each aspect plays a crucial role in shaping your experience as a homeowner in this enchanting region. Additionally, it's advisable to work with reputable real estate agents who possess in-depth knowledge of the local market and can guide you through the buying process with professionalism and integrity.
Navigating Legal and Administrative Procedures
Navigating the legal and administrative procedures involved in purchasing a property abroad can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it's entirely manageable. In Algarve, property transactions follow a well-defined process, which typically includes due diligence, contract negotiation, and completion. Engaging the services of experienced legal professionals familiar with Portuguese real estate law is paramount to ensuring a smooth and legally sound transaction.
Financing Options and Tax Implications
Securing financing for your Algarve property purchase and understanding the associated tax implications are essential steps in the buying process. Whether you opt for a mortgage from a local bank or leverage your existing assets, exploring your financing options thoroughly can help you make informed decisions and optimize your investment strategy. Additionally, gaining clarity on tax obligations, such as property taxes and capital gains taxes, ensures compliance with Portuguese regulations and minimizes any unforeseen financial burdens.
Embracing the Algarve Lifestyle
Beyond the practicalities of property ownership, embracing the Algarve lifestyle is perhaps the most rewarding aspect of your journey. From savoring fresh seafood at local restaurants to exploring hidden coves along the coastline, Algarve invites you to immerse yourself in its natural beauty and vibrant culture. Whether you choose to make Algarve your primary residence, a vacation retreat, or an investment opportunity, the region's timeless charm and warm hospitality will leave an indelible mark on your heart.
Conclusion: Your Gateway to Algarve Living
In conclusion, buying a property in Algarve is not just a financial transaction; it's an investment in a lifestyle filled with sunshine, sea breeze, and serenity. By understanding the nuances of the local property market, navigating legal procedures diligently, and embracing the essence of Algarve living, you can embark on a transformative journey towards realizing your dream of owning a piece of paradise in this enchanting region. With its irresistible blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and unparalleled quality of life, Algarve awaits to welcome you home.
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rajukumar8926 · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to the Portugal Golden Visa 
Portugal isn't just about wine and music; it offers one of the best EU Golden Visa programs. Portugal attracts many with a high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and more. Their Golden Visa program grants residency to non-EU citizens who invest in the country. This Visa can lead to citizenship later. Remember, this isn't legal advice; use it to see if Portugal's program suits your needs. 
History of Portugal's Golden Visa 
Portugal faced economic challenges in the early 2000s. To recover, they launched the Golden Visa program on October 8, 2012, attracting foreign investors to boost their economy. Over 12,000 investors joined, investing over seven billion dollars. Most got their Portugal residence permit by buying real estate, which is the program's top choice. 
Recent Changes in the Visa 
In October 2023, new rules stopped the path to Portuguese citizenship through property investment. However, the Golden Visa program itself is still open. The government said the time it takes to apply (6–18 months) now counts towards the five years needed for citizenship. Real estate investment is no longer an option, leaving some investors unsure. However, good choices exist, like starting a company, donating to research, or investing in funds.  
Golden Entrepreneur Visa 
Entrepreneurs have an often-overlooked option with the Portugal Golden Investment Visa. To qualify, you need to start a company and create at least ten jobs in Portugal (or eight in less populated areas). Each employee must be registered with the Portuguese Social Security system. You have the opportunity to inject €500,000 into an established business in Portugal, generating and sustaining five new full-time positions for three years. Corporate tax is 21%, and personal income tax ranges from 14.5% to 48%.  
Benefits of Portugal Golden Visa Program 
Portugal's Tier A passport is among the best, granting visa-free access to 191 countries in 2024, making it the third most powerful passport as mentioned by the Nomad Passport Index. While investing in a residency permit won't automatically make you a citizen, it's a step towards it. The naturalization process in Portugal is relatively quick, just five years. You can enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area and many other countries during this time. You also gain the right to work and live in Portugal and other EU/EEA nations. Portugal's investment visa is considered stable, and Portugal offers tax benefits for crypto investors.  
Capital Contributions with Portugal's Golden Visa 
For those not taking the entrepreneur route, simpler options like capital contributions are available. Due to recent changes, this route has become more appealing but is pricier. 
Investment options for Portugal's Golden Visa include: 
€500,000 in Venture Capital/Private Equity Fund 
€500,000 as a Donation to Research Activities 
€250,000 for Donations to Arts These investments must be maintained for five years of residence. 
Specific funds are set up for Portugal visa Golden investors, offering shorter terms and lower risks. However, due to FATCA regulations, not all funds are available to US applicants. All applicants must provide proof of investment to the government, so keep a detailed paper trail. 
Golden Visa: Requirements, Documents and Fees 
1. Fulfill the minimum residence requirement  
To maintain your residency in Portugal, you must spend at least fourteen days there during your first two years. Then, when you renew your permit for the next three years, you'll need to pay a total of 21 days in Portugal. After that, you only need to spend a minimum of seven days per year in the country to keep your residency. 
2. Provide proper documentation 
Applying for the Portugal Golden Investment Visa is more straightforward than applying for other citizenship programs. You can apply online through their Immigration and Borders Services portal or have a legal representative do it. However, it's essential to understand the process to avoid mistakes. You must submit personal documents, proof of investment, and other paperwork like a background check, health insurance, and evidence of tax compliance. All documents must be recent. 
3. Be a third-country national 
This requirement means you can't already be a citizen of Portugal or any EU or EEA country. While over half of the applicants are from China, others from countries like Russia, Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, and more are also applying.  
4. Maintain a qualified investment for five years 
As the principal applicant, you must keep the investment if you and your family have a Portugal visa and Golden residency status. Once you attain permanent residency or Portuguese citizenship, you are no longer required to maintain the investment. 
5. Pay all related fees 
The Portuguese government offers a Tier A passport for wealthy investors seeking EU access. Alongside your investment, applicants pay a €5,000 ($5,364) fee, which is reduced by half upon renewal. A processing fee of €533 (US$571) for the principal applicant and €83 (US$89) for each family member, payable with the initial application and renewals. Spouses, children under 18, unmarried children over 18 in school, and retirement-aged parents are eligible. 
Portugal's Golden Investment Visa presents a compelling opportunity for investors seeking residency and potential citizenship in Europe. With various investment options, streamlined application processes, and the allure of visa-free travel, it remains an attractive pathway for individuals and families looking to establish roots in Portugal and the broader European Union. For more, visit Acquest Advisors' official page today. 
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