#CIH Virus
nyanamo · 2 months
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you're such a powerful virus, CIH was it? My name's Citch and I'm going to SHREAD those spamtons!! ...That's all I wanted to hear, my most valuable asset.
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daprosy · 6 months
i'm malware otherkin (the concept in general, no specific malware) so i think i'm gonna play a game :)
i'll make one for worms tomorrow :3 when the poll is over i'll reveal my fav :3
no other option bc people mistake worms for viruses a lot i feel like or maybe that's just me thinking that
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techtunes · 2 months
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আবার মিস করেন নি তো?: CIH Virus বা চেরনোবিল ভাইরাসের ইতিহাস https://www.techtunes.io/sci-tech/tune-id/957604
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lucidpiner · 2 years
Purebasic hide window
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The sql code is ready - server with 100 mbit direct connect is ready - now i must get firm with the engine.Code: Select all Procedure. The window is automatically activated (gets the focus), unless.
and use them to make a kind of virtuall city or an architactual marketplace.Īt the moment i experementing with the engine. Hide Hide Gadget Hide Skin Hiding Highlight Highlighting History Horizontal. It can be one of the following values: True : the window is hidden. People can upload models textures sounds etc. Its payload is highly destructive to vulnerable systems, overwriting critical information on infected system drives and, in some cases, destroying the system BIOS.Chen Ing-hau (, pinyin: Chén Yíngháo), a student at Tatung University in Taiwan, created the virus. A kind of Sandbox Editor with multiuser - later maybe a game. CIH, also known as Chernobyl or Spacefiller, is a Microsoft Windows 9x computer virus that first emerged in 1998. I have no plans yet for a game - more for an application leadwerks + pb + sql. Is it possible that you can give a pb example that loads a map that comes with the LE sdk - or makes an example wirh water - both don´t work at this time for me. Second - i check your SimpleFWExample - works fine. The Command LEEndRender() Could not be found - i check later why. Hiding the window works fine for me, both by the menu item and the F6 shortcut. I tried the actual headgen - there is a little problem with the Procedure LE_Engine_Stop(). Yes - there was a lot of sun - and i got some burnings on my skin Then click the icon to unhide the window. What I want to do is hide the window and put an icon in the icon tray to show the app is still running. What kind of game will it be ? do you already have an idea ? Ok, this may seem like a dumb question but how do you hide a window If I use CloseWindow, this closes the window and the app terminates. Now you'r back with plenty of energy to write the first Purebasic LE game ! Provide examples of performing some of the following: hide, show, close, minimize, maximize, move, and resize a window. I did nor remove the helper functions, some people may want them (especially curve, you'll need this believe me), anyway it's easy to comment them out after header generation if you don't want them.įor the LE api function that are not working, i think you must call Josh to help, but way until you got a working screenshot. Please rebuild the headers and compile & run this sample project + post a screenshot Here is a sample application showing the current use removed static result and added Result parameter to all vec procedures like Paul said removed Procedure Init_Enum() not required like Paul said model Hide Adopted Bears, Distinguished Professor and Director. changed the enumeration numbers for dll to a fixed value Community Room with a fireplace and large flat screen TV Julie, MA in Winter Park.
maybe with a zip file of your project and assets i could see something.Įdit : Updated the header generator, please re-download If you want to automate this registry fix/hack, you can use any of the SCCM methods mentioned in the above section of this post.
Disable Hide Upgrade to Windows 11 is Ready Notification on SCCM Managed Devices 5. The black screen is often a camera position problem, but in your case if you have polygons with setstats(2) then maybe it's a light problem ? i'm not sure. NetBeans began in 1996 as Xelfi (word play on Delphi), a Java IDE student project under the guidance of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague.In 1997, Roman Stank formed a company around the project and produced commercial versions of the NetBeans IDE until it was bought by Sun Microsystems in 1999. Create registry -> QWord key with the name SvOfferDeclined. Pb #2: how do you know water does not work in pb #1 if you see only a black screen ? you crash ? If they want to change that behavior then they can change it.
The taskbar belongs to the user, It's up to them to care about having it take 1/2 second to auto-hide when you app goes full screen.
It is either a new bug introduced in 2.40 (then see with Josh) or more probably a graphics driver issue (what are yours specs and driver version ?). uncheck the checkbox that says 'Keep the taskbar on top of other windows'. Pb #1: this is probably not a declaration header problem, the declaration for these commands are so simple there is no place left for an error. Also i have problems with the LELoadScene command - it loads the scene - i get stats about a lot of polygons - but i only see a black screen?!
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askglitchton · 2 years
Viruses? Do you sell anything uh.. 'Strong'? Like per say, a virus to send to an ex that'll brick their computer?
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* despite his harrowing tone, he seems very excited to talk about viruses more in depth.
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pralukiherliawan · 4 years
Disease kills, stigma even more.
September 1943, Resistensi Partisan Italia berperang dengan 3 jenis perang, perang melawan kaum fasis Italia, perang pembebasan nasional melawan kependudukan Jerman dan perang kelas melawan elite. Banyak dari mereka yang direkrut dan dipersenjatai seadanya oleh partai anti-fasis atau setidaknya memang punya loyalitas. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah petani dan juga sipil yang ikut berperang, karena sejatinya setiap warga negara Italia yang sesungguhnya adalah partisan. Terbayang samar di pikiranku, selepas petani ini bertani, mereka menyanyikan lagu perjuangan yang permintaannya sangat sangat sederhana jika gugur nanti, seppellire lassù in montagna, sotto l'ombra di un bel fior. Kuburkan aku diatas gunung, dibawah naungan bunga yang indah. Yup, itu adalah penggalan dari lagu ‘Bella Ciao’ yang akhir-akhir ini marak dinyanyikan muda-mudi di kota besar sambil menenggak segelas anggur karena merasa mirip dengan Sergio Marquina dan Andrés de Fonollosa di serial perampokan semi-bucin. Cih.
Perang melawan kaum fasis dan Jerman sekaligus memang gak bisa disamakan dengan sekarang. Sampai hari ini, manusia pada umumnya sedang sekarat melawan sebuah penyakit. Selain musuhnya yang beda, semangat persatuannya juga jauh beda. Kalau dulu kaum partisan akan disambut megah ketika jenazahnya kembali kepada keluarganya, sedangkan tidak sedikit dari tenaga medis disini yang ditolak jenazahnya. Padahal prinsip yang dipegang kurang lebih sama loh, orang-orang ini berjuang dari sesuatu yang diyakini harus diperjuangkan. Sulit rasanya membayangkan kepergian orang yang kita cintai untuk selamanya terlebih ketika mayitnya tidak dapat dikuburkan, boro-boro minta diatas gunung dan dibawah naungan bunga, mobil yang membawa jenazah tenaga kesehatan aja dilempari kayu yang gede banget. Terbayang apa yang ada di ingatan anaknya kelak, apa-apa yang telah Ibu atau Ayahnya perjuangkan sebagai tenaga medis, harus dibalas dengan malapetaka tersebut. Belum lagi yang masih hidup. Di tengah masa karantina beberapa tenaga medis, mereka masing-masing bukan saja berjuang melawan virus yang hingga hari menginfeksi lebih 2,5 juta orang di seluruh dunia, melainkan juga menahan rindu berkumpul dengan keluarga di rumah. Urusan tersebut masih ditambah pula dengan stigma negatif yang terpaksa dilabelkan ke para tenaga medis dan keluarga.
Jelas ada peran just-world fallacy disini, dimana orang berpikir bahwa orang yang terinfeksi penyakit mungkin telah melakukan kesalahan dan pantas mendapatkannya. Inget gak sih? Beberapa orang ngasih sumpah serapah ke ras kulit kuning karena makan hewan liar? Iya dong? Inget juga gak setiap ada orang yang matanya sipit dikit terus dibilang “Wah covid, covid nih”. Stigma ini juga perannya penting banget ke persebaran penyakit, orang jadi boong kalo punya gejala atau ada riwayat bepergian karena takut dicap aneh-aneh sama tetangganya. Imbasnya fatal banget, bisa puluhan yang ketularan karena orang-orang macem gini.
Dan gimana cara menanggulanginya?
Education is one of the most popular tools to deconstruct stigma. 
Kalo Idris Elba yang sangar gitu atau Kristofer Hivju alias Tormund Giantsbane di GoT aja bisa kena, ya kamu juga bisa kena, dong. Semua bisa kena dan kamu harus bayangin kalo kamu atau keluargamu ada yang meninggal lalu ditolak jenazahnya padahal pemulsaraan jenazahnya sudah sesuai protokol WHO, sedih kagak lu. Jadi mari nih muda-mudi yang native digital tools, kayaknya udah jadi tanggung jawab moril untuk keluar di Whatsapp group keluarga untuk ngasih informasi yang kredibel dan menyangkal informasi yang teu nyararambung.
“Although stigma is an evolved reaction to disease, it is not an inevitable one. Stigma divides and turns us against each other, but pandemics remind us of how connected we all are. We must remember that the virus — not people with Covid-19 or affected by Covid-19 — is the enemy.” HBR.
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vhscassette · 5 years
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inspired by @scribblehooves 
cih virus
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sntechsupport · 5 years
Okay so pacman guy again, its all solved and has been for days but a few days ago the old computer with that virus basically opened up and living firewall came through to help with clean up. Soon 1 virus came through, then 3, then 10, this has been esculating and now its gotten out of hand. I am fightung CIHs two times my size and spyware with knives and shit comparable to the spy from tf2. I cant trust anyone here. Please god help me.
Okay, look. Fine. But for the last fucking time. If you can’t do a clean-up, you’re just dumb and that’s not my problem and I ain’t getting paid for this.
Here you have the Seru- Here I’ve been doing some hard coding and now go off and. Stop breaking stuff.
SincerelySN Tech Support (Gear)
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dubiedubiedum · 3 years
Lagi deket sama orang super tajir tapi bikin ilfil sampe w enek. Ngirim jutaan hoax kalo rs cuma manfaatin covid ditengah-tengah gue lagi jaga gila-gilaan dan tiap hari ngadepin pasien covid yg perlu hfnc, ventilator tapi ga bisa dan banyak diantaranya meninggal, kehidupan chaos di rs yang bikin gue gila sampe gue pake masker n95 tiap shift sampe ni muka kaya abis kejepit apa kali. Pake apd sesek yang pas selesai visit gue udah mandi keringet belum lagi gue takut banget terinfeksi untuk yg ke2x dari virus menakutkan ini, dan lo malah masih menyebar hoax dengan otak bodoh lo?
Gue ni selalu mengeluh kenapa gue miskin, tapi pada hari ini gue bersyukur ya tuhan gapapa gue begini daripada hidup tajir dan mandi uang tapi punya pikiran sependek dan sebodoh orang ini.
Dan untungnya, semua keliatan dan oh jelas gue gak akan pernah memilih lo sebagai pasangan hidup gue. Cih...
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polsekrimboulu · 3 years
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Gunakan Masker saat beraktivitas, antisipasi penyebaran Virus Corona. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIH-ZVyAvZD/?igshid=etub7ckkclg3
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techtunes · 2 months
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মিস করেন নি তো?: CIH Virus বা চেরনোবিল ভাইরাসের ইতিহাস https://www.techtunes.io/sci-tech/tune-id/957604
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rmolid · 4 years
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satech17 · 4 years
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And here we are with Coronavirus deaths at 200,000 crying. When will humans ever understand what computers go through!?😅 . . Follow @saiabhijat.tech for latest updates in Science & Technology. I also give out expert advice on all types of gadgets. Got any queries? Feel free to DM me. . . _______________________________________________ #saiabhijattech #satech #tech #technews #techno #technology #latest #news #instagood #instagram #instatech #instanews #picoftheday #tdty #techhistory #history #historytech #virus #cih #chernobylvirus #chernobyl #pc #bios #erasing #globalvirus #pcvirus #satech_tdty — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2VWbF65
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bulgariakitchen · 4 years
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Indispensable Cheese
Atilla Dogudan Chef of Chefs
Tips from the President of Do & Co. Why is cheese indispensable? Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don’t feel like eating that particular food at that particular hour on that particular day, your choice is easy: Bread and cheese.
Why use salad dressing?
Just use it. We’ve thought of everything. Every salad has a different dressing. Olive oil and lemon juice, for example, on the classic green salad. Not only does it enhance the flavor, it also aids in the absorption of vitamin A.
What are the fine points of using sauces?
They come in little packets as you know. Don’t forget to shake them a little first to mix the contents. And after you pour them over the food, wait a minute or so for the flavor to penetrate.
The eggplants are purchased from suppliers in the central produce market. The condition: a quality product at a reasonable price. After passing quality control, the eggplants are washed, cleaned and chopped differently for roasting, saksuka and imambayildi.
They are two-thirds cooked when they ’re put on the plane. Still to come are the final third of cooking time and then the garnish with fresh herbs. The process is definitely not reheating but continuation of the cooking. This is a very important point.
An ancient story describes a confrontation between the sons of Adam. In a fit of jealousy Cain kills his brother Abel with a rock.
If there is anything that has not changed since that earliest story in the history of man it is the tools and weapons of war. Is it possible that technology might not have become a threat to mankind?
Bon Thomas programmed the first computer program that was dubbed a virus by virtue of its ability to duplicate itself on various platforms despite not being a living organism in 1970 for experimental purposes. For many years computer programmers wrote viruses to show off their intelligence and stroke their egos.
The internet, which became a global communications network starting in the 1990’s, provided a perfect environment for the use of viruses to steal personal information for profit. In 1998 the world became acquainted with a virus called CIH and got a big shock because CIH could damage computers’ BIOS micro processors and cause hardware problems that were very difficult, even impossible, to fix. Until 2010 we did not encounter other viruses that could cause significant hardware problems. But everything is about to change…
Source: https://lifestyle.doholidays.com/indispensable-cheese/
Indispensable cheese
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lifestylelalka · 4 years
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Indispensable Cheese
Atilla Dogudan Chef of Chefs
Tips from the President of Do & Co. Why is cheese indispensable? Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don’t feel like eating that particular food at that particular hour on that particular day, your choice is easy: Bread and cheese.
Why use salad dressing?
Just use it. We’ve thought of everything. Every salad has a different dressing. Olive oil and lemon juice, for example, on the classic green salad. Not only does it enhance the flavor, it also aids in the absorption of vitamin A.
What are the fine points of using sauces?
They come in little packets as you know. Don’t forget to shake them a little first to mix the contents. And after you pour them over the food, wait a minute or so for the flavor to penetrate.
The eggplants are purchased from suppliers in the central produce market. The condition: a quality product at a reasonable price. After passing quality control, the eggplants are washed, cleaned and chopped differently for roasting, saksuka and imambayildi.
They are two-thirds cooked when they ’re put on the plane. Still to come are the final third of cooking time and then the garnish with fresh herbs. The process is definitely not reheating but continuation of the cooking. This is a very important point.
An ancient story describes a confrontation between the sons of Adam. In a fit of jealousy Cain kills his brother Abel with a rock.
If there is anything that has not changed since that earliest story in the history of man it is the tools and weapons of war. Is it possible that technology might not have become a threat to mankind?
Bon Thomas programmed the first computer program that was dubbed a virus by virtue of its ability to duplicate itself on various platforms despite not being a living organism in 1970 for experimental purposes. For many years computer programmers wrote viruses to show off their intelligence and stroke their egos.
The internet, which became a global communications network starting in the 1990’s, provided a perfect environment for the use of viruses to steal personal information for profit. In 1998 the world became acquainted with a virus called CIH and got a big shock because CIH could damage computers’ BIOS micro processors and cause hardware problems that were very difficult, even impossible, to fix. Until 2010 we did not encounter other viruses that could cause significant hardware problems. But everything is about to change…
Source: https://lifestyle.doholidays.com/indispensable-cheese/
Indispensable cheese
0 notes
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Indispensable Cheese
Atilla Dogudan Chef of Chefs
Tips from the President of Do & Co. Why is cheese indispensable? Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don’t feel like eating that particular food at that particular hour on that particular day, your choice is easy: Bread and cheese.
Why use salad dressing?
Just use it. We’ve thought of everything. Every salad has a different dressing. Olive oil and lemon juice, for example, on the classic green salad. Not only does it enhance the flavor, it also aids in the absorption of vitamin A.
What are the fine points of using sauces?
They come in little packets as you know. Don’t forget to shake them a little first to mix the contents. And after you pour them over the food, wait a minute or so for the flavor to penetrate.
The eggplants are purchased from suppliers in the central produce market. The condition: a quality product at a reasonable price. After passing quality control, the eggplants are washed, cleaned and chopped differently for roasting, saksuka and imambayildi.
They are two-thirds cooked when they ’re put on the plane. Still to come are the final third of cooking time and then the garnish with fresh herbs. The process is definitely not reheating but continuation of the cooking. This is a very important point.
An ancient story describes a confrontation between the sons of Adam. In a fit of jealousy Cain kills his brother Abel with a rock.
If there is anything that has not changed since that earliest story in the history of man it is the tools and weapons of war. Is it possible that technology might not have become a threat to mankind?
Bon Thomas programmed the first computer program that was dubbed a virus by virtue of its ability to duplicate itself on various platforms despite not being a living organism in 1970 for experimental purposes. For many years computer programmers wrote viruses to show off their intelligence and stroke their egos.
The internet, which became a global communications network starting in the 1990’s, provided a perfect environment for the use of viruses to steal personal information for profit. In 1998 the world became acquainted with a virus called CIH and got a big shock because CIH could damage computers’ BIOS micro processors and cause hardware problems that were very difficult, even impossible, to fix. Until 2010 we did not encounter other viruses that could cause significant hardware problems. But everything is about to change…
Source: https://lifestyle.doholidays.com/indispensable-cheese/
Indispensable cheese
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