hiyoko-channnel · 2 years
エクセルでセルに特定の文字が含まれているかを調べる関数を作ってみます。COUNTIFとIFを使いますがワイルドカードもここで理解しておきましょう。 Excel超入門講座再生リスト→ 【Excel解説動画一覧】 計算式の入れ方→ 関数の基本⇒ IF関数の使い方⇒ 半角/全角を自動で切り替える方法⇒ 行の通し番号を自動で割り振る方法⇒ ハイパーリンク設定→ チェックボックス活用法⇒ プルダウンリストの作り方⇒ 表の作り方⇒ グラフの作り方基礎⇒ 高度なグラフ⇒ To-Doリストを作ろう→ スケジュール表を作ろう→ 現金出納帳の作り方→ 請求書の作り方→
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Staff Roster planning using MS Excel
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novge · 5 months
COUNTIF ფუნქცია
Excel COUNTIF ფუნქცია აბრუნებს უჯრედების რაოდენობას დიაპაზონში, რომლებიც აკმაყოფილებენ ერთ პირობას. ზოგადი სინტაქსია COUNTIF (დიაპაზონი, კრიტერიუმები), სადაც “დიაპაზონი” შეიცავს დასათვლელ უჯრედებს, ხოლო “კრიტერიუმი” არის მდგომარეობა, რომელიც უნდა იყოს ჭეშმარიტი უჯრედის დასათვლელად. COUNTIF შეიძლება გამოყენებულ იქნას უჯრედების დასათვლელად, რომლებიც შეიცავს თარიღებს, ციფრებს და ტექსტს. ვიდეო…
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excelhelps · 1 year
How to use COUNTIF and SUMIF in EXCEL!
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mwenseyo · 1 year
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techytubebd · 1 year
How to Use SUMIF & COUNTIF Functions In Excel | Advanced Excel Course Online
আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে আমরা এক্সেলের যে ফাংশনগুলো ব্যবহার করি তার মধ্যে SUMIF এবং COUNTIF function সম্ভবত বেশি ব্যবহার করে থাকি। এক বা একাধিক শর্তের উপর ভিত্তি করে এই SUMIF function & COUNTIF Function দুটি ফাংশন ব্যবহার করা হয়ে থাকে। 
শর্ত অনুযায়ী একটি রেঞ্জের যোগফল বের করতে আমরা ব্যবহার SUMIF function করি। আমরা শর্ত অনুযায়ী একটি রেঞ্জের সেলগুলোর values গণনা করতে পারি COUNTIF Function এর সাহায্য নিয়ে। 
SUMIF Function syntax এবং COUNTIF Function syntax সহ এক্সেলে কিভাবে আমরা এই দুটো ফাংশন ব্যবহার করতে পারি তা দেখানো হয়েছে এই এপিসোডে। 
আশা করি ভিডিওটি আপনাদের ভালো লাগবে। আপনি যদি আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে নতুন হয়ে থাকেন অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করে ফলো করবেন।
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sudungmaytinh · 2 years
Cách sử dụng hàm đếm trong Excel (Count, Counta, Countif,...)
Cách sử dụng hàm đếm trong Excel (Count, Counta, Countif,…)
Tiếp tục trong chuỗi các bài viết về sử dụng Excel, hôm nay sẽlà m ột trong những họ hàm cơ bản nhất trong Excel là các hàm đếm (Count, Counta, Countif, Countifs) để đếm dữ liệu, các đối tượng trong chuỗi trong một bảng tính nhất định. Nếu như bạn đăng băn khoăn chưa biết cách sử dụng hàm này thì trong bài viết này, chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu với các các hàm trong họ này để các bạn có thể áp dụng…
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
I'd love to know more about your reading spreadsheet :D
HELLO thank you for asking, sorry for taking so long to respond, I was out of town!
I talk about the origins of it here.
I have since added my reading information back to 2015, which is when I started keeping track on goodreads! That's 391 data points! A good amount of data! I overwhelmingly read books written by women and also fantasy books.
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I have a separate sheet for the books I own so I can have a general idea of what's on my shelf. Also an easy reference page if I'm out shopping for books and I'm not sure if I own it already or not! (Though I do need to update it so the authors names are displayed "LastName, FirstName" instead of "FirstName LastName" :| )
I recently split out individual years into different sheets, though I'm contemplating adding a column for year to the main spreadsheet and reconsolidating...
Every so often I think of another column to add of data to keep track of but I mostly don't? I did add a Decade column so I could pare down the year published data to something more sensible in a pie chart.
Maybe someday I'll learn how to do other kinds of charts!
Let me know if you have a specific query and I'm happy to answer! I do also have a template I'm happy to send to anyone who wants to have a spreadsheet but doesn't want to bother with making their own.
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
i love having reasons to make excel sheets >:)
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hiyoko-channnel · 2 years
Excelでチェックボックスを作り、チェックが入っているかの判定をする方法を紹介します。COUNTIFやSUMIFなども使います。 <チェックボックスを使えばこんなこともできます> To-Doリストの作り方→ エクセルでチェックボックスを作る方法や削除、複数設定、文字の大きさは変更できるのか?など、細かい部分は下記リンク先記事が参考になります。
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ravensilversea · 3 months
I'm learning so much about how Libreoffice Calc works now that I'm tracking my fic reading habits and want cute little graphs to look at a la Storygraph
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jekna · 5 months
MacBooks are a joke. I did 2 calculations in Excel and it took literally an hour and 60% of my battery to complete them. Why do I have to do my work on this garbage?
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bumpscosity · 6 months
why does countif even exist in excel countifs can do single or multiple criteria
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Counting Rows in Excel: Learn How to Count Text, Numerical, Blank and Data Rows with Functions
Counting Rows in Excel: Learn How to Count Text, Numerical, Blank and Data Rows with Functions
Counting the number of rows in an Excel worksheet is a basic yet crucial task that helps you manage and analyze data effectively. In this tutorial, you will learn how to count different types of rows, including text, numerical, blank and data rows, using various Excel functions. To count text rows in Excel, you can use the COUNTA function, which counts all non-empty cells in a range that contain…
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bearbench · 1 year
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moandotwav · 1 year
microsoft excel die in a fire challenge
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