#Captain Nova ‘Devil’s Charm’ Oakley
the-wild-nerdy-gay · 11 months
So I’m thinking about writing for some of my cosplay OCs
There are definitely five I would write for so I’m going to introduce you to them now. I only have photos of four of them though so I will update with the final photo of the last one once I get them.
Naevys Torlana 🪻🐍
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She uses she/they pronouns. They are fae and have some pretty powerful magic. They were once a member of the spring court but left it when she fell in love with a human. She moved to the wild court that resides in the fae wilds, they have far less rules about what fae are and are not allowed to do which gives her more freedom. They have a snake familiar named Asphodel who is very loving and quiet cuddly. They continuously fall in love with the reincarnation of their first love who eventually regains the memories of their past lives together. They wait in the fae wilds for the day when their love (this would be the reader) reincarnates as a fae in the fae wilds. Fae are either born or a human can reincarnate as one, coming out as a fully formed adult fae from a tree in the fae wilds. They are loyal, bright, big on found family, a leader amongst the wild fae court, and powerful magician, and quite flirty in both a romantic and a platonic sense. They do have some darkness in their past and are not afraid to get their hands dirty if it means protecting someone or something they care about.
They have similar vibes to the Howl’s Moving Castle movie if that makes any sense.
Quotes from them:
“My darling, if I could give you every star in the sky I would.”
“You will always be the most precious being in the world to me.”
“If they so much as raise a finger against you I will make the heavens weep over the atrocities I would commit to keep you safe. I will become the worst monster imaginable and not lose a second of sleep over it if it meant protecting you.”
Some nicknames they use are ‘my darling’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘angel’, ‘dearest’, and ‘my love’.
Love language:
Giving: words of affirmation and acts of service.
Receiving: quality time and words of affirmation.
Ghewnah Reh ☕️🗡️
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She is set in a modern fantasy setting and is an orc barbarian. She uses she/her pronouns and goes by Gwen or her last name, Reh, to make it easier on people. She’s really down to earth and fun, she tends to be up beat and friendly. If I had to relate her to a character I would say Kirishima from mha. She’s very loyal to her friends and very hard working. Her best friend is a character later down on this list. She is very muscular under that loose fitting clothes and loves to lift up her friends both physically and emotionally. Absolutely is the type to run up and hug you while spinning you around in the air while laughing. She is very tall, I don’t care how tall you are she is at least a head taller. She is canonically 7’6”. She is very close with her family and she considers her friends to be family. She can enter a rage much like other barbarians which makes her hit harder, hit easier, run faster, lift more, basically it enhances all of her physical abilities. She works very hard to never make anyone afraid of her though, and if she can feel her anger rising she often asks if she can be excused for a few moments to calm down so she doesn’t yell at someone she cares about. You basically never have to worry about her yelling at you in other words but she will protect you with everything she has in her.
Quotes from them:
“There’s my favorite person!”
“I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
“I will always be here for you. If you ever need anything I’ll do everything I can to take care of it for you. I care about you so I’ll take care of you.”
Nicknames they use are “baby”, “sweetie”, “baby bug”, “cutie”, and “babe”.
Love language:
Giving: physical touch and acts of service
Receiving: physical touch and words of affirmation
Captain Nova ‘Devil’s Charm’ Oakley ⚓️🌊
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She is a pirate Captain and her ship is known as the Scarlet Revenge. She uses she/her pronouns. She is from Ireland pre potato famine but she has lost the accent mostly due to not being around people with that accent for a very long time. She is known for being incredibly charming, hence the nickname, and a fierce fighter. She treats her crew like her own and everyone on her ship eats before she does. She left home due to not being accepted so because of that she accepts all walks of life on her ship with open arms. She is hot and she knows it which leads to her being slightly cocky but not in the way where she acts like she’s better than you more in the way that she’s incredibly confident. She is very protective of her crew and sees them as her family but she doesn’t vocalize that, it’s more shown through her actions. If one of her crew members seems out of it she will often take up their job so that they can rest and is always there to talk to.
Quotes from them:
“My beloved horizon has nothing on your eyes.”
“What’s mine is yours.”
“I would trade every scrap of gold I have ever come across just to see you smile, love.”
Nicknames they use are ‘love’, ‘my darling’, ‘my treasure’, ‘my perfection’, and ‘my beloved’.
Love language:
Giving: gift giving and acts of service.
Receiving: quality time and acts of service.
Dr. Jeanine ‘Gene’ Travis 🧪🧬
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Gene is somewhat of a mad scientist and has a habit of using themselves as a test subject. They technically use any pronouns but prefer they/them. They use any pronouns in the sense of as long as you get their attention that works but since they prefer they/them that’s what I’m mainly going to use. They invent all kinds of things with a specific interest in genetics which is why they tell everyone to call them Gene as in genes and genetics. They prefer that to their actual name. The scar on their face and neck is from an experiment gone wrong and the purple on the other side of their face is from another experiment. Due to the stress their body was under at some point part of their hair turned white. They tend to be very excitable especially if one of their inventions is working. They are the kind to drag you over to show you while excitedly rambling about what it is. They have little to no regard for their personal safety but other people’s safety is their top priority, they will make you follow all lab safety rules and make you stay back at what they deem to be a safe distance from anything they are working on. This is for a reason but that comes later. They do have a really bad habit of not taking care of themselves so you will have to make sure they eat and drink water and they can become way too invested in their work but if you are sick or hurt they will practically teleport out of their lab to your side and absolutely baby you to no end. They also tend to make things to make your life easier, like if you have issues cooking they will make a robot to do it for you. All and all they are very caring just also very eccentric.
Quotes from them:
“Oh good, you’re here! I have something to show you!”
“No no no no no! Stay back behind the yellow line.”
“The speed of light has nothing on how fast my heart beats for you.”
Nicknames they use are ‘my spark’, ‘my inspiration’, ‘sweetie’, ‘babes’, and ‘lab rat’ as a joke.
Love language:
Giving: gift giving and quality time
Receiving: acts of service and words of affirmation
Gakhael Gozzgen 🔧🪨
This is the one I don’t have a photo for but they are a goblin mechanic and is best friends with Gwen who is further up. Gakhael uses any pronouns but in the sense of whatever is funniest at the time. The tiktok audio that goes like “So she- wait what are your pronouns? Oh I use any. Okay so bingus-” is literally their ideal. Gwen has this on lock btw. For simplicity in writing I will stick to they them unless I’m writing dialogue but please you could use anything in place of a pronoun for them and it would make them so happy. They have green skin and pointy ears and they are absolutely decked out in shiny stuff when they aren’t working. They have yellow eyes as well and they dress very colorfully. They are also quite chaotic so be warned. Basically think like incredibly hyperactive adhd and really bad at controlling it, I imagine them like me on my bad days and when I forget my meds. They are incredibly loyal though and if you need a single thing fixed they have it covered, no questions asked. They love to be helpful and they will drag you out on some of the weirdest and most fun dates imaginable. They are also quite short, they will likely have to look up at you because they are 4’6” and only come up to Gwen’s hip. The easiest way into their heart is giving them literally anything shiny, it could literally be trash you found on the side of the road and they would treasure it forever. They will climb you if you give them the chance though and they are also ace.
Quotes from them:
“Where is my- oh there it is! It was hiding behind you, babe!”
“You brought me a shiny…. I love it! I’m going to go put it in my jar!”
“I fixed your water heater, it was making a weird noise.”
Nicknames they use are ‘babe’, ‘sweetie’, ‘my fuel’, ‘my missing piece’, and ‘my assistant tall person’ as a joke.
Love languages:
Giving: gift giving and acts of service
Receiving: gift giving and words of affirmation.
So that’s all of them for now. I really love all of these characters and I’m excited to write for them. I’m also thinking about doing some small audio clips of them for requests as well since I do have slightly different voices for all of them, those would be rare but I’m willing to take requests for them. If I don’t do an audio of them though I will write it if for some reason I can’t do a recording. I mainly plan on writing for them though. I also do make videos for them over on my tiktok but Naevys is the only one who has videos so far. I hope you love each of them as much as I do and thank you to @lovinkiri who has actually drawn Gwen before and encouraged me to do this when I mentioned it to her. Let me know who your favorite is, I’m excited to know 💖💜💙
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