#Carlos Vivanco
carlosvivanco · 6 months
(Carlos Vivanco)
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elmartillosinmetre · 2 years
Mi crítica del concierto de proyectoeLe esta noche en el Espacio Turina.
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laguaridadelnagual · 6 months
Morena no impugnará acuerdo del INE sobre paridad en las gubernaturas
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Mario Rafael Llergo indicó que tanto el presidente López Obrador como la  coordinadora nacional, Claudia Sheinbaum, respaldaron la entrega de al menos cinco candidaturas a mujeres El diputado de Morena, Mario Rafael Llergo Latournerie, anunció que el partido no impugnará el acuerdo del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) que busca promover la paridad de género en las candidaturas para las gubernaturas. El representante de Morena indicó que tanto el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador como la coordinadora nacional de la 4T, Claudia Sheinbaum, respaldaron la entrega de al menos cinco candidaturas a mujeres. Llergo Latournerie afirmó que Morena acompañará la decisión mayoritaria. A @PartidoMorenaMx no se le puede regatear absolutamente nada en materia de igualdad sustantiva ♀️ Por congruencia con lo dicho por nuestra Coordinadora Nacional @Claudiashein, el Presidente @lopezobrador_ y el Dirigente @mario_delgado, anuncio que: 👇🏾 pic.twitter.com/iFkxqpWyZ4 — Mario Rafael Llergo (@mariollergo) October 24, 2023 Marisol Vargas Bárcena, representante del PAN, expresó su preocupación, argumentando que el acuerdo vulnera los principios de certeza y legalidad. La consejera Carla Humphrey Jordan del INE defendió el acuerdo, basándolo en el principio de paridad consagrado en la Constitución y en las omisiones legislativas locales en relación a la paridad, pues considera que esta medida busca compensar el rezago de mujeres en los gobiernos locales. Humphrey instó a los partidos políticos a cumplir rigurosamente con el acuerdo de paridad de género en la postulación de candidaturas para las gubernaturas. Enfatizó la importancia de que los partidos sean coherentes con sus discursos sobre paridad de género y garanticen un proceso electoral seguro y libre de violencia para las mujeres candidatas. La consejera del INE resaltó que, a pesar de acuerdos previos para fomentar la postulación equitativa de mujeres en gubernaturas, persisten resistencias, ya que solo 28 por ciento de las gobernadoras son mujeres actualmente. El Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena) ya se había anticipado a cumplir con la paridad de género al definir que privilegiaría "la decisión del pueblo expresada en las encuestas" al elegir candidatos y candidatas. El proceso interno de Morena para las elecciones del 2024 contó con 285 aspirantes, con un énfasis en la participación de mujeres. Las candidatas mujeres de Morena lideran las encuestas en algunos estados, como Veracruz, Morelos y la Ciudad de México, lo que refleja un compromiso con la paridad de género. En atención a la instrucción de nuestra Coordinadora Dra. @Claudiashein y nuestro Dirigente @mario_delgado, informo que ya impugnamos la determinación del INE que busca impedir que los simpatizantes de MORENA acudan a las asambleas de la Doctora 🤦🏻‍♂️. ¡El Pueblo no se toca! pic.twitter.com/sB374KQEMa — Mario Rafael Llergo (@mariollergo) October 19, 2023 Mario Delgado, dirigente nacional de Morena, destacó que los aspirantes se seleccionarán a través de encuestas y consultas, con la participación activa de los Consejos Estatales. . En Puebla, participan tres mujeres: Claudia Rivera Vivanco, Olivia Salomón y Liz Sánchez En Jalisco se decidió que Clara Cárdenas, Carlos Lomelí, José María Martínez y Elizabeth Michel serán los perfiles que continúen en el proceso interno. En CDMX quienes participarán son Omar García Harfuch, Clara Brugada, Hugo López-Gatell y Mariana Boy. En Tabasco se eligió a Javier May, Yolanda Osuna Huerta, Raúl Ojeda y Mónica Fernández Balboa como las personas que contenderán por la candidatura del partido a gobernador o gobernadora. En Yucatán, Joaquín Díaz Mena, la diputada federal Rocío Barrera, la senadora Verónica Camino Farjat y Jazmín Villanueva son los aspirantes. La apuesta del Consejo Estatal de Chiapas fue por Sasil de León, Rosy Urbina, Pepe Cruz y José Antonio Castillejos. Mientras que, en Morelos, los elegidos fueron Víctor Mercado Salgado, Rabindranath Salazar Solorio, Sandra Anaya Villegas y Margarita González Saravia. Read the full article
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x00151x · 8 months
Efemérides literarias: 22 de agosto
Nacimientos 1601: Georges de Scudéry, escritor y académico francés (f. 1667).1624: Jean Regnault de Segrais, escritor francés (f. 1701).1893: Dorothy Parker, poeta y escritora estadounidense (f. 1967).1907: Luis Felipe Vivanco, poeta español (f. 1975).1920: Ray Bradbury escritor de ciencia-ficción estadounidense (f. 2012).1935: Annie Proulx, escritora estadounidense.1948: Carlos Geywitz, poeta…
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cchiroque · 2 years
1. Vladimir Cerrón.
1. Alberto Fujimori Fujimori
2. Vladimiro Montesinos Torres
3. Nicolás de Bari Hermoza Ríos
4. Elesván Bello Vásquez
5. José Villanueva Ruesta
6. Humberto Rozas Bonucelli
7. Antonio Américo Ibárcena Amico
8. César Enrique Saucedo Sánchez
9. Víctor Dionisio Joy Way Rojas
10. Juan Dianderas Ottone
11. José Alberto Bustamante Belaunde
12. Carlos Alberto Boloña Behr
13. Carlos Alberto Bergamino Cruz
14. Luis Federico Salas Guevara Schultz
15. Juan Abraham Briones Dávila
16. Jorge Francisco Baca Campodónico
17. José Ramos García Marcelo
18. Manuel Máximo Vara Ochoa
19. Absalón Vásquez Villanueva
20. Julio Rolando Salazar Monroe
21. Blanca Nélida Colán Maguiño
22. Edgard Orlando Solís Cano
23. Alfredo Jaililie Awapara
24. Luis Alberto Emilio Kouri Bumachar
25. Máximo Agustín Mantilla Campos
26. Luis Guillermo Bedoya de Vivanco
27. Ernesto Ramón Gamarra Olivares
28. Waldo Ríos Salcedo
29. José Tomas Gonzales Reategui
30. Róger Cáceres Pérez
31. José Luis Cáceres Velásquez
32. Gregorio Ticona Gómez
33. Yvonne Susana Díaz Díaz
34. Juan Silvio Valencia Rosas
35. Víctor Alberto Venero Garrido
36. Eduardo Valdizán Paredes
37. Eduardo Elías Duthurburu Cubas
38. James Eliot Stone Cohen
39. Pedro Huertas Caballero
40. Manuel Aybar Marca
41. Roberto Huamán Azcurra
42. Oscar Eliseo Medelius Rodríguez
43. Mendel Percy Winter Zuzunaga
44. Samuel Winter Zuzunaga
45. José Francisco Crousillat Carreño
46. José Enrique Crousillat López Torres
47. Enrique Héctor Escardó Vallejo
48. Moisés Wolfenson Woloch
49. Alex Wolfenson Woloch
50. Oscar Dofuor Cattaneo
51. Víctor Victoriano Vera Benavides
52. José Olaya Correa
53. Jorge Rivera Schroeder
54. Alejandro Estenós Sepúlveda
55. Fernando Oliveri Agurto
56. José Alberto Oliveri Agurto
57. Manuel Reyes Apesteguía
58. Pablo Documet Silva
59. Boris Romero Ojeda
60. Edgar Camacho Camacho
61. Héctor Faisal Fracalossi
62. Francisco Chirinos Soto
63. María Angélica Arce Guerrero
64. Wilbert Ramos Viera
65. Oscar Rolando Granthon Stagnaro
66. Miguel Montalván Avendaño
67. Raúl Aurelio Talledo Valdivieso
68. Juvenal Mendivil Dávila
69. Carlos Uribe Román
70. María Trinidad Becerra de Montesinos
71. Jacqueline Beltrán Ortega
72. Antonio Vera Juárez
73. Arnan Guido Lora Lora
74. Mario Arbulú Seminario
75. Pilar Rocío Meza Ramírez
76. Ernesto Ángel Delhonte López
77. José Ordóñez Villanueva Villanueva
78. Edwyn Rodomiro Vidal Córdova
79. Ángel Rodríguez Flores
80. Giovani Miguel Vargas Meza
81. Lourdes Muñoz Rodríguez
82. Milagros Janet Alarcón Guillergua
83. Janet Evelyn Guillergua García
84. Julián Cortéz Sánchez
85. Hernán Meléndez Vera
86. Luis Calle Arias
87. Martín Concha Aragón
88. Enrique Alberto Romero Zuleta
89. Angela Berta Cristina Romero Talledo
90. Alberto Venero Nazar
91. César Cerna Pajuelo
92. María Teresa Bacigalupo Matellini
93. Alejandro Rodríguez Medrano
94. Víctor Raúl Castillo Castillo
95. Emilio Alipio Montes de Oca Begazo
96. Feliciano Almeida Peña
97. Nelson Reyes Ríos
98. Adalberto Seminario Valle
99 Julia Eguía Dávalos
100. Sixto Muñoz Sarmiento
101. José Carlos Bringas Villar
102. Rómulo Muñoz Arce
103. Ramiro Eduardo de Valdivia Cano
104. Walter Miguel Hernández Canelo
105. Ángel Rafael Fernández Hernani Becerra
106. Elías Moisés Lara Chienda
107. Nina Sonia Isabel Rodriguez Flores
108. Arquímides Roberto Pesantes Kredert
109 David Belisario Pezúa de Vivanco
110. Luis Aybar Cancho
111. José Aybar Cancho
112. Brichani Aybar Cancho
113. Santos Cenepo Shapiama
114. Juan López Rodríguez
115. Charles Acelor Cokeran
116. Luis García Tamariz
117. Luis Meza Rodríguez
118. Eduardo Moisés Ramos Chávez Valdivia
119 Guillermo Felipe Venegas Pinto
120. César Enrique Saucedo Linares
121. César Alberto Saucedo Linares
122. Jenny Rossemary Saucedo Linares
123. Annie Jaqueline Saucedo Linares
124. María Delia Vergara Pérez
125. Erlinda Claudia Sánchez Franco
126. Rosa María Sánchez Franco
127. Antonio Cabello Cruz
128. Luis Clemente Malca Guizado
130. José Tito López Paredes
131. Manuel Humberto López Paredes
132. Herless Diaz Diaz
133. Manuel Castillo Salazar
134. Alejandro Sánchez Quispe
135. Wilfredo Enrique Valderrama Zegarra
136. Manuel Ubillús Tolentino
137. Federico Gonzalo Hurtado Ezquerra
138. Diomelo Portocarrero Grandez
139. Dionisio Alejandro Delfos Medina
140. Antonio Valverde Aranda
141. Manuel Aybar Marca
142. José Lizier Corbetto
143. Javier Pérez Pezo
144. Alejandro Montes Walters
145. Manuel Túllume Gonzales
146. Emma Mejía Guzmán
147. Liliana del Carmen Pizarro de la Cruz
148. Magda Collantes Maguiña de Peña
149. Nelly Tovar Mendivil
150. Antonio Palomo Orefice
151. Luis Manuel Delgado de la Paz
152. Aldo Wilfredo Rodríguez Cesti
153. Marco Antonio Rodríguez Huerta
154. Mariano Eliseo Rodriguez Oliva
155. Victoria Rogelina Alfaro Vargas
156. Winston Enrique Alfaro Vargas
157. Elsa Felicita Casa Sotomayor
158. Migdonio Bellota Viera
159. Laura Cecilia Bozzo Rotondo
160. Alberto Briceño Galdós
161. Miguel Ángel Gómez Rodríguez
162. Luis César Abt Torres
163. Juana Luisa Quiroz Bocanegra
164. Carla Eleonora Hermoza Quiroz
165. Nicolás de Bari Hermoza Quiroz
166. Abel Alberto Muñoz Sáenz
167. Julio César Rosales Alarcón
168. José Luis Malpartida del Pino
169. Roberto Camilo Samanamud Garay
170. Hugo Alberto Infante Cueva
171. Américo Abelardo Fernández Cáceres
172. Aldo Wilfredo Rodríguez Cesti
173. Juan Alejandro León Varillas
174. Luis Enrique Mayaute Ghezzi
175. Manuel Esteban Pancorbo Rivera
176. Eduardo Agustín Bornaz Saavedra
177. Andrés Esteban Cochachín Quintana
178. Jorge Víctor Huapaya Naupay
179. Maximiano Marroquín Girón
180. Walter Pachas Ochoa
181. Santos Ramiro Tesen Lorenzo
182. Manuel Himerón Ramírez Ortiz
183. Ramón Jaime Vicente Pérez
184. Constante Traverso Paz
185. José Palma Beltrán
186. Ángel Pongo Machado
187. Manuel Tafur Ruiz
188. Adolfo Felipe Lira Chiock
189. Julia Edith Chávez Norabuena
190. Marisa Isabel Morón Miranda
191. Jaime Reynaldo Iberico Iberico
192. Carlos Alfonso Rivas Vargas Machuca
193. Roguer Burgos León
194. Jorge Martín Felices Pareja
195. Luís Enrique Ganoza Céspedes
196. José Luis Castañeda Céspedes
197. Enrique Alberto Gonzáles Vásquez
198. Néstor Gustavo Tafur López
199. Rodolfo Romero Herrera
200. Javier Revilla Palomino
201. César Enrique Victorio Olivares
202. Homero Nureña León
203. Ricardo Vargas Cayo
204. Américo Crescencio León Márquez
205. Cosme Ccucho Oviedo
206. Martín Hernan Luna Ames
207. Nicolás Miyamoto Honda
1.Diversas personas tienen más de una condena firme.
2.En esta relación no aparecen las personas condenadas cuya apelación a la sentencia no ha sido resuelta por el tribunal superior (los miembros del destacamento Colina, por ejemplo).
3.En esta relación tampoco aparecen las personas que, admitiendo su
responsabilidad en actos de corrupción fujimontesinista, se acogieron a la
colaboración eficaz.
4. Esto es solo Fujimori padre, Keiko y compañía tienen su propio historial delictivo.
OJO: "El pecado de unos no hacen santos a otros".
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
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radiophd · 4 years
tetsu inoue / carlos vivanco -- sacred mirror
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2257ad · 5 years
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carlosvivanco · 8 months
(Carlos Vivanco)
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tarikuta · 5 years
(Carlos Vivanco)
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jsound · 6 years
Zenith『Plexus Solaris』
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laguaridadelnagual · 6 months
El cónclave morenista: unidad es el llamado
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La coordinadora nacional de Morena, Claudia Sheinbaum, pidió a los aspirantes de los nueve estados a buscar sacar los votos necesarios para completar el “Plan C” Roberto Cortez Zárate La cita fue al mediodía para todos los aspirantes que competirán en la encuesta de Morena para definir a los coordinadores estatales en nueve entidades del país. La mayoría apenas alcanzó a llegar, pues avenida Revolución, lugar de la convocatoria fue cerrada por un grupo de empleados del Poder Judicial quienes demandaban echar atrás la propuesta del coordinador de Morena en San Lázaro, Ignacio Mier, de recorte a los fideicomisos en el presupuesto 2024 y más tarde quemaron una piñata con la figura del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador. #Protesta | Empleados del #PoderJudicial se manifiestan por el recorte al presupuesto 2024; cierran avenida Revolución a unos metros del cónclave morenista en Tacubaya. pic.twitter.com/zO3X03zEPX — La guarida del nagual (@GuaridaNagual) October 16, 2023 Sin embargo, en el hotel donde fue convocada la reunión, los últimos en llegar fueron la diputada federal Andrea Chávez y los aspirantes a coordinar la Cuarta Transformación en Yucatán, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín —recientemente llegado al movimiento— y el exsubsecretario de Salud, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, quien se pronunció en favor del método de encuestas para definir el proceso. López-Gatell aprovechó para acusar una campaña de los medios corporativos de información de la cual ha sido objeto en las semanas recientes, derivado de su interés por que la ciudadanía conozca que participa en el proceso interno de Morena para coordinar la 4T en la Ciudad de México. Dentro del edificio, en un salón establecido para ello, los 200 aspirantes a las coordinaciones estatales escucharon la explicación de Mario Delgado sobre las encuestas y su metodología, cuáles van a ser las preguntas, cómo se van a medir, cómo se van a ponderar y cómo se va a llegar al resultado final. Mario Delgado informó que el movimiento cada vez está más unido y organizado, al mismo tiempo que se han sumado muchas personalidades en todo el país. Ahí estaban las personalidades que han cobrado relevancia en semanas recientes como Clara Brugada, Omar García Harfuch, Alejandro Armenta, Ignacio Mier, Ricardo Sheffield y el presidente del PT, Alberto Anaya. La coordinadora nacional, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, destacó pueblo de México que Morena va por el triunfo en 2024, no solamente por la Presidencia de México, sino las nueve gubernaturas y el Congreso en el llamado Plan C. “Lo importante aquí es que, primero, por parte del presidente del partido, de la Secretaría general del partido, de Adán Augusto que ahora está fungiendo como coordinador político, de todos los que participamos en el Comité Ejecutivo de Morena, no hay favoritos, no vamos a orientar por una o por otra persona, es una decisión que le corresponde al pueblo de cada una de las entidades a través de las encuestas”, estableció Sheinbaum. #Cónclave 🎥 | Tras reunión de aspirantes a coordinación en 9 entidades que eligirán #Gubernatura, pdte de @PartidoMorenaMx, @mario_delgado, informó que tod@s se comprometieron a la unidad y a respetar las reglas. Por #Puebla, participan 7 aspirantes finalistas. 🎥 @MxExilio pic.twitter.com/nySkuG0gx0 — Álvaro Ramírez Velasco (@Alvaro_Rmz_V) October 16, 2023 La encerrona duró dos horas, a las 14:00 horas, una hilera de reporteros esperaba la salida de los aspirantes, quienes acompañarían a la coordinadora y al dirigente nacional a dar una conferencia de prensa. La primera en salir y saludar cordialmente fue Claudia Rivera Vivanco, aspirante al gobierno de Puebla.  Luego fueron saliendo los demás aspirantes que tuvieron que cambiarse de cuarto al siguiente piso para la conferencia de prensa. “No estorben”, gritaban los camarógrafos de las televisoras a los asistentes de los aspirantes que levantaban sus teléfonos, mientras Claudia Sheinbaum reía al mirar la imprudencia de ambos, y se acomodaba para la foto. La transformación supuso que todos los que se movieron a tiempo salieron en la foto como Miguel Torruco Garza, quien destacaba por su estatura. —¿Cómo blindar la unidad para que no se replica lo que ocurrió con Marcelo Ebrard?—, preguntó Carlos Navarro, reportero de El Heraldo de México. —Confiamos en nuestros compañeros—, dijo de manera contundente la doctora Sheinbaum, quien insistió en su llamado a la unidad. Los aspirantes, militantes y dirigentes vitorearon a la exjefa de gobierno y al grito de “¡Presidenta, presidenta, presidenta!”, vitorearon a su coordinadora con la esperanza de ser ellos, los buenos. De 200, sólo nueve serán coordinadores y no faltará quien sea “cepillado” por el principio de paridad. Read the full article
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packetsmith-blog · 3 years
(Carlos Vivanco)
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elmartillosinmetre · 3 years
Mi crítica del concierto de proyectoeLe esta tarde en el Espacio Turina.
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thedarkoutside · 3 years
The updated but probably out of date list
(if you’re name is missing please let me know) 1 of 100 1233221 1976 3Lapse and Richie303 4 floors of whores 424 8 Track Dogma :zoviet*france: A Farewell to Hexes A Strange Desire A.D Jacques A.F. Harrold AFH AM Web AOTCI ATKHorses Abduction by Giraffe Absinth3 Accursed Volts Action Beard Ada Stockwell & Lippy Kid Adam Cavill Adam Leonard Adi Carter Adjectivals Aet Afrotull Ahuva Aimee Cozza Airspace Akatombo Alan Dunn & Valérie Vivancos Alan Smith and John Bowers Aldo Rox Aleks Jurczyk Alex Charles Alex Forselius Alexander Jeavons Alexander Peverett Alextronic (HIVE Collective) Algiers Ali Wade Alice Hubley Alison Cotton Alma Riddell Amechi Essu Amesbury Banks Amongst the Pigeons Amy Beeston Andreas Miranda - Optics Andrew Bridport Andrew Hayes Andrew Lagowski Andrew Paine Andrew Ramsey Andy Blip Andy Holbrook Andy McDade Andy Monument Andy Pyne Andy Willis Anni Hogan Another Dead Weirdo Anton Caligula Maiof Antoni Maiovvi Anvil & Stirrup Apalusa Ape Seed April Larson Apta Arboria Auralist Arcadian Pink Art School Orchestra of Leeds Art Trip and the Static Sound Art_no Artist Unknown Arvik Torrensen Ashtoreth Assassin of Sound Astoria Sound Astral Social Club Atom Eye Atom Tree Atomluft Audbat Audio Obscura Aula Deft University of Technology Autodespair Autoflag Automatic Tasty Autumna Ava-Tara Essu-Taylor Ave Grave Avebury Sounds Average Alien Awful Collider Ayse Hassan (Esya)   Azuka Essu-Taylor BEPAWA BMH Babbage Music Ballard Ban Summers Bastard Flower Baze Djunki Bazrah Beatman Beckett & Taylor Bedroom Studio Projects Beholdthesalt Belly Full Of Stars Ben Salisbury Ben Tye Beneather Benge Benjamin Shaw Bernard Grancher Betamax Warriors Beth Ryan Bethany Porter Bev Craddock Billy Fuller Billy Fuller’s Jazz Hollowcause Bipolar Explorer Bis Bit Cloudy Bitbasic Black Cat Black Channels Black Glacier Black Tempest BlackBlackBlack Blacklight Blaiddwyn Blaine Blamhaus Blanc Sceol Blancmange Bleep Eater Bless This Machine Blood Blood Blood Candy Blood Everywhere Blood Wine or Honey Bloodeverywhere Bloody Mountain Blue Kirkhope Bobby Corrigan Bobby Horseshoe Body in the Thames Bonnacons of Doom Boodlam Boom Merchant Bottils Bound Boy Called Crow Boyd Braintape Brave Robin Brend / Big Ned Brian Carlson Bridget Hayden and Conny Prantera British Detail Broken Glass Brooks & Macfarlane Bruce Bruce McClure Burnt Begonia C-drík CD & TK CTE Cabaret Voltaire Cahn Ingold Prelog Calico Jack Capricornio Caring Carlo Patrão Carter Thornton Carter Tutti Cat Tent Cath Holland Cathay Catrin Perry Caveat Auditor Ccircle Cevan Charles Eppley Charles Gershkovich Charles Robinson Charlie & Lol1 Charlie Ulyatt Chase Gardner Chelidon Frame Cheryl Cole as remixed by Freelance Hellraiser   Children of the Crazed Chipped Teeth Choke Chris Carter Chris Dooks Christ. Christopher Umney Cindytalk Circuit Bent Birds Clair Clair Hotgem Clarapandy Clare Archibald Clare Qualmann Claro Correcto Claudine Coule Cleaners from Venus Cliver Clutchdaisy Cnut Co-Pilot Coefficient Coffin Warehouse Coil - remixed by Sheer Zed Coldsore Colin Newman Colin Newman/Wire Colony Recording Club Colorcode Concrete/Field Concretism Conrad Clipper Cool Tigers Coppervosper Corporal Tofulung Correlations Cosey Fanni Tutti Couch Boy Couch Boy & Deathstroke Course Correct Cowboy Flying Saucer Cowp Craig B Craig Safan Cromlech Shadow Culllt Cult With No Name Curxes Cuts Cyber Blood D Fyans D. McCann D. Taylor DAAM DFF Sound System DJ 2 Minute Noodle DJ Food DJ Kaos & W!de Receiver DROKK DVAnt DVAnt & Dr RemiX Dabba Dada Duo Dai Coelacanth Daimhin Kavanagh Damon Fairclough Dan Jobar Daniel Crompton Daniel Mudford of Balham Daniel Pioro Dann Danny Carnage Danny Hale Danny McCann Dark Actors Dark Knopfler Darren Hannant Das Blut & Zorn Orkestra Datassette Dave Ball Dave Clark Dave Graham Dave Salsbury  / Dr Jolly Dave Walklett David Bamford David Coyle David J Bertrand David McNicol David Miller & Michael Pedersen David W Smith Dawn Scarfe Dayton Madison Dea Karina Dead Bart Dead Flying Squirrel Dead Sea Apes Deathwatch Headband Debord Debt Debukas Decadnids December Beaches Delia Derbyshire Delicate Noise Den Haan Depeche Mode Desert Petunia Dessicant Devotional Hooligan Devotionalhallucinatic Diagrams Diamanda Galas Didymo Bloom Dil23 Dirch Blewn Disaster Famlee Distant Animals Ditchburn Band Divine Bear Divine Styler Dixie Treichel Diz Willis Dog Eats Wall Dog in the Snow Dogdub I-ilodica and DVAnt Dognoize Dolmen Dweller Dom Turnor Dominic Aitchison Donna Enticknap Doomed Nudes Douglas Deep Douglas Moreland Dowsabel Dragonfly Lingo Drew Five Drew McDowall Drew Mulholland Droid Drvg Cvltvre Duncan Chapman Duncan Foster Dundass Dunn Drank Dustin O'Halloran Dusty Ohms Dylan Ducklow Dylan God EV Early Hominids Earth Reference Terminal Earthborn Visions Earthling Originales Earthshine East India Youth Eat The Sun Ed Spess Eddie Cointreau Edith A Graves Eduards Ozoliņš Eggatha Yolk Egone Eismalsott El Ghou Elaine Howley Electric Talk Electro Aura Electroaurora Electroscope Elf and Stacy Elizabeth Joan Kelly Elli Shnoo Ellie Wilson Eléna Powell Em Downing Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch Emphemetry Ensam Hemma (Hu$Tlin) Entaclishus Eoin MacIonmhain Eon McKai Eraldo Bernocchi Eric Arn Eric Schaming Erlend Tait Erstlaub Escupemetralla Espetacara Euan Maco McAleece Eva Perouk Everon Goen Every Man in Lago Exit Chamber Exotic Caterer Exotic Pylon Expose Your Eyes Eyes Factory Floor Famished for Blonds Fantastic Twins Fantasy Sequence Farjill Farm Hand Fastland Feorm Feral Five Ferrie=differentieel Field Lines Cartographer Finitribe Finlay Shakespeare Fiona Soe Paing Fishes in the Pond Flesh Eating Foundation Flexagon Flower Farmer Flowers For Kali Flowstone   Fnuf Focus Of Light For All and None For Her Forces of Good Ford Forever Fortress Central Park Fossil Aerosol Mining Project Fossil Hunting Collective Four Italian Pep Pills Four Minute Warning Fragile Pitches Fragile X Frances Castle Francis Heery Frequency Controller Friday Night Weird Dreams From the Benthic Zone Fuad Ramses Fuad Ramses Exotic Caterer Full Spectrum Dominance Fushimi Inari 5 Futile Axe Future Pilot AKA Fylgia GBOAT Gaar Taylor Gabe Gurnsey Gabriel Ware Galcko Galloway Gamma Jack Garden of Surreal Dreams Gareth Blazey Gareth Jones Garnet Tear Gary Finnegan Gasmantell Gavin Inglis Gazelle Twin Geeky Disco Gemma Cullingford Geordie Pop and Maurice Reed George Granade George Hinchliffe Georgia Ghost Actor Ghost Signs Ghostradio Giant Paw Giants of Discovery Gilles Peterson’s BBC 6 Music show on 27 April 2013. Pretty sure the track playing was Flaxen by Dean Blunt via mixless Gillian Watson Gingerbread Master Ginnel Give Me Patience Gloomscapes Gnod featuring John Doran Golas Gone Caving Gonzo Orzo Good Cop / Naughty Cop Goodnight Gorg Prc Graham McIsaac Grand Veymont Grant Basma Horsnell Grant Forrester Grant Robson Gregory Kramer Grey Frequency Grifter Kid and The Midnight Raiders Grohs Grumbling Fur Gunjack Gusset Gussett Guy Osborn Guy Veale Guy Veale & Alex Rigg HMBKR HPL Hacker Farm Hairs Abyss Half Half feat The Russo Brothers Hand of Stabs Handpicked Tyrant Handspan Happy Gardens Harry Kari Harry Leard Hazard Radio Headstart Heate Rson Heavy Cloud Hedge Hog Heidi Holstad Heidi James-Dunbar Helen Mort Hengist Pod Herb Magee Hermann Holsgr Hey Hey Spaceman Hey-ø-Hansen Hi-Tech Criminal Hichrill High End Hinder Corp Hiroshima Bend Beta Hirsig Hole in the Machine Holmes & Atten Ash Holychao HoneyMunki Hookers for Jesus Hornbeam Horsethief Hotgem Hubba_Hapa Hubert Gendron-Blais Human Concept Human Greed Human League HyMettus Woods Hymettus Woods Hywel Da I Like Trains I Speak Machine featuring Clint Mansell I Start Counting I.S. Rowley Tummy Party I/Ona IK Joyce IOPAN     Ian Heustice Ian Hicks Ian Taylor Ichilon Idiogram Idle Devotee Ihcilon Illustrious Imogen Heap Improvhorn - Monday Club In the Long Summer Inner City Toad InnerCityToad Interstitia Invisible Sports Ioan Morris Iona Fortune Iopan Isobel Ccircle Ivy Nostrum J. Boardman J.S Fairfax JB/CS JD Twitch Jack Blake Jack Fell Down - Miami Girls Jack Hayter Jack Jackdaw Jackaman Jackanory Puffcake School of Drawing Jackson Montgomery Jah Wobble Vs Megaheadphoneboy James Aparicio James Brooks James Davoll and David De La Haye James Graham James Oldrini James Sandford James Weaver James Yuill Jamie Cameron Jamie Jones Jane Pitt Janek Schaefer Janet Philo Jarvis Probes Jason Gallimore Jason Judas Salomon Jean-Paul Bondy Jeff Noon Jeff Styroid Jen Allan Jen Robertson Jeremy Stokes Jeremy Tuck Jesse DeRossa Jesse Hackett Jez riley French Jiibay Shadow Dancer Jim Jarmo Jim King Jim Noir Jimmy Kipple Sound Jochem Klaus Jodie Lowther Joe Ahmed Joe Muggs Joel Shea John 3:16 John Chambers John Chantler   John Donaldson John E Smoke John Garc¡a Rueda John Kerridge John Oswald John Rushton John Scanlan John Stamp John316 Jon Brooks Jon Monk Jon Panther Jon Teader Jonathan Higgins Jonathan Willoughby Jonny Mugwump Jonny Wildey Jordan Reyne Jorts Washington Joseph Curwen Joseph Nanner Juju Jules Maxwell Juliette Birch Junklight Junkyard of Silenced Poets Jupiter-C Juxtagon Juxtagon presents the Ohtori Academy Magickal Goth Band J’ai des Rossignols K. KJK Productions KKP 1489 KR Hide Kahl Henderson Kalbata Kams Karl D'Silva Karl Winkenbach Kat Five Kate Arnold Kate Bosworth Kate Tattersfield Kathleen & Jenny Kathleen Messer Katja Gee Keener Keith Bradley Kek-W Kemper Norton Kenneth Johnson Kenny Inglis Kevin Logan Kevin Maynard Kid ‘Congo’ Powers * [not the Bad Seeds/Cramps/Gun Club one] Kieran Mahon Kill Alters Kim Moore King of the Stuntmen Kirsteen Mcnish Kitchen Cynics Kitty Turner Kl(aüs) Klonk Knights of Neon Komputer Konstruktivists Kontour Konx Om Pax Kristen Gallerneaux Kroko Israelsen Kulatopia L'Incal Noir L-Con L-Sedition L/F/D/M Laces Lagowski Laica Lament Configuration Lament_Config Land Observations Landfill Publishing Largian Philosophy Lark Lark vs Bones Larry Crywater Lathave Park Laura Cannell Laura Copsey Laura O’Halloran Laurence Lloyd Duff Laurie Anderson Lazar Laze Lee Noble Lee Rosevere Lefthave Plank Leiyun Lenina Leo Munks Lepton Leptonandon Lespectre Lethe1024 Lettrist Levi Fuller Leyton Audio Liam Crichton Liam Crichton & Ricki O'Rawe Liam Kendal Liberty X Lidane Livering Limited Ability Line Idle Lippy Kid Lippy Kid & Metis Lippy Kid Music / Matt McAteer Lippy Kid and Sophie Sparham Little Deer Crazy Blood Little Manitou Lo Five Lomond Campbell LoneLady Loop12 Looper Loose Capacitor Lord of the Isles Louzy Love Without Sound   Low Shadow Low Side Window Lucy Gooch Lucy Mclean Luisa Stucchi Luke Hansbury Luke Jordan Luke Turner Esq Luki Defacto Lumeet Luna Sola Ly Tumnus Lyra Lowood M - Orchestra M*A*R*Y M-Orchestra Mabel Gwen vs Rusty Sheriff Macerator Machinefabriek Machines in Heaven Madam Magnetik North Magnus Mercurii Maighread Malady of Knots Manfred Hamil Marc Woodward Mare Margaret Nelson Maria Papadomanolaki Maria Rita Stumpf Mark Goodwin Mark Healy Mark Lyken Mark Russell Mark Thomson Mark Turner Mark Wilkins Martin A Smith Martin Hoogenboom & Theo Calis Martin John Henry Martyn Ware Mary Epworth Mary Hill   Mary Shelley & the Implicit Order Masios Mathias Schober Matt Gollock Matt Mercer Matt Nix Matt Void Matteo Spanò Matthew Collings Matthew Lambert Matthew McCourt Matthew Shaw Matthew Thomason Mattnix Max Worgan Maya Essu-Taylor Me, Claudius Meadow Pixie Mechanical Ape Mechanical Lobster Medora Medora featuring Natalie Alva Megadead Megalophobe Megatron Man Melony Klein Melter Memory Ghost Merckurie Meridian Metrix Micah Stupak Michael Anguish Michael Barnes-Wynters Michael Begg Michael Begg  Colin Potter and Deryk Thomas featuring Steven R. Smith on spike fiddle Michael Denny Michael Nienaber Microchip Junky Midnight Midpoint - Nohno Mike Smalle Mike Tupling Milk and Cheese Millz Davis Min-Y-Llan Miriam Ingram Mister Slush Mitsubishi Cunliffe Mixless Moats Mode 7 Project Modern Hunting   Modulator ESP Monkoora Moon Ra Moon Wiring Club Moray Newlands Mosca Mother Mutation Mothership Mouse Sucks Moviedrone Mr Kong 95 Mr Kristoffa Mr. Slush Murdo Eason Murray Royston Museleon Mutual Process My Aural Fixation My Pleasure Myrrhman Nad Spiro Nalepa & Tony Bevilacqua Nat Lyon Nat Ward Natalie Sharp Nathan David Smith Natural Voices Choir Naturist Space Jazz Society Naum Gabo Naylee Near Future Negative Response Neil Fergusson Neil Garvey Neil Scrivin Nevada Base Neve New Gold Dream Niagara Elementary Instrumental Music Nick Scotese Nicola Roberts Nicolas Corniglion Nicolette Nigel Ayers Night Monitor Nightfall Horrors Nightwave Nitemirror / Strident Weasel Niton No Form Noah Dobbs Nonalogue Nosebleed Noyen Nube Fenix Nunn O))) OOO EEE OOO Observation Point Ogham Oh The Gilt Okraa Olabeat Old Man Olgar and Rolfo Oliver Lacon Olivia Louvel Oma Open Channel Openchannel Opensussex Opti Ordeograph Orif Orlit Oscar Rodriguez Otolythe Oubli & C.Morgan Outside Other Overworld Radio Owen Sound P. G. Warren P.G. Six P6 PK Pablo De Pablo Pablo Sanz Pabulum Palm Tree Tetsuya Palmer Eldritch Panamint Manse Particledots Passenger Pieon Patrick Ballanger Patrick Gubler Patrick Wray Paul A. Taylor Paul Haig Paul Hartnoll Paul Hood Paul Kendall Paul Marshall Paul Preston Mills Paul Research Payton Black Peesix Pefkin Pegasvs Peggy Nelson People Like Us Pete Um Pete Warren Pete Woodhead Pete von Petrin Peter Barnard Peter Clark Peter Nagle Peter Rose Petridisch Pettaluck   Pg Six Phantoms vs Fire Pheobe Riley Law Phil Maguire Phosphene Pinochio Pixieguts Plaid Plaster 0f Paris Plastique De Rêve / Ange Du Bizarre PoP Campaign Poly Hymns Polynomial Polypores Portishead Portobello Drone Choir Possible Area Post Posthuman Pracownik Prequel Tapes Presidiomodelo Primitive Knot Prince Video Production Unit Pulselovers Purple Maps Purple Maps Pettaluck Purple Minds of Lazeron Pye Corner Audio Quackk Quadraphonic Stylus Ensemble Qualchan Quantazelle Quarriers Quatroconnection Queen of Roaches Quimper R Tenevall R. Richards RJ Ellmer RVNES Radio Arts Radio Europa Radio Shoestring Radionics Radio Raen Arthur Raimundas Paulauskas Rainbow Pyramid Random Dander Rangga Purnama Aji Rave Sir Robin Raxil4 Re:Search Red Team Redave Redwood Drift Regolith   Remembering Steady Eddie Remnants & Residue Remote-Control_Rectum Repeared Viewing Restaurnaut Revbjelde Ri Cuin and the Great X Ria Bagley Richard Hims Richard Sandling Richard Smith Richard Turner Richard X Richard X featuring Kelis Rick Ross Rima Dadenji Rob Bridgett Rob Britton Rob Knight Robert Curgenven Robert Ellmer Robert Griffiths Robert Marshall Robert Rental Robert Shaw Robert Van Kolken Roberta Fidora Robin Davies Robin Northern Robyn Gibson Rockets in the Trees Rogue Sector Roke Roland Oakes Ronan Haughton Rory Rory McCormick Rose Dougal Rose and Sandy Ross Cooper Rox Jonson Squire Roy Whittle Ruaridh Law Ruby Rudi Zydaglo Rupert Lally Rupert Lally & Espen J. Jörgensen with Lakis Karnezis Rupert Lally/Espen J. Jörgensen Russel.M.Harmon Russell E. Marshall Rusty Sheriff Rysiek/Rysiunio S&M Solutions S.E.T.I. SABW SDFKT   SK123 and T.Brixson SVPER SVR Sacred Oak Sad Man Sadie Maskery Saguenay Salford Electronics Saltys Lighthouse Salvatore Mercatante Sam Eaton Sam Lou Talbot Samantha Fox Sandeshm Sansuro 77 Sarah Angliss Sarah Harding Sarah Sharp Sascha Müller & Abstracto Concreto’ Satori Satori Craig Safan Saturate Sawak Saxon Chambers Sblits Scanner Scanner and Justin Wiggan Scanner and Stephen Vitiello Scant Intone Scarfolk Council Schestokken Schmaidl Scott Mason Scott Smigiel Sculpture Scumbag Radio Seapup Sebastian Melmoth Secret Nuclear Security Self Help Semispecific Ensemble Severed Heads ShadowBox Shairanai Hito Shanyio and Loalue Sharp Veins Shaun Bythell Shaun Malone Shaun Robert Sheer Zed Shift Work Shiranai Hito Si Woods Siberia Sighell Sigillum S Signal Signal Jammer Silas Andersen Silver Stairs of Ketchikan Simon Dell Simon Fisher Turner Simon Fisher Turner / Espen J. Jörgensen Simon Halsberghe Simon Heartfield meets Megaheadphoneboy Simon James Simon Klee Simon Tucker SinS Sion Parkinson Sisterphonetica Sizike Skeleton Worm Slapdaddy Slateford Mods featuring MC Dead Kennarty Slow Deep Breath Slow Down Missy Smallbearsound Smithwerk Sneha Solanki Snekhoose Snooks Soft Ocean Hotel Sol Rezza Solar Enemy Solipsism Solo1 Soma Ghosh Sommet Sonic Noir Sons & Daughters Sophie Cooper Sophie Cooper and Delphine Dora Soramimi Soundhead Soundhog Spacelab Spaceship Spaceship and Luke Turner Speednoisemovement Spiral Dial Squirrel Natkin St James Infirmary Stamina Nudes Stapperton Stephanie Merchak Stephen Boyle Stephen Clarke 1980 Stephen Gallagher Stephen Shiell Stereopod Steve Cobby Steve Emerson Steve Nolan Steve Nolan & Fyfe Ewing Steven Legget Steven Reynolds Stewart Keith + Neil Campbell Stewart Lawler Stock Photography Stonebende Strangest Pet on Earth Stratfield Brake Strelokk Stretford Dub Club Stuart Cook Stuart Craig Subject to Change Subversive Recluse Sudden Creation Sulcus Industries Sunday Fascination Sunken Foal Superkamio Swardh Swarm Of Bees Sweatbox Swedgy Blinker Swim Deorin Swine Language Sylf Eren Synek Synthetic Life Group Synthetic Villains Synthonic Szuumm T Jervell TVO TVO & Patrick Walker Tabitha Potts Tafi All Stars Talanas Tambay Tara Busch Teak Veneer Team Steam Ted Versicolor Teishi Telagasunyi Terbijn Test Dept. The Acid The Asterism The Black Bicycles The Black Dog The Blue Lady The Book Shop Band The Bookshop The Bunbury Banter Theatre Company The Cairnsmore Conspiracy The Central Office Of Information The Cleaners from Venus The Cochranes The Creeping Doubts The Darkening Scale The Dead Heavys. The Dissonace Collective The Doll The Domestiques The Drugged Onions The Eccentronic Research Council The Ephemeral Man The Family Germ The Fatal Englishman The Fauns The GVK The Golden Filter The Great Indoors The Guelph Basin The Hare and the Moon The Heartwood Institute The Herbaliser The House in the Woods The Icarus Line The Implicit Order The Impulse Rehearsal The James Worse Public Address Method The Kitchen Argument The Last Ambient Hero The Leaf Library The Lovely Dreggs The Magus Project The Masters of Sleepless Nights The Monotone Men The Mutual Extermination Club The Nameless Book The New Movement The Nomad Generation The Outer Church The Please The Psychogeographical Commission The Revenant Sea The Rise and Demise of John The Shaving The Skaters The Strangest Pet on Earth The Tuesday Night Machine The Watcher The Witch and the Robot Thee Adversary Thee Balancer Thee Crumb Thee Manual Labour Thelonius Martin There Are No Birds Here Thoranna Bjornsdottir Thought Forms Thrislington Cubicles Tim Castro Tim Chipping Time Destroys All Things TimeDog To Sow Green Nettles Toby Warren Toby Wiltshire Todd Snow Todd Snow / k-rakos Tom Bradshaw Tom Ellard Tom Middleton Tom gunn Nash Tomas Borsa Tomoroh Hidari Tomorrow Syndicate Tonesucker Tony Ferodo Tony Fitz Topless in the Turning Lane Topo Productions Toxic octopus Traven Travin Systems Tree of life Triple Dipped Orange Trish Keenan Tromlhie Trond Jervell Tsarzi Tuatha Tujuh Kuda Tumsā Viens Two Ragged Soldiers UBO Ubre Blanca Ubu King Ukonnen UltraLux Ultraterrestrials   Unknown Clothing Unknown Rockstar Unquiet Earth Unseen Hands Untitled Ununseptium (aka Alan Currall) Ununseptiumwarehouse Upstanding Monk Uschi No Michi Uschi No Michi   Usue Venomous 9 Very Sharp Knives Veryan Vidiv Vile Plumage Violet Violet Tremors Vitruvian Skies Vivienne Void Theory Von Heuser Von Liz Voran Schwartz Vorschau Voxfazer Vraicbeard Waheela Walthamstow Home Keyboard Laboratory Wanda Group Warrior Bob Waves of Nightinglaes West Lakes Academy Whalt Thisney Whettman Chelmets WhiteSlug Wig Wild Situation Will Burns Will Schneider William Wild William Wild & Stuart Wray Windham Festival Chamber Orchestra Winjer3 Wire Wizards Tell Lies Wrangler Writers Bloc Wrong Island   Wubworld X-Amount X-TG Xander Harris Xelis De Toro Xiotron Xixada Xqui Music Xtro Xylitol YOL meets DEATHWATCH HEADBAND Yaki_Pony Year of Glad Yellow Salamand’r Yksiääniset Vahvistin Yol Your New Machine Yumasef Yung Coyote Yutani Yvette Haynes ZONATE TOOTH Zoe Miller [Box] [IN]CLUDED [ówt krì] aLTERkRANKERmANN aRSCHkRANKEmUSIK ap()ria baze.djunkiii c.3.3 dBear dESUS eBRAT ethi.cc ikjoyce k-l-j-d-s-k-p lfdm mhpb moon.o.bus o_S_k_m pHactory ps_ readyStateFail sp3ct3rs vdof xTalvihorros Ærkenbrand éntha …From the Benthic Zone ███ ♏◍ɲⓄ ㄚ∑ㄅ ∆ῳ▲ℾξ ♥ ))) Δ ((( H ))) Δ ((( ♥
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Siempre Bruja (Always A Witch) may finally be building up steam after Johnny does something stupid and Esteban begins seeming rather suspicious.
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Network Netflix Director(s) Liliana Bocanegra Writer(s) Ana Maria Parra, Diego Vivanco Air Date 2/1/2019 Introduced This Episode Esteban Sebastian Eslava Mayte Valeria Emiliani Leon Carlos Quintero Bruno Victor Gomez
Speaking To A Ghost: Aldemar, Johnny, Carmen
With Johnny worried about Carmen trying to take on Lucien alone, he uses an online spell advisor to steal her shadow. In doing so, he effectively takes Carmen’s powers, and with seeing her change, for the worse, he seeks out Aldemar. Yes, the shadowy figure from the last episode wasn’t Lucien but Aldemar who, somehow, can speak to Johnny. Now, whether or not the Aldemar in the 1600s is being spoken to or the Aldemar alive in the present day? That’s hard to say.
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A Weight Off My Shoulders: Johnny, Carmen, Mayte, Leon, Alicia, Esteban, Bruno
With Johnny taking Carmen’s shadow doesn’t just come her losing access to her powers, but the memories of her past life are gone as well. There is some benefit to this as it gives Carmen a taste of modern life – especially after Alicia gifts her a cell phone. However, no sooner does she get a phone, gain vanity, and becomes quite uninhibited, things go wrong for her and her new friends.
Well, at least their relationship to one another. For example, Carmen decides to be judgemental towards Alicia over what happened with Angel. Then, when it comes to Mayte and Leon’s relationship, she gives her unsolicited advice and, strangely, Mayte lets it go. Even though she to Mayte’s face, Leon’s, even Mayte’s father Bruno, makes it seem Mayte and Leon are doomed. Not just because they are of different social classes either, Carmen also notes that Leon is likely hiding something.
One last thing worth noting is that, with no inhibitions, and no filter, it seems Carmen finds herself flirting and developing feelings for Esteban. Someone who seems perhaps willing to entertain Carmen’s advances – even though Johnny makes it seem socially frowned upon.
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Early Onset Dementia: Esteban, Johnny, Aldemar, Carmen, Daniel
There comes the point where drinking, maybe scuba diving for the first time, or being overwhelmed by new things can’t excuse Carmen’s behavior. So, a few different things come up. First, Daniel reveals how he found Carmen and that maybe she is having a mental breakdown because of what she went through. Johnny tries to cover for stealing Carmen’s shadow by saying she was drugged, and as all these excuses are shared, Carmen is wandering about having forgotten her own name.
But, what might be the thing to put a magnifying glass to is Esteban having one of Carmen’s witch materials and acting like he has no idea how it got there. Something Johnny, who realizes the item is in Esteban’s office, doesn’t dig into heavily but leaves you to raise an eyebrow.
Question(s) Left Unanswered
Where exactly is Johnny speaking to Aldemar? Is that some sort of limbo? With Aldemar being immortal, it means he should be alive in the presentday, but it is never said where he is. Which may be a separate question within itself.
When did Carmen get Johnny’s number or vice versa? Considering she knew nothing about cell phones, why would she even know what a phone number is?
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Carmen Without a Filter
Leon (Carlos Quintero)
Mayte (Valeria Emiliani)
Bruno (Victor Gomez) and Mayte
When it came to Carmen, the main thing she offered the show was being a Black witch. Her being in love with Cristobal and willing to do all this for his life seemed a bit much, and with him being her master it made things awkward. Then, personality-wise, it wasn’t until she started to be rude to everyone that you realized that she didn’t have a noteworthy personality. Yes, she was nice, but she wasn’t nice with somea oomph to her. She pretty much was a young girl stuck on some guy, who foolishly agreed to help Aldemar and has been going through the motions ever since.
However, with losing her shadow, Carmen gained some edge, and it leads me to hope, when this arc is over, she doesn’t snap back to her old self. Hopefully, she retains a bit of this new persona and doesn’t stick to being one extreme or the other.
Multi-Episode Story
While the show has focused on its core story of Carmen trying to save the already alive Cristobal and the complication of Ninibe disappearing, it hasn’t given us anything else. Alicia’s issue with Angel, like Lucho’s story, didn’t drum up much in the way of interest. With the Lucho story, things felt rushed and the Angel x Alicia story? Being that Alicia isn’t a witch and we barely know her, you recognize what was happening to her was unfortunate but not the best way to get you invested.
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So, Johnny stealing Carmen’s magic may be the first thing to bring some intrigue to the show. Not just because of how he has altered Carmen’s personality, but it also shows how vulnerable she is. Someone who isn’t even a practicing wizard could easily take her powers, so it makes Lucien seem ever the more dangerous. Though, I must note, with Johnny taking her powers so easily it does make you wonder how can the “Chosen One” be taken out like that?
Who Is Esteban?
Esteban (Sebastian Eslava)
Thus far, when it comes to the Fire Killer and Lucien, whether they are the same or not, the closest thing to some kind of evil we’ve seen is a dark cloud. But, with Esteban coming off a bit suspicious, it gives us a flesh and blood villain, or someone to point a finger at, and begin to keep an eye on. For, as noted previously, the lack of a physically seen villain on this show has made its pacing terrible. Each episode, including this one to a point, seemed like the focus would be Carmen being out of touch and so episodic story that damn near felt like filler.
But, now with Carmen losing her memories, Esteban either being a puppet, mastermind, or something in between, there is something solid to look forward to in the next episode. Rather than, as I’ve felt for the last few, you just hoping something would happen.
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Siempre Bruja #SiempreBruja (Always A Witch): Season 1, Episode 4 "Stolen Shadow, Witch Forgotten" - Recap/ Review (with Spoilers) Siempre Bruja (Always A Witch) may finally be building up steam after Johnny does something stupid and Esteban begins seeming rather suspicious.
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