genevieveetguy · 24 days
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Best Secret Place, Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel (2023)
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almidyaf-blog · 2 years
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مطعم المضياف الباروك ، لاقونا وكونوا كتار على احلى جلسة باحضان الطبيعة على نهر الباروك وتمتعو باطيب المازات ، الباروك الشوف ٤٠٠ متر عن الطريق العام ٧٠٤٤٣٣١٨ /70444169 /25240578 #lebanese #bestoffers #bestfood #photography #friends #travel #river #playingarea #familytime #qualitytime #chouf #shoufbiospherereserve #best #bestrestaurant #orientalfood #taxi #saida #sour #bekaa #beirut #barouk #maten #lovelovebeirut #livelovelebanon #wheretogoinlebanon #advantures #fyp #fypagee (at Almidyaf Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CigLtbcs2hc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This Place Called Home: A Fanmix for The Murderbot Diaries
Happy New Year and happy new year fanwork exchange to @businesstiramisu!
I was captivated and intrigued by the idea of instrumental and non-English playlists/fanmixes; a little bit ago I put together a mini-fanmix for Mensah that included some of my aesthetic/musical inspirations for what I think Preservation is like that drew from African and Middle Eastern artists. Both your prompts made me want to try extending my fanmix chops to put together some properly in-depth fanmixes using those musical influences!
So here are TWO fanmixes with extremely different vibes. Which one are you in the mood for: intense robot adventures across the Corporation Rim, or the affirming and uplifting story of a place that strives to be a home?
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Listen on Spotify here / on YouTube here
Available for download here. AO3 archiving and more notes here.
Satu Tuju - Raissa Anggiani
Rassemblons-Nous - Christopher Tin feat. Maurice Williams and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Chouf Ellil / شُف الليل - Djazia Satour
Ce n'est pas bon - Amadou & Mariam
Qongqothwane (The Click Song) - Miriam Makeba
Gambia - Sona Jobarteh
AMBÈ - Fatoumata Diawara feat. SOMI, Mayra Andrade, Thandiswa Mazwai, Inna Modja, Dianne Reeves, and Angélique Kidjo
Agolo - Angélique Kidjo
Hamsáfár - Christopher Tin feat. Sussan Deyhim and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Semoga Sembuh - Idgitaf feat. Ezra Mandira
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haseenachoti76 · 2 months
Discovering Lebanon: The Best Time of Year to Experience Its Rich Cultural Tapestry
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Lebanon, often referred to as the "Pearl of the Middle East," is a country steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. From ancient ruins to vibrant cities, from picturesque coastline to rugged mountains, Lebanon offers a diverse array of experiences for travelers year-round. However, choosing the best time to visit can significantly enhance your exploration of this captivating destination.
For most travelers, the optimal time to visit Lebanon is during the spring months of March to May. During this period, the weather is mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from comfortable lows to pleasantly warm highs. The countryside comes alive with a riot of colors as flowers bloom, and the landscapes are lush and verdant, making it ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking, exploring ancient ruins, or simply soaking in the natural beauty.
Spring also marks the beginning of the festival season in Lebanon, with numerous cultural events and celebrations taking place across the country. From the renowned Beiteddine Festival showcasing Lebanese music and arts to the Tyre International Festival featuring theatrical performances and concerts, spring offers a vibrant tapestry of cultural experiences for visitors to immerse themselves in.
Alternatively, the autumn months of September to November present another excellent window to explore Lebanon. As the scorching summer heat begins to wane, temperatures become more comfortable, and the crowds thin out, allowing for a more relaxed and immersive travel experience. Autumn is also the harvest season, offering a chance to indulge in Lebanon's renowned culinary delights, from fresh fruits to savory mezze dishes.
Moreover, autumn is an ideal time to explore Lebanon's diverse natural landscapes, from the majestic Cedars of God in the north to the breathtaking gorges of the Chouf Mountains in the south. Hiking trails are at their best during this time, offering stunning views of the countryside adorned with autumnal hues.
While spring and autumn are considered the prime seasons to visit Lebanon, each season has its own unique charm and attractions. Summer brings warm temperatures perfect for enjoying the country's beautiful beaches along the Mediterranean coast, while winter offers opportunities for skiing and snowboarding in the mountainous regions of the Lebanese Alps.
Ultimately, the best time to visit Lebanon depends on your preferences and interests. Whether you're drawn to the vibrant cultural scene, the natural beauty of the landscapes, or the rich history embedded in its ancient sites, Lebanon welcomes travelers year-round with its warm hospitality and boundless treasures waiting to be discovered.
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mothmiso · 8 months
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Lebanon (2) (3) (4) by hey tiffany!
Via Flickr:
(1) Mseilha Fort. (2) Altar near the end (or the beginning) of the Canal Trail in or near Batroun. (3) The Chouf is known as an area with many Druze. The Jumblatts are a prominent Druze family, and we were able to visit the courtyard of their house. (4) Deir el Qamar is a cute village in the Chouf.    
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thesarahfiles · 9 months
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On August 1st, 2003 Sarah sang "The War is Over" with Kadim Al Sahir at the Beiteddine Art Festival in Lebanon. The Beiteddine Festival is one of the leading festivals in the Middle East. It takes place annually in a magnificent 200-year-old Palace in the Chouf District in the Mount Lebanon Governorate. 
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Monaco : une chouf ?
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wearelebanon · 2 years
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Beautiful Autumn in Chouf ✨🍂🧡 📸 @sleiman.hani #WeAreLebanon (at Maaser El Shoof) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGIokbNm_Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lendli · 2 years
Z'läbe in new york isch aber ebe scho rächt tüür..u drum heimer üs de nach guet 6 Wuche entschide wyter z'zieh. Liebi fründe vo üs hei üs de 1 Wuche lang beherbergt in Tampa Florida. Bevori aber vo dere guete Wuche cha verzeue, muessi z'ersch no üsi schlimmsti Busfahrt los wärde.
Mir hei nach langem sueche u vergliche de schlussendlech e busgsellschaft gfunde, wonis prislech nid grad die letschte haar vom chopf het gfrämmslet. D'bushaltstell isch irgendwo im nirgendwo am stadt endi im Asia viertel gsy..scho da heimer üs hurti id ouge gluegt u gwüsst ds i dene strasse e angere wind wäiht..
ganz gspannt heimer ca. 15min ufem trottoir gwartet. Dr bus isch zuchegfahre u mir hei irgendwie beidi ghofft dses nid üse isch, oh wener ni würk schlimm het usgseh..dr Chauffeur isch usgstige u die ahgstellt hei afah dr laderuum uslade..mir hei üs artig id reihe gstellt.. je lenger me im bus isch gsy, desto ender het me dörfe ihstige..
da mir leider nume es online ticket hei gha, heimer aber de z'ersch no ah schalter eis in papirform lah mache..da heimer üs de oh hurti chli id haar übercho, wüu dr gianni scho het gfragt ob mir das nid bruuche u i ha gseit nei ds heigi niene gläse ds chönn ja chum si..ir hütige welt in ny..tatsach isch..doch!
auso simer ids office u hei üs nach ca. 5 min warte de oh chönne lah bediene..z'frou u dr maa hinger dr schibe hei zwar zämme gredet u ohno telefoniert usserdem heisi ohno zuesätzlech e wyteri frou bedient..aber mir hei üses billett übercho.
zu üsem päch si aber quasi scho aui lüt dinne ghocket u mir hei eifach no ei platz näbenand gfunde..z'hingerst im bus..hinger üs isch e muetter mit 2 chind ghocket. Wo dr gianni ds het gseh hetter gloubs scho z'2. chrütz gmacht innerlech..dr bueb isch ca.3 jährig gsy..het gschroue (aso würk lut..mit chopfhörer schmerzhaft lut) u wenner ni het gschroue, de hetter entweder ade sitze grisse oder mit de füess dri kickt..
Schnäu si de da oh mini guete vorsätz u sprüch verklunge..irgendeinisch hanis gschafft chli ih z'schlafe u womer de z'erste mal nach irgendwie 2.5h fahre hei ahghalte zum tanke, hani gmerkt dsi die ganzi zyt ufere Rassierklinge bi ghocket..ds isch de dr entgültig ablöscher gsy...es isch eifach nume dräckig gsy im bus u mir hei ghofft ds die fahrt schneller verby geit aus die 30h wos het gheisse giengs bis nach tampa..
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öppe 4h vorem ziel simer de doch tatsächlech no ine chlinere Bus umgstige..während dere züglete heimer aber leider ei täsche lah lige u üsi ganzi dräckwösch isch blibe lige..unterwösch chame ja nache choufe, aber wenns de um sport bh u lieblingssport hose geit wirds scho schwiriger..mini Ueboom isch oh blibe lige aber jaa..das si wahrschindlech die reise erläbniss😅🙃
itze heimer ömu e entschuldigung wemer widr mau öppis 'müesse' choufe😉
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die täsche uf dr site gits its leider nüm🙂
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blog59-world · 2 years
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lewisconrada · 4 days
Un journaliste au Maroc révèle les activités d'une sorcière marocaine
Dans cette émission en direct de Chouf TV, des habitants de la région d'Ain El Barja font part de découvertes alarmantes de photos de sorcellerie trouvées dans leur communauté. Les photos représentent des personnes ensorcelées, notamment des enfants, des femmes et des hommes, ainsi que des établissements tels que des magasins et des cafés. Face au nombre impressionnant de photos découvertes, la communauté se mobilise pour les partager dans l'espoir de trouver des solutions pour les personnes touchées. La diffusion révèle des détails choquants, tels que les noms associés aux photos et les soupçons d'implication des habitants des environs dans des pratiques de sorcellerie. L'ampleur de la situation devient évidente lorsque l'on découvre que même des maisons sont la cible de sortilèges.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site https://www.sneakyshowbiz.com/
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almidyaf-blog · 2 years
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اهلا بهالطلة واهلا فيكم بمطعم المضياف الباروك وبالشوف لان كل احد عنا نشاطات بالشوف. لاقونا هذا الاحد على رحلة القمح والمشي على درب بعذران . اهلا بهالطلة، وهلا فيكم في مطعم المضياف الباروك ، ناطرينكن هالاسبوع وكل اسبوع . مطعم المضياف الباروك الشوف ٤٠٠ متر عن الطريق العام #اهلابهالطلة #رحلة القمح 70444169 / 03444169 25240578 whattsup 70443318 #lebanese #bestoffers #bestfood #friends #travel #river #playingarea #familytime #qualitytime #chouf #shoufbiospherereserve #best #bestrestaurant #orientalfood #taxi #saida #sour #bekaa #beirut #barouk #maten #lovelovebeirut #livelovelebanon #wheretogoinlebanon #fyp #travelcommunity #foodporn #foodbrands https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBGaEEsGk4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lataypodcast · 1 month
Un épisode à retrouver sur Apple Podcast, Deezer, Amazon Music
Présenté par Sidox et Lyna.
Dans cet épisode, on invite Samy et Lyèce de Eighteen Hills, un collectif qui promeut le street football dans le 18ème mais qui a surtout ramené Neymar au city stade. On a parlé de la première équipe algérienne, de Didier Drogba, de la CAN (la vraie mais aussi celle des quartiers), du pouvoir fédérateur du foot et de quel pays on choisirait si on était footballeur professionnel.
Lyna : Les rebelles du Foot, Eric Cantona
Sidox : Gladiateurs, Sinik
Lyèce : @yous_film sur Instagram
Samy : Guillaume, @football__field sur Instagram
L'Atay est un podcast produit par Lyna Malandro diffusé sur toutes les plateformes de podcast.
Team de l'Atay : Sidox, Amal, Irfane, Wafa, Silia, Théophile
Episode enregistré lors du match Algérie Angola de Air Afrique et Nike
Générique : Ya Zina de Raïna Raï
Pause musicale : Tango Hawaï de Raplume, Tif, Kekra
Générique du Chouf : Freestyle VII de Koba La D
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alimhassan0777 · 4 months
📸 Watch this video on Facebook
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jaziranewswire · 8 months
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ainews · 1 year
Residents of a mountain village in Lebanon were terrified when the ground began to shake and rumble during the early morning hours of Wednesday. The epicenter of the disturbance was located in the Chouf Mountains, located in the center of the country.
The Lebanon Seismology Center said that the quake, which measured 4.4 on the Richter scale, was the result of a small fault rupture in the area. No major damage was reported, but residents of the area said that they could feel the ground shaking and heard loud rumbling noises.
Local authorities and researchers are now examining the area around the site to better understand what caused the disturbance. While some experts believe the quake was likely caused by natural geological activity, others are looking at the possibility of a human-induced event.
The nearby town of Ain El-Hilweh is home to several industrial facilities and wastewater treatment plants, leading some to speculate that the quake might have been caused by seismic testing or other construction activities in the area.
The Lebanese government is now preparing to launch an investigation into the incident to determine if any human activity may have played a role in the disturbance. The results of the investigation could help the government better understand the risk of seismic activity in the region and take necessary steps to prevent similar events from happening in the future.
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