evilkaeya · 6 months
They actually arrest Dazai again after everything is over because the crimes he committed are real and then Chuuya shows up as his lawyer at the court
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mochidrabbles · 5 years
bring me the angst! bsd headcanons for atsu, aku, chuuya and dazai where their s/o slowly falls out of love
○ It takes Atsushi a little while to realize what’s going on. At first he assumes you must be upset with him; he’s a fuck up, after all, so surely he did something wrong to upset you! At least, those are the sorts of thoughts running through his mind.
○ No matter what he seems to do, though, he can’t make it up to you. Dinners, gifts, massages, anything he can think of. He even goes to the rest of the ADA for advice on how to make things up to you, though he gets few suggestions and many sympathetic looks.
○ Finally he apologizes to you, nearly in tears as he begs you to forgive him. Things finally hit him when you’re so completely utterly confused about his apology. The more you assure him that he’s done nothing wrong the more his heart sinks.
○ Atsushi is in denial for a little while. He keeps insisting that he must have upset you somehow, that he can still make it better. Things improve little even when he does accept that you don’t love him anymore. He still blames himself for not doing enough, not being enough, to deserve to have you around.
○ Atsushi is perfectly happy, for far too long, to let you use him and to pretend everything is fine even when he knows it’s not. It’s up to you, in the end, to break things off because he’s too afraid of losing you.
○ Doesn’t see it coming. You’ve been together for so long Akutagawa took it for granted that he’d be spending the rest of his life with you. He never imagined either of you falling out of love, and perhaps that’s why it takes him so long to realize it when you do.
○ Akutagawa can tell that something is different, maybe a little off, but he doesn’t think too much of it. He figures that maybe you’ve had a bad week, or are feeling a little off. Either way, if you wanted to talk about it surely you’d come to him so he gives you your space.
○ It’s when things don’t get better and you only seem to be drifting further and further away from him that Akutagawa begins to worry. He sits you down to talk things over, finally. Seeing your chance you decide to break things off. They haven’t been working for awhile, in your opinion, and it’s better sooner than later.
○ What was obvious to you comes as a complete shock to Akutagawa. He freezes so completely you’re almost afraid for him, and he just gets up and leaves. He’s heartbroken, but he refuses to show you and avoids you like the plague while you’re moving out, and after the breakup. You’re not likely to hear much from him again.
○ Akutagawa put so much faith in the relationship, he takes the breakup hard. He very likely has a hard time trusting a new partner for a very long time, and ends up afraid that everyone he loves will end up getting sick of him and leaving - it’s not the first time it’s happened, after all.
○ It starts with little things; less enthusiasm with his little surprises, less interest in dates. Chuuya notices, but doesn’t overthink it - like Akuagawa he assumes you’ve probably had a rough week or something along those lines, and are particularly worn out.
○ Unlike Akutagawa, though, he decides to do something about it. A nice surprise, or something along those lines. Unfortunately, he plans it right before you planned to break things off, and you feel too guilty to break up with him right after he’s treated you.
○ He sits you down to talk and you avoid the question until Chuuya gets frustrated. It’s when he ends up, in the heat of the moment and a fit of anger, asking if you even love him that he realizes that you don’t. Your silence tells him everything.
○ Chuuya ends up going out for the night to clear his head. He goes fro a drive and he’s gone so long you start to worry, but you don’t dare call him after the trith finally comes out.
○ Chuuya is heartbroken, but he’s an adult. Once he’s gotten some of his emotions out he comes back home and talks things over with you. You breakup, of course, and he even helps you find a new place. He’s civil with you, but distant, and you can tell he’s hurting.
○ Dazai knows from the beginning. He can see all the signs; the way you look at him changes, the way you react to his touch, the lack of interest you have in doing things together, the way you slowly stop taking care of him. He can see it all, and is left slowly watching as you let him go.
○ At first he tries to change your mind. Afraid to lose you after it took so much to let you in Dazai turns up the charm. Working to make you laugh, to spice up the relationship in any way he can; in and out of the bedroom. Anything to rekindle the spark.
○ He realizes quickly that it won’t work and stops trying altogether. It’s almost jarring for you, the way he goes from trying to sweep you of of your feet to barely even speaking to you. Once he realizes you’re letting him go and he can’t force you to hold on, he does the same.
○ But try as he might to let go you’ve tied yourself to his heart and he can’t undo the knots. It hurts to watch you move on, and Dazai can’t quite bring himself to suggest you break up. Instead he sort of fades away from you; starts ignoring you, drifting away, until either you break things off or it’s too obvious that they’re over and the two of you barely speak.
○ Dazai falls into a major depression after you’re gone. He overworks himself to give himself somthing to focus on, and he tries to replace you with women he find in bars, or wherever else, but nothing seems to fill the hole you left within him.
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musicprincess655 · 4 years
Ryuu tries to pretend this situation is just the same as any other time he’s gotten a message from Fukuzawa. He fails, but he does try.
Atsushi’s friend Lucy was arrested. Fukuzawa has asked him to save her.
Ryuu tries to pretend this situation is just the same because if he admits there is a difference, there is only a short leap to admitting that Atsushi is the difference, and Ryuu cannot admit that.
Lucy is in the Correctional Facility. Please rescue her.
Fukuzawa seems to believe Ryuu is capable of this. Ryuu doesn’t know what he’s done to earn that level of faith. Saving Atsushi earned him more goodwill than he would have thought possible, but still, Fukuzawa has a very inflated idea of what Ryuu can do.
Pulling Atsushi from a police car in a barely populated area is very different from breaking into the most secure facility in No. 6. Ryuu was lucky he even managed to escape from it. How is he supposed to break back in, and then pull off the most impressive feat of his life a second time?
It’s impossible. Ryuu is going to do it anyway.
He’s not entirely clear on what Atsushi’s relationship to Lucy is. He knows they’re close, enough that when Ryuu sent a rat to warn Atsushi on the off chance that running would help, Lucy was there, trying to convince Atsushi to run away with her and join the Guild. In the few instances Ryuu checked in with Atsushi over the years, Lucy was usually there, a constant in Atsushi’s life.
She loves him. Atsushi claimed not to feel the same way. Ryuu sees no reason for him to have lied, so he takes Atsushi at his word, though they weren’t spoken to Ryuu. Maybe that’s a better reason to trust them, although as far as Ryuu knows, Atsushi has never lied to him.
Still, Atsushi cares about her. In the few times her name has come up, Atsushi obviously cares. And since he’s so desperate to prove he has the right to live by sacrificing himself for someone else, it’s obvious what he will do if he finds out.
Atsushi will charge in after her, reckless, stupid, and he will get himself killed. And everyone will mourn him, because everyone loves Atsushi, and Ryuu may have spent a long time not caring whether Atsushi lives or dies, but he does care about his family, and he will not let them be in pain if he can help it.
Ryuu could try to keep the truth from Atsushi, but he doubts that would work for long. Despite all the insults he hurls, Atsushi isn’t stupid. He would figure it out, and his anger at Ryuu for hiding the truth would only make him more reckless.
And besides, they’re something like friends now. Ryuu enjoys peace far more than he ever would have thought possible. He doesn’t really want to go back to the way they were before, always at each other’s throats, always fighting.
So if Ryuu is going to go on a suicide mission, he’s going alone. Gin would back him up, but she’d tell Dazai and Chuuya, insist on having their help, and Dazai would tell Atsushi, and that defeats Ryuu’s whole purpose of keeping this from Atsushi until the whole thing is settled.
Instead, Ryuu turns to Kyouka.
She very nearly stabs him when he turns up unannounced, which he guesses is fair. He was never the nicest to her, and he knows she trusts him about as far as she can throw him. Which might actually be far, but isn’t the point.
“What are you doing here?” she demands, threatening him with her knife.
“The same thing I’m always doing here,” Ryuu says, almost bored. This part is predictable, and Ryuu just wants to get past it and get what he came here for. “I want information.”
“I didn’t say I wanted it for free.” Ryuu tosses the bag of money between them. He has plenty to spare. He very rarely spends any of his cuts from smuggling on himself, because he doesn’t quite know what he’s supposed to spend them on. Money just kind of accumulates. “Name your price.”
Kyouka very slowly lowers her knife.
“You should know better than to open negotiations like that,” she says. “What do you want so bad?”
“I need to get into the Correctional Facility.”
That gets about the reaction Ryuu expected. Kyouka blinks at him, once, then again, then lowers her knife completely.
“Can’t be done,” she says. “Keep your money.”
“There has to be a way,” Ryuu says. “Find it.”
“Why?” Kyouka asks. “I can’t believe Dazai and Chuuya would agree to something like this. It’s way too high risk. What are you trying to get?”
“Dazai-san and Chuuya-san aren’t involved,” Ryuu says. “It’s just me. And this is a rescue mission.”
“You don’t do rescue missions,” Kyouka says, eyes narrowing. “The only one you’ve ever done is when Atsushi was in trouble.” Her eyes widen. “Is he…?”
“He’s fine,” Ryuu says. “A friend of his isn’t. That’s who needs rescuing.”
Kyouka considers him for so long that Ryuu is sure she’s just going to tell him it can’t be done again. He’ll probably believe her, but he still needs any information she can give him, so he’s going to have to find a way to be persuasive.
“You’re going in alone,” she says, not a question. Ryuu nods. “Why?”
“I can move quicker alone,” Ryuu says. Kyouka doesn’t look impressed. “And if I tell one of the others, Nakajima will find out.”
“And you don’t want him to. Can’t stand for him to know you can do something nice?” Kyouka asks.
“To keep him from coming along.”
“Doesn’t he deserve to help save his friend?”
“Not at the cost of going to that place.” Kyouka has never been there, but Ryuu knows she must know at least some of the horrors wrapped up in there. She deals in information, it’s impossible that she doesn’t. “Seeing what’s there will break him. It’ll change him.”
He thought that would be a pretty sound argument to get her on his side, but instead, her eyes go hard.
“Is he still going to be worth something to you when he falls off that pedestal you put him on?” she asks quietly.
“What pedestal?” Ryuu scoffs. “I haven’t put him on a pedestal.”
“Really. Then why don’t you want him to go into the Correctional Facility?”
“Because…” Ryuu trails off as the memories overtake him. The experiments. The scientists. The pain, the horrors, the things that still haunt his nightmares. Those would cloud the light in Atsushi’s eyes, and Ryuu cannot allow that to happen. “He shouldn’t have to see that.”
“Why?” Kyouka asks again. “Because you’re scared it would turn him dark? That he’d lose something he has? Something that makes him worth something to you?”
“That’s not it,” Ryuu protests.
He does not want to examine this. He didn’t want to examine why this situation with Fukuzawa and Lucy was different, and he certainly doesn’t want to know why he wants to keep Atsushi’s stupid rose-colored glasses in place. All he knows is that Atsushi looks at the world and hopes, and Ryuu almost can’t help wanting to chase that. Is it so wrong to want to keep things the way they are?
“He’s not going to save you from yourself,” Kyouka says. “He’s not some paragon of goodness for you to follow. So I’ll ask again: is he still going to be worth something to you when he falls off the pedestal you put him on?”
Ryuu works very hard not to snap at her. It would be counterproductive, and he’s really doing his best to use his head.
“His worth is not going to change because of anything that happens in there,” Ryuu finally says.
“You know, someday you’re going to have to see him for who he is, not who you want him to be,” Kyouka says. “He’s not the weakling you thought he was, and he’s also not some perfect person to aspire to. He’s just Atsushi. See him as Atsushi.”
“Why does it matter?”
“He’s learning to see you for who you are,” Kyouka says. “The least you can do is do the same for him.”
“Are you going to help me or not?”
“Tell me you’re not going to drop him when you see he’s not exactly what you think of him, and I’ll consider it.”
“I’m not going to drop him,” Ryuu says. He’s not sure what Kyouka means by seeing Atsushi as he is, but the only thing Ryuu is trying to do is protect the way Atsushi looks at the world, and that will be irrevocably changed if Atsushi sees what humans can do to each other in that place. “Now. Are you going to help me?”
Kyouka sighs, and picks up his bag of money.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you.” He realizes only after she raises her eyebrow how out of character that was for him. “I’ll be back in a week. This needs to happen fast.”
He doubts all those orders he barked at her will erase the thanks.
Ryuu is looking forward to taking a long walk around the West Block, long enough to forget the conversation he and Kyouka just had, so naturally, Atsushi finds him fifteen minutes later.
“What are you doing way out here?” Atsushi asks.
“None of your business,” Ryuu growls at him. Instead of snapping, which Ryuu kind of expects, Atsushi rolls his eyes and falls into step.
“Have you heard from Fukuzawa lately?” Atsushi asks. “I wanted to hear how it turned out with Kunikida-san and that lady.”
Because Ryuu’s life hadn’t gone strange enough when Atsushi joined it, he is now playing some kind of facilitator for the ongoing soap opera that is the detective agency. Fukuzawa has now gotten in the habit of sending one message for Ryuu, with actual relevant information, and one for Atsushi, with details about everyone’s lives. And as if Ryuu wasn’t already involved enough, Atsushi will spin the stories for him, giving him extra insight into everyone’s past as he remembers it, so now Ryuu also knows things.
Like that Yosano likes to drag one of the younger boys with her when she goes shopping, and in Atsushi’s absence Tanizaki has been selected as her gofer. Like that, with so many mentions of the Guild around, Poe has retreated in on himself, much to Ranpo’s annoyance. And now, like that Kunikida had been working up to asking a particular woman on a date for weeks now.
Ryuu doesn’t know any of these people, but Atsushi speaks to him as if he does, and Ryuu has started to feel like a part in all of their lives without ever having met them. Atsushi talks about them freely, affection obvious, talks about the things he’s glad they’re keeping, the things he hopes they can change with time.
That, more than anything, might be why Ryuu doesn’t want to let Atsushi see the Correctional Facility. Atsushi looks at the world and sees the things he wants to change, and he truly believes those things can happen. Even when he and Ryuu hated each other, he looked at Ryuu and saw potential, and even though he forced Ryuu into it, even though Ryuu bit and growled and strained against it, he has slowly started to turn.
And now, though Ryuu scoffed at the very idea of needing to change, things are better. The strange impasse he’s always been at with Dazai, one he thought would never go away, is hardly there anymore. He and Dazai are still two fundamentally different people, and that comes with challenges that won’t ever really go away, but as Ryuu drops to a more supportive role, as he lets go of his need for strength to protect the people he cares about and starts to rely on his mind, the strain between him and Dazai has soothed.
That is because Atsushi gave Ryuu a reason to change and forced him to do so. While Ryuu is still a little angry about the methods, he can’t argue with the results.
Would Atsushi still be able to do that? To look at the world and see change, and have the ability to make it happen? Ryuu doesn’t, because Ryuu has seen the very worst of humanity in the Correctional Facility, and he doesn’t believe Atsushi could either.
“I haven’t heard anything,” Ryuu lies. He’s not sure if he’s any good at it. Ryuu almost never lies, because he so very rarely needs to. The worst he ever does is with Gin, a simple no I didn’t take your thing they both do and never believe.
“Really.” Ryuu waits for Atsushi to call him on it. Atsushi used to be a detective, surely he can tell when he’s being lied to. “Well, let me know if you do, I guess.”
Ryuu doesn’t believe for a second that Atsushi didn’t catch the lie, and he doesn’t understand at first why Atsushi lets him tell it anyway. And then…
Of course. Atsushi is an idiot at heart. Atsushi has faith that Ryuu either has a reason for lying or will tell him eventually. Atsushi believes in him.
That’s what Ryuu wants to preserve. That’s why, no matter what Kyouka says, Atsushi cannot fall off a pedestal, because Ryuu hasn’t put him on one. He’s not an ideal to be aspired to. It’s just that his belief is not something that Ryuu wants to give up. He’s come to crave it just as much as Dazai’s approval, and if Atsushi is no longer the kind of person that can believe in the impossible, why would he continue to believe in Ryuu?
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house-of-ocs · 4 years
I’m not a Dancer Unless I’m Dancing With You
A/N: Okay so I honestly don’t know where this one-shot came from, but here you go. This is a high school AU with Attaka and Atsushi as the main pairing. Everyone is around the same age. Attaka, Kyouka, Kenji are sophomores, Atsushi, Danielle, Dazai, Oda, and Ango are juniors, Nina and Chuuya are seniors, and Akutagawa, Akkata, Gin, and Abi are all juniors. Enjoy! 
“I don’t know about this Danielle,” Attaka whispered as she sat on the bed of her friend Danielle Osa. “Come on Attaka it’ll be fun, there’ll be dancing, good food, good-er friends, and who knows, Atsushi might be there.” Danielle listed. Attaka flushed at the mention of the beige-haired teen. Attaka has had a crush on Atsushi for years now, he was her best friend, the one she could come to if she had a problem, and vice versa. Attaka didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Atsushi so she kept her feelings to herself, but they were growing stronger everyday and she didn’t know how much longer she could keep them hidden. “That’s exactly why I don’t think I should go,” Attaka said her gaze focused on her shoes.
“What do you mean? That’s exactly why you should go.” Danielle urged. Turning around she crossed the room to her bed and sat down adjacent from Attaka. “Attaka, I can see how in love you are with him why won’t you give this a chance?” Danielle asked Attaka looked up shyly “I can’t ruin this friendship with him. Danielle, he’s the most important person in my life if I lose him because I can’t control my feelings I’ll never forgive myself.” Attaka said her head hung low. Danielle placed her hand on Attaka’s shoulder “Attaka, you have to at least give it a shot. You don’t know if he feels that way for you, and there’s a big chance that he might, you just have to take a leap of faith. If I had your thought process before I confessed to Dazai, Oda, and Ango I wouldn’t have three amazing lovers right now.” Danielle said. Attaka looked up at that, she had to admit Danielle had a point. When she confessed to Dazai, Oda, and Ango, if they didn’t like her back, or if they hadn’t wanted to be in a polygamous relationship, she ran the risk of losing all three of them and not just one, luckily she didn’t lose any one of them. 
Attaka looked up at Danielle the older girl’s rose eyes shining giving Attaka the strength to utter her next words. “Okay, I’ll go to the dance,” She said Danielle shot up and squealed in excitement she grabbed Attaka’s hands and the two jumped up and down in excitement. “We have to find a dress! The dance is on Saturday night and that’s the day after tomorrow, and you need a dress, shoes, makeup, all the works. We have to go right now!” Danielle grabbed Attaka’s hands and started to drag her out of the room, but the voice of Danielle’s mother, Kari, stopped them in their tracks. “Girls, Attaka’s parents are here to pick her up!” Kari called. “Or, we can go tomorrow,” Danielle muttered Attaka smiled and hugged Danielle. “I’ll see you tomorrow Danielle,” She said. Danielle hugged back and stood out of the way as Attaka picked up her bag, and ran down the stairs, saying a quick goodbye to Kari on her way out. Attaka ran out to her parents’ car and got in, she waved to Danielle as they drove away. 
The next day flew by fast for Attaka she floated through most of her classes most of her thoughts on Atsushi. Soon it was time to go home, and she met Danielle outside of the school for them to go shopping. That day Danielle had driven her Fiat 500 car to school so she could drive herself and Attaka to the nearest dress shop. “You ready to go?” Danielle asked, “Yeah, Oda, Dazai, and Ango don’t mind you going shopping with me today do they?” Attaka asked, hoping she didn’t pull Danielle away from her lovers. “Of course not, they still needed to get their tuxes ready so this was a good thing for them,” Danielle said, “Okay” Attaka muttered. Soon the two were at a dress shop that was a common hang out for most of the people she knew when there was a dance or formal event happening. 
Danielle and Attaka split up to find the perfect dress for her, Danielle already had her dress picked out. They were searching for an hour before they each found a dress for Attaka to wear. “Ah, they’re both cute. Just try on both” Danielle said. She handed both dresses to Attaka, who scurried to the nearest dressing room. A few minutes later Attaka came out in the first dress it was pastel pink, the top was pink and glittery, and the bottom was made of a mesh of the same color, it stopped just above her knees. “That one looks cute on you, but try the other one on just to make sure,” Danielle said. Attaka followed her directions, and went back into the dressing room, she came out again a short time later in the second dress. The top was a glittery silver drawn into floral patterns, the skirt flared out, and it stopped just above her knees. “I think I like the first one better,” Attaka said Danielle nodded in agreement “Yeah, it matches your skin tone better, go put your clothes back on and we’ll buy this one. Shoes are next” Danielle said Attaka nodded and went back into the dressing room. 
The two paid for the dress and moved on to the nearest shoe store. After searching for a few minutes they found a pair of shoes in Attaka’s size. They were a silver sandal, with a small heel, there were fake rhinestones on the fabric on the top part of the shoe. Attaka picked up the shoe, and tried it on “I like these shoes” She said “Okay, let’s look around some more to see if we can find any more before we settle on those” Danielle said. They looked around, but there weren’t any shoes that caught Attaka’s attention. The two paid for the shoes, and left the store they stopped for dinner before Danielle dropped Attaka off at home. “Meet me at my house tomorrow Attaka!” She called, “Okay!” Attaka said as she walked into her house. 
The next day Attaka met Danielle at the older girl’s house, and the two began to get ready for the dance. Danielle helped Attaka do her makeup, all she wanted was some lip gloss and a little eye shadow. Until now Attaka hadn’t seen Danielle’s dress it was a forest green knee-length dress, there was a bow sewed on in the front, and black floral patterns on the skirt of the dress. On her feet were black T-strap evening shoes with crystal flowers on the toes. Attaka’s hair was curled in waves and fell elegantly against her shoulders. Danielle’s hair was done up in a bun, she even had flower clips in her hair. “You look beautiful Danielle-chan” Attaka complemented. “Thanks, Attaka, you look beautiful too. Mom, we’re ready to go!” Danielle said as she grabbed Attaka’s hand. The two carefully made their way down the stairs and greeted Kari at the door.
Kari drove the two girls to the school “I’ll pick you both up at 9:00 okay?” Kari asked Danielle nodded “Okay mom is it okay if Ango, Dazai, and Oda spend the night tonight?” Danielle requested. Kari thought about it for a second before nodding “Okay, but all I ask is that you three keep it down and use condoms” Kari teased. Danielle and Attaka’s faces hazed “Mom!” Danielle whined “What? I’ll be back at 9:00″ Kari said before driving away. Danielle looked at Attaka “Pretend you didn’t hear that” Danielle requested Attaka nodded. The two entered the building and quickly found their way to the gym, the party-planning committee had gone all out. There were streamers strung along the ceilings, balloons littered the floors, there were colorful lights flashing, and party music playing over the speakers, there was even a DJ. Attaka felt her nerves start to kick in as she surveyed the dance floor “I don’t know about this Danielle, I don’t know why I let you talk me into this I’m not a dancer I’m a stay at home and reader” Attaka complained “Come on Attaka you have to break out of your shell at some point, look there’s Atsushi!” Danielle said pointing. 
Attaka followed her finger and saw the object of her affections talking to Kyouka Izumi. He was wearing a white shirt, with a dark brown shirt over it, black dress pants, and shoes, he looked so handsome. Kyouka said something that made him smile and laugh, and Attaka wished she was over there talking to him, and making him laugh. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go over there and talk to him” Danielle urged pushing Attaka forward slightly. Attaka floundered “Wait! How will I even get to him he’s all the way across the gym, and the floor’s kind of crowded” Attaka said gesturing to the sea of bodies the gym floor had become. Danielle thought for a moment “I think I have an idea” She said. Danielle grabbed Attaka’s hand and lead her over to the refreshment table where Dazai, Oda, and Ango were standing. 
“Hey, guys!” Danielle yelled over the music, all three males turned at the sound of her voice “Danielle! You made it!” Dazai cheered. He walked over to the two females, and kissed Danielle’s cheeks and forehead “We were starting to think you wouldn’t show up” Oda said as he came over, Ango following right behind him. “I wouldn’t dream of it, I said I’d be here didn’t I? Hey, I need you guys’ help” Danielle said, “What is it, Danielle?” Ango asked. “I need you guys to help me get Attaka on that side of the gym. That’s where Atsushi is” Danielle requested as she pointed to the opposite side of the gym Attaka flushed “Did you have to tell them that?” She muttered. All three males nodded “How can we help Danielle?” Oda asked, “Oda I need you to get Attaka to the other side of the gym. Dazai, Ango you two are coming with me so that we can move Atsushi into a spot that’ll be easier for Oda and Attaka to get to” Danielle ordered. With that the group broke apart Oda grabbed Attaka’s hand and guided her through the mass of bodies, but somewhere along the way her grip loosened and she let go of Oda’s hand, she was now being pushed and shoved in the crowd. 
Someone bumped Attaka into a strong back she started to fall, but the person she bumped into reached out and grabbed her hand, keeping her from falling. “Chuuya!” Attaka exclaimed the older ginger looked down at her “Attaka? What are you doing here?” He asked as he helped her up “Well, I-I came with Danielle, but I lost track of her. Have you seen Atsushi?” She asked “Yeah, he’s over there,” Chuuya said pointing to a clear spot in the middle of the gym a few inches from where they were standing. “Oh, thank you Chuuya. Do you think you could help me get over there?” Attaka said. Chuuya nodded and took Attaka’s hand he led her through the crowd and into the clear space with ease. “Thanks, Chuuya” Attaka whispered Chuuya smiled “You’re welcome pipsqueak,” He said ruffling her hair. Attaka grimaced at the nickname and made her way over to the small group.
“Attaka there you are!” Danielle exclaimed as she moved over to her “Yeah, sorry I worried you guys” Attaka apologized. Danielle smiled “It’s fine Attaka, hey Atsushi wants to talk to you,” Danielle said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Attaka blushed and looked past her at Atsushi, who smiled sheepishly at her. “We’ll be over there if you need us. Good Luck” Danielle said as she, Dazai, Oda, and Ango walked to an open spot on the gym floor. Attaka gulped and walked over to Atsushi “Hey, Atsushi” She greeted Atsushi gave her that shy smile she loved so much “Hey Attaka you look beautiful tonight. I mean you always do look beautiful, but especially so tonight” Atsushi floundered his cheeks turning the most precious shade of pink. Attaka blushed “Thank you Atsushi you look handsome. Is that a new outfit?” Attaka asked Atsushi smiled “Yeah, it’s my dad’s he said I should wear it tonight” He revealed Attaka nodded. 
Just then a new song came on it was a slower tempo than the others that had been playing that night. “Ah, Attaka do you want to dance?” Atsushi asked holding out his hand with a shy smile on his face Attaka blushed and placed her hand in Atsushi’s. He pulled her against him smiling down at her all the while, Attaka tilted her head back to look up at him her cheeks a rosy shade of pink. They swayed back and forth to the beat of the song Atsushi occasionally twirling her around ‘Okay, Attaka you can do this it’s just a leap of faith’ she thought with a gulp. “Hey, Atsushi?” Attaka began said male look down at her “Yes?” He asked Attaka took a small breath before looking Atsushi deeply in the eyes. “There’s a new bookstore opening not too far from here, and I was just wondering if you would like to go to the opening with me? We can go to this cafe a few blocks from the bookstore and get lunch after if you want” Attaka asked, “I-Is this a date?” Atsushi spluttered his whole face becoming red. Attaka’s face matched his “W-Well yes o-only if you want to be” Attaka backtracked her eyes on Atsushi’s face. 
“I-I’d like that Attaka. When do you want to go?” Atsushi asked, “Well the bookstore opens in a week so how about next Saturday?” Attaka suggested. Atsushi smiled and nodded “I can work with that,” He said Attaka smiled and leaned her head against his chest, as the two swayed back and forth to the beat of the music.
A/N: Well that’s it for this one-shot. I’m really proud of this I thought of all of this on the fly you guys! I’m so proud of myself. There may or may not be another one-shot coming out soon I have a few ideas I need to get down on paper so stay tuned!
Oh and here are the dresses that Attaka and Danielle wore to the dance
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And here are the shoes
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I do not own the pictures. I found them on Google
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