holylulusworld · 5 years
Hey Jensen Ackles x reader / 26 and congrats sweetie you deserve it 💪🏼💗
3000 Follower Drabble Prompts
Prompt #26: “Make me.”
Warnings: mostly angst, arguments, love-hate relationship, pregnant reader, mentions of break-up
Pairing: former Jensen x Reader, Jared Padalecki
Word count: 947
 “You can’t be serious, Ackles!” You yell.
“What’s wrong with my instructions? You run out of the building to follow Sam and then you jump over the car to end up over there.” Jensen explains.
“Do I look like a stuntwoman to you? Last time I checked I wasn’t. I could break my bones or worse. You know I can’t do stunts!”
“We all do stunts Y/N. Nothing dangerous but even Misha does some stunts on his own.”
“I told you I can’t or rather I don’t want to do a stunt, Ackles.”
“Y/N don’t be like that again. Just do the stunt and we can all go home,” Jared mutters and you glare at him.
“I’m not stubborn or want to play the ‘princess’ as Jensen likes to call me. There is a reason I can’t do the stunt. I would try it but it’s too dangerous for me.” You whisper close to tears.
“Dammit, woman. You don’t have to jump over the car for real. Look there is a line. You stand there and hop onto the car while it’s driving but it will be slow like a snail, princess.” Jensen explains.
“I can’t Jensen, please…I just can’t…” You sniff now.
“I don’t want to discuss this any longer. You will do this stunt, or we find someone better.”
Hurt you look at Jensen as you slap his face harshly. “I will not do this stunt and I will not leave the show, asshole.”
“Oh, you will leave the show.” Jensen talks back.
“Make me!” You retort.
“In my trailer. We will talk about this in private right now.”
“Fine!” Storming toward Jensen’s trailer you need to hold back the tears.
It’s worse enough he ended your relationship two months ago but treating you like an enemy is even worse.
“Why are you bitching around? You agreed to part ways, Y/N.” Jensen begins.
“I’m not bitching around. I know you want someone else not me and I agreed as I didn’t have another choice. I can’t do this stunt. I just…”
“Don’t play the princess and just do it. Please stop annoying everyone with your excuse.”
“I can’t do the stunt!”
“I’m pregnant you idiot! I could lose the baby if I do it…” You sob not looking at Jensen.
“You’re pregnant? Who’s the father?” Jensen asks.
“Seriously? You broke up with me for someone else, not the other way around. It’s yours, not that this would matter anything. You will never see the baby. Now leave me alone and tell everyone you can find someone new. I’m just done.” You say running toward the exit.
“Wait…I’m not with someone else, Y/N.”
“Sure, leave me alone.” Walking as fast as your feet will carry you toward your trailer you decide to quit the show.
You got no new contract – you assume they want to kick you out either way so they can just use someone else for the last three episodes.
“Y/N?” Jared asks seeing the tears streaming down your face.
“Forget it. Go and celebrate with your best buddy. I’m out of this shit for good. He can stop pretending he’s not fucking that blonde chick.”
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Not your fault, Jared. I’m a spoiled princess. I can’t do the stunt, it’s not that I don’t want to, okay.”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Y/N, we are still friends. Just tell me what’s wrong with you for two months.”
“Jensen and I were a thing…it started three years ago. He wanted us to keep it a secret.”
“No one knew?”
“His parents and mine. He ended things two months ago, out of the blue Jared. I can’t do the stunt as I’m pregnant. Don’t worry, you can find someone for my role or just let the writers kill me off right away. Jensen didn’t have a problem to do so…”
“Shit, Y/N. Does he know?”
“I told him, not that it mattered. If you excuse me now, I’m going to get my stuff and leave.”
“You still have to film three episodes, Y/N.”
“Then they shall sue me, Jared. I don’t care anymore. I can’t work with him like this. It was worse enough he broke up with me but treating me like this…”
“I could talk to him.”
Your eyes are filled with tears as you finally make it to your trailer. Jared tried to make you change your mind but there’s no way you can ever work with Jensen again.
“Y/N.” Jensen rasps sitting on the stairs to your trailer.
“What do you want?”
“Please let me explain. I thought we are not happy anymore.”
“You mean you were not happy anymore. I thought we are. Hell, your mother already planned a wedding only to get to know you broke up with me. You didn’t even have the balls to tell her so. She asked me why and I didn’t have an answer. Now get out of my way and let me pack my stuff.”
“Last time you didn’t stop me either.”
“I was a fool, Baby. Everything became so serious. My mom talked about a wedding and children and I panicked.”
“You mean you wanted to push your cock into some more pussy’s before you so ‘I do’ again. I got it, Jensen.”
“I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t have sex with someone else. Not that I didn’t try but the moment she kissed me I only saw you.”
“Great, Jensen. This makes me feel so much better.”
“I made a mistake. Can you not forgive me? We could be a family.”
“You had your chance, Jensen. Some mistakes can’t be forgiven…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove, @kmvld, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @electraphygelectraphyng , @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby , @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83, @officialmarvelwhore, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @idioticsky, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @guardian-tn @lu-sullivan
If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. Sorry.
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-j2, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @deans-baby-momma, @hawaiianohana31, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen, @janicho88, @thefaithfulwriter, @dreaminemz, @negans-lucille-tblr @sadwaywardkid, @akshi8278, @hhiggs, @midnightsilver16830, @mrspeacem1nusone, @ria132love, @caligraphee, @the-witch-in-silence, @multisuperfandom, @deansgirl-1968
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amanda-teaches · 5 years
Dean’s 40th
Summary: When I thought of how I could celebrate Dean’s 40th birthday, I decided to give him the best present I could think of: the happy life he really, truly deserves. Happy birthday, Dean.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 703
Warnings: It’s just fluff. Pure, heartwarming, domestic, happy Dean fluff.
A/N: Since it’s a special day, I managed to write a little something for my Dean. I hope you all like it.
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Dean let his eyes flicker open, a slow and easy smile finding its way to his face as the soft whisper he was hearing finally succeeded in its mission to break through his sleep. “Daddy...Dadddddyyyy…..”
He looked over at his gorgeous green-eyed daughter, her chestnut curls framing her face in a gentle cascade, and he grinned even wider. “Mornin’, Princess.”
She giggled and climbed on top of him, clutching his shirt to keep her balance. “Daddy, I want pancakes.”
Dean chuckled low, the chest vibration making her grip his shirt even tighter with a delighted squeal. “Ask your Uncle Sammy.”
She scrunched up her face and narrowed her eyes at him. “He’s got Bobby,” she sassed, moving her hands to her hips to emphasize her point. “Besides, you make the best pancakes!” Instantly, she switched tactics, and he knew he was a goner the moment she threw him her Uncle’s trademark puppy dog eyes. “Come on, Daddy, pleaseeeee….”
“Okay, okay,” he laughed, grabbing her and tossing her up in the air and over his shoulder as she squealed happily. “You win.”
Tossing a glance at his still sleeping wife, he quietly made his way out of the room and down the hall, letting his daughter run ahead to the kitchen. As he passed his infant son’s room, he glanced in, his eyes brightening with a soft smile when he caught a glimpse of Sam, fast asleep in the rocking chair with his nephew in his arms. He grinned, taking a second to admire the scene before he turned and finished his walk to the kitchen, where his baby girl was anxiously waiting.
After he’d served up the first batch of his famous pancakes, she finally calmed down enough for him to put on a pot of coffee, the welcoming smell eventually luring his brother into the kitchen where Sam greeted his brother with a sleepy smile. He took over the pancake duties while Dean made his way back to the bedroom, two cups of coffee in hand.
When he entered, he placed his cup on the nightstand before making his way over to his wife and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Y/N, honey, it’s time to wake up.”
She awoke with a start, smiling when she recognized her husband and the scent of fresh coffee in the room. “Mmm, morning…” But, the second she realized what day it was, her eyes widened and she sat up with a start. “Dean, oh God! What time is it?”
“Little after 8.”
“But, Charlie, Bobby….”
He shook his head and smiled. “Sammy and I got ‘em.”
She sighed and bit her lip. “Dammit...Dean, I’m sorry. You should’ve been the one sleeping in and getting taken care of.” Her face fell, and she looked down at her hands in dismay. “I can’t believe I didn’t wake up. I’m so sorry. I messed up your birthday...”
“Wait a second, are you kidding?” Dean questioned with a laugh, pulling her into his arms. “You really think my birthday got messed up? Not even close, babe.” He leaned back and looked into her eyes so she could see the sincerity there. “Y/N, you, Charlie, Bobby, Sam...you make my life amazing every single day. Just the fact that I have you makes this the best birthday I’ve ever had, no contest. There is nothing, nothing you could ever do to mess that up, got it?”
She smiled and leaned up to kiss him, nodding her understanding with a renewed sparkle in her eyes. “Got it, Dean,” she whispered, “but, don’t think that means I’m not gonna spend the rest of the day spoiling you. After all, you only turn 40 once, right?” She paused and squinted thoughtfully. “Or, at least I think you do...Hell years don’t count, do they?”
He laughed, free and deep, shaking his head and pulling her back into his arms as a feeling of utter peace and contentment filled his heart. In that moment of pure happiness, a fleeting thought crossed his mind, the same thought he’d had every birthday since he’d met you: Hey, if turning 40 feels like this, I don’t think I’m gonna mind getting older.
                                     Happy Birthday, Dean.
Forevers- @hamartiamacguffin @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @katymacsupernatural @impandagrl @cyrilconnelly @impala-dreamer @castielhasthetardis @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @be-amaziing @jalove-wecallhimdean @there-must-be-a-lock @mysterious-398 @hannahindie @emoryhemsworth @ohmychuckitssamanddean @wi-deangirl77 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ericaprice2008 @masksandtruths @jpadjackles @roxyspearing @squirrel-moose-winchester @sweetpeamoose @babypieandwhiskey @deans-dirty-writer @roxy-davenport @heyitscam99 @starry-chaos @spnbaby-67 @rideandwritethings @mogaruke @atc74 @dolphincliffs @closetspngirl @maddiepants
Dean Tags- @akshi8278 @whimsicalrobots @dean-winchesters-bacon @adoptdontshoppets @alexwinchester23
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marypsue · 5 years
Speaking of That Paranormal Show (”but Mary, no one was -” no, shhhh, play with me in this space), I'm seven episodes from the end of s3 and I've got some Thoughts.
I gravitated to Dean like rocks gravitate to gravity (pretty sure it’s a combination of Snark + Martyr Complex, I am predictable) but I feel like, in trying to do Dean’s emotional storyline justice, the show is kind of doing Sam dirty. It’s really easy to look at Dean’s thin veneer of sarcasm and recognise that it’s covering up a whole mess. Dean deflects, and the show and everybody in it seems very devoted to breaking his defenses down and getting him to acknowledge his shit. And the show seems to want to reassure him - he’s a good man, he has worth beyond what he can give up for the people he loves, he matters. 
But they’ve got Sam doing a lot of the heavy lifting on that, and Sam is just as damaged, has just as much weight on his shoulders if not more, especially with the whole demon blood shitshow storyline. Sam needs the same kind of support and reassurance, and he’s just not getting it. At all. Instead, he gets Dean (the one person who should have his back! who should have unconditional faith in him!) under a truth spell (of sorts) admitting that he’s scared of what Sam could be and isn’t certain that Sam won’t be, even though he knows Sam better than anyone and should understand by now that Sam’s pragmatic, not evil. I’d be cool with this if I thought they were focusing on Dean’s trauma this season and next season they’re really gonna dig into what’s going on with Sam, but I know that the angels show up in s4 and (I think) that’s where we get “You don’t think you deserve to be saved”, so I kinda doubt that’s gonna happen. 
And like, maybe Sam doesn’t deflect, but he sublimates. Everything he feels - fear, grief, the loss of a life that meant a lot to him, the betrayal of having even his own family believe he's got something monstrous in him and trying to hide it from him, whatever - goes straight into fueling Anger and Vengeance. On the surface, he looks more - modern, enlightened, whatever, has more stereotypically feminine traits, and his way of handling emotional baggage is to take action, so it looks like he's doing something about whatever it is he's feeling. 
But that doesn’t actually mean he’s any better at dealing with his shit than Dean is. It’s just less immediately obvious that Sam's hiding stuff or pushing it to the side, because he isn’t trying to pretend he doesn’t have negative feelings. But he’s just putting all that energy into unrelated or tangentially related things, which means he's still not facing and actually dealing with the stuff he needs to deal with. (And I can't always tell, from episode to episode, if the writers can tell the difference and are writing him this way on purpose, or if they actually think 'taking it out on something' counts as 'dealing with it'.)
Dean - to his credit - tries to push Sam to acknowledge his ~feelings, but doesn’t reciprocate by opening up and offering Sam anything of himself unless under extreme duress, which undermines his best intentions. All he’s doing is continuing to prop up the toxic, shitty nonsense they both got fed from very early childhood, continuing to model to Sam that Dean really believes only girls and babies actually talk about their feelings, even as he’s telling Sam in words that he’s gotta talk about it sometime. No wonder Sam’s not exactly eager to go pouring his heart out to his brother.
(And I think that’s part of the issue I have, too - the show itself seems determined to try to convince Dean he’s a good person and has worth by propping him up with those around him, but it also seems to be overlooking or minimising how his negative coping strategies are contributing to his own and other people's problems, and that’s a major narrative red flag for me. I’m really not going to enjoy this if it continues to be The Make Dean Feel Better At Sam’s Expense Show, especially since not addressing the behaviours that are causing the problems in the first place is a temporary bandaid solution at best. Good grief, can we just get both these boys some therapy already?)
Anger and Vengeance are acceptable emotions to the brand of toxic masculinity John Winchester bought into. So’s deflecting until you can make some big, showy sacrifice. The show had Sam go out of his way to force Dean to admit the latter is bullshit, acknowledge how he feels, so they can try to work it out and make it better. I want somebody to do the same for Sam, dammit. I want somebody to get him to admit he’s scared. I want somebody (who isn’t themselves evil) to have a little honest faith in him! Because Sam’s always been ruthless, but he’s never been bad. At least, not until the only person who’s always had his back suddenly doesn’t anymore. And that’s a problem that they could solve if they just talked to each other about their damn feelings! 
I know, I know, midpoint of the planned story arc, this will probably all come into play later, and it does leave Sam isolated and vulnerable to Ruby's manipulations, but - dammit, I hate miscommunication plots! Especially drawn-out ones! And I don't feel 100% certain that setting Sam up like this was entirely intentional on the writers' parts, which is...not great. I kind of feel like I as a viewer am supposed to be agreeing with Dean's perspective, supposed to be concerned with how 'cold' Sam's becoming, but it doesn't...really...work when that's a character trait the show established for him from episode 1. 
If I was supposed to be sympathising with Sam, feeling like there's nobody left he can trust, not even himself (yes, cue meme), and looking to the one person who still seems to trust him for whatever nefarious reasons of her own, I feel like Dean would get the last word way less often. As it stands, I feel like I'm doing a lot of the heavy lifting for the show, and I don't love that, exactly. Like yeah, headcanoning Watsonian explanations is fun, but I also exist on a Doylist level and on a Doylist level I am disappoint. I want a tragedy not to try to bias me against a character who's going to be struck low by their fatal flaw, because that's...exactly counter to the point of tragedy, and I want a story that promises me a tragedy of brother against brother not to pick sides with one of the brothers! 
I dunno. I've just been badly spoiled by the Stan twins. For all that Alex may think Ford brought all his misery on himself and deserved to die for it, at least it didn't show up in the show itself. Really, Gravity Falls is just my gold standard for writing sibling conflict, and I guess I hadn't realised how much it would affect my ability to enjoy other things. Maybe this show is going to go on to address my concerns and knock my socks off, or maybe it’ll just get more frustrating, and the only way to find out for sure is to keep watching.
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Let's Give 'Em Hell (Did I Stutter Pt 4.)
Dean x Reader Mini Series Finale 
Series Summary:  Dean and the reader have a fight after a hunt, and decide to settle it in the gun range. The bet: Dean wins, the reader admits fault. The reader wins, Dean admits his feelings.
Word Count: 1047
Warnings: Language, Feels, 
Series Masterpost  |  Masterlist  |  Ask Me Anything/Feedback 
"Dean come on. We don't have to make this weird. That's not my goal. I just want you to acknowledge that you treat me differently, and that there is a reason." You explained.
He finally stopped, slowly turning to face you, eyes not quite ready to meet yours yet, though. Letting out a heavy sigh, he acknowledged you. "Y/N, you have to understand that I'm not good at this. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly a master at any kind of relationship. I don't handle it very well." He mumbled the last part. The look of almost helplessness on his face tore you heart into a million pieces. He was so strong all the time, so to see him so vulnerable, so raw, was a whole new experience. 
You took a few steps towards him and placed a hand on either side of his face, gently tugging upward, encouraging him to look at you. " Dean, look at me. I'm not asking you to be something you're not. I don't need you to pretend to be the lead in a hallmark movie. I just want you to be able to admit this to yourself. You don't have to be on guard all the time. I know the life makes all relationships hard, and that it’s  scary. I just want you to let me in, dammit."
Tears slowly made their way out of those beautiful green eyes, and his voice cracked slightly as he spoke, "I- I thought I was doing right by you. I thought keeping you at a distance would prevent you from falling into the line of fire. I never wanted for you to be a part of this. I’ve wished every day since the day we met, that you would walk away, Find someone who can give you what you deserve, that can give you a safe place to call home. Someone who wouldn't line you up to be killed, just because he loved you. Hell, I thought pushing you away would stop me from hoping that somehow I could be that man. Maybe not now, but someday. "
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Both of you had tears spilling over your cheeks now, "Dean-." 
He cut you off, "Shh, let me finish, sweetheart." Taking your hands in his, and rubbing soft circles into the backs of them, he continued, "That, that's why I treated you so much differently than anyone else. Every time I raised my voice, or got pissed off at you, I was pissed off at myself, and I was scared. Scared because, I couldn't do a damn thing to protect you. I could try with everything I had in me, and some demon, monster, angel, whatever would always try to kill you. I was scared because you're the best thing to happen to me, and I can't lose you. So I lash out, because that's the only way I know how to handle it. So yes, Y/N, I love you. But I can't do anything about it, because the moment we do, something will try to tear you to shreds." The tears were not just sneaking from his eyes now, they were a full on tsunami. The only thing you knew to do was to grab him around the neck and just hug him as tight as you can. The moment his head made contact with your shoulder, the tears turned to sobbing, his frame shaking as he tried to catch his breath through the crying. 
You didn't know how you had gotten so lucky to get to see the real Dean Winchester, to have him be so open in an authentic manner. You wished to god that you could just hug him until all the broken pieces mended to together. 
"Dean, I know. I know that it scares you. Hell, it scares me too."
 He leaned back and gave a serious look, "It should."
You grabbed his both sides of his flannel as you looked him dead in the eyes, "It's you turn to let me finish now. " Effectively silencing him again. "Dean, I knew that you were scared, and that you were never truly angry with me. I don't blame you for any of it. Whenever I got pissed off back, it was the only way I knew how to try to get you to snap out of it, it was the only way I could get you to hear me. As far as the risks that this could bring upon me, I am well aware of those, but you know what, I don't give a damn. You know why? I have you. I have the single greatest force that any monster could ever have to contend with. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that if anything ever even thought a threat towards me, they would have to go through you.... and even if by some miracle, they manage their way out of that, well I put up a hell of a fight. After all, I just beat you." A smirk played on your face after that last remark, causing him to chuckle a little.
 "You're stubborn as hell, you know that?" He joked. " I just told you that every evil thing will be lining up to rip you limb from limb, and your response is 'bring it'? You could only smile at the look of utter confusion that played across his features. 
"Oh honey, I learned from the best." You teased, leaning up towards him, and connecting your lips to his in a needy, yet soft, and slow, all that the same time kind of kiss. It was one that was saved only for those who have waited so long to share it, but didn't want to rush it, and spoil the moment. When you finally pulled away, you wrapped your arms around his waist, and rested you head on his chest, all you had to say was "Let's give 'em hell."
Dean laughed, and you delighted in the rumble it produced in his chest, when he replied, "Oh hell yeah... but maybe in the morning?" A smirk playing on his lips as he quirked that eyebrow at you and hoisted you up on his shoulder, taking off down the hall to his room.
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