#Eviction of Null;
bxd-kxrma · 6 months
Prologue - Null Eviction
Stepping through the void portal Karma took a look around the area, vast nothingness. It was exactly as one would expect when entering a vast white void. Completely empty except for the exit building that lay just a couple feet ahead.
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“Echo!” Her voice would somehow echo even though there was a lack of walls for her voice to bounce off of. Maybe she was just that loud.
“Good morning Vietnam!!!!” And again the echo would bounce her voice back, earning a small laugh from the brawler before she set down the small bag accompanying her to the ground and opening it up. “Ok, now just to double check. Capsule box full of food and drinks? Check. Sensu beans? Check. And… Some extra clothes. Yup. It’s all here.”
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‘What are you planning now?’ The voice inside her head would stir like a dark cloud in Karma’s mind. Clearly agitated, as usual.
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“I’m not gonna spoil the fun. Just sit and wait.” Karma would begin to stretch as she talked. “You know, I was thinking. You were right, I’ve really lost my drive. My passion or whatever you wanna call it. Maybe being a house wife wouldn’t be too bad. But you listened to what Ruby said too, training is about moving forward while attaining goals and being proud of yourself and who knows, one day my specialties may be needed to help with whatever threat my come our way. So. I’m really tired of being stuck in the same spot. I think it’s about time I snip the dead weight from me already.”
The brawler would finish her little warm up. “So, anything else to say?”
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‘….You and that bastard are fools. But I’ll play your game.’
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“Fuck you’re predictable.”
Karma would sigh and look at the building that served as the exit to this dimension. There was a bit of hesitation in her movements as she feared the worst outcome of her plan. That, and she would also be doing something very stupid. “Man, I should have said goodbye to some people. But the last thing I wanted was someone worrying about me.” Or a couple people.
“Oh well, at least Dad’s a quadrillionaire.” Her hand would glow a bright pink, summoning a ball of energy in her hand that would soon encase her palm. “I’m sure she’ll cover me when I get out.”
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‘Wait! You don’t plan to-‘
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“Sure do! You ready Null? No way in! No way out! Let’s do it!”
Despite the screaming of the alter in her head, Karma would launch the pink energy ball right at the exit, effectively blowing the building away until there was nothing but dust and rubble.
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‘You goddamn idiot! You’ve doomed the both of us!! When I get out of here-‘
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“Yea see, that’s the next thing… You ready to come out?”
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“Cause now. I’m gonna kick your ass.”
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theminionjcfucked · 9 months
So to recap:
-Cameron survived eviction twice
-Cameron becomes HOH after holding down a button for nearly 14 hours
-Nominates Jag and Blue
-Matt wins the power to save someone from eviction
-Matt uses the power to save Jag
-Cameron’s HOH is null and void, which means he held down that button for nothing
-Cameron gets nominated with Red
-Cameron wins the veto
-America was a potential replacement but now it’s landed on Jag going up on the block
-Jag possibly goes home this week?
This cast is so unserious
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wojikcantrest · 1 year
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Evict the un-man. These pseudo-humans, they are a remnant of what once was. Barely even to be called human. They do not hold the same static. Arrived on a dampened world, static null. Creatures taking manlike forms, they do not have the spark. Traveler.
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bigbrotherwizard101 · 28 days
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Welcome to… Fire Week.
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Fire school students are known for their passion that shines as bright as a burning flame. They have emotions so raw, that if not contained their fire could cause mass destruction. Which is why to control their skills, fire wizards use overtime damage in order to keep their flames contained.
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This leads us to this week's twist: ASSASSIN
This week's twist is similar to overtime damage. As after the POV ceremony, a houseguest that is NOT HOH or a nominee will be randomly assigned as an assassin. They will then have to decide what nominee they would like to sabotage by giving them an extra vote come eviction. However once picked the nominee gets a chance to guess who the assassin is. If they guess correctly their extra vote is null and the person who sabotaged them will lose their vote. If they guess incorrectly they get the extra vote come eviction night and nothing happens to the assassin.
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redstarnotebooks · 4 months
"The Palestinian National Charter: Resolutions of the Palestine National Council July 1-17, 1968."
Article 1:
Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.
... Article 5:
The Palestinians are those Arab nationals who, until 1947, normally resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or have stayed there. Anyone born, after that date, of a Palestinian father – whether inside Palestine or outside it – is also a Palestinian. Article 6:
The Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinians.
Article 8:
The phase in their history, through which the Palestinian people are now living, is that of national (watani) struggle for the liberation of Palestine. Thus the conflicts among the Palestinian national forces are secondary, and should be ended for the sake of the basic conflict that exists between the forces of Zionism and of imperialism on the one hand, and the Palestinian Arab people on the other. On this basis the Palestinian masses, regardless of whether they are residing in the national homeland or in diaspora (mahajir) constitute – both their organizations and the individuals – one national front working for the retrieval of Palestine and its liberation through armed struggle.
Article 9:
Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. This it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it . They also assert their right to normal life in Palestine and to exercise their right to self-determination and sovereignty over it.
Article 16:
The liberation of Palestine, from a spiritual point of view, will provide the Holy Land with an atmosphere of safety and tranquility, which in turn will safeguard the country’s religious sanctuaries and guarantee freedom of worship and of visit to all, without discrimination of race, color, language, or religion. Accordingly, the people of Palestine look to all spiritual forces in the world for support.
Article 17:
The liberation of Palestine, from a human point of view, will restore to the Palestinian individual his dignity, pride, and freedom. Accordingly the Palestinian Arab people look forward to the support of all those who believe in the dignity of man and his freedom in the world.
Article 18:
The liberation of Palestine, from an international point of view, is a defensive action necessitated by the demands of self-defense. Accordingly the Palestinian people, desirous as they are of the friendship of all people, look to freedom-loving, and peace-loving states for support in order to restore their legitimate rights in Palestine, to re-establish peace and security in the country, and to enable its people to exercise national sovereignty and freedom.
Article 20:
The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void. Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood. Judaism, being a religion, is not an independent nationality. Nor do Jews constitute a single nation with an identity of its own; they are citizens of the states to which they belong.
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inextures · 11 months
Essential Java Libraries Every Developer Should Know About
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Java is a flexible and strong programming language generally utilised for fostering a different scope of uses. From web improvement to portable applications, endeavour programming to logical figuring, Java keeps on being a famous decision among engineers.
One of the fundamental explanations behind Java’s prevalence is its extensive environment of libraries and structures. These libraries provide pre-composed code and prepared-to-utilize functionalities that save engineers time and exertion, enabling them to zero in on taking care of explicit issues as opposed to rehashing an already solved problem. This makes Java an ideal choice for developers looking to build web applications using Java.
In this blog, we will explore an organised rundown of fundamental Java libraries that each engineer ought to be aware of. These libraries offer many elements, including information control, organising, simultaneousness, testing, logging, and substantially more. Whether you are a novice or an accomplished Java developer, these libraries will upgrade your efficiency and assist you with building strong and productive applications.
Guava is a strong open-source library created by Google that complements the core Java libraries. It offers a rich arrangement of utilities and information structures, including caching, and functional programming support, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Guava’s assets lie in its elegant API design and the convenience it accommodates normal programming tasks.  Whether you need to handle collections more efficiently or work with functional programming concepts, Guava is an astounding decision.
Benefits of Guava
Rich Collection Utilities:
A comprehensive set of collection utilities
Convenient and efficient working with collections
Immutable collections for robust and scalable code
Helper methods for filtering, transforming, and combining collections
Functional Programming Support:
Incorporates functional programming concepts
Provides functional interfaces like Function, Predicate, and Supplier
Enables expressive and concise code
Utilities for working with functional types like Optional and Streams
String Utilities:
Enhanced functionality for string manipulation
Utilities for joining and splitting strings
Handling null or empty strings gracefully
CharMatcher class for efficient character matching and manipulation
Powerful caching framework
Efficient creation and management of caches
Control over cache size, eviction policies, expiration times, and concurrency levels
Improved application performance by caching expensive operations or frequently accessed data
Event Bus:
Decoupling components and implementing event-driven architectures
Publishing and subscribing to events
Loose coupling and better modularity
Simplified communication and introduction of new functionalities or components
Drawbacks of guava:
Learning Curve:
Guava introduces new concepts and APIs.
Requires learning and getting used to.
Especially for developers unfamiliar with functional programming or Google’s coding style.
May take time to understand and leverage Guava’s features effectively.
Code Size:
Using Guava may increase project dependencies.
The library itself is not lightweight.
The additional overhead of including Guava may not be justified.
Particularly in resource-constrained environments or small-scale projects.
Java 8 Overlap:
Many features in Guava are now available in core Java libraries since Java 8.
Guava provides backward compatibility and enhancements.
Some features may overlap with the built-in capabilities of Java 8 or newer versions.
Apache Commons:
Apache House is an assortment of reusable Java parts that give executions to normal errands like string control, input/yield tasks, and information structures. It offers a large number of utilities and is generally embraced by designers around the world. A few outstanding parts incorporate Apache Center Lang (for working with strings, exhibits, and dates), Apache Commons IO (for input/output operations), and Apache Commons Collections (for advanced data structures).
Pros of Apache Commons:
Extensive Functionality: Offers a wide range of utilities and components for various tasks, saving development time.
Community-Driven Development: Developed by an active open-source community, ensuring continuous improvements and bug fixes.
Mature and Stable: Established as a reliable and stable library through rigorous testing and development.
Wide Adoption: Popular among Java developers, providing ample resources and community support.
Interoperability: Integrates well with other libraries and frameworks, making it versatile for different projects.
Cons of Apache Commons:
Learning Curve: The extensive range of components may require time and effort to understand and explore.
Library Size: Including the entire library may increase the project footprint, potentially problematic for resource-limited applications.
Dependency Management: Proper management of dependencies, including potential conflicts or compatibility issues, is crucial.
Limited Customization: Some developers may prefer more customizable solutions tailored to their specific needs.
Jackson is an elite exhibition JSON handling library for Java. It offers powerful help for parsing JSON information into Java objects (deserialization) and changing over Java objects to JSON (serialisation). Jackson offers flexible configuration options, extensive compatibility, and excellent performance, making it the go-to library for JSON processing in Java. It coordinates consistently with well-known systems like Spring and is generally utilised in web improvement.
Comprehensive and Flexible: Supports various JSON formats and offers flexible configuration options.
High Performance: Utilises efficient algorithms and optimised parsing techniques for quick processing.
Integration with Java Frameworks: Seamlessly integrates with popular Java lightweight web frameworks like Spring.
Rich Feature Set: Offers a wide range of features, including support for data binding and handling complex object graphs.
Community Support: Has a large and active community of developers, ensuring ongoing support and frequent updates.
Configuration Complexity: Numerous configuration settings and features may overwhelm developers.
Learning Curve: Requires learning about annotations, object-mapping mechanisms, and configuration settings.
Potential Performance Overhead: Flexibility and extensive features may introduce some performance overhead.
Software development includes unit testing, and JUnit is the de facto standard library for Java unit testing. It offers a straightforward and tasteful framework for creating test cases and executing them to confirm the accuracy of your code. Writing and organizing test suites is made simple by JUnit’s support for annotations, assertions, test fixtures, and test runners. It enables automated testing as part of the development process and interfaces seamlessly with building technologies like Maven and Gradle.
Simplified Test Writing: JUnit provides an easy-to-use framework with annotations, assertions, and test fixtures.
Test Organization: Test cases can be organised into logical groups using test suites and runners.
Test Coverage Analysis: JUnit supports code coverage tools to identify inadequately tested code.
Continuous Integration Support: JUnit works well with CI systems like Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI.
Learning Curve: Mastering advanced features and best practices of JUnit may require time and experience.
Test Maintenance Overhead: Tests need to be regularly updated as the codebase evolves.
Limited Support for Asynchronous Testing: JUnit has some limitations when it comes to testing asynchronous code.
Dependency on External Resources: Testing components relying on external resources requires additional configuration and setup.
The object-relational mapping (ORM) package called Hibernate makes it easier for Java programs to access databases. It enables object-oriented paradigms to be used by developers to interact with databases, doing away with the requirement for manual SQL queries. Hibernate manages the mapping of Java objects to database tables, automates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) activities, and offers sophisticated capabilities like transaction management, lazy loading, and caching. It is a foundational Java persistence library that is frequently applied in enterprise-level applications.
Productivity and Simplicity
Hibernate eliminates the need for writing tedious and error-prone SQL queries manually.
It provides a higher level of abstraction by mapping Java objects to database tables.
Developers can focus on business logic instead of dealing with low-level database operations.
Simplifies development and boosts productivity.
Database Independence
Hibernate allows easy switching between different database vendors.
Supports various databases such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more.
Minimal configuration changes are required to switch the underlying database.
The application code does not need to be rewritten.
Object-Oriented Paradigm
Working with persistent objects directly instead of SQL statements and result sets.
Promotes an object-oriented approach to data access.
Leverages Java’s object-oriented features like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
Caching and Performance Optimization
Hibernate includes first-level and second-level caches to improve application performance.
The caching mechanism reduces database round-trips and stores frequently accessed data in memory.
Faster response times and reduced load on the database.
Transaction Management
Hibernate simplifies transaction management with automatic support.
Defines transaction boundaries for data consistency and integrity.
Efficient management of transactions with support for different isolation levels.
In conclusion, mastering these essential Java development services will undoubtedly enhance your skills as a Java engineer and engage you to fabricate vigorous, proficient, and viable applications. Keep exploring and experimenting with these libraries, and stay updated with the latest advancements in the Java ecosystem to stay ahead in your development journey.
Read More Essential Java Libraries Every Developer Should Know About
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-(16)- return with their heaviest and most devastating record to date, Into Dust. The new album, a collection of cautionary tales of survival and redemption, is set to an amalgamation of sludge, punk, metal, hardcore, and stoner riffs, that could only be built through 30 years of commitment to their dark sonic craft, which -(16)- continues to improve upon. From the frantic opening of "Misfortune Teller" to the undeniable pounding and swagger of "Scrape the Rocks", Into Dust lives up to its name, as -(16)- beat the listener into submission through the lowest of ends and the sour, palpable malaise prevalent throughout the album's dozen tracks. "There's a story arc in the lyrics that start with an eviction notice served amid the ruins of Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys, to running aground metaphorically and drowning in midlife, bearing witness to the modern suffering of hunger and poverty on the Mexico California border," guitarist and vocalist Bobby Ferry says. The negativity persists on tracks aptly titled "Null and Eternal Void", and the dizzying, pill-induced "The Floor Wins". Elsewhere, "Born on a Bar Stool" sends the listener off with a sobering album closer; ending on a foggy and rainy jazz-tinged San Francisco night, with an anti-drinking drinking song, proclaiming "Raise your glass all things pass". #16 #intodust #relapserecords #metal #doom #sludge #store #rock #vinyl #vinyladdict #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinyldecals #vinylfan #vinylmeplease #vinylstore #vinylpossessed #vinylpost #vinylstore #vinylgram #grindpromotionrecords (presso Grindpromotion Records Hq) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClDkiiBohly/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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computingpostcom · 2 years
In this short tutorial we will look at how you can delete evicted or terminated Pods in a Kubernetes Cluster. There are many reasons you’ll find some Pods in Evicted and Terminated State. For eviction it is often as a result of resources pressure in the worker nodes or application error. Termination could be as result of scaling down an application or deploying new release of application where old Pods are terminated after. The kubelet service which runs in every node in the cluster is responsible for Pod eviction. The order of pods eviction is: Best Effort – QoS class Burstable pods using more resources than its request of the starved resource. Burstable pods using less resources than its request of the starved resource. You can get list of Pods in a namespace stuck in Terminated or Evicted State by running the following command: kubectl get pods -n namespace | egrep -i 'Terminated|Evicted' Force Delete Evicted / Terminated Pods in Kubernetes You can delete these pods in various ways. Using kubectl and Bash native commands These are bash commands with filtering you’ll run to force deletion of Pods in Namespace that are stuck in the Evicted or Terminated State. # Define namespace namespace="mynamespace" # Get all pods in Terminated / Evicted State epods=$(kubectl get pods -n $namespace | egrep -i 'Terminated|Evicted' | awk 'print $1 ') # Force deletion of the pods for i in $epods[@]; do kubectl delete pod --force=true --wait=false --grace-period=0 $i -n $namespace done Confirm if there are still pods in this state. kubectl get pods -n $namespace | egrep -i 'Terminated|Evicted' Deleting all evicted and terminated pods from all namespaces: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | egrep -i 'Evicted|Terminated' | awk 'print $2 " --namespace=" $1' | xargs kubectl delete pod --force=true --wait=false --grace-period=0 Delete all containers in ImagePullBackOff state from all namespaces – Bonus: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep 'ImagePullBackOff' | awk 'print $2 " --namespace=" $1' | xargs kubectl delete pod Delete all containers in ImagePullBackOff or ErrImagePull state from all namespaces – Bonus: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -E 'ImagePullBackOff|ErrImagePull|Evicted' | awk 'print $2 " --namespace=" $1' | xargs kubectl delete pod Using kubectl filters and jq You can also filter kubectl command output and pipe to jq to get specific columns. First install jq command: --- Ubuntu / Debian --- $ sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq --- CentOS/Fedora --- $ sudo yum -y install epel-release $ sudo yum -y install jq --- RHEL --- wget https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.6/jq-linux64 -O jq chmod +x jq sudo mv jq /usr/local/bin Then remove Evicted Pods with the command: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.status.reason!=null) | select(.status.reason | contains("Evicted")) | "kubectl delete pods \(.metadata.name) -n \(.metadata.namespace)"' | xargs -n 1 bash -c Stay connected for more interesting guides on containers.
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
Small claims court rules in favour of 'renovicted' Lunenburg tenant
A small claims court in Bridgewater, N.S., has awarded a renter $3,744.02 in damages and compensation after her landlord cut off water and began demolition work. She was still living in a two-bedroom unit in the building and had no access to the water or electricity.
Some other tenants had already left the four-unit building. The tenant's lawyer said her client is pleased with the outcome of the case, which was settled out of court.
An adjudicator has told a landlord he broke the rules while his tenant followed them. The tenant had already gone to the residential tenancy board and successfully received an order to stay the notice to leave. The tenancy officer's decision was released on March 31, 2022 — the day before her water was cut off.
Months earlier, the landlord had sent numerous emails telling them to make other living arrangements or face demolition work. But those emails were null and void because they were sent during Nova Scotia's so-called renoviction ban.
A renoviction is when a tenant is evicted to make way for renovations. Nova Scotia banned the practice in November 2020, which was followed by a pandemic state of emergency. The measure lasted until March 2022, when the state of emergency was lifted.
Tenants must be given at least three months' notice, and if they don't agree to leave, landlords can apply for an eviction order.
He said he sent a letter to the board instead and thought by doing so, he would get the meeting cancelled.
Silver told him the argument that his letter cancelling a meeting with Trump had "no merit and told him it was a "reckless way to behave" by Frydenberg, who he described as a bit of a narcissist.
Edwards said he bought an apartment because it was run down and close to his parent's home. He said he wanted to convert it to three storeys from two storeys and possibly turn it into senior-friendly housing. He said he was trying to be the "anti-slumlord."
While explaining his plans, he made a comment about how his family had "endured parties and litter and chaos" while living nearby.
Silver told Edwards he should have taken time to review the rules before starting work on the building.
Wohler says landlords need to be aware of their rights and obligations under the law.
Edwards is seeking compensation for an unpaid power bill and will not be allowed to stay in the hotel.
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cottagecore · 2 years
hi i have a master's in ecological preservation practices in precolonial america and an assisting bachelor's of native American history with a double minor in ecology and prehistorical farming practices. I am also a proud Na'rutan. i do not approve of the way people are choosing to attack you and i am instead choosing to inform you. generally, taking one or two or three rocks from a location is not very harmful as long as they are not placed back outside in a different location. taking a large bag filled with rocks however, can be extremely detrimental to the hyperlocal ecosystem you took them from. doing this effects the ecosystem by removing homes for animals and insects, it also effects the rivers natural flow and you can unknowingly disturb things like fish egg sacs and other developing animals. it can also remove vital nutrients from the land as rocks provide much nutrients to the earth and water that they naturally resided in. it can also cause negative effects on the area the rocks were newly introduced to, this is null if you plan on exclusively keeping them in your house, but this means if you want to put them in your garden for instance, you could cause an outbreak of a new illness among the earth and those living in it. in general, taking large amounts of rocks from anywhere besides say, a parking lot, is pretty damaging on all ends and i wouldn't recommend it. that being said, i am a rock collector, i just am very selective with where and how many rocks i remove from a natural environment.
thank you for taking the time to send this and put informed thought into it. i do understand the repercussions, but this is all based on a tumblr post i made in passing without very much thought or effort while in a very good mood, i was being hyperbolic bc i was so excited. it wasnt a large bag and i really didnt take that many, just some big ones and some small ones, which when put into one bag was heavy compared to my tote bag that was carrying a paperback book and two small journals and my purse with barely anything of substance in it. thats why i keep saying these anons are basing their arguments in assumptions bc they frankly do not know the half of it! im planning on keeping them inside, im aware that putting stuff from one environment into another can fuck up both and it wasnt something i was considering. i didnt take most of the rocks i took from the actual water but from the sand and the dirt leading to/from the parking lot and i did feel bad about possibly evicting bugs n stuff and thats one of the reasons i picked up so much trash (also its just the right thing to do, even tho the better thing would be for others to just not litter) i literally do not think at all though that i should have to defend myself this hard or at all when the ppl arguing against me absolutely do not have the facts on what i did and are literally always looking for something to be mad at and stumbled upon me and my loosey goosey tumblr post that was not in fact a historical documentation of the event but a gesture of something i did that wasnt supposed to mean anything and was just supposed to be a quick caption for some pictures i took outside. it was just a post i made bc i had a good day for once and did smth meaningful to me. you guys are not entitled to how or why or rlly what was meaningful or anything for that matter. i shouldnt have to share every detail for you guys to not take smth in bad faith or to make you understand that while yes i did something that wasnt the best for the environment that sometimes being a human with feelings means you do that kind of stuff anyways. it isnt this big of a deal AT ALL and im tired of thinking about it. im not saying its okay to fuck over the planet when youre in the mood for it either im just saying i didnt fuck over the planet and im just a person and i dont strive to be perfectly good and sometimes i will do things that arent morally golden shining and pure and not feel that bad about it simply bc DUH! when im saying yall its not necessarily about u anon bc i do respect where ur coming from and that you said what you had to say like this but literally this isnt the end of the world i prommy
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bxd-kxrma · 6 months
Null Eviction - Part 2
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“Hey, hey. Getting tired yet?” Karma stood a couple feet from Alter, the both of them had taken on major damage. Karma lost a hand, a horn had been broken off leaving awful, jagged edges atop her skull along with her body being left with deep wounds that were beginning to heal after some time of being untouched. Even though she seemed to be in a dire situation. Alter was looking far worse.
A missing arm, a lost hand, a chunk of her thigh being completely missing as well causing her to rely on floating rather than standing. Her form stayed the same but seemed to be flickering to… Something. It was hard to make out but the both of them were beginning to regenerate their lost limbs and harsh wounds.
“Why…?” Alter’s voice could be heard, from the void that was her face there could be seen some black liquid falling from the area. Was that her blood?
“Why are you so different from me? We’re one and the same yet you haven’t reached the same conclusion as I have. Even being here! See her and knowing what she’s like!” Alter nothing but scorn for the people around her, the ones in her life, ones she called friends and family.
“Have you not thought about it? The damage they’ve done? The innocent lives they’ve made suffer? For what? A good fight?! Yes, everyone can be wished back but that doesn’t make the fear and horror go away! Imagine being so powerless, knowing your family is dying in front of your eyes until you succumb to death itself only to then suddenly be alive again in an instant like nothing happened. That’s nothing but suffering! Those Vacosian’s claim to protect Remnant but only think about the planet as an inhabitable home rather than the life that occupies it!”
Karma would be silent for a moment, thinking of her words before replying “You’re just a full on hypocrite.”
“You’re the same as you claim them to be. When you were on your warpath, killing all of your versions of my family, you made me watch as I couldn’t do anything about it. How can you sit there and say any of that as you’ve literally done far worse?! Does that timeline even have Dragon Balls anymore?! God and to think this was what everything’s been about?! You’re so-“
Alter began to laugh, cutting Karma off, the two of them were almost fully regenerated. The air was filled with impatience as the two of them wanted so desperately to get back to their fight.
“You know so very little about Ruby and what she keeps from you.” Her thigh had regenerated, walking slowly around Karma, the two of them mimicking each other’s movements now.
“Did you know, she knows our mother’s alive?”
Karma would stop in her tracks at the revelation. “You’re a goddamn liar.” Her eyes would glare at Alter whose form was almost fully restored, but that image she kept presenting, the void empty face with nothing but the glow of eyes, the gray skin… It was all starting to fade into color again.
“Well, I’d say go and ask her yourself but… You’re not leaving here alive.”
Karma had enough of this, jumping right in and yelling “Get the fuck out of my home!” A punch, landing square in that now half colored face if Alter’s which now showed features of a nose and a pair of lips. “And my damn timeline!” Another throw of a punch, one that was covered with energy that swirled with a darker hue of pink bordering the usual glow.
The fist was caught, the energy surrounding it dissipating like water evaporating off a hot surface. The hand that caught it wasn’t the normal grey skinned tone Karma was used to and when she looked at Alter, she saw now that her darkness form had completely dissolved and the woman standing back at her…
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“This is not your timeline to call home!”
Karma had no time to respond or even react to the information at all as her body was thrown and immediately hit with a beam of energy that wrapped itself around her, surrounding her being. This wasn’t good, she couldn’t move her body at all, she noticed the beam was extending out from Alters hands.
“It’s time for you to see the truth, Karma.”
“W-Wait how are you-?!” Her body seemed to move on its own, forced to mimic Alters movements “Wait… Wait are you??”
Their bodies stood side by side, a calculated distance between each other and soon, a very special, integral ‘dance’.
“No!” Karma tried to resist, tried to get out of this forced mimic state she was in, desperately trying to deny her body the precise movements the dance needed as it moved perfectly in sync with Alter’s.”
It was nearly complete, Karma’s heartbeat pounded in her ears, she didn’t know something like this could even be possible. Alter wasn’t one to play games like this! This had to be-
Their fingers would flawlessly touch each others, from them a large radius of energy would grow and expand as color’s of black red and pink would clash collide and mix until regressing into a singular form, containing all of that impossible power into one person.
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The figure would stand there in silence as an internal battle will be made within.
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andrearrrrr · 3 years
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Jimi Hendrix in Ringo Starr’s apartment at 34 Montagu Square, in Marylebone, London, 1966 
Jimi hendrix rented the apartment for £30 a month. He lived with his girlfriend, Kathy Etchingham, and also with his manager, Chas Chandler, and his girlfriend, Lotta Null.
Later Ringo evicted him for throwing whitewash over the walls while on an acid trip.
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ny-watcher · 3 years
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#LCDLF - Here we have the 16 ( La Casa De Los Famosos ) Housemates
This is a Late Post but I'm adding it here for Reference
La Casa de Los Famosos -aka- Big Brother VIP Premiered August 24, 2021 on Telemundo Exactly 3 Weeks ago as of this Writing. 2 Housemates have already been Evicted but there is alot more Game to go since the Show will Last 3 Months.
The Showrunner for this Edition is Pablo Alonso the same Person who Produced Gran Hermano USA in 2016 - 5 Years ago - So this is his 2nd attempt at bringing a Latin Big Brother Edition to the USA Audience. The 1st Attempt Gran Hermano USA was riddled with Controversy for allegedly being Scripted and Rigged and therefore considered a Failure by the Public - Which made it Last for only 1 Edition and was Quickly Cancelled.
However, I didn't get my hopes up too High for this Edition since I knew once it was going to be on the Telemundo Network and Pablo was involved this lead me to expect that History would repeat itself. Pablo and the Rest of the Production Team don't understand what this format is about - they treat it like like the are doing a Tele-Novela instead of a Reality Show and it's Sucks.
For Example: The Nomination System
The Housemates Nominate 2pts one Housemate 1pt the Second -After all the Voting is done and Tallied the 3 Housemates with the Most Votes go on the Chopping Block go up for Eviction - Simple Right? Wrong!
The Leader of the House wins the Power to Save one of the Nominated Housemates in Danger of being Evicted - So whats the Problem? Once the 3 Housemates are Officially up for Eviction - They Open the Voting Lines for the Public to start Voting one of the 3 Housemate out of the House - However the Leader doesn't Save the Housemate he or she wants before they open the Voting Lines he or she does it the Next Day after the Public have already been Voting for a Full Day - Suspicious isn't it?
The Day after Nominations in the Next Gala Show the Host tells the leader to Save 1 of the 3 Housemates up for Eviction who were already being Voted upon by the Public - So once the leader Saves one of the 3 Housemates all the Votes against that Person are Null in Void and the Public who were Voting for that Person find out they have wasted all their Time Voting for nothing. Then it leaves 2 Housemates up for Eviction and Show Bosses have the Nerve to ask the Public to continue Voting as if the Public who already wasted their Time and effort would even care to Vote again. Stupid System.
So whats Really Wrong with this System? Simple - Not only does it Rob the Public of getting someone out of the House if they were Voting in Mass amounts for the same Person the Leader Saved but it also reveals the Biggest Manipulation Gimmick to date when it comes to Evictions - While the 3 Housemates up for Eviction are being Voted upon by the Public- The Production Team can see which Housemate is in Danger of being Evicted - This gives them the opportunity to Manipulate the Outcome by calling the Leader into the Diary Room and convincing them on who they should Save - So if the Production Team has a FAV Housemate on the chopping Block who they want to remain in the House, they now have an Extra way to remove them from Danger and can Blame the Leader for making the Choice when Secretly it was them manipulating the Game behind the scene. This only Benefits the Show not the Public. It's an Nefarious Rigging Tactic which is Very Unfair to the Public.
Then there is the Issue regarding Rule Breakers in the House - They Give the Housemates Warnings but Don't Enforce the Rules or Punish the Rule Breakers - Instead if they continue repeating the same things over and over and the Show Bosses seem to give up and let them get away with it until they get enough pressure from the Public to do something about it - As if the problem was going to correct itself on its own or they were trying to hide it. They forget about Social Media - We see everything and then some. It's also as if they are Afraid to Ruin their Show Script or too Lazy to Discipline the Housemates for Fear it will cause a Backlash - This only causes them to lose Credibility with the Public and be disrespected by the Housemates - It's a Black eye for the Show and only reveals how people running this Edition Like Pablo and Executive Producer Cisco Suarez don't have an Idea what a REALity Big Brother Show is all about. They think they do but they really don't.
Anyway with only 3 Weeks into the Show - The Bosses are already starting to Ride the Train off it's Tracks - So a Train Wreck is now Eminent - It's Still early and they have a chance to pull the Track Switching Lever but if they don't out of arrogance and don't listen to the Public then over the Cliff or Bridge they Go! Anyway I'll keep you posted on Twitter so Follow me there @NY_Watcher Cya Later ;-)
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 96
James could suck the exhaust pipe of the van for all Keith cared. Werewolves were huge, far bigger than the normal family dog or what most people thought. Yet with all that size came zero brain cells. Keith in a huff, not able to stop thinking of Lance and slightly murderous thanks to James loudly mocking him for his “Breeder Boyfriend”. So much for not making a fucking thing out of it, and you know, not putting Lance in extra danger. Sure. He smelt like Lance, before he’d been sprayed top to bottom with that horrible floral crap he and Shiro had used on their scent last time, but if their positions were reversed, Keith wouldn’t be attempting to humiliate him through his boyfriend. He knew it was his name that made James mad... and that he was so close to Shiro, but that wasn’t his fault. He never ever wanted the extra attention.
Worried about his boyfriend’s behaviour, Coran was going to have Curtis check in and maybe stay with Lance. Keith felt like it was something else than birthday blues because he knew birthday depression far too well. He wished he could get Lance out of his mind. Being mad a James helped with that, but that anger was mostly about his comments about Lance, so his mind kept drifting back to his boyfriend as he triple checked his snipers scope. He understood why Coran told him to be extra careful before he left. Vampires had their own set of rules, not terribly considerate towards hunters in that respect. Maybe he really has become soft working here, and actually feeling appreciated for himself. Training his scope onto the recon team, things slowly dissolved to shit as shots rang out. They’d supposed to get the lay of the land and decide from there whether to engage with the werewolves and continue surveillance, the mission plan was basic about the initial components, but being discovered so soon to arriving and in the middle of the freakin’ day was not planned. The first surveillance team had like no contact with the targets. They’d pretty much hadn’t seen anything, and they’d been watching from sun up until relief. Even if it did give them the advantage, some wank stain had ruined everything with that first shot
“Open up the roofs, get us some light in there”
In other words fire a dozen shots into the steel roofing over their target buildings.
There were three target buildings in the shipyard. Keith think he’d thought about there actually be a ship yard in Platt, seeing it was Platt, but the actual words for a place where they constructed ship parts escaped him. Other than the sea of buildings, truck yards, trucks and about 20,000 shipping containers to hide between... they couldn’t shut down the docks without raising suspicion, so instead power for 15 city blocks had gone down with press releases that the problem was being worked on. The Blades didn’t fuck around. Everything outside the mission was null and void until they came back. He shouldn’t be sitting there wondering if Lance would have shot someone’s balls off if he’d been in Keith’s position, no matter if it brought a smile to his face at the thought. Taking aim, he fired at the roof of the closest building, as it was breeched by agents. There were more Blades here than he’d seen in Platt in the whole time since Kolivan waltzed in.
“Explosive device recovered... fall back. Teams X, R, M, rerouting”
Explosives were usually a Blade thing when evidence needed to disappear. Keeping the communication clipped, it failed to warn him it was discovered on a rooftop some 50metres from his position. He didn’t know he was supposed to run until the screams of an unfortunate Blade member filled his ears and huge explosion went off towards the gates of the yard. With the roof blown sky high, Keith was gathering up his rifle and running, before a second device triggered... then the third, this time taking off the side of a storage shed. If that didn’t scream “motherfucking setup”, then Keith didn’t know what did. Nearly clear of the roof, the roofing beneath his feet shifted, Keith losing his step and nearly getting himself killed as he fell off the side of the building and onto a pile of electrical reels... which really hurt. He was getting in mentally before the mocking started. Lance would have a hundred puns to annoy him with after he punched him in the dick for nearly getting hurt.
Being winded saved him as the barred windows to the left and right of the reels blew outwards, glass, concrete and metal showering over him. Had he been getting to his feet, he’d have taken the shrapnel head on, not copping parts second hand as the reels went up in flames. Lance was going to be pissed. You only went after roofs when you knew someone was hiding there or you suspected snipers... Fuck. He had to move and pull back. Something else had been blown up and the air stank from burning things that shouldn’t be burnt. Gathering up his rifle, he was half crash tackled before being pulled along towards the front gate. The mysterious figure was dressed in black, yet he instantly knew they weren’t a Blade member.
Short of the collective of hunter’s, they reached another figure dressed in all black. Hunching over to catch his breath, the first figure who’d pulled him along cackled
“Look at him. Human’s really aren’t good for anything”
Narti?! What the fuck?
“Careful. We need to fall back”
And Ezor? Or was it Zethrid? Which was the tall one again?
“But I wanna take him home”
“This place holds no leads for us. Leave him to return with the human”
Narti crossed her arms
“That’s enough, Ezor. Narti will be mad we meddled as it is”
Ohhh... not Narti... that actually kind of made him feel better... Narti was the grumpy one... Ezor wanted to have fun. He needed to remember that
Ezor licked the pad of her gloved thumb, before reaching and rubbing at spot on his mask
“Good as new. Right. Off you run”
Keith found his voice. He couldn’t let the two of them run off when they knew something
“Don’t go getting emotional on us little Keefy. I know you want to join us, but you’re a human and we have a strict no humans allowed rule. Until next time”
With that the pair of them were off, heading back towards the chaos. Feeling every bit of his bruised body, Keith started limping over to where the hurt hunters were getting immediate medical treatment. Had Lotor sold them out? Or was he following them? What the fuck was going on? And where the fuck was Shiro? He was going to kill him very slowly if he’d gotten himself killed.
The clean up was worse than falling off the roof. Why the didn’t have a back up team in the sewer system Keith didn’t know, because that’s how their pray had escaped. Right down the jagged hole middle of the building... and of course the arseholes had taken everything with them. It was a mess he was glad he didn’t have to deal with. Fuck being in Kolivan or Krolia’s shoes right now. He didn’t even want to be in his own shoes. He’d traded his sniper rifle for a pair of hand guns, but there really wasn’t anything to do... because thankfully he wasn’t a werewolf with an overdeveloped sense of smell. Ezor and Zethrid weighed on his mind, he hadn’t the chance to tell anyone he’d seen them there, and Shiro was too busy first with the mission, then fussing over him.
Leaving the cleanup crew still working, Keith was still late to Lance’s birthday dinner. Shiro was late too, but that was okay because he wasn’t dating Lance. Between getting back to VOLTRON, showering, changing, and not being able to talk to Coran thanks to the fae being busy as fuck with the Blades mess, he was still late. Heading into the restaurant with Shiro, Curtis was the first to notice, out of his seat and throwing his arms around Shiro within moments of his noticing him.
Lance was sitting with Pidge in his lap, there was a smile on his lips that didn’t turn genuine until he set his eyes on Keith. The warmth in his smile and the relief in his eyes. That was everything he needed after what’d happened. Keith felt like walking bag of bruises that Lance wouldn’t be happy about. It was a shame Coran and Allura weren’t there, but Lance was and that was all he cared about.
Shooing Pidge out his lap, Pidge grumbled over being evicted. Lance reaching for him, and Keith nearly tripped over his own feet in his rush to get to his boyfriend. There had to be rules about two people sitting in the same seat, this wasn’t like Sal’s or at a pub, the place was fancy, but their table was slightly hidden by a jutting room divider. Sinking into his boyfriend’s hold, Lance slipped his arm around his waist, his lips finding Keith’s with practiced ease. Sharing three small kisses, ending as Keith hissed over his scratched lips. Now he was sitting, he wasn’t sure he had the energy to ever get up again. His boyfriend smelt so nice. A little sweet, and little muddly, but comfortingly like him.
Nuzzling into his cheek, Keith expected Pidge to carry on or tease them for being “gross”. Curtis must have filled them all in the mission going sideways. Softly, Lance asked
“I’m okay...”
He was ready for bed... Cake, Lance and bed. Lance, cake, Lance, and bed sounded better. Or Lance and cake in bed...
“You sure? Curtis...”
“Yeah. A bit shell shocked and bruised but so much better for being here”
Lance kissed his cheek
“I’m not going to be happy later, am I?”
“Mmmm, maybe not, but I’m in one piece and I didn’t take direct damage. I’ll be fine, I promise you, babe”
His ears weren’t ringing and he had both eyebrows so that was a win.
“Okay. You’ve had your time to talk. Now tell us about this mission of yours”
Matt scooched his chair closer. Shiro groaned at him. With him and Curtis sitting down, the seating arrangement around the table was Lance, Miriam, Pidge, Rieva, Matt, Hunk, Shiro, Curtis, with the chair closest to Lance left open for him, though that had probably already been used by Pidge until he arrived. Curtis explained
“Vampires blew up the depot. You know the transport and manufacturing depot. Yeah, well, their going to have a hell of time explaining that away. Though I suppose with the power black out they’ll say some compound became unstable from lack of refrigeration. It makes Allura’s, Lance’s, and Keith’s previous mission pretty void for now. Werewolves have been deployed to scent track”
Mami was the first to voice her worry
“Oh my dear! Neither of you were hurt were you?”
Pidge a little less sensitive in her worries
“Dude, did you get blown up?”
Shiro shook his head, Keith content with no explaining... though it niggled at him not to mention Zethrid and Ezor. He’d talk to Coran about it. He was more tactful with handling this kind of thing, plus Keith kind of feared being scolded by Kolivan for receiving help from the “enemy”
“No. A few other members were injured. I thought we lost Keith, but he’d already drawn back”
Shit. Lance would worry
“They gave the order to. I didn’t think we’d be worrying about being blown up after nothing happening on first shift. They must have used the time from the moment they detected us to that shot firing to retreat. But we’re both okay, Mami. You don’t need to worry”
“As my son, I’m afraid I do. Do you know long it look Lance to bring home such a nice catch? I was beginning to believe I’d be dead before it happened”
Lance scolded his Mami
“Mami! You can’t say things like that”
Miriam laughing it off
“Consider it a perk of being old. They give you the good stuff when they think you’re a bit nutty. Now, we didn’t order for you two boys, and by the sound of it you both need a good meal and rest”
Matt snickered
“I doubt Keith’s going to be getting any of that”
Keith was now sure he was missing something. His anxiety started curling in his gut. This was why he hated being late. He hated feeling like he was on the outside
“Okay. No more picking on Keith. Babe, I’ll tell you later. Mami’s right. You need to eat something. I’m happy you came home safe”
“Yeah. Me too...”
Pidge finally butting in
“And now you’re being gross again. This is supposed to be a nice dinner to celebrate Lance. You’ve got witnesses”
Keith forced himself to slide from Lance’s lap to the empty chair. Ordering felt like too much effort
“Careful, gremlin. I’ve got stories of my own remember”
Pidge scowled at Lance
“I’m going to find a way to make you forget all those embarrassing stories”
Lance picked up his wine glass, mischief in his eye
“I’d like to see you try. Your mother’s potted plants came straight to mind”
“Ugh! I hate you... Matt, Lance is being mean”
“You’re the one who tried to spray paint mum’s plants so she couldn’t tell you’d killed them”
Keith sucked in his lips, trying not to bark out a laugh lest he also be accused of betraying her. He could see Pidge doing that so clearly... or trying to frame Matt for it. Grabbing her knife she faked stabbing herself in the heart, letting herself fall forward dramatically as she whispered
“I’ve been betrayed by both of you. Run, Keith, take Hunk. Be free!”
Flopped on the table, Matt poked at her
“Right. Well, I call dibs on her piece of cake”
Miraculously Pidge was revived
“Touch me piece of cake and I’ll tell Rieva how you couldn’t sleep with your light off until you were 15”
Matt was unruffled
“Seeing you already have, your piece is now forfeit”
“Noooo... Shiro, is there like a training collar for werewolves? I’m going to have to teach him to respect his little sister”
“Notice how you only refer to yourself like that when you’re trying to win me over”
“You can’t be mean! I’m a poor defenceless human”
“Defenceless my left testicle. You’re as defenceless as a barbed wire fence with the personality to match”
“If anything Lance is the “steely” one”
Lance raised an eyebrow
“If I’m so steely, why is it that my home was invaded by a cow today? Pidge, we know you better than to know you won’t go for a kick to balls if you’re cornered. Matt, stop upsetting the gremlin. She can have cake, but only before midnight”
“Why before midnight?”
The words slipped right out, their friends laughing at him... including Mami. Obviously it was some kind of pop culture reference he wasn’t getting. At least Lance was nice enough to comfort him
“Oh, babe. You’re exhausted. We’ll watch the movie when we next get a free weekend”
“Which won’t be for another two weeks”
Lance groaned, cheeks red and hunching down as he did
“Maaaaatt. Shut up”
“Why another two weeks?”
Lance spluttered, replying too fast
“Oh, you know, work and stuff. Stop teasing him before I talk to him about it”
“Fine. But on a serious note, you’re prepared right?”
“Curtis helped me out this afternoon”
“Good. Keith, make sure you take care of him”
He’d had enough of being confused
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Thanks, guys. Babe, come order with me. I’ll order for you too, Shiro, while I’m at it. You all suck”
Keith didn’t know “ordering” meant a trip to the men’s room. Lance splashing his face with water as Keith hung back towards the door. Catching his gaze in the mirror, Lance smiled at him, though it was one of those faked smiles that should be banned
“Sorry. Matt’s been like this all afternoon”
“You want to tell me what’s going on? I haven’t been able to get out my head how you looked at me when I left”
Lance ducked his head, turning off the tap, that blush was sneaking back in
“I... uh... okay. So don’t be mad, and you totally don’t have to be there if you don’t want to... I... um... I’m preheat”
What the what now?
“You know how werewolves get horny in spring but before that they’re all like super affectionate and make sure they’re well stocked and safe? Yeah, I’m that”
“You haven’t been preheat before. You kind of just go into heat”
Lance huffed. Turning, he crossed his arms and stared at his feet
“Thank you, Captain Obvious. Curtis came by earlier because you’d talked to Coran and we kind of figured it out together. I drank your blood like 3ish months ago... I’m either pregnant or preheat... and seeing we use protection... well... yeah. Matt reckons he smelt it on me. Rieva agrees. My... uh... scent’s sweeter and stronger ‘cause apparently my body is trying to tell you I need looking after and stuff. Look, I was going to tell you at the hotel, but Matt hasn’t stopped teasing me and it’s not fair you don’t know. He told the others were having a romantic week together... but I’m not forcing you to be there. I mean, we don’t know how long it will last and can you please say something because I’m kind of freaking the fuck out and embarrassed as hell about how I acted last time”
“So this is a thing?”
Smooth. Real smooth. A heat was better than a baby... but a proper heat... Hadn’t he had a long enough day as it was? Now he was being unfair to Lance
“Yep. Surprise”
And Lance sounded resigned
“I... Okay. Neither of us know much about this really and honestly I’m pretty much asleep on my feet and the only thinking happening isn’t much. But you can’t act like I don’t want to be there with you”
“And you can’t act like I didn’t freak you the fuck out last time. You went through that all for me! When do I finally get to do something for you!? It isn’t fair! I hate this body of mine. I just want to be a good boyfriend!”
Lance covered his mouth. Keith kind of felt like punching him in the dick. If Lance could tell, so could he!
“Why do you have to be like that? You can’t help it!”
“Because I’m this! This is me! What I want is to go back to you living with me and none of this other shit even happening! You’re too fucking good to me!”
“You’re the good one! I woke up this morning and realised I hadn’t even gotten a present!”
“I don’t need a present! All I want is you!”
“It’s your birthday!”
“And all I wanted was to be with you!”
“I’m here now! Again!”
“And I don’t want to leave at the end of it!”
“Then why are you yelling?!”
Keith spluttered
“I don’t know! You yelled back at me!”
“I was yelling because you were yelling! I miss living with you!”
“And I miss having you around! I miss it! I miss it and I can’t change it because I won’t put you in danger... I can’t lose you”
Both of them stared at each other, Keith moving at the same time as Lance... more or less crashing into each other than a romantic moment. Wrapping his arms around Lance, Lance held onto his jacket
“I miss you, Keith. I know I’m supposed to be the cool older one... but sometimes it hard to go home”
As hard as it was to go back to “normal” life while Lance wasn’t around
“I miss you too. You’re like... the good thing in my life I still can’t believe I have... I... confession time, Shiro helped me with your present”
“Confession time, I don’t mind. We’re working out this boyfriend thing together... I’m haunted by the memories of things I’ve written in cards”
That seemed to be a common theme. Keith wasn’t too sure about what he’d written in Lance’s card
“Shiro said the same thing this morning”
“I’m far too much on his wavelength”
“Bad taste in music. Odd taste in men. A constant need to talk thing out...”
“Don’t forget I care about you. I don’t want people caught up in this that shouldn’t be. I’m ruggedly handsome and mysterious... Um. I... care about you”
“You said that twice”
Lance sighed against him
“I really do. When Curtis said things went south my heart nearly stopped. Three months isn’t long enough... not to be around you. Not to know you...”
Lance was being too adorable and too sweet. Keith couldn’t lie to him about today
“I’m okay... Don’t tell Shiro but I fell off a roof and was saved by a pile of electrical cable spools”
“And then Ezor saved me. She was there with Zethrid”
“Keith! What the hell!?”
“I don’t know why they were there, probably poking into the same things as us...”
“God. Why can’t you Blades be bloody careful!?”
“I was falling back when it happened... does that count?”
“Yes, but, babe... are you sure you’re okay? Did you hit your head? Do you know where you are?”
“I’m in some weird restaurant with some weird guy?”
“That isn’t funny!”
Lance was in tears now. He’d teased him too much. Kissing Lance’s hair, his boyfriend was still clutching him, Keith wondered if the jacket would forever retain the marks from how hard of a grip Lance had on him
“I’m fine. The suit protected me for the most part. The worst I got was a little winded and a few bruises. I’m with my boyfriend, on his birthday, which is the only place I want to be”
“I... You’re not allowed to scare me like that. You’re too important”
“I know. I only had to survive for Shiro before, now I have you... and... maybe I think I want to survive for myself”
“I should punch you in the dick”
It’d be deserved. Lance wore his heart on his sleeve and Keith really loved that about him
“Please don’t”
Lance sniffled softly, still angry despite crying
“Only because it’s you asking... You have to tell Shiro you saw them there. It could be important”
“I’m going to let Coran know”
“And Shiro”
That wasn’t a conversation he relished the thought of
“He’ll worry... How about I tell them together?”
“Fine. As long as you swear you’ll tell them”
“Only because it’s you asking. We should get back”
“I suppose so... I’m so fucking relieved you’re alright”
“I know... me too, babe. I wouldn’t miss being here with you for anything”
“You’re such a fucking sap... but... I really like you. I know it’s your job, and this preheat is making me extra emotional... but... the world is better for having you in it”
What was he supposed to say to that? It was Lance’s birthday but he felt like he was the one who’d been given the best present of his life.
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zelda-ffitzgerald · 3 years
when you're fired from a role, you're still under contract. just like when you're evicted from a house you still owe rent. he just isn't getting paid anymore but he's still under contract. otherwise stars would purposefully get themselves fired to get out of contracts.
Wouldn’t getting fired then make the contract null and void? Otherwise how long could Dylan be expected to not work and not get paid?
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jennymanrique · 3 years
Tenants in California’s Central Valley push for reforms amid high eviction rates
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About 300,000 persons are at risk of losing their homes if the state’s moratorium on rent payments, due to end January 31st, is not extended. There are no permanent tenant protection laws.
Jessica Ramirez is 29 years old, is the mother of six children, and has an eviction on her record, which not only forced her to have to sleep in her car and in parks, and to get by on public charity, but it has become an indelible stain on her record, which prevents her from getting housing.
“Even though I went to court, my eviction has not been removed [from the records]. Only the landlord has the right to do that,” said Ramirez, a Fresno resident who has become a strong community advocate in the fight for tenants’ rights. “I should not be forced to choose between my housing and the health and safety of my children just because I am a tenant.”
Ramirez spoke at a press conference organized by Ethnic Media Services that put a spotlight on housing rights in the midst of the pandemic in a region with the highest eviction rates in California, where more than 7 million people live: the Central Valley. Women of races other than white –mothers who are heads of households– are being disproportionately affected by this crisis.
In the midst of COVID-19, Ramirez has not been able to comply with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s shelter-in-place orders or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Getting a lease is already an odyssey as her eviction will not be removed from her credit record for seven years. When she was able to rent an apartment, she was not able to renew the lease and has received eviction notices without any previous communication.
“I don’t want anyone to experience what my kids are going through,” said Ramirez, who has joined other tenants under the umbrella of services from Faith in the Valley (FIV), a faith-based community organization in California’s Central Valley that tracks the housing crisis and represents families in Fresno, Kern, Merced, Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties.
In 2019, before the start of the pandemic, FIV documented 12,000 evictions in those five counties, based on court records and at a time when unemployment was at its lowest after the 2008 crisis. “We know that outside of the courts, the number of evictions is twice as many and the pandemic has only worsened that crisis,” said Janine Nkosi, regional FIV advisor. “Evictions in the Central Valley happen at higher rates than anywhere else in California,” she added.
According to the data analyzed by FIV, the demand for unemployment benefits in this area increased 600% at the beginning of the pandemic in March, with 650,000 people looking for income relief. They now estimate that 100,000 households, or about 300,000 individuals, are at risk of eviction if the state’s moratorium on rent payments –due to end on January 31– is not extended.
“We need rent, mortgage and utility relief to keep families afloat,” Nkosi explained, mentioning the importance of assembly bills AB15 and AB16 that seek to expand the terms for COVID-19 rent debt and provide affordable housing for these tenants.
FIV also mentioned the large disparities in legal representation of tenants against landlords. Not only are cases resolved in a matter of minutes, ruling in favor of evictions, but less than 1% of tenants have legal representation. In contrast, national surveys have shown that 90% of landlords have an attorney representing them.
Nkosi shared the case of Fresno County, where in 2019 the most active landlord advocate handled 643 cases, while the most active tenant advocate represented only six cases. Unlike in criminal justice, the right to a public defender in this civil matter is null.
“The civil right to defense and the elimination of criminal records are our great demands,” Nkosi said. “An eviction not only stays on the record for seven years, but that represents 10 years of negative credit and tenants end up having to pay 25 times what they owe… We want laws that reduce that record to just six months and allow for a five-year moratorium on debt.”
Affordable Housing
The lack of affordable housing is an additional element to the recession. Among the 12 regions of California, the Central Valley has one of the lowest rates of homeownership and the highest rates of homes with multiple families.
According to data shared by Professor Edward Orozco Flores of UC Merced’s Labor and Community Center, only 49.5% of the residents here own a home, making the Central Valley the third place with the highest number of renters, after Los Angeles and San Diego.
There is an average of 10.7 homes with multiple families per 100 households, meaning that up to 10 families live in one house, highlighting the crisis of overcrowding and the impossibility of physical distancing that have made ethnic communities the biggest victims of this pandemic.
“There is a false idea that the cost of living in the Central Valley is low, because here we also have the second lowest wages in the state,” added Orozco Flores, referring to the most common occupations that are those of essential workers: agriculture and food processing.
Many of these workers live on food stamps because they have to spend 30% to 50% of their income on paying rent, which is referred to as an “extreme rent burden.”
On top of that, “we have the highest unemployment rate… As a result of the pandemic, one in four households has lost or reduced their income and this is a problem for those who are tenants.”
In November of last year, Claude Bailey, a 79-year-old Stockton resident, was evicted from the apartment where he had lived for over 20 years. He had to live out of his car for 10 months, sleeping in the car, and went days without eating because he wanted to avoid using the disgusting public bathrooms, and was evicted by the police from parks and corners in his neighborhood. All this in the midst of the pandemic.
“It was a nightmare, I could barely sleep,” said Bailey who, thanks to the help of friends, recently found a shelter. “I lived in fear, I never knew where I was going to go, or what to do, I couldn’t relax because I was constantly on the move… I saw many older adults who have worked very hard for their families, abandoned to their fate on the streets, sleeping in boxes. This can happen to anyone,” he added.
Bailey wants legislators, property owners, and society at large to do their part. “A society is known for how it treats its elderly people. We pay our taxes and have built this country. It’s time for them to help us,” he concluded.
Originally published here
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