#FFXIV werlyt
aethris-art · 10 months
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witchloversupreme · 6 months
If you take a step back and really look at them, Gaius (in ARR, at least) and Edmont are actually pretty interesting foils for each other, because one is a deeply, deeply awful person who is an incredible father, while the other is one of the most moral and kind people on the planet who's given all of his kids massive, incredibly self-destructive complexes.
Like, Gaius genuinely adores all his children, even Livia, despite her incredibly disturbing fixation on him, and is very obviously gutted by the idea that they'd go to war without him to protect them, while Edmont very clearly only cared about Haurchefant, foisting all the First Born Son responsibilities on Artoirel but giving him absolutely none of the respect, and hardly remembering that Emmanellain even exists save to scold him.
Hell, even Haurchefant, even though he was the favorite, didn't get particularly better treatment because of Countess Fortemps (incredibly understandable) hatred of him, which led to Haurche becoming self-destructively self-sacrificing to try and get at least a little of the respect he deserves from his peers, and eventually lead to his death at The Vault.
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When you think about it, Praetorium and Porta Decumana are really just the world's most awkward barbecue hosted by two sad dads. Lahabrea brought his ex and didn't tell anyone, there was drama, everything kinda blew up, and now everything is burnt and Gaius is just spouting his political opinions everywhere.
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aethernoise · 8 months
2. bark
This prompt reminded me to return to a very old WIP idea that I will likely never finish. It may simply be the fic equivalent of writing an angry letter and never sending it - self-care, if anything, in face of grave injustices.
Set in 5.2, inspired by the opening quests of the Sorrows of Werlyt. CW for mild violence.
She wanted to spit in his face, but her mouth was dry from anger.
"I don't give a shit about your regrets," she hissed, "They mean nothing to me. They mean nothing to the millions of innocent lives you've taken and the millions more you have ruined forever."
Gaius' face remained stony in the dim light.
"You needn’t list my sins, I know them all full well," he said. "I would never attempt to request your forgiveness, only cooperation--”
"Here is my cooperation, Baelsar," she cut him off. "You are alive at this moment because I will it.”
The corner of his mouth twisted ruefully.
“You would kill an unarmed man in cold blood? It seems we are both a far cry from our former selves.”
“Shut up.” 
"Do it, then, if you must. Say the words, Defender of Eorzea. Prove you're not all bark and no bite. Even if you paint the Royal Palace red with my blood, it will do nothing to stop what is coming."
There was a loud crack and a flash. Gaius grunted and slumped onto the floor. The aether was so loud in Alyx’s ears, she didn’t hear Raubahn’s voice booming down the hall.
There was a small singe on the front of Gaius’ coat, leaking a faint smell of burned leather. She remained transfixed on the mark while his chest slowly rose and fell.
“Alyx! Seven hells, what have you done?”
“He’s fine,” she said flatly.
“I cannot say he didn’t have it coming,” Raubahn said with the hint of a chuckle, and Alyx almost gave herself neck strain with the speed she turned to look up at him.
“Nothing compared to what he deserves. He doesn’t even deserve to be here, walking free in our home--” Her fingers clenched, shoulders squared against trembling with anger. “Raubahn, how could you?”
“Do you think I want him here?” His voice was hushed, his enormous shadow tense, black eyes flashing with ferocity. “Do you truly think I welcomed him as a friend with open arms?!”
Alyx had the dim awareness that anyone sane would be completely terrified to be rounded upon by General Aldynn in such a manner, but another awareness reminded her that she could knock him on his arse too if she had to.  
“How am I supposed to know? You certainly looked chummy enough,” she spat, “Standing there next to him like a gods damned diplomat, like he wasn’t the one responsible fo--”
His giant, calloused hand seized her arm. The hold was not ungentle, but the sheer weight of him rooted her to the spot. 
“And what would you have me do?” His voice had lowered to a rumbling growl like an earthquake. “Execute him on sight? Drag him through the streets? He came to us in peace, and with information vital to our survival--”
“And you trusted him!” 
“We have no reason not to.”
“My gods, do you even hear yourself?!”
“We have no choice. I have no choice.” Alyx opened her mouth to disagree, but he continued: “I will not put our borders at further risk out of pride. I cannot afford to refuse help, even from the most hated of sources. If Ala Mhigo is to survive--if Eorzea is to survive--it cannot depend only on you forever, Alyx.”
Her heart hammered in her ears, but she had no rebuttal. The General went on:
"Someday, Rhalgr forbid, you might not be here. What if something were to happen to you? What would become of us? I know full well what you're capable of, but I know you cannot be everywhere at once."
A soft groan from below - Gaius was waking up. As soon as Raubahn's grip slackened enough, Alyx pulled her arm free. 
"Fine. Do what you will." Her voice was low, robbed of much of its former power. "But please, do not ask me to work with him."
Alyx didn't wait for confirmation. Instead she turned to leave before she could regret anything more.
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jalopeura · 3 months
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inspired by last reblog. please look at my bunny, he cute
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cosmicseashanty · 25 days
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I drew this ahead of the Tataru quest in Werlyt and I dunno, I feel like I predicted the vibe fairly well
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dawntrailing · 9 months
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"I'm sorry, Father. We've come too far to back down now."
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luc1d17y-ffxiv · 7 months
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My life in FFXIV feels like a series of "but I can't do X unless I do Y first," so when I read that it was highly recommended to finish the Eden raids before doing the 6.5 MSQ... here we are 24 hours later.
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fourteentheart · 6 months
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A bit late but this is a scenario I've been thinking of - mostly in the context of a modern AU, but i figured it'd be ok for this too LOL
Werlyt Auri: Time to get SPOOPY! Gaius: Makoh'to, what is "spoopy"? Should I be worried that the children want to "get spoopy"? Makoh'to: It's a cute way to say "spooky"! Do you want some candy?
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berrydoodleoo · 10 months
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after the sorrow of werlyt
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calico-heart · 3 months
I FINALLY finished the Sorrow of Werlyt questline tonight (have been sitting on that Diamond Weapon trial for MONTHS shh) and had been toying with the idea of Lyrha and the Red Mage fam being involved in this. 100% settled on that being canon now.
She struggles a lot in her story with how to reconcile her past as both a victim and a perpetrator of immense abuse, much of which she has no way to make right. It's a huge obstacle - feeling both unworthy of the Red and corned by her previous ignorance.
These kids being taken up into a violent regime they grew to embrace would hit very close to home for her, a stolen child who was raised as a protege by the very fiend who attacked her home and kidnapped her. She didn't question Baagvai's teachings even when he betrayed her, just doubled down on her own jaded cruelty.
And like Gaius, she was forcibly torn from her misguided life and aspirations. She made allies who's mere actions and morals discredited all the justifications she had, all her beliefs about the world and Might Makes Right. She realized none of that suffering she'd experienced or inflicted had been necessary. There were other ways, and better ones.
Valdeaulin's angst over whether to kill Gaius in righteous vengeance would tap into a very familiar fear of Lyrha's too - of X'rhun's wrath, if he discovered the truth of who she really used to be before he found her bleeding out in the dirt by the side of the road
While other characters in her story deal with feelings of inadequacy and guilt, Arya and X'rhun certainly aren't carrying the same kinds of sins. And that's been isolating and frightening for Lyrha.
But Gaius is notorious. And he's now grappling with a familiar struggle. Here's someone who might understand, who's choices and fate she can use as a model for what her own might be, caught as she is between the horror of who she was and the hope for who she could yet be.
I mean look at this jhhjkhklj
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A lot of stuff Lyrha needs to hear, in there. I might even see if I can tie in the moment she tells X'rhun the truth about her past into this arc LOL
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lavampira · 7 months
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the absurd power rangers vibes crossed with this Angery Catte in the cutscene for the sapphire weapon duty knocked me right out tbh
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mosthuggableffxiv · 11 months
Round 1B: Valens van Varro vs Ilberd Feare
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"Torturing children, creating weapons that kill the user on purpose, racism, jealousy, huge ego, power plays, bad armor design, plus he has stupid hair and a weird milk fetish."
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joiedecombat · 1 year
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So that Werlyt orphan AU I came up with for Raine back in the day for an ask spontaneously acquired a Brume orphan DRK Aymeric Greystone to go with it...
I have no idea what will happen with these two, but I'm quite pleased.
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yzeltia · 8 months
FFXIVwrite2023 3.[FD] Gundam
Characters: Keith Summers, G'khenna Summers, Gaius van Baelsar Expansion: Endwalker Rating: G Note: Thanks @matrixdragon for the Prompt! Apologies that I know next to nothing about Gundam!
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"Fist of Leviathan! Gooooooo," Keith roared, gripping his right control and slamming it forward.
The Emerald Gundam propelled forward, striking the primal Bahamut in the jaw with a blast before pummeling the creature in the neck, preventing a flare. Behind him, the Diamond Gundam zipped around in a circle, forming a ring of cerulean and aether filled  before they fired off into the belly of the beast.
"Great work Khenna," a gruff voice called out into the coms.
"Pops! That you? Any weak points on this guy- Waugh!" 
Keith screamed as the beast reached out and caught him in its paw.
"Daddy! No," G'khenna called out, watching the suit spark in the grasp, "What do I do Commander Baelsar!?"
"Your sword! Cut him free."
G'khenna nodded, smashing a button on her console, releasing her beam saber. She took the blade into the Diamond Gundam's hand, holding it tight then wishing hard to hit her mark. Grabbing her console handles, she swung them forward.
"Let my father go! Icebrand!," she yelled, slicing through Bahamaut's wrist, detaching the creature's hand. 
It cried out, howling as it frothed with aetheric charges. G'khenna swooped in, loosing her father from the dragon's grasp.
"Thanks for the save! I thought I was a gimmer for sure," he panted. 
"You can thank your daughter when you've landed," Gaius interjected in the coms, "Strike the beast down before it gets past you and dooms us all!"
"Yeah Yeah. I'm on it Pops," Keith huffed, pulling down a visor and standing, "Gestalt Mode Engaged! Fourth Heaven!"
The Emerald Gundam burst forth. Synced to the robot, Keith attacked with a flurry of blows, ignoring the burning of his aether as he channeled it to pummel the creature. With a final swing of his fist, he uppercut the other's jaw. Knocking the primal out cold.
"Good! Now! Finish him off Khenna," the commander ordered.
"Nooooooooooooooooo," G'khenna wailed.
"No," Keith asked, lowering the model of the Emerald weapon in his hand, blinking as his daughter picked up her toy dragon and looked up to him, eyes wide.
"You can't kill him! Miss Koh-a told us that he was just angry because his babies were taken! The heroes just need to calm him down so he can know they're okay now and he can go back to sleep."
Keith smiled, "Alright, then the pilot of the Diamond Gundam swooped up and gave the dragon a big hug and took him back home. How about that," the girl's father offered, picking up the model of the Diamond Weapon to put it with the stuffed dragon. 
The girl sniffled and nodded, "And they prevented a calamity and all had a big parade for the heroes and Bahamut?"
"Yeah," Keith answered, standing up to strike a pose with the model in his hand, "And made heroic statues of them! All of them lived happily-"
"Summers!," Gaius's voice roared.
"Papa Gaius," G'khenna yelled out, hurrying over to hug the man.
The Garlean pat the Miqo'te on the head, brow furrowed, angry gaze fixed on her father, "Is there any particular reason you're playing with secret Garlean tech prototypes?"
Keith swallowed, scratching his cheek as he looked away, "Ah. Well, we got bored waiting for you for dinner and started playing space army with them."
Gaius narrowed his eyes and Keith sweat, knowing he was toast once G'khenna was out of ear shot. Below, the young Miqo'te bounced and tugged on the older man's coat.
"You were a hero too! You helped coordinate us so we could stop Bahamut and reunite him with his other dragons!"
The Garlean stiffened a moment. All traces of tension melted from his face. Taking the girl's hand, he turned and walked her out of his apartment, "I did? Why don't you tell me about it on our way to see Allie for dinner?"
Keith let out a sign of relief then smiled as he watched his daughter excitedly retell the story they made up together. As he put the figures back where found them, he noticed the portrait of Gaius and his family on the wall. 
"We'll keep taking good care of them," he said to the picture before turning to go catch up with them.
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cosmicseashanty · 3 months
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I once had a dream, and then thought a little, about making goofy little charms of my favourite FFXIV robots. And then I did it. And you know what? It feels good. Don't let your dreams be dreams. If you want to own some robots (but they're small), you can get 'em all here.
Here's my very early concepts, which are cute and funny to look at:
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