ch3rie-pop · 6 months
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There’s something wrong with me. Like I cannot let go of these goobers for the life of me. They’re like my babies now. I cut off the tag on their bums because I have sensory issues but that felt like snipping an umbilical cord or something to me idk.
That doesn’t sound too crazy but I’ve literally had them while I was scrolling through media and was like “Don’t do that when you’re older kids,” or, “ Whoop- not for children.” I am regulating my own feed now like what-
Also I cried when I saw a video of a baby seal which is crazy. Maybe I’m just emotional idk
As I am writing this I hold my children close to my chest making sure they can breathe and that they’re not too warm or cold.
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madame-fear · 2 years
Hello my dear! I think we need a part 2 of the bring sick, but it's Scarecrow who gets sick after taking of us.
Reader definitely says "oh how the tables have turned" while he's coughing his life away 😂
Hellooo darling! ♥️ Oml yesss that's a fun request! I swear I read your request and pictured the whole scene 😂😂 I'm definitely using that line in the HC and the fic!
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Gotham!Sick!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader | Taking Care Of Him Includes...Headcanons + Short Fic
You were recovering after being sick. When you heard Jonathan sneeze, you thought to yourself: "Oh no."
You released your maternal insticts and scolded him for getting sick because of you. After all, he was by your side the whole time you were sick, wasn't he?
When he sneezed, he disguised it saying that something made him sneeze. Or when he coughed he excuses himself saying he just choked on something stupid. THOSE ARE ALL LIES!
Knowing that you might've made him sick, you prepared yourself for what was about to come. You already had a big stock of meds, food, and everything you might need to take care of him.
It wasn't long until he became more sick and you had to force him to lay in bed because of his uncontrollable coughs and sneezes.
You can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of him looking like he's a second away from dying. You had a worse moment than him and didn't complain as much as he was doing in that moment.
As exaggerated as he is, you still obviously worried about him. You were as caring as he was to you when you were sick.
You'll wake up earlier than him and prepare breakfast for him and then take it to bed. He just thanks you, because he gets flustered if he has to admit to you that he actually loves it and want that to happen more frequently😅
Now, yo had to tell the member who was in charge of the Legion while you were sick that he or she will have to take care of things for another week, since Scarecrow was sick too.
He'll probably look you with puppy eyes so he can lurk you to bed with him, and you scold him, but eventually fall into his trap and lay on bed with him.
You petting his hair and offering him water when he coughs like an old man near death.
"How the tables have turned." You said as you soothed his back. "sHUT UP AND PASS ME WATER" he said as he kept violently coughing. "Fine, stop but don't say I didn't warn you when I told you I was going to make you sick too."
You prepare camomille tea for him with some lemon cookies as if he were a small child. He obviously loves it when you do that.
24/7 asking him if he's alright and making sure he's warm enough to not get any more sick.
He gets more lovey-dovey while being sick. He generally is like that with you, but it's like that state intensifies to 100%
He's so honoured when you prepare steamy baths and cook dinner for him like he did with you. He gets kind of flustered at the thought of you returning the favour.
When you have to leave to do the groceries or to the pharmacy to get more meds for him, he asks you to stay a little bit more with him.
"I'm not going anywhere! The pharmacy is half a block away, Jon. Come on, if I don't buy it the meds you've been taking won't work and you'll feel worse." You tried to convince your boyfriend so you could leave and buy some things for you, but you just couldn't escape from his claws.
"Pleeease, just a few more minutes with you...?" His grip tightened around your waist as he looked at you with puppy eyes. "Fine. Maybe I can call the pharmacy and ask them if they can bring it home." "YESSS"
He LOVES having you babying him. When he's recovering, he'll pretend to feel a little bit worse than how he really is feeling just so you can soothe him and pet his hair while sweet talking to him. That's his favourite moment while being sick.
You also stay with him on bed all day long, but you take proper care of yourself so you don't get sick and it becomes an infinite loop of sickness.
Generally, he'll be more whiny and more intense with you. ESPECIALLY intense. He overexaggerates his feelings and it literally looks like you're going to have to prepare a funeral for him, but it's not as bad as he feels it is.
But, your job is to take care of him. Even if you won't admit it, you secretly love being there for him and cuddling so he can feel better.
Previously, you were sick and he had to take care of you, laying next to you on bed 24/7. You had warned him that if he didn't take the same meds as you were, and if he stayed next to you all day long, he was going to get sick.
Rubbing his back, you were now trying to soothe your boyfriends intense coughing. He had gotten sick as well. You rolled your eyes as he acted so dramatically with his coughing and sneezing, but you still held a gentle smile.
"Oh, how the tables have been turned." You teasingly said as he kept coughing. In the middle of his coughs, he tried to defend himself, which was absolutely funny to you even if you were concerned for him. "s-SHUT UP A-AND PASS ME SOME WATER, PLEASE?" He tried to give you the death glare, but you just snorted at how ridiculous the situation was.
"I'm sorry, whiny baby. Here's your water." You handed him the cup of water that was in your nightstand, you bought it for him knowing he was obviously going to need it to soothe the cough. "But, I did warn you, didn't I? I told you that if you didn't take care of yourself you were going to fall sick, too. And look at us now." He drank the water you gave him and rolled his eyes at your comment. "I don't care, I took care of you and that's what matters." He crossed his arms, pretending to be molested by the situation.
He was so adorable when he pretended to be angry. You giggled and wrapped your arms around him, giving his cheek a big smooch. "You want me to make you a soup? It'll make you feel better." Knowing that was going to make his mood improve, he looked at you with big eyes and a loving smile towards you. "Yes I do! Please!"
You gave him another kiss and hugged him once more before leaving to the kitchen. He was like a little spoiled kid, but you loved him when he behaved like that, you found him adorable.
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Here For You Part 5
Fandom: Chicago PD / One Chicago
Series: Here For You
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 (Final)
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 1,612
Summary:  Y/N’s world spun out of control after she got pregnant, uprooting her life and moving to Chicago only for her brother to get involved in a murder trial. Now, her baby is finally here, and with Jay by her side her life feels like it’s finally coming together again, until someone from her past comes back into the picture and threatens to tear down everything she’s tried so hard to build.
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“No.” You told the man in the doorway as he tried to enter, fierce and protective maternal instict kicking in, mixed with months of pent up resentment and rage.
“Come on Y/N-” He practically pleaded, blocked from entering by Jay and your brother. You hadn’t seen your ex, Tommy, since he’d walked out of you suddenly, apparently not ready to be a father when he’d hightailed it out of your life and left you with nothing. 
“No.” You repeated, unrelenting. For him to have the audacity to show up now? After abandoning you? You were still in a bit of shock that he was even here at all, dark hair disheveled and clothes scruffy, eyes wide and face red. If you weren’t so damn angry you’d be scared, you also knew Henry and Jay weren’t going to let him anywhere near you or your son.
“I just want-” He tried again but you cut him off, the last thing you cared about what what he wanted, but of course he was putting himself first, even right now, you didn’t know what you’d ever seen in him. 
How had he even known to be here right now, even if someone you’d known had told him your due date, the baby had come early. You’d think about that later.
“I. Said. No.” You’d have slammed your foot down if you weren’t lying in a bed, watching as Jay tensed before Tommy, his feet sliding slowly into a stance you knew meant he was ready to throw down if he had to. You let that image cross your mind briefly, and as satisfying as it would be, this was neither the time or the place. Jay knew that too, he wouldn’t throw the first punch, but you could be sure he’d throw the last.
“I have rights-” Tommy practically whined and you heard Henry scoff, also not believing the nerve of this guy. They’d never actually met, and you could tell he was trying to figure out why you’d ever wasted your time on him. He wasn’t the only one.
“Don’t. Just don’t.” You sighed, your anger turning to exhaustion as you shook your head. “I am exhausted Tommy, you don’t get to show up out of the blue after months of nothing and tell me what you think you’re entitled to. I want you to leave, preferably of your own volition, but quite frankly I don’t care.” 
Your son started fussing at this moment, confused by all the commotion, and you turned your attention to comforting him as Tommy tried one last time to get in. 
“She told you to leave,” Jay said coolly, lifting up his shirt slightly to where you knew he kept his CPD badge. That shut Tommy up a bit, as if only just realising what he was actually doing. He looked around back into the hall, they’d attracted quite a bit of attention, including security. They’d kept their distance, knowing Jay as Detective Halstead enough that they let him take the lead, waiting on the sidelines as back up if needed. 
You noticed Natalie return, her walk slowing as she took in the scene. “What’s going on here?” She asked, looking from Jay and Henry to Tommy, a man she’d never see before. 
“He was just leaving,” Henry told her, folding his arms. Natalie sensed the tension as Jay let her inside, Tommy thankfully not taking that opportunity to try and get through. 
“This isn’t over,” Tommy called out to you, grumbling as he stomped away, throwing Jay one last murderous glance before he rounded the corner to the elevator. Only then did Jay’s shoulders drop as he turned back to you, heading over with Henry to make sure you were okay as your son began to cry.
The sinking feeling in your gut told you this wasn’t over with Tommy, all your happiness now replaced with worry for you baby, but you weren’t about to let him walk all over you and tell you what he wanted, this was your baby, and no one was taking him from you.
You were finally going home. After having spent the better part of a week at Med for observation, you were finally stepping into your apartment, baby in arms. “This is your new home,” you told him in a whisper as you entered, noting immediately that it had been thoroughly cleaned and a welcome home banner was taped to the nursery door, blue balloons on either side. You smiled and showed your son, “look, this is all for you.” Okay sure, he was asleep, but still.
The door shut behind you softly and you looked back to see Jay carrying in your bags. Henry had had to work and although he’d told you he could change shifts so you wouldn’t have to go home alone, Jay had insisted that he could take you instead. 
Tommy hadn’t resurfaced after your encounter at the hospital, but you knew it was only a matter of time. So did Jay, who’d been by your side every moment he could when he wasn’t working since then. He’d been relieved when you could finally go home, and you were too, feeling immediately safer and more relaxed within your own walls. 
Jay joined you as you slowly opened the nursery door, grinning widely as you took in the beautifully decorated room. Jay and Henry had clearly made some alterations while you’d been in the hospital, but it looked amazing. Including, you noticed, vinyl wall stickers spelling out your son’s name that must have been added over the last couple of days.
You’d been stuck on what to name your baby if it was a boy, but eventually you’d settled on Lucas. It meant ‘light’ and you thought it was fitting. The road had been a long one, but your son had been the light at the end of the tunnel, the light of your life. 
“It’s perfect,” you told Jay, who shrugged with a small grin as you very very carefully wandered towards the set up crib and slowly placed Lucas down. You and Jay both waited, barely breathing, but he didn’t stir, so you both carefully backed out of the room and pulled the door to.
You didn’t want to leave him alone, but you were absolutely starving, so you made a beeline straight for the kitchen in case he woke up again. “Do you want me to go and let you get settled in?” Jay asked as you opened the fridge, filled to the brim with fresh foods, and all of your favourites. 
“No, stay if you want,” you told him, turning back from the fridge, “did you do this?” You pointed to the food.
“Henry too,” he answered, not wanting to take much credit for that either like the nursery. Your mind flashed to another instance of you and Jay in this kitchen, when you’d nearly kissed. 
“Thank you Jay, for all of it, you’ve stuck with me-” He never expected credit for all he’d done for you, and he’d done a lot. Even now, he tried to brush off your compliment.
“Really Y/N you don’t have to-” he started to say but you continued, needing to say this.
“-even Tommy couldn’t, and he’s supposed to be Lucas’ father...” you got a little choked up, thinking about Tommy coming to the hospital, practically yelling about his ‘rights’ less than an hour or so after you’d given birth, where did he get the nerve? You still didn’t know how he’d found out either.
Jay pushed himself off from where he’d been leaning on the counter on the other side of the kitchen and hugged you. “What is it I keep telling you hey?” He asked as you wrapped your arms around him, a tear slipping down your cheek, “I’m here for you Y/N, and that little boy.”
You stood there for a moment, taking comfort in his embrace until he eventually stepped away, hands still on your shoulders as your eyes met, face inches away from yours. He didn’t look away, and neither did you, so many feelings unspoken. 
Oh to hell with waiting, you thought, closing the gap and kissing him. Finally. 
He didn’t hesitate to return the kiss, hands going from your shoulders to your face as you sunk deeper into the kiss, the passion and intensity making your head swirl, all coherent thought gone.
A knock on the door interrupted the two of you, pulling apart breathless and little dizzy as you reluctantly went to answer it, not wanting whoever it was to knock again and wake Lucas. 
You opened the door, puzzled the find no one there. Leaning out slightly and looking left and right you saw that the hall was empty too. Strange. You were about to head back inside when you caught sight of something on the floor out of the corner of your eye, looking down at your feet to see a thick, official looking envelope.
Jay had joined you now and you quietly closed the door, a questioning look on his face as you shrugged, opening the seal at the top to find a stack of crisp white papers. 
You pulled out the first one and began to read, your stomach dropping. Your expression must have mirrored the feeling of horror and dread building inside of you because Jay was at your side in an instant, hand on your back as you took a breath.
“Tommy’s suing me for custody of Lucas.”
If he wanted to fight this out, so be it, you’d be ready, and looking back to Jay, you knew you wouldn’t be alone.
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luobingmeis · 5 years
so i’ve been thinking a lot abt the folks at amnesty lodge (okay if i’m living my truth, specifically mama, dani, jake, and barclay) so, naturally, i gotta post about it:
mama didn’t intend to become the mother of three sylphs but, then again, it’s kinda in the name
when barclay showed up he has, like, already been on earth for a while and mama legit found him in the woods
(“i will put you back in the woods where i found you” is definitely a threat that mama uses when her and barclay are arguing but barclay knows that she would never do that in a million years)
and, at first, mama was like, “alright! cool! bigfoot and also left hand man to go alongside thacker”
and tbh i believe she still went by “madeline” at this time just because it’s my headcanons askldklfkl so she wasn’t like Maternal Amnesty Figure Yet but she was def a bit protective of barclay (and like, listen, ik shit abt bigfoot lore, but i feel like bigfoot has been around for a while, but i see barclay in his mid30s during amnesty so maybe this is, like, early/mid20s barclay)
but then dani, a couple years later and maybe thirteen years old, came through the arch from sylvain and mama was just like, “well! i have a daughter now! fun!”
(i still have that pre-amnesty young dani fic that i need to finish and post)
(also i think this is around when she started to become known as “mama”)
and then jake showed up about two years later when he was about seventeen and him and dani got on like a house on fire and were immediate best friends and mama was just like, “alright, got a son now, too”
and then mama realized with horror that barclay might as well have also been her adopted son so, within a couple years, mama has become the single mother of three monster children
except mostly it’s working alongside barclay while still being a bit protective of him, and then dani and jake might as well be siblings with how well they get along but also go at each other’s throats
(my favorite personal headcanon is that, pre-stern showing up, during “arguments,” they’d both rip off their disguises as if it’s an intimidation thing except now mama [and barclay too tbh] gotta make sure that dani doesn’t go lunging at jake and that jake doesn’t slap her with one of his flippers)
(dani and jake sometimes also “gang up” on barclay like younger siblings probably would and mama just conveinetly doesn’t notice it while in the same room)
(dani and jake: *hanging on barclay’s legs like children bc barclay is fucking huge and can still manage to walk like that*
mama, drinking coffee and not looking up from her paper: kids, play nice)
(okay listen if i’m being honest, i’m an only child so i’m just trying to channel what i’ve gathered from the mcelroys)
also tho just in general?? ik i’m focusing a lot on dani, jake, and barclay, but mama loves all the sylphs so much? and tries to make sure that they’re as happy and comfortable as can be?
also tho, just because i see dani and mama having a relationship that is pretty close to the dynamic of an actual mother and daughter, they are So Close and dani trusts mama so much, but, when they’re bickering, dani instictively does the sylph intimidation tactic of going all vampire-like and mama is immediately like, “put your fangs away! there will be no monster fighting in my home!” which is, like, 60% bullshit, but, you know, semantics
mama knows exactly what to do for dani, jake, and barclay (and each of her sylphs) when they’re having bad days or are feeling particularly homesick, and she always tries to do something especially nice for them when that happens. she’s not really a soft-words kind of person but, after taking care of them for so long, she has her ways.
(barclay stress bakes when he’s having a bad day, so mama makes sure to spend time with him in the kitchen and be his taste-tester. jake likes to go out into town when he needs to just get away for a bit, so he and mama always grab lunch together. dani can’t sleep when she’s really homesick, so her and mama will just spend hours talking by the hearth until dani finally starts to tire out.)
thacker, absolutely fucking with mama: so, maddie, how is it that i’ve known you since you were twenty-four and still somehow missed the fact that you had three kids?
mama, only half-sincere: thacker, i swear to god-
anyways this post got so away from me, as most things do!!
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Promises || Auston Matthews
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: When you go to lunch with your friend and return to his apartment to find a baby left outside everything changes. It’s an idea that has been plaguing my mind for the past few weeks. But wow putting it to paper it was a lot longer than I thought it would be.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3,730
Song Title: This I Promise You - N’sync
A bright smile lit up your face as you walked down the Toronto street with Auston’s arm slung over your shoulders. You couldn’t help but rib him a little over the game last night and how he couldn’t just not score against your favorite team. He’d rolled his eyes but tugged your body closer to his to fend off the winter air.
You’d met Auston shortly after you arrived in Toronto for graduate school. It had taken every ounce of willpower to keep your cool because as a lifelong hockey fan you were more than aware of just how talented he was. He was attractive too, but it never once crossed your mind that he would go for a girl like you, no one ever had before and they weren’t hockey superstars. Still, he was easy to talk to and you settled into a casual friendship with the twenty one year old.
With your graduate school schedule and his hockey schedule it was hard for anything more than the occasional text messages and phone calls but you both put the effort in to actually hang out at least once a month. Today you’d gone out to lunch and were now headed back to his apartment to watch a couple movies and just relax. You hadn’t seen him since before the holidays and yeah, you’d missed him just a little.
Entering his building, you worked off your hat and gloves while he summoned the elevator and by the time it arrived, you had your extra outerwear tucked back into your coat pockets.
“So...what movie are we watching?” You asked as you leaned against the elevator wall.
“Whatever you want. Within reason of course.” He shot back and you shook your head with a laugh.
“Well, I added the new Netflix movie about Robert the Bruce to my list and haven’t watched it yet. Or there’s always Marvel or DC movies, I may not be an avid fan but those are always good. Oh...or Disney, those are classics…”
Your rambling about movie choices was cut short when the elevator door opened and the moment you turned down Auston’s hallway you ran into his back when he froze in place. Peeking out from around him you gasped seeing a carseat sitting in front of his door with a backpack placed next to it. From the car seat you could hear soft crying and glancing up at Auston you could see the pure panic on his face.
Immediately all of your maternal insticts jumped into action and you tugged Auston toward his doorway before crouching down to peek inside the carseat. The baby inside was tiny, really tiny and immediately you were filled with a mix of emotions. Rage as to how someone could just leave a baby like this. Fear because you’d watched enough cliche tv to know what this all meant. And protectiveness because it was clear that Auston had had no idea and the baby certainly hadn’t done anything wrong.
In the minute it took you to make your initial evaluations of the situation, Auston hadn’t moved a muscle. Standing up you reached for his keys that were dangling loosely from his fingers and quickly unlocked the door.
“Auston...go inside and call your parents and agent.” There was a faint recognition on his face that you had spoken and after a moment he stumbled into his apartment. Once he was out of sight, you turned back to the baby whose cries had gotten louder. Quickly you unbuckled the infant before gently lifting them out of the seat to cradle them toward your chest.
“How could your mama leave you here little one…” You whispered quickly kissing its head before using your free hand to tug the zipper of the backpack open to see if there was any information there. Inside you found a birth certificate with Auston listed as the father, and though the mother’s name was listed you certainly weren’t familiar with it. The birth certificate signaled that the baby was a boy, Owen Alexander Matthews, who was born three days ago and as you read the information you snuggled him closer to your chest. Behind the offical document was a note that read that the mother couldn’t handle raising a child and that she knew the baby would be in better hands with Auston.
Besides the few papers there wasn’t much else in the backpack except for a small container of formula, a few full bottles and a small supply of diapers and wipes. There was a single change of clothes but it was clear that this baby’s mother never planned on keeping him and from the looks of it brought him here as soon as they were released from the hospital.
Though Auston was listed as the father on the birth certificate, you knew that the first thing he, his agent, and his parents would want confirmed was that he actually was the father. Pulling your phone out of your pocket you quickly dialed up a friend that worked for a biological lab and through whispers asked if she could come over to take swabs and run them for you. After getting agreement that she would be over as soon as she could slip away for a late lunch you gathered everything up from in the hall and carefully carried them and the baby into Auston’s apartment.
Inside, Auston was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands and his phone was nowhere in sight.
“Aus…” You murmured as you quickly laid the baby back in the car seat for a moment before moving over to his side. “Did you call anyone?” Even without asking you knew the answer was no, but his lack of reaction to you confirmed that. “Alright. Unlock your phone, go take a shower and calm down okay?” You urged wrapping your arms around him for a moment when he finally stood up and handed you his phone.
As you heard the shower start in Auston’s bathroom you opened up his contact list, quickly finding his agent to make the first call. While none of these phone calls were going to be pleasant, you were certain that this would be the most painful. His agent was brusk and angry and you had to insist multiple times that there was nothing he could do right this minute and that he should not come running but simply be prepared for any fall out before you were able to hang up.
At the end of that first call you cringed for a moment hearing the little boy wail and something in you knew that he had to be hungry. So as you returned to the contact list for Auston’s mom, you ran one of the premade bottles under hot water and stashed the others in the fridge before again gathering the baby into your arms.
Once dialed, the phone rang for a minute and just as you were worried that she wouldn’t pick up Ema Matthews’ voice came through the line.
“Oh thank god…” You breathed, letting the little boy latch onto the bottle, immediately soothing his cries. “Mrs. Matthews, you don’t know me but I’m a friend of Auston and I...your son needs you and Mr. Matthews to come to Toronto asap.”
It was clear that she was confused and you had to fight back tears of your own as you spoke an explanation. “I...Auston and I were out to lunch and were coming back to his apartment to watch a movie and when we got here there was a baby outside his door.” Her gasp was audible over the phone and you rocked the baby boy in your arms slightly as you wanted for a verbal response. At first there was just a murmuring of Spanish before she started firing a million questions at you.
“No. I. I don’t know who the mother was. At least I didn’t recognize the name on the birth certificate. Yes. Looking at the baby he certainly has some of Auston’s features though I have a friend coming to take DNA samples to confirm paternity. No. She just left him and he’s only three days old and he’s so tiny. I don’t know. He...he hasn’t said anything since he saw the car seat and I...I tried to get him to call you but he was just on the couch with his head in his hands and I sent him to go shower but I don’t know.”
Throughout your explanation you could hear Ema calling for Auston’s dad and after a long moment she assured you that they were booking the first flight available and would be there as soon as they could. You were about to hang up when she asked your name and after hearing it you could catch a bit of a smile through the phone.
“Y/N. Thank you for being there. For taking care of Auston. We’ll see you soon.”
Ending that call, you noticed that the baby, Owen, had finished eating and after searching the bag for a burb cloth to no avail, you simply grabbed some paper towels to drape over your shoulder before gently adjusting Owen onto it and patting his back lightly to burp him. Once he’d burped you just let him remain there while you searched Auston’s contacts one more time. The sound of the shower had disappeared but Auston had yet to reappear and you didn’t want to push him yet, knowing that there were a million things running through his head.
You didn’t know any of his teammates but you knew the Marleau’s were like his second set of parents and that they had young children so maybe they still had a few things that could help until things were figured out. Dialing Patrick’s number you bit your lip from the heightened emotions of the past hour and when he picked up you once again explained what had happened before asking if maybe they had a pack and play or something from the boys that Auston could borrow so that the baby didn’t have to sleep in his carseat. You also mentioned him seeing if they had any infant clothes though you were sure that was a long shot. With confirmation that he would talk with his wife and bring over whatever they could find you thanked him and ended what was hopefully the last call you had to make.
Sighing softly as you once again surveyed the things in the backpack, you knew that they wouldn’t even last twenty four hours. So opening your own phone you quickly pulled up amazon and found the brand of formula that had been brought, a couple gallons of distilled water for mixing, a small pack of wipes and a pack of diapers. Looking at the bottles you ordered another set of the same brand as well as a set of pacifiers, a pack of white onesies and two more sleepers along with a bottle of infant laundry detergent. Hoping that would be enough to triage the situation you placed the order for same day delivery and just as you pressed submit there was a knock on the door.
Peeking through the peep hole you saw your friend and immediately let out a massive sigh of relief. Quickly you let her in and when she saw your face and the baby curled against your shoulder her eyes went wide and she pulled you into a hug.
“Wow...you weren’t kidding.” She mumbled and when you pulled back she pulled out two swab kits from her jacket pocket. “I’ll take the baby for a minute and swab him if you want to get the father’s DNA?” She offered and you both knew that really she just wanted to give you the chance to check on him because it was clear that the baby had needed all of the attention to this point.
“Yeah sure, just tear the wrapper, uncap, swab the cheek and recap?” You asked wanting to make sure that you didn’t screw it up. When she nodded you passed Owen off to her and took the swab she was offering before slipping down the hall to Auston’s bedroom.
The lights were off in the bedroom but the bathroom light cast a glow into the room. You could see Auston curled up on the bed, his body huddled in on itself. Gently you crawled in behind him, your fingers trailing up and down his arm as you waited for him to respond.
After a moment he turned to face you and you could see the tears trailing down his cheeks. Brushing your thumb to wipe them away you then ran your fingers through his hair moving it out of his face.
“I need to get a cheek swab of DNA from you so that we can confirm if he’s yours or not.” You whispered, hesitant to actually say the words. Auston just nodded and opened his mouth and after tearing the plastic wrapper of the swab you got the sample and then laid the sealed tube onto the bed beside you.
“I called your agent and put him on standby, your mom and dad are on their way here to help, and I called Patrick to see if they had any baby supplies they could loan.” It was clear that he was hearing you but that everything was still just floating above him and while you understood, you were also slightly annoyed.
“Auston. I know this is hard. But I need you to get up out of this bed and try and face this because hiding from it won’t do you any good.” For a moment his face showed dismay but eventually he nodded and you slipped off the bed to return the sample and reclaim the baby so that your friend could get back to work.
She left promising that she would rush the samples and email you the report as soon as it came through and you thanked her once again for her help before taking Owen and moving to sit on the couch, baby cradled in your arms.
Five minutes passed before Auston came staggering down the hall and when he sat on the couch next to you, his hand rested on your knee, his way of seeking some level of comfort through touch.
“I think you should hold him.” You declared after a moment of silence.
“I’ve never held a baby before. Not that tiny anyway.” He mumbled and you found yourself smiling.
“It’s not hard Aus. Just make sure to support his head.” Motioning for Auston to cradle his arms like yours you nodded and turned, half kneeling on the couch in order to transfer the infant into his large arms. “See, there you go.” You assured him, watching carefully as Auston took in the sight of the baby for the first time.
“He’s so small…” He whispered and it was clear that he was afraid he’d hurt him.
“You’re doing fine and yeah he’s small, three days old according to the paperwork. His name is Owen. Owen Alexander Matthews.”
“Do you really think he’s mine?” Auston asked and though you knew he wanted to hear that you didn’t, you couldn’t lie to him.
“I’m almost positive he is. He has your nose. And his eyes are deeply set like yours too.” As you spoke you tapped your finger against the baby’s nose before bopping Auston’s as well. “But I mean, I don’t recognize the mother’s name, not that I know who you’ve slept with.” You kind of regretted the words the moment you said them and were grateful for the baby’s cries that quickly filled the air.
Auston jumped a bit in response to the sound and you pressed your hand to his arm. Leaning forward to sniff at the baby’s bottom you nodded to yourself before standing to grab a few things from the backpack.
“Y/N.” Auston called, his voice strained.
“Relax. He just needs a diaper change. Hold on while I get the diaper and wipes.” With the items in hand you took the baby from his arms and moved to settle yourself on the floor of the living room.
“Do me a favor and get me a towel.” You directed and once he brought one back you laid it down on the floor before laying Owen on top of it. Slipping his little pants down his legs, you unbuttoned his onesie and tucked it up behind him before making sure that the wipes and diaper were ready to go. Once the diaper was unhooked you used it to clean as much as you could from the babies bottom, laying a wipe over him to protect yourself from pee. Once the old diaper was off to the side and Owen was wiped clean you quickly fastened the new diaper up and redressed the infant.
“See...piece of cake.” You assured Auston. “Now you might want to go get a plastic shopping bag so that I can put the old diaper in there and it can be taken out so it doesn’t stink up the apartment.”
With the dirty diaper bagged, you settled Owen back into Auston’s arms on the couch knowing that in order to accept all of this, Auston needed a chance to bond with the baby.
“I’ll be right back, I’m just going to toss this into the garbage chute.” Auston was clearly uncomfortable but that was a good thing. “Relax, I’ll be gone less than a minute, you can handle it dad.” Bumping against Auston’s knee to assure him that he would be fine, you left the apartment, taking an extra twenty seconds or so to try and compose yourself. Auston needed you, that was obvious, and you wanted to help, but there was that faint part of you that had always wondered if maybe it could be you someday. That was obviously not the case and right now he really needed a friend, at least until his parents arrived and his team found out and he had more support than he could ever need. So until then, any hurt you were feeling just needed pushed to the back of your mind.
Fighting back those emotions until you were alone in your own apartment, you took a deep breath and let yourself back into Auston’s apartment where he was sitting and just staring down at Owen who had fallen back asleep in his arms.
“See. I told you you could do it.” You declared as you reached for the tv remote. Now that things were mildly settled, you needed some form of distraction and you had come over to watch a movie. “So..what are we going to watch?” You asked.
“You pick.” Auston murmured not taking his eyes off of the baby and you nodded flipping on Moana before curling up beside the two Matthews boys. You stayed there until there was a knock at the door with the amazon delivery. As you carried all of the supplies inside, Auston gaped at you and you simply shrugged.
“He didn’t come with much, probably not enough to get through a single day so I ordered some things…” You explained, as you came back to the couch. There weren’t any interruptions for the rest of the movie but before you could start another Patrick Marleau and his wife were at the door with a pack and play and a few other supplies.
Their visit was followed by setting up the pack and play and starting a load of laundry so that Owen would have clean things to put on when he inevitably messed up his current clothing with either spit up or an exploding diaper. After that, dinner had been ordered and as the clock struck nine, Auston’s parents finally arrived. You were more than a little relieved because your emotions were drained and now you could finally go home.
As you gathered up your things Auston spotted you and his hand gently reached for your arm.
“Where are you going?” He whispered.
“Your parents are here now, you don’t need me.” You replied shrugging.
“Yes I do.” He responded, his hand falling from your arm to your hip. “Please just stay tonight. I...I don’t know how you’d managed to know how to take care of the baby and I’m sure my mom would do just fine but please, please just stay tonight.”
The earnest expression on his face made you sigh and after a moment you nodded, no energy to attempt to fight him. It was late, it had been a crazy long day, and everyone was tired so after getting his parents set up in the guest room, you planned on taking the couch, grabbing more pillows and blankets from the closet. Again Auston spotted you and his hand stopped yours from pulling anything off the shelf of the linen closet.
“Come to bed.” He breathed and his fingers laced with yours as he tugged you to his room where Owen was asleep in the pack and play. Auston continued to hold your hand as he pulled open drawers and handed you a spare t-shirt and sweats and then motioned for you to change in his bathroom.
When you returned to the bedroom, he was laying on his back, a hand over his eyes. Silently, you padded around the bed and slipped under the sheets next to him. The moment he felt your weight he turned to face you and his hand pulled your body closer to his own.
“I’m so scared. How am I supposed to be a dad?” He whispered.
“I promise you it’s all going to be okay. You have your family and your hockey family who will do everything they can to help. Just take it one day at a time.”
“What about you?” He asked, his voice almost inaudible.
Pressed up against Auston, you could feel his breathing steady out, little puffs of air near your ear. Every once and awhile he’d shudder until you rubbed circles into his side. “You have me. I promise it will all be okay.” You finally declared before letting sleep take you as well, knowing it was only a matter of time before you’d be awoken by Owen’s cries.
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xoxopandapanda · 7 years
Kagome’s Birthday
Inuyasha was beyond peeved at Kagome at the moment. She had been insistent that she needed to go home for a ‘test’, and she was two days late. He would have gone to get her yesterday, but Shippo had sat next the well all day, wailing that Inuyasha couldn’t be a little nicer to Kagome when all she wanted to do was go home for a bit and now she was never coming back.
Inuyasha wasn’t going to even touch that.
The reason he hadn’t gone yet today had more to do with the fact that Sango and Miroku seemed surprised that he showed up for breakfast than nursing a wounded pride over Shippo remaining at the well at night.
Inuyasha was two thing. Vindictive and stubborn. Now he had to prove to Sango and Miroku that he could let Kagome come back when she wanted and he had to prove to Shippo that crying wouldn’t cause his to reconsider anything. 
“I thought Inuyasha would be here by now,” Mama said as she place an omurice in front of Kagome. 
“I thought he would be here yesterday. Do you think he got hurt while I was gone?” Kagome didn’t have much of an appetite due to being worried about Inuyasha’s unusual absence.
Kagome had been so focused on her upcoming math test that she had forgotten that her birthday was coming up. So, two days ago, when she was about to leave and go down the well, her mother asked her to stay two more days so that they could celebrate her birthday. 
Kagome was a little horrified that she had forgotten about her birthday all together, but she readily agreed.
The reason she hadn’t gone down the well to tell Inuyasha why she was late was because she knew that he wouldn’t allow her to come back so soon. She also wanted to celebrate her birthday with her family and him.
She had thought that by failing to show up, he would come busting in to get her, and she could make him stay and spend time with her and her family for her birthday. 
But it was now her birthday and he was a day later than she had expected.
“I don’t think so, Kagome. Maybe he’ll be here by the time you get back from school. If not, then I’ll make a lot of food that you can give him as soon as you get back.”
Kagome nodded mutely. Her mother understood Inuyasha better than she did, she swore. 
So with a heavy heart, Kagome went to school.
Inuyasha monitored the activity next to the well closely from a tree just far away that he couldn’t be seen or sensed.
“If I find him, I’m hitting him with the strongest incense I’ve got and tossing him down the well.” Sango was seething. Her pacing was wearing a path in the grass. Inuyasha made a note to not be seen by her until Kagome had come back and appeased her.
“I think that perhaps us standing here is preventing him from going. You know how he gets with his pride.” Miroku tired to motion the other two with him down towards the village. ‘Damn straight,’ Inuyasha thought. ‘Move along so I can go.’
“Kagome stopped loving me because of how stupid Inuyasha is!!” Shippo wailed, inconsolable and clinging to the well as if he could project his sorrows directly on to the girl missing.
The show with only one audience member continued on for a while, until Shippo wore himself out and fell asleep. Sango had swept him up into her arms, and in a huff, began to walk towards the village. “I think I might have to accidentally hit him next time we are fighting a demon.”
Miroku laughed under his breath, and said a little prayer for his male companion before following her.
If either of them would have thrown a backwards glance they would have seen a flash of red disappearing down the well.
Kagome walked up the steps, hurriedly. She had worked hard to convince her friends that she didn’t want to go out, that her arthritis was too bad today for her to do something. They’d have to celebrate her birthday a different day. (Although if they saw her now, they’d wonder how someone with bad joints moved as quickly as she did up the stairs.)
She burst through the door, and bolted towards the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a mellow Inuyasha sitting there, halfway listening to whatever Souta was going on about. He turned uncertain eyes on her.
“Hi,” she whispered breathlessly.  Once he realized she was happy to see him, she stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of her. He crossed his arms and let out a “Feh” as greeting to her.
She just smiled at him. She had the one thing she wanted for her birthday. He spoke out in response to her lack of response. “Your mom said that we are having a special birthday dinner.”
“Oh, yeah! You are going to eat with us, right?”
He looked at her. “What’s a special birthday dinner?”
Kagome blinked. “Oh we’re going to eat my favorite food for my birthday.”
“Birthday?” He repeated. It was then she understood. He didn’t understand that part. 
“You know, the day when I was born? We celebrate it every year.”
“Oh.” Kagome realized with dread, he had never celebrated his birthday. Another thing she had taken for granted in her life he had never known.
It was then she decided, now that she was in his life, he was going to have the best birthdays.
Inuyasha’s Birthday
Kagome woke up and realized that today was the day. It was the day she was going to celebrate Inuyasha’s birthday. She was home for another test, in math of all subjects, and now that it was over, she could dedicate all her time to making Inuyasha’s birthday one of the best days of his life. 
And if he hated it, she could pretend it was an elaborate prank for April’s Fools. He’d probably take that answer and just think it was another weird future thing.
“Mama!” She called as she skipped down the stairs. “Today’s the day!”
“For what dear?” Mrs. Higarashi didn’t look up from setting up breakfast. 
“The day we are going to celebrate Inuyasha’s birthday!”
“Oh my, that sounds lovely.” Mrs. Higarashi handed Kagome plates and bowls to set.
“I want to make him a cake, and do some decorations around the house, I don’t think we should do presents because that will probably be confusing for him...” Kagome listed all the things she wanted to do for her companion.
Her mother inventively listened to Kagome ramble on. She knew that Kagome cared very much for the young man who strolled in and out of the house as often as Kagome did. She did as well. She thought of him as her other child, and when Kagome had come home and told her about how hard his life had been, her maternal insticts kicked in even harder. She was just as excited to give Inuyasha his first birthday, and was happy he would celebrate it with his newfound family.
“Good thing you don’t have school today, Kagome, because we have a lot to get done.” She said as soon as her daughter had quieted. “Well have to run to the store after breakfast is cleaned up.”
Inuyasha was being his stubborn self again, Kaede noticed.
When Kagome had left, she had announced that in three days, Inuyasha was to come down the well for dinner with her family, and if he didn’t she would come back and break something important to him.
It was a strange threat to give, and even stranger that she gave it, but Miroku had told her that Koga had made an appearance the day before they arrived, and a rather viscous and pointless argument had broken out between the two. 
Kaede chose to ignore the comment about how Kagome was the only important thing to Inuyasha that she could break, since it was followed by a lewd remark about manhoods. 
And here they were. Three days later. Inuyasha had been rather loud that morning, as if to make sure that everyone knew he was still around and hadn’t gone after Kagome yet.
If only he knew it would make it much more obvious once he was gone.
Inuyasha had stomped his way around the village for a while, earning him some concerned glances and stirring up comments about how Kagome-sama ought to come back soon because Inuyasha was more irritable than normal without her. 
He had joined Kaede and Shippo for breakfast, which wasn’t all that abnormal. What was out of the ordinary is how little he ate. He ate enough for an average person, but he normally consumed much more food.
Kaede had a sneaking suspicion it was because he was waiting for dinner with Kagome’s family. He had expressed several times that Kagome’s mother was much better at cooking than she was. Only after the fifth time of getting the rice bucket to the head did he figure out it was the comment he made, and not her age that caused the issue.
The day wore on with a loudly lamenting Inuyasha making several round trips under the pretense to see what people were up to, when in actuality he was trying to instill the impression that he was not at all interested in seeing Kagome that evening.
Kaede had taken to telling people that he would be gone by nightfall and to just ignore him for the day. Miroku told them that he was whipped and in denial, which seemed to appease more than Kaede’s words.
The evening fell, and the village became quiet and everyone knew Inuyasha was finally gone.
Inuyasha strolled into the kitchen, arms tucked away and ears perked up at the sounds of food cooking. The smells delighted his nose, and his mouth watered in excitement. 
“Right on time!” Kagome greeted him with a beaming grin. He huffed in response and looked expectantly at her mother. If he was in the kitchen at the same time as Mrs. Higarashi, he always got food early. 
“Go on! Go sit down!” Kagome tried to shoo him out, but he stood his ground. He was betting that he was going to get a bowl of noodles if he just waited one more minute. 
Kagome shoved on his chest. “Souta has been dying to talk to you! He saw a fight and wants to tell you about it!”
As intriguing as listening to Souta attempt to retell a story of a fight he wasn’t an active participant in was, the bowl that as about to come his way was far more appealing.
Kagome stuck an arm through the small gap between his arm and torso, and tried to leverage herself to push him out of the kitchen. “He told me a little bit about it. It happened over a soccer game. You remember soccer, right?”
Right then a bowl with chopsticks balanced on top was held out for Inuyasha. “Here, dear, take this and sit with grandfather and Souta for a bit. We’ll have dinner ready soon.” Inuyasha accepted the bowl full of noodles and broth, and gave Mrs. Higarashi a thankful look before turning and making his way to the table where Grandpa Higarashi sat reading the paper, and Souta lay working on homework.
He heard Kagome’s indignant gasp of “Mama! He’s supposed to eat with the whole family,” and her mother’s response of “He will. But he’s a growing boy and he needs his noodles.”
Inuyasha attempted to listen to Souta tell him about the fight. His descriptions were interesting, since they had strange details such as ‘there were a lot of thumps that even I could hear’ and ‘the blood just oozed out of his nose, but he kept punching.’ Clearly, this kid had never been in a fight or even really saw one before. 
Inuyasha was far more intrigued by the decorations the house suddenly had. He saw the ‘Happy Birthday’ banner from Kagome’s birthday a while back, and balloons and oddly shaped paper dangling strangely from the door frames. 
Kagome hadn’t told him that it was anyone’s birthday, and no one had said anything, so he didn’t understand why the decorations were up. They weren’t left up after Kagome’s birthday, like the tree had been after Christmas. 
Kagome and her mother began to set the table shortly after he finished his noodles. Mrs. Higarashi taken his bowl from him and patted his cheek in the motherly way she tended to. Kagome had told him to move over one spot, because she was going to sit next to him.
He began to get excited as soon as the rice came out, because Mrs. Higarashi made the best rice, but when he saw how much food was for dinner, he was thrilled.
So thrilled that he forgot to ask about the decorations. 
Dinner went well, and Inuyasha had his fill. He was told that the food they hadn’t finished would go into the refrigerator for later, and if he wanted some, he just had to ask and they would heat it for him. He fully intended to ask for more before they all went to bed.
After everything was cleaned up, everyone was situated back into the room, and Kagome sat closely to Inuyasha. He thought nothing of it, because she was a more physical person that anyone else he knew, and it was normal for her to sit closely to him. 
He was surprised when Mrs. Higarashi touched his hand gently. He looked at her with wide, surprised eyes.
“We wanted to celebrate your birthday, Inuyasha, and since you don’t know when you were born, we thought we’d give you a day we thought best,” she told him, her brown eyes radiating motherly love. “We are so happy that you are in our lives, Inuyasha, we really are. Birthdays are about celebrating someone’s life, and how special they are, and you are special to us and made our lives better. So, happy birthday, Inuyasha.”
“Happy Birthday,” Kagome murmured, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “Thank you for being my friend.”
“Happy Birthday, Inuyasha-nii-san. Thank you for being my big brother and teaching me really cool things.” Souta smiled at him, and Inuyasha felt his face flush from embarrassment.
“Happy Birthday, boy,” Grandpa Higarashi added. “Thank you for keeping my granddaughter safe.”
Inuyasha looked at his hands, suddenly unsure what to do. Kagome reached out and took one in her smaller hands. They all sat quietly for a while, letting the peaceful atmosphere sink into their bones.  Then Kagome spoke.
“We’re your family now, Inuyasha. You have people who love you and want to celebrate with you. You will always have a home here. That’s what we want to give you for your birthday. Is that okay?”
Inuyasha thought for a moment. “A home?” The words were barely audible to anyone, even himself. 
“A family and a home.” Mrs. Higarashi answered.
Inuyasha was silent for a moment longer, before he let out a loud huff. Kagome smiled, because she knew it was his way of accepting their gift. 
“I hope you didn’t eat too much, because we made you your first birthday cake!” She stood up suddenly, and motioned to her little brother. “Come on, Souta, we’ve got candles to light!”
“Wait until you taste the cake, Inuyasha-nii, you are going to love it! It’s the best desert ever!” Souta chased after his sister.
Inuyasha perked up and looked at Mrs. Higarashi. She smiled, knowingly at him, before going to follow her children. Grandpa Higarashi picked up his paper and continued to read.
'I might like this birthday thing,’ Inuyasha thought. 
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