#Giovanni Ribeiro
manuarrt · 1 year
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Gosto muito de você leãozinho 
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thedeliblog · 2 years
#443 Mit jelent a Primitive legújabb filmje, a Define.?
videó: 1:08:55 perc
Primitive. Define. Egy ilyen filmről nem lehet nem írni. Már csak ha abból indulnánk is ki, hogy 2022-ben már sajnos nem trendi full length-eket csinálni, pláne nem több, mint egy órásakat. Paul Rodriguez és az elitkommandó viszont olyan fodulatszámon pörög, hogy ez a film valószínűleg még így is csak az esszencia. P-Rod Ismét az egekbe helyezte a mércét.
A Primitive szülőatyja, Paul Rodriguez kapta a nyitórészt. A 38 éves pro újra bebizonyítja, hogy még bőven van mit keresnie a húzós trükkök világában, annak ellenére, hogy a cégvezetési és egyéb befektetési teendői már nem engednek annyi időt a deszkázásra, mint ifjú titán korában.
Ahogy sorra jönnek a részek egymás után az az érzésem támad, hogy ez az egész film valami olyan jelenség, mint ami 1991 táján történt, amikor létrejött a Plan B nevű csapat, ami beszippantotta a kor legjobb deszkásait és, amikor kiadták a Questionable című videójukat (1992-ben, pont 30 évvel ezelőtt, ami 10 perccel volt rövidebb a Define-nál) mindenki csak nézett, hogy milyen szintre ugrott a deszkázás minősége. Ha pedig a címet vesszük: Define. /definiál, meghatároz/ tényleg az jut eszembe, hogy ők most kiterítették a lapokat, hogy na ez a deszkázás. És ott a pont a szó végén. Ez most a szint. Pont.
Írhatnánk olyan kliséket, hogy mindenki hozza a formáját és a tőle várhatóakat, mert ismerjük a Primitive tagok színvonalát, de nem mondanánk igazat. Itt mindenki túlteljesít. Ami egy kicsit meg is üli az ember gyomrát. Ez egy szuper film, remek zenékkel, hozza a hip-hop lazaságot az egészbe, de azért sok. Nem aza film, amit az ember azért rak le, mert annyira kedvet kap a deszkázáshoz, hogy már menne is hajtani. Trent McClung részénél kezdett nekem leülni a hangulat, de utána az amatőr Kyonosuke Yamashita újra vitt egy kis vicces kreativitást az egészbe. Tiago Lemos része jószerivel csak switch és elképesztő, Franky Villani nekem most nem adta annyira frissen a részét, Robert Neal kevés trükköt kapott, a 44 éves francia, JB Gillet pedig ígéretet tett arra, hogy bokasérülése után visszatér. Mert feladni nem lehet.
Vannak új arcok, köztük Dylan Jaeb is, aki most mutatkozott be a Primitive szineiben és, aki nem az első, akit P-Rod a Zero holdudvarából halászott le. (Franky Villani-t is onnan igazolta át)
Az ender-t viszont Carlos Ribeiro kapta. A deszkás filmekben két fontos rész van. A kezdő és az utolsó. Ezek a legütősebbek és ezekért folyik a “verseny”. Ribeiro nemrég épült fel egy hosszabb ideig tartó sérülésből, nyilván korábban vették fel a részeket, ami minden bizonnyal élete egyik legjobb part-ja. Az utolsó trükk Thrasher borítót is kapott, switch backside noseblunt slide a Clipper suliban.
Az biztos, hogy a Primitive Skateboards-tól mindig a legmagasabb minőséget várjuk (el), de az a film tényleg definiálja azt, hogy mi most a gördeszkázás csúcsteljesítménye.
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keliv1 · 1 year
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Conhece o “Vai de Roteiro”?
Eu também não conhecia e fiquei feliz pela grata surpresa. Foi numa reportagem na TV que soube dessa iniciativa da Secretaria Municipal de Turismo da Prefeitura de SP e decidi retirar os ingressos gratuitos (contudo, atração paga, comida, fica por conta da gente) para conhecer um espaço que enrolava para ir: o Museu da Imigração, na região da Mooca, ZL.
Fui na tarde de sábado, 6 de maio, e funciona assim: o passeio é guiado e os presentes conhecem não apenas a história da atração, mas também a do bairro do entorno.
No caso, a guia Taiz (desse jeitinho que escreve o nome dela) nos mostrou como foi o desenvolvimento da Mooca, o porquê da estação do metrô (e nosso ponto de encontro) se chamar Bresser-Mooca e vimos as vilas operárias (hoje, residências comuns) e o que restou do trilho do bonde, a sede da Congregação Cristã e a feirinha de véus e maletas (itens usados pelos praticantes da religião) no entorno e como foi a construção da Hospedaria do Brás, que hoje abriga o Museu e o Arsenal da Esperança, iniciativa que ajuda pessoas em situação de rua.
Pensa num lugar lindo... nem dá pra acreditar que estamos em São Paulo. Me senti naqueles palácios em Versalhes, estilo neoclássico, com direito a um trem de turismo Maria-fumaça funcionando! Esse passeio (pago) eu não fiz, mas pretendo voltar pra faze-lo e ainda tirar umas fotos no estilo antigo. O espaço conta com um estúdio fotográfico que presta esse serviço.
Ah, tem também um café e uma lojinha fofa (comprei um lápis e um broche que simula o passaporte português).
Somos Migrantes
O MI conta com exposições de longa duração e mostras. No caso da temporária, no dia da visitação, focou a África. Adorei porque a cada foto, você conhecia a história do retratado.
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A mostra temporária “África”, contava com imagens de pessoas que vivem aqui falando de suas origens - foto: Keli Vasconcelos
Também há no MI um centro de documentação (esse irei com calma e com certeza), em que é possível encontrar documentos das famílias que estiveram na hospedaria.
No dia da visita, tinha acabado de inaugurar a exposição “Migrar”, com objetos e itens que pessoas de países como Japão, Portugal e, mais recentemente, Síria, trouxeram para cá, vindos dos mais variados motivos: de guerras a busca de oportunidades de trabalho.
Isso também nos leva à reflexão da migração interna, ou seja, a gente se deslocar de um estado para outro dentro do Brasil, como ocorre com os nordestinos, que acabaram sendo a maioria na Hospedaria do Brás no decorrer dos anos.
Cadê o Vasconcelos?
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A parte mais hilária foi a busca dos sobrenomes. Digo isso porque há espaços expositivos em que abríamos gavetas e víamos documentos e cartas de pessoas que chegaram à hospedaria e se comunicavam com os parentes. Também foi talhado um mural gigante com a maioria dos sobrenomes registrados nos documentos hoje presentes no MI. Encontrei no mural Souza (de minha mãe; tenho, mas com grafia diferente. Aliás, essa grafia muda por conta do “abrasileirar” os nomes), Freitas (de minha cunhada), Mello (da família de meu pai, tenho esse sobrenome, mas grafia diferente), já Ribeiro num documento (idem).
Mano, cadê o Vasconcelos? Esse sobrenome que carrego e marca minha vida e minha carreira?!!!
Brincadeiras à parte, a guia explicou que o mural foi confeccionado com a maioria dos sobrenomes encontrados, estão repetidos e sem ordem alfabética, mas é possível fazer uma busca no centro de documentação. E é verdade: como descrito, encontrei Ribeiro num documento, mas não no mural. Vou me agendar para verificar isso de perto.
Rua Vergueiro, 327
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Na gaveta de documentos, encontrei um bem interessante: era da secretaria de Imigração, em Santos, que certificava o sr. Retondini Giovanni, de Verona, Itália, como pai de Retondini Riccardo, este morador na rua Vergueiro, 327, e que o senhorzinho então com 74 anos poderia ir até São Paulo morar com o filho. O ano era 1920.
Nem preciso dizer que fui procurar no Google se esse numeral ainda existia: pois é, não, pois virou tudo um batalhão da PM, tomando uma esquina inteira!
Olha, vou me agendar para voltar ao MI, encontrar mais sobre os Vasconcelos e também farei outras visitar via “Vai de Roteiro”.
Sou nascida em Sampa e me senti turista conhecendo mais esse território onde vivo.
Acesse os roteiros pela plataforma Sympla
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arwainian · 5 months
Reading this Week 2023 #46
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate by Naomi Klein
Started and Finished:
excerpts of The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, translated and edited by Wayne A Rebhorn (I think technically read last week I just forgot to record it)
Preface Day 1: Introduction Day 1: Story 1
"Sex After the Black Normal" by Erica R. Edwards
"Undrowned: Black feminist lessons from marine mammals: Why we need to learn to listen, breathe, and remember, across species, across extinctions and across harm" by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
sections of Poetic Operations: Trans of Color Art in Digital Media
Introduction: Algorithmic Analysis Chapter 4: The Experience of Shifting
3 fic for the marathon
"Relaxing the Avant-Garde: Tan Lin and the Language-Oriented Tradition" by Mathies G. Aarhus
"English Before Engrish: Asian American Poetry's Unruly Tongue" by Tara Finkle
"RealFeel: Banality, Fatality, and Meaning in Kenneth Goldsmith's The Weather" by Jeffery T. Nealon
"Guillaume de Mauchaut and the Consolation of Poetry" by Sylavia Huot
"Love as a Source of Illness in Late Eighteenth-Century Sweden -- Exemples from the Life Description of Pehr Stenberg" by Ina Lindblom
"'Your Love is Like Bad Medicine': The Medical Tradition of Lovesickness in the Legends of Hippocrates and Erasistratus of Ceos" by L.F.C. Ribeiro
"Christian Lovesickness: Richard of St. Victor's The Four Degrees of Violent Love" by Travis Stevens
"Metaphor as Experimental Medicine" from Blindness and Therapy in Late Medieval French and Italian Poetry by Julie Singer
"Sans Merci: Affect, Resistance, and Sociality in Courtly Lyric" by Sara V. Torres
sections of Medieval Imagination: Rhetoric and the Poetry of Courtly Love by Douglas Kelly
sections of The Arrow of Love: Optics, Gender, and Subjectivity in Medieval Love Poetry by Dana E. Stewart
"'Pite Renneth Soone in Gentil Herte': Ugly Feelings and Gendered Conduct in Chaucer's Legend of Good Women" by Glenn Burger
"Love as Illness: Poets and Philosophers on Romantic Love" by Ruth Rothaus Caston
"Four Medico-Philosophical Traditions of the Origins of Lovesickness" from Lovesickness and Gender in Early Modern English Literature by Lesel Dawson
"Lovers: The Rise and Apparent Fall of Lovesickness" from Lovers and Livers: Disease Concepts in History by Jacalyn Duffin
sections of Eros & Anteros: The Medical Traditions of Love in the Renaissance edited by Donald A. Beecher and Massimo Ciavolella
"Ethical Problems of the Lie that Heals in Renaissance Literature” by Winfried Schleiner "Eros and Misogyny from Giovan Battista Marino to Ferrante Pallavicino" by Francesco Guardiani
sections of Lovesickness in the Middle Ages: The Viaticum and Its Commentaries by Mary Frances Wack
Mr. Loverman by Bernardine Evaristo
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photos-car · 9 months
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elmartillosinmetre · 11 months
¡VIVA LA MÚSICA! De orquestas y huelgas (9)
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Me llamó la atención que muchos de los más entusiastas defensores de la huelga terminaban sus mensajes en redes sociales con un ¡Viva la ROSS!, que a veces remataban también con un ¡Viva la Música!
Pues bien, de eso hablamos ahora, de música…
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Felix Mendelssohn: Concierto para violín en mi menor Op.64 Piotr Ilich Chaikovski: Sinfonía nº6 en si menor Op.74 Patética Violín: Viktoria Mullova Director: Marc Soustrot
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Gustav Mahler: Sinfonía nº7 en mi menor Director: Michael Schønwandt
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Ludwig van Beethoven: Obertura Leonora III Op.72a Ernest Bloch: Schelomo Anton Webern: Im Sommerwind Gustav Mahler: Sinfonía nº10 (Adagio) Violonchelo: Guillermo Pastrana Director: Marc Soustrot
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Gioacchino Rossini: Obertura de El barbero de Sevilla Georges Bizet: Suites de Carmen 1 y 2 (Selección) Maurice Ravel: Bolero Manuel de Falla: Danza final de El Sombrero de tres picos Director: Lucas Macías
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Jean Sibelius: Finlandia Op.26 Béla Bartók: Concierto para piano nº1 Ígor Stravinski: Petrushka (vers. 1911) Piano: Juan Pérez Floristán Director: Marc Soustrot
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Je suis narcissiste Raquel García-Tomás Clotilde: Elena Copons Giovanni: Toni Marsol Las mujeres: María Hinojosa Los hombres: Joan Ribalta Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla Dirección musical: Vinicius Kattah Dirección de escena: Marta Pazos Diseño de escenografía: Fernando Ribeiro Diseño de vestuario: Pier Paolo Álvaro Diseño de iluminación: Nuno Meira Sonido: Sixto Cámara Movimiento: Amaya Galeote
Esta es la dimensión de la pérdida para la clientela de la que hablábamos ayer. Y del estropicio causado a solistas y directores, que supongo yo que se prepararon y ensayaron las obras para tocarlas públicamente.
Todo ello por un bien superior, por supuesto… Próximamente analizaremos este bien superior.
UN RESPETO. De orquestas y huelgas (1)
ORQUESTEMOS (QUE ALGO QUEDA). De orquestas y huelgas (2)
Y SEGUIMOS ORQUESTANDO. De orquestas y huelgas (3)
CRONOPIOLOGÍA. De orquestas y huelgas (4)
LA VÉRITÉ. De orquestas y huelgas (5)
IMAGINAOS. De orquestas y huelgas (6)
EL MURO. De orquestas y huelgas (7)
EL BUEN EMPRESARIO. De orquestas y huelgas (8)
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huffle-le-puffle · 1 year
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“I’ve found this fully stock VW Beetle, so I decided to click it”
by Giovanni Ribeiro 
Free to use under the Unsplash License
Buy me a butterbeer!
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Três brasileiras foram bem nas classificatórias do Campeonato Mundial de Skate Street que é disputado em Sharjah (Emirados Árabes) e garantiram presença nas quartas de final da competição. Nesta quarta-feira (1), Marina Gabriela somou 44,05 pontos para ficar na 12ª posição, Pâmela Rosa marcou 39,94 (19ª posição) e Gabriela Mazetto alcançou 36,17 (24ª posição). Na próxima etapa elas terão a companhia de Rayssa Leal, que, como 5ª colocada no ranking mundial, tem presença garantida nas quartas de final. A brasileira com a melhor performance do dia, Mariana Gabriela falou do nervosismo de estrear em uma competição tão importante: “Eu estava insegura nas minhas primeiras manobras, mas no fim deu tudo certo. Errei a primeira volta e fiquei com medo de errar a segunda. Mas acertei a segunda e tirei uma boa nota. Participar do campeonato está sendo uma experiência legal. Aqui, nos Emirados Árabes, de manhã está muito calor, mas agora é focar na próxima fase, quartas de final, que vai dar certo”. Jogos de Paris O Mundial de Skate Street é a segunda competição que concede pontos para o ranking classificatório para os Jogos Olímpicos de Paris (2024). O torneio contará com 4 etapas: classificatórias, quartas de final, semifinais e final. Na próxima quinta-feira (2) serão disputadas as classificatórias do Street masculino, que contarão com a participação dos brasileiros Eduardo Neves, Gabryel Aguilar, João Lucas Alves, Felipe Gustavo, Giovanni Vianna, Lucas Rabelo e Filipe Mota. Além disso, o Brasil será representado na competição, em fases posteriores, por Carlos Ribeiro, Ivan Monteiro, Kelvin Hoefler e Vinicius Costa.   Edição: Fábio Lisboa
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comagaeze · 3 years
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Giovanni Ribeiro / Unsplash
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pronome-masculino · 3 years
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Com toda licença: ”CHEIRO DE AMOR”
De repente fico rindo à toa sem saber por quê E vem a vontade de sonhar, de novo te encontrar Foi tudo tão de repente Eu não consigo esquecer E confesso, tive medo Quase disse não
Mas o seu jeito de me olhar A fala mansa, meio rouca Foi me deixando quase [louco] Já não podia mais pensar Eu me dei [todo] pra você
E meio [louco] de prazer Lembro teu corpo no espelho E vem o cheiro de amor Eu te sinto tão presente Volte logo meu amor
[Adaptado] de Paulo Sérgio Valle, Jota Morais, Ribeiro e Duda Mendonça
Il Sarto [adaptado], 1570
de Giovanni Battista Moroni
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a-royal-obsession · 4 years
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'The Music Party': Frederick, Prince of Wales with his Three Eldest Sisters by Philippe Mercier, 1733
The Prince of Wales is shown playing the cello, accompanied by his sister Princess Anne (1709-59) at the harpsichord; Princess Caroline (1713-57) plays the mandora (a type of lute) and Amelia (1711-86) reads a volume of Milton’s poems. The setting seems to be specific - the red brick back of a building in the background is certainly not an artist’s impression of an ideal palace — but it is impossible to identify with certainty. The sconce to the right (one of a group supplied in 1733 by Benjamin Goodison, c.1700-67) and the painting of the sleeping Endymion on the wall (by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini) are both accurately recorded and still in the Royal Collection. The Princesses are dressed, in Aileen Ribeiro’s words, ‘with an almost bourgeois sobriety’, with ‘closed gowns’ fastened across the bodice, covering a white linen kerchief round the neck and wearing plain caps with lappets, one pinned up, one hanging down and the last fastened under the chin. The more formally dressed Frederick is given centre stage and yet the effect of the scene is one of informality, ensemble music-making and sibling harmony (something which in reality was starting to evaporate at this time).
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AC Brasil Amateur 2016 (resultados)
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Resultados amateur del Arnold Classic Brasil 2016, el prestigioso certamen de fisicoculturismo y fitness. Fantástica participación de atletas locales y países vecinos. Resultados AC Brasil Amateur 2016 Women's Fitness (Open) 1. Gissella Maria Dias Gracia (Paraguay) 2. Valentina Rodríguez (Uruguay) Men's Fitness (Open) 1. Rafael Magalhães (Brasil) 2. Rene Vanderko Dos Santos (Brasil) 3. Paulo Vitor Felipe (Brasil) Culturismo +40 1. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 2. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 3. Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) 4. Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) 5. Alderino Alves Dos Santos Filho (Brasil) 6. Alexandre Osmar Pamplona (Brasil) Bodyfitness +35 1. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 2. Romina Lameiro (Argentina) 3. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 4. Sandra Liliana Martinez (Colombia) 5. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 6. Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Cláudia Gentil (Brasil) . Bally Natalia (Argentina) . Cylene Pereira (Brasil) . Soledad López (Uruguay) . Saturnina Lugo Bautista (Paraguay) . Carol Grayer (Canadá) Culturismo 70 Kg 1. Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) 2. Vitor Alves Porto de Oliveira (Brasil) 3. Jean de Amorim Machado (Brasil) 4. Soepe Amoetan Koese (Suriname) 5. Duvan Rodriguez (Colombia) 6. Maroun Michel Srou (Brasil) . Thener Lúcio Carmo (Brasil) . Carlos Eduardo Da Silva (Brasil) . Rodrigo de Mello Costa (Brasil) . Diogo Dalton Guedes (Brasil) . Hubert Fagundes Paul Turrini (Brasil) . Hernández Víctor (Argentina) . Christopher Queiroz E Silva (Brasil) . Fernando Oliveira (Brasil) . Mahmoud Mokhtar Mohamed (Catar) . Kelton Thomas Trinidad E Tobago . Rodrigo Gomes Da Silva (Brasil) . Juan Fernando Chambi (Bolívia) . Evaristo Cortes Valladares (Costa Rica) . Thiago Macedo Pinho (Brasil) Culturismo 75 Kg 1. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 2. Fabricio de Souza Moreira (Brasil) 3. José Carlos de Oliveira Junior (Brasil) 4. Francisco de Assis (Brasil) 5. Jesus Maria Britos Quintana (Paraguay) 6. Elianderson Freitas Barbosa Da (Brasil) . Cleiton Da Silva Oliveira (Brasil) . Edson Castilho (Brasil) . Lenio Anderson Rego Barbosa (Brasil) . Davi José Furtado de Jesus (Brasil) . André Luis Birk (Brasil) . Frank Giovanni Rocha Cardozo (Bolívia) . Julio Cesar Ferreira Da Silva (Brasil) Culturismo 80 Kg 1. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) 2. Antonio Inácio Ferreira Santiago (Brasil) 3. Felipe Henrique Moraes Da Silva (Brasil) 4. Diego Spadoni (Uruguay) 5. Paulo Vitor (Brasil) 6. Rafael Ribeiro (Brasil) . Diego Viegas Pinheiro (Brasil) . Jackson Barros (Brasil) . Lindow Adrián (Argentina) . Gustavo Lira Camargo (Brasil) Culturismo 85 Kg 1. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 2. Luis Gabriel Rios (Colombia) 3. Adilio Veloso de Lima (Brasil) 4. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 5. Marciel Cristiano Mendes (Brasil) 6. Andres Marcelo Lavesolo (Uruguay) . Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) . Francisco Pereira Silva (Brasil) . Damián Izquierdo (Uruguay) . Erasmo Vieira de Sousa Maciel (Brasil) . Fernando Castro Da Silva (Brasil) . José Claudio Aguiar de Freitas (Brasil) . Johnatan Sanchez (Colombia) . Manuel Jesus Angulo Alpire (Bolívia) Culturismo 90 Kg 1. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 2. Geremias Da Silva (Brasil) 3. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 4. Pierre Olivier Mckinnon (Canadá) 5. Leandro Bessa Da Silva (Brasil) 6. Willian Eduardo Sanches Chirinos (Venezuela) . Elcio Custodio Dos Santos (Brasil) . Cleber Geovane Correia Lopes (Brasil) . Rafael Braga Poggi (Brasil) . Dereck Tremblay (Canadá) . Marcelo Riesco (Argentina) . Willy Lizzon (Brasil) . Edgar Ivan Rodriguez Benavides (Colombia) . Harold Carvajal Nino (Colombia) Culturismo 100 Kg 1. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 2. Ponce José (Argentina) 3. Rodrigo Cortez (Argentina) 4. Oscar Antonio Zaracho Sanches (Paraguay) 5. Camilo Andres Diaz Garzon (Colombia) 6. Helizhandro Soares de Matos (Brasil) . Luis Gonzalo Arrua (Argentina) . Martin Escobar (Colombia) . Roberto Vitória (Brasil) . Marino Santos Da Silva Junior (Brasil) . Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) . Perez Facundo (Argentina) . Wendel Djoemadi Rudolf (Suriname) . Vinicius Daniel Porto Matos (Brasil) . Marcos Deivison Vidal de Matos (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 158 Cm 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 3. Nora Raquel Martinez (Paraguay) 4. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 5. Tatiane Souza Breda (Brasil) 6. Thaise Perichi (Brasil) . Simei Pimentel de Jesus (Brasil) . María Mernes (Argentina) . Simone Nesareth Machado (Brasil) . Tamires Luana Andrade Marques (Brasil) . Mayra Mendes Kreva Da Silva (Brasil) . Carla Helena Gonçalves (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 163 Cm 1. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 2. Wagna Vargas (Brasil) 3. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 4. Bianca Pimentel (Brasil) 5. Kelly Da Cruz Nogueira (Brasil) 6. Alessandra Sales de Carvalho (Brasil) Bodyfitness más de 163 Cm 1. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 2. Patrícia Pízio (Brasil) 3. Marissol Amaral Rios Bisquolo (Brasil) 4. Natalia Vieira de Brito (Brasil) 5. Ivonne Gutierrez Bolívia 6. Andrea Prado (Brasil) . Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Romina Mamani (Argentina) . Pollyanna de Oliveira Rocha (Brasil) . Carolina de Almeida (Brasil) . Camila Antunes Coelho (Brasil) . Jessica Schilling (Catar) Bodyfitness 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 3. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 4. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) Women's Physique (Open) 1. Michelly Mattos (Brasil) 2. Paloma Calandrini Cardozo de (Brasil) 3. Rosane Gomes Braga (Brasil) 4. Evelaine Rocha (Brasil) 5. Alessandra Rocha Grimaldi Costa (Brasil) 6. Giovanna Tosta Faria de Souza (Brasil) . Laís Da Hora Da Silva (Brasil) . Melissa Pinheiro Fragnan (Brasil) . Alda Maria Reis (Brasil) . Alexandra Faria Lima (Brasil) . Valdirene Santana de Oliveira (Brasil) . Rocio Ana Iris Peguero Brea (República) . Leyvina Rodrigues Barros (Brasil) Culturismo más de 100 Kg 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Franco Domínguez (Argentina) 3. Carlos Andres Ayala Caceres (Paraguay) 4. Fabiano Ferreira (Brasil) 5. Bernardo Henrique Cesarino (Brasil) 6. Luis Alberto Gonzalez (Paraguay) . Juan Gomez Manuel (Argentina) . Jose Ramon Tineo Martinez (República) . Isaque Porto Chaves (Brasil) . Vitor Lima (Brasil) Culturismo (Absoluto) 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 3. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 4. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 5. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 6. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) . Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) . Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil)
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roidespd-blog · 5 years
The Queer King recommends THE DEATH AND LIFE OF MARSHA P. JOHNSON (2017) No one knows what really happened to activist and trans pioneer Marsha P. Johnson the night she died. People still trying to understand. Why do you need to see it ? Marsha P. Johnson is an icon and learning about her is learning about Stonewall and our culture.
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The Queer King recommends FAGGOTS, Larry Kramer (1978) Fred Lemish, looking for love, gravitates in a New York City full of glory holes, BDSM, orgies and becomes disillusioned along the way. Why do you need to read it ? It’s Kramer’s first novel. It’s ruff. His writing doesn’t shy away from the reality of gay life and he does not take any prisoners alive. A must read.
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The Queer King recommends TANGERINE, Sean Baker (2015) On Christmas Eve, Sin-Dee discovers her pimp boyfriend has been cheating on her. With her friend Alexandra, she goes searching for him Why do you need to see it ? Shot on an IPhone for a ridiculous amount of money, this dramedy puts trans women up front with incredible narrative audacity.
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The Queer King recommends A LITTLE LIFE, Hanya Yanagihara (2015) Jude, Willem, JB & Malcolm are best friends living in New York City. From college to middle-age, with most focus on Jude, you will learn to care for them like no other fictional characters before. Why do you need to read it ? I can’t stress this enough. This novel is extraordinary. 18 months later, I’m still not over it. It will break your heart.
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The Queer King Recommends PLEASE LIKE ME, Josh Thomas (2013–2016) Josh discovers he’s gay, putting a spin in the lives of his girlfriend, his lazy best friend, his newly-wed dad and his depressed mother. Why do you need to see it ? This Australian comedy achieves in tone and heart what Looking never could. And also, there’s Arnold. Oh, Arnold.
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The Queer King Recommends HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH, John Cameron Mitchell (2001) Hedwig, an East German gender queer rock singer, is waiting for her operation that will get rid of the one-inch mound of flesh between her legs. Why do you need to see it ? Poignant, full of incredible tunes and an extraordinary performance from writer-director JCM. Sugar Daddy, Bring it Home.
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The Queer King Recommends THE PRINCE OF SALT/CAROL, Patricia Highsmith (1952) Young Therese meets Carol, an rich older woman. The “friendship” that will follow will change her life forever. Why do you need to read it ? An unprecedented feat in literature, a lesbian love story in which the protagonists are not punished in the end. The movie adaptation by Todd Haynes is also a must-see.
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The Queer King Recommends 120 BATTEMENTS PAR MINUTE, Robin Campillo (2017) France, 1990s. Act Up. The AIDS Epidemic. Love. Revolution. Why do you need to see it ? To remember what happened. It’s earth-shattering. Silence = Death. What are you waiting for ? Go see it, now !
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The Queer King Recommends ONE DAY AT A TIME (2017–2019) A family of hispanic descent tries to survive in today’s America. Why do you need to see it ? For the greatest coming-out storyline on television. So perfect. Bring the show back!
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The Queer King Recommends GIOVANNI’S ROOM, James Baldwin (1956) David, a young american who lived in Paris, remembers his complex relationships with the men in his life, particularly a bartender named Giovanni. Why do you need to read it ? Top-3 greatest gay novel of all-time. The first time I read it, I couldn’t finish it. I read the last 30 pages 4 years later. It’s THAT powerful.
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The Queer King Recommends A VERY ENGLISH SCANDAL , Stephen Frears. (2018) Three-part miniseries about the Jeremy Thorpe Scandal. Why do you need to see it ? Three words. Whishaw. Davies. Frears. Funny as fuck. I’m starting a Ben Whishaw fanclub BTW.
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The Queer King recommends THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT, Stephan Elliott (1994) Three drag queens take a road trip across Australia to get to a paid-job. Why do you need to see it ? One of the rare 90s positive representation of LGBT+ people, it’s funny, gorgeous looking. A classic. PS The soundtrack is IN-CRE-DI-BLE.
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The Queer King recommends JUST KIDS, Patti Smith (2010) The chronicles of a love story beyond societal restrictions between Patti Smith and revolutionary artist Robert Mapplethorpe. Why do you need to read it ? Aside from the historical accuracy of the 60/70s, you explore what it feels like to really love someone. And Mapplethorpe is a fascinating man. I cried multiple times.
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The Queer King recommends THE X PORTOFLIO , Robert Mapplethorpe (1978) A series of photographs that shade a light on homosexual practices (most of them extremes). Why do you need to see it ? A lot of Mapplethorpe’s work is great, but this is beyond. Not for the sensible soul. Hardcore.
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The Queer King recommends SHORTBUS, John Cameron Mitchell (2006) An extremely diverse group of people are desperately trying to connect in a vibrant New York City. Why do you need to see it ? That little miracle isn’t shy about sex. ALL kinds of sex. It’s very much like a Robert Altman movie, if Robert Altman shot a lot of oral sex in his career.
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The Queer King recommends LESS, Andrew Sean Greer (2018) As his 50th birthday is coming up, writer Andrew Less is traveling around the world to avoid going to his ex’s wedding. Why do you need to read it ? For the exploration of a gay man’s psyché while his youth and opportunities are behind him. As a gay man, it made me sad. Then it gave me hope. Also now, I want a blue suit.
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The Queer King recommends CLOSET MONSTER, Stephen Dunn (2015) 18-year old Oscar tries to figure out his sexuality and face his childhood demons Why do you need to see it ? The Buffy references and great acting. Duh.
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The Queer King recommends THE WAY HE LOOKS, Daniel Ribeiro (2014) Blind high school student Leo meets new classmate Gabriel. He starts developing romantic feelings towards him. Why do you need to see it ? Desires and self-realization are themes very well exploited in this movie. The two main actors are phenomenal. I almost wished I was 16 again (but not really).
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The Queer King recommends WHEN WE RISE, Cleve Jones (2016) A complete memoir about the journey of activist Cleve Jones, following into the path of Harvey Milk to keep fighting for LGBTQ+ rights and against the AIDS Epidemic. Why do you need to read it ? An in depth look at life at the fore front of activism, with gorgeous interludes of romance, sex and heartbreaks.
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The Queer King recommends KILLING EVE, Phoebe Waller-Bridge (2018-present) MI:5 Eve Polastri’s pursuit of International killer Villanelle. Why do you need to see it ? Because lesbian desires are still mostly unseen on mainstream, award-winning programs. It’s very, very, very good.
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The Queer King recommends ZIGGY, STARDUST & ME, James Brandon (2019) 1973. Jonathan meets Web. He’s not supposed to. He needs to change. Sweet Ziggy won’t help him now. Why do you need to read it ? It’s not out until August (but I have a proof copy). It’s not great literature (it’s YA after all) but it did fill my heart with feelings of love and hope. Everything Bowie is good for the soul anyway.
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The Queer King recommends PRIDE, Stephen Boresford (2014) 1984, Brittain. A strike is breaking the country apart. Lesbians & Gays decide to give their support to the miners. Why do you need to see it ? Because it’s still rare to see a funny movie about gay people which is not condescending.
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The Queer King recommends ANGELS IN AMERICA, Tony Kushner (1991–1993) A complex, metaphorical examination of American life, the AIDS epidemic and homosexuality in the 80s. Why do you need to read it ? The writing is glorious, full with incredible characters. A very sensitive approach of flaws in the human spirit. It’s epic.
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The Queer King recommends LE ROSE ET LE NOIR , Frédéric Martel (1996) Everything that happened to the Queer community in France from 1968 until the arrival of the PACS. Why do you need to read it ? Information is key. You won’t get a deeper source of information.
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The Queer King recommends LILTING, Hong Khaou (2014) A mother tries to understand who her son was after his death, co-existing with his grieving lover. Why do you need to see it ? A story of death, acceptance and race, Lilting is a delicate piece of filmmaking. And again, Ben Whishaw. Goddamn Ben Whishaw.
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The Queer King recommends MOONLIGHT, Barry Jenkins (2016) The youth, teenage years and adult life of a black gay man struggling with his identity. Why do you need to see it ? Black gay men are not a common subject. It won Best Picture at the Oscars. Fucking Amazing.
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The Queer King recommends POSE (2018-present) The tribulations of gay and transgender characters in the ball scene of the late 80s. Why do you need to see it ? The first of its kind — where representation is limitless, it’s an homage to a fabulous and terrible time in LGBTQ+’s life. As I said in a previous article, it’s essential.
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tendido-5 · 2 years
Corrida de Rejones :
Juriquilla :
Entrada : Tres cuartos de plaza.
Toros : Boquilla del Carmen : De buena presencia y buen juego.
📍Giovanni Aloi : Oreja.
📍Jorge Hernández Gárate : Dos orejas.
📍Joao Ribeiro Telles : Oreja.
📍Fauro Aloi (Que tomaba la alternativa): Dos orejas.
📍Por Colleras (Giovanni Aloi y Fauro Aloi): Oreja.
📍Por Colleras (Jorge Hernández Gárate y Joao Ribeiro Telles): Dos orejas y rabo.
Incidencias : Actuaron los Forcados Amadores de Mazatlán, Juriquilla y Amadores de México.
📷 Manolo Briones (NTR).
#grandestoreros #enhorabuenatoreros #Juriquilla #BoquillaDelCarmen #GiovanniAloi #JorgeHernándezGárate #JoaoRibeiroTelles #FauroAloi #Toros #Tendido_5
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newsfact · 3 years
Brazil vs. Uruguay: Time, TV, streaming, betting odds for CONCACAF World Cup qualifier
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Uruguay’s four-day qualifying stretch has to be among the toughest faced by any nation in the world involved in World Cup qualifying: It goes from losing 3-0 on the road to Lionel Messi and reigning South American champs Argentina, to traveling to the Amazon and the city of Manaus to face undefeated Brazil on Thursday.
Brazil may no longer be perfect after its 0-0 draw in Colombia on Sunday, but it’s undefeated and it has yet to give up a goal at home in World Cup qualifying. That’s how strong the No. 2-ranked team in the world has been with nearly a year to go before the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
Comfortably perched atop the South American standings, Brazil (9-0-1, 28 points) is a cinch to book its ticket to Qatar over the next few matches, but it measures itself differently from other nations. When it takes the field in the Amazon Arena in Manaus to play for the first time in front of fans — 14,000 are expected — it will want to win, entertain and concede nothing to the opposition.
MORE: Updated standings, schedules & highlights
Uruguay (4-3-4, 16 points) is also in a decent spot: It sits in fourth place which would be enough to secure a direct berth to Qatar (the top four teams qualify directly while fifth place is involved in a play-in series). But it will have to fight off the challenge from Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Chile.
With the likes of Luis Suarez (Uruguay), Edinson Cavani (Uruguay), Neymar (Brazil) and Lucas Paqueta (Brazil) on the field, this is the marquee matchup of the 12th of 18 rounds of matches in South America even if it feels like we all know how this is likely to go: Brazil is unbeaten in 59 at home (47-0-12) and Uruguay has never claimed a qualifying win in Brazil (though it has three draws).
How to watch Brazil vs. Uruguay
Date: Thursday, Oct. 14
Time: 8:30 p.m. ET
Streaming: fuboTV
Brazil vs. Uruguay and every World Cup qualifying match in South America can be streamed exclusively on fuboTV in English and Spanish.
WATCH: South American World Cup qualifiers on fuboTV (stream live)
The matches are also available on a pay-per-view basis via cable and satellite TV providers. 
Brazil vs. Uruguay: Lineups
Outlets in Brazil say head coach Tite is expected to make five changes to his lineup with Ederson manning the nets and Tottenham right back Emerson Royal getting the start. Lucas Verissimo will step in to give Marquinhos a breather and Raphinha will get the start wide right. Real Madrid central defender Eder Militao is out injured.
Brazil projected starting lineup (4-2-3-1, left to right): 23-Ederson-GK — 6-Alex Sandro, 3-Thiago Silva, 22-Lucas Verissimo, 13-Emerson Royal — 8-Fred, 5-Fabinho — 10-Lucas Paqueta, 10-Neymar, Raphinha — 9-Gabriel Jesus
Brazil projected subs: 1-Alisson-GK, 2-Weverton-GK, 16-Guilherme Arana, 4-Marquinhos, 2-Danilo, 15-Edenilson, 7-Gerson, 18-Vinicius Junior, 19-Arthur Cabral, 20-Antony, 11-Everton Ribeiro, 21-Gabriel Barbosa, Douglas Luiz
Uruguay are reportedly pairing up Luis Suarez and Edinson Cavani at forward with Nicolas De La Cruz playing right behind them. The Celeste will be missing Jose Maria Gimenez, Ronaldo Araujo and Giorgian de Arrascaeta, but Rodrigo Betancur is back from suspension due to yellow card accumulation.
Uruguay projected starting lineup (4-4-2, left to right): 1-Fernando Muslera-GK — 22-Joaquin Piquerez, 3-Diego Godin, 19-Sebastian Coates, 8-Nahitan Nandez — 7-Nicolas De La Cruz, 15-Federico Valverde, 5-Matias Vecino, 6-Rodrigo Betancur — 9-Luis Suarez, 21-Edinson Cavani
Uruguay projected subs: 23-Sergio Rochet-GK, 12-Martin Campana-GK, Martin Caceres, 17-Matias Vina, 13-Giovanni Gonzalez, 20-Facundo Torres, 14-Lucas Torreira, 11-Gaston Pereiro, 18-Darwin Nunez, Fernando Gorriaran, Augustin Alvarez Martinez, 16-Brian Rodriguez
Brazil vs. Uruguay: Betting odds & prediction
Odds courtesy of DraftKings
Pick: Brazil -1 Asian Handicap (-115)
Although Uruguay had its chances against Argentina on Sunday, the 3-0 loss was ultimately an accurate reflection of the difference in talent between the two sides. It will be the same case in Manaus, and while the result may not turn out to be quite as lopsided, Brazil should at least be one goal better. Brazil also has the best team defense in the tournament — three goals allowed in 10 games — and won’t get scored on easily.
The Brazil -1 Asian Handicap may not be wildly adventurous, but neither is the play we’ll see on display between these two teams. It’s decent protection if the Selecao has an off day in front of goal.
Prediction: Brazil 2, Uruguay 0
Moneyline: Brazil -210 / Draw +310 / Uruguay +750
Spread (Asian Handicap): Brazil -1 (-110) / Uruguay +1 (+100)
O/U 2.5 total goals: Over +130 / Under -160
Both Teams To Score: Yes +155 / No -205
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gazetadocerrado · 3 years
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Espaço Cultural 25 anos Por @marcojacobbrasil Palco de artes, formação de artistas, histórias de vida marcam os 25 anos do Espaço Cultural em evento na capital. A chuva deste domingo, 25, surgiu para regar as sementes e as árvores da cultura palmense e tocantinense, em comemoração dos 25 anos do Espaço Cultural José Gomes Sobrinho, que tem o nome deste que é um baluarte da cultura no Tocantins. Muitos dos presentes no evento que marca o aniversário do Espaço Cultural, estavam tanto no projeto como viram nascer e crescer este espaço que conta com cinema, teatro, salas para cursos, espaco para exposições, shows e ainda sedia a Fundação Cultural de Palmas. Um selo celebra o Jubileu de Prata, dos 25 anos de histórias, cultura, alegrias e desenvolvimento e consolidação da Cultura Tocantinia. Do interior do Estado, de outros brasil, de vários talentos e artes, este espaço faz parte da formação da identidade cultural do mais novo estado brasileiro. Hananias Vieira, recém empossado Presidente do Conselho Municipal de Cultura de Palmas, destaca que “temos que levantar a bandeira da Cultura e lutar pela sua preservação.” A eterna bailarina Meire Maria, que estava presente no nascimento do Espaço Cultural e se apresentou por diversas vezes lembra a importância deste espaço como a casa da Cultura. Representando a prefeita Cinthia Ribeiro, o presidente da Fundação Cultural de Palmas, Giovanni Assis, destacou a importância da arte e dos artistas que transformam a natureza humana em socialização e diferenciação dos animais. O palco foi aberto ao bailarino Maicon Cardoso e seguiu com várias apresentações até de ex alunos dos cursos ministrados no Espaço Cultural e que hoje são profissionais da área cultural. Um teaser do documentário sobre os 25 anos Espaço Cultural foi apresentado com a promessa de lançamento em 2022. #espaçocultural #cultura #palmas #tocantins #conhecaobrasil #conhecaotocantins #conhecapalmas @fcp.palmas #adetuc #adetuctocantins (em Espaço Cultural de Palmas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUTnvNmMAMU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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