nightmare-grass · 6 months
One of my biggest hyperfixations nowadays is the lore of ancient kingdoms in Genshin Impact. I wanna know what they were all about, how life was like for them, what led to their downfalls, and how or if they interacted with one another. It’s said that there used to be a unified civilization of humans in Teyvat, and that’s why so many ruins have similar architectural details despite being spread across all the nations of modern Teyvat. We still have very little lore about the Nameless Ruins in the Chasm, we still don’t even have a name for them despite Dainsleif’s quest taking place there. But there’s also strange similarities between the stories of the ancient kings and how the kingdoms fell. I already buy into the theory that King Deshret of Sumeru/Gurabad may be related to or the same as King Irmin of Khaenri’ah, since the Traveler’s twin is the Abyss Prince/Princess, and the Traveler seems to remind Liloupar of Deshret in terms of looks and powers. And wouldn’t it be fitting for Deshret, who turned down the Gnosis and challenged the heavens by obtaining Forbidden Knowledge (abyssal power) to be in some way related to the king of Khaenri’ah, a nation without a god that hid from Celestia and was later punished for it? And there’s sources about Remus, the king of Remuria, citing Remus as a god king just like Deshret. And Remuria as well as Remus were swallowed by the Abyss, reminding me of the sinking of Enkanomiya, where the names of the people are lifted directly from Greek/Roman mythology. And Remus is directly inspired by the Rome founding myth, while Remuria as a whole is inspired by ancient Rome. And the most tantalizing thing for me has to be the lost kingdom of Sal Vindagnyr, where it seems so cut off from these other lost kingdoms but their princess dreamt of events that wouldn’t come to pass for thousands of years, long after her civilization was destroyed. She was born under an offshoot of Irminsul, and had the power of prophecy through her connection to the tree. She foresaw the Cataclysm in Khaenri’ah, the coming of the abyssal dragon Durin, but she had no frame of reference for when these visions would come to pass. Think about what that would do to you as your kingdom was being swallowed in ice and snow, the gods having forsaken you, and your father asks to see a vision of the snow cleared and blue skies, but you’ve already forgotten what that looks like since it’s been so long in the blizzard. Dragonspine and the ruins of Sal Vindagnyr haunt me.
EDIT: I think I figured something out about Dragonspine. In every source I could find on the topic, people usually sort the Princess’s vision of Durin before the Celestial Nail that destroyed their Irminsul tree. I think, since the people of Sal Vindagnyr proclaimed to be in such close contact with Celestia, that Celestia dropped the nail on Dragonspine as a response to the princess’s vision. They laid down a preemptive strike against the abyss and then realized, “oh shoot, we messed up,” because Durin wouldn’t appear in Mondstadt until thousands of years later! So Celestia gets the heck out of dodge before the humans can seek retribution for the destruction of their home, that’s why they abandoned the people of Sal Vindagnyr. The humans were left wondering what they did wrong, but Celestia is the one at fault! Celestia panicked and messed up!
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niteshade925 · 1 year
Also the story of Gurabad and Liloupar must be the most confusing story for me so far. It's been a while since the update happened and I still couldn't figure out what the hell happened there lol. I blame the primal obelisks. I could never gather enough sacred seals for all of them 🙃
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r0bita · 1 year
Genshin Spoilers/Theory
Okay... at this point I am very much convinced that Il Dottore is AT LEAST related to Shiruyeh somehow because the way jinn and gurabad's technology are explained feel very reminiscent to how we were all going crazy about the theories surrounding Dottore's segments.
I am very much convinced that Dottore(Zandik?) is a fragment of Shiruyeh who probably went through a similar fate as his nasty lil granny and all those fragments himself trying to find and get back at their "mother", Shirin. But instead Dottore decided to do their own thing which is exactly what I predicted in my not-so-serious theory post about Dottore.
(Are we dealing with another Harbinger with mommy issues? Because that is... huh...)
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nabumalikata · 6 months
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me with nabu malikata except she had 0 seconds of screentime and hardly any dialogue at all and is only mentioned by name like once
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yukarishoodie · 6 months
Alain and Carter. Do you understand
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thormanick · 9 months
Reading The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria be like: … is this Silmarillion?
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houseofdaena · 1 year
Il pastore e la bottiglia magica
La storia di un pastore che trovò una bottiglia magica abitata da un essere inaspettato.
Secondo le leggende, il sovrano Al-Ahmar, quando ancora era in vita, collezionò una gran quantità di djinn e demoni da tutto il mondo, sigillandoli in bottiglie magiche. Stando alle leggende, il mondo un tempo pullulava di questi djinn. Al-Ahmar, potente ma meravigliato, li catturò strappandoli agli argentini venti notturni e alle sabbie mobili del deserto, ai mistici turbinii dell’oceano e alle brillanti sorgenti delle foreste pluviali, intrappolandoli in bottiglie d’argento. Era un conquistatore arrogante, e allo stesso tempo, un bambino curioso.
Al-Ahmar imbrigliò gli spiriti con giochi e redini, apprese dai loro lamenti la storia della triste luna e dell’impetuosa stella del mattino, e costruì la maestosa Ay-Khanoum, la “Città degli anfiteatri” o la “Città della Fanciulla della luna” per commemorarle. Si dice che fosse la città degli spiriti, il paradiso dei migranti della luna, regalata loro da Al-Ahmar. In cambio, gli spiriti costruirono l’enorme portone per il suo mausoleo.
Questa è la storia secondo i cantori del deserto. Molti anni dopo, Ay-Khanoum, come Saleh, la città dei valorosi Thamudiani, Tulaytullah, la terra dei saggi Tighnariani, e Orghana, la città dei Ventinove Dey, è stata sepolta sotto pesanti sabbie e turbinanti correnti, proprio come gli innumerevoli clan che vi hanno abitato, e i moltissimi djinn imprigionati nelle loro magiche bottiglie d’argento.
Ma ora, mettiamo da parte l’inutile caccia ai dettagli, e torniamo al nostro argomento...
Quindici anni dopo la costruzione di Porto Ormos, un giovane pastore trovò una bottiglia d’argento tra le Dune di Ghiaiarmoniosa (nota 1). Che fosse per curiosità infantile o per dell’incoscienza atipica per gli abitanti del deserto, il ragazzo ruppe il sigillo sotto la bottiglia e la aprì al chiaro di luna (nota 2).
“I corvi del mondo mortale sono terribilmente rumorosi...” Il djinn emerse dalla bottiglia (nota 3) sotto forma di una danzatrice, snodabile e languida come un gatto, brillante e bella come una ninfea. “Corvi...?” Il giovane era confuso, dato che non assomigliava a un uccello e di certo non era rumoroso. “Sì, corvi.” Lo spirito ripeté con una certa impazienza. “Uccelli che vivono e muoiono rapidamente, piuttosto rumorosi e, soprattutto... ‘solo con la morte si svegliano realmente’. Non mi sembra difficile da capire.” Il giovane scosse la testa in segno di confusione, e lo spirito non trattenne un respiro. “Ascoltami, sciocco pennuto.” Lo spirito scosse la testa, facendo ondeggiare gentilmente le sue trecce dal profumo di mirra al chiaro di luna mentre le campanelle dorate ad esse intrecciate tintinnavano. I suoi occhi color ambra però, erano penetranti come pugnali.
“Ti permetterò di fare altre domande, a tre condizioni...”
“Primo, non insultare Al-Ahmar, il mio signore. Questa è la condizione di base (nota 4). Secondo, non mostrare arroganza. Un misero mortale non deve osare alzare la cresta.
Terzo, non impicciarti negli affari di terra e cielo. Ricorda bene: i cieli ospitano valorosi guardiani e splendide stelle. Viola queste regole e volerò nella tua bocca e nel tuo naso cavalcando il vento notturno, come le tre dee della luna sui loro destrieri, strappandoti anima e interiora, prendendo dimora nelle tue carni senza vita.”
Il giovane si coprì istintivamente naso e bocca, annuendo vigorosamente, mostrando di aver compreso le condizioni.
“E allora chiedi, prezioso figlio del mio signore, schiavo dei cieli.” Disse lo spirito sogghignando. La luce della luna illuminava le sue trecce, straripando sulla pelle semitrasparente, donandole un’aura cristallina.
“Chi sei?” Chiese il ragazzo.
“Sono la creazione del cielo, e allo stesso tempo una creature di questo mondo. Sono un’esiliata delle epoche, fedele servitrice del mio signore. Sono uno spirito elementale che mai si inchinerà a un corpo mortale, eterno prigioniero cullato dall’illusione della comodità...” Lo spirito era in piedi a testa alta, facendo scorrere orgogliosamente la luce lunare attraverso il suo corpo traslucido, lasciando tintinnare le sue campanelle dorate nel vento del deserto. “In quanto discendente di Liloufar, posso rendermi piccola o grande. Posso ascendere o nascondermi. I miei simili si trovano tra le onde, nel vento notturno, o al pallido chiarore della luna morta. In breve, sono uno spirito, e ne vado fiera.”
“In tal caso, cosa ci fai in questa bottiglia?” Chiese il giovane scuotendo la bottiglia d’argento.
“Al-Ahmar, il mio signore, aspirava alla conquista del mondo. Mari e monti sarebbero dovuti finire sotto il suo controllo. A tal fine, creò magiche bottiglie d’argento e impose il suo marchio su di noi, rendendoci i suoi servitori, sfruttandoci per nobili atti di creazione ed esplorazione. In parole povere... non siamo meri schiavi, ma orgogliosi servitori. Ma in seguito...” Disse lo spirito a bassa voce, e i suoi occhi color ambra si fecero scuri. “Il mio signore fu causa della propria rovina, condannandoci a generazioni di oblio. Fummo intrappolati in bottiglie d’argento sigillate, affogando in un mare di sogni fino al momento della nostra morte.
Sotto con la terza domanda, forza!” Lo spirito lo invitò con un gesto della mano, facendo tintinnare le antiche monete d’argento che ne adornavano il polso. “Scegli con cura la tua domanda, o il tuo naso e la tua bocca ne pagheranno il prezzo!”
“Allora...” Il giovane esitò per un momento, e poi svelò l’ultima domanda. “Cosa si prova a vivere in una bottiglia?”
Lo spirito mostrò sorpresa verso una domanda che sembrava udire per la prima volta. Dopodiché, rispose lentamente.
“Durante la prima epoca, vivevo in un palazzo paradisiaco, cantando con gli usignoli e parlando con le rose. Era un periodo fantastico, in cui poeti e amanti nascevano per merito mio. Durante quei giorni, sembrava che l’intera Città della Fanciulla della luna fosse nella bottiglia, e perfino l’insapore acqua di sorgente era inebriante. A quel tempo, mi dicevo che se mai qualcuno avesse spezzato il sigillo, liberandomi nel mondo esterno, l’avrei maledetto e ucciso.
L’era successiva fu dominata dai demoni e dalle tempeste di sabbia. Gli usignoli cantarono fino a perdere la voce e il sangue gli si seccò nelle vene. Le rose appassirono e si trasformarono in grovigli di spine. I poeti vennero maltrattati fino a morire, gli amanti vennero separati, la prosperità svanì... Fu un’epoca terribile in cui tutto si congelò in un eterno collasso. Eppure, la Città della Fanciulla della luna sembrava essere nella bottiglia. E così mi dissi che se qualcuno avesse spezzato il sigillo, liberandomi nel mondo esterno, avrei combattuto contro queste ingiustizie.
Nella terza era, tutto fu ridotto in polvere. La grande recita della Città della Sacerdotessa della luna giunse alla fine, e ciò che ne rimase furono un teatro in rovina, e le maschere distrutte degli dèi. In quell’era, esaurii le lacrime, e le campane dorate e il velo fluttuante divennero una maledizione per me. E così mi dissi che se qualcuno mi avesse liberata in mezzo a tutta questa desolazione, avrei dedicato la mia esistenza alla vendetta. Avrei distrutto il mondo, o avrei distrutto me stessa.”
“Allora...” Una fredda ventata fece rabbrividire il giovane, che strinse la sua veste.
“Sì, saresti potuto essere il primo bersaglio della mia vendetta... avrei potuto strapparti la carne dalle ossa e trasformare la tua anima in un canto crudele.” Lo spirito sogghignò, come un usignolo che annuncia la morte di una notte estiva. “Ma la luna morta ha proiettato il suo bagliore sulle dune di sabbia, e su di me... e ho subito capito che posto magnifico sia il mondo. E così questa povera djinn, come un pulcino che fatica a uscire dall’uovo, si è perdutamente innamorata di questo mondo in rovina, e del ciclo di vita e di morte. Una djinn orgogliosa, che si nutriva un tempo di rose delicate, si è infatuata di una terra infestata da rospi e vipere... Non posso che chiedermi come sarà... quando il ‘corvo’ diventerà lo ‘sposo’.”
“Quindi...?” Chiese il ragazzo, preoccupato.
“Quindi raccontami una storia, piccolo corvo. Fammi vedere il mondo.” Lo spirito sogghignò vedendo il ragazzo così confuso, e le campanelle dorate che adornavano le sue trecce tintinnarono.
E così, lo spirito della Città della Fanciulla della luna si imbarcò nuovamente in un viaggio intorno al mondo.
Note a piè pagina:
Questa è l’area del deserto a cui gli Eremiti si riferiscono spesso come “Dar al-Azif”. Ciò non si riferisce a un luogo fisso, dato che le dune volano proprio come il vento.
Faramaraz, uno studioso della Purbiruni, ha insistito con l’assurda opinione che la causa fosse “l’ignoranza intrinseca degli abitanti del deserto”, che non vale nemmeno la pena confutare. Possano cento uccelli riunirsi sul giaciglio di quest’uomo, e possano le montagne lapidarlo.
Faramaraz, uno studioso della Purbiruni, sostenne che la parola “ascendere” non fosse appropriata, e che andasse utilizzato un termine più adatto a rappresentare l’idea di “strabordare come una raggiante nuvola di fumo”. Va ammesso che la sua opinione ha del merito letterario, ma non verrà adottata accademicamente. Possano le sue budella diventare dure come la pietra, e possa il suo barbiere diventare il boia dei suoi capelli!
Faramaraz, uno studioso della Purbiruni, ha sottolineato come “Al-Ahmar” non fosse il nome utilizzato dal monarca durante la sua vita, e che è inappropriato citarlo qui. Che la saggezza lo abbandoni, che gli cadano i capelli, che la barba gli si ingrigisca prima del tempo!
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yaeggravate · 2 months
I wanted to collect my thoughts on the newly released book Perinheri, focusing on the usual overlooked suspects such as Kaeya, the Seelie and the connection to Princess Fischl.
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TL;DR: Kaeya is (probably?) not cursed because he's half-Seelie
I strongly recommend reading the book first, which you can buy in Fontaine's book shop. Link to the official website here.
Perinheri is "based on a legendary story known throughout Khaenri'ah, but there are none left who can verify this." Ok, first of all, Kaeya and Zhongli are right there, you even put their names in the book!! Second of all, Khaenri'ah is only ever referred to as the "Kingdom" throughout the rest of the story. 🤨 Most likely because it went by a different name back then.
I think most people are aware this book is probably connected to Arlecchino because of her constellation Ignis Purgatorius which is Latin for Cleansing Fire. In the book, the titular Perinheri is made to crawl through a dark corridor filled with ash. He is pulled out of the other side, "reborn".
This fits with depictions of Purgatory:
The faithful dead go through the furnace and once purified ascend towards Heaven. Some of the faithful are plucked by angels, the result of intercessory prayers.
That being said, I don't really want to dig into the Arlecchino connection too much, since we'll find out what her deal is in a few weeks anyway, and with story spoilers running rampant, it won't be much fun anymore.😮‍💨
But isn't it fascinating how one of the characters' name is Angelica who guided Perinheri out of a subterranean realm?
Kaeya has connections to the Seelie who are equated to angels in the game. Brief summary here, but the meat of it is that Kaeya most likely has Seelie roots and Nabu Malikata's last name can mean "angels" plural in Arabic. This wordplay tells us Angelica is without a doubt a Seelie, or at the very least someone belonging to the angel category. (The Jinn, for example, are descendants of the Seelie.)
What's funny is that Kaeya owns a book called The Adventures of Angelos, that he deliberately showed to the Traveler. Dude has been dropping hints since the very beginning! It's almost as if he's important to the plot or something.
Perinheri reveals the curse laid on Khaenri'ah is not unique to them and affects those who have forsaken or betrayed their god. There are a few other instances in Teyvat's history that have people turning into beasts, but no further information was given which made it hard to tell how it was connected to the curse of the Cataclysm.
Ukko, the last survivor of the fall of Sal Vindagnyr, was turned into a Frostarm Lawachurl. His final recorded words were of him asking for the destruction of the world as a last middle finger to the gods.
Didn't work.
Shiruyeh, Liloupar's grandson, fell into the abyss thanks to the behated lamp's machinations, and brought back a plague to Gurabad, which turned his people into wild creatures without faces.
Something interesting is that one of the six sins of the Akademiya is to revere gods without acts of devotion. Perhaps the other sins are connected to the conditions of the curse as well:
Cyno's Character Story 5 To prevent researchers from being devastated by their own knowledge, the sages laid out six cardinal sins. They held that all the crimes in this world derive from these six sins. The first is to interfere with human evolution; The second is to tamper with life and death; The third is to delve beyond the universe; The fourth is to investigate the origin of words; The fifth is to revere gods without acts of devotion; The sixth is to attempt the forbidden and fear none.
According to Angelica, the "pure-blooded" (for lack of better word) aristocracy of the Kingdom persists because any offspring they have with those who forsook their god will be affected by the curse as soon as they venture outside.
The witch, Angelica, explained thus: "Hleobrant is the descendant of those who forsook their god and came to the Kingdom. This is why the Kingdom's obstinately pure-blooded aristocracy persists. This is the price of betraying your own god."
The implication here is that the Kingdom seems to be protecting its people within its borders. Those who have come from another world like Perinheri are also curse free.
Angelica herself is not affected by any curse. It's hard to say if she was telling the truth here but she claims to have come from a nation that was defeated by Zhongli. Keep in mind, it's possible that she was only saying this to cast herself in a more favorable light by disguising herself as a fellow god-hater.
Whatever the case, since Angelica is most likely a Seelie, who were cast down by the heavens for reasons unknown, we have to analyze her words a bit more carefully.
The Seelie were also cursed after all.
Arama: Seelies are just empty husks that race left behind. This is because they were born with a curse: If they fall in love with Nara, they shall lose their intelligence and strength, and their bodies will regress.
Explains why Angelica led Hleobrant on and to his demise. Not unlike a certain other Seelikata we know.
Angelica: As for you, Perinheri, you are one who drifted there. Thus, you bear no such curse. You may not have the nobility to shoulder a world, but you too have your own destiny. And as for me? I betrayed no one, not for a moment, until my god died, so I too bear this curse not. But you now see who I truly am, yes?
"Until my god died." If Angelica is a Seelie, then who would her god be? Istaroth? A moon sister? Both? Something to think about…
As for why Angelica did all of that...No idea. Maybe she was just being a little silly. Haha, get it? Because Seelie means silly. But guiding people with a promise of a reward only to lead them into a trap sounds eerily similar to what Kaeya did in his story quest... and in the manga.
It's because he's silly 😂!
How exactly Kaeya is connected to Seelie is unknown but the character of Kaeya is partly based on Hagen/Högni who is himself half-human/half-dwarf or half-elf. If Kaeya is also half-human then mayhaps the other half could be Seelie.
If Kaeya is half-Seelie, it would explain why he isn't cursed: Angelica. Angelica never betrayed her god. If Kaeya's "pure-blood" father, had a child with a Seelie who never betrayed their god, then maybe the curse wouldn't transfer to Kaeya. This is just one suggestion because we have no idea why the curse gives immortality to pure-blood Khaenri'ahns and if it can be passed on or not.
(As an aside, Kaeya's father is most likely cursed. Kaeya said his hand writing was atrocious, which implies his hands were losing dexterity like Chlothar's.)
I'm aware of the technicalities and the plotholes here such as "uhhh aren't Seelie all empty husks" and "don't they regress if they fall in love"?? Well, we know at least there were survivors out there, meaning there might be loopholes. Columbina, Nabu Malikata, and maybe even Nicole are all characters who weren't husked to floating eye state.
And of course there is Angelica, whose name I joked about being Kaeya's mom's name long before this stupid book came out. 😮‍💨 RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS, ARE WE, HOYOVERSE EMPLOYEE READING MY BLOG
(It could also be that Kaeya's mom was a descendant (Jinni) or scion of the Seelie instead, which I have talked more about here.)
Another alternative is that he's something akin to Perinheri: a child who drifted from some destroyed world. This doesn't seem likely though. Kaeya has the patented star shaped pupils that are more prominent in official art than in the game.
I will say however, that Kaeya's pupils are very different from other Khaenri'ahns such as Dain, Halfdan and Clothar. His pupils are similar to Pierro's which are also "solid". Maybe Pierro is in a similar situation as Kaeya.
Kaeya is in part based on the changeling prince from Midsummer Night's Dream. Changeling in this context means a human child raised by fairies... The title of the Harbingers' trailer, Winter Night's Lazzo, is probably a nod to this play…
In Scottish folklore, the Seelie have a darker counterpart: the Unseelie. Unseelie haven't been mentioned in the game yet, but it's likely they do exist. Perhaps they're the fallen angels, abyssal creatures or even the pure-blood Khaenri'ahns. It's hard to say without more information.
The Seelie Court is ruled by Titania, the Fairy Queen from Midsummer Night's Dream. While the Unseelie Court is their cold, somber counterpart, described as a winter's night...
Fischl's princess outfit is called Immernachtstraum which is also a nod to Midsummer Night's Dream. It's like Fischl and Kaeya belong to the Seelie, also known as the Summer Court, while the Tsaritsa belongs to the Unseelie, the Winter Court.
Getting off track here, but whatever's going on with Kaeya is connected to Princess Fischl and it's difficult to talk about either of them without acknowledging their strange bond.
Kaeya's Character Story 4 Sinister thoughts flashed through Kaeya's mind, and he simply smirked: "This world is truly… fascinating."
Why say world, why!? He just had to throw that in to confuse us even more!
Recently I found out that Kaeya took the traveler to the nameless island on his birthday. No one would go to such lengths if the place wasn't important to them. This island has a ravaged moon-or sundial belonging to the God of Time. The platform on the island can also be found in two places in Dragonspine; the Mural Room and the Secret Room. What the purpose of these things are is unclear, (my guess is elevators), but the Mural Room just so happens to have a painting of a giant angel on it.
The fact that the island is shrouded in mist, hidden from the map, implies someone very powerful brought Kaeya and his father to Mondstadt. If Kaeya's mom was a Seelie then perhaps she was the one who brought them above ground. I can also see a scenario in which a fellow brethren of hers might have helped out.
Such as, I don't know, someone with connections to the Seelie and Dawn Winery. Like Nicole or Columbina, who just so happens to be part of the Fatui… Someone must have given Crepus that delusion after all. 🤷🏽‍♀️
(Venti was taking a power nap at the time, so it can't be him.)
A while back I proposed Fischl might have been a ruler of Khaenri'ah. And now Perinheri has dropped more crumbs unto our laps.
Princess Fischl is the ruler of the Immernachtreich, which is appointed as the future realm of Fischl. This is an important distinction because it means this Realm wasn't always hers. The Immernachtreich is described as an otherworldly place where everything will eventually flow into.
Mitternachts Waltz Everything in this world must pass through the doorway of their destruction unto the future kingdom of the Prinzessin. In the silence of her pitch-dark Nachtgarten would they find a place to slumber.
Flowers for Princess Fischl: Phantasmagoria Every good, bright and noble thing must eventually fall to inexorable entropic destruction, and the final destination of the universe is the realm-in-waiting of the Prinzessin, Immernachtreich.
More About Fischl: To condemn the guilty, to sanctify the just, and to draw all castaway dreams into the embrace of the infinite Immernachtreich.
Something about that sounds familiar!
Perinheri Vol 1 Due to the Kingdom's unique position, things from outside this world were always leaking into it. The Kingdom's weapons would wipe out the calamities slipping in, but what of all the other objects? Such as, say, a child who may have come from some destroyed world?
A child from a destroyed world leaking into an underground Kingdom and the Immernachtreich, another subterranean realm, the doorway of their destruction.
Both realms are welcoming to castaways.
The annoying thing is that it's unclear if Khaenri'ah is the same as the Immernachtreich since Fischl describes her Kingdom as a "small and forbidden paradise". Perhaps Fischl created a subset within the underground realm that kept people safe. At least for a while.
She did after all create a Sommernachtgarten, or Summer Night Garden, that is referenced in the domain Midsummer Courtyard. See, I didn't just mention the Seelie Summer Courts for no reason; Fischl might've been the princess of the Seelie/Angels. But there's little else to corroborate that other than the wings on her back and the Seelie like emblem on her waist...
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Anyway, Fischl can see the threads of fate and has seen the causality of worlds too numerous to count. As we all know, she created another universe and founded paradise. This other universe might be a new branch that split off from the parent timeline.
In other words a parallel universe.
These branches are referenced in the description for Mitternachts Waltz, so I'm not just pulling this out of my ass.
Even the branch of the tree of time upon which the great and glorious Reman Republic nested would be cut off in the end, such that the nation founded by the other twin child of the wolves might rule.
Perhaps this is also what Perinheri's world was. Maybe the various destroyed worlds were branches that got cut off...
Another interesting similarity is that Fischl ran into a bunch of fate-resisting royals who devolved into beasts after denying her status....
Flowers for Princess Fischl (I): End Time Zersetzung When the lone pilgrimaging princess reached the kingdom of eternal twilight, the fate-resisting royals chose to deny everything in their desperation. They refused to recognize Fischl's noble stature and mission as the princess of the Immernachtreich; denied their 13,000-year lineage as a branch of the royal family; and forsook their own nobility and restraints as humans… devolving into clumsy and vicious beasts.
Huh, it's just like Angelica said 🤷🏽‍♀️. Kingdom of Eternal Twilight might be the "Kingdom" from Perinheri and the fate-resisting royals is code for those who forsook their gods. However, Fischl wasn't without sympathy and took it on herself to protect the Immernachtreich.
Narrator: The Prinzessin harbored much sympathy for all living things, and wished to never see them in pain. She harnessed the power of darkness and dreams to weave the night, and gave it the task to safeguard all living things. The people celebrated and worshiped the Prinzessin's authority, and followed her call to migrate to the sacred land that would eventually be known as the Immernachtreich. We established a nation on the Holy Land, revered the Prinzessin as The Absolute One, and introduced poetry, theater, and adventure to the Kingdom, laying the groundwork for the Immernachtreich.
One final stray thought:
That giant crying left eye on the cover may or may not be the same as Fischl's left Auge der Verurteilung, which caused her great agony due to its ability to pierce through the heart of all truths.
It could also be Fischl's enemy, the World Beast, a night-patrolling beast named "World", who casts a greedy eye on all dreams...
Perinheri The crimson moon, hanging high in the pitch-dark night sky, suddenly turned around, revealing itself to be a titanic, horrified eye.
About Us: Shooting Down the World Beast You seem to be troubled...? Oh traveler, you need not be perplexed. With my left eye, this "Auge der Verurteilung" that penetrates the threads of karma, I keep watch over your fate; with Oz's crow-eyes that have witnessed the nirvana of a thousand worlds, he observes your way forward. If the ferocious night-patrolling beast named "World" casts a greedy eye on your dream, then I will shoot it down with my Magic Arrow of Holy Retribution!
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torgawl · 1 month
instead of just cross eyes and star eyes distinguishing dynasties in khaenri'ah, why do some khaenri'ahns cover one eye specifically? there’s many things that seem interconnected regarding the lore:
crimson moon turning around to look like an eye; irmin the one-eyed king; the unknown god’s cubes containing eyes in their design (same ones present in the cataclysm as well as the crimson moon), her glitching looking like arlecchino’s, and the four pointed star pattern that appeared when she showed up to the twins; forbidden knowledge and nibelung’s influence; fischl's auge der verurteilung aka eye of condemnation (crimson eye) and her skin's description "o holiest of sovereigns, high princess of immernachtreich (kingdom of evernight)!".
kaeya's note about the alberich saying "i saved this one memento from the fire 'father' made while he wasn’t paying attention. this was in violation of our principles. our clan's affairs should never be recorded" and "though we could not restore khaenri'ah to life, we of the alberich clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers [small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire]", father being in quotation marks and references to fire and ashes; the orphanage in khaenri'ah that wanted to house children from destroyed worlds and non-threats that leaked into the kingdom, in hopes of finding beings from beyond the sky who could transcend the gods; perinheri's first memory being transversing something like a chimney, filled with ash and being asked if he wasn't dead just for him to see the eye (crimson moon) and being told he was reborn; dust and the blood of of dragons (or dragon-like beings like durin and elynas) being connected to rhinedottir and the art of khemia; fire as rebirth and life but also, the balemoon blood specifically being connected to loss of memories and loss of memory being equivalent to death (not physical);  despite the orphanage never being able to find that transcendal person, it had many unusual individuals who became knights of the kingdom.
irmin as the first divine halberd (that once pierced the axis mundi [cosmic/world axis, world pillar, center of the world, world tree, etc.] and connected the nine worlds), the prinzessin der verurteilungas (fischl) as the last one; fischl and kaeya comparing themselves to one another and their parallels to irmin and odin; der ring des nibelungen, in which the dwarf (or nibelung) alberich creates a ring capable of controlling the world, using gold he stole from the rhinemaidens (or rheintöchter "rhine-daughters"). the conflict that arises over the ownership of this ring eventually leads to the destruction of the gods and their home, valhalla.
irminsul (irmin + sul) meaning great pillar and being a reference to the yggdrasil, the tree that supports the universe; the description of the item silver twig – collected in the center of the world - talking about a sage that hanged himself upside down in the irminsul tree to gain knowledge of the runes and the cosmos, then going into a secret kingdom down its roots [also a reference to hanged man in tarot that symbolizes wisdom, divination, sacrifice, prophecy, etc.]; odin who hung himself upside down from the sacred world tree, yggdrasil, for nine days and nights sacrificing his eye and throwing himself on his spear (gungir) as a ritual sacrifice in order to obtain secret wisdom; memories, fire and crimson moon hand in hand with the irminsul, king irmin and the concept of fate; the fake sky, the stars and being able to see fate but also fate being a means of the heavenly principles to control the world (neuvillette calling it puppet strings); khaenri'ah, a supposed godless nation but the crimson moon dynasty revering the moon (and hilichurls worshiping istaroth); the crimson moon having an eye on humanity and always being present associated with punishment and destruction (fall of gurabad, remuria and the catclysm).
crimson moon's semblance (arlecchino’s weapon) implying the crimson moon sought vengeance (“few survived the utter destruction of their kind, hiding in the shadows where the sun did not shine, longing for the crimson moon to decree their desire for vengeance be repaid”); the design of the weapon and arlecchino’s boss attacks resembling the double helix present in deathly statuette material dropped by abyss heralds, abyss lectors and shadowy husks, which has a single red eye. it apparently whispers "see, my child. all that lies under the throne of heaven shall be destroyed by upheaval. the eternal peace of the pitch-dark void shall embrace us all.” as you gaze at it.
the abyss order being founded by chlothar alberich and pierro being the first harbinger; the "sinner" – the crystal in chains from the chasm, protected by an abyss herald - not being a god but still worshipped by the abyss order. the voice stating to chlothar and the traveler’s twin that he "[knows their] fate well" and urged them to become a "transcendent one" saying he would "shed a tear at the end of time... as i gaze back upon your life". he also imbued chlothar with the power of the abyss, which alleviated his worsening conditions. the “sinner” refered to chlothar as “dear creature”; dainsleif, pierro and kaeya being examples of khaenriahns who hide their right eye; dainsleif being called “bough keeper”, bough is a branch of a tree, but also his constellation being a snake ring like ouroboros – representing the eternal renewal cycle of life, death and rebirth; the loom of fate being an operation of the abyss order first encountered during "a herald without adherents" quest.
“the threads of your fate lie in my hands” a quote by fischl connecting to the weaves of fate; fischl stating that if she does not obtain the divine halberd “...this world and everything in it is going to burn in hellfire” (legend of the shattered halberd vol. ii). some other excerpts of the book also include: “but unbeknownst to him, this was the greatest cursed sword of all, that had once burned the entire world to cinders: laevatain [in norse mythology, a weapon crafted by loki and the only capable of defeating the cockerel viðofnir, inhabiting the top of yggdrasil], the sword had extinguished after the world was burned, but... it burned bright once more. ‘the whole world... destroyed again...’ weiyang [fischl] fell unconscious as she spoke” (vol. iv), and, "the world is beyond repair. it shall be born anew from the ashes of the last” (vol. vi); dainsleif saying “none will escape the flames. see for yourself” but also neuvillette’s character story including “the puppet strings glossed as "divine rules" would one day be burned away by the fires of judgment” when talking about constellations; burning away the old world, project stuzha by the fatui and the image of dottore burning the irminsul; nahida saying fontaine's prophecy was engraved in the irminsul, implying the tree also contains the history of the future; sibylla, a prophetess who guarded the irminsul in an ancient city located in what later became the high seas (referred to as abyssal depths). she sacrificed her life for the sake of creating phobos, remus' grand symphony, but her lack of a will ultimately caused the project to fail, as her vague desire to "grant happiness to all in the world who are called humans" caused phobos to attempt to satisfy everyone's desires — including destructive and selfish ones — and set remuria towards the course of its self-destruction (possibly tying concepts of will and fate together); thinking of dottore's plan, it would make sense to burn the tree that holds memories with a fire able to erase them (arlecchino's balemoon powers) so that the world can be born anew breaking away from the shackles of fate.
there’s also the improvisation kaeya does during the play in his hangouts. "do you believe in fate? if fate decreed your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do?". he then throws a prop and we interact, choosing if we would face our fate bravely or challenge it and rise above it. kaeya then goes on saying "then so must it be! yes, so must it be! i shall discard this intaglio and rid myself of the shackles of fate", "fate means to send the machinations of war to every corner of the land to fan the flames of conflict till they ungulf the entire world… fate would see my sword tainted with the blood of innocents, that the bright banner of my homeland might fly in every nation known to mankind. but i shall not bow to the will of fate i am no pawn in heaven’s plan. i, qubad, will spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, 'till i breathe my last in a place far from home" and finishes the play with "but i must walk this path, or freedom dies by my hand. goodbye, my tribe and kin. farewell, sweet land of my birth". the prop we get from kaeya, the intaglio, symbolizes the noble origins of prince qubad in the play and the blood-red jewel (blood, red... funny, uh?) is said to be a crystallization of the question kaeya asked us about destiny. furthermore, an intaglio can be a type of engraved gem or metal signet ring.
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Ah idk if someone has asked this before but what would Naga Scara do if the reader was really sick? Not that fatal that they could die but how would he treat them??
gonna kiss u right on the cheek come here /j
BUT YOU HAD THIS QUESTION FOR SO LONG AND ONLY SENT IT IN NOW??? this is a warning to the rest of you. send in your questions 🔫
Anyway! I think that this would be even worse than him finding out about periods because you're not supposed to get sick. The moment you tell Kuni, he feels a pang of oh-so-familiar fear, which he quickly suppresses. Part of it is that same "Is this my fault?? Did I do something wrong??" anxiety, but it also has the added weight of millennium-old mental baggage. Illness brings back bad memories. He still remembers the end of Gurabad.
He's on edge the entire time. You might know that you're going to be fine and it's nothing that major but matter how many times you tell him, that restless anxiety won't leave him. He'll do his best to hide any fear for your wellbeing; he's stronger than that, above it, is what he tells himself. So, as you might have guessed, it comes out as anger and annoyance, making him very irritable until he's absolutely certain you're going to be fine.
However, if you watch him closely, you might notice a flicker of panic when he thinks your condition has worsened, or the edge of desperation when he looks you over. I wouldn't recommend pointing this out, though. He doesn't like being viewed as anything less than untouchable.
He already viewed you to be as fragile as porcelain before, and this just makes that even worse. He ends up watching you like a hawk, just as much to quell his anxiety as it is to make sure that you don't get worse. Anything you need, expect him to get it for you if at all possible, as quickly as possible. It's because he's genuinely worried you might die on him if he leaves you alone too long or can't get you something. He's a bit out of touch when it comes to human durability, but I guess that's fair. Any human would be delicate in comparison to him.
There's no immediate sigh of relief in this situation. He only starts feeling better when you do, and it's a slow process. For a few days afterwards, he'll continue to keep an eye on you. He's worried it might come back.
It's a tense situation for the both of you. His anxiety rubs off on you, not so much in a "am I going to die??" sense and more in a "why is this emotionally constipated bastard getting so worked up over the person he kidnapped" sort of way. It's really not a good time.
He felt a little embarrassed to be so "doting" but he was too worried over your health to be anything less. To make himself feel a little bit better, he expects you to dote on him afterwards. To even things out, he says.
"What? It's embarrassing? Now you know how I felt. Hurry up then, it's only fair."
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intogenshin · 8 days
Cyno timeline
Around Deshret's fall
Hermanubis founds the city of Tulaytullah alongside his tighnarian companions and establishes the Temple of Silence
The tradition of the Rite of Duels is initiated
Around Gurabad's time
The temple is attacked and Hermanubis divides himself into fragments of power that his subjects in the temple can use
The tighnarians emigrate to the forest
Before Rukkhadevata's death
The temple priests wear helmets that honor Hermanubis tighnarian origins
Rukkhadevata calls for Hermanubis priests (including Kasala) to guard seven temples in the desert infused with the power of dendro/life
Presumably, the Akademiya and the Temple of Silence begin collaboration
After Nahida's birth
400 years ago the temple and the Akademiya cut ties
The temple becomes recluse in the desert
The Akademiya keeps a fake branch for the Temple of Silence for appearances
Around two decades ago
Cyrus gets lost in the desert and is saved by the Temple of Silence
Cyrus joins in their research to find a host for Hermanubis ba fragments
Cyno is found to be a potential candidate and his parents sell him to the temple
Both Cyno and Sethos resonate with the ba fragments
The temple considers giving the two fragments to one of the children
Cyrus steals Cyno and takes him to the Akademiya
Unspecified time before the events of the game
Cyno grows up with fevers and pain but always feels the spirit supporting him
Lisa studies 2 years in the Akademiya and takes pictures of Cyno and Cyrus
Cyno joins the Akademiya in the Spantamad darshan
Cyno suffers discrimination in the city due to his origins and grows avoiding lies
Cyno joins the matra and partners up with Taj, who describes him at the time as someone who always pushed forward
While reading a book about the cardinal sins, Cyno stops to ruminate about the sin of divulging secrets without fear and gains a vision
Afterwards, he attends his ceremony to become General Mahamatra
Cyno hears about Tighnari and conducts a research, but finds him to be harmless and they become friends
4 years before the events of the game
Lisa sends a letter to the Akademiya to request Cyrus's help
Cyno goes to Mondstadt to seal the god Dottore put inside Collei
Cyno takes Collei to live with Tighnari in the forest
Pre-Sumeru chapter
A year prior Taj's son commits suicide and Taj retires to an administrative position
Cyno suspects the sages of malpractices when Azar denies him access to the details of their project
Cyno exiles himself to investigate and tells Tighnari not to contact him
Sumeru chapter
Cyno hears Alhaitham discussing a mission against a blond traveler with the sages and tracks him to Aaru Village, where he confronts Alhaitham with an ambush styled as an assassination (and his own personal touch, according to the scribe)
They're forced to remain civil, but Cyno no longer distrusts Alhaitham
Cyno mentions he hasn't been to the desert in years
Traveler tells Cyno that Lesser Lord Kusanali is real
An earthquake opens up the path inside the ruins of Kasala's grave, where the truth about the three god kings is revealed
Cyno pays respects to priest Kasala
After finding out the goal of the sages' secret project and the traveler's adventure in Sumeru, Cyno has a revelation about his purpose
Rahman's men become allies
Nahida is rescued and Cyno confronts Azar on her behalf
Cyno tells Azar that the Akasha can no longer predict his moves and that "people change"
Cyno regains his position as General Mahamatra
Aftermath of aq
Cyno oversees the project for education in Aaru Village alongside Setaria, who he works for as a bodyguard
Cyno sq 1 (unspecified time, possibly during the events of the aq)
The Court of Desolation is presented as an allegory for forbidden knowledge, as regardless of its authenticity people still give up their lives (figuratively and literally) for it, which justifies the role of the matra in the region so they can protect those who attempt the forbidden
Taj gives up his life to seal the Court under the sands
Cyno asks him to say hi to his son (but doesn't say goodbye in the original Chinese dialogue)
Cyno expresses his grief through the desire to plant flowers that can withstand the desert whether in Taj's grave, which is kept secret to the public
Alhaitham sq (aq aftermath)
During Alhaitham's time as acting Grand Sage, the Matra's authority is solidified within the Akademiya as an independent organism from the sages
Cyno poses as the model for King of Invokations novel
Cyno makes sure to give vacations to his subordinates
Tighnari and Cyno accompany Collei on her trip to Mondstadt's Windblume festival
Dehya covers for Cyno in the Akademiya and Candace works as Setaria's bodyguard in Aaru Village
Cyno meets his favorite TCG artist, Albedo alias Calix, and commissions a dragon themed cardback
Collei and Tighnari are shown to despise his jokes (in a friendly manner)
After Dirge of Bilqis
Cyno begins investigating what happened to the Tanit tribe
Parade of Providence
Cyno participates in the competition representing the Spantamad darshan in order to win the special Genius Invokation special edition card
Cyno loses the competition but buys the card from the winner, Kaveh, who had no understanding of its value and offered to give it to him for free
Pre-Fontaine chapter
Charlotte writes a piece about Cyno in The Steambird
Cyno meets Kirara and works alongside her and the traveler to uncover the mystery of the card thief
Cyno's sq 2
The leader of the Temple and Silence and his adoptive grandson, Sethos, lure Cyrus into the temple
Cyno goes after him alone, but is joined by Tighnari and traveler later
The temple detain Cyrus and offer an exchange for Cyno's ba fragment, which Cyrus opposes
Tighnari reminds Cyno he earned his fragment
Tighnari proposes to find a resolution through the ancient Rite of Duels
Cyno fights Sethos and wins, Sethos gives up his fragment
Cyno appoints Sethos as the leader of the Temple of Silence, since his place is in the Akademiya
The Akademiya and the Temple of Silence begin cooperation again, as per the leader's plans
Cyno doesn't hold anything against Cyrus
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bluelead35 · 1 year
the folio of foliage
alhaitham’s birthday special. 
alhaitham x gn!reader 
mentions of cyno, tighnari, nahida, nilou, and kaveh, and the reincarination theory, hints of alhaitham’s lore relating to his grandmother 
fluff, sfw, birthday blues, comfort, memories, nostaglia, sentiment, friendship,  bittersweet, confession, friends to ??? 
heavily inspired by  @l00106​ with their alhaitham birthday art, hope you dont mind me tagging you! 
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In ancient civilizations and time gone by, many believers of the Scarlet King would bring offerings to celebrate the manifestation of the first appearance of their leader. They would bring fresh fruit from the forests, sing songs in front of the great mural of his Eye, and have great feasts. Even his fellow divine would join in on the festivities. The Greater Lord brought her presence to the desert to listen in and bring speciality items and songs, but also the Goddess of Flowers would put on a dance for the king. Despite Scarlet King’s hesitation towards his birthday celebrations, when both of his friends ceased to exist, he missed them dearly. 
But to cover up this feeling of sorrow, he would frown on these celebrations until the end of his rule and the fall of Gurabad. 
Alhaitham’s eyes scanned the pages of his book, sitting in a big blue chair that was placed in front of a large table sprawled out with books and papers. He had no time to dwell on the past, but he could never put aside his time for reading. The scribe understood the Scarlet King’s hesitation towards celebrations because at the grand scheme of life, fluff is only there for filler and that there was no true purpose to that. Only through logic and events that furthered life along directly was important. 
But to Alhaitham’s friends, they believed that birthday parties were crucial to life. It celebrated the way that Alhaitham was alive. .Alive enough to help the archon of his city. 
“Whatever do you mean Alhaitham’s birthday party? He has never struck me as the type to party?” Cyno’s voice was soft and quiet but you could hear it just fine over the ruckus in the cafe. A couple of students at the Akademiya were giggling and gossiping just thinking about Alhaitham. 
“I would love to participate. I could gather the ensemble for a special performance for him.” Nilou chimed in, setting down a few cups of coffee down on the table, smiling. 
Tighnari’s ears wiggled for a moment in thought as he came up with something. 
“We could get the archon to help.” Tighnari suggested, as Kaveh began to saunter in. 
“You, making a birthday celebration for that hermit?” Kaveh exclaimed, as Tighnari sighed. 
“Hermit" means someone who lives alone, Kaveh. He lives with you.” 
Kaveh rolled his eyes, sitting down next to you. 
“Like what do you see in him anyways?” This prompted you to look at Kaveh with the softest and tender look on your face. You chuckled, a light blush on your face, but then swallowed the feeling with a big gulp of coffee. 
“What do you mean? I just want to do something special for him. He saved the city from that godawful sage and the archon too.” You explained, as you received four looks from your friends. You brushed it off, as you began to initiate ideas for the celebration. 
His fingers brushed the spine of an old book-probably as old as him or even older. He couldn’t even remember a time without it. A small smile crept on his lips in the secret confines of his office, seeing the old lettering written inside the cover. It was addressed to him and I could still remember the feeling he had when he received it. 
The sunlight was seeping through the home, as an older woman sat next to him. He tore apart the wrapper paper meticulously and was surprised with a book. Its green cover with gold lettering brought his attention to the title. He looked at the woman and smiled wide. 
He held the book close to him as a young child, being inspired to read everyday, and now as an adult, he would always carry it around. The memories were worth it to bear sadness, but again, it’s a part of life. Celebrations were not. 
He shut the book, seeing the title of it, The Folio of Foliage, and put it away for the time being, feeling a tear inside but quickly dismissed it. He heard a group of students giggling up on the elevator, as he rolled his eyes. 
“Excuse me, do you have an appointment?” He asked the young ladies as they shook their heads. 
“Oh no, we just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.” 
He nodded at the regards, having no emotional response to it, and then dismissed them. He kept his head down in his books until nightfall. 
He closed up his office to be met with the shiny diamonds in the sky. He wiped his brow over the amount of work he had finished, and began walking along the street until he heard someone call his name. 
Her green eyes smiled into his own, as she was sitting on a swing she had crafted. He looked at her in admiration and respect, as she smiled. 
“A little someone told me it was your birthday, and you worked the entire day?” She questioned, as he nodded. 
“I don’t see celebrations as being crucial to life.” He responded, as she smiled. 
“I suggest you head down to Zubayr Theatre anyways. Just follow the scent.” The archon smiled, as she disappeared. He sighed, rolling his eyes and walked down the road to find the theater lit up with fireflies from the forest. He expected grand collaborations of sorts, but it was just you. 
You stood proudly on the theater’s stage with a few flowers in your hair, and surrounded by presents. You smiled at his appearance. He looked up at you with his mouth slightly agape, as the stagelight floated above you. 
“What’s this all for?” He asked, looking up at you. You turned red at his gaze, and titled your head up to find your friends above in the curtains of the stage handling the technical details. 
“Your birthday. I know you don’t like celebrations, so I thought maybe this doesn’t count as one.”  You offered his hand up. 
“The others helped clear Grand Bazaar out, so it’s just us two.” You smile at him, as he takes your hand. The softness of his hand onto yours made you blush even more, but kept strong. 
There was a silence that arose between the two of you, just watching the fireflies together and seeing the stars float in the sky, as you took a chance. 
Leaning on his shoulder, you clear your throat, “Did you tear up today?” 
He looked at you in confusion, “Huh?” “Did you get sad at all today? You know, birthday blues.” You explained, as he rested his head onto yours. 
“I did, yes, but I guess it’s quite alright.” “It is. It’s okay to be sad on your birthday. It’s a day celebrating your birthday and well the sad things that come across. The past memories make it sad sometimes. The thought of remembering someone when they’re gone, but isn’t that crucial to life?” You chuckle, as his eyes widen in shock. 
“I guess you found me out.” 
He eyed the presents in the back and having a bit of a smile, “Hope you accept these from the others. The one’s decorated in purple are from Cyno, green are Tighnari, blue are Nilou and red is Kaveh.” 
Another form of silence. 
“Also would you accept my gift for you? I know it would never top your grandmother’s, but…”  You trail off, the light blush resurfacing. 
“Hm, what is it?” He seemed a bit distant, aloof maybe, but he was inside his mind trying to process all of this. You whisper in his ear before giving him a kiss on the cheek.  “Happy Birthday, Alhaitham.”
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Kaveh's Odd Desert Connections
Kaveh... Is weird. I hadn't thought that much about it until I very recently caught up with the Dirge of Bilqis quest (the new desert one with Jeht) and watched Ashikai's latest theory video. This post is just meant to gather my thoughts and share what I've learned.
So first what sent me down this rabbit hole was finding this during the desert quest:
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In case you missed it in that wall of text, this record is addressed to "Mehrak". We know due to leaks that Kaveh's very cute briefcase is called Mehrak also.
Unfortunately,,, desert lore is like that and is pretty hard to untangle. These records recount the fall of Gurabad and the story of Liloupar - basically, they tell a story of a ruined civilisation from thousands of years in the past. Knowing the actual contents of them isn't really necessary to follow this post, because Mehrak (and by extension Kaveh) is only namedropped this one time out of all the records.
But we can theorise a lot just from this single mention. To me, there are two possible explanations for why "Mehrak" comes up in these records whilst also being Kaveh's present day briefcase. The first is mildly boring but kind of funny: there is no true connection between Kaveh's Mehrak and the Mehrak mentioned, Kaveh simply named his cute techno briefcase after a historical figure because he thought it would be cool. Kaveh is smart and does work on projects in the desert, so it is not outside the realm of possibility that he might learn of Mehrak and use the name. It makes him look a whole lot more nerdy, which I find amusing.
The second possible explanation (and pls do provide your thoughts if you have any other ideas) was provided to me by a redditer (PinkPrimrose05). Their theory is that Mehrak is in a similar situation to Ferigees, who I will remind you is the Jinni near the end of the Dirge of Bilqis questline. They were a person at a certain point in history, but has since been trapped in a mechanical construct. They cannot die until we release them.
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(I apologise for the poor quality, Ferigees is inside that yellow mechanism.)
This has many more implications, since (if this is the case) Mehrak's current form does not really match the other ancient desert technology. Well, perhaps it has some similar patterning, but it definitely looks significantly more modern than other technology from that time -
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(I could not for the life of me find a good model image for this, so sorry Kaveh's arm is in the way.)
Perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier - we know from leaks that Mehrak has some level of sentience, in that it has expressions (little pixelated anime eye reactions) and responds to Kaveh's instructions without necessitating verbal or physical inputs. This makes the Jinni idea seem more likely, since they also have sentience.
Okay, so maybe the briefcase has a rich history from the time of King Deshret. So what? Kaveh probably found it in the desert and repurposed it for his own needs - perhaps due to errosion Mehrak has no memory of its past life. Since the technology does not quite match, or at least not totally, perhaps Kaveh created the briefcase around Mehrak (as well as an architect he is also a student from the technology darshan, after all). Or maybe he just made additions. What does it even matter aside from being an interesting tidbit?
Well, then I watched Ashikai's latest video: https://youtu.be/h5rNMYwWjfA. It's not necessary watching to understand what I'm about to say, so I'll summarise some of her thoughts very broadly: she brings up the idea that rather than Alhaitham being the Deshret parallel as we all thought, it's instead Kaveh. If you would like to hear all her thoughts as to why that could be, I recommend watching the video.
This does not mean that Kaveh IS Deshret, or even that it's a reincarnation situation. Just that he could be a parallel, or have more connections/knowledge than we might realise. Kaveh is an interesting case from a meta perspective also, since he has had a strange amount of unnecessary story presence for an unreleased four star. He is in the archon quest and Alhaitham's story quest and in neither is his presence at all justified by narrative - Alhaitham's quest could easily end fifteen minutes earlier, and Kaveh adds literally nothing to the archon quest aside from some nice levity. Some lore relevant significance might explain this presence past just "oh, well Hoyo wanted fanservice".
Through the lens that their is some sort of Deshret -> Kaveh connection happening (and I say this so so loosely), his connection with Mehrak might have a more sinister implication. Deshret allowed, through his own ignorance, the Jinni he intended to protect on behalf of the Goddess of Flowers to be enslaved. He also lied about the Goddess' death to the Jinni, and it is largely due to their contract with him that their entire civilisation fell apart. An important note about Ferigees and Liloupar is that both crave an existence outside of their prisons - Ferigees purposefully trapped themself inside the mechanism but found the experience torturous, and Liloupar returns to Gurabad. If Mehrak is another trapped Jinni, Kaveh might be accidentally mistreating it.
However, I like the idea that Mehrak and Kaveh are friends much better. Its expressions are often positive ones, so even if it's forced to listen to Kaveh because he has its name, it doesn't seem too upset about it. Also, another part of Ashikai's video posits that Liloupar so quickly accepts the traveller because they have resemblance to Deshret (a whole other rabbit hole, watch the video if you want to know). In this same thread, Ashikai brings up that Kaveh looks very similar to the traveller, so I think that perhaps Mehrak (either knowingly or not) connects Kaveh to its previous master, which could explain why it listens to him so well.
Overall, I find this connection very intriguing and I'm excited to learn more. There is definitely something there, but whether or not it will be imprtant I do not know.
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Hmmm. You’re right with the goddess of flowers bit, she was connected to the whole moon and Seelie stuff so if that already happened she’d be in the desert, and the djinn were probably created. With the lack of archon war- there wouldn’t be a need for the divine knowledge, would there? I’m pretty sure the goddess of flowers and Deshret were conspiring because of Celestias bs.
Without the goddess of flowers eternal oasis thing, and Deshret getting distracted with the golden slumber- Gurabad probably wouldn’t have the djinn problem and subsequent collapse. One of the new artifact sets implies that Remus was from the desert of Sumeru, and was unwilling to serve under “the sand kings throne”. So…. It’s still possible even without the collapse.
But I think the biggest thing with Remuria and how crazy they got was because of the symphony that would allow them to be separated from Fate right? Would that change now that Celestia is changed too? Also, Sybillia said she was an envoy that protected the silver tree and that she could still see into the future- which. That kinda makes me think of the whole moon thing you had going on? The firmament, the irminsul, the moons being used to predict past and future.
God I should probably stop. My brains just spinning in circles like. Remus making the stone bodies to try to avoid the curse of Fontaine people dissolving, the lack of archon war- does that mean Egeria doesn’t die in the desert, the loch folk don’t leave, the whole lotus tree thing in the oasis and pari don’t exist- there’s so much stuff no wonder all those stars were changing my god. Ajax got his work cut out for him fr fr
yeah no the celestia turnover and the lack of archon war and subsequent lack of cataclysm is going to make literally everything else completely different, so you got all that pretty much right
i did mean it when i said ajax was going to nearly lose his mind and spend and ungodly amount of time on his blorbo release dates project
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nabumalikata · 2 months
you dont even understand i love sumeru and deshret and cyno’s untouched lore has been making me rip my hair out for ages now. deshret lore please baby temple of silence? gurabad? desert ley line nail? SAY SOMETHING
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blue-pastel-cat · 1 year
Lorecraft: Hermanubis
So after that lore bomb, I decided to write some of my own lorecraft that I did while writing "Memories of Flickering Sun" about Hermanubis in the game.
Hermanubis is the Graeco-Egyptian god that combination of Anubis and Hermes (basically Ancient Greek and Egypt decided ok let's mix our belief)
Hermanubis was mentioned explicitly 3 times in the game.
The Lay of Al-Ahmar
Cyno's Character Story
Lisa's conversation with Cyno during Windblume
We will first look at the first time we came across the word in The Lay of Al-Ahmar. I will look at this lore in other languages as well but mainly in English (because i am too lazy to swap language lmao)
The Lay of Al-Ahmar
This is the book the descibed the fall of King Deshret. How the 3 retainers of his tried to make him search for a way to win over life and death that leads to the downfall of their nation. Possibly how he came into contact with the Forbidden Knowledge. There's a small passage that mentions Hermanubis. This is the first instance in the game that mentions him.
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The passage describes Hermanubis as the greatest of sages. He also mentioned that their tribe are "Tribe of the wise" known for "Generations of sages". Kinda implied that the desert dwellers in the past were known to be much more intelligent than even the scholars of Sumeru Akademiya. Now, they have lost their text and all records of knowledge.
We know from this book that Hermanubis seems like an important historical figure in the Desert's history. He's being revered as the Greatest of Sage. Someone with so much knowledge and wisdom yet failed to foresee the nation's fall (the desert dwellers didn't seem to blame him, though).
Cyno's Vision Story
The second time this was mentioned was in Cyno's Vision Story. This is when people gossip about how Cyno got his vision. Not only Hermanubis was mentioned but also "Hermanubis Priest".
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So usually, for someone to have a "priest" dedicated to them, they must be a very important person in a religious way. Especially when the rumour said he's here to "enact Hermanubis' will" which we still have no idea what is it.
So according to the rumour, Hermanubis is involved in something almost like a religious belief. We don't know if this rumour came from people seeing Cyno wearing the Wolf Headdress or not.
Lisa's Conversation with Cyno in Windblume
Probably the biggest bomb we have in present. Lisa and Cyno's conversation during Windblume event.
This is an amazing lore. Because before this we only know that Cyno is possess by a Divine Spirit and that he call upon them when using Elemental burst. We know that he form a pact with the said spirit and that he had this spirit for a long time. Way before he even got a vision.
Now we know that the spirit is "Hermanubis". Other than that, Cyno also mentioned "Priest's Power". I found the line in English to be quite confusing, so I went and look at Thai and Japanese. (I used to study Chinese but I can't remember it anymore haha)
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From how they wrote it, it seems that "Power of Hermanubis" is a form of "Priest's power". Something like, powerful priest will be possessed by Hermanubis. Is it possible to have multiple priests having this same power? we don't know. In the ruins of Gurabad, we know that there are many priests including a high priest that was killed in the city. Yet, there was no mention of the priest also possessing the same power.
So from all of the mentions so far, we know that Hermanubis seems like an important figure during King Deshret's reign. He is loved by the people and revered as the greatest of the sage. Wise and bountiful in knowledge. However, even he cannot prevent the downfall of his nation.
The Akademiya know that desert priests can be possessed by Hermanubis and decided to experiment on Cyno who is someone from the desert. We cannot deduce from the conversation if he already has Hermanubis inside of him since the beginning and that was why he was being brought to Akademiya for experiments or if they force it upon him.
We do know that the power caused him great suffering, possibly because Akademiya conduct inhumane experiment on him and that's why Cyno decame who is. (I wrote a small rambling here about it lmao).
So now that we look at direct mention let's look at indirect ones.
First up, our boy Cyno.
First thing that connect Cyno to Hermanubis is of course he's possessed by it haha. But that's not all. There's a significance in Cyno's character design, namely his Headdress. When you look at his outfit, this is the description.
Cyno's outfit. This garb displays the General Mahamatra's dignity and the just principles he sticks by. It was a rather complicated piece to commission due to Cyno's request for the custom-made head ornaments and requires regular maintenance.
He commissioned this outfit. The headpiece requires regular maintenance, something that seems impractical to wear and go into battle. But the heart of it is that Cyno requested the headdress in the shape of Hermanubis. Which is not a surprise because he's possessed by one.
But what is the surprise was the reveal of 3.1 cutscene where his headdress is the same as a certain someone. Kasala.
Kasala is a well known priest during the reign of King Deshret. They said his "exceptional wisdom considered to be a miracle among the people". During the cutscene we finally saw him and what he wore.
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The similarity is very noticeable. And it isn't hard to notice Cyno's reaction once he sees the recording made by Kasala. He stopped to look at ponder before paying respect to Kasala.
Combining this with what we know in Windblume, if any priest could be possessed by Hermanubis, it's Kasala. He fits every description of Hermanubis even. Greatly respected by people, wise and loyal. Kasala may be one of the last priests to be possessed by Hermanubis, and Cyno is his successor.
But this is where the lorecraft starts.
What I think of this
If Kasala is one of the last priests to exist during King Deshret's reign, doesn't that mean that Hermanubis and Kasala exist at the same time?
This would make sense if we combine with Cyno's Vision story where there are Hermanubis Priest enacting "Hermanubis' Will". Kasala would be a Hermanubis priest. Perhaps Hermanubis is one of the gods working under King Deshret like how Guoba, a god of stove works under Rex Lapis. BUT in the cutscene, Kasala refers King Deshret as his "Eternal Lord". There's no mention of Hermanubis anywhere. There's no "Lord Hermanubis who serves under great King Deshret". Usually if you are a devotee of a god, you should mention that your god also worked under another right? Like how Liloupar mentioned that she's loyal to both King Deshret an Nabu Malikata. Calling Nabu Malikata her Mistress and King Deshret her lord even after he lied to her.
Maybe it's because it's only a short cutscene. But then again, Cyno's vision story is based on a rumour and we have seen in world quest how the Sumeru scholars like to draw very bad conclusions from desert dwellers' history and painted everything wrong e.g. How Tirzard painted King Deshret to be cruel to his people from looking at a mural of people bowing to him.
There are 2 possible answers to this.
Hermanubis is an immortal entity
Hermanubis is a mortal
So for the first one. What if whoever got possessed by Hermanubis is referred to as Hermanubis in Sumeru history.
Or at least, because of their headdress, the pictures that were etched on the ruins are instead, animal heads. This is to concor with Ancient Egyptian gods where the gods are mostly displayed with the animal head instead.
That would make more sense since to be a priest and gain power is to receive the power of Hermanubis. Maybe Hermanubis died long time ago and in Yae's story quest, we know that sometimes immortal spirit linger and possessed people. maybe Hermanubis never find peace which is ironic since Hermanubis is god who guides people to the underworld.
This is more likely imo.
So what about the second one?
But what IF, Hermanubis mentioned in Lay of Al-Ahmar IS Kasala.
The Lay of Al-Ahmar has never mentioned that Hermanubis is immortal or not. Even the retainers of King Deshret weren't mention in the book if they were gods of not. So far, only the Jinn, Nabu Malikata and King Deshret were explicitly mentioned that they are Gods/immortal. Even lord of the forest that create the Aranara is said to be a spirit summoned by Rukkhadevata in other langauge, painting them to be immortal.
Both Kasala and Hermanubis in the book share similar traits. They are said to be very wise. Well respected. They are faithful, seeing that the Hermanubis in the story did not conspire with other retainers. Maybe Kasala spirit became Hermanubis spirit that possess priests after his time. Because of how people revered him, historian mistaken Hermanubis for a god instead of a man.
But human spirit can't be stuck that long you might think? Well, the shades in Enkanomiya would like to have a word with you hahaha.
But wouldn't that be so weird because it seems like Kasala was at peace? Yes, that's why this theory has a loophole
It's a far fetch theory. but that's my thought so far
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