#House of Tuzu
alexbgd · 1 month
I reshare my old lots from Castaway stories.
Its important to use this CC for the lot..
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House of Tuzu.
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The Chief’s Hut.
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 The Forbidden Village.
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Women’s Hut.
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The Shaman’s Hut.
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The Men’s Hut .
To use this lot I recommend strongly this CC.
Pond & Sea Water Overhaul 
Default replacement deck posts 
Replacements floor tile edge
all conversion from the Sims Castaway Stories is here:
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simlili · 3 years
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Professor Rhinehart leads old Moana to the Chalice of Youth. She drinks, and then they each leave their separate ways.
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Yağma Yok ! Günde 22 bin kişi açlıktan ölüyor. Günde binlerce kişi sıtmadan ölüyor. Günde binlerce kişi başta Afrika olmak üzere doktorsuzluk ve ilaçsızlıktan ölüyor! Ama virüs, Papa ve Din adamlarına, Tom Hanks’a, Devlet Başkanlarına, Başbakanlara, Bakanlara her gün milyonlarca dolar para kazanan zengin iş adamlarına ve vergisiz kazançları milyonlarca doları bulan ünlü sporculara bulaşınca! Virüs sınıf ve varlık ayırımı yapmayınca! Korktunuz değil mi? Yağma yok ! Tüm dünyanın bilim adamları, virüse henüz çare bulamayınca korkutunuz değil mi ? Masum suçsuz hayvanları, insanlar seyretsin diye hayvanat bahçelerine attınız ! Yunus balıklarının yüzlercesini öldürüp onları birer oyuncak yaptınız ! Sirklerde insanlar eğlensin diye hayvanları istismar ettiniz, ayıları şartlı refleks kazanmaları için kızgın saçlarda yürüttünüz! Acımasız avcılar hayvanları en son teknoloji ile aldatıp son beyaz zürafayı bile öldürüp gururlanınca, Avustralya’da develer vurulurken sesiniz hiç çıkmadı ! Yağma yok ! Şimdi sıra hayvanlarda, onlar da bizden intikam alıyor! Hele Çin, kürk ticaretine canlı canlı hayvanların kürkünü üstünden çalarak yasakları delip devam etti. Zaten virüs muhtemelen bu yüzden orada başladı! Yağma yok ! Sıra diğerlerinde! Şimdi korkup evlere kapandınız! Kolonyaları, makarnaları, alkolleri kapıştınız. Ölümden korkuyorsunuz değil mi? Virüs çünkü sınıf farkı ayırımı yapmadı. Şımarık ünlü bir futbolcu ise kendisine ada satın alıp, oraya kaçtı. Korkuyorsunuz değil mi? Yağma yok ! Kuş ve domuz gribi gibi, Bu virüs da Çin’de gaddarca avlanan bir çeşit pullu karınca yiyen “pangolinden” yayıldı. Çaresi bulunamadı: Tüm uçak seferleri iptal oldu. Okullar kapatıldı. Futbol maçları oynanmadı, insanlar birbirinden bir metre uzaklaştı. Biz insanlar bugüne dek hep tükettik ! Hep daha fazlasını istedik ! Yeni araba, yeni yat, yeni kürkler! Yeni cep telefonu Yeni yazlık evler Suudi Kralı beş özel jeti ile Tayland’a tatile gitti. Birleşik Arap Emirleri dişleri ağrıyınca özel uçakları ile dişçilerine Londra’ya uçtu. 96 parçalı yemek takımları, mutfak robotları alındı. Ama ekmeklerinizi, yemeklerinizi çöpe attık. Sosyal medyada küstahça “gurme ve yemek” resimlerini paylaştınız. Alışveriş merkezlerinde 8 bin dolara çantalar alındı. Yüzsüz bir adam tuzu omuzundan akıtıp altın suyunda biftek kızarttı, bin dolar ödeyip bir hayvanın etini zevkle yediniz. Canlı canlı ıstakozlar kaynar suya atıldı! 22 bin kişi günde açlıktan ölürken! Doların yeşilini, doğanın yeşiline hep tercih ettiniz! Zavallı boğayı adım adım işkence ile öldüren zalim matadorları alkışladınız. Manzara için ağaçlar kesildi! Oskar töreninde binlerce dolarlık elbise ile kırmızı halıda züppece yürüyenleri hayranlıkla seyrettiniz ! Reklam ve dizilerle kandırıldınız! İçki masalarında entel takıldınız ! Ama siz bir şey yapmadınız. Hep konuştunuz, hep başkalarından beklediniz. Serpme kahvaltıda gözünüz bayram etti ama, yiyeceklerin yüzde yetmişi çöp oldu. Yiyeceklerin en az yarısı çöpe giden iftar sofralarında lüks otellerde oruç tutmayan zenginleri ağırladınız ! Oysa “iftar” fakirlerle paylaşmaktır! Havai fişeklere dakikada bin dolar ödediniz, hayvanları öldürdünüz, yaşlı ve hastaları korkuttunuz. Şimdi “Trump” dahil hepimiz sabuna, suya kaldık! Paranız, servetiniz, evleriniz bu sefer işe yaramadı! Yağma yok ! Bugünleri siz hazırladınız, şimdi korkun bakalım! Bir süre sonra muhtemelen bu virüsün de aşısı, tedavisi bulunacak, Virüs gündemden düşecek, tüketim sistemi tüm hızı ile devam edecek! Ama yoksullar bu virüsten, diğer hastalıklardan ve açlıktan ölmeye devam edecek! Yine de bir kesim hiç ama hiç akıllanmayacak! Orhan KURAL [email protected] It’s out of the question! Twenty two thousand people die of hunger everyday. Thousands of people die of malaria everyday. Thousands of people foremost in Africa die of due to lack of doctors and medicine every day! But when the virus effects the Pope and clergymen, heads of states, prime ministers, ministers, businessmen who make millions of dollars and famous football players who earn millions of dollars without taxes… When the virus does not discriminate wealth and class You are scared, aren’t you? It’s out of the question! When all the scientists of the world, cannot come up with a treatment, you are scared, aren’t you? You have thrown innocent animals into zoos for the entertainment of the human kind. You have killed hundreds of dolphins like they are toys. You have exploited animals in circuses for entertainment. You have made bears walk in hot iron plates for them to gain conditioned response. You were silent when cruel hunters hunted the last white giraffe with the latest technology, with pride and camels were shot in Australia. It’s out of the question! Now it is the animal’s turn to take revenge from human kind. Specially China broke the regulations by striping the skin from live animals for their furs. That’s probably why the virus began there. It’s out of the question! Now it’s other’s turn! Now you are scared and locked yourselves in your homes. You bought colognes, pasta and alcohol. You are afraid of death, aren’t you? Because the virus does not discriminate class. A spoiled famous football player bought an island and went hiding in there. You are scared, aren’t you? It’s out of the question! Like the bird virus and swine influenza virus This virus also spread from a kind of pangolin, which are brutally hunted in China. No treatment could be found: All the planes are canceled. Schools are closed. Football matches could not be played; people are one meter away from each other. We people consumed until today! Always wanted more! New cars, new yachts, new furs! New smart phones New summer houses... The king of Saudi Arabia went to a holiday in Thailand with five private jets. United Arab Emirates prince flew to his dentist in London with private planes when his tooth ached. 96 pieces dinner sets and food processors were bought. But we threw our bread and food in trash. You shared photos of ‘gourmet food’ in social media. Eight thousand dollar handbags were bought in shopping malls. An audacious man threw salt and fried beef in gold water and you pay thousand dollars to eat an animal’s meat. Lobsters were thrown in boiling water alive While 22 thousand people die of hunger everyday! You always preferred the green of dollar to the green of nature. You clapped the matador who kills the bull step by step. Trees were cut to get a good view! You watched people who walk the red carpet in thousand of dollar dresses with admiration! You were deceived with TV shows and commercials! You played the intellectual while drinking. But you did nothing. You just talked and waited for others to react. You were very happy to join open buffets but seventy percent of the food thrown in trash. You hosted rich people who are not even fasting in luxurious hotels for the breaking of the Ramadan fast, which half of the food were wasted. Although fasting means sharing with poor. You wasted thousand dollars in a minute in fireworks, which killed animals and scared the old and the sick people. We have nothing now but water and soap including Trump! Your money, wealth and houses do not help this time! It’s out of the question! You bought this and now it is time to be scared! After some time, there will be cure and vaccine for this virus probably. We will forget about this virus and consuming will go on! But the poor will keep dying from this virus and other illnesses and hunger! Some people will never become wiser! Prof dr Orhan Kural [email protected] #corona #COVID19 #H1N1 #Influenza #korona #coronavirus #koronavirüs #flu #salgın #mikrop #grip #karantina #hantavirus #doğa #çevre #pangolin #kuşgribi #domuzgribi
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ocupania · 3 years
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Haruki Murakami
Soundtrack for reading the book:
Magnolia by J.J Cale
The firebird (version for piano) by Igor Stravinsky 
Astral travelling by Phararoah Sanders
All My shades of blue by Ruen brothers 
My thoughts 
This is definitely one of my most favourite book of all time. I always say to anyone who have never read Murakami before that they should read ‘Killing Commendatore’ as their first book because it is the most ‘Murakami’ story ever -if that makes any sense. Killing Commendatore is the name of the painting that the protagonists discover in the mountain house he is renting from a famous painter called Tomohiko Amada. The unnamed protagonists move away from Tokyo after his wife Tuzu leaves him after 6 years of marriage. The protagonist is a professional painter who is known for his good portrait work. The painting ‘Killing commendatore’ initiates a series of strange and mysterious events. Like with the other work that I have reviewed ‘Norwegian wood’ Murakami is amazing at story telling. One of my most favourite aspects is how he is able to smoothly make the plot seem realistic but at the same time incorporate supernatural elements. One thing that stood out to be was the way he describes painting as the protagonists spends a lot of time painting portraits. I never thought the description and the process of painting would be interesting but in this case it is. However, there are a few aspects which I didn’t like as much. Firstly, the book is around 500 pages and tend to be a bit repetitive, which I personally didn’t mind but if you do read it you have been warned. Another element is the odd description of every female character’s breast. This is something I have noticed have happened in a lot of Murakami’s work. Seriously, almost every female character that is introduced in all of his works he always describes the way that their boobs look. Which I guess is fine, but in this book he describes the breasts of a young girl and there are number of scenes where the young girl talks to the protagonists about when her breasts will grow. I just found this so unnecessary as it doesn’t add anything to the plot and could be left out. However, other than that I really enjoyed the novel, like I said it is one of my personal faves but the novel do lose some points due to the repitition and the breast element.
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isikbilisimnet · 5 years
ishal nasıl tedavi edilir nasıl beslenmeli
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ishal nasıl tedavi edilir nasıl beslenmeli ? Sarıyer yüksek ateş yoksa o evde geçireceğimiz 12 günü Tabii ki ishal diyeti yaparak yağlı şeyler yemeyerek kaybettiğimiz suyu ve tuzu yerine koyarak değerlendirebiliriz , bunu yaptığımızda Eğer altta yatan ciddi bir iltihabi enfeksiyon bilgisayar söz konusu değilse ister kabullen iyileşecektir zaten 13 gün ek olarak yapılması gereken normal yetişkinlerde bahsediyorum. Bebeklerde değil özel bir Bunun dışında bir şey yoktur uzun devam ettiğinde veya ateşi 37 buçuk üzerine çıktığında bir enfeksiyon olay düşünülmeli yani iltihabi olay düşünmeli ve doktora başvurulmalıdır o zaman da yine evde Yapacak çok fazla bir şey yoktur , ve antibiyotiğin tespit edilmesi amacıyla sağlık kuruluşuna başvurmak gerek , bunun bir iltihabi durum bir mikrop olduğunu düşünürsek antibiyotik tedavisi , parazitten dolayı bir ishal olduğu düşünülürse ki parazitler daha çok kronik İshalde yapabilirler. Akut ishal yapanları da var O zaman ilaçlar Antibiyotikler verilmelidir yani ishal tedavisi etkene göre değişir ishal olanlar nasıl beslenmeli ? bağırsak hareketlerini durdurucu veya bağırsaktan bağırsak ishal tedavisinde Tabii çok fazla miktarda Esra ishal bağırsak hareketlerini durdurucu veya bağırsaktan bağırsak vicdanından sıvı salgılamasını azaltıcı etki yaparak dışkı kıvamını daha sertleştirici İlaçlar da bazen kullanmak gerekebilir. Ama bunlar normal besin zehirlenmelerinde veya basit halk arasında çok sıklıkla görülen işte bir resimden alınan mikropla oluşan ishallerde Aslında kullanılmaması gereken tedavilerdir. Eğer bu tür bağırsak hareketlerini yavaşlatıcı ilaçlar alınırsa o zaman ishal tedavisi kabız yapar söylemi doğru olur ama biz bu tür ilaçları açıkçası mecbur kalmadıkça kullanmayı tercih etmiyoruz. Öz su ve elektrolit yani su ve tuz kaybı mutlaka yerine konulmalıdır. Bu Bazı özel işte solüsyonlari bazı özel tozlar var eczanelerde satılan Bunlar suya karıştırılarak bunların alımı ile su ve şeker tuz ve şeker içeren tozlar Iğdır Bunlar bunların alınması Hem içinde çözüm gördüğünüz suyun alınması ile su kaybını hem de kaybettiğimiz tuzu ve şekeri yerine koyma da yardımcı olur gazlı içecekleri hiçbir şeyin tedavisinde Açıkçası ben tavsiye etmiyorum. 13 tane gazlı içeceklerin tedavideki yeri bence yok How is diarrhea treated? Sarıyer high fever if we do not spend 12 days in the house of course diarrhea diet by eating fat things we can lose by replacing the lost water and salt, if we do not have a serious inflammatory infection in the underlying if you do not have to be done already 13 days in addition should be done in normal adults I'm talking about. There is nothing special in infants It is not long enough to do anything or when the fever rises above 37 and a hundred, it is necessary to think of an infection event, so you should think of an inflammatory event and consult a doctor then there is nothing much more to do at home, and you need to apply to the health institution in order to determine the antibiotic. Considering that this is a microbial condition, it is possible to make parasites in chronic diarrhea. There are also those who have acute diarrhea. How should diarrhea be fed? In the treatment of intestinal diarrhea or intestine diarrhea diarrhea too much amount of course Esra diarrhea stop the bowel movements or intestines from the intestine conscience by reducing the secretion of liquid excretion of stool consistency harder than the use of drugs may sometimes need to use. But these are the treatments which should not be used in diarrhea caused by microbes taken from a picture that is seen very often in normal food poisoning or simple population. If this type of bowel movements are taken medication, then the diarrhea treatment of constipation is correct, but we do not prefer to use such drugs unless you obviously have to. Self water and electrolyte, water and salt loss must always be replaced. Some special powders have some special powders that are sold in pharmacies They are mixed with water and sugar, sugar and sugar containing powders Iğdır These are the solutions that you can see the solution in both water loss and loss of salt and sugar that we lost. Frankly I don't recommend the drinks to treat anything. I think there is no place in the treatment of 13 carbonated beverages Read the full article
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simlili · 3 years
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Winford Rhinehart has finally left the Shaman's Hut, now to get rid of old Arona, the chaperon they chose for him. He leads her to the House of Tuzu, and makes his offer: if she will leave him alone, he will give her back her youth.
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Arona: «Shaman Amanaki will feed me to the Volcano if I disobey his orders.» Winford: «He doesn't need to know. If anyone asks, you live at the Research base with me, who's going to check?»
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Rarahu the Hunter can tell that the Professor is up to no good again, teen or elder, he will always be evil !
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simlili · 3 years
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simlili · 3 years
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simlili · 3 years
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simlili · 3 years
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Shaman Amanaki had been doing a lot of thinking lately. It led him to decide that it was time to reopen -the House of Tuzu.
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simlili · 3 years
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simlili · 3 years
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simlili · 3 years
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Shaman Amanaki could see it clearly now: it had been a mistake to think that the Foreigner could ever be the next Shaman. The two apprentices were hopeless too. No, rejuvenated Urari must bear him an heir who will someday assume the sacred charge.
They all return to the Creepy Hollow to perform the Ritual Woohoo. And then Shaman Amanaki rejuvenates himself a bit too, as his mortal time had nearly expired.
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simlili · 3 years
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At the Chief’s Hut, some grow younger, some older.
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alexbgd · 7 years
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I re-create the House of Tuzu from the Castaway stores to Sims 2. 
The House of Tuzu is a community lot near the western shore of Felicity Island.
This is my second attempt  to re-create this lot..I share this lot before but now its like original in size and colors..
Its important to use this CC for the lot..
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