miahasahardname · 3 months
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leenage gutant binja turtles
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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This is why I love Niko and Turtle
We collectively--EVEN IF WITHOUT COMMUNICATING MUCH--decided Lio was Nia and Simon’s child on a whim, now my inbox has Nia’s Mother’s Day stuff in it and I’m thinking of ways for this to have actually canonically happened
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Steph I’m sad lol. I’m autistic and Sherlock is my main special interest, specifically the final problem. Now I know this episode and season 4 as a whole had some issues, I know that, but it’s my comfort show and the final problem is one of my main special interests, I love it so much, the problems don’t seem to matter. But wherever I turn online I see people talking about how awful it is and whenever I tell someone that’s my favourite episode I get hate for it. I don’t mind people raising valid points, as you did in your post earlier today, because everybody is allowed an opinion and I agree that season was problematic. It’s just when people trash talk it for no reason, it really brings me down and I feel ashamed for liking it so much, it makes me feel like I have no taste or that I’m in the wrong. It just hurts my heart seeing people hate on my comfort thing, and I’m by no means saying others shouldn’t have an opinion, this is just how I feel. Rant over, sorry for this, I just needed to get it off my chest and am not trying to shame people for their opinions at all xx
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Okay, listen to me: IT IS OKAY IF YOU LIKE TFP. I know quite a few people do, and THAT'S ALRIGHT.
What's NOT alright is people shitting on YOU SPECIFICALLY because you enjoy the episode. It's wrong, gross, and stupid. YES, I have publicly said it's my least fave episode, and I have stated my issues with S4 as a whole on numerous posts. But that's MY opinion, and it's not my place to crap on anyone with any differing opinions. AND I have found my own way of watching S4 and TFP to make it bearable to ME. My problem is that I have a very logic-based brain, and if something doesn't make sense to me, my enjoyment of it diminishes, which is what happened with S4 for me. It happens with movies and shows with me all the time, which is why I watch more YouTube than anything else these days.
That all said, I am GLAD you have found joy in TFP, and kinda envy you, hahah. But unfortunately, your enjoyment is the "unpopular opinion" of S4 / TFP, so you're GOING to come across "hate" posts, and just people venting their frustrations with it, which is also valid. I think the best way for you to NOT hurt as much about it, is to tag block TFP or the final problem (I tag all my tfp posts with "tfp" and/or "tfp meta" and/or "tfp shitposting" and/or "s4 shitposting", so on my blog, PLEASE be safe and tag block those!! <3)
I am really sorry that people are giving you, personally, a hard time with that episode... it's SO SILLY to shit on people for enjoying things. My mother used to do it to me all the time, and it just made me feel guilty about spending money on the things I like. I've mostly just "stopped caring" that people think I waste money on Funkos, toys, plushies and video games. Just means that they are very sad individuals who just can't stand people having fun, I guess.
And I know that it's hard and scary, but if people shit on you for that, tell them that's their problem to deal with, and it bears no semblance on your personal life and you pity how they can't enjoy stuff because they worry about other people's opinions.
Like, fun fact/trivia about me Nonny: My favourite Ninja Turtles movie was Turtles 3. EVERYONE hates Turtles 3, and I FUCKING LOVE IT more just to spite people, LOL. It's fun. "Cringe culture / 'guilty pleasures'" and Twitter have made people so afraid to just... enjoy things.
Fuck 'em, Nonny.
Enjoy TFP, Lovely, please. Don't let people's opinions – ESPECIALLY MINE and people on Twitter – sour what makes you happy. I meticulously tag for a reason here, and Twitter is a car crash you can't look away from.
Love you, and take care, please.
(and I know it doesn't need to be said, friends, but just in case: please refrain from shitting on S4/TFP on this ask in your replies <3).
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pokemeep · 3 years
I made this account because I wanted to shitpost and dammit I'm going to do so.
So without further ado, here's how I would describe a bunch of Pokémon in no particular order to someone who vaguely knows the franchise.
Eevee: "Y'know the lil fluffy one with the face. You know. The cute one."
Gastly: "The GHOST BALL"
Charmander: "Salamander but it's on fire."
Pikachu: "if you don't know this one I'm disowning you."
Froslass: "Ice lady... do not try to give her a hug."
Salandit: "Remember the Salamander But It's On Fire? This one isn't on fire."
Bounsweet: "It's a lil fuckin... lil fruity guy... lil squishy fellow... but they can only be female so they make no goddamn sense."
Gardevoir: "Monster waifu 10/10 just don't give her a hug she's stabby"
Jigglypuff: "Cotton candy that sings"
Squirtle: "Funky lil magic turtle dude"
Lopunny: "Bunny girl but not a girl and not actually a bunny it's a kickass fluffy thing"
Sneasel: "Bastard. This one is just an utter bastard. I love it."
Psyduck: "Imagine a duck but on drugs"
Abra: "A son of a bitch is what this one is."
Ditto: "SQUISHY LIL BLOB DUDE. WE STAN THIS GUY. THIS GUY IS GONNA BE YOUR BEST FRIEND. CHERISH THIS GUY. ya shove 'em in a box with another Pokémon and they make a baby, it's magical."
Gothorita: "Gothic Lolita, kinda says it in the name. Good to vibe with."
Luxray: "IT'S A CAT! IT'S A RAT! IT GOES ZAP! I love this lil nonsensical fucker."
Mimikyu: "Y'know Pikachu? This is basically a low-budget Pikachu cosplay. I love this tiny weirdo, if you hurt one I'll hunt you down."
Glalie: "Listen. listen. fuck this weird ass rock. Moving on."
Ekans: "Danger noodle!"
Weezing: "Dis bish nasty. Nasty. It's ok though, because ÖRB"
Snom: "Okay, so......................... it has a butt mouth and everyone loves it. Myself included. All hail snom."
Snorlax: "This big ol fucker is just a chonky bastard that gets in the way of everyone and pretty much has nothing useful to offer anyone, only sleeps directly in a pathway and can only be awoken by a magic item. Absolute icon. A legend."
Pidgey: "it's a fucking bird"
Ratatta: "rat."
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So I’m not dead yet (Unfortunately)
I was just eating shit elsewhere.
Ever got told or felt that you got into something way to late? I have, but I’ve never let that bum me out in any considerable way.
Well, just like that the website seems to have gotten more and more empty as days go by, with pretty much the only constant being posts about the artists I follow other social media (which I thank a lot, given that I made my other tumblr only about a month ago, and only to be in the mother lode of fan art about shows I love).
Needless to say I was very let down, and just like that my love for making this shitpost abomintaion went to negative levels very fast (not that it matters much, given that I make this out of boredom. Mostly), but only for a moment. In my emotional sopor I started to question my plans for the comic: initially the first three issues where going to be a proof-of-concept kinda thing. Introducing the modulators, their abilities, their users, their makers, and a bit of context about the universe in which takes place, as well as spitting in the source material’s face about cetain things that were already set in stone as fixed point in the lore. Since Issue 2 seemed that it was going a bit longer than Issue 1′s 80 pages, and Issue 3 was set to be way longer than that anyway, I just didn’t felt like keep on working on an on-going graveyard. So, what merits this godawful wall of text then?
Well that easy: screw the proof-of-concept issues!
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Meet the actual cast! The assault to the senses above is the first page of the story proper. Before I thought of making the skip I thought about going with a Homestuckesque combination of text and images, but given that I have more than enough experience with my own writing to know that I would wound up hating it by the reread, and since stylistically sucky artwork is more easily comprehensible that stylistically sucky writing, I decided to stick with the comic form, which I guess it now needs a new forever home.
But which site will get the dishonor to have its goregous art pool polluted by me? I dunno. I have seen some options, but nothing convinces me fully. In the meantime, updates will keep coming up here, just as slowly and as shitty the MS Paint program allows me to be.
Until the next time, feel free to yell at me in full caps here, since I only enter here to dump my trash, like a turtle laying her eggs.
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