killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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Rating: G
Summary: Kagami and Nino plan a surprise party for Adrien's seventeenth birthday. With help from their friends, nothing can go wrong this time. Nino's even invited an extra special guest who's sure to make Adrien's night. (Nino & Kagami & Adrien friendship, with a side of Ladrien)
Word Count:  3101 | Chapter 1/3
Notes: written for @marinetteplztakeabreak through the @mlbforblm charity drive!  The donations go directly to Color of Change, an online organization for racial justice centered on the Black Lives Matter movement.  I highly recommend checking them out and reblogging/donating the mlbforblm posts if you’re able!  I have one fic slot left as of 7/23/2020, and many other talented writers and artists are offering incentives as well!  There’s even a giveaway going on; see the mlbforblm blog for more info!
“Hmm.”  Kagami’s brow furrowed as she stared at Nino’s Operation: Totally Swank Party binder.  The two of them sat on a bench in the park, where she had agreed to meet him after slipping away from her fencing lesson.  “Bribing the bodyguard is a proven technique.  Get me a list of action figures his collection is missing, and I’ll have them by tomorrow.”
“Way ahead of you, dude.”  Nino tore a piece of notebook paper out.  He’d done his research last night after a long phone call with Adrien.  “Glad I can count on you.”
“Of course.”  She neatly folded the paper and slipped it into her jacket pocket.  “I’ll have them shipped to your apartment.  Do you have a plan to dispose of his babysitter?”
Nino sighed and flipped to the page with a doodle of Nathalie with horns at the top.  It was a much more tentative outline than what he’d prepared to deal with the Gorilla.  Hopefully Kagami would be able to help him with that.
“Nathalie’s whole job is to suck out all the fun in my bro’s life.  We’ll never be able to throw this party with her in the picture.”
He’d tried the past three years.  From Hawkmoth transforming him into the Bubbler, to Nathalie locking him in a closet, to Gabe himself nearly arresting him for trespassing, each had been a total bust.  At this point Adrien probably wasn’t expecting Nino to try.
But Adrien was his best bro.  Nino would never give up on throwing him the most poppin’ party ever.  
Plus, this year, he had a secret weapon.  One that even Kagami didn’t know about.
“You seem quite prepared.”  Kagami squinted at the page.  “You’re sure Max can play his part?  The Agrestes use my mother’s security technology.”
“Positive.  He and Markov can hack anything.”  
Max had already wired into the speaker system last time they threw a party for Adrien.  Of course, on Adrien’s birthday, the mansion would be too obvious a target.  That’s why the plan just required getting his bro out of the house altogether.
“I’ll trust you, then.  What exactly is my role?”
Nino grinned, placing a hand on her shoulder.  “You, my good bro, will be sneaking Adrien away from his fake fencing lessons.  Adrien says you’ve done it a thousand times, and his pops still barely knows who you are.  You’ve got like, some kind of invisibility superpower.”
“I simply have practice.  That’s all.”  She took his pen and began making notes in his binder.  “Nathalie will realize we’re gone approximately forty-five minutes after we leave.  The Gorilla has set patrol routes for finding Adrien when he goes missing, which I can map out for you.”
“If he takes the bribes, that shouldn’t be a problem.”
Kagami was already sketching out a map of the city on a clean sheet of paper.  Geez, how did she remember all that?  He doubted he could even draw the path from his apartment to Alya’s.
“I don’t want to take any chances.  We cannot fail Adrien.  Do you have a venue reserved already?”
“Huh?”  Nino scratched under his hat.  Kagami was pretty rad, but it was hard to follow her train of thought sometimes.  “Oh, right! I was thinking the hotel.  Now that Chloé’s not a total jerk—”
“No.  Too obvious.  Nathalie will find us within the hour.”  Kagami frowned and tapped the pen against the back of her hand.  “The ice rink will be our best option.  It’s out of his bodyguard’s patrol zone, and it can accommodate all of Adrien’s friends.  We hid there all the time when we were dating, and no one ever found us.”
“Sure, sure, there’s just one problem.”  He grinned nervously and tapped his fingers together.  “I, uh, don’t know how to skate.”
Kagami tilted her head and.  “Really?  No matter.  His birthday is twenty-one days away.  You have plenty of time to learn.”
Over her shoulder, he watched her write “Teach Nino to ice skate” in her crisp print.
“Uhh… well, I guess that works.”  Hopefully everyone else knew how to skate already, or they could just enjoy the food and cake from the seats surrounding the rink. Nino could technically do that too, but he didn’t want to miss hanging out on the ice with his best bro.
“I’ve seen you parkour with Alya.  You seem like you’ll learn quickly.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”  Nino chuckled.  “Just get ready to watch me starfish out there.”
Her lips pursed thoughtfully.  “If it proves too difficult for you, I can try to find a backup location.  I doubt one exists that will fit everyone you’ve listed, though.”  She flipped back to the guest list, which included all of their classmates from the last few years, Adrien’s whole fencing team, and a few other friends like Luka and XY.  Pretty much everyone Adrien had ever interacted with was on the list.
Except for one special guest, but Nino had left her out on purpose.
“No, no, it’ll be fine!  I’m just joking, dude.”
“Oh.”  Her face pinked a bit.  “How are we going to deliver the invitations without alerting Nathalie or Adrien’s father?
“I’ve started planning that too.”  Nino flipped forward a few pages.  “The most important guests—ones who aren’t gonna snitch on us—will get their invites a week in advance.  The rest will get theirs by text on the day of.  If they can’t come, they can’t come.”  It was the best solution he’d been able to come up with.  He was sure that even if people did have plans, most would drop them for a chance to party with Adrien Agreste.
“Hmm.  It still feels too obvious.  The fencing team in particular may give us up.”  She frowned before scratching a few names off the list.  Well, she was on the team herself; she would know better than anyone who could be trusted.  “You’re right though.  This does seem like the best plan.”
Nino grinned.  One nice thing about Kagami was that when she gave a compliment, he knew it was sincere.  If she agreed with his birthday plan, then it was as close to foolproof as it could be.
“Sweet.  I think that covers everything for now.”
“A very productive planning session.”  Kagami nodded before holding out her fist.
Nino laughed and bumped knuckles with her.  After a year of hanging out with him and his bro, Kagami was finally getting the hang of fist bumps.
“Meet me at the ice rink at eighteen hundred on Saturday.  We’ll begin your lessons then.”
She closed the binder and handed it back to him, then stood and walked away.
“Skating lessons with Kagami, huh…” 
This was either going to be a legit time, or he was going to make a total idiot of himself.
“Come on, Nino, you’ve got this!”  Alya called encouragement as she and Marinette lapped him again.  He frowned at their backs.  How was it that even Marinette, certified clumsiest girl in Paris, could be a better skater than him?
“Focus, Nino.”  Kagami snapped her fingers.  She stayed near him, slowing her pace even though she could’ve skated rings around him.  “Your girlfriend’s praise will only become reality if you practice proper technique.  Keep your weight centered.”
“Right, right.”  He pushed off from the handrail and tried not to flap his arms.  This time, he made it a solid twenty seconds before he slipped and went skidding across the ice.  His hat slid off in the opposite direction, but Kagami quickly retrieved it.
“Don’t try to go so fast.  Catching up to Marinette and Alya isn’t your goal.”  Kagami’s advice was blunt, but helpful.  Nino didn’t mind her getting to the point.  He knew his skating needed work, and no matter how many times he fell, she didn’t lose patience with him.
It was nice that Alya was so far ahead, honestly.  It meant she didn’t see him look like a total dorkasaurus every time he fell.
I’m doing this for Adrien, he reminded himself each time.  He didn’t need to be a pro skater.  He just needed to be able to stay upright.
“You make it look so easy.”  He frowned as Kagami glided backwards.
“I’ve been skating since I was six.  It makes a relaxing hobby.”
He snorted.  “How is anything about this relaxing?”
“Hmm.  Perhaps you’re thinking too hard.  It makes you hesitate, place your weight incorrectly.  You’re a musician, aren’t you?”
“Huh?  Yeah, you know I’m DJ-ing for the party.” He had no clue why Kagami was asking, though.
“Skating has a rhythm.  Maybe you’ll feel more comfortable timing your strides with music.”
He tapped his chin.  “Y’know… that’s not a half bad idea.”
“Not half bad?  Does that mean only half is good?”
“No, no, the whole idea’s good!  It’s just an expression.”
He slipped his headphones over his ears and picked one of the slowest songs on his playlist.  It was a waltz in ¾ time; hopefully that wouldn’t trip him up.
“Alright, here goes.”
He took a deep breath and pushed off from the wall.
One-two-three, one-two-three.  The music was smooth as the ice under his skates.  Kagami kept pace with him, smiling as he counted the beats under his breath.
Something about it did feel different.  Maybe it was that he stopped overthinking; maybe it was just the magic of music.  Either way, he went the whole six-minute song without falling on his butt.
“Not half bad.”  Kagami smiled.  “...Did I use that right?”
“Heck yeah, dude.”  They fistbumped.
“Way to go Nino!”  Marinette gave him a high five as she and Alya caught up.
“Thanks for teaching my boyfriend, Kagami.  I owe you one.”
“You owe me nothing, Alya.”  Kagami’s cheeks turned red.  “We’re all working together to ensure Adrien’s birthday is perfect.  Teaching Nino is just one step in that plan.”
“Well, I still think it’s really cool of you.  Oh!  And speaking of the party, my mom says she can cater.  I’ve already sworn her to secrecy.”
“Awesome!  What about you, Marinette?” Nino took his headphones off to better hear the conversation, but his legs still knew what to do.  “Are you gonna get Adrien a totally rad birthday cake or what?”
“Yeah, absolutely!”  She nodded.  “I’ll just have to drop it off before the party.”
“You’re still sure you can't come, girl?”  Alya asked her.
“No, sorry.  I promise I would if I could, but I—I’ve already made a commitment.  But I’ll have the cake here on time, I swear!”
“And one of his fifty birthday presents, right?”  She nudged Marinette with her elbow.  Marinette nearly fell, but Nino wasn’t sure if that was from Alya’s bump or her words.
“I—I don’t have those anymore!”  Her shoulders slumped.  “It turns out, planning presents fifty years in advance works a lot better if you can see the future.  They’re all out of style by now.”
Alya laughed at that.  Nino couldn’t help noticing that Kagami had gone silent, though, her gaze locked on the ice in front of them.
“Something wrong, bro?”  He asked her.
She shook her head.  “Adrien’s party won’t be perfect if Marinette isn’t present.  I thought she of all people would understand how much she means to him.”
Marinette gasped.  “I… I’m sorry, Kagami.  Adrien does mean the world to me, and… I promise, I’ll make it up to him.”
Nino was forced to stop as Kagami grabbed the handrail and locked eyes with Marinette.  Some kind of silent conversation seemed to pass between them.  He looked to Alya for help, but she just shrugged.  By now he thought he’d understand the girls, but maybe some things would always be a mystery.
“See that you do.  He deserves that much.”
This wasn’t some kind of love triangle over Adrien again, was it?  Kagami had stayed good friends with all of them after she and Adrien broke up.  Marinette was probably still crazy in love with him, but that was nothing new.
“It’s okay, dudes.  The party’s still going to be perfect.  I’ve got a special surprise planned for our favorite bro.”
He winked at Alya, who grinned back.  She’d been the one to help him pull it off.
“A surprise?”  Marinette clapped her hands together at the same time Kagami raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t factor any surprises into our plans.  Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“It’s not much of a surprise if everyone knows, is it?”  Nino said.  “But you’re right, I should have told you, Kagami.  I just wasn’t sure if it would be awkward for you, knowing who Adrien’s crushing on now and all…”
“It’s not an issue.  Adrien is a wonderful friend.  That is more than enough for me,” Kagami replied.
“Adrien’s... crushing on someone?”  Marinette asked, her eyes wide.  
Oops.  Kagami might have taken it well, but Nino should’ve waited until Marinette was gone.
“What’s the scoop, babe?”  Alya raised her eyebrow, and Nino threw his hands in the air.
“I thought you already knew!  Why do you think we worked so hard to get Ladybug to show up for his party?”
Marinette caught hold of the hand rail before her legs slipped out from under her.
“Adrien has a crush on Ladybug?”
“Oh.  That’s all?”  Kagami asked.  “I’ve known that for months.”
“You have?”  
“Was it supposed to be a secret?  He keeps posters of her in his fencing locker.”
Marinette still looked like she was blue screening.  Alya glared at Nino, and he gave a nervous smile.  What was he supposed to do?  Kagami had a point; the dude wasn’t exactly subtle.  
“Anyway.”  He coughed.  “Our bro likes Ladybug, and she’s coming to his party, so he’s going to have a totally cash money time.”
“Cash money?  You’ve been hanging out with Luka and XY too much, babe.”
Marinette giggled at that.  She got her feet back under her, and they started skating in unison again.  So… she wasn’t that upset?  Whew.
“Oh, speaking of XY, I gotta get him here to help set up the special effects,” Nino said.  “I already got permission from Phillipe.  We’re going all out, courtesy of the actual cash money Kitty Section and XY’s last collab made.”
“How did we end up friends with so many rich people?”  Alya mused under her breath.
“It sounds like the plan is in motion, then,” Kagami said.
“Yeah, it’s going to be perfect!  Adrien will love it.”  Marinette grinned.  “Thank you two for putting all this together.”
“Anything for my best bro.”  Nino shot her finger guns.
“He deserves a party worthy of his friendship,” Kagami added.
And he was going to get one.  This year, of all years, Nino refused to let anything go wrong.
Three weeks later, on the night of September twenty-first, Nino paced the blue chairs surrounding the perimeter of the ice rink.  His friends wove between the chairs, setting up tables of food and games.  His turntables were already in place at the head of the rink, and XY was hooking them up to the speaker system.
“Nathalie’s schedule?”  Nino asked as he passed Max.
“Hacked and adjusted.”  Max flashed a thumbs up.  
“Great job, dude.”  He clapped him on the shoulder before moving on to Rose and Juleka’s station.
“Stacked and organized!”  Rose saluted.
“Sweet.  Make sure to leave some extra space, there’ll be more where those came from.”  He continued his path to where Chloé was lounging in a chair and scrolling through her phone.
“Chloé, status report.”
“No trace of Adrikins on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or YouTube.”  She flipped her ponytail.  “You should check your tone, though.  I’m not some peon you can just order around.”
“Right.”  He rolled his eyes.  Classic Chloé.  At least she was taking her job seriously, though.  “Thanks for all your hard work.”
“You’re welcome.”  She smirked.
Her job was one of the most important.  If the media caught wind of Adrien’s location, the party would have to split before he even got here.  To prevent that, Max had jammed the wifi and cell service so that only his computer, Chloé’s phone, and Nino’s phone had wifi.  If anyone wanted to post about the party on social media, they’d have to wait until after it was over.
Everything was looking perfect.  There wasn’t much else to do but wait for updates from Kagami.
19:00.  Arrived at the court.  No sign of Adrien.
19:04. Adrien has arrived.  Bodyguard bribed and driving away.
19:05. En route to ice rink.  Adrien was suspicious, but believed my excuse of buying him birthday orange juice.
Nino shook his head with a smile.  How did Kagami type all that without Adrien noticing?  At least everything seemed to going smoothly on her end, too.
He started pacing again.  According to Kagami, a casual stroll from the school to the ice rink took twenty minutes.  It was longer than Nino wanted to wait, but the location had to be far enough away to avoid notice.
His phone beeped again.  He unlocked it to see a selfie of Kagami and Adrien smiling wide, though Adrien was practically unrecognizable in the oversized hoodie and bright blue wig Kagami had borrowed from Juleka.
Alya’s chin rested on Nino’s shoulder.  “Aww, look at them.  All grown up and ready to rebel.”
“Psh, Kagami’s been rebelling for ages.  Adrien could still learn a thing or two from her.”
“Oh look, she sent another one!”  Alya clicked his phone.
In this photo, the two of them were pulling funny faces.  Adrien stuck out his tongue, while Kagami puffed out her cheeks and gave him bunny ears.
Nino laughed and put an arm around his girlfriend.  “We did a great job with them, didn’t we?”
“Absolutely.”  She smiled before zooming in on the background.  “Looks like they’re in front of the parking lot.  They’ll be here any time now.”
Sure enough, Kagami texted, 19:25. Two minutes away.
“Right!”  Nino gave her cheek a quick kiss before running to his turntables.  He snatched up the microphone, and his voice blasted through the speakers.  “Alright, dudes!  Adrien’s about to walk through those doors, so everyone hide!”
Their friends dove behind tables and chairs.  All of them except XY, anyway.
“What’s the point, dude?  He’s gonna see all our sick lights.”  XY pointed to the laser lights next to the turntable.
“That’s why we switch them off,” Luka said, pressing the button.  The rink fell into darkness.
Nino pulled the two of them under the table with him just before the double doors opened.
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suzie-guru · 5 years
Are you still writing Strange Magic fics on AO3? Just wondering 'cause it doesn't look like you've been on the site for awhile. Still writing but your creative passions are in hibernation or have you quit?
I’m going to be completely honest and frank with you, Dear Anon, because it’s late and I’m tired and I don’t have anything else to do before going to bed and honestly, I guess I’ve been waiting for someone to send me a question about this because I’m that bitch who wants to make a post about this very issue but can’t because she thinks it will be construed as a cry for attention and she needs to wait for someone to ask about it in order to believe people are genuinely interested in her life.  
You’re absolutely right, I haven’t been on AO3 in a long time, not since 2018 it looks like. As to your query about whether I’ve quit or if my creative passions are in hibernation...
It is truly one of my dearest wishes to finish my Strange Magic fanfics and timelines that I have/had planned. It was then, and it is now. So as long as that desire is there, I can’t say that I’ve quit. I don’t think I can. 
But two things are making it hard as holy hell to get back into writing regularly the way I used to. 
One, for the majority of 2016, 2017, and 2018, I was severely depressed and I fell out of writing. I was empty and despairing and in serious need of help, and my passion for writing and keeping a regular routine with it got fucking gutted. I’m in a much better state now, and genuinely happy and mentally healthy, but I haven’t recovered my writing, not the way I wrote before. And honestly, I’m scared I’ll never have it again. 
The second thing is...no one is really interested in my writing anymore. Not my fanfics, not my original work. 
With my Trollhunters fanfics, I haven’t seen any of 3Below so I feel like I can’t continue the fanfics I wanted to unless I pull an Alternate Continuity and do what I want and screw Canon, and I don’t think people would care for that. With my Mad Max story, I never got that much attention for it so even though I would like to continue it, I feel pretty at peace it would only be for myself. 
But my Strange Magic fanfics...
You need to understand, I was part of the rise of the fandom for that movie. I had never been recognized by other fandom members, nor experienced such a joyous sense of community. It was intoxicating, and easily one of the happiest times of my life. I was creating, having a LEGIT writing schedule, and people were telling me what they thought about my stories. It was heaven. I met some of my absolute dearest friends through the Strange Magic fandom. I felt known and loved, and that’s incredibly rare for me. 
And now...
I think the fandom for Strange Magic is alive and well, and that’s a great and glorious thing, but people that I knew have moved on. I’m still friends with the people I have met through the fandom because more than the fandom connects us, and I thank my lucky stars for that. 
But no one really shows any interest in my fanfics anymore. No one wants to know what happens in the storylines. 
And I know that not being active for the past three years has played a big part in that, and I wish I could claw my depression out of me and whack it with a shovel for what it did, but it is what it is. People don’t care about my stories. 
I tried to get back into them, tried to participate in fandom again. I wrote Chapter Ten for Between the Shadow and the Soul and eagerly waited to see what people would think, how they would react...
...and nothing happened. No one cared that I posted it. No one gave a rat rancid rump, much less comments and feedback and thoughts. 
And I’ll admit, that was a huge fucking blow. Maybe I got arrogant, I fully acknowledge that. But that fanfic is incredibly dear and beloved to me, and I felt so triumphant for getting back to it. And no one cared. Not one, not even my friends who had been so excited for me in the past. 
So...I don’t know, Dear Anon. I don’t want to quit these stories. But I’ve also come to realize that hearing people’s thoughts and getting feedback is really important to me. I’m not OWED it by any means, of course, but it certainly helps me move forward. I miss that. I miss being part of a creative community, one where we help build each other up. 
Maybe I’m being bitter and tired, but it feels like people have moved on from my stories, and on from me. Even though I know at the end of the day a writer should write for themselves...I loved writing for the Strange Magic fandom. 
And I feel like I don’t matter there anymore.  
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apprentice-nylah · 5 years
So since I didn’t catch that we finally got Book XXI - The World until now... I’m doing my usual first impressions of playing through and my thoughts. Since (I think?) this is the end of Nadia’s route, I believe I’ll do an overall thoughts in a different post later on when I’ve digested everything. 
Both my thoughts on the Upright ending and Reversed ending are under the cut. I play through Nadia’s route only. But this is a much longer than normal post. And it goes without saying, but a lot of spoilers under the cut. 
Upright Ending
- ITS FINALLY HERE?!?@?!??@~
- Backroom of the shop but in red... okie
- oh is this uhm.. when the apprentice first got revived? 
- snow
- oh what did nadia legit visit the apprentice when.. wait... 
- okay so basically you can only pick “youve come to the right place!” even though theres an option for “wait this isn’t right.”
- YoU’Re hEr FiAnCe!!!
- is it going to be the fool card???
- ok the high priestess, I can accept that
- THE LOVE OF MY LIFE (can you hear me screaming irl) 
- this is all the devils fault so “the devil will pay for this”
- aw nadia gushing about the apprentice is so cute
- “I’ll always find you.” fuck ye
- uhm.. apprentice wise probably “id turn into a phoenix.” 
- lived on the moon.. “i’d live there too.” 
- it was cheesy but u loved it anyway
- im actually squealing irl about nadia
- winkie sprite again ;0
- back where it started then eh
- “it has no power” 
- renovating it would be a nice touch i think
- death 
- “this IS a pickle” 
- a ruse cruise l0l
- “you’re right” can’t believe i’m taking advice from death
 - letting go of the past
- i don’t want to worry u queeeen
- this scene is familiar from asras route i think though i didn’t play it to this point, just have seen screenshots of it
- aw nadia
- that “back off zombie” option just reminds me of that heath inspector spongebob episode for some reason, but i’m going with “i wouldn’t say that”
- you could but u won’t
- “emotionally traumatizing zombie card” lmao
- ooo his thone room is kinda cool art wise
- i still love the devils art even tho i kinda hate him
- “do you ever stop talking” theres no other option to choose obviously
- nadia lecturing the devil is everything
- mortals but the apprentice is basically the fool so idk how true that exactly is
- what kind of person exactly WAS nadia if her family is this shocked that she wants them to visit, jeez
- fashion show lmfao
- natiqa gunna stay oo
- aw muriel and asra is still cute as fuck
- awww the baker getting to be procurator. thats also cute as fuck
- volta as official taste tester l0l
- portia totally has a crush on nahara and no one can convince me otherwise
- “i’m not ready to leave” 
- i swear they keep mentioning things on fire and although shes prob referring to the one we were there for, theres always so many stories involving the satrinavas that include setting things on fire and i want to hear all the stories
- “lets bother valerius” we owe him for it still
- “he deserves it” my thoughts exactly
- “what we’ve done!!”
- sprite artttttttt
- eeeeeee.
I do feel like the ending is somewhat anti-climactic. I would have loved to see the wedding and all that cute shit, but perhaps it could be a tale later on. Or it also gives fandom creators some room to let the imagination run wild and that’s always a positive thing as well. 
I haven’t looked around much, but i think theres some discourse about the endings, though when is there not discourse in the fandom lmfao. I will say that i think this does really play into what I said before that the upright ending and route playthrough is all about change. This is the person Nadia is capable of being at her best and her reversed ending the person she could be if she had stayed on the path she was set on. (or at her worse, if you prefer that). 
as said, I think I’ll put an overview thoughts in a different post, but I think book XXI was a pretty decent wrap up, though obviously I wish there had been more of it. 
Reversed Ending
- I’m still like.. not as mad about the reversed ending as a lot of people seemed to be, but also i agree with the apprentice. PANIC
- okay im really keen on domination and shit but being a possession of another person is really a no-no for me. but i get it nadia... this isn’t ur best u
- the devil really has a fetish for red, don’t he
- I think this place is never gunna let u go anyway tbh
- learning more about the devils nature and knowing that nadia is eventually gunna be the devil is just like... why.
- “which would u prefer” 
- u bet im gunna be fucking cheeky
- “ill obey” ig. idk what the “right answer” is so...
- say nothing
- nadias eyes are fucking creepy like what
- tbh i can’t believe this somehow backfired on the devil like... i didn’t think he was actually this stupid
- “its beautiful” 
- okay her devil sprite is hot asf. i admit it. 
- “of course’ 
- so valarius rules vesuvia now?
- its kinda of sad to see her relationship with the high priestess gone
- okay, also a hot CG
- “gimme!” tho i’m sure shes gunna make me beg or something wild
- “let me thank you properly” 
- kiss every inch of her
- thats kinda sweet in a weird sort of way
- “youre mine” 
- they fucked didn’t they
- youre going to free her... >.>
Okay, i have... thoughts. While I’ve said that I do believe that the Reverse ending is supposed to be Nadia as the person she was at the beginning of the story (or at least in some ways with some of her less desirable traits amplified to the max), this just seems... weird after playing the Upright ending. 
Obviously this makes sense if you played the route as a reverse ending. The apprentice is super dedicated to Nadia that they’ll follow her blindly, even if it means harming other people. You fail to see her faults and instead just tell her that people who criticize her are wrong. But like I said, I think the Devil honestly being that idiotic that he actually gave her the power to defeat him is just wild. In a way where there has to be a lot of suspension of disbelief for that to be a thing. But okay. This is where we are. 
I do think a lot of the domination/physical scenes with Nadia were super hot and wish we had gotten a bit more in the Upright ending, but since I have both endings, I can live with getting the emotional lovey stuff in one and the steamy physical stuff in another. THat’s fine. Also, I really do love Nadia’s Devil sprite. The art is great for it. 
Anyway, those are just some thoughts I had on my first play through. I’ll probably do a full reflection tomorrow when I’ve sort of had more time to process my feelings. As for what I’ll do with the Arcana now that Nadia’s route is over... I’m not sure. I’m not super hot on Portia, though I like her. Just not in a “I want to romance her way.” Maybe I’ll play through Muriel since I think he’s sweet and I thihnk his story will be super interesting. And As much as I hate Lucio in this route, I’m kinda of interested in how they’re planning on writing his route. 
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xdazzlex · 5 years
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OMG I usually just stay out of this, but since I got such a ridiculous reply, I must share it. 
Where to begin...
1. An artist owes you nothing and can rise their price anyway they want to. I alsodon’t get it that Marth Rothko-like crap goes for millions and my pretty pictures don’t. If someone is stupid enough to pay this much, sure there are people to pay 2500 for 27cm of a figurine/doll. It is stoopid to me too, but if someone sees value in it then why not. And if someone gets butthurt over the doll then maybe cos it’s pretty and maybe for this reason the artist tries to sell it for this much. It’s upto them to decide and not a single butthurt person. Sure it’s insane a price, but then just don’t buy it. 
2. Resinsoul, Bobobie and Fantasy doll have one thing in common (which sort of contradicts what you say about their ‘incredible quality’) - they’re not goodposers and their resin isn’t of THE highes quality. And Mirodoll... Yes, they were sure able to lower their prices, especially since they recasted and merely slightly reworked so many bodies, Iple and Dollstown included. If you’re backing your argument up with legit doll companies, could you at least avoid mixing into it recast companies? Please?
3. Another common feature of the majority of ‘cheaper’ bjds is their place of origin: Not Europe or Korea or Japan, but China, where it’s simply cheaper to produce any good (many reasons that are generally business-management-related). Maybe that’s why.
4. I am a good judge of my own talent so I see no reason why these artists can’t be. I am a good teacher, much better than some and I know myself I deserve better money for it. Same is with art or sewing. It’s actually good to know one’s self worth and aim high. These artists just aren’t insecure underachievers. I think it’s good for them that they aren’t. 
5. And yet another common feature - Bobobie and Resinsoul and I guess many other ‘cheaper’ bjd companies do NOT offer amazing faceups, super-detailed and realistic body and face sculpts (consider Dollshe’s lips or Popovy’s feet) or fullsets. Not to mention the price they put into presenting their work - website and photography. A lot of money goes into this and customising even your own bjd is a lot of work. THere is more to it than physical labour such as sculpting or sanding. There is concept, months or even years of research, planning out ideas etc. I just don’t see this much of it in the ‘cheaper bjd companies’.
6. Listen, this was just an innocent question loaded with unbiased logic. I was not being rude or spiteful. I just ASKED. Are you going to block me because of it? Wow... I am sorry that your ‘peaceful zen sphere’ attitude is so one-sided. Why can’t you share a bit of your self-love and tolerance and bestown some of it onto me?
7. You won’t reply because too much logic on my side for you to handle?
8. “elitist’ and “self priclaimed >>pro-artist<<”? Wow that escalated quickly... Oh man, just look up my blog - I have ‘cheap’ bjds too. I have them second hand, often old. None of them goes beyong 400 bucks (I’m talking cute SD and MSD girls including some legit volks babes). Wow... I just asked on behalf SOME artists, since there are KNOWN instances of tiny legit companies (simply: artists) who went down because of recasts... (note: a ‘truuu’’ pro-artist would even hate me for implying that soom/volksfairyland deserve lesser pity for being recasted and putting a limit to what a small company can be formed of max 3 people) 
9. You don’t know me and already assume bullshit. I used to own 2 recast heads. Got rid of them about 5 years ago. I only own legits and forever will. I do it for myself, not for the praise of the public. I have received hate from some hardcore anti-recasts even long after going legit. Their nastiness won’t change my pro-legit attitude because I did it for myself. This being said, I still am friends with people who  might own recasts because I value real-life connections. I am pro-artist but also pro-friendship. I don’t witchhunt (would be hypocritical of me but I know a lot of ex-rcast owners are like this) or think lesser of people who own them - their life=their business, I mind mine). Stop blindly judging if you don’t know me. You’re being plain rude and nasty right now.
10. I, on the other hand, am ready to continue because I operate using unbiased logic. Your blocking me only shows you’re unable to be on my high level. You demand respect for recast owners but you don’t even respect yourselves enough to ‘*think* before you say stuff. 
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shotfreed · 6 years
Another Munday Prompt Except This Was Made On a Sunday Because I’m a Rebel
Remember to repost, not reblog!
Name: Jade
Prefered pronouns: he/him
Selectivity: p selective apparently??
Favorite animal: Siberian husky I miss my floof kids
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: hmm probably literally none of them. Maybe Libertus Ostium?
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: literally all of them I'm so inactive rip. I really want to get on Ridley Duchannes. Give her an OW verse idk.
Most identifiable fictional character: oof difficult... I usually ignore characters I am like in favor of ones I like. I've always had an affinity / identified with Jaden/Judai Yuki I guess. Admittedly a little bit of Lena Duchannes in her artistic but isolated spirit, being outcasted and Ethan Wate with his suffocating small town trapped feelings. They're from same series Ridley is from.
What color your aura is/think it is: red of some sort. Either metallic or a deep maroon.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): Aries sun, Cap moon, Scorpio rising has pinned me well. ENTP lmao. Chaotic Neutral with spices of Lawful Evil. 356 ennegram. I forget all my wings. Slytherin biiiitch. Wand make up was super legit tho. 12 3/4 inches. Cedar w/ Dragon Heartstring core. Slightly springy.
Do you think you’re a good driver: I'm better than not, I guess. Generally speaking I'm pretty passive but I do tend to speed. Not like 55 in a 35 but like 40-45. So normal ish?
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): honestly ice cream w/ fries amuses me. It's not even disbuted anymore but it's funny to me. RAISINS ARE GROSS. that's a biiiig discourse in my family. Torbjorn is a valid support healer covince me otherwise.
Favorite vine and/or meme: hi welcome to chilli's.
Why did you choose this muse: because I didn't like him. Now i hate him.
Favorite rp memory: realizing @cafveinated 's mun was in this fandom like !!!! ROOK !!!! bc we've been in a mutual fandom before n I love rook :')
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: "One step at a time," is one. "Just live. Live until you find a good reason to." Seraph of the End, actually. That one means a lot to me. Finally probably the biggest but most like... difficult to explain context is a lyric from Nickelback's "Far Away." "I love you, I have loved you all along / and I forgive you, for being away for far too long."
Give a shout-out to someone: @loosedhope for just like????? Being a real good friend like dude wow. You've genuinely made a huge positive impact on my life in the short time we've known each other. Thank you for advice and ear you've lent (all the too many times) I FRIKKEN LOVE MALLORY we should plot more RIP im lame. Ty for indulging my ot3 and for having such an awesome soldier76, jack, and hopefully a third mans for my muses EVENTUALLY UHHHHH LMAO I love the people I've met through this fandom but like I probably wouldn't have done this much with my muses if not for u I promise I'll get on max too FML HAHAHAHAH
Tagged by: me. I made this on my main lmao.
Tagging: everyone. All the aforementioned. @engclsgleich @nichtangell @raddare @strike-at-the-heart @scxtterarrow @seethroughdragoneyes @kitakaze-no-ryu @shinbou @haltandhug @indiana-gold @the-rad-doctor and @floweringeclipse just tag me on libs or main smth LMAO <3
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Why Bad Credit Lenders Get a Bad Rap and the Hidden Need For Such Loans
Need to know how? Pay what you owe then spend less than you earn. It's simple - but it's challenging. As a sensible sage said, do not let your outflow surpass your earnings or you will remain in difficulty. That's the bottom line.
Just how much you owe, and what sort of financial obligation it is, will determine the debt control technique you use. Are you in arrears on your home mortgage or maxed out on your credit cards? Choose from amongst the many competent specialists that can provide you the guidance and help you need.
However if your financial obligations are 'affordable' and manageable - and you are serious about getting them paid off and your lives back under control - I have bad news. There is no "quick fix". It will take time, decision, discipline. It will hurt. However it will be worth it.
10 years earlier, I owed what (for me) was a lot of cash (about $5000). It was a mix of overspending, veterinary costs for my cat, devices breaking down and requiring to be changed plus residual revolving credit card debt.
I had actually already gotten - and settled - two debt consolidation loans in years past, so I chose it might be time for more drastic steps. I made a visit with one of those financial obligation therapy services (you see the ads all the time). I understood they negotiated with lenders to bring down the amount of one's financial obligation by means of manageable regular monthly payments.
It sounded excellent to me.
I did my research. I brought copies of all my credit card statements, utility expenses and pay stubs. And I drew up a comprehensive spending plan - income and all my expenses.
My financial obligation therapist and I took a seat to examine the product and pick a strategy. He was a pleasant, non-judgmental person. He asked a lot of questions and clarified some items in my budget, making notes as we talked. Then he sat for a few minutes, reading his notes, examining my documents. I waited hopefully.
Lastly, he put down the documents and his pen, relaxed in his chair, looked me in the eye and stated, "I can't help you."
OK, that's not what he stated. A minimum of, not that way. He discussed the procedure to me, and how the services of his company worked. Yes, he might lower my financial obligations and established lower regular monthly payments. However, there was a disadvantage, he warned. My credit report would be affected when this action went on my file and it might cause some problems for me in the future.
In your case, he stated, I would suggest that you simply pay off your financial obligations by yourself. It will take longer but it will not damage your credit ranking. As long as you keep making regular monthly payments, the credit bureaus do not punish you no matter the length of time it takes you to spend for everything.
He even more mentioned that my spending plan was "very reasonable" and that my lifestyle was "quite frugal". I did not have a vehicle and associated expenses. I didn't smoke or drink much; I rarely dined out or spent much on home entertainment. He believed that, if I bewared, I might pay off all my debts, on my own, within 3 years.
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By this time in my life, I was a Christian. I wanted to live the method the Bible taught was right. That included "good stewardship" of everything the Lord entrusted to me - work, financial resources, belongings, relationships, time and skills. So I dedicated to "doing it the hard way" and relying on God to help me.
And he bankruptcy help legit did.
2 years later, all my debts were paid in full. I was tithing (giving 10% of my earnings to my church) as well as offering to other worthwhile causes. I had a brand-new task and was making great cash. And I kept doing the best things -earning, offering, costs and conserving - in the ideal balance.
One year earlier, God blessed me again with my first house. And he did it throughout the worst financial recession in decades. If you are faithful with a little, God will trust you with more (another biblical principle).
What did I discover? Doing the right thing pays off. God blesses individuals who honor him and live according to his concepts. If it takes years to enter a mess, it can take years to get out of it. The option? Don't get into the mess - stay balanced. Don't home mortgage tomorrow to spend for today (i.e., don't buy on credit unless you can pay it off immediately and just if you actually need it; if not, conserve and wait).
As my preferred Bible instructor Joyce Meyer says, drive by a junkyard sometime and take a look at all the junk that was once someone's treasure. Whatever winds up in the trash eventually, so be smart and mindful what you invest your time, energy and resources on. Store up treasure in heaven, where moth and rust will not damage it, the Bible states.
Love people. Do what you can to help them. Be a generous giver. Live on less so you can offer more. Above all, stay well balanced. Trust God to help you, and keep in mind the principle of sowing and enjoying. What you provide is what you get. And the 'principle' Do unto others as you would desire them to do unto you. Plus a similar one is 'love your next-door neighbor as you enjoy yourself'.
Getting - and remaining - out of debt is an excellent way to enjoy yourself. You will sleep much better. You will worry less. And you will be able to assist individuals in need, whether enjoyed ones or others in need. After all ... you can't take it with you!
0 notes
travisplye674-blog · 5 years
Ways of Managing Debt in Times of Trouble
"Desire to know how? Pay what you owe then spend less than you make. It's easy - however it's hard. As a wise sage said, do not let your outflow exceed your earnings or you will remain in trouble. That's the bottom line.
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Just how much you owe, and what type of debt it is, will identify the debt control method you use. Are you in arrears on your home loan or maxed out on your credit cards? Pick from among the many qualified specialists that pacific national funding legit can give you the guidance and https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=https://www.debt.org/consolidation/ assist you require.
However if your debts are 'sensible' and manageable - and you are serious about getting them paid off and your lives back under control - I have bad news. There is no ""fast fix"". It will take time, decision, discipline. It will hurt. However it will deserve it.
10 years ago, I owed what (for me) was a lot of loan (about $5000). It was a mix of overspending, veterinary expenses for my feline, devices breaking down and needing to be changed plus recurring revolving credit card debt.
I had actually currently gotten - and paid off - 2 financial obligation combination loans in years past, so I decided it may be time for more drastic measures. I made a visit with among those financial obligation therapy services (you see the advertisements all the time). I knew they worked out with creditors to bring down the amount of one's debt by means of workable month-to-month payments.
• It sounded good to me.
• I did my homework. I brought copies of all my credit card statements, utility bills and pay stubs. And I composed out an in-depth budget plan - income and all my expenditures.
• My financial obligation therapist and I sat down to review the product and choose on a course of action. He was an enjoyable, non-judgmental person. He asked a lot of concerns and clarified some products in my spending plan, making notes as we talked. Then he sat for a couple of minutes, reading his notes, looking over my documents. I waited ideally.
• Finally, he put down the documents and his pen, relaxed in his chair, looked me in the eye and stated, ""I can't assist you.""
• OK, that's not what he stated. At least, not that way. He discussed the process to me, and how the services of his organization worked. Yes, he could reduce my debts and set up lower month-to-month payments. However, there was a disadvantage, he warned. My credit history would be impacted when this action went on my file and it could trigger some issues for me in the future.
In your case, he stated, I would recommend that you simply pay off your debts on your own. It will take longer but it won't harm your credit ranking. As long as you keep making regular monthly payments, the credit bureaus do not penalize you no matter how long it takes you to pay for everything.
He further mentioned that my budget plan was ""extremely reasonable"" which my way of life was ""quite frugal"". I did not have a cars and truck and associated costs. I didn't smoke or consume much; I rarely ate in restaurants or spent much on home entertainment. He believed that, if I took care, I could pay off all my financial obligations, on my own, within 3 years.
By this time in my life, I was a Christian. I wished to live the way the Bible taught was right. That included ""good stewardship"" of whatever the Lord turned over to me - work, financial resources, personal belongings, relationships, time and skills. So I devoted to ""doing it the hard way"" and relying on God to assist me.
And he did.
Two years later on, all my debts were paid completely. I was tithing (giving 10% of my earnings to my church) in addition to giving to other deserving causes. I had a brand-new task and was making good loan. And I kept doing the right things -making, providing, costs and saving - in the best balance.
One year back, God blessed me once again with my first house. And he did it during the worst financial recession in decades. If you are faithful with a little, God will trust you with more (another biblical concept).
What did I find out? Doing the ideal thing pays off. God blesses people who honor him and live according to his principles. If it takes years to get into a mess, it can take years to get out of it. The option? Don't enter into the mess - remain balanced. Do not mortgage tomorrow to pay for today (i.e., do not purchase on credit unless you can pay it off right away and just if you truly require it; if not, save and wait).
As my favorite Bible instructor Joyce Meyer says, drive by a junkyard sometime and look at all the scrap that was as soon as somebody's treasure. Everything ends up in the trash ultimately, so be sensible and mindful what you invest your time, energy and resources on. Store up treasure in paradise, where moth and rust will not damage it, the Bible says.
Love individuals. Do what you can to help them. Be a generous provider. Survive on less so you can provide more. Above all, stay well balanced. Trust God to help you, and keep in mind the principle of sowing and gaining. What you offer is what you get. And the 'principle' Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Plus a similar one is 'like your neighbor as you like yourself'.
Getting - and remaining - out of financial obligation is an excellent way to love yourself. You will sleep much better. You will worry less. And you will have the ability to help people in requirement, whether liked ones or others in requirement. After all ... you can't take it with you!"
0 notes
rametarin · 5 years
I’m not a horsefucker but.
ow. those season 9 spoilers.
Just trample my damned heart after that out of left field episode about the Apple parents, Hasbro.
So in case you’re a normal well adjusted person that does not watch cartoons for underaged girls about candy colored magical miniature horses, the final season of this Generation 4 ponies is airing and almost finished. And then that’s it. Done. Gone forever. The sensibilities and drive for what made Gen 4 great won’t be shadows that sometimes yield amazing episodes anymore, they’ll be finished.
And thanks to Dutch TV, the last half dozen or more of the last episodes of the last season were let loose onto the internet, and spoilers abound.
I won’t say them. If you care enough to know, you’ll have to go hunt or wait another 2 months.
Some of the resolutions are good. Some are meh.
Some felt like getting kicked in the heart by god damned steel toed boots.
Apple Fam your story is too good for a show about candy colored magical horses for single digit aged girls, but it was raw and you know what that’s exactly why people liked FIM in the first place because it went there. And then it circles right back around to stomp what’s left of your ventricles in the epilogue. That legit hurt.
And I gotta be honest the whole JUST AS KEIKAKU? it’s actually really inspired and daring from a writing perspective. Made me laugh. But I understand why folks may not like it.
They don’t just end the series with a bad guy defeated and riding off into the sunset. They skip ahead a little bit and show life moving on. New faces. Goodbyes to those no longer with them. Changes.
I guess just the sheer amount of closure is unexpected and thorough. It has some parts that fall flat, but then, it’s a nine year old show. And the writing staff has cycled through a few times. Not everything can be perfect.
There’s even unresolved loose ends that I suppose are meant to stay unresolved loose ends, because that’s the way life is, sometimes. And those, too, kind of kick you in the dick if you’ve been wondering if they’ll ever get addressed. Only to find, no, they don’t. They go at least 10 years, if not the rest of their lives, with those mysteries unaddressed.
It had to end sometime. And while it could’ve done so much more than it did, it did nine years worth in an industry where two seasons was what was expected, max.
By any metric, it succeeded as a show and a franchise.
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edwinozqt680-blog · 5 years
Getting to Grips With Debt Management
"Want to know how? Pay what you owe then invest less than you make. It's easy - but it's hard. As a sensible sage said, do not let your outflow exceed your earnings or you will remain in difficulty. That's the bottom line.
How much you owe, and what kind of financial obligation it is, will determine the debt control technique you use. Are you in financial obligations on your home mortgage or maxed out on your charge card? Select from among the numerous competent specialists that can provide you the suggestions and help you need.
However if your financial obligations are 'affordable' and workable - and you are serious about getting them settled and your lives back under control - I have problem. There is no ""quick repair"". It will require time, decision, discipline. It will hurt. But it will be worth it.
Ten years back, I owed what (for me) was a great deal of money (about $5000). It was a mix of overspending, veterinary costs for my cat, appliances breaking down and needing to be replaced plus residual revolving credit card debt.
I had already secured - and settled - two financial obligation combination loans in years past, so I decided it might be time for more drastic measures. I made an appointment with one of those financial obligation counseling services (you see the ads all the time). I understood they worked out with lenders to bring down the quantity of one's debt through manageable month-to-month payments.
• It sounded excellent to me.
• I did my research. I brought copies of all my credit card statements, utility expenses and pay stubs. And I drew up an in-depth budget - earnings and all my costs.
• My financial obligation therapist and I took a seat to review the material and select a course of action. He was a pleasant, non-judgmental individual. He asked a great deal of concerns and clarified some items in my budget plan, making notes as we talked. Then he sat for a couple of minutes, reading his notes, looking over my papers. I waited hopefully.
• Finally, he put down the documents and his pen, kicked back in his chair, looked me in the eye and said, ""I can't help you.""
• OK, that's not what he said. A minimum of, not that method. He explained the process to me, and how the services of his organization worked. Yes, he could minimize my financial obligations and set up lower regular monthly payments. Nevertheless, there was a drawback, he alerted. My credit report would be affected when this action went on my file and it might trigger some issues for me in the future.
In your case, he said, I would advise that you simply pay off your debts by yourself. It will take longer however it won't harm your credit score. As long as you keep making monthly payments, the credit bureaus do not punish you no matter how long it takes you to spend for whatever.
He even more explained that my spending plan was ""really sensible"" and that my lifestyle was ""quite frugal"". I did not have a cars and truck and related expenditures. I didn't smoke or drink much; I rarely ate in restaurants or spent much on entertainment. He believed that, if I bewared, I could pay off all my debts, on my own, within 3 https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=https://www.bankrate.com/calculators/home-equity/debt-consolidation-calculator-tool.aspx years.
By this time in my life, I was a Christian. I wanted to live the method the Bible taught was right. That consisted of ""good stewardship"" of whatever the Lord entrusted to me - work, finances, personal belongings, relationships, time and skills. So I dedicated to ""doing it the hard way"" and relying on God to help me.
And he did.
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Two years later, all my financial obligations were paid completely. I was tithing (offering 10% of my income to my church) in addition to offering to other worthy causes. I had a brand-new task and was making great cash. And I kept doing the right things -earning, giving, spending and saving - in the best balance.
One year back, God blessed me once again with my very first house. And he did it throughout the worst financial recession in decades. If you are loyal with a little, God will trust you with more (another biblical concept).
What did I discover? Doing the right thing pays off. God blesses people who honor him and live according to his principles. If it takes years to enter a mess, it can take years to leave it. The option? Don't enter the mess - stay well balanced. Don't home mortgage tomorrow to pay for today (i.e., don't purchase on credit unless you can pay it off immediately and only if you actually need it; if not, save and wait).
As my preferred Bible teacher Joyce Meyer states, drive by a junkyard at some point and take a look at all the scrap that was as soon as somebody's treasure. Everything ends up in the trash eventually, so be wise and cautious what you spend your time, energy and resources on. Shop up treasure in paradise, where moth and rust will not destroy it, the Bible states.
Love people. Do what you can to help them. Be a generous giver. Survive on less so you can offer more. Above all, remain well balanced. Trust God to assist you, and remember the concept of sowing and enjoying. What you provide is what you get. And the 'principle' Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Plus a similar one is 'love your neighbor as you enjoy yourself'.
Getting - and staying - out of debt is an excellent way to like yourself. You will sleep pacific national funding legit better. You will worry less. And you will have the ability to assist individuals in requirement, whether enjoyed ones or others in requirement. After all ... you can't take it with you!"
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rizahmad · 7 years
bhucewayne replied to your post: bhucewayne replied to your video: ...
NO WAY YOUR BROTHER IS A REAL ONE!!!! what did you talk to him about?
I KNOW RIGHT??? i owe him for life got damn djfhgdfg
girl it was wild we actually got like have a legit conversation at his booth?? deffo because it was me and my friends + bro so we were like lingering in front of him and just talking 
i like excessively gushed at him and i told him lex was like my fave character in bvs and he was like “ah yes so you’re also a disturbed person” LMFAODSKFJHSGK
but we also talked abt lex comics n stuff and a bit about birthright bc i mentioned it seemed like it influenced the look/backstory of his lex, my brother got like a quasi-spoiler out of him, i got to mutually shade max landis w him, we talked about jersey living, & some other stuff i can’t remember??
but i do remember him literally telling us he saw them putting like the individual hairs on his wig LOLOLOLOLO
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But they’re two men how can they raise children “right”?
So this is my attempt to start blogging on a regular basis and its also PRIDE month and for my meat head MMA fans we’re not talking about the old organization from Japan but rather our fellow American’s of the LGBTQ persuasion. So I wanted to touch on that. My comments aren’t really intended to upset folks but rather create dialogue and extended thought. At the end of my day my whole purpose is to try to get people to think. Here we go. So I was in prison the other day, not as an inmate but rather as a facilitator of the 24/7 curriculum and to be honest I don’t know how we got there. Many times conversations go places that I had zero intention of them traveling to do. That being said this was one of those cases.
I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. I’m the stereotypical rap song or movie about the kid from the hood about a kid who escaped and all the blah blah blah....that comes with being from the hood. While that defines me just as much as being a Navy veteran, a dirtbag, a Muslim, black, a husband, and a father who lives to help people reach their Growth and Development. So teaching in prison is something I love and cherish. Most of my folks who escaped the trap left and understandably so. Many of us, most of us see it as being turned into salt after being a get away free card never to return. I apologize for being so verbose my first blog, and I’ll try not to be from this point on but this is the set up for everything else I plan to write from this point on. I feel those of us who have escaped owe a debt, and that debt is only paid through going back and helping anyone else wanting to get out with the direction needed to do so. But what in my own personal view I got from the Navy, I got in the hood. Leadership, but hood leadership vs military leadership are two different things and I promise I’m getting there just jam with me. The thing is we qualify leadership and skill sets honed in uniform as being worthy of respect and worthwhile. But I learned the same lessons hanging out with my Folks over on ol’ Trans Mountain. The only difference is how we ply our trades. My time in uniform is well respected and applauded by strangers who cross the street when encountering kids who have the same songs in their phones or mp3 players that I jam too. My time in the hood, isn’t as revered, and often met with how could you ever be friends with “people” who live like that. That being said the two types of work took me two different places. The hood took me to a funeral home to say goodbye to a friend. Which woke me up and led me to the Navy. The lessons and time I spent there also led me to funeral homes since 9/11 but it also gave me access to a new type of understand which was college. It was the trade off. Eight years in uniform turned into a Master’s degree. One that I used to teach in prison. Many of the men I get to sit and talk to in an intimate setting are products of hood leadership. We wax poetically from everything from Kanye’s bitch bad but what the fuck is wrong with homeboy? To the sixth session in the 24/7 AM book which is titled “The Father’s Role” which is where the I guess you can say how we got “there”. That’s when a man asked me Lee what do you think about all that transgendered stuff and two men raising children, especially young boys. You think they can teach them how to be men? I sat and went back to my personal mantra, which is there are only two types of people on this planet. Good and bad, people who suck and people who don’t. Black or white, Republican or Democrat, Gangsta or Vice lord, Muslim or Christian for me personally they all fall into that box for me, I judge them all based on my interaction with them even if your a Sigma or a Zeta. “There is no right or wrong only a song”, like Cole said.
So I asked him, you’re a two time felon, most of your adult life spent incarcerated; meaning you’ve shirked your duties as a father. Do you believe you’re built better than two men or two women rooted in what I hope to be love to raise a child because you prefer pussy over another penis? (It’s prison, we have real conversations and use real language. Sorry not sorry.) He took a second, looked me dead in my eyes and simply said yes. I said I don’t have all the answers and this is only my opinion. My opinion led me to believe just as much as I feel he is redeemable as a man regardless of the crimes the government said he has committed and put him in this prison to atone for he is able to be a better man, Christian, brother, husband, and father simply because he loves. He loves his wife. He loves his sons and daughters. He loves. While that love is different based on who he dotes his affection on and their gender I have to believe that love is love. I have to believe that the love of a father locked away far from his kids who aren’t able to visit in person is still strong. I have to believe that the love of this man for his woman even though he hasn’t laid in the same bed as his wife in years. I don’t see that love any different than the love I express to my daughters or wife. My students I’ve attempted to teach and counsel through their young lives over the years. I can’t allow myself to believe that love is different because it is shared by two people of the same gender, or one is trans and the other is whatever label they choose or refuse to label themselves with.
Wherever you are, whoever you are, welcome to Horrible tries to blog. I’m not pro gay rights, I’m not a straight person apologist. I’m just a man trying to find his way in this world where I didn’t get to write the rules. But know this love. Don’t be scared to show it. Don’t be scared to live your truth. Tell that person you love who you’re terrified of their response you love them. Just love. You get one legit shot at this life. Max out. Leave nothing unsaid or did.
I have to believe that love is the most important aspect in any relationship. I refuse to feel it is any lessor because it is practiced by people who only by some rule I didn’t write are admonished for living their truth and not a lie. I don’t know how many more of these I will write. I plan to do it weekly with the hope that a writing bug infects me and makes me spill my soul on Tumblr, because I love writing.
The majority of what this blog will be about is to be rooted in fatherhood issues. Triumphs, difficulties, failures, struggles the everything's and the nothings in between.
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INFIDELITY WORD by Aleatha Romig and Guests
      The Infidelity Corporation will broker relationships—for a price. Their clients are exclusive and successful, their employees confidential and classified. Infidelity ensures that CEOs, politicians, and high-profile artists find love, with their friends and relatives none the wiser about how the happy couple met. But twists and turns abound in a world where old money, new money, and no money clash, from West Coast to East Coast and beyond. Enter Infidelity’s world of entrapment, betrayal, and deceit, where you decide whose relationship is real and whose is just an agreement.
Authors writing for Infidelity World include:
New York Times Bestselling author Pam Godwin, Ted Persinger, Lulu Astor, Rae Riley, TC Winters, Donya Lynne,
A.d. Ellis, DD Lorenzo, and Jillian Jacobs.
  Insider Jillian Jacobs http://amzn.to/2naLHtB Devoted A.d. Ellis - http://amzn.to/2nqQNEl Indiscretion DeeDee Lorenzo - http://amzn.to/2nMojG0 Suspicion Donya Lynne - http://amzn.to/2nMr7CS Illegitimate Lulu Astor - http://amzn.to/2naFe1H Incentive Pam Godwin - http://amzn.to/2naJVZz Inheritance TC Winters - http://amzn.to/2nqZMp0 Manor Ted Persinger - http://amzn.to/2naD9CU Sacrifice Rae Riley - http://amzn.to/2nqVHB1 **At this time KINDLE WORLDS is only available on Amazon US.
To learn more about these authors, their Infidelity World stories and Kindle Worlds.
      Incentive by Pam Godwin, NY Times bestselling author Desperate men do desperate things. When Decker Gabrielli hits rock bottom, he accepts a job as a hired companion at Infidelity. Surrendering a year of his life to a woman he’s never met might be the worst idea ever. But money, prestige, and sex are powerful incentives. That is, until the job becomes more than a contractual agreement. Hard limits are breached, panties are shredded, and rules are broken. In the end, his secret to getting ahead is…her.   
  MANOR by Ted Persinger In Antebellum Savannah, young Sarah Montague inherits control of a manor and plantation, after her husband is commissioned in the Confederate army and leaves to prosecute the war. She finds herself faced with decisions she never could have imagined. But her troubles multiply when the Union army first burns nearby Atlanta to the ground, then Sherman’s March to the Sea takes them to Savannah. She has to overcome trials she was never prepared for. Her husband fails to return when the city is besieged, and she’s required to quarter a Union general, a man with dark secrets. Left alone, she must find within herself the strength to do what is right. Manor explores the choices and fortunes Sarah must overcome. Is she strong enough, or will these forces break her? As her new country disintegrates, she must do what is right for her and those she loves. Will she have the strength? Manor is a novella in the Infidelity Kindle World of Aleatha Romig, and is a prequel to that series.\   
  Sacrifice by Rae Riley Chelsea Moore took the deal and signed the agreement. She was supposed to be assigned to a lobbyist. He was supposed to a stranger. Of course, life doesn't usually go the way it is supposed to go. Instead of spending a year of her life investigating a stranger, Chelsea is stuck. Her new client isn't a stranger. It's her best friend's ex-boyfriend. He is the son of the devil and she is the sacrificial lamb. To escape his entrapment, Chelsea will have to be cunning, use deception, and commit to a year of fidelity. Most importantly, she will have to convince her best friend that it wasn't a betrayal - it was a sacrifice.       
  Inheritance by TC Winters Renowned artist Dante Costello’s carefree lifestyle is shattered by his father’s brutal murder. Although his mafia family is suspect, when he confronts the person he believes is responsible, the man is executed right before his eyes. In a bizarre twist, his younger sister is arrested for their father’s murder, and Dante is ordered to locate a priceless stolen painting to exonerate her. During his search, Dante investigates the family business and is devastated to discover his father’s legitimate lifestyle was only an illusion. As the hunt turns deadly, Dante must race against time to protect everyone he loves.       
  DEVOTED by A.D. Ellis Kyle Matthews and Adam Jeffries have a terrific relationship, fabulous friends, and plans for the perfect wedding and honeymoon. When their plans are derailed, a mysterious stranger comes to their rescue. Yet even with their honeymoon back on track, Kyle and Adam face doubts, hostility, and opposition. Is their mutual devotion strong enough to save their marriage? Or will the bitter malice awaiting them be the beginning of the end? **This is a male/male romance meant for ages 18+ due to adult material.**     
  Suspicion by Donya Lynne My name is Max. I’m a con man. A good one, too. One of the best. But I’m tired of looking over my shoulder, waiting for my luck to run out. So I’m making a career change into the world of professional poker. Which is why I’m in Vegas. There’s a huge Texas Hold’em tournament at the Rio, and I’m going to win it. My best friend and business partner, Shaun, isn’t happy with my decision to go legit. He says he brought me into the con game and that I owe him. He’s even willing to blackmail me to keep me under his thumb. I don’t respond well to blackmail, so this isn’t going to work out the way Shaun wants. Then there’s the girl. Disarming eyes, innocent smile, long legs. Nash came out of nowhere and filled a void in my unworthy heart I only recently realized existed. She’s trying to make a fresh start, too. Maybe together, she and I can create a new beginning and leave our crap pasts behind. I’ll admit I’d fallen hard for this girl. Harder than I’ve ever fallen, and probably harder than I should have. Because I, more than anyone, should know how easy it is to fall for a con.   Suspicion is an Infidelity World novella about how things are always what they seem.     
  Indiscretion by DD Lorenzo Love is dispensable; companionship is critical. Some words of wisdom that my father imparted to me. I never gave much thought to either. My only desire was to be my father’s well-bred heir. A true Southern gentleman who took what he wanted and paved the road to success with the spoils. Hiding behind the curtain of gentility, I perfected my role. Until desire tore it in two and I was left with the tattered remains.     
  Illegitimate by Lulu Astors Meet the new boss… Luca Costello, heir apparent to the New York Costello organized-crime family, is a man committed to sin, both professionally and personally. He takes no prisoners and expects no quarter. Gabriella Buchanan, a beautiful and determined Chicago attorney with family ties to Brooklyn is on her way up when her path accidentally crosses with this son of a major New York crime boss. One look at the sexy, sloe-eyed Luca and she is instantly conflicted. She’s never been so attracted to any man before but they’re on different sides of a dividing line: the law. For Luca, it’s simple. He can take what he wants and what he wants is Gabriella. In a universe of what-ifs, one thing is certain: Gabriella will prove to be either his saving grace or his fall from grace. The only question is which one it will be.     
  INSIDER by Jillian Jacobs Infidelity insider Imina Lesedi is forbidden to share her employer’s secrets—and her own. Only one man understands the delicate nature of working for a company that provides companionship for the elite, but his social and financial status make him unattainable, even though Imina craves a visit to his darkroom. Award winning photographer Aiden Maxfield views life from behind the camera. A charmer by nature, he relishes the moments he makes the elusive Imina smile—but he would much rather picture the exotic beauty on his rumpled sheets. When the two are trapped together, the enticement proves too strong to resist. Raw passions are exposed, and their years of denial culminate in an insatiable desire for more. But not everyone celebrates their newfound bliss. A malicious foe is threatened by Imina’s knowledge of a dark secret from their shared past. When that truth is exposed, Imina and Aiden must fight for their love before it becomes shuttered by lies, deception—and Infidelity.      
  One week. No future. No past. No more. Alexandria Collins has one week to live carefree—no ghosts of her past or pressures of her future haunting her. Reinventing herself as "Charli," she is knocked off her feet by a sexy, mysterious man who brings her pleasure like she never imagined. With her heart at stake, she forgets that decisions made in the dark of night reappear in the bright light of day. "Some of my tastes are unique. They aren’t for everyone. I understand that.” Lennox "Nox" Demetri is wealthy, confident, and decisive—he knows what he wants. From the first time he sees Charli at an exclusive resort, he knows he wants her. Although he is usually the one to make the rules, together they agree on one: One week. No more. When betrayal comes from those closest to Alexandria, she must decide how far she is willing to go to survive. Choices are not always easy, especially when they involve the heart, body, and soul. After all, Infidelity is a business, and some rules are meant to be broken. "Is it really cheating if you're doing it to yourself?" From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Aleatha Romig comes a sexy, new dominant hero who knows what he wants, and a strong-willed heroine who has plans of her own. With classic Aleatha Romig twists, turns, deceptions, and devotions, this new epic dark romance will have readers swooning one minute and screaming the next. Have you been Aleatha'd? BETRAYAL is a full-length novel and the first of five in the INFIDELITY series. Amazon | Amazon UK | B&N | iBooks |Kobo  
Aleatha Romig is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of nearly thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she's not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time a with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams! Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand alone thrillers continue Aleatha's twisted style with an increase in heat. In the fall of 2015, Aleatha moved head first into the world of dark romantic suspense with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five novel INFIDELITY series that has taken the reading world by storm. She also began her traditional publishing career with Thomas and Mercer. Her books INTO THE LIGHT and AWAY FROM THE DARK were published through this mystery/thriller publisher in 2016. Aleatha is a "Published Author's Network" member of the Romance Writers of America and a member of PEN America. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
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perusingprincesses · 7 years
Hot New Releases! ~ Mar 23
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Infidelity World
Sacrifice by Rae Riley http://amzn.to/2npD7tp Inheritance by T.C.Winters Author Page http://amzn.to/2n9k5oJ Suspicion by Donya Lynne http://amzn.to/2mSBXmc Manor by Ted Persinger http://amzn.to/2mSLzNI Devoted by A.d. Ellis http://amzn.to/2npBonN Incentive by Pam Godwin http://amzn.to/2npsDdg Indiscretion by D.D. Lorenzo, Author http://amzn.to/2nfg57Q Illegitimate by Lulu Astor http://amzn.to/2mSAufB Insider by Jillian Jacobs http://amzn.to/2mSIxZC
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Indiscretion (Infidelity World) by D.D. Lorenzo
Love is dispensable; companionship is critical.
Some words of wisdom that my father imparted to me. I never gave much thought to either. My only desire was to be my father’s well-bred heir. A true Southern gentleman who took what he wanted and paved the road to success with the spoils.
Hiding behind the curtain of gentility, I perfected my role.
Until desire tore it in two and I was left with the tattered remains.
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Incentive (Infidelity World) by Pam Godwin
Desperate men do desperate things. When Decker Gabrielli hits rock bottom, he accepts a job as a hired companion at Infidelity. Surrendering a year of his life to a woman he’s never met might be the worst idea ever. But money, prestige, and sex are powerful incentives. That is, until the job becomes more than a contractual agreement. Hard limits are breached, panties are shredded, and rules are broken. In the end, his secret to getting ahead is… her .
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  Devoted by A.D. Ellis
Adam & Kyle: Something About Him 
Kyle Matthews and Adam Jeffries have a terrific relationship, fabulous friends, and plans for the perfect wedding and honeymoon.
When their plans are derailed, a mysterious stranger comes to their rescue. Yet even with their honeymoon back on track, Kyle and Adam face doubts, hostility, and opposition.
Is their mutual devotion strong enough to save their marriage? Or will the bitter malice awaiting them be the beginning of the end?
**This is a male/male romance meant for ages 18+ due to adult material.**
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Suspicion by Donya Lynne
My name is Max.
I’m a con man. A good one, too. One of the best.
But I’m tired of looking over my shoulder, waiting for my luck to run out. So I’m making a career change into the world of professional poker. Which is why I’m in Vegas. There’s a huge Texas Hold’em tournament at the Rio, and I’m going to win it.
My best friend and business partner, Shaun, isn’t happy with my decision to go legit. He says he brought me into the con game and that I owe him. He’s even willing to blackmail me to keep me under his thumb.
I don’t respond well to blackmail, so this isn’t going to work out the way Shaun wants.
Then there’s the girl. Disarming eyes, innocent smile, long legs. Nash came out of nowhere and filled a void in my unworthy heart I only recently realized existed. She’s trying to make a fresh start, too. Maybe together, she and I can create a new beginning and leave our crap pasts behind.
I’ll admit I’ve fallen hard for this girl.
Harder than I’ve ever fallen, and probably harder than I should have.
Because I, more than anyone, should know how easy it is to fall for a con.
Suspicion is an Infidelity World novella about how things aren’t always what they seem.
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Manor by Ted Persinger
A woman’s heart can break the shackles of servitude. 
In antebellum Savannah, young Sarah Montague inherits control of a manor and plantation after her husband is commissioned in the Confederate army and leaves to prosecute the war. She is faced with decisions she never could have imagined. But her troubles multiply when the Union army first burns nearby Atlanta to the ground and then occupies Savannah. Sarah has to overcome trials she was never prepared for as her husband fails to return when the city is besieged, and she’s required to quarter a Union general, an intimidating man with dark secrets.
Is Sarah strong enough, or will these forces break her? As her new country disintegrates, she must do what is right for her and those she loves. Will she have the strength to persevere and the will to resist the handsome general?
Manor explores the choices and fortunes Sarah must overcome. It is a novella in the Infidelity Kindle World of Aleatha Romig, and is a prequel to that series.
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Illegitimate by Lulu Astor
Meet the new boss… 
Luca Costello, heir apparent to the New York Costello organized-crime family, is a man committed to sin, both professionally and personally. He takes no prisoners and expects no quarter.
Gabriella Buchanan, a beautiful and determined Chicago attorney with family ties to Brooklyn is on her way up when her path accidentally crosses with this son of a major New York crime boss. One look at the sexy, sloe-eyed Luca and she is instantly conflicted. She’s never been so attracted to any man before but they’re on different sides of a dividing line: the law.
For Luca, it’s simple. He can take what he wants and what he wants is Gabriella. In a universe of what-ifs, one thing is certain: Gabriella will prove to be either his saving grace or his fall from grace. The only question is which one it will be.
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Inheritance by T.C.Winters
Every stroke of the brush creates an illusion. 
Renowned artist Dante Costello’s carefree lifestyle is shattered by his father’s brutal murder. Although is mafia family is suspect, when he confronts the person he believes is responsible, the man is executed right before his eyes.
In a bizarre twist, his younger sister is arrested for their father’s murder, and Dante is ordered to locate a priceless stolen painting to exonerate her.
During his search, Dante investigates the family business and is devastated to discover his father’s legitimate lifestyle was only an illusion.
As the hunt turns deadly, Dante must race against time to protect everyone he loves
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Insider by Jillian Jacobs
Within the lens, everything is picture perfect… Or is it? 
Stepping through Infidelity’s doors binds all who enter to the strictest secrecy. Even insiders have secrets they must keep, and the consequences for betraying that bond are dire.
Infidelity insider Imina Lesedi is forbidden to share her employer’s secrets—and her own. Only one man understands the delicate nature of working for a company that provides companionship for the elite, but his social and financial status make him unattainable, even though Imina craves a visit to his darkroom.
Award winning photographer Aiden Maxfield views life from behind the camera. A charmer by nature, he relishes the moments he makes the elusive Imina smile—but he would much rather picture the exotic beauty on his rumpled sheets.
When the two are trapped together, the enticement proves too strong to resist. Raw passions are exposed, and their years of denial culminate in an insatiable desire for more.
But not everyone celebrates their newfound bliss. A malicious foe is threatened by Imina’s knowledge of a dark secret from their shared past. When that truth is exposed, Imina and Aiden must fight for their love before it becomes shuttered by lies, deception—and Infidelity.
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Sacrifice by Rae Riley
What would you do to save your best friend? 
Chelsea Moore took the deal and signed the agreement. She was supposed to be assigned to a lobbyist. He was supposed to be a stranger. Of course, life doesn’t usually go the way it is supposed to go.
Instead of spending a year of her life investigating a stranger, Chelsea is stuck. Her new client isn’t a stranger. It’s her best friend’s ex-boyfriend. He is the son of the devil and she is the sacrificial lamb.
To escape his entrapment, Chelsea will have to be cunning, use deception, and commit to a year of fidelity. Most importantly, she will have to convince her best friend that it wasn’t a betrayal – it was a sacrifice.
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ASH (Jagged Edge #5) by A.L. Long
It’s funny how your past choices always seem to follow you. But when it becomes a mistake that you will soon regret, there is only one thing you can do ‘Fix it.’ Juliette Daniels wanted to do just that, but every time she tried to do the right thing, she ended up getting sucked in deeper and deeper. Her destiny was not her own and one man controlled it. Her Master Ash Jacobs was a simple man, hard working with good morals, but the minute he met his sexy new neighbor that all changed. His obsession to find out who she was might have been the one thing to push her away, but there was no way he was going to give up until he found out the truth. Not even Sebastian Collins could stop the desire he had for her.
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Vengeance in Bloom (Love Unauthorized, #2) by Jennifer Michael
Vengeance is sweet.
Collateral damage is inevitable in a game of revenge.
Loyalty is gone, and hearts have been shattered.
Paisley and Burke now face the aftermath of deceit, but can they do so together or will their love be a casualty?
  Hot New Releases! ~ Mar 23 was originally published on Perusing Princesses
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Debt Management - What You Should Know
"Would like to know how? Pay what you owe then spend less than you make. It's easy - but it's difficult. As a wise sage said, do not let your outflow surpass your earnings or you will remain in difficulty. That's the bottom line.
Just how much you owe, and what type of debt it is, will determine the financial obligation control method you use. Are you in financial obligations on your mortgage or maxed out on your charge card? Pick from amongst the lots of competent professionals that can provide you the guidance and assist you need.
But if your financial obligations are 'sensible' and manageable - and you are serious about getting them settled and your lives back under control - I have problem. There is no ""quick repair"". It will require time, decision, discipline. It will harm. However it will deserve it.
Ten years earlier, I owed what (for me) was a great deal of loan (about $5000). It was a mix of overspending, veterinary costs for my cat, home appliances breaking down and needing to be changed plus recurring revolving credit card financial obligation.
I had actually currently secured - and settled - two financial obligation combination loans in years past, so I decided it may be time for more drastic measures. I made a consultation with one of those debt therapy services (you see the ads all the time). I understood they negotiated with lenders to lower pacific national funding legit the amount of one's debt via manageable month-to-month payments.
• It sounded excellent to me.
• I did my research. I brought copies of all my credit card statements, energy costs and pay stubs. And I drew up a detailed spending plan - income and all my expenditures.
• My financial obligation counselor and I sat down to review the product and choose a strategy. He was an enjoyable, non-judgmental individual. He asked a lot of concerns and clarified some items in my spending plan, making notes as we talked. Then he sat for a few minutes, reading his notes, looking over my documents. I waited ideally.
• Finally, he put down the documents and his pen, kicked back in his chair, looked me in the eye and stated, ""I can't assist you.""
• OK, that's not what he said. At least, not that way. He explained the process to me, and how the services of his organization worked. Yes, he could lower my financial obligations and set up lower monthly payments. Nevertheless, there was a disadvantage, he warned. My credit rating would be affected when this action went on my file and it might trigger some issues for me in the future.
In your case, he stated, I would advise that you just pay off your financial obligations by yourself. It will take longer however it will not damage your credit score. As long as you keep making month-to-month payments, the credit bureaus do not punish you no matter for how long it takes you to spend for whatever.
He further mentioned that my spending plan was ""very reasonable"" which my way of life was ""rather penny-wise"". I did not have a vehicle and related expenses. I didn't smoke or consume much; I rarely ate in restaurants or spent much on entertainment. He thought that, if I was mindful, I might settle all http://www.thefreedictionary.com/https://www.debt.org/consolidation/ my debts, on my own, within three years.
By this time in my life, I was a Christian. I wished to live the way the Bible taught was right. That included ""good stewardship"" of whatever the Lord delegated to me - work, financial resources, valuables, relationships, time and talents. So I devoted to ""doing it the tough way"" and relying on God to assist me.
And he did.
Two years later, all my debts were paid completely. I was tithing (giving 10% of my earnings to my church) along with providing to other worthy causes. I had a new job and was making great loan. And I kept doing the best things -making, providing, costs and conserving - in the right balance.
One year back, God blessed me once again with my first house. And he did it throughout the worst economic recession in decades. If you are devoted with a little, God will trust you with more (another biblical principle).
What did I discover? Doing the right thing settles. God blesses individuals who honor him and live according to his concepts. If it takes years to get into a mess, it can take years to get out of it. The solution? Do not enter into the mess - remain balanced. Do not home loan tomorrow to pay for today (i.e., do not purchase on credit unless you can pay it off immediately and only if you really require it; if not, conserve and wait).
As my favorite Bible instructor Joyce Meyer states, drive by a junkyard sometime and take a look at all the junk that was when somebody's treasure. Everything ends up in the trash eventually, so be sensible and careful what you spend your time, energy and resources on. Store up treasure in heaven, where moth and rust will not ruin it, the Bible states.
Love people. Do what you can to help them. Be a generous giver. Reside on less so you can provide more. Above all, remain well balanced. Trust God to assist you, and keep in mind the concept of sowing and enjoying. What you give is what you get. And the 'principle' Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Plus a comparable one is 'enjoy your next-door neighbor as you enjoy yourself'.
Getting - and staying - out of financial obligation is a good method to love yourself. You will sleep much better. You will worry less. And you will have the ability to assist people in requirement, whether liked ones or others in need. After all ... you can't take it with you!"
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hatnews3-blog · 5 years
Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Good Place, Riverdale, Timeless, B99, Resident, Million Little Things, Flash and More
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to [email protected]
Question: Got any Riverdale scoop? What’s next for Archie? —Kerri Ausiello: When we last saw Archie in the fall finale, he was dyeing his famous red locks and making a run for the Canadian border. Executive producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa won’t tell us who he finds when he gets there, but “he is headed into the Canadian wilderness, for sure.” He won’t be seeing his dad Fred in the flesh anytime soon, though: It wasn’t shown on-screen, but the EP confirms that Fred did make it back into Riverdale before the quarantine came down.
Question: Any Million Little Things scoop? My friends and I are obsessed with it and hope it’s back for another season. —Montreal4 Ausiello: Remember how showrunner DJ Nash said that everyone in the group of friends has a secret they’ve kept? Look for Regina’s to come to light in Episode 14.
Question: Any scoop on what to expect when Grey’s Anatomy returns? —Al Ausiello: I will have a special holiday treat for you this coming Monday, so sit tight. In the meantime, I tried to get showrunner Krista Vernoff to share even the tiniest bit of intel about Jennifer Grey’s mysterious character and… I struck out. “I can’t [say anything],” she responded. “Because it would really ruin a twist and turn that I don’t want to ruin.” Hmm… I’m sticking with my initial prediction: She’s Jo’s mom.
Question: Anything on The Good Place? (Janet, specifically.) —Whitney Ausiello: Everyone’s favorite not-a-robot will be forever changed by having the humans materialize in Janet form, creator Michael Schur teases: “The way to really have empathy for people is to walk a mile in their shoes, and she did, like, the inverse of that. A bunch of people walked in her weird body for a decent amount of time… so that is another contributing factor to her evolution.” He adds that the season finale “has some pretty wonderful ‘compare this version of Janet to the one you saw in the pilot’ kinds of scenes.” So enjoy, Janet fans!
Question: I’m glad Dorian finally confronted Kaleb about his feeding problem on this week’s Legacies. Can I stop worrying about MG now? —Susan Ausiello: I don’t think it’s ever safe to stop worrying about MG, but as far as Kaleb goes, it sounds like Dorian’s pep talk was just the beginning. “Kaleb has a lot of really big ideas, and a lot of opinions about how things should work,” series creator Julie Plec says. “Much like in the real world when a hot-headed teenager thinks he can second guess what makes the rules the rules, he’s going to have a rude awakening pretty soon where he realizes he doesn’t know as much as he thinks he knows.”
Question: The ending of New Amsterdam‘s fall finale makes me think that Max’s cancer is progressing quicker than first assessed. Will this affect the clinical trial Dr. Sharpe has gotten him into? —Malasha Ausiello: We brought your query to showrunner David Schulner, and he said: “While we can’t reveal here what happened to Max on that dock, we will in our first episode back January 8. But, you’re right to ask if this will affect Max’s clinical trial. It most definitely will. This setback will change a lot of things in Max’s life. And Dr. Sharpe’s too. Thanks for watching and caring and writing to TVLine about the show.”
Question: Will The Flash give us any more hints about what Nora seems to be hiding? —SSH Ausiello: Now that we know there is some sort of alliance with Eobard Thawne, you should expect “a flash-forward flashback episode” that explains “how all that came to be, which will be a lot of fun,” says showrunner Todd Helbing. “You’ll slowly start to get the pieces of info that you need, but there will probably be one episode where we explain how that all happened to get her to come back [in time].”
Question: Challenge: Make me look forward to the Schitt’s Creek holiday episode more than I am already. — Belinda Ausiello: TVLine’s resident Schitthead Charlie Mason promises me that, no matter how great your expectations are, you won’t be disappointed — the special totally “sleighs.” What’s more, he issues a warning that the episode reveals a potential stumbling block to Alexis and Ted’s rekindled romance that neither she nor we anticipated.
Question: I need to know two things about Timeless: First, will #lyatt have a baby? Two, is Jessica really pregnant with Wyatt’s baby? —Miwako Ausiello: In response to your second question, star Matt Lanter says, “We address that [in the series finale, airing Dec. 20]. We’ll find out.” As for Wyatt, he’s not suspicious of Jessica and her baby news. “We’ve seen Wyatt be blinded by love throughout the last two seasons, though, and this is nothing new for him,” Lanter says. “Inherently, he’s a good person with a good heart, and I think he has a hard time accepting that people he loves or cares about … wouldn’t be good. So I think it’s easier as an audience member to look at Jessica and go, ‘Yeah, she’s lying.’ But I think Wyatt is just more blind to things.”
Question: How many time periods will we see in the Timeless finale? —Amanda Ausiello: “There are two-plus time periods, I will say that, that we have not visited before,” showrunner Arika Lisanne Mittman shares, adding that the historical time trips highlight “ethnic representations that we have not seen before [on the show]. Both of these stories are things that [are about] lesser known historical figures. You get to meet some new people that you’ve probably never heard of.”
Question: I’d love a Resident scoop on Conrad/Nic. —Holly Ausiello: I hope you enjoyed the couple’s honeymoon phase while it lasted, because the back half of Season 2 will be “nothing but obstacles” for the pair, according to executive producer Todd Harthan. “In just about every episode, there’s a new one for them to overcome… and they just start stacking up,” Harthan says, adding that the couple will be especially preoccupied with the health of Conrad’s father and Nic’s sister. “It’s going to be a ‘hold on and hope that they make it’ kind of ride,” he teases.
Question: Any hints on how to solve the Blindspot episode title puzzle for Season 4? —Hannah Ausiello: “Oh man! We finally built a title puzzle this season that is legit very hard to crack,” showrunner Martin Gero answers. “I will say this: The puzzle is an homage to some our favorite TV series and how they title the shows. Figure out which, and you might be a step closer.”
Question: Creek’s death on Midnight, Texas was so awful. Please promise me no one dies in tonight’s episode! —Rina Ausiello: I cannot make that promise. But I can tell you that Mr. Snuggly makes it through OK. So that’s something… right?
Question: Got any red-hot Chicago Fire scoopage, Aus? —Gene Ausiello: I see what you did there and I’m… very amused. Well done. The NBC drama is planning some girls-only bonding time for Sylvie, Stella and Emily. “They’re going to go on a road trip to [Sylvie] Brett’s hometown,” showrunner Derek Haas previews. The episode will air the week of Valentine’s Day, “so we’re calling it the Galentine’s trip.” Before that, though, the show will explore Emily’s “attitudes towards dating, which are different than Brett’s, and I don’t mean LGBTQ,” Haas explains. “I mean more of what [Emily, who is bisexual] considers casual versus what Brett considers casual. All of those dynamics are going to be deepened.”
Question: March is far away. I want American Gods scoop now! —Rob Ausiello: Well, because you asked so nicely… Pablo Schrieber says the “antagonist and ally” relationship between Mad Sweeney and Laura Moon will be tested big time by his allegiance to Mr. Wednesday when the Starz drama returns for Season 2. The leprechaun’s destiny “is tied to [Wednesday], no matter what, but it’s also very thoroughly tied to her,” the actor says. “So Sweeney is walking the line, balancing what he owes Wednesday and what he’s realizing he feels in other places.” Hmm. Sounds a lot like we’ll see Laura kissing the Blarney Stone before the season’s over, am I right?
Question: Can you give us any Outlander spoilers? (Especially involving Brianna’s and Jamie’s meeting!?!) This is my first time doing this — hope I’m doing it correctly! —Carolina Ausiello: You did OK. I’ll send you some notes about how to refine your approach in a separate email. Regarding the question at hand, I turn it over to our resident sassenach, Kim Roots, who has seen the scene in question: “I have rather high standards for the huge moments on this show — the wedding night, the print shop reunion, etc. — and I was incredibly satisfied by how the father-daughter plays out in [episode number redacted according to Starz’s spoiler restrictions]. Fans of the book definitely won’t be disappointed.”
Question: Elizabeth and Henry on Madam Secretary are #couplegoals. Please tell me anything you can. —Mary Ausiello: An upcoming episode opens with the McCords taking a tango lesson. And one of them is significantly more skilled than the other.
This AAnd That… ♦ THE BLACKLIST: As teased in the Season 6 trailer, Red will spend some time behind bars after being double-crossed by a close confidant — but don’t count him out just yet. “He’s really been stripped of his superpowers,” series creator Jon Bokenkamp shares. “He’s disconnected from his resources, he may have friends who will fall away and he’s sort of on his heels, which is new for us.” But Bokenkamp assures fans that “if anyone could embrace the solitude of a cell and the experience of incarceration with open arms, it would be Raymond Reddington. We have really high stakes, but we also have some of the most fun we’ve had, as well.” ♦ BROOKLYN NINE-NINE: There will be one major.hilarious change when the sitcom makes the leap from Fox to NBC in January. “We’re allowed to bleep and blur [now],” series co-creator Dan Goor recently told us. “Fox had a no bleeping and no pixelation policy.” Now the gloves are off. “Some filthy, filthy things have been said,” added Terry Crews. “I had one [joke] where I’m ashamed. I’m actually very, very ashamed. It was so jarring that everyone was like, ‘Whoa,’ and we needed to regroup… But holy cow, we never heard language like that on the show.” ♦ CHICAGO PD: Burgess is not the only one who will have a reaction to Upton and Ruzek’s romance. In an upcoming episode, Jay “responds in a way I think you’d expect Halstead to respond,” showrunner Rick Eid teases, “and I think what’s going on in his head is a little different than what he says.” Eid also adds that Jay’s “relationship [with] Upton is interesting and evolving, so don’t sleep on that.” ♦ HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: This is the last AA of ’18 so happy holidays and all that jazz!
That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments and anonymous tips to [email protected]. (Additional reporting by Kim Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Vlada Gelman and Diane Gordon)
Source: https://tvline.com/2018/12/14/million-little-things-spoilers-season-1-episode-14-regina-secret/
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