God, how are people not totally and irrevocably in love with their bodies? Scars and nicks and spots and bumps and calluses and hair- we’re such beautiful things. You will look back on your body years from now and have a suitcase packed full of memories, all based off of who you were then, and how your body reflected that.
We keep these things for our whole lives. Now is a better time than ever to start loving what we’ve got. Take the time to appreciate your flesh and bone, what it does for you. We are all beautiful creatures. We are all alive, and is that not the greatest thing one can be?
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uriduriragwaenchana · 5 years
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#i dont talk abt bts alot on this blog#or at all in general and thats because mostly im so fukcin ashamed that english is my first language and that im fluebt in this bitch and i#i am still so marvelously inadequate at verbalizing how big they are how large their influence is on me and how much i love them i literall#dont know enough words in my own language to describe how much i love and how hard i stan#ill take so much shit from literally anyone abt like them 'chinese fellas' or that old music or whatver it is if its for bts#because they literally saved my life like i was so foking depressed n sad n s*icidal when i found them and they literally pulled me out#n yeah its still really really hard to force myself to have the energy to function but i loterally would not be alive if i hadnt found them#i will defend them until i die. ill take whatever i have to for them because theydo everytjing to defend their fans and they really had no#business talking to us how they do n treating us how they do or sharing w us how they do but they tall to us abt theor feelings and their#struggles n that shit that good mf shit really made me feel not so alone and i will be forever grateful to them like theyre my ults they ar#and i dont have the time or the space or the vocabulary to do make anyone understand how much love i have for them#and me writing for them would just be so not enoygh??? like theyre so large they are so feeling and human and i cant capture that#i cannot and i wont try because theyre right there and ive never felt like i relate to anyone that was this far away from me#theyre a miracle#and we do not deserve#im swinging for bts any day all day they deserve everythig and the lil daesangs are not enough and they will never be enough#mine#bts#shitpost#text
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bi-rezi · 7 years
I read tim tebow cfl because of you like the entire thing in maybe an hour and a half and it really fucked me up like it changed my entire perspective on life and idk man i guess i guess i just wanted to say thank you im sorry to bother you but I feel like a different person and i just thought you deserved to know you helped change my life so thanks i guess
i just want to preface this w you absolutely arent bothering me!! man it absolutely changed my fukcin life too!!! it was long as fuck but absolutely worth it, just the level of surrealism and eventual… almost defeatism at the end there? but at the same time, throughout the whole thing, everyone was talking about how if, yknow, the world was gonna go like that, that they were glad to be in this one game. at least they had this chance, right?
some wild ass shit for sure. i love how the game “ended,” but at the same time you can tell it’s not a happy ending for our main man, tim tebow himself. i like that ambiguity, i like that we got to see that after the game of the lifetime felt like almost a letdown. because you can only imagine that after a game like that, that you played for years, you’d think you’d be a little lost. and i liked that we got to see a little of that.
this is already getting long but man i loved the greenland section too! i have a massive post in my drafts (that i probably wont finish) about how greenland compares to the people of earth in 17776, how jon bois writes about the idea that humanity will inevitably reach a plateau and how after a while standing there, we’ll come back to sports. i think its really interesting that almost the exact same thing has come up in the two pieces of his i know! i dont have a great brain for meta so i tend to leave that to people who are better at that than me but i really like thinking about how theyre connected and about what bois is telling us.
tim tebow cfl was the last thing i expected to change my life but i really couldnt help but have some new perspective after it, you know? im glad i could introduce you to it, thanks so much for the ask!!
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thepianoteacher2001 · 7 years
tagged by fellow daveed diggs enthusiast @ass-tria
a - age: 14, soon to be 15 in a week   b - biggest fear: people  c - current time: 3:59 PM d - drink you last had: Coca Cola ;-) f - favorite song: I Can’t Decide by the Scissor Sisters  g - ghosts, are they real: THEY ARE FUKCIN REal BICH,, 
 i- in love with: that sassy son of a bitch named will graham,,
 j - jealous of: anyone who can get their fucking work done and not procrastinate,,, also people who can just start conversations and not get ridiculed for it.                                                                                                      k - killed someone: if its just humans, then no. but im pretty sure ive killed alot of ants by accident.
l - last time you cried: sometim e last week,, its all good kiDDOs 
m - middle name: Anne  n - number of siblings: 3  o - one wish: hannibal season 4 p - person you last called/texted:  my mom??? i think.  q - question(s) you’re always asked: “What did you say?” i space out too much r - reasons to smile: there are people who exist that actually put up with my bullshit. also im watching Mr. Robot finally and that show has me H O O K E D  s - song last sung: Dead Girl WAlking<,,, thatT SHIt IS mY J A M t - time you woke up: i have no idea u - underwear color: blue my dudes v - vacation destination: Japan or France maybe.  x - x-rays you’ve had: arm and the big ol chompers called teeth y - your favorite food: anything with white chocolate or sugar in it (an d yes i know its technically not chocolate.) z - zodiac sign: Aries 
uhhh idk who to tag since i rlly dont know anyone on this site so anyone can do this
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