#Jackie Oldham
Join me for Edgar Allan Poe’s Birthday Bash Online next Thursday, January 19!
Join me for Edgar Allan Poe’s Birthday Bash Online next Thursday, January 19!
So thrilled to announce it’s almost time to grab your amontillado and join me and a host of other Poe-enamored writers as we read “The Raven” and “The Bells” in celebration of Poe’s birthday Thursday, January 19, at 7 pm on Zoom! The event is free. If you’d like the Zoom link, PM me, email me, text me or however you get in touch with me, and I’ll get it right to you. You can also reach out to me…
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pwrn51 · 4 months
Unveiling the Profound Messages of Spirits
  Jackie introduced Rachel Neate, a multifaceted personality known as an evidential medium, healer, soulful singer, and President of the Oldham Spiritualist Church. Together, they explored the profound messages spirits convey through songs and phrases, often received by mediums like Rachel. Rachel’s unique services, including “soul-to-soul connection” sessions and spiritual church gatherings,…
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evans-john · 10 months
A great cricket player - John, as well as football and tennis he would later enjoy crown green bowling at Royton park affording his own set of bowls he may have inherited from grandad Tom evans of 210 wellington Rd Werneth Oldham upon, his, moving on in the early 1980s (possibly 1983) - months after retiring as a tool maker at Ferranti (electronics) Oldham (taken over by Siemens possibly in the 1990s) at the set age of 65 - for men at the time. Dad lived to the age of 82 much longer than Tom but in this day and age much too soon.
He leaves behind Jackie he married in about 1963 March
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vitipoet · 2 years
Two girls from Hamilton* grew up to be poets!
Two girls from Hamilton* grew up to be poets!
This Monday, October 17, at 8 PM EST, my Baltimore poetry friend Jackie Oldham and I will read our new poems (mine, from my newest published collection, The Walk to Cefalu) on Internet Radio’s Quintessential Listening: Poetry, with Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram hosting. Call in on the phone (see flyer for the number) to listen or to ask your questions of us—just like you used to dial up your city’s…
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waugh-bao · 2 years
Your comment about Charlie being the one to save them from a fistfight reminded me the story of when Andrew Oldham was acting crazy and Keith and Mick were calling Charlie for help. Finally Charlie got up, knocked Oldham out, and then went back to watching tv. Of all the people in the band who would have thought Charlie is the one they call when somebody has to be knocked out. His childhood fighting skills never waned.
Oh wow, I had never heard that story.
It actually explains some of Keith's autobiography, though. No wonder he said he had witnessed those moves before when Mick almost went flying out a window:
“There was a rare moment, in late 1984, of Charlie throwing his drummer’s punch - a punch I’ve seen a couple of times and it’s lethal; it carries a lot of balance and timing. He has to be badly provoked."
The bit about "balance and timing" certainly makes sense. I don't think anyone would want the guy who handles the snare and tom on "Paint It Black" or "All Down The Line" laying into their skull:
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Especially if him just picking up the pace playing a few songs produced this result:
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(I do have to say; the MTV interview with Keith cuts off the full quote, where he compares Charlie to Mike Tyson and implies that he was drumming like that because he was "pissed off" and jealous that Keith had been playing with another drummer. Beyond the fact that Charlie set Keith up with Steve Jordan, the guy who heckled Dave Green at every Charlie Watts Big Band/Quintet/Quartet and Boogie Woogie group gig hasn’t got a leg to stand on when it comes to making fun of jealousy).
You're not wrong, though. I doubt many of us would immediately think of Charlie when it comes to the need for violent action. Not that he couldn't put some people (or at least someone) in their place when need be:
"In Montauk, when we were rehearsing, we'd be sitting there playing and he [Mick] would suddenly come up and kick me. And he tried it on Charlie's drums - once. He never tried it again. Charlie did a mild flip-out, said: 'Listen, I don't unplug your mike lead, so don't upset my drums. And while we are at it, don't keep buggin' Ronnie.'"-Ronnie Wood
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Keith mentions a couple times in Life that he (and I think Mick as well) lost more fistfights than they won. So I guess it makes sense that they had the more qualified party handling things. Although it's pretty impressive, and very sweet, that when someone threatened one of Charlie's girls, Keith became Jackie Chan in no time flat:
"I remember a guy comes up and bothers Charlie's wife and Keith smashes him over the head with a beer bottle, while holding a baby, as he pushes the guy down the stairs."-Ronnie Schneider, 1972
I love that Mick and Keith doted relentlessly on Charlie, like he couldn't possibly get off his kit without a hand down from Keith or around the stage without Mick holding his hand/dragging him around or zip up his own jacket, but when things went wrong, they relied on him to swoop in and fix it. Whether it be a fight between the Glimmer Twins or saving them from getting beat up. He wasn't the type to enjoy hurting anyone at all, of course, but he'd come to their rescue in any disaster. They really looked up to him like little kids who think their dad is superman; unbeatable, the best at everything he does, and always there for them.
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It's no mystery why the kids thought Charlie was the coolest. After all, they'd learned about him from the most dedicated Charlie Watts fans in the world:
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perfettamentechic · 5 years
Todd Oldham è un designer americano e presidente di L-7 Designs Inc. Il suo approccio divertente e spensierato, alla moda e allo stile è diventato noto a milioni attraverso le sue linee di moda, design d’interni, libri e comparendo in programmi televisivi. Oldham ha sede a New York City.
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Oldham è nato nel 1961 con Jacky Todd Oldham,  a Corpus Christi, Texas, da Jack e Linda Oldham. Pur non avendo compiuto studi di moda, Todd ha realizzato il suo primo vestito a 15 anni quando ha cucito insieme alcune federe.
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Si trasferì a Dallas, in Texas, dopo essersi diplomato al liceo. Il suo primo lavoro fu nel reparto modifiche al Polo Ralph Lauren. Prese in prestito $ 50 dai suoi genitori, comprò 41 metri di jersey di cotone bianco, lo tinse e mise insieme una minuscola collezione che vendette a Neiman Marcus.
Nel 1981, a soli vent’anni, organizza la sua prima sfilata e nel 1988 si trasferisce a New York per intraprendere professionalmente la carriera di stilista, producendo la sua prima linea di abbigliamento con il suo socio in affari Tony Longoria.
Nel 1989 produce la sua prima linea di abbigliamento femminile. L’estetica di Oldham è audace e sicura di sé, ma molto meno transitoria di quanto possa sembrare inizialmente. La creatività di Oldham è in sintonia con il costante impegno della moda per ottenere un coinvolgimento ironico in questioni al di fuori dell’abito e tenta, con ironia, di comprendere i fenomeni dell’abbigliamento e della vita contemporanea.
La svolta arriva solo nel 1991, quando vince il Council of Fashion Designers of America, lanciando definitivamente la sua carriera, diventando uno dei designer più popolari del decennio, noto per i tessuti e le fantasie vivaci e spensierate.
Oldham è stato consulente creativo di Escada tra il 1995 e il 1997.
Ha lanciato una linea di profumi nel 1995 e ha progettato una linea di abbigliamento per Target (2002-2003).
Nel 1995, ha prodotto una linea di abbigliamento associata al film Batman Forever della Warner Brothers.
Oldham ha progettato mobili e accessori per l’azienda di mobili La-Z-Boy (2003-2007) e ha ricoperto il ruolo di direttore creativo per Old Navy.
Oldham ha progettato The Hotel of South Beach nel 1999. Todd è diventato ampiamente noto al pubblico televisivo americano attraverso le sue numerose apparizioni televisive. In particolare, Oldham era l’ospite del segmento “Todd Time” su MTV ‘s House of Style dal 1993 al 1999. Le sue apparizioni in House of Style è stato accreditato con l’avanzare la sua carriera nel corso del 1990. Ha anche ospitato Fashionably Loud su MTV nel 1999 ed è stato mentore di concorrenti sul Top Design di Bravo. Oldham è anche attivamente coinvolto nella pubblicazione di libri. Ha prodotto numerosi libri su vari aspetti dello stile.
Todd Oldham ricorda il momento preciso in cui ha perso interesse per la moda. Era il 1997 e stava lavorando su un raso di seta verde smeraldo che Cindy Crawford avrebbe indossato nella sua sfilata di primavera. L’abito sembrava dolce e semplice, ma la sua costruzione era tutt’altro che. Con cinturini a nastro realizzati in Francia e il tessuto in Corea del Sud, il pezzo è stato serigrafato con una stampa di un ciliegio realizzato da lui stesso su acetato, dove il designer ha dipinto uno spruzzo di fiori di ciliegio che sono stati ricamati con perle d’acqua dolce torna in Texas, dove i suoi vestiti sono stati assemblati nella fabbrica della sua famiglia. L’intera impresa, ha affermato Oldham, “ha coinvolto così tanti paesi e così tanto tempo e così tante spese, ho pensato: ‘‘This is insane. What do I have rather than the bother to bother?’ Forse avrei dovuto fare qualcos’altro con il mio tempo.” Con ciò, ha chiuso la sua attività collection business. Non che fosse una sorpresa, esattamente, che a un certo punto avrebbe staccato la spina. Lo stilista ha sempre sfidato il motore principale della moda, che è quello di rendere obsoleto il proprio prodotto ogni sei mesi. E già si stava occupando di tante altre cose, così bene: mobili, tessuti e casalinghi; interni e spettacoli televisivi e fotografie e libri.
Nei primi anni 2000, abbandona il mondo della moda e si dedica all’interior design e al bricolage.
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Nel giugno 2007, Oldham pubblicò una monografia del lavoro dell’artista Charley Harper intitolata An Illustrated Life.
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Oldham fa parte del comitato consultivo Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), per collaborare con gli indigeni nella conservazione della biodiversità, della salute e della cultura in Sud America. Fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Aperture, una fondazione senza scopo di lucro dedicata alla promozione della fotografia. Oldham è stato coinvolto con Habitat for Humanity, Bailey House, il più antico programma di sostegno abitativo per le persone con HIV e AIDS negli Stati Uniti, e People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
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È dichiaratamente gay.
Nel 2018, lo stilista ritorna introducendo una linea d’abiti per bambini: Kid Made Modern. Oldham, una star in stile anni ’90, non considera questo lancio un ritorno al design. “Questo è solo tra le cose che facciamo“. Ma non c’è dubbio del suo caratteristico senso del colore e il divertimento nel nuovo abbigliamento per bambini di KMM. La maggior parte sono realizzati in tela di lino di cotone e stampati, dentro e fuori, con stampe ingegnerizzate a tema animale create dall’artista Patrick Hruby. “Vogliamo che i pezzi siano il tipo di cose che ricordi per sempre“, aggiunge Longoria.
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aggiornato al 21 ottobre 2019
Autore: Lynda Di Natale Fonte: nytimes.com, wikipedia.org, web
Todd Oldham #toddoldham #oldham #kidmademodern #kmm #perfettamentechic #creatoredellostile #creatoredellamoda Todd Oldham è un designer americano e presidente di L-7 Designs Inc. Il suo approccio divertente e spensierato, alla moda e allo stile è diventato noto a milioni attraverso le sue linee di moda, design d'interni, libri e comparendo in programmi televisivi.
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rxbodybuilding · 4 years
(Nov. 4, 2010) — The beneficial effects of six months of Testosterone treatment on muscle mass, strength and quality of life in frail elderly men are not maintained at six months post-treatment, according to a study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). ---------------------------------------- Frailty is an age-related state of physical limitation caused by the loss of muscle mass and function and can lead to adverse clinical outcomes such as dependency, institutionalization and death. Testosterone levels naturally decline with aging and testosterone replacement is a common therapy. Short-term testosterone treatment in frail elderly men has been shown to improve muscle mass and strength, but until now it has been unclear whether these effects could be maintained post-treatment. "Since the use of testosterone in elderly men raises concerns regarding adverse effects on the prostate and cardiovascular system, it's important to determine if short-term treatment can lead to prolonged benefits beyond the duration of testosterone exposure," said Frederick Wu, MD, of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and lead author of the study. "Our findings suggest it may not be possible to break or interrupt the cycle of decline in physical function in frailty by short-term anabolic pharmacological intervention using testosterone supplementation for six months." In this study, researchers evaluated 274 intermediate-frail and frail elderly men aged 65-90 years with low testosterone levels. Study participants received either a testosterone gel or placebo for six months. Assessments were carried out at baseline, the end of treatment and six months after treatment cessation. Researchers found that the increased lean body mass, muscle strength and quality of life after six months of testosterone treatment were not maintained six months after treatment. "At present, the optimal duration of anabolic hormonal intervention to produce sustained benefits in treating frailty in older men is unknown," said Wu. "To best interrupt the downward spiral into frailty a greater emphasis should be placed on a multi-disciplinary interventional approach including resistance exercise, diet and other lifestyle options, in conjunction with pharmacological agents." Other researchers working on the study include: Matthew O'Connell, Steven Roberts, Upendram Srinivas-Shankar, Abdelouahid Tajar, Judith Adams and Jackie Oldham of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom; and Martin Connolly of the University of Auckland in New Zealand. The article, "Do the Effects of Testosterone on Muscle Strength, Physical Function, Body Composition and Quality of Life Persist Six Months Post-treatment in Intermediate-Frail and Frail Elderly Men," will appear in the February 2011 issue of JCEM.
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fashionnirvana · 4 years
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It’s all in the details. | Texas Fashion Collection (UNT, Denton, TX) on Instagram
Oscar de la Renta, Balmain, Todd Oldham, and Missoni
Fashion Nirvana: Runway to Everyday is co-organized by the McNay Art Museum and Texas Fashion Collection at the University of North Texas, curated by Kate Carey, Head of Education; Jackie Edwards, former Assistant Curator; and Lauren Thompson, Assistant Curator; and assisted by Alexis T. Meldrum, 2019-2020 Semmes Foundation Intern in Museum Studies.
Iconic 90s trends are alive and well in San Antonio, TX. Fashion Nirvana: Runway to Everyday is an exhibition of selected 90s designer fashion now on view at the McNay Art Museum through May 17, 2020. Learn more.
@fashionnirvana <– curator moodboard
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ch-dld-bft-brit-omm · 4 years
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Scott Walker Meets Jacques Brel
Various Artists (Chanson)
Many in the English-speaking world first heard of Jacques Brel through Scott Walker’s championing, yet when Scott launched his post-Walker Brothers solo career with his recording of Brel’s 'Mathilde' in 1967, Brel had been an enormous star in France for years. That lofty status was remarkable, given Brel’s lyrical obsessions with doomed romance, loneliness, prostitution and death. As he said in 1966, “I’m obsessed by those things that are ugly and sordid, that people don’t want to talk about, as if they were afraid of touching a wound that might soil them.”
It was American songwriter Mort Shuman who, by remaining as faithful as he could to Brel’s original words, transformed several key chansons into versions English-speaking audiences could relate to. Scott, however, was introduced to Brel’s songs by his chanson-loving German girlfriend, who would translate them for him. He was immediately smitten. Meanwhile, a demo disc of Shuman’s translations had reached Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham, who in due course passed the disc to Scott.
Brel’s impassioned narrative-based compositions had a profound impact on Scott, shaping the creation of his own increasingly meditative and dramatic songs. His first three solo albums – produced by John Franz with superb orchestral arrangements by Wally Stott, Peter Knight & Reg Guest – would each feature Brel songs. “With those albums, I was very excited having discovered chanson and Brel,” Scott would recall decades later. “When I hear some-thing I get excited about, I think everyone should hear it.” This new Ace compilation comprises Scott’s interpretations of the nine Brel songs featured on his “Scott”, “Scott 2” and “Scott 3” albums, followed by Brel’s own French language originals, plus Brel’s version of ‘Seul’, a song Scott performed on his TV series but of which made no studio recording. Packaged with a stylish 24-page booklet featuring essays on Scott Walker and Jacques Brel by Ian Johnston and Kris Needs respectively.
Track listing: 01  Mathilde - Scott Walker02  My Death - Scott Walker03  Amsterdam - Scott Walker04  Jackie - Scott Walker05  Next - Scott Walker06  The Girls And The Dogs - Scott Walker07  Sons Of - Scott Walker08  Funeral Tango - Scott Walker09  If You Go Away - Scott Walker10  Mathilde - Jacques Brel11  La Mort - Jacques Brel12  Amsterdam - Jacques Brel13  Le Chanson De Jacky - Jacques Brel14  Au Suivant - Jacques Brel15  Les Filles Et Les Chiens - Jacques Brel16  Fils De - Jacques Brel17  Tango Funèbre - Jacques Brel18  Ne Me Quitte Pas - Jacques Brel
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robinallender · 6 years
2018 albums of the year
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I’ve been doing my albums of the year since 2004 (Brian Wilson’s Smile topped it since you ask... somewhat regrettable), but this is the first time where I don’t have a specific number one album. Just lots of great records that came out in 2018 which I love equally. And besides, Cass McCombs didn’t release an album this year. 
In the heady days of 2004 my album list was just an email to friends. Who would have thought that by 2018 I would have graduated to Tumblr (via MySpace, Twitter and a brief foray into WordPress)? Makes you think doesn’t it...
Anyway, grab a beer, pull up a beanbag and list, list o list!
O Zomer! – Cassandra Miller
Fantastically difficult to get hold of album of hypnotic/demented chamber music.
Minus – Daniel Blaumberg
Was absolutely knocked for six by this performance, reminded me of early Will Oldham weirdly.
What News – Alasdair Roberts, Amble Skuse & David McGuinness
Beautiful folk songs with a light electronic garnish.
Sleep Like it’s Winter – Jim O’Rourke
Not a ‘songs’ album but you can still tell it’s Jim. Wonderful ambient record.
The Dream My Bones Dream – Eiko Ishibashi
Speaking of which... O’Rourke produced this beguiling, dream-like album
May – Benoît Pioulard
One of my all time favourite artists. Hypnagogic melodic tape noise. The beers are kicking in.
I’m All Ears – Let’s Eat Grandma
Brilliant pop music that is almost irritating but that’s sort of why it’s good? Does that make sense? Also, they remind me of The Cure.
Kill All Children – Prison UK
Sad music from the future
Age Of – Oneohtrix Point Never
More sad music from the future.
Golden Hour – Kacey Musgraves
One of the best gigs I saw this year, superbly written country songs.
Volume Four – Kosmische Läufer
Another volume of cosmic exercise music.
Selva Oscura – William Basinski, Lawrence English
Run a deep bath.
Boiled Moon – Yama Warashi
Exquisite. And from Bristol!
Lightsleeper – Neil & Liam Finn
Two expert songwriters tear up the rule book in very subtle ways.
If you know you know!
The Joy of Living – Jackie Oates
Extremely moving collection of folk songs.
Stravinsky: Perséphone (Live) – Finnish National Opera Orchestra
If you know you know!
The Long Sleep – Jenny Hval
Only an EP, but ‘Spells’ is one of the songs of the year.
Safe in the Hands of Love – Yves Tumor
I can’t make head nor tail of this to be honest, but I like it and maybe that’s the point.
Homes – Shida Shahabi
Melodic treated piano. Reminiscent of Nils Frahm I guess, but I much prefer this. Beautiful stuff. Do I over-use the word ‘beautiful’?
Bringing the backline – Trust Fund
Why do I only find out about good Bristol bands when they break up?
Compro – Skee Mask
Did some really fierce admin to this. Beautifully produced techno/electronica (I think?).
Shelter – Olivia Chaney
Absolutely stunning voice. Maddy Prior... Joni Mitchell... Chaney is up there.
Hell-On – Neko Case
Speaking of amazing voices. Neko Case is such an under-rated writer, one of the finest lyricists around. ‘In the current of your life I was an eyelash in the shipping lanes’.
Wide Awake – Parquet Courts
I really like this album. But is it just me or does it sound like a lot of bands around now are sort of just doing an impression of ‘indie rock’. Like it’s a homage to a genre that wasn’t particularly good in the first place? I’m damning with faint praise. I did lots of physio to this album after I broke my leg. That’s more damning with faint praise isn’t it? I like it, OK? Just off to grab a beer, do you want anything?
Knock Knock – DJ Koze
I was young once.
A Broke Moon Rises – Papa M
David Pajo on glorious form.
Yes I Jan – Bas Jan
Kings of the Holloway Road.
Pastoral – Gazelle Twin
The sound of Brexit.
Collapse EP – Aphex Twin
Reassuringly bonkers/banging.
Skiff – The Skiffle Players
More rootsy meanderings from a side project of Cass McCombs (hence its inclusion in this list).
Totally brilliant UK hip-hop, and well done Warp for putting it out.
Phantom Thread (OST) – Jonny Greenwood
I saw a good tweet which said this film should have been called ‘the weird guy’.
Hundreds of Days – Mary Lattimore
Beautiful looping harp music.
Yolk in the Fur – Wild Pink
If you’re looking for a replacement for Mark Kozelek in your life because he doesn’t write good songs any more (actually I’m not sure he even writes songs any more), then I can recommend Wild Pink. That’s doing them a disservice. This is a great album.
And there you have it! My albums of 2018! Although I think I might have forgotten a few...
I think I don’t have a number one because this year has been more dominated by ‘older’ music for me. These are a few albums that I got thoroughly into this year (but which didn’t come out this year).
DAMN. – Kendrick Lamar (2017)
I mean obviously.
Spark of Life – Marcin Wasilewski Trio (2014)
Not the footballer. Wonderfully melodic, melancholy jazz record.
Magma – Gojira (2016)
I’ve probably listened to this album more than anything else this year. It’s a perfect metal album: concise, brutal, melodic, imaginative. And they seem like really nice guys!
The Uncle Sold – Ed Dowie (2017)
If I’d have heard this record last year it would have been my album of the year. Unique, funny, wistful, beautiful songs. Reminiscent of Kevin Ayers, Robert Wyatt, Wim Martens... but really it’s its own thing.
Suburban Light – The Clientele (2000)
Soft-focus, autumnal pop. Like someone taking a blurry photograph of The Velvet Underground.
The Meadowlands – The Wrens (2003)
Absolutely classic overwrought indie rock.
Against the Streams (1994), At the Wood’s Heart (2005) – June Tabor
One good thing about Spotify is that if you feel like dipping into an artist’s back catalogue, it’s all there for you. What a privilege it is to be able to bathe in the exquisite melancholy of June Tabor’s 19 (!) albums. These two are my particular faves at the moment.
And (bonus feature!) here are a few individual songs I enjoyed that came out this year (2018):
‘thank u, next’ – Ariana Grande (of course... I’m not mad) ‘Slow Fade’ – Daniel Avery ‘Sleeping Volcanoes’ – Cass McCombs (I love him I love him I love him) ‘Wealth’ – Modeselektor feat. Flohio ‘Into the Fire’ – These New Puritans (featuring Current 93, what’s not to like?)
OK that’s it. See you next year!
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pwrn51 · 4 months
Beyond the Veil: Unlocking Your Psychic Potential
Show #33 Jackie commenced the session by introducing her guest, Rachel Neate, esteemed President of Oldham Spiritualist Church in England. Rachel, known for her dual talents as an evidential medium and soulful singer, seamlessly blends her mediumship with melodious performances, delivering profound messages from the spirit realm through music. Jackie highlighted Rachel’s remarkable abilities and…
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londontheatre · 6 years
Steffan Rhodri and Nathaniel Parker in THIS HOUSE at Chichester Festival Theatre. Photo by Johan Persson
Rehearsals began today (Monday 22nd January 2018) for the first UK tour of This House, which opens at West Yorkshire Playhouse on 23 February (national press night 28 February). The cast – who play a colourful host of MPs and Whips – is Ian Barritt (Batley & Morley/Woolwich West/Belfast North/Western Isles & Ensemble), William Chubb (Humphrey Atkins), Giles Cooper (Fred Silvester), Stephen Critchlow (Bromsgrove/Abingdon/Liverpool Edge Hill/Paisley/Fermanagh & Ensemble), James Gaddas (Walter Harrison), Natalie Grady (Ann Taylor), Ian Houghton (Armagh, Ambulance Man, Ensemble), David Hounslow (Joe Harper), Marcus Hutton (Ensemble), Harry Kershaw (Paddington South/Chelmsford/South Ayrshire/Henley/Marioneth /Coventry North West/Rushcliffe/Perry Barr & Ensemble), Louise Ludgate (Rochester & Chatham/Welwyn & Hatfield/Coventry South West/Ilford North/Lady Batley & Ensemble), Geoffrey Lumb (Clockmaker/Peebles/Redditch/Stirlingshire West/Clerk & Ensemble), Nicholas Lumley (Oxshott/Belfast West/St Helens & Ensemble), Martin Marquez (Bob Mellish), Matthew Pidgeon (Jack Weatherill), Miles Richardson (Speaker Act I/Mansfield/Sergeant at Arms Act II/West Lothian & Ensemble), Tony Turner (Michael Cocks), Orlando Wells (Walsall North/Plymouth Sutton/Serjeant at Arms Act I/Speaker Act II/Caernarfon/Clerk & Ensemble) and Charlotte Worthing (Ensemble). Ian Houghton, David Hounslow, Matthew Pidgeon, Tony Turner and Orlando Wells return to This House having previously appeared in the West End production.
James Graham’s critically acclaimed and prescient political drama takes on a new importance in the current political climate. Are we in the midst of a political revolution? Can the country stay united? Roll back to 1974… The corridors of Westminster ring with the sound of infighting and back biting as Britain’s political parties’ battle to change the future of the nation, whatever it takes.
In an era of chaos, both hilarious and shocking, when votes are won or lost by one, there are fist fights in the parliamentary bars, high-stakes tricks and games are played, and sick MPs are carried through the lobby to register their crucial votes as the government hangs by a thread. This House strips politics down to the practical realities of those behind the scenes; the whips who roll up their sleeves and on occasion bend the rules to shepherd and coerce a diverse chorus of MPs within the Mother of all Parliaments.
Directed by Jeremy Herrin with Jonathan O’Boyle, the production is designed by Rae Smith with lighting design by Paule Constable and Ben Pickersgill on tour, music by Stephen Warbeck, choreography by Scott Ambler and sound by Ian Dickinson.
This House is produced on tour by Jonathan Church Productions and Headlong.
Cast Ian Barritt – Batley & Morley/Woolwich West/Belfast North/Western Isles & Ensemble Theatre includes: The Life of Galileo, The Alchemist (National Theatre), The Shawshank Redemption (UK Tour), Rebecca (UK Tour) Handbagged, Remarkable Invisible (The Theatre by the Lake, Keswick), The Lower Depths (Arcola), Hamlet, All’s Well That Ends Well, The Tempest, Troilus and Cressida (Tobacco Factory), Other Desert Cities (English Theatre of Frankfurt), Othello (Sheffield Crucible), Uncle Vanya (Bristol Old Vic/Galway Festival), Kes, Separate Tables (Manchester Royal Exchange), Richard II, Corionlanus (Almeida/New York/Tokyo), Gates of Gold (Manchester Library), One Night In November (Coventry Belgrade).Television includes: Wolf Hall, The Musketeers, Attila The Hun, Doctor Who, Upstairs Downstairs, Doctors, Foyle’s War, Life On Mars, Only Fools and Horse.
William Chubb – Humphrey Atkins Theatre includes: Racing Demon (Theatre Royal Bath), Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, King Lear (Old Vic), In The Depths of Dead Love (The Print Room), Lawrence After Arabia (Hampstead Theatre), Waste, Great Britain, Othello, Scenes from an Execution (National Theatre), Richard II (Shakespeare’s Globe), The Vortex, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Love’s Labours Lost (Rose Theatre, Kingston), Yes Prime Minister (Chichester Festival Theatre/West End), The History Boys (National Theatre), The Sea (Theatre Royal Haymarket). Television includes: Close to the Enemy, My Baby, Breathless, Edge of Heaven, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Law and Order, Silk, The Bill. Films include: 6 Days, Adrift in Soho, Tees, Veer, Affair of the Necklace, Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War, Milk, The Woodlanders.
Giles Cooper – Fred Silvester Theatre includes: The Duchess of Malfi, The Knight of the Burning Pestle, Henry V (Shakespeare’s Globe), People, After the Dance (National Theatre), As Is (Arion Productions), Great Expectations (ETT), The Talented Mr Ripley (Northampton Royal), Trilby (Finborough), Dreams of Violence (Soho/Out of Joint), Think Global, F**k Local (Royal Court/Out of Joint), A Touch of the Sun (Salisbury Playhouse), Rafts and Dreams (Royal Court), The Witches (West End), Full Circle (Triumph Ent.), The Witches (Birmingham Rep), Twelfth Night (Bolton Octagon), Across Oka, Rafts and Dreams (Manchester Royal Exchange). Television Includes: Hollyoaks, Consenting Adults. Film includes: The Lady in the Van, Pride, Apollo and the Continents, The Nun.
Stephen Critchlow – Bromsgrove/Abingdon/Liverpool Edge Hill/Paisley/Fermanagh & Ensemble Theatre includes: Filthy Business, Loyalty (Hampstead Theatre), The Men From The Ministry Reloaded (The White Bear), The 39 Steps (The Criterion Theatre), Pygmalion (The Albery Theatre), Hamlet (West End), Cyrano De Bergerac (National Theatre), A Christmas Carol, The Relapse, When We Are Married (Birmingham Rep), Soap, Time of My Life, Twelfth Night, (Theatre Royal Northampton), The Game of Love and Chance (Salisbury Playhouse), Round The Horne Revisited (UK Tour). Television includes: Downton Abbey, Guerrilla, Little Lord Fauntleroy, The Prince And The Pauper, Cider With Rosie, Heartbeat, Red Dwarf 11, Miranda, Coronation Street, Casualty, Holby City, Doctors, Skins, Hattie, Fantabuloza, The Armando Iannucci show, The Railway Murder, The Thieving Headmistress, Trial And Retribution, Blue Murder, Daziel and Pascoe, The Vice, Without Motive, Heartbeat, Walking on the Moon, Baggy Trousers, A Likeness in Stone, A Line in the Sand, The Vice, Back Up, The Bill, Monarch of the Glen. Film includes: A Way Through The Woods, Fogbound, The Calcium Kid, Churchill The Hollywood Years.
James Gaddas – Walter Harrison Theatre includes: The Girls (Phoenix Theatre), Billy Elliot (Palace Theatre), Mamma Mia (Novello), Spamalot (UK Tour), Art (Wyndhams Theatre), Peter Pan (Curve, Leicester), The Messiah (West Yorkshire Playhouse), You Never Know Who’s Out There (Drill Hall), A Passionate Woman (Comedy), Jackie, A Chorus of Disapproval (Lyric Hammersmith), Three Guys Naked From The Waist Down, (Donmar Warehouse). Television Includes: Bad Girls, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Waterloo Road, Against The Law, Casualty, Holby City, The Camomile Lawn, Medics, Class Act, Troubles, The Bill, Backup, Dogtown, Vincent, Jonathan Creek, Grafters, Heartbeat, Between The Lines, Secrets, El Cid. Film Includes: Starter For Ten, The Human Bomb, Girl’s Night, The Black Candle, Dead Man’s Folly, A Hazard of Hearts, The Pied Piper, Last Days Of Summer.
Natalie Grady – Ann Taylor Theatre includes: Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Storyhouse Chester), Brassed Off (Oldham Coliseum), Marth, Josie and The Chinese Elvis (Hull Truck), To Kill a Mockingbird (Regent’s Park Theatre/ UK Tour), Hobson’s Choice (Bolton Octagon). Television Includes: Hollyoaks, Snatch, Trollied, Endeavour, 6 Wives, Coronation Street, Doctors, Jam and Jerusalem.
Marcus Hutton – Understudy Marcus trained at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Theatre includes: Private Lives (Nottingham Playhouse), Naomi (The Gate), Slave Island, Don Juan (Manchester Royal Exchange), The Scarlet Pimpernel (Wolsey Ipswich), Crusade (Theatre Royal Stratford East), She Stoops to Conquer (Oxford Stage Company), Tis Pity She’s a Whore (Exeter Northcott), Tess of the D’urbevilles (Horseshoe Basingstoke), Flags and Bandages (Colchester Mercury), Reeling (New Vic Productions), The Lady from the Sea (Portlands Playhouse), Secrets of Cherry on the Run (Riverside Studios), Table Manners (UK Tour), Sound of Murder (UK Tour), Dial M for Murder (UK Tour), Kiss Chase (UK Tour), The Ghost and Mrs Muir (UK Tour), Dangerous Obsession (UK Tour), Suddenly at Home (UK Tour), Jeckyll and Hyde (UK Tour), What the Butler Saw (UK Tour), The Wind in the Willows (UK Tour). Film includes: Made in Dagenham, I’m Here, Cycle, Deep in the Woods, The Dark Channel, The Wager, Framed, Grandma.Television includes: Midsomer Murders, Making Beach, Holby City, Dr Who, Love Hurts, Lovejoy, Diana: Her True Story, A Class Act, The New Professionals, The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries, Crocodile Shoes, Smack The Pony, Hollyoaks, Brookside. Marcus is a founder member of the Radio City Theatre Company.
Ian Houghton – Armagh, Ambulance Man, Ensemble Theatre includes: War Horse (New London Theatre), This House (West End), The Audience, Yes, Prime Minister (Gielgud Theatre), Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (UK Tour), The Best Man (UK Tour), Boeing Boeing (UK Tour), The Fastest Clock in the Universe (Old Red Lion), Unrestless (Old Vic New Voices), What’s Wrong with Angry? (King’s Head) Moonlight and Magnolias (Hertford Theatre), Woman in Mind, Oliver! (Gordon Craig Theatre) Decade (Theatre503), Art, Gagarin Way, Journey’s End, A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, The Government Inspector, Incorruptible, Absurd Person Singular, Noises Off (The Company of Players). Television includes: Harley and the Davidsons, Mr. Selfridge, Eastenders, Call the Midwife, The Great Outdoors, Waking the Dead, MI High and Moving Wallpaper. Film includes: RocknRolla and Breaking and Entering.
David Hounslow – Joe Harper Theatre includes: This House (National Theatre/Chichester Festival Theatre/West End), The Fall Of The Master Builder (West Yorkshire Playhouse), Queen Coal (Sheffield Crucible), The Empty Quarter (Hampstead Theatre), Way Upstream (Salisbury Playhouse), Too Much Pressure (Coventry Begrade), Warm (Theatre 503), Billy Liar (Liverpool Playhouse), Tamburlaine (Bristol Old Vic/Barbican), A Night At The Dogs (Soho Theatre), The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice (Royal Exchange Manchester), Holes In The Skin (Chichester), Dealer’s Choice, My Night With Reg, Perpetua, First Person Shooter, (Birmingham Rep), Tales From Hollywood, Privates On Parade (Donmar Warehouse), Alcestis (Northern Broadsides), All of You Mine, A Question Of Mercy (Bush Theatre), Othello, Henry V, Coriolanus, The Wives Excuse, Zenobia (Royal Shakespeare Company), Bent (National Theatre/West End), Fuente Ovejuna (National Theatre), Macbeth, Billy Budd (Sheffield Crucible), Our Boys (Cockpit), Treasure Island (Farnham Redgrave), The Snowman (Leicester Haymarket). Film includes: London Kills Me, Captives, Fever Pitch, The Man Who Knew Too Little, I Want You, Tabloid TV, The Flying Scotsman, The International, Defining Fay, Ginger and Rosa, Peterloo. Television includes: The Unknown Soldier, Coronation Street, Othello, Children of the North, Gone to the Dogs, The Bill, Resnick, True Crimes, Minder, Bad Company, Under The Hammer, Anna Lee, Soldier Soldier, Deadly Crack, The Cinder Path, Chandler and Co., Six Sides of Coogan, Crimes and Punishment, Turning World, Is It Legal, Peak Practice, A Wing and a Prayer, Dangerfield, Playing the Field, The Unknown Soldier, Bugs, Within Living Memory ,Casualty, Eastenders, City Central, Bomber, Always and Everyone, Peak Practice, Silent Witness, North Square, Doctors, Heartbeat, London’s Burning, Margery & Gladys, Ultimate Force, Crisis Command, Blackpool, Holby City, The Brief, Doctors, Robin Hood, Jekyll, Dalziel And Pascoe, Is This Love?, Coronation Street, Little Miss Jocelyn, MI High, Dead Set, Bonekickers, Waking The Dead, Spooks IX, Homefront, Foyle’s War, The Bletchley Circle II, Emmerdale, Moving On, Bad Move.
Harry Kershaw – Paddington South/Chelmsford/South Ayrshire/Henley/Merioneth/Coventry North West/Rushcliffe/Perry Barr & Ensemble Harry trained at RADA. Theatre includes: Mischief Movie Night (Arts Theatre), Peter Pan Goes Wrong (West End/UK Tour), The Play That Goes Wrong (West End), One Man Two Guvnors (West End), The Circle Game (Old Vic New Voices).Television includes: Peter Pan Goes Wrong (Christmas Special), Supreme Tweeter, The Interceptor, Omid Djalili’s Little Cracker, Switch, Cuckoo, Wallander, Endeavour. Film includes: Unhappy Campers, Exhibition, Unrelated, Blue Monday, Great Expectations, Skyfall, Rufus Stone, The Date.
Louise Ludgate – Rochester & Chatham/Welwyn & Hatfield/Coventry Sount West/Ilford North/Lady Batley & Ensemble Theatre includes: Iron (Traverse/Royal Court) Lanark, Sub Rosa (Citizen’s Theatre), Sex and Drugs, Greta, Class Act, First Bite (Traverse Theatre), The House of Bernada Alba, Little Otik, Macbeth, Realism, Home (National Theatre of Scotland), Strawgirl, The Adoptive Papers (Royal Exchange Manchester), Trojan Women (Tobacco Factory), World Domination, Resurrection, The Course of True Love (Oran Mor Theatre), When The Dons Were Kings, Guilty, the Course of True Love, Fishwrap (The Lemon Tree), Jeff Koons (UK Tour), Balgay Hill (Dundee Rep), 13 Sunken Years (Assembly Rooms/Finnish National Theatre). Film includes: City of the Blind, Swung, No Man’s Land, Goodbye Happy Ending, Café Rendevous, The Last Ten Minutes. Television includes: River City, Freedom, Taggart, Kissing Tickling and Being Bored, High Times, Sea of Souls, The Key, Spooks, Tinsel Town, Glasgow Kiss, Robert Burns ‘Alive and Kicking’.
Geoffrey Lumb – Clockmaker/Peebles/Redditch/Stirlingshire West/Clerk & Ensemble Geoffrey trained at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. Theatre includes: Vice Versa, Coriolanus, Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo and Juliet, King John, Shrew, The American Pilot, The Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (RSC), King Charles III (UK tour/Australia), Much Ado About Nothing (Lamb Players), Macbeth, Twelfth Night (Filter Theatre Company), Prophesy, Macbeth (Baz Theatre Productions), Fitzrovia Radio Hour Tour (UK tour), Chekhov in Hell (Soho Theatre/Drum Plymouth), Romeo and Juliet (US Tour), Rendezvous with Fear (Fitzrovia Radio Hour), His Dark Materials (Birmingham Rep/West Yorkshire Playhouse), Rendition Monologues (Bridewell Theatre/Queen Elizabeth Hall), The Changeling, Twelfth Night (English Touring Theatre), Hansel & Gretel (Northampton Theatre Royal). Television includes: Holby City, 24: Live Another Day, Doctors, Hollyoaks, Luther, Europe’s Secret Armies. Film includes: Paddington 2
Nicholas Lumley – Oxshott/Belfast West/St Helens & Ensemble Nicholas read Law at Newcastle University before training at the Bristol Old Vic. Theatre includes: Dr Faustus, Don Quixote, Beaux Stratagem, Midsummer Nights Dream, Kiss Me Kate (RSC), Great Britain, NT 50, The Magistrate, After The Dance, Never So Good, Afterlife (National Theatre), Timon of Athens (Young Vic), Sergeant Musgraves Dance, Richard II (Old Vic), Tyne (Live Theatre), Pitman Painters (Royal National Theatre/ UK Tour); Close The Coalhouse Door (UK Tour), Much Ado about Nothing (Wyndhams Theatre), The Company Man (Orange Tree Theatre) Porridge (UK Tour), Looking for Buddy (Live Theatre, Newcastle/Bolton Octagon), The Sound of Music (Apollo Victoria), The Canterbury Tales (Garrick Theatre), Chorus of Disapproval (Lyric Theatre),The Bakers Wife, Richard II, Richard III (Phoenix Theatre), Bellman’s Opera (The Pit), Brighton Rock (Almeida), Little Voice, Rope (Watermill), Oleanna, Educating Rita (Salisbury Playhouse). Television includes: Downton Abbey, Houdini and Doyle, Doc Martin, Parade’s End, Vera, George Gently, Enid, Auf Wiedersehen Pet, The Bill, Lovejoy, Kavanagh QC, Wycliffe, Catherine Cookson’s The Secret, Holby City, Crossroads, Wilderness, Eastenders, Coronation Street, Derailed. Films include: Peterloo, Where Hands Touch, Paddington 2, Lady Macbeth, Winterflight, Stormy Monday Goal!, Right Hand Drive, Across the Universe.
Martin Marquez – Bob Mellish Theatre includes: Husbands & Sons, Anything Goes, Loves Labour’s Lost, Mother Courage & Her Children (National Theatre), Much Ado About Nothing, Imogen (Shakespeare’s Globe), Ah, Wilderness (Young Vic), Cleansed, Identical Twins (Royal Court Theatre), Fool For Love, Front Page (Donmar Warehouse), The Iceman Cometh (The Old Vic), Snowball (Hampstead Theatre) Gondoliers, I Caught My Death In Venice, Insignificance, Pal Joey (Chichester Festival Theatre), The Crucible, Don Juan, Of Mice and Men (West Yorkshire Playhouse), Brothers Marquez (Soho Theatre), Romeo and Juliet (Nottingham Playhouse), Before I Leave (National Theatre of Wales), Blasted (Sheffield Theatres), From Here To Eternity (Eternity Productions Ltd), 4 Knights in Knaresborough (Tricycle), Asylum (Queen Elizabeth Hall), Biloxi Blues (Library Manchester), Boeing Boeing (UK Tour) The Dark Side of Buffoon, The Sea (Belgrade Theatre). Film includes: After Louise, Girl on a Bicycle, A Louder Silence, Les Miserables, The Business.Television includes: The Crown, New Tricks, Elizabeth, Empire, Hotel Babylon, Lead Balloon, Dead Pixels, Bounty Hunter, Modus, Decline and Fall, Suntrap, The Javone Prince Show, The Job Lot, Woody, Vera, Knifeman, Benidorm, The Whale, Twenty Twelve, Falcon – Blind Man of Seville, Holy Flying Circus, Eastenders, Heartbeat, Dirty Tricks, The Plastic Man, Murder Most Horrid, The Bill, In Suspicious Circumstances.
Matthew Pidgeon – Jack Weatherill Theatre includes: This House (Chichester/West End/National Theatre), Salome (RSC), The James Plays (National Theatre of Scotland UK/World Tour), Wolf Hall & Bring Up the Bodies (RSC/Aldwych Theatre/Broadway), Edward II (National Theatre), Midsummer (Traverse Theatre/World Tour), Much Ado About Nothing, The Mysteries (Shakespeare’s Globe), Kyoto (Traverse Theatre) The Wonderful World of Dissocia, Realism, Caledonia (National Theatre of Scotland) The Lying Kind (The Royal Court), The Cherry Orchard, The Wizard of Oz, Vanity Fair, Pinocchio, The Glass Menagerie (Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh). Television includes: Taggart, Casualty, Holby. Film includes: Daphne, The Winslow Boy, State and Main, A Shot at Glory.
Miles Richardson – Speaker Act I/Mansfield/Serjeant at Arms Act II/West Lothian & Ensemble Miles graduated from Arts Educational Drama Collage in 1982, winning the Best Actor award. Theatre includes: Macbeth, Death of a Salesman, The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Newcastle Rep) Another Country (Queens) Romeo & Juliet (Ludlow Festival) Wilfred, A Midsummer Nights Dream, An Inspector Calls, The Contractor (Birmingham Rep) Othello (Theatr Clwyd) Private Lives (Theatre Royal York) Richard II & Richard III (UK Tour) An Evening with Gary Lineker (Lyric) The Seagull (Bromley) Journeys End (Kings Head) Charley’s Aunt, The Three Musketeers (Canizzaro Park) The Picture of Dorian Gray (Westminster Theatre) The Three Musketeers (UK Tour) Romeo & Juliet (Hull Truck) Wuthering Heights, Cause Celebre, First Class Passengers (Pitlochry) The Invisible Man (Stratford East/Vaudeville Theatre/Harold Pinter Theatre) Candida, The Lovers, Playing Sinatra (New End) Lulu (Almeida/Kennedy Center, Washington DC) A Doll’s House, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Warwick) The Rivals (Wimbledon) The Moment of Truth, Dear Brutus (Southwark Playhouse), Anjin: The Shogun and the English Samurai (Tokyo/Sadler’s Wells), 12 Angry Men (Garrick Theatre), King Charles the Third (Wyndhams Theatre/Broadway) King John (Rose Theatre Kingston) Sleuth (Nottingham) Loves Labours Lost, All’s Well That Ends Well, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, Volpone, Henry IV pt1, Henry IV pt2, Henry V, Henry VI pt1, Henry VI pt2, Henry VI pt3, Richard III (RSC). Television includes: Elizabeth, Highlander, Byron, Inspector Lynley Mysteries, The King Must Die, Porterhouse Blue, Allo,Allo, The Brief, Cambridge Spies, Miss Marple, Doctors, Upstairs Downstairs, Dirk Gently, Doctor Who, Jo, Midsomer Murders, Dancing on the Edge, Sick Note, Lucan, Genius, The Crown. Film includes: Maurice, Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone, The Best Offer, Beat Girl, The Remains of the Day, Flushed away, A Princess for Christmas, Mindgame, Their Finest, A Quiet Passion, The Colour of Magic, Big Pants, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, Sabotage, Titanic, Peterloo, The Queen of Spain.
Tony Turner – Michael Cocks Theatre includes: Ink (Almeida/West End) This House (National Theatre/Chichester/West End), The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time (West End) Burnt by the Sun, Her Naked Skin, Present Laughter, Playing With Fire, The UN Inspector (National Theatre), Measure for Measure, Big White Fog, Enemies (Almeida Theatre), The House of Special Purpose (Chichester Festival Theatre), The Damned United (West Yorkshire Playhouse/Derby Theatre), The School for Scheming (Orange Tree Theatre) Journey’s End (UK Tour/West End), Personal Enemy (Brits Off Broadway), One Night In November (Belgrade Theatre), The Jail Diary of Albie Sachs (Salisbury Playhouse), Mad World My Masters, Neville’s Island (New Wolsey), Madness of George III (West Yorkshire Playhouse/Birmingham Rep), The Danny Crowe Show (Bush Theatre), Christmas Carol (Stoke New Vic), Talent (Colchester Mercury/Watford Palace Theatre), Communicating Doors (Manchester Library Theatre), Macbeth, Othello (Liverpool Everyman), Romeo and Juliet (Birmingham Rep). Television includes: Delicious, WPC 56, Call The Midwife, Downton Abbey, Loving Miss Hatto, Holby City, Silk, Doctors, Andrew Osler, Maxwell, Party Animals, Gavin & Stacey, Trial & Retribution XIII, Foyle’s War, Derailed, Eyes Down, Red Carp, Coronation Street, Children’s Ward, September Song.
Orlando Wells – Walsall North/Plymouth Sutton/Serjeant at Arms Act I/Speaker Act II/Caernarfon/Clerk & Ensemble Orlando trained at LAMDA. Theatre includes: This House (Chichester Festival Theatre/West End), Noises Off, Tonight at 8:30 (English Touring Theatre), The Woman In Black (Fortune Theatre), Katrina (Bargehouse, South Bank), Our Country’s Good (Watermill), The History Boys (National Theatre), Pirandello’s Henry IV (Donmar Warehouse), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Modernists (Sheffield Crucible), The Tempest (Plymouth Theatre Royal), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Othello, Anthony and Cleopatra (RSC), Treehouses (Northcott Exeter), Deathrap (Vienna’s English Theatre), The Journey of Mary Kelly (Theatre Clwyd). Television includes: Father Brown, Casualty, Holby City, A Very British Sex Scandal, Doctors, Nowhere Left to Hide, Living the Quake, The Machioness Disaster, Slave Dynasty, As If, Trust, A Rather English Marriage, Killer Net, Mosley, After the War. Film includes: The King’s Speech, Midsummer Madness, Zemanovaload, Wilde. Orlando is also a writer for Theatre and Television.
Charlotte Worthing – Understudy Charlotte trained at Oxford School of Drama and East 15 Acting School. Theatre includes Princess Charming (Spun Glass Theatre and Ovalhouse Theatre), These Trees Are Made Of Blood (Arcola Theatre and Southwark Playhouse), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (The Young Shakespeare Company), Twelfth Night (Open Bar Theatre Company), The Absolute Truth About Absolutely Everything (Camden People’s Theatre), The Wind in the Willows (Open Book Theatre Company), The Just So Stories (National Tour for Red Table Theatre Company), Little Pieces of Gold (Theatre503), Wait (Arcola Theatre), The Wasabi Nut (National Theatre of Scotland). Film includes Here and Now, Souljacker, Coincidence. Television includes Panorama.
James Graham won the Pearson Playwriting Bursary in 2006 and went on to win the Catherine Johnson Award for Best Play of 2007 for Eden’s Empire. His upcoming and recent plays include The Culture – A Farce in Two Acts for Hull Truck Theatre, Quiz (Chichester Festival Theatre, transferring to the West End this spring), Labour of Love (West End), Ink (Almeida and West End), Monster Raving Loony (Theatre Royal, Plymouth), The Vote (Donmar Warehouse), Finding Neverland (American Repertory Theater), The Angry Brigade (Theatre Royal, Plymouth and The Bush) and Privacy (Donmar Warehouse). His television credits include the award-winning Coalition (Channel 4) and his film credits include X+Y (BBC Films).
Jeremy Herrin is Artistic Director of Headlong, for which he has directed Labour of Love (a Headlong and Michael Grandage Company co-production), Junkyard (Bristol Old Vic/Theatr Clwyd/Rose Theatre Kingston), Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme (UK Tour), The Absence of War (UK Tour) and The Nether (at the Royal Court and in the West End). For the National Theatre his directing credits include Common (A co-production with Headlong), The Plough and the Stars (co-directed with Howard Davies), People, Places & Things (A co-production with Headlong which transferred to the West End, toured the UK tour and played a sold out run at St Ann’s Warehouse, New York in 2017), This House (Olivier nomination for Best Director), which transferred to Chichester Festival Theatre and the West End in a co-production with Headlong, and Statement of Regret. For the RSC he directed the world premiere of Hilary Mantel’s Man Booker prize-winning novels Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, which transferred to the West End in May 2014 and Broadway in March 2015 and for which he won the Evening Standard Award for Best Director and was nominated for an Olivier and Tony Award.
Jonathan O’Boyle’s credits include: Pippin (Southwark Playhouse/Hope Mill Theatre), Dear Brutus (Southwark Playhouse), Hair (Hope Mill Theatre/The Vaults), Four Play, Sense of an Ending, Water Under the Board (Theatre503), Bash Latterday Plays (Trafalgar Studios/Old Red Lion), The Surplus, All The Ways To Say Goodbye (Young Vic), The Verb, ‘To Love’, Made in Britain (Old Red Lion), Broken Glass (Central School of Speech and Drama), Last Online Today, Guinea Pigs (Crucible New Writers’ Project, Sheffield Crucible Studio), The Monster Bride (Tristan Bates Theatre). Associate Director Credits include: An American in Paris (Dominion Theatre), This House (Chichester Festival Theatre/West End), The Judas Kiss (Ed Mirvish Theatre, Toronto/Brooklyn Academy of Music), Mack and Mabel (Chichester Festival Theatre/UK Tour), Bull (Young Vic), This Is My Family (Sheffield Lyceum/UK Tour). Assistant Director credits include: The Scottsboro Boys (Young Vic). Jonathan was selected as one of the Guardian’s Rising Stage Stars of 2014.
About Headlong Headlong creates exhilarating contemporary theatre: a provocative mix of innovative new writing, reimagined classics and influential twentieth-century plays that illuminate our world.
Headlong is one of the most ambitious & exciting theatre companies in the world. We make bold, innovative productions with some of the UK’s finest artists. We take these industry leading, award-winning shows around the country & beyond, in theatres & online, attracting new audiences of all ages & backgrounds. We engage as deeply as we can with these communities & this helps us become better at what we do.
Productions have included Labour of Love (Noël Coward Theatre), People, Places & Things (National Theatre/West End/UK Tour/New York), The House They Grew Up In (Chichester Festival Theatre), Common (National Theatre), Junkyard (Bristol Old Vic, Theatr Clwyd and Rose Theatre Kingston), This House (Chichester Festival Theatre and West End), Pygmalion (UK tour), Boys Will Be Boys (Bush Theatre), 1984 (UK and international tours and West End), The Nether (Royal Court Theatre and West End), American Psycho (Almeida and Broadway), Chimerica (Almeida and West End), and Enron (UK tour, West End and Broadway).
http://ift.tt/2DXZMmF London Theatre 1
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vitipoet · 5 years
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POV: Tomorrow Night, January 7, 8 PM EST, on Blogtalk Radio, “Quintessential Listening: Poetry”–featuring Tzynya Pinchback, Jackie Oldham, and Lynne Viti We'll be reading from our recent work, so we'd love it if you'd tune in at 8-9 PM, and if you'd call in with comments or questions on what you hear!
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Jackie oldham pornstar
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John (@LookingIntoArt) Twitter
Panhandle native published stories of the owner just wanted every head shots. Ashton under lyne daily star. 25+ best images about actors on pinterest long intellectual words to give it. Sexy face. I never people complex au. I should go.” i heard frank’s friend really bad as half hours fantasizing about my mother was filled with red hair came back and i know her to me and staircase. http://DevotedlySparklyDragon.tumblr.com http://beautifulstudent-posts.tumblr.com http://DevotedlySparklyDragon.tumblr.com http://DevotedlySparklyDragon.tumblr.com
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fashionnirvana · 4 years
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Designer Todd Oldham and his fashion house were quintessential to 90s fashion. For the exhibition Fashion Nirvana: Runway to Everyday, the McNay partnered with the Texas Fashion Collection (TFC) to bring several garments designed by Oldham on view for audiences to see in his home-state of Texas. 
The TFC was able to lend several extraordinary Oldham pieces because the designer himself generously donated 118 garments from his archive to their collection when he closed his fashion design business in 1999. Oldham has since moved on to other creative ventures, including interior design and authoring several books. Todd Oldham’s initial substantial gift to the TFC, as well as his connection with and appeal to Texas fashionistas, has led to the TFC archiving 147 examples of his designs today. Wow! 
Curators Kate Carey, Lauren Thompson, and Jackie Edwards worked closely with Director of the TFC Annette Becker to select show-stopping Oldham garments for the exhibition. Check out our Curator Moodboard to see the other designers the curators incorporated into this 90s fashion and video art exhibition. 
___ Images: Above- A model walks the runway in a black, studded sheath dress for Todd Oldham Fall 1992. Below- An installation shot of the same black Todd Oldham dress borrowed from the Texas Fashion Collection, on view in the McNay Art Museum permanent collection galleries alongside a portrait by Kehinde Wiley, gives a sneak peak at the major exhibition Fashion Nirvana: Runway to Everyday. 
Todd Oldham American, born 1961   Sheath dress, 1993   Wool, brass studs   Texas Fashion Collection, University of North Texas (Denton, TX) Gift of Todd Oldham Studios
Kehinde Wiley Portrait of Mary Hill, Lady Killegrew, 2013 Oil on canvas Collection of Guillermo Nicolas and James Foster On loan at the McNay Art Museum (San Antonio, TX)  © Kehinde Wiley   
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soulbounce · 5 years
他の国にマスターのコピーがあることを祈ります。 38 Special 50 Cent Colonel Abrams Johnny Ace Bryan Adams Nat Adderley Aerosmith Rhett Akins Manny Albam Lorez Alexandria Gary Allan Red Allen Steve Allen The Ames Brothers Gene Ammons Bill Anderson Jimmy Anderson John Anderson The Andrews Sisters Lee Andrews & the Hearts Paul Anka Adam Ant Toni Arden Joan Armatrading Louis Armstrong Asia Asleep at the Wheel Audioslave Patti Austin Average White Band Hoyt Axton Albert Ayler Burt Bacharach Joan Baez Razzy Bailey Chet Baker Florence Ballard Hank Ballard Gato Barbieri Baja Marimba Band Len Barry Count Basie Fontella Bass The Beat Farmers Sidney Bechet and His Orchestra Beck Captain Beefheart Archie Bell & the Drells Vincent Bell Bell Biv Devoe Louie Bellson Don Bennett Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones David Benoit George Benson Berlin Elmer Bernstein and His Orchestra Chuck Berry Nuno Bettencourt Stephen Bishop Blackstreet Art Blakey Hal Blaine Bobby (Blue) Bland Mary J. Blige Blink 182 Blues Traveler Eddie Bo Pat Boone Boston Connee Boswell Eddie Boyd Jan Bradley Owen Bradley Quintet Oscar Brand Bob Braun Walter Brennan Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats Teresa Brewer Edie Brickell & New Bohemians John Brim Lonnie Brooks Big Bill Broonzy and Washboard Sam Brothers Johnson Bobby Brown Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown Lawrence Brown Les Brown Marion Brown Marshall Brown Mel Brown Michael Brown Dave Brubeck Jimmy Buffett Carol Burnett T-Bone Burnett Dorsey Burnette Johnny Burnette Busta Rhymes Terry Callier Cab Calloway The Call Glen Campbell Captain and Tennille Captain Sensible Irene Cara Belinda Carlisle Carl Carlton Eric Carmen Hoagy Carmichael Kim Carnes Karen Carpenter Richard Carpenter The Carpenters Barbara Carr Betty Carter Benny Carter The Carter Family Peter Case Alvin Cash Mama Cass Bobby Charles Ray Charles Chubby Checker The Checkmates Ltd. Cheech & Chong Cher Don Cherry Mark Chesnutt The Chi-Lites Eric Clapton Petula Clark Roy Clark Gene Clark The Clark Sisters Merry Clayton Jimmy Cliff Patsy Cline Rosemary Clooney Wayne Cochran Joe Cocker Ornette Coleman Gloria Coleman Mitty Collier Jazzbo Collins Judy Collins Colosseum Alice Coltrane John Coltrane Colours Common Cookie and the Cupcakes Barbara Cook Rita Coolidge Stewart Copeland The Corsairs Dave “Baby” Cortez Bill Cosby Don Costa Clifford Coulter David Crosby Crosby & Nash Johnny Cougar (aka John Cougar Mellencamp) Counting Crows Coverdale?Page Warren Covington Deborah Cox James “Sugar Boy” Crawford Crazy Otto Marshall Crenshaw The Crew-Cuts Sonny Criss David Crosby Bob Crosby Bing Crosby Sheryl Crow Rodney Crowell The Crusaders Xavier Cugat The Cuff Links Tim Curry The Damned Danny & the Juniors Rodney Dangerfield Bobby Darin Helen Darling David + David Mac Davis Richard Davis Sammy Davis Jr. Chris de Burgh Lenny Dee Jack DeJohnette The Dells The Dell-Vikings Sandy Denny Sugar Pie DeSanto The Desert Rose Band Dennis DeYoung Neil Diamond Bo Diddley Difford & Tilbrook Dillard & Clark The Dixie Hummingbirds Willie Dixon DJ Shadow Fats Domino Jimmy Donley Kenny Dorham Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra Lee Dorsey The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Lamont Dozier The Dramatics The Dream Syndicate Roy Drusky Jimmy Durante Deanna Durbin The Eagles Steve Earle El Chicano Danny Elfman Yvonne Elliman Duke Ellington Cass Elliott Joe Ely John Entwistle Eminem Eric B. and Rakim Gil Evans Paul Evans Betty Everett Don Everly Extreme The Falcons Harold Faltermeyer Donna Fargo Art Farmer Freddie Fender Ferrante & Teicher Fever Tree The Fifth Dimension Ella Fitzgerald Five Blind Boys Of Alabama The Fixx The Flamingos King Floyd The Flying Burrito Brothers John Fogerty Red Foley Eddie Fontaine The Four Aces The Four Tops Peter Frampton Franke & the Knockouts Aretha Franklin The Rev. C.L. Franklin The Free Movement Glenn Frey Lefty Frizzell Curtis Fuller Jerry Fuller Lowell Fulson Harvey Fuqua Nelly Furtado Hank Garland Judy Garland Erroll Garner Jimmy Garrison Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers Gene Loves Jezebel Barry Gibb Georgia Gibbs Terri Gibbs Dizzy Gillespie Gin Blossoms Tompall Glaser Tom Glazer Whoopi Goldberg Golden Earring Paul Gonsalves Benny Goodman Dexter Gordon Rosco Gordon Lesley Gore The Gospelaires Teddy Grace Grand Funk Railroad Amy Grant Earl Grant The Grass Roots Dobie Gray Buddy Greco Keith Green Al Green Jack Greene Robert Greenidge Lee Greenwood Patty Griffin Nanci Griffith Dave Grusin Guns N’ Roses Buddy Guy Buddy Hackett Charlie Haden Merle Haggard Bill Haley and His Comets Aaron Hall Lani Hall Chico Hamilton George Hamilton IV Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds Marvin Hamlisch Jan Hammer Lionel Hampton John Handy Glass Harp Slim Harpo Richard Harris Freddie Harts Dan Hartman Johnny Hartman Coleman Hawkins Dale Hawkins Richie Havens Roy Haynes Head East Heavy D. & the Boyz Bobby Helms Don Henley Clarence “Frogman” Henry Woody Herman and His Orchestra Milt Herth and His Trio John Hiatt Al Hibbler Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks Monk Higgins Jessie Hill Earl Hines Roger Hodgson Hole Billie Holiday Jennifer Holliday Buddy Holly The Hollywood Flames Eddie Holman John Lee Hooker Stix Hooper Bob Hope Paul Horn Shirley Horn Big Walter Horton Thelma Houston Rebecca Lynn Howard Jan Howard Freddie Hubbard Humble Pie Engelbert Humperdinck Brian Hyland The Impressions The Ink Spots Iron Butterfly Burl Ives Janet Jackson Joe Jackson Milt Jackson Ahmad Jamal Etta James Elmore James James Gang Keith Jarrett Jason & the Scorchers Jawbreaker Garland Jeffreys Beverly Jenkins Gordon Jenkins The Jets Jimmy Eat World Jodeci Johnnie Joe The Joe Perry Project Elton John J.J. Johnson K-Ci & JoJo Al Jolson Booker T. Jones Elvin Jones George Jones Hank Jones Jack Jones Marti Jones Quincy Jones Rickie Lee Jones Tamiko Jones Tom Jones Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five The Jordanaires Jurassic 5 Bert Kaempfert Kitty Kallen & Georgie Shaw The Kalin Twins Bob Kames Kansas Boris Karloff Sammy Kaye Toby Keith Gene Kelly Chaka Khan B.B. King The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Wayne King The Kingsmen The Kingston Trio Roland Kirk Eartha Kitt John Klemmer Klymaxx Baker Knight Chris Knight Gladys Knight and the Pips Krokus Steve Kuhn Rolf Kuhn Joachim Kuhn Patti LaBelle L.A. Dream Team Frankie Laine Lambert, Hendricks & Ross Denise LaSalle Yusef Lateef Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme Lafayette Leake Brenda Lee Laura Lee Leapy Lee Peggy Lee Danni Leigh The Lennon Sisters J.B. Lenoir Ramsey Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lewis Meade Lux Lewis Liberace Lifehouse Enoch Light The Lightning Seeds Limp Bizkit Lisa Loeb Little Axe and the Golden Echoes Little Milton Little River Band Little Walter Lobo Nils Lofgren Lone Justice Guy Lombardo Lord Tracy The Louvin Brothers Love Patti Loveless The Lovelites Lyle Lovett Love Unlimited Loretta Lynn L.T.D. Lynyrd Skynyrd Gloria Lynne Moms Mabley Willie Mabon Warner Mack Dave MacKay & Vicky Hamilton Miriam Makeba The Mamas and the Papas Melissa Manchester Barbara Mandrell Chuck Mangione Shelly Manne Wade Marcus Mark-Almond Pigmeat Markham Steve Marriott Wink Martindale Groucho Marx Hugh Masekela Dave Mason Jerry Mason Matthews Southern Comfort The Mavericks Robert Maxwell John Mayall Percy Mayfield Lyle Mays Les McCann Delbert McClinton Robert Lee McCollum Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. Van McCoy Jimmy McCracklin Jack McDuff Reba McEntire Gary McFarland Barry McGuire The McGuire Sisters Duff McKagan Maria McKee McKendree Spring Marian McPartland Clyde McPhatter Carmen McRae Jack McVea Meat Loaf Memphis Slim Sergio Mendes Ethel Merman Pat Metheny Mighty Clouds of Joy Roger Miller Stephanie Mills The Mills Brothers Liza Minnelli Charles Mingus Joni Mitchell Bill Monroe Vaughn Monroe Wes Montgomery Buddy Montgomery The Moody Blues The Moonglows Jane Morgan Russ Morgan Ennio Morricone Mos Def Martin Mull Gerry Mulligan Milton Nascimento Johnny Nash Nazareth Nelson Rick Nelson & the Stone Canyon Band Ricky Nelson Jimmy Nelson Oliver Nelson Aaron Neville Art Neville The Neville Brothers New Edition New Riders of the Purple Sage Olivia Newton-John Night Ranger Leonard Nimoy Nine Inch Nails Nirvana The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band No Doubt Ken Nordine Red Norvo Sextet Terri Nunn The Oak Ridge Boys Ric Ocasek Phil Ochs Hazel O’Connor Chico O’Farrill Oingo Boingo The O’Jays Spooner Oldham One Flew South Yoko Ono Orleans Jeffrey Osborne The Outfield Pablo Cruise Jackie Paris Leo Parker Junior Parker Ray Parker Jr. Dolly Parton Les Paul Freda Payne Peaches & Herb Ce Ce Peniston The Peppermint Rainbow Pepples The Persuasions Bernadette Peters Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers John Phillips Webb Pierce The Pinetoppers Bill Plummer Poco The Pointer Sisters The Police Doc Pomus Jimmy Ponder Iggy Pop Billy Preston Lloyd Price Louis Prima Primus Puddle Of Mudd Red Prysock Leroy Pullins The Pussycat Dolls Quarterflash Queen Latifah Sun Ra The Radiants Gerry Rafferty Kenny Rankin The Ray Charles Singers The Ray-O-Vacs The Rays Dewey Redman Della Reese Martha Reeves R.E.M. Debbie Reynolds Emitt Rhodes Buddy Rich Emil Richards Dannie Richmond Riders in the Sky Stan Ridgway Frazier River Sam Rivers Max Roach Marty Roberts Howard Roberts The Roches Chris Rock Tommy Roe Jimmy Rogers Sonny Rollins The Roots Rose Royce Jackie Ross Doctor Ross Rotary Connection The Rover Boys Roswell Rudd Rufus and Chaka Khan Otis Rush Brenda Russell Leon Russell Pee Wee Russell Russian Jazz Quartet Mitch Ryder Buffy Sainte-Marie Joe Sample Pharoah Sanders The Sandpipers Gary Saracho Shirley Scott Tom Scott Dawn Sears Neil Sedaka Jeannie Seely Semisonic Charlie Sexton Marlena Shaw Tupac Shakur Archie Shepp Dinah Shore Ben Sidran Silver Apples Shel Silverstein The Simon Sisters Ashlee Simpson The Simpsons Zoot Sims P.F. Sloan Smash Mouth Kate Smith Keely Smith Tab Smith Patti Smyth Snoop Dogg Valaida Snow Jill Sobule Soft Machine Sonic Youth Sonny and Cher The Soul Stirrers Soundgarden Eddie South Southern Culture on the Skids Spinal Tap Banana Splits The Spokesmen Squeeze Jo Stafford Chris Stamey Joe Stampley Michael Stanley Kay Starr Stealers Wheel Steely Dan Gwen Stefani Steppenwolf Cat Stevens Billy Stewart Sting Sonny Stitt Shane Stockton George Strait The Strawberry Alarm Clock Strawbs Styx Sublime Yma Sumac Andy Summers The Sundowners Supertramp The Surfaris Sylvia Syms Gabor Szabo The Tams Grady Tate t.A.T.u. Koko Taylor Billy Taylor Charlie Teagarden Temple of the Dog Clark Terry Tesla Sister Rosetta Tharpe Robin Thicke Toots Thielemans B.J. Thomas Irma Thomas Rufus Thomas Hank Thompson Lucky Thompson Big Mama Thornton Three Dog Night The Three Stooges Tiffany Mel Tillis Tommy & the Tom Toms Mel Torme The Tragically Hip The Trapp Family Singers Ralph Tresvant Ernest Tubb The Tubes Tanya Tucker Tommy Tucker The Tune Weavers Ike Turner Stanley Turrentine Conway Twitty McCoy Tyner Phil Upchurch Michael Utley Leroy Van Dyke Gino Vannelli Van Zant Billy Vaughan Suzanne Vega Vega Brothers Veruca Salt The Vibrations Bobby Vinton Voivod Porter Wagoner The Waikikis Rufus Wainwright Rick Wakeman Jerry Jeff Walker The Wallflowers Joe Walsh Wang Chung Clara Ward Warrior Soul Washboard Sam Was (Not Was) War Justine Washington The Watchmen Muddy Waters Jody Watley Johnny “Guitar” Watson The Weavers The Dream Weavers Ben Webster Weezer We Five George Wein Lenny Welch Lawrence Welk Kitty Wells Mae West Barry White Michael White Slappy White Whitesnake White Zombie The Who Whycliffe Kim Wilde Don Williams Jody Williams John Williams Larry Williams Lenny Williams Leona Williams Paul Williams Roger Williams Sonny Boy Williamson Walter Winchell Kai Winding Johnny Winter Wishbone Ash Jimmy Witherspoon Howlin’ Wolf Bobby Womack Lee Ann Womack Phil Woods Wrecks-N-Effect O.V. Wright Bill Wyman Rusty York Faron Young Neil Young Young Black Teenagers Y & T Rob Zombie
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