(minor correction for gabe, sid came on his own, new universe new entrance) @sidobstagoon Ok now where is he? He starts gesturing wildly to ask where he is, then sniffs something sweet but foul...and sees a purple blotch on his food 'blegh' he starts scrapping his food, its clearly stepped on mochi...
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"Sid please buddy do not eat the mochi please please please"
//and thanks! Sometimes things get a bit jumbled up, haha
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theboyandthepeach · 2 months
OOC: I just love how I'm getting to develop Maya a bit too...she's a lucky dork who just wants to help pokemon
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hermannco · 7 months
Let's go the other direction, 38
38. Who do you think is the most overlooked or underused character?
Overlooked but not underused: Clayface. He has his fair share of stories but it is surprising how his potential and character it is kinda wild how like B tier Karlo can be.
Underused but not Overlooked: SOMEHOW, Dream of the endless?? all dreaming stories revolve about him being gone or dead or like weird? Like he is in there, but.. like... barelly somehow? They never deal with his emotions or existence directly other than romance. It is weird.
Underused and Overlooked: This stumped me a bit, and I guess I'm gonna show my ass a bit since I don't follow DC (as much as people would believe I Do) but, Kirk Lamstrong. My guy hasn't had a decent appearance since he became a background character in a WW comic.
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@demonofvoidandnightmares : treasure chest open: you acquired a cotton candy machine!
*takes it, grins widely* Thanks!! I love it!
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fishklok · 1 year
I feel like I can fully imagine ladymag’s (Magda? Margaret?) titties. I might just be a lesbian but still.
ladymag is just fulfilling the tittytastic potential of magnus' character design, so i can't blame you because same
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dyoungv · 1 year
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'LADY MAGS III' AKA Magda Gross PhD Micron 08 Pen on Bristol Paper 19x24in. 2022 FRIDAY THE 13TH (This Friday 1/13/2023) will be the Closing Party and Q&A for @lady_mags and @alynnpaint for their exhibition 'WILDFLOWERS'. Event is from 5-9pm, Q&A begins at 6:30pm. Pictured here is the third portrait I've done of @lady_mags while her show is up at @111minnagallery which began on Oct.13th 2022. Included in this post are individual works by @lady_mags and a mural collabation with her long time friend @alynnpaint. Be sure to notice their impressive and incredibly harmonious language they create together.. With their current 111 Minna Gallery exhibition ‘Wildflowers,’ Amandalynn and Lady Mags have come together once again to bring their unified vision of beauty, femininity, and nature to 111 Minna Gallery. As long-time collaborators and friends, these two have been creating work together for over a decade and graced the Bay Area with massive public art pieces combining their unique styles. Together they weave watercolor, bold graffiti, powerful female figures, and flora and fauna into one cohesive look. Born and raised in NYC, Lady Mags began her art career as a graffiti writer in 2006, when she started painting tracksides in Chicago while pursuing a degree in education. She has travelled throughout the world, painting street art and large scale murals in many of her destinations. She began exhibiting her fine art in galleries while also practicing her PhD in International Comparative Education at Stanford University. She currently resides in Petaluma CA where she practices her art while raising two very beautiful children. #ladymags #amandalynn #wildflowers #111minnagallery #dyoungv (at 111 Minna Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTk3tHLnIa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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askcupsandcasinos · 1 year
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…Prev ♠️            ♦Next...
            ♥  First  ♣
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suraht · 5 months
New LP: Final Fantasy Adventure!
I know Octopath is in need of an update, but with Battle Network finishing up, it's time for a new LP to start going up. So, join me and LadyMage as we go through Final Fantasy Adventure. What, exactly, is a damsel to do when the supposed savior of the world cares more about finding the buffet than saving the world? Let's find out
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yorkshireraven · 1 year
@ladymage @suraht @ynknownnumber
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buttercupsfrocks · 2 years
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Yo, tumblr.
Some thoughts I’ve been having of late to accompany yet another variation of this Monki frock, from last year’s summer sale, if memory serves me correctly. What can I say? When something works, why fix the dang thing?
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I miss Fatshionista. For those who weren’t acquainted it was a livejournal community that, at its zenith, boasted about ten thousand members worldwide, mainly cis women and trans folk; all fat, most political about fat, and all of the mind that fat people should be better served for clothing options. While the community had its fair share of drama around hot button perennials such as cultural appropriation, it also provided plenty of food for thought. I did at least as much shutting up and listening as I did rolling my eyes, which is saying something at my age. Not that I was my age back then but I was still at least 20 years older than everybody else on there. Or why I lurked for a year before sharing my first OOTD. But it’s that aspect of Fatshionista I miss the most, the honest feedback, the helpful advice, the pooling of resources like whether anyone had tried their luck with such and such a brand, and if so what its merits or shortcomings were.
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As the internet morphed and the fatosphere grew, the community went in one of two directions. The most politicised became the next wave of activists, penning blogs that spawned newspaper articles and book deals; while the style mavens started blogging and collaborating with the fashion industry, firstly as as models, then as designers, and consultants. At the time many criticised this commercialisation whereas I felt more positively inclined. By my reckoning the more our community made inroads into the mainstream, the more clothing options we’d have. The more clothing options we have the better we feel, the better we feel the more confident we become in our right to take up space and advocate for ourselves in other areas, eventually resulting in a societal shift in the way fat people are perceived and treated. Idealistic? Sure. And probably not in my lifetime but, to quote the zeitgeist, every ending has a beginning. 
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These days, however, I’m beginning to think those who lamented the commercialisation of fatshion had a point. Bloggers became vloggers, influencers, and content creators, shilling for anyone who asked, and all the while claiming to give honest reviews. (Ever read a bad one? Me neither. Or why I turned down Bon Marché and J D Williams). And amidst all the shiny!shiny!new! and lucrative brand collabs, genuine honesty slowly bit the dust, along with the ingenious hacks, instant feedback on quality and fit, and most of all the celebration of true, diverse personal style. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still 100% less pernicious to fill my feed with than mainstream ladymags and sometimes I even get to see women with my body shape. But, just like the mainstream ladymags, it’s exclusively youth oriented. And a depressingly unimaginative, cookie-cutter interpretation of youth at that. And, while I’m aware of how predictably get-off-my-lawn that sounds, I have had a gutful of balayage, beachy waves, drag queen contouring, porn-mandated bald poonani, fake tan; and nail, hair and eyelash extensions. Femininity has never been so prescriptive, performative or oppressive in my lifetime and I was born in the sodding 50s. 
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As static images on Insta are superceded by reels, and the next even fresher means of flogging fashion waits in the wings to replace them, has the plus size retail landscape changed all that much since Fatshionista? For the better in terms of online resources, though larger and infinifats are still often short-changed. On the other hand there are literally no dedicated plus-size bricks and mortar chains left in my city. Evans, Elvi, Simply Be, Taking Shape, and Anne Harvey are either online or defunct, and we never had a Yours to begin with. All the big stores with plus-size departments bit the dust on the high street aeons ago, and any mainstream chain that wants our custom still won’t stock the clothes in store or show them on plus sized bodies on their websites – even those that target an older demographic. Which is why Seasalt, Boden, and White Stuff can continue to whistle for my hard-earned dosh. Though there’s always the stand alone Marina Rinaldi boutique where a plain neoprene sweatshirt will set you back £290. 
Or perhaps not.
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…which circuitously leads me to the other thing that’s been chomping at my gusset of late. Ethical shopping bores. Don’t get me wrong. I habitually recycle, have shopped secondhand since I was 15, and have jetisoned ocean polluting sponges and clingfilm for life. I draw the line at Ecover washing up liquid mind; it’s rubbish. (See? Honest to a fault). No, I’m talking sustainable clothing labels. Well, the few that deign to make plus sizes in any event. I’m talking clothes you have to take out a mortgage on. You can start guilt-tripping me about buying my clothes from places I can afford when fat women enjoy the same plethora of choice that straight-sized women have. And I swear if I have to read one more sentence with the word “intentional” in it, I’ll boak. If most of the vloggers spouting this holier than thou hooey really only bought two items a year when their predecessors were hanging in ribbons, they’d have mighty short careers. But maybe a wardrobe full of five hundred quid Selkie backhanders doesn’t count. 
It’s intentional alright; on the part of the brands who’d go tits up in short order if their customers didn’t buy owt from one end of the year to the next. What it isn’t is honest. 
Here endeth the rant.
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magecooksforyou · 2 months
This is a for fun side blog from @ladymage
This blog I plan to post recipes I've made for others to enjoy. These are mostly quick fix or crockpot staples with a few baking triumphs thrown in so others can give it a shot.
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Sid is just there to keep everyone safe and sound, someone has to be the muscle/comedy relief that gets chased by slitherwings
Dude if I were sid I wouldn't mind the Slither Wings
Such cute lil guys I just wanna give em a hug :3
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theboyandthepeach · 15 days
ladymage, now I'm picturing Sid walking up to Ren or Hades like "FIGHT ME!!!" With them being so confused and it made me cackle
Mod, if you draw this I will lose my mind
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About that....
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hermannco · 2 years
I thought (hope) the yellow figure was etrigan honestly....
That would be cool but wouldnt make sense
Etrigan rhymes tho, and I have never imagined his voice like that except that one time SErgio Aragones drew him lmao
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yellowskinnedwackyman · 10 months
I once hit on Supergirl not knowing how young she was. I wouldn't do it again, but Powergirl? HOO BOY!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Return of Gotham's secrets; the full tale.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3salxhq by LadyMage A fan sequel to "A Doom that Came to Gotham" only this is the full works the paths in order of what happens plus an intro to explain this mess Words: 4055, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), DC Elseworlds Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Other Characters: Jason Blood, Etrigan, OCs, ras al ghul, Batman, Langstrom, Oswald Cobblepot, Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, Oliver Green Relationships: Jason Blood/Etrigan, Jason Blood/Etrigan/OC, Jason Blood & Original Character(s) Additional Tags: lovecraft, Comedy, Horror, no beta we die like men, Cults, maddness, Arson read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3salxhq
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