squiggly-mctwig · 1 year
Heyyyyy wassup @tastybluesprite and the other people that I told I would make that animation back in feb from this post
(Turn audio on!!)
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soft--dragon · 4 months
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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gaybananabread · 6 months
Oh my gosh congratulations on the milestone!! 🥳💖 I would love something for ROTTMNT! Maybe lee Mikey and ler Leo or lers Raph, Leo and Donnie. I’d love Dragon Fruit, Oranges & Grapes! Take all the time you need and I hope you’re doing well! 💖
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Fruit(s): Dragon Fruit, Oranges, Grapes
AAAAAHG THANK YOU! You're so nice all the time, just make my brain go (>w<)✨! Been a hot second since I've done something for Rise, these boys need some more love from me. (Got carried away but we don't talk about that shhhhhshsh) Again, thank you sosososo much, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Mikey
Lers: Raph, Leo, Donnie
Summary: Mikey tries making a treat for his bros, but things don't go as planned, bumming him out. The boys quickly notice and, after a quick wrestling match and some questions, manage to get their baby bro back into his high spirits.
Warnings: none! This is a fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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“No no nononONONO!”
Feeling his heart sink, Mikey pulled his fruity Danish pastries from the oven. The charred surfaces and burning smell of the treats brought tears to his eyes. Three hours of work down the drain…
The teen had been trying to make desserts for his brothers; they’d been really supportive during his recovery from the Kraang invasion, encouraging him and helping him wrap his arms. Even Donnie had put aside some extra time to shop for arm braces. They deserved it.
His arm had a flare-up during the baking, making him take a break to put a brace on. The timer had gone off without him in the room, his poor confections roasted beyond recognition. He sniffed, dumping the marred fruits of his labor into the trash. Maybe some music and drawing would help…
“Okay, family meeting.” Raph sat down with his two of his brothers, Donnie quickly correcting him. “Teeechnically, it's a partial family meeting. If we count the main seven family members and round the percentage, it's only about 42%-” He got a hand clamped over his mouth, the blue-themed turtle interjecting. “HUSH the nerd stuff! We know what we're here for, right?”
Donnie scoffed, but stopped spouting math. All three brothers knew what the problem was. Raph took charge again, attempting some order. “Mikey's been really down all day. Raph's worried about him.”
The purple clad turtle tapped his wristlet, frowning. He had been keeping track of Mikey's expressions from the past few days.“He seemed fine yesterday. Angelo’s face only drops around two today. I hadn't seen him for a few hours, my data’s a bit incomplete. I think he was in the kitchen.”
Leo blinked, seeming shocked. “Wow. Your number craziness finally paid off.” A claw extended from Donnie’s battle shell, whacking the snarky teen upside the head. Raph stepped between them before any more chaos could ensue.
“HEY! Donnie, do ya know what he was doin’ in there?” He huffed before answering, looking down. “I…do not. Dr. Delicate Touch made me promise not to install cameras; even I won't defy him.”
That was fair; none of them wanted to go against Dr. DT… Leo sighed, twirling his mask tails as he spoke. “I've tried asking, but no dice. The dude's clearly not okay, but he won't talk about it. Little hypocrite…” 
The techy teen offered an idea. “We could try to interrogate him.” Leo snorted, snapping out of his little trance. “Interrogate? What is this, one of dad's movies? Besides, it'd probably only make him more upset.”
Raph bit his finger as he thought; one bad habit he'd tried and failed to drop. He got an idea, snapping his fingers and smiling. Bingo. “I got it! Listen up boys, here’s the plan…”
Mikey was sitting on his bed, moping and dragging a pencil across some cardboard. He wasn’t making anything; it was just a nice way to destress. Things weren’t working as well as they usually did, though… A knock at his train car door startled him, making the typically upbeat boy flinch and drop the pencil. “C-coming…”
The metal slid open, an obviously forced smile on his face. All three of them wanted to wrap him in a hug, but they had to follow the plan. “Hey guys…what is it?” 
Leo stepped forward, looking his brother over. He took special notice of the arm braces. “Alright hermano, the jig is up. What’s wrong?”
The boy’s fake smile faltered a bit, though he tried to keep the act going. “J-jig? I dunno what you’re talking about, Leo. I’m good!” His artificial confidence got a bit stronger at the end. It was clear he wasn’t telling them without a fight. 
Raph was next to get closer, trying to sneakily box the boy in. This time, however, a small smile was paired with the chasm. 
A small squeak escaped the youngest as he backed up, recognizing the look on his brothers’ faces. They wouldn’t…would they? “C’mon Mike, this can go quickly if ya just hold still.” Oh. They would.
Feeling a slight giddiness rise in his chest, Mikey ran farther into his train car, diving for his escape hatch. Raph stopped him in his tracks, using his mystic tonfā power to catch him in a giant fist. Leo ran over, being careful of his brother’s arms as he tossed him into his hammock.
“GUys- guys wahait! Mikey squirmed and kicked, the hammock swinging as he thrashed. Leo flipped his sword, opening two portals to hold his brother’s arms safely. Didn’t want him getting hurt after all that recovery time.
“Nah, there’s no fun in waitin’. Raph’s out for giggles and the truth.” Wasting no time, Raph started poking at his brother’s armpits. A genuine smile formed on the younger’s face, giggles spilling from his lips. “Rahaphie! Nohohot thihis!” 
“But this is the best! You get to giggle, and we get to hear it.” Leo smirked, not wanting to miss out on the fun. “Big man’s right, Miguel. The truth will set you free~!” He moved his hands to Mikey’s plastron, scratching and scribbling on the area where his stomach would be. “LeheheHEEOOOOO! C-chohOHOME OHOHOhohon!” 
“Just tell the truth, Micheal. You know there’s no simple way out of this predicament.” Donnie took in the sight of them; his co-conspirators smirking, enjoying the sound of their brother’s laughter, and Mikey, laughing and sounding happier than he had all day. He supposed it was worth breaking a few of his rules for the occasion. He pressed a button on his bo, the feather he used against Shredder popping out. 
“D-dehehee? Whahat ahare youHU- NYAAAHAHAHO!” Mikey squealed as he felt the soft fibers of the feather run behind his knees. Curse him for taking off the knee pads… The armpit pokes, the tummy scritches, the feather on his knees; it was all too tickly. It was nice to be able to laugh with his brothers, though he didn’t know how much longer he could take all of them at once.
Raph chuckled, smiling warmly as his brother laughed. Those goofs were gonna be the death of him…but he loved them more than he could ever express. If it takes some playful tickles to get one of his bros to open up, then so be it. “All ya gotta do is fess up, Mikey. What’s been goin’ on today?”
He still didn’t seem like he was giving up, though it was clear he was reaching a breaking point. Donnie, ever the over-achiever, wanted to speed things up. He sent a claw from his battle shell to his brother’s knees, having it squeeze and scribble along the underside. That did him in. 
“K-GAHAHAHA! DOHOHONIEHEHE! *snrk* NAHAHAH!” Raph gave the purple-clad turtle a look, sighing. “The goal is to get the truth, Donnie, not kill him.” Dee just chuckled, continuing the metallic tickles. 
Kicking and thrashing like crazy, the teen finally reached his limit. “OHOHOKAHAHAY! IHI- *snrk* IHI’ll TEHEHELL!” 
And just like that, it all stopped.
Donnie begrudgingly retracted his tools, a small smile still on his face as he watched his little bro giggle. Leo followed suit, though Raph’s hand moved to the underside of the boy’s chin. He gently wiggled his fingers into the soft skin, chuckling as his little bro melted into the touch. His loud and bubbly laughter died down to soft, breathy giggles.
“Spill it, little man~” Raph practically purred as he said it, his tone softening with the next phrase. “We promise not to judge.” 
Mikey whined through his giggles, but didn’t squirm. Leo had long since released his arms; he just hadn’t noticed. “Uh-uhuhum…I wahanted to make youhuhu guhuys some d-dahanishehes for helpihing me throuhugh recovery.” He looked down, still not pulling away from the loving tickles. He’d never say it out loud, but he loved them.
“Ihi uhm… Ihihi kinda buhuhurned them. H-hahad a flare-up whehen they went ihin the ohohoven…” All three brothers’ expressions softened, even Donnie’s. The thought was incredibly sweet, and it wasn’t his fault his arms still hurt sometimes.
“Mikey…listen. We love ya. Even if you weren’t an awesome baker, we’d still take care of ya.” He continued to gently scritch under his chin, though the big guy limited it to one finger. Donnie jumped in, not making eye contact. “It’s not your fault you still get pains. Based on typical recovery times, you’re actually making exponential progress. Occasional aches are to be expected.”
“If you ever need anything, we’re all here for you. I could help with the baking and stuff, if you want.” Leo’s offer made his heart soar, as well as his other brothers’ kind words. Heartfelt moments like those would forever be cherished, especially that one.
He felt a few tears spring to his eyes, arms reaching for his bros’ hands. “Youhu guys are the behehest…” Raph stopped tickling, enveloping them all in a hug. Donnie whined, but he relaxed into the embrace. Mikey sighed, his heart full and the sadness from earlier in the day completely gone. He loved his brothers so freaking much…
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fbpsdumbtklblog · 3 months
hello I want Lee Donnie ler mikey ler Raph and ler leo
ok ok ok ok ok OK. SO.
i really like this req. i wanna finish it. but theres been a problem
i made the sketch a while ago but literally any time i attempt the lineart it looks like hot garbage
i feel kinda guilty just leaving this req unanswered tho so i will give you that sketch. but idrk how to continue off of this sorry
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ALSO heres a version i just speedran coloring under the cut jic you cant tell whats going on
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vxlepop · 1 year
This fiction is for the amazing @someone1348 , they have hit 400 followers! How fucking awesome is that? I'm writing this to celebrate their marvellous achievement, I'm so proud of them <3! We're all so proud of you, K!
A funny matter.
As you know, this is a special fiction for a wonderful friend of mine. We all love our disaster twins. Leo is making jokes, as per usual. But what's that? Did Donnie really find a joke of Leo's funny?
Ler!Leo and lee!Donnie
Warnings: Some swearing. But that's it!
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It was a regular day in the lair, well night. The family was sound-asleep. Even April decided to spend the night in the sewers with them, but she got to sleep in her own room that the turtles made for her. You could hear Raph's snoring, it never failed to make Leo laugh.. that's because Leo was awake. Leo quietly snorted hearing his older brother snore. Everyone was asleep apart from him, so he thought.
Donnie too, was awake. Leo as a red-earred slider turtle, only required 5-6 hours of sleep. For which, he already got that sleep. Donnie was working on his battle shell, to make it as good as possible. As many knew, his shell was quite the vulnerable area for the turtle. So in order to protect himself just a little more, he thought making a few upgrades sounded like a good idea. Donnie was careful. He avoided any mutant birds, since he's prey to them. And he'd never fight without his battle shell.
Leo tip-toed into the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. It was 4 o'clock.. in the fucking morning. It was a daily routine. He'd get his required sleep, then have a coffee at ungodly hours in the morning. He took a sip of said coffee, before hearing a distressed "fuck's sake!" That was the soft-shell turtle alright. 'What in the pizza supreme hell is he doing up?' Leo thought to himself, before making his way to Donnie's room. Something had to be bothering him.
With being sleep-deprived, Donnie struggled to succeed in inventing new inventions without some sort of fail. He'd make a couple more errors than usual when he didn't get enough sleep. Poor Donnie, he accidentally cut the wrong wire, making him throw a screwdriver across his room. "Oh for fuck's sake!" He cursed. Donnie slammed his elbows into his desk, holding his head into his hand.
"Hey buddy, trouble sleeping?"
"What's with the interrogation, Leo? Everything's fine I said!" Donnie snapped.
"Uh huh, can tell." Leo placed his cup down on Donnie's desk, before sitting on his brother's bed. Leo patted the space beside him, signalling Donnie to sit with him. The older sighed, but got up and sat beside his younger sibling. The older let out a sigh.
"Would you like to talk about it?" Leo offered, but the other shook his head in response. Donnie struggled with his emotions, especially with expressing them or being able to communicate with them. Despite Donnie not being the biggest fan on any physical contact, he rested his head onto his brother's shoulder.
Leo was practically in awe. It wasn't every day you saw Donnie being physically affectionate. It was such the sight. All was silent. Too silent, for Leo's liking. The atmosphere was rather heavy. Leo had to lighten the mood up. But how?
"Hey D. I've done some research on some science jokes–" Leo couldn't even finish his sentence.
" 'Nardo, please don't." Donatello interrupted.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - THE LEO SMIRK. THE LEONARDO HAMATO SMIRK. The smirk that makes you think, 'oh shit'. The smirk that makes you flush. It's all such a tease. The smirk that makes you realise, he's about to tickle the ever-living-shit out of you.
"What do you call an acid with an attitude?"
"... Go ahead, I suppose." Oh dear, how bad was this going to be? He loved his science, but how smart was Leo to be telling a joke about science.
"Amino acid!"
Donnie removed his head from Leo's shoulder as he placed his face into his hands. Donnie thought it was sly, but it wasn't. Everyone knew that it meant Donnie found something funny.
"You're doing it again, hermano~."
"When you find something funny."
"... I-I aham not finding anything funny." Well done, D. Super convincing! The almsot-emotionless turtle letting out a snicker? Who, what, when, where, and why? Of course, little did Donnie know, Leo was finding this more amusing than beating his brothers at the lair games.
"Well, maybe I could help with that.." THE TEASE WAS IN HIS VOICE, EVEN DONNIE KNEW HE WOULD HE SCREWED. Donnie looked up, eyes widening when looking up at his brother. Leo was already wiggling his fingers at the soft-shell turtle. With that being said, the soft-shell turtle was gone. He scooted back on his bed. He had nowhere to go. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The red-earred slider turtle scooted closer to the elder.
As a reflex / defence mechanism, Donnie had his arms across his chest in an 'x' form.
"Oh my beloved hermano, I'm gonna getcha! And quite frankly, there's nothing you can do about it~."
"Leo, I will personally murder you in your fucking sle– EHEHEP!" That was it. Leo targeted Donnie's thighs and knees, hoping it would bring his brother's arms down ( for which it did ). Leo kept squeezing at a rapid pace at Donnie's knees as Donnie kicked his legs and tried pushing Leo's hands away with barely any effort.
"I hahahate yohohou so much!"
"Awh, don't be like that. You know you love it. Tickletickletickletickle!"
Donnie threw his head back and kicked some more before Leo targeted Donnie's stomach. The soft-shell turtle's laughter increased in pitch as his giggles became more frantic.
"Well, that's not very nice, mister!" Leo put on a fake scowl before lowering his head down to nibble on Donnie's sensitive stomach.
" 'Om nom nom!"
The noises were so stupid that it made Donnie laugh more. Bloody hell, it tickled so much!
"It is not? But you sure are finding something funny. You're laughing your shell off! Is someone's cute, wittle twummy that sensitive? Awh." Leo put on a baby voice, making Donnie's face flush a crimson red.
"Is lwittle Donnie bwushing now?" Leo smirked, now gently tickling under his brother's chin.
"Y-You're thehe wohohorst!" Donnie smiled from ear-to-ear, scrunching his shoulders up and flapping his hands ( happy stims ).
Leo noticed, making him smile softly, too. Looks like his job was done. He made a grumpy Donatello into a happy Donatello. Before finishing his attack on his brother, Leo tickled up and down Donnie's arms ( his melt spot ), skittering his fingers around his wrists up to his muscles.
"Ehe! Yohohohou better sleheheep with one eye ohohohohohohopen, Leo!" Donnie pretended he was mad, but he gave up on squirming. His melt spot made him limp to the attack.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You love me really." And with that, Leo stopped his playful assault. Donnie, the poor turtle, was a flushing mess. The sight it was! How often do you see a ticklish Donatello blushing?
Leo layed down as he signalled his brother over by patting his chest. Donnie complied as he crawled over to Leo as he slowly lowered his head down onto the slider's chest. The red-earred smiled, noticing almost immediately his brother was falling asleep. The tickles really had tired him out. Donnie looked peaceful and at ease instead of being stiff and tense. Not even ten minutes later, the soft-shell was softly snoring. Following that, Leo began to fall asleep, just knowing his Donnie was relaxed.
Hey guys! Again, this fic was for the spectacular @someone1348 for their amazing achievement of reaching 400 followers! We're all so proud of you, K! <3
I have seen other requests you guys have sent me, I am working on them! Please be patient with me, I've got a lot going on at the moment.
(  ̄▽ ̄)
Tags: @someone1348 @sunsetsandsunshine @mythica0 @tastybluesprite @blahhhhhhhohmigosh @alfi-always-writes @anxious-lee @leosmasktails .
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ashaleeleedagurl · 5 months
Cheering up a genius
Fandom: ROTTMNT (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Lee: Donnie
Ler: Leo
Other characters: Raph, Mikey (mentioned), Splinter (mentioned)
Raphael was walking in the lair, walking to his room when he heard some sobs coming from his younger brother, Donatello, and decided to tell Leonardo.
"Let me handle it, He's been my twin for a while now, and I'm the one who's going to cheer him up bc, Mikey isn't really gentle with Doctor Delicate Touch on D, and I know when he gets into one of his "moods"" Leo said to the snapping turtle.
He walked to Donnie's room and knocked on the door, "D? You in he-" he cut off short when he found his purple twin under the blanket, sobbing.
He walked over to him and softly spoke to him, "Are you ok, hermano?"
"No! Leave me alone!" Donnie choked up as his sobs got louder, his face completely red as tears ran down his face.
Leo grabbed his side and lightly grabbed his shell to pull his twin in for a hug until he saw Donnie giggle softly. He smirked, cause, of course he did! It's Leo!! "D, why you gigglin'?" He mischievously asked as he skittered his hand up and down Donnie's shell.
Donnie started laughing, and, oh mi gosh! It was the purest thing Leo has ever heard from his grumpy twin!
"Nahahardohoho! Stohohop ihihit!" Donnie weakly said as he tried to cover his mouth.
"Don't hide that smile of yours, dear twin-o-mine!" Leo smirkingly said, uncovering Donnie's mouth and continued tickling his shell.
"Ohohokay, ok, I'm stopping."
Leo knew how to respect boundaries more than any other turtle there, including Splinter, so he stopped.
The soft shell pulled the red-eared slider into a hug and smiled widely.
Grumpy turtle + tickles = Happy turtle
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rosileeduckie · 2 years
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💙 “Someone’s a GRUMPY mad scientist today, huh?”
💜 “Mm.”
💙 “Come on, D! Smile for your favorite bro!”
💜 “Not even in my top three...”
💙 “Or your favorite bro could help you smile~”
💜 “HISS ‘Nardo don’t you DARE-”
💙 “Made you laugh~” 
Hi 💕 yes, I’m alive, and I’ve found motivation to draw for my new/old fixation and join the rottmntickle art revolution on tumblr. I won’t promise, but I’m almost sure you’ll see more of these guys on my blog because I just adore them and they in particular give me the biggest competitive switch vibes. Love yas 😘
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
@tickleebug @alfi-always-writes @someone1348 @veryblushyswitch @leosmasktails guys it’s literally them
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leosmasktails · 1 year
I’ve been thinking way too much about Peepaw Leo and Casey, so I decided to write a drabble where future Leo also got sent back in time with Casey, but the Leo’s are homies because it’s been a while since everything went down :)
This is a fluff bomb and I’m not sorry ;)
Oh also, Leo = present day Leo, Leon = future Leo :)))
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic so if you’re not into that please just scroll! :)
(As always, everything is 100% platonic and just meant to be family fluff!!!)
Warnings: None I believe lol
Word Count: 1,837
That Brought Me Back
Casey had been sitting quietly in his room, reading a Jupiter Jim comic book that Leo had lent him earlier that day.
He had gotten so wrapped up in the storyline that nothing had pulled his attention away from it for a good half an hour, except for the sudden shriek that echoed throughout the tunnels of the sewers.
Casey jolted upright, grabbing his hockey stick and venturing out into the lair to find the source of the shriek, which was now sounding more like… laughter?
He continued forwards warily, keeping his hockey stick out in front of him until the laughter got louder and louder.
Casey stepped foot into the main area of the lair that was dubbed ‘the hang-out spot’.
The scene that Casey witnessed before him wasn’t what he was expecting to see today, but now that he thought about it, he wasn’t really surprised.
Leo was sitting on top of Mikey’s shell, digging mercilessly into his youngest brother’s underarms as Mikey kicked his legs underneath him.
“LEHEO!” Mikey cried as Leo noticed the presence of another person in the room.
“Alright, alright,” Leo grinned, stepping off of Mikey and letting him recover.
“What’s up, Case?” Leo held out a hand for Mikey to take, pulling Mikey to his feet.
“Oh, I heard Mikey shriek and I just wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Casey chuckled, setting down his hockey stick against the wall.
“Oh yeah, he’s fine! Just sensitive-” Leo teased.
Leo giggled and turned back to face Casey.
“What about you, huh? You ticklish?” Leo grinned mischievously.
Casey managed to hide his reaction, fully aware that no matter what he answered, Leo was going to test it out on him anyways.
“I don’t think so,” Casey shrugged, leaving Leo and Mikey both looking perplexed.
“You don’t think so?” Leo questioned, folding his arms over his plastron in disbelief.
“How could you not know?” Mikey scoffed, a little bit of his Dr. Delicate Touch side seeping through.
“I mean, I literally lived in an apocalypse, I guess I just never got tickled much.”
“Fair point.” Leo admitted.
“You know what we gotta do, man.” Mikey deadpanned before looking at Leo and smirking.
“Yep,” Casey didn’t even put up a fight and laid on the floor awkwardly in-between Leo and Mikey.
Leo and Mikey knelt down and gave him confused looks.
“Casey, my man, I will find a way to break you.” Leo tried to break the tension in the air.
“Okay.” Casey responded nonchalantly.
Mikey stared at him in awe at how he wasn’t getting all riled up at this point.
Even Donnie was more reactive than this.
Leo hovered his hands over Casey’s torso. Still no reaction.
“Are you gonna do it?” Casey questioned, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice.
He just wanted to get this over with.
“Okay, mister, well when you put it that way!” Leo shot back equally as annoyed.
His favorite part was the build-up where his brothers would start to giggle with anticipation before he even started, but clearly that wasn’t happening here.
Leo poked Casey in the stomach, yet the boy only laid there like nothing had even happened.
If anything he just looked bored.
“Lift up your arms.” Mikey demanded, his face scrunching with determination to get Casey to laugh.
“Whatever you want, Mikey,” Casey folded his arms behind his head as if he were relaxing, closing his eyes to add to the building disappointment of both of the turtles.
Mikey scratched away at Casey’s underarms, but still, nothing.
“Not even a smile?” Leo groaned as he attempted to squeeze Casey’s sides.
This kid wasn’t giving them anything whatsoever.
“Can I sit up now?” Casey asked, a smug look faintly painted on his face.
“Yeah, sure, whatever, dude.” Leo sat back and rolled his eyes. He wasn’t actually annoyed, just disappointed he didn’t have another person to torment whenever he felt like it.
Casey sat up in-between the turtles, both of them sitting there in silence as Casey propped himself up.
“Wow, you guys are in a bad mood.” Casey joked, looking over at Leo and studying his face. He was similar enough to Master Leonardo that could tell he was only being dramatic.
“Leo?” Casey poked the red-eared slider in the side, eliciting a small squeal from said turtle.
Casey’s eyes lit up at the sound and he looked over to Mikey, who couldn’t keep up the ‘upset’ front any longer and flashed a smile across his face.
Leo huffed and turned so that he wasn’t facing them.
Mikey rolled his eyes and gave Casey a look, quickly darting his eyes to Leo and back to Casey. He knew what Leo wanted.
Mikey quietly shifted himself, preparing himself to launch at his older brother as he gave Casey a look saying: ‘Watch this.’
“Cowabunga!” Mikey shouted and shot himself at Leo, tackling him over and getting right to the point.
“Mihikey! Dohohon’t!” Leo’s giggles immediately filled the once empty silence in the air.
Casey scooted over to the action, jumping in to help Mikey get revenge on Leo from earlier.
“CAHASEY!” Leo’s laughter became louder when Casey scratched his fingers along the side of his shell.
“What are you guys doing in here?” The older slider’s voice cut through his younger counterpart’s laughter.
Casey stopped torturing Leo abruptly, butterflies growing in his stomach as soon as he heard his sensei’s voice.
He might have been able to put on an act for the younger mutant turtles, but his sensei was a different case.
“We’re just having fun!” Mikey carried on with his ticklish onslaught on Leo, sending Leo into a fit of giggly laughter again.
Leon couldn’t help but smile at the scene in front of him.
He missed these moments with his brothers.
“MIHIKE! GEHET OFF!” Leo rolled over and threw Mikey off in the process.
“What? You scared of being embarrassed in front of Leon?” Mikey teased. Leo only stuck his tongue out at him buried his face in his arms.
“Oh that ship sailed a while ago.” Leon chuckled, “But I’ve also seen my fair share of little Junior here being embarrassed too.” He added, making Casey’s cheeks flush to a light pink.
“Casey told us he’s not ticklish.” Mikey rested his elbow on Leo’s back and propped up his head, “We even tried to get him but he didn’t even smile.” Mikey looked defeated.
Casey had turned to face the other way to avoid the turtles from pointing out his blushing.
Leon’s brows furrowed with confusion, Casey had always been a pretty sensitive kid…
The realization hit him almost instantly.
“Oh, he didn’t now, did he?” A devilish smile grew on Leon’s face as he turned to make eye-contact with his surrogate son.
Casey’s face had turned a shade of beet red as he began slowly inching away from the three turtles.
“Where are you going?” Leon smirked at Casey, lunging for him and grabbing his arm so that he couldn’t escape.
The teen couldn’t help the giggles bubbling up in his throat, desperately prying at his sensei’s hand in an attempt to get away.
Leon pulled Casey into his lap sideways, his hair a mess all over his face as he pleaded with Leon and pushed his hand away from him.
The one advantage Casey had was that Leon currently only had one arm, but he was still a hell of a lot weaker than the full grown mutant turtle man.
“You’re really not doing a good job of selling yourself to them here, Case.” Leo grinned down at Casey already going crazy in his lap.
Leon pulled his arm back and wiggled his fingers down at Casey, sending the boy into a fit of laughter as he once again attempted to block Leon’s hand.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!” Leon was amused with himself, finally slipping past Casey’s hands and drilling his fingertips gently into Casey’s stomach.
Casey’s laughter rang out and bounced off of the walls, all of them unable to help the smiles they wore at the sound Leon was eliciting from the usually quiet teen.
Leon skittered his hand around Casey’s torso, hitting a sweet spot on his ribs that sent him squealing.
Leo and Mikey felt betrayed by this.
“Dude! How did he do that earlier?” Leo was thoroughly impressed with Casey’s little performance he had put on only minutes before.
“It’s all in your head!” Leon responded as he continued digging his fingers into the crook of Casey’s neck, a stream of nasally giggles leaving Casey’s mouth, “It’s a tactic I taught him when he was younger, but we used tickling as a way to build up those skills.”
“That’s neat!” Mikey chimed in.
“So, what I’m hearing right now is that he wanted you to tickle him?” Leo questioned, sitting up straight, “Because his walls broke down the moment you brought it up.”
Leon looked from his younger self back to Casey squirming around in his lap, the pure childishness of it warming Leo’s heart.
This is what Casey should have always looked like.
Happy, not worried about an apocalyptic invasion, carefree, the list went on for miles.
“Maybe,” Leon shrugged, “I can’t say I blame him though.” He winked at the younger slider, bringing a small blush to the teen’s face.
He kept forgetting Leon knew all of his thoughts.
Leon chuckled and pulled his hand away from Casey, letting him breathe and calm down.
“Thahat was soho mean!” Casey whined, now pouting in Leon’s lap.
“Oh, that brought me back!” Leon scooped up Casey into a crushing hug, “You used to be so little, oh, and you were just the cutest thing!” Leon shook him around in his arms.
“Sensei!” Casey’s giggles were full of embarrassment as he pulled himself away from Leon’s hug, falling backwards and landing on his palms.
“I speak no lies!” Leon shrugged, laughing when Casey’s cheeks went pink again.
“Yeah, yeah, enough with the sappy stuff, grandpa-”
Leo threw an arm around a very flustered Casey’s shoulders and pulled him backwards, “I told you I would find a way to break you! I just never said it would be this version of me!”
Casey rolled his eyes at Leo’s logic.
It still weirded him out how similar the two Leo’s acted, even though he knew they were the same person.
“Wait,” the wheels in Casey’s brain began to turn, “If he’s also you, wouldn’t that mean he has the same sensitive spots as you?” He looked up at Mikey, who immediately picked up what he was putting down.
Leo sat in silence before a grin took over his face.
“I like where your head is at, Case.” Leo craned his neck upwards to look at Leon, Casey following his movement.
Leon perked his head up to see three very mischievous looking teenagers staring him down.
“Okay, Peepaw,” Leo released Casey and cracked his knuckles for dramatic effect.
“Your turn.”
Part 2
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squiggly-mctwig · 11 months
1/2 drawings done, Mikey down, just Donnie to go ehe
I do admit I went a little overboard but this was a really cute one to draw!
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sunsetsandsunshine · 11 months
Oh wow 😧
I wasn’t expecting so many people to like the TMNT 2012 headcanons I did! Tysm for the support you guys 💕✨💗💞! Part two upon ye
~ TMNT 2012 Tickle Headcanons (pt.2) ~
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This gif is so dumb I hate them sm /j
You cannot convince me that Raph’s melt spot isn’t his neck- me and @tickleebug were talking abt this and just,,, IT MAKES SM SENSE I CANT EXPLAIN IT
Tickling his neck just makes him super giggly and squirmy and just an absolute PUDDLE of laughter- it’s so adorable 
Mikey’s brother’s 100% give tickly kisses on his freckles- FIGHT ME.
And boy does he absolutely LOVE and HATE it-
I feel like Donnie would be a ruthless Ler
Not as mean as Leo or Raph but pretty close
He would just playfully mock his Lee and laugh while he tickles them 
“Are you really this ticklish???”
He’s the best at gentle tickles and it drives his other brothers absolutely INSANE
Like, I can just imagine Donnie gently scribbling his fingers against one of his brothers sides or something and the convo would be something like this:
“Stop? Stop what~?” 
“No I don’t~!”
Then proceeds to tickle ANOTHER tickle spot that absolutely CANNOT handle light tickles as his Lee just CRUMBLES
“What? Don’t tell me you can handle this either!” 
“I’m barley tickling you! This shouldn’t even be considered tickling!”
Do you see my vision???
He be completely devious- we need more Ler!Donnie y’all…
Mikey will 100% try and bargain with whomever he’s ticked off 
It never works but give the guy points for trying 
Leo uses wake up tickles for his younger siblings all the time 
Sometimes, the 3 will purposely stay in bed to get tickled awake 
Mikey loves tickle chases- literally his most favorite thing 
Raph won’t ever admit to being ticklish (his brothers already know well enough how ticklish he is) but if you sneak up behind him and squeeze his sides, he will jump through the roof
It’s a hilarious sight to see
Leo snort/hiccup laugh >>>>>>>>>
When Raph and Mona started dating, Leo, Donnie and Mikey gave her a full on HANDBOOK on how to completely wreck Raph
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gaybananabread · 4 months
rottmnt tickle head cannons? What is your favorite tickle trope for Rise? (As in who is your favorite Lee/ler scenario)
🐢Rottmnt Tkl Headcanons♡
~Oooooh my Rise hcs! Sorry I've been so dead recently, school is kicking my ass this semester (⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙). I'll do character hcs first, and the trope thing at the end. Much longer than my others for sure. I need to do more for these skrunkles tbh. Slight Rise spoilers if you squint. Sorry this took 8,000 years, and thank you for requesting!~
(Casey Jr Hcs)
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We can all agree that this big ol’ teddy bear loves tickles, right?
Be it a fluffy comfort or destroying a bratty brother, Big Raphie is up for it.
Taking this into account, he feels like a switch.
Might admit he likes it around the right person, though his brothers have known for years.
He has to really trust someone to tell them.
Doesn't wanna seem like he's unfit to protect his brothers. As you can probably guess, he gets lovingly ejected from that mindset when people find out.
If he gets a lee mood, he tries to hide it and fails miserably.
Big boy will have the dopiest grin around his playful brothers, which he does a horrible job at hiding.
Can't seem to focus on his advice-giving or training. It doesn't take long for his brothers to notice.
Worst spot is his underarms. You get him there and he'll give every dog near a NYC sewer grate a headache.
Melt spots are his palms and beneath his chin. Gentle scratches on either surface melt him into a happy, giggly puddle.
Likes being tickled by anyone really close to him. He's just gotta be in the right mood for it. April kills him most often.
Amazing thing to do to him is gentle melt-spot attention to help him relax. Toss in some reassurances and praise while you're at it. He'll be in a blissful daze for hours.
Mostly a revenge-ler, but he can also randomly get ler moods.
He loves the Tickle Monster persona, always uses it on his brothers when they're being shitheads.
A softer ler, though he isn't afraid to wreck someone if they refuse to quit (or ask).
When he's being nice, soft scribbles, flurries of pokes, and side squeezes.
“Cootchie-coo, ya cutie!”
When he's not-so-nice, you get one or two giant, inescapable tickle-claws attacking you, big squeezes and occasionally neck nibbles if he's feeling evil.
Mikey, Leo and April get it most often, though each for different reasons.
Mikey straight up asks, and big bro is more than happy to provide. Boy loves a willing lee.
Leo’s always a shit, and some Raphie tickles work wonders on taking him down a peg.
April either offers to let him tickle her as a stress/mood reliever or engages a tickle fight.
He gives the best aftercare ever (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠。⁠♡. Cuddles, back rubs, maybe a nap in his cozy lap if you're comfortable with it. Potential hot chocolate if you're patient.
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Sassy man gives off ler-leaning switch.
Always in the mood to lovingly murder his brothers’ lungs, but occasionally likes to forget his name.
This playful goof definitely likes tickling, though he refuses to admit it. He needs to protect his coolness, afterall.
When the lee mood hits, everyone in the house is immediately notified. Not directly, of course, but it's pretty obvious that something's up.
WAY more one-liners and flippy jokes than normal. Awkward finger guns at the end of jokes, little prods and pokes for no reason, just general annoyance.
In his mind, he'll either annoy them into wrecking him, or they'll pick up on it and help. Either way, he gets tickled.
If anyone tickles him, it's usually either Raph or Mikey. Raph gets tired of his shit the quickest, and Mikey is good at reading people.
Worst spots are his thighs and feet. Get him there, and there's no way he'll be able to even think about sassing anyone through his laughter.
Melt spots are his forearms. After a long day of patrolling the city and being awesome, some light traces there will make him a very happy turtle.
Okay but the SASS
He's such a teasy bastard of a ler. Will tease and coo at his lee until they're a flustered, blushy mess. Then he'll call ‘em cute one more time, just because he can.
He frequently gets ler moods, but those are way easier to take care of than their opposite.
Most of the time, his lee will be Mikey or Donnie. His bubbly brother is almost always in the mood for a good tickle “fight,” and Donnie needs to relax sometimes.
Has a bit of a rough style, but does get softer moods sometimes.
During regular moods, he loves to dig into sides and bellies, attack death spots and blow raspberries to hear a lee squeal.
On softer occasions, he'll gently skitter his fingers along death spots, switching places whenever the giggling gets too loud. Maybe some tickly kisses if you're lucky
His aftercare typically consists of cuddling during a Jupiter Jim movie, snacks, and gentle praises. Makes sure his victims are smiling, even when his fingers aren't wiggling.
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Sunshine boy loves tickling, both as a bonding activity and a coping method.
He's a lee-leaning switch for sure. Ready to get his ass handed to him, but open to helping out his brothers’ lee moods or cheering someone up.
Has magical “can say the t-word at any time” powers. You know he abuses the absolute heck out of said powers, too.
Lee moods are no rare thing for this boyo.
Gets them very frequently, though he's actually able to ask for help when he needs it.
Either accidentally or on purpose, he's able to fluster his ler. He'll ask for more, one specific spot, tell them that they're doing an awesome job, ect.
When he gets super stressed, some cheer-up/calm-down tickles are much appreciated (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
A massive squirmer, he can't help it. Make sure to pin or hold him, or you might get an elbow to the nose (accidentally, of course; he'd never stop apologizing).
Worst spots are his knees and neck. Either spot gets him screeching, though he isn't likely to try and stop you.
Melt spot is his palms. With his mildly-terrifying mystic magic, some feather-light touches can be reassuring. Just make sure to ask first.
Everyone kinda rotates through wrecking him, though Raph and Donnie kinda dominate the field.
Either because they catch on/get annoyed the quickest or something else, he's usually found with them.
Surprisingly formidable ler
Don't let his cinnamon-roll vibe fool you: this man can and will wreck your shit.
Tweaks his style a bit for each person. Super observant and tailors how and what he does to each lee.
Compliment-teases are his specialty. He'll have you blushing in 5 seconds flat.
“Aww, I love your blush! It's so bright and cute, just like you!”
“This squishy belly is just so ticklish, isn't it? Here I thought it was just adorable!”
“Was that a snort? No, don't hide it! Those are the best!”
His ler moods are a bit rarer, but they are absolutely something to fear (or enjoy while they last (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)).
Super sweet aftercare. You can't escape cuddling (unless you can't handle the touch, he'll understand). Usually some hand-baked treats as well, depending on what he has hidden from his brothers.
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He's a ler-leaning switch, but that's mainly because he's not always open for being touched.
He gets lee moods, but they're rarer. People have to ask before they try anything.
Even with ler moods, not always open to get somebody.
Communication with this boy is key.
It takes a good combination of good day + not overstimulated + in a touchy mood, but he does get lee moods.
Tries to hide and ignore them, but it never works out. Either Shelldon finds him and helps, or one of his brothers stumbles across the mood.
If he’s super overwhelmed with a project and okay with touch, some light tickles are perfect for bringing him back to Earth.
Little hand flaps and kicks when you get him. Happy stims galore! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Worst spot is his soft shell, though armpits are a close second. Loud, bright and occasionally hysterical reactions.
Melt spots are his belly plastron and tops of his thighs. Gentle traces and scratches on either spot leave him a stimmy, giggly puddle.
Most of the time, it’ll be Leo who tickles him. It’s usually for help calming down, though April isn’t far behind.
Will never admit it, but he does enjoy both sides of tickling.
You know this mans uses his shell attachments to wreck people.
Those metal claws? Yeah, good luck- =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇)
Very dramatic commentary on his lee’s reactions. His inner theater kid loves to shine. Either that, or complete monotone. There’s no in-between, and he’s never offered an explanation.
“Oh my, you’re laughing rather hard, my dear gigglebug!”
“Judging by this raucous laughter, I’d say this is your worst spot.”
“Oh, it tickles? Really badly? How unfortunate for you…”
Has absolutely made tickle-specific gadgets and I will die on this hill.
Remember the feather staff feature from the Shredder episode? He didn’t just have that for no reason.
Usually wrecks Mikey and/or Leo. They’re both very talented at provoking him, either on purpose or by accident.
His aftercare depends on his mood. If he’s cool with touch, he’ll cuddle and watch a movie with you. If not, you’ll usually get some pats from his claw and snuggles from Shelldon (yes lil’ dude is fine gimme a break)
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Hmmmm toughie, but I’d say ler-leaning switch. Not all that ticklish, but willing to help if one of her brothers is in a bad ler mood.
She just kinda prefers to do the tickling most of the time, unless it’s for her bros.
Extremely confident, bears the magic power of saying the t-word whenever she pleases. You know she puts it to good use, too.
Being the sister of the family, she’s gotta put her bros in their places. Why not use tickling?
While it’s not often, she’ll let Big Raphie tickle her if he needs to.
Sometimes that boy just needs someone to reassure him that he’s not hurting them while giggling their brains out.
She’s pretty good at sitting still, amazing poker face. Could easily dominate in the Arms Up game.
As I said before, not super ticklish. Serves her well in tickle fights (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
Only her ribs really get her laughing, but other than that it’s bubbly, pitchy giggles.
Doesn’t really have a melt spot, though if she had to choose a favorite, it’d be her belly.
VERY very teasy. Easily-flustered lees be warned (˘ ˘ ˘)
Loves seeing her lee blush and sputter, finds it endlessly adorable.
“What? Oh, it tickles? Good, thought I might’ve been going too easy on ya!”
“Oooo, someone’s blushin’! How cute~”
“Wonder what would happen if I went for your worst spot… Only one way to find out!”
Giggles along with her lee. They’re adorable—how could she not?
As big sis, it’s her job to keep her brothers in line. Why not use tickling?
Frequently gives Raph calm-down/confidence-boosting tickles. Boy’s too stressed, in her opinion.
After him, it’s helping Donnie relax or pry him away from a project. Leo also needs to be taken down a peg every once in a while.
Super snuggly aftercare. Back rubs, praises and even some teases for the road, if ya catch my drift~
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I’m feeling ler on this one. She doesn’t seem like she’d enjoy being tickled too much, though she definitely doesn’t mind wrecking others.
Before the Hamato fam stepped in, she didn’t really have much experience in the tickly field.
Maybe one of her foot-face mentors, but other than that, nada.
That absolutely changes when she joins the bros.
Ready to vanquish any “enemy” lee mood to help her friends out.
Rougher style normally, though she can be convinced to dial it back. You wanna forget your name? She’s your gal.
Takes her role sorta seriously, though she can be playful. Just depends on her mood.
If she does tease, it’s more observational than anything.
She just kinda says flustering stuff without meaning to.
“Well, no duh it tickles. That’s the whole point!”
“Not there? You asked me to tickle you, but scold me the moment I get somewhere? I don’t think so!”
Attacks everyone pretty evenly, but she does have a preference for April and Raph. They’re the most fun to take down, in her opinion.
Cass respects boundaries, of course. You genuinely want her to stop and she’ll be off you in seconds.
Doesn’t grasp the concept of aftercare quite yet. Once you can breathe, she’ll start asking for feedback.
“How was that? Did it really tickle? Details, giggler, details!”
If specifically requested, though, she does give a mean back-rub and/or massage. If your back or neck is ticklish, though, you’re gonna have a whole new problem~ ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
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Splints has ler energy, ya know?
Like April, not super ticklish. He isn’t the biggest fan of being tickled, but if it’s with very specific people, he’ll tolerate it.
Doesn’t interact tickle-wise very often, but he does have his moments.
Is very aware that his children love it and tries to connect with them in that way sometimes.
With his ninja skills and small size, he can take down even the brattiest of lees in seconds.
You see his tail? Yeah, absolutely uses it to help wreck his victims.
Very playful, goofy ler. Laughs along with his lee, makes little comments on their reactions.
“Oh my, little one. I never would have thought you’d be so sensitive!”
“Heheh, what a cute laugh! You really should let me hear it more often!”
When he notices any of his kids are down in the dumps, he sneaks in a few pokes and scritches with his tail.
If that doesn’t work, they get the full-Splints treatment. Reassuring teases, rougher tickles and his undivided attention.
He’ll bug Draxum when he feels like it, which is more funny than anything.
Reducing the broody goat-man to a giggling, cursing mess is therapeutic for him ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)
His aftercare is light and sweet. Head pats, reassurances, and a small cookie break for a nice close.
🌱Baron Draxum🐐
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Before the turtles, had little to no idea what tickling was about.
Sure, he knew that people laughed when it happened, but he couldn’t tell what was so great about it. It was just touch and laughter - no big deal.
Once the teetles got ahold of him, though? Yeah, that view changed pretty quick.
Turns out he’s a switch. Likes “destroying his nuisances” with the harmless technique, but doesn’t mind it being used on him.
Will never admit the latter, though.
A LOT more ticklish than one would imagine. Like a few squeezes will leave him giggling and blushing like there’s no tomorrow.
He’s pretty good at hiding his lee moods, though they definitely aren’t repressible. Draxy feels them, but can keep others in the dark.
If anyone’s gonna notice, it’ll be Lou (Splinter). He knows the man the best, thanks to Mikey’s whole “fatherly-bonding” push.
Splints will help, though he’ll tease the shit out of the Baron the entire time.
While he’ll never tell the rat man, he enjoys the silly exchanges.
Worst spots are his hips and shoulder blades. Either place will have him stuck in a snorty, rumbling bout of hysterics.
Melt spots are his palms. He adores gentle traces there, lets him know somebody cares.
Absolutely uses his mystic powers to help him.
Those vines? Yeah, restraints and tickle tools for days
Very smug ler, likes to tease his lees until they’re flustered messes. It’s done out of love, though, so can you blame him?
“This must be torturous, huh? The vines holding you still, my fingers on your worst spots… However, I don’t think I’ve heard you say stop…”
Usually tickles the teens if they’re annoying him, but also goes after Lou every so often.
He knows there’ll be repercussions, but life’s no fun without a little risk.
Huginn and Muninn are next in line. Surprising no one, they’re and attention whores. Draxy makes sure they get their fills.
Not the best with aftercare, but he tries. Back rubs and light praises while you catch your breath. Maybe some of his “confectionary wonders” if you’re brave enough.
*✧⁠◍Favorite Trope & Lee/Ler Pairing◍✧⁠*
Okay, so there’s no way I can pick a single favorite pairing. I love them all too much! I can, however, name my top 3.
lee!Raph, ler!April is definitely up there. I adore the big-siblings energy in their fics, and they just bond so well!
Pretty much anything with lee!Donnie in it. I love seeing the smarty-pants get got ( •̀ ᵕ •́ )
lee!Draxum and ler!Splinter. Okay, hear me out, but I love redemption arcs and enemies to friends/lovers/co-parents or whatever you wanna call what they have going on. They’re fun and I like fun.
For my favorite trope, I’m gonna have to go with cheer-up tickles, or more specifically, some stop-stressing-tf-out tickles. It’s always so fun to read how people would cheer up the boys, as well as write some super duper, totally not self-indulgent fics like that for myself. Maybe one day they’ll see the light, but don't count on it lol (¬////¬)
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someone1348 · 1 year
Okay! Because it is the special 400! We are starting my surprise series me and @dallyhall came up with based on the episode "Down With the Sickness"
So pretty much the premise is: you know the captain cuddle cakes or stage 3? We changed that up! Stage 3 becomes the ler stage! When they get sick and enter stage three everything ler wise is amplified (They all fear Mikey)
This is the Stage 3 Series!!! I'm so excited to write this!
We're starting off with Leo! I hope you enjoy!
The people in this: Ler!Leo, Lee!Donnie, Lee!Mikey, Lee!Raph
Tw: some intense tickles sort of! And a Mention of being panicked, That's about it other than that it's adorable!
Thank you all for 400! This is for you guys! I love you all so much! :] /p /gen /pos
-K :]
Stage Three: Leo!
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"ACHOO!" Time seemed to stop right then and there. All three turtles slowly turned to look at their brother in blue.
"Leooo? You okay buddyy?" Raph asked him calmly. Being sick wasn't new to them, and none of them, minus Donnie, were worried about catching anything, but things have changed. Recently, because they have grown, the stage three of being sick for all of the turtles has changed from captain cuddle cakes to the ultimate tickle monster.
Everything was enhanced, it was like having a ler mood times 3000. That's why everyone was shaking in their metaphorical boots right now. It has been too long since one of them got sick, they could not afford this right now.
"Guys, I'm fineee! Don't worry! It's allergy season!" Leo dismissed their worries but the more time went on the more he started to not feel right, did he eat another poison puff?, no no, hmm, uh oh-
"Is it hot in here?"
Their eyes widened as they all looked at him again,
"Stage One!" They shouted in unison, really starting to panic now. Leo sighed and looked at them, trying to calm everyone down.
"Guys really I'm f-fi- achoo!" He sniffed "I'm fine!"
"Quarantine him!"
"No! Guys! Raph! Put me down!" Leo complained before they gently threw him in a room putting up the special sick divider they have for occasions like this.
"This is stupid I'm not sick"
"He's in denial" Donnie said in his normal monotoned voice
"He's moving to stage two!" Mikey said dramatically as he slid down the length of Donnies arm onto the floor.
"Relax! He's in there, when he gets to stage three we'll be safe!" Raph said confidently as Donnie gently and soothingly rubbed the top of Mikeys head.
The three of them went to do their own thing. Mikey cautiously came back with soup which Leo thanked him for, things seemed to be normal. Either he wasn't in stage three yet or stage three went back to captain cuddle cakes but that's impossible...right?
Mikey rushed to get the others "guys! Leo seems normal, were we wrong about him being sick? Has stage three changed back? I don't know what's going on!" Mikey babbled before Donnie shook his head 'no'
"No no, he's definitely sick, maybe he's playing mind games, to try and lure you in for stage 3"
Mikey whimpered in fear before giggling a little in anticipation.
"Shhh Mikey! We can't wake up stage three!" Donnie whisper yelled as the three of them peaked around the corner to check on him.
Eyes widened as they saw that they were staring at nothing.
"Uhhh guys...he's gone" Raph spoke as he looked down "Mikey?!"
"HE'S GOT MIKEY!" They shouted together as they looked around
"He was right here! Great Galileo! we are doomed!" Raph placed his hands on his younger brothers shoulders
"Breathe Donnie, We have the advantage, prepare yourself and let him have Mikey! You know he's the most ticklish anyway! Maybe he'll only go for him"
"You're right! I wish you the best of luck, big brother" he wiped a fake tear as Raph nodded
"It's been an honor, little brother!" Raph saluted him as they went their sepreate ways.
Mikey, on the other hand, had been taken away and put in his room "m-my room? But why?" He was so confused, this was so different than other stage threes before.
He heard a distant giggling, and then a million different portals illuminated the room covering almost every inch of the space but the floor. Mikeys eyes widened as he turned and tried to follow the giggling but it sounded like it was coming from every direction.
"Leoooo" Mikey whined cautiously, aware of the giggles that threatened to spill out from Mikeys lips as they bubbled up in his chest. He felt a poke to his side but when he turned there wasn’t a hand in sight.
Another poke
And another
"Leheheo! Quit poking mehe" Mikey quickly covered his mouth. The youngest knew he was doomed as the low chuckle that once echoed all over the room made itself present again.
Mikey spun around and was now face to face with the man himself "Boo!" Leo said as he pulled Mikey into a portal that took them to the soundproof garage,
"Now I can get those precious giggles of yours all to myself~" Leo smirked as he held Mikeys hands up above his head with one hand.
Mikey couldn't contain the giggles, Stage Three: The tickle monster stage.
"Leheheo plehease!"
"I haven't even touched you yet giggles~" he wiggled his fingers teasingly at him, Leo's classic smirk grew tenfold as he scanned his little brother for the first spot he would go to
"I'm saving those precious knees for last, for right now~ these ticklish sides of yours are calling my name!" He thought out loud before gently squeezing and scribbling alll over Mikeys sides, letting go of pinning him down so he can use both hands.
Mikey squeaked before he lightly tried to push at Leo's hands. "LEHeheHeO! NOhoHoHo!" He giggled like a little kid, which made Leo smile.
"You're too adorable little brother! I knew picking you first was the right choice, Once I heard those giggles it was quite an easy decision~" he booped his nose as Mikeys face dusted a light pink.
"IHihit's a blehehessing and a cursEE HEHE LEHeHeO!" He squealed before the tickle monster in him decided it was time for his littlest brothers stomach to get some raspberries
Mikey lightly pushed at his head as he tried to get away "IHhIT TIhHicKles!"
Leo giggled "I would hope so, hmmm I'm not satisfied yet, let's say we move down, does that sound good gigglebug?~"
Mikeys eyes widened and he chirped as Leo dragged his fingers down his thighs to his knees gently tapping the tops of them
"LEHEHEEO! DohoHon't! Thahat's my tihihickle spot!" He giggled with anticipation and spoke so innocently as if he hadn't been tickled many many times before by his big brothers, especially Leo!
"Oh? Right heree you say?~" Leo giggled as he gently squeezed his knee caps and listened to Mikey snort.
Leo scribbled all over his knees from the tops of them to underneath them leaving no spot untickled.
"Yehehes~" Leo giggled along with him as he gently flipped his youngest brother over and blew raspberries behind his knees.
Mikey chirped and snorted again "LEHEHEO PLEAHAHAHASE IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!"
"Oh does this tickle too?~" he asked with a smirk as he gently nibbled behind his knees
"EEE! YEHEHES-" He snorted again as his fists gently hit the floor "ALOHOHOT!"
"We're almost done cutie pie" he teased him like any big brother would as he gently dragged his teeth from the back of his knees to the back of his thighs.
Mikeys laugh went silent before he snorted and let out his genuine laughter "LEHEHE LEHEHE!"
Leo giggled and stopped as he rubbed away the ghost tickles before gently rubbing Mikeys head "Time to find the others, adios Hermano~" he winked portaling Mikey back to his room and them himself to the living room to start looking for the others.
Leo giggled as he wandered the house, "Raphieeeee come out come out wherever you areee~"
Raphs eyes widened as he covered his mouth. He didn't even hear Mikey get caught how is this possible?! He was hiding behind the biggest arcade machine they have. The sound of the machines rattled with Leo's teasy voice getting closer and closer with every passing second. He had no time to think about it, this was game time if he's caught it's over.
"Raphieeee I'm gonna getchaa!~" He smirked as he popped his head into the arcade "now this looks like the kind of place my big brother would be~"
Raph put another hand to his mouth trying to hold back any threatening giggles that lingered in his throat.
Leo tapped every machine until he got to the one Raph was hiding behind. With a smirk he teased "Oh where could he be!" He giggled a little, peeking his head over the side of it. "I found you my little Raphadoodlee~"
Raph squeaked as he tried to get away before Leo gently pounced onto him wasting no time scribbling all over his spikes
"Leo! Wait!- NOHOHO HAHA!-" Raph snorted mid-sentence as Leo's smirk grew and he continued "Dawww what's the matter? Is Raphiee Ticklwishh?~" He spoke in his baby voice as he switched between Raphs ribs and his spikes
"LEHeheOOHO! KNohoHocK IHit OHoFf!" He tried to squirm without hurting him but his face started to get redder than his bandana
"Look at your face!" Leo giggled before blowing raspberries to his spikes "Does it tickleeeee?~"
"Coochie Coochie Coo wittle Laughy Raphhiee~" He smirked, watching his older brother crumble gently to the floor in order to try and hide his face
"Okahay okahay!" Leo gently rubbed away the ghost tickles before walking out of the arcade. "Be good for me now giggles i've got a scientist to find~"
"Oh DONNIEEEE~" he wandered out of the arcade towards Donnies room/lab.
The purple clad turtles eyes were already wide upon hearing Raphs laughter from his lab, he thought for sure Leo would have been done after both of them but-
"Oh my banana pancakes I am doomed" he spoke quietly before his lab doors were busted open
"Deee Deee~ my favorite twinnn come give your brother some giggles~" Donnie squeaked as Leo was already tackling him gently down to the floor faster than he could blink! Mikey had the strength but Leo for sure had the speed.
Leo smirked and scribbled all over the top of his thighs "Tickle Tickle tickleee~ wittle DonLEE~"
"LEHeheO! COhohoMe OHohon! NOhot Fahair! LehEhet MeHe GohoHo!" Donnies pleads went in one ear and out the other as Leo gently flipped him over and lightly pinched all over the back of his thighs
"Tickletickletickletickle! You know you have the most precious laugh in the whole world Dee Dee~ I could listen to it for hourss!" Leo smiled as he blew raspberries all over the back of his thighs.
"NohOHOHO! NOHOT TRUHUE! LEHeheO sTAhaP IhIHIT!-" He snorted after his sentence making Leo giggle some more before gently bitting all over the back of his thighs
"We're almost done gigglebug~" he gently dragged his teeth down from the top of the back of his thighs to his knees
"LEHEHE LEHEHE!" Donnies face turned crimson as he stimmed happily
"Okahay okay" Leo giggled gently rubbing away his ghost tickles before getting off of him.
"ACHOO!-" Leo sneezed again before he gently fell asleep. Donnie took him back to quarantine before gathering the others.
"It's official stage three is over!" Donnie spoke with great pleasure as he looked at them all, red faced and some still giggling.
"I haven't laughed like that in so long" Mikey said as they all agreed,
"Let's try and keep our distance until it clears and hope none of us gets sick" Raph spoke as they nodded
A few moments later
"ACHOO!-" uh ohhhh...
I hope you all enjoyed this special! I can't wait to write the rest of this series but I'm gonna have everyone vote for who's next!
Also credits to @aninabanina6969 for the Laughy Raphie nickname! That was all her, not me! Credit where credit is due!
Thank you all for 400! You all mean so much to me and I'm so happy for this incredible community, for all of you, for the wonderful people I've met here and more! You are loved, you are appreciated, you are important and valid and I'm so proud of you! Never forget that!
Have an amazing day everyone <3
-K :]
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 5 months
lee mikey: Mikey is decorating Christmas cookies and he's doing it somewhat differently when someone (you can pick who) says something rude and hurts Mikeys feelings. The other over hear it and are NOT letting their baby brother be sad.
Day 24. The Giggly cookie
Summary: Mikey has a small cookie-sell out, but when someone comments on his cookies he gets sad... next thing he knows he is getting cheered up by his brothers.
A/n: SO this is the last day of this christmas series, ofcourse I'm still open to request but it won't be a Daily comic, cause of 2 things, 1 i have a busy life, 2 MOST of these were rushed and for them to not be rushed i need time for that, so yh, I'm still open to request, just they won't get here easily. Merry Christmas and HAPPY new year! T-CESTERS AND PRO-SHIPPERS NOT ALLOWED. Enjoy!!
Lee: Mikey
Ler: Leo, Donnie and Raph.
Extra: the purple dragons.
Warrnings: Making someone sad, mentions of nuking, Tickling. Comfort.
Mikey had a sell out with his Christmas cooking! He thought some sweets would be perfect for the christmas-spirit! He was selling soo many Christmas treats as the snowflakes fell on the cookie boxes he hand made. Suddenly he saw 3 teenagers in purple satin jackets walk his way. He was suspicious, okay he didn't know these 3 people but...those jackets seemed familiar... The 3 teenagers made their way to the cookie stand as Mikey said.
🧡:Hello! How can i help you?-
💜Ke: OH I have an idea how you can help us... by running away with these horrible cookies of yours- I mean- who whould buy...these cookies?
Mikeys smile slowley faded away, a bit of iritation and hurt showing in his eyes as his smile turned to a frown. Kendras words did hit a bit...
💜Je: Yeah like dude what are these supposed to be?? Who are you waiting for?? A dog??? A rat??? Those look like traps that even the dumbest animal won't fall for!!
Jeremy snickered eith Kendra giving each other a high five as Jason added.
💜Ja: those don't even look good dude. You should get a beter skill.
Kendra and Jeremy stopped laughing glaring at Jason.
💜Ke: oh shut up Jason. That wasn't either funny or creative. *groan* come on guys. Let's go. We don't have time for some plain papper sweets.
The Purple dragons walked away laughing leaving the turtle hurt, he whanted to yell at them, he whanted to prove to them he's actually good, but for some reason he thought...were they right?
Mikey gathered all his cookies and stand and quickly went back into the lair. Trying to swallow his tears.
When he came back he sat in the kitchen, now in a bad mood, laying his head onto his arms as his eyes glossed up with a small pout on his face. Meanwhile his older brothers came back with the pizza, Leo and Donnie were arguing about something meanwhile Raph just listened with an annoyed face, when they saw Mikey they all went greet their brother.
💙:Hi Bud! Wassup?
When they all hear Mikeys voice their joy faded replacing with worry and concern.
❤️:Hey Mikey uh how did the sell out go!-
Before he could finish Mikey interrupted with a groan as he hid his face in his arms showing all of them that something did indeed happend.
Mikey then explained what hapoend making the 3 older turtles mad before trying and comforting their brother.
💜:Ah brother, don't litsen to those idiots that call themselves geniuses, they are just stuck up brats.
💙:Yea! Mikey, your baking and decorating is *chef kiss* those idiots should go suck a drain.
🧡:Maybe...but what if it's true...?
Raph was rubbing the younger shoulder slowley getting an idea as he slowley started tickling his sides while Leo and Donnie tried comforting Mikey, when Mikey felt the tickles he hid his face into the table making Donnie and Leo think he's crying before they heard.
🧡:RhahahaphHh SthOHOpp-
The faint and muffled giggles of the youngest turtle giving the other ideas. Leo started slowley tickling Mikeys armpits meanwhile Donnie started tickling Mikeys neck and shell.
Mikey bursted into giggles and laughter as he tried to kick them off but with no amount of effort he put in, he coudnt. Slowley the tickling increased making the boy laugh hysterically before the others let him breathe and stopped. Smiling at their youngest brother before Leo mumbled to Donnie.
💙:You nuked the purple idiots base right?
Before they started tickling Mikey agian to make sure he is infact in a great mood.
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jadelovesrise-tmnt · 1 year
Idea by @tastybluesprite
This takes place a bit before the movie, when the apocalypse first started.
Donnies stressed about the situation, so Leo helps him stop worrying for a short while.
In the lair games episode where Donnie hides in his shell, remember that?
Well keep that in mind for later!
Tw: kinda angsty at the start again, tickles, some cussing.
Bad fanfic numa toooo !! 1!
The sewer was dead silent.
It had been a week before the kraang had started there take over.
Raph was usually on guard duty, preventing the infected from taking over the base using his ninpo.
Mikey stopped drawing ever since it happened, being back up in case raph was outnumbered.
Donnie was always in his lab, trying to find out how to get the key, let alone get rid of the kraang.
And Leo....
Along with making sure the others took care of themself's, he had lost most of his spark.
Seeing his brothers be so upset was heartbreaking, especially knowing HE was the reason.
It was around 3:13 am, when he heard a thump from donnies room
Worried for his twin, he rushed upstairs, barging into the lab.
Donnie dropped the tools he was working with, thumping his head onto the table.
🐢💜: "why isn't this working..?? If I can't protect them....then...ugh..."
He mumbled out loud to himself, silent tears running down his face.
Leo cleared his throat, loud enough for Donnie to hear.
He perked his head up and sighed, turning to face Leo.
🐢💜: "oh..hey, Leo..did you need anything?"
🐢💙: "I heard a thump, are you okay?? Wait are you-- are you cryin Dee? "
His twin let out a shakey breath, standing up and hugging his twin.
This was weird. Like Mikey level weird. [No Offense... ]
Donnie never hugged Leo, or anyone really, it was rare he even acknowledged him!
Leo's thoughts we're interrupted by a heavy sob.
🐢💜: "I'll never..be able to prot-tect you all... I have no p-power...im useless compared to you..! How can you even stand being my twin if I can't...."
His words were cut off in between loud body shaking cries, holding onto Leo tighter than ever.
Leo's jaw dropped from hearing his brother speak like this. Usually it was Leo being emotional about being useless.
He didn't realize how bad the situation of the world had got to dee.
🐢💙: "d-dee..your nothing even CLOSE to useless! What are you talking about??"
He felt hot tears sting his eyes from seeing his twin like this.
🐢💙: "I'm taking you to my room, okay? You need a break."
Donnie nodded slightly, leaning on his brother and walking with him to his bedroom.
Leo sat on his bed, Donnie laying on his stomach, head resting in Leo's lap.
🐢💙: "may I remove your battle shell? Maybe it'll help your back feel less sore from working so long.."
🐢💜: "sure..i don't mind.."
Leo took it off, gently setting it to the floor.
🐢💙: "so..would you like to talk about it? I'll listen no matter what. "
Donnie took a long, shakey inhale.
🐢💜: "I feel like I'm worthless protection wise..i mean, let's face it, I'm more of an extra, or a spare brother. Raph is super strong, Mikey is creative, your hilarious, but me? I can't even find out how to get us outta this mess, let alone get my ninpo to work. "
Donnie shut his eyes, tears running down his face from stress.
🐢💜: "and now I'm here crying like a baby because I can't handle being the disappointment...how selfish is that..? Seeking comfort from my brothers who have it worse than I..?? Without a warning nonetheless.."
He felt something wet hit the side of his head, tilting to look up at Leo.
Tears quickly fell from Leo's eyes, staring with dread at his twin.
🐢💜: "l-leo?! Are you..okay??"
Leo practically yanked Donnie up into a huge hug, sniffling quietly.
🐢💙: "don't you EVER. say that about yourself. You mean SO MUCH to this family. What do you think raph, Mikey, even splinter would do without you here??"
Donnie hugged back without a second of hesitation.
🐢💜: "I'm s-sorry Leo.."
🐢💙: "do you wanna know the real reason I poke, prod, and just bother you in general? It's because it's an excuse to BE here with you. The others hang out with me either way but your my TWIN. You mean so much to me, AND the others."
🐢💜: "L-leo..im sorry for upsetting y--"
🐢💙: "no, Donnie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not making sure you knew we appreciated you as much. You deserve the whole world, Hérmano."
Leo went quiet, drying donnies tears as he did the same to himself.
🐢💜: "Leo...?"
🐢💙: "yeah, dee?"
🐢💜: "Thank you. And I don't mean just for this, but for being you. I know I don't say it, hell, I'll probably regret saying this right now but I genuinely like when you 'annoy me'. "
He made air quotes before resting his head in Leo's shoulder, going limp with his arms wrapped around him.
🐢💜: "I mean, sure, I act mean but it shows you at least thought of me without necessarily NEEDING something. Well, other than my company."
Leo softly chuckled, patting donnies back.
🐢💙: "I appreciate you sayin that, dee. But your not living it down. "
🐢💜: "expected reaction.."
They both softly giggled, going silent in each other's arms.
🐢💜: "I know I've already ranted but..i don't know how to exactly cheer up from here.."
Leo pondered for a moment, trying to find a hobby they both enjoyed.
🐢💙: "I'm sure we'll find something to do! Let me think.."
🐢💜: "gasp, Leo can think?? He has a brain??"
Leo jokingly scoffed in fake offense.
🐢💙: "Howww darethh theeee!!! My brain is FULL of thoughts!! How rudee!"
Donnie let out soft, breathy giggles.
🐢💜: "pfft-hhehehehe!! You dohohork!"
Leo laughed along with him, gently tapping his fingers on donnies shell to help him think of something for them to do.
Donnie let out a soft screech, squirming around to try and stop the unexpected tickly feeling attacking his back.
🐢💙: "what's so funny??"
🐢💜: "L-leheheooho!! Pffbftt-stahahaaap!!!"
He covered his hand with his mouth, containing the giggles that were building up from the tiny tapping of Leo's hand.
Leo looked at his brother with confusion, until he glanced at his shell where his hand was, a evil grin spreading on his face.
🐢💙: "donnniieeeeeee??? Why you gigglinnn?"
Donnie weakly thrashed, the hug he was once enjoying peacefully had been a death trap, unable to stand up or run for it.
He held both his hands over his mouth, tiny squeaks and muffled half laughs escaping his throat.
Leo gently ran his hand up and down his back, making the twin shake with contained laughter.
🐢💙: "what's so funny dee? Something tickle your funny bone?"
With the mix of the tickly sensations, and Leo's puns, Donnie knew he was gonna break soon. His eyes shut tight and a wild smile on his face.
Leo started gently tracing the shapes of donnies shell spots with one finger, the other hand continuing to tap in random spots.
🐢💙: "awww dee!! This one's shaped like a heart!!"
He traced one of the markings near his shoulder as he spoke, making donnie start softly cackling.
🐢💜: "Eeee-!!!..ehehee!--dahahamihihit stahahhaap!!"
Donnie cursed himself for breaking, the built up giggly tension making his body shake.
🐢💙: "There's my giggly twin!!"
Leo's grin only grew once his brothers laughter spilled out of his throat in waves.
🐢💜: "lehEHEHEOO!! Ihihim too ohold for thihihahas!!! StahAHAHAA-!"
🐢💙: "if your too old for this why are you laughing then?? Hmmmm?"
🐢💜: "Behehecahahause the brahahahihin tehehels uhus toohoho!! Ihits a paihihIHIN REHEhespahanse!!!"
Leo chuckled at his response, putting on his fake nerd voice.
🐢💙: "because the brain tells us tooo!!1! "
The stupid voice Leo did mixed with the electric feeling through his back made his laugh go up an octave.
🐢💜: "youohouhuhur gohohnahaha wahahake the ohahathehers!!!!"
🐢💙: "just stop laughing then!!!"
Donnie held onto Leo tight, his cackles being muffled into Leo's neck.
🐢💙: "nuh-uh, you can't have a laugh like that and hide it!! No way!"
🐢💜: "mahahake mehehe nahahardohoho!!!"
Donnie almost immediately regretted those words as Leo dug his hands into his underarms.
🐢💙: "Tickletickletickletickletickle!!!!"
Donnie threw his head back and let out loud giddy cackles, tears springing into his eyes.
🐢💙: "don't say what dee? Tickle?"
He weakly slapped at his hands.
🐢💙: "but it's such a fun word!! Tickletickletickletickle!!"
He giggled along with his brother, watching him go red.
🐢💙: "Awww can my wittle bwother not handle the ticklesss???"
He teased, gently prodding at dees neck.
🐢💜: "shuhuhaHAHA- Shuhut uhahap!!!!"
🐢💙: "What did you just say, brother..?"
Leo ceased his attack, glaring jokingly at his twin before resting his hands by donnies neck, gently brushing against where his neck and softshell met. Before he could act, Donnie squeaked and tried quickly getting out of the trapped hug.
🐢💜: "wahahahihitnahahatthehere!! Pleheheeese!!"
🐢💙: "your neck isn't even that sensitive! Why are you freaking out??"
Donnie frantically squirmed, scrunching his neck to hide the gap in between it and the shell.
🐢💜: "Y-yeheheahah-!! Sohoho you shohohould juhust ignohore ihit!"
🐢💙: ".....hey donniieeee?"
Donnie knew that tone allllll too well.
🐢💜: "yehehes brohohotheher..??"
🐢💙: "mind if I test something? A 'experiment' as you would say."
Donnie tensed up, covering his mouth again, knowing it wouldn't make a difference.
🐢💜: "lehehehoho dohoho nahahat!!!!"
Leo very gently placed two fingers in the top part of donnies shell, lightly tapping the inside of it.
Leo knew Donnie was super ticklish but this was a game changer!!
🐢💙: "I hahavehent even done muhuch dee!!!! Calm dohown!!"
Leo changed from tapping to light spidering.
Surely it wouldn't be too bad right??
Nothing could have prepared them for what happened.
Donnie let out a loud, genuine SCREAM before falling into screechy loud laughter.
Leo burst into laughter along with his twin, now spidering the outside of his shell with the other hand, and digging slightly harder onto the inside.
🐢💙: "ohoho my gahad dee how ticklish ARE you?!"
He couldn't manage words over his screechy laughter, aggressively twisting back and forth before managing to free his arms. Tears of joy ran down his face as he stumbled backwards onto the floor with a thud.
🐢💙: 'uh oh..did I take it too far??'
Leo peaked over at Donnie, who had went into his shell out of habit.
🐢💙: "are you okay dee???"
🐢💜: "Ihihi cahahahnt-- hehehehe!!!--"
His giggles cut him off from speaking, making Leo laugh along with him.
Leo picked up Donnie, who was still in his shell, before getting an idea.
🐢💙: "hey Donnie? Are you able to come out right now?"
🐢💜: "prohobahalehehey not tihill I'm cahalm..whihehey??"
Leo went silent, his evil grin returning as he set Donnie on the bed and stood up.
🐢💜: "leheheo I knohow your planning somethihihing!!!!"
🐢💙: "nonsense hérmano!! I'll be riiiight back!"
Leo quickly hopped out of the room, running off somewhere and returning not even a minute later.
Donnie was, surprisingly, still giggling his head off, trying to calm down to get himself out of his shell.
🐢💙: "I'm back dearest brother!!!"
Donnie squeaked and his giggles went up an octave or two.
🐢💜: "nahahardoho I swehehahar you wihihill regrehehet thihihas!!"
Leo grinned and grabbed Donnie, pulling him into his lap before clearing his throat.
🐢💙: "As you know, during night, Mikey keeps his paintbrushes out to dry, but since Mikey's asleep right nowww!!"
Donnie squealed, his manic giggles intensified with each second.
🐢💜: "Leheheheohohoho plehehheahahasehehe!!! I've behehen tortuhuhured ehehenohough!!"
The room went silent besides the tiny giggles coming from Donnie.
It felt like years of anticipation before the brush bristles made contact with the inside of his shell, no longer protected by his neck.
Leo thought for sure the others would wake up from how loud he shrieked.
His laugh was so high pitched he didn't even sound like a turtle anymore!!
Leo blew a long raspberry onto the back of his shell while speeding up the movement of the brush.
Donnie was speechless, laughing his heart out uncontrollably while gasping for air like a fish out of water.
His laugh grew choppy, his gasps becoming frantic before Leo slowed to a halt, hugging his giggly brother.
🐢💙: "Well someone sounds happier!!"
Donnie couldn't even muster a response, giggling freely without any worries.
🐢💜: "hehehehehee...hhahaha...wahahaow...."
Leo rubbed the ghost tickles away, then gently hugged Donnie.
🐢💙: "Did you have fun, dee?"
He spoke in a soft voice, not expecting any response from the giggly puddle he made.
🐢💜: "honehehehestly??...yehehes.."
He let out a chuckley sigh and shut his eyes.
🐢💙: "Awwwww!!! Well if you had so much fun then we should do this more often!!"
🐢💜: "nohoho wahay!!"
They both laughed, and after a while, Donnie finally popped out of his shell, embracing Leo in a hug.
🐢💜: "Thank you for cheering me up..your the best twin anyone could ask for."
Donnie had a warm, genuine smile on his face.
Leo felt his heard melt hearing those words, hugging his twin and pulling the covers over them.
🐢💜: "you don't mind if I crash in here right? "
Donnie yawned while reaching for the light, turning it off.
🐢💙: "Of course not, goodnight Hérmano. "
Without another word, they fell asleep, not a worry in there mind.
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mythica0 · 1 year
Hi hiiii!!!!! I feel like people already know I’m a sucker for lee Donnie lmaooo
That being said mayhaps you can do some lee!Donnie and ler!leo, where Donnie maybe is stuck in his own invention or whatever, and Leo just takes advantage of it lmao. I know I personally wrote a fic similar already but it was more with them as turtle tots. Wanted to do one when they’re older but I didn’t wanna reuse my own idea lmao…
So anyway yeah you don’t have to or anything but feel free!!! Love your writing! ❤️
🍫:Leo (ft. Tech)
Summary: A prototype Battle Shell Donnie was working on kinda… backfired. He immediately regrets asking for help from his Twin brother.
A/N: You got it, dude(gender neutral). PREPArE FOR TOOTH-ROTTING FLUFF
TW: mild swearing. above mentioned tooth-rotting fluff.
Donnie messed up. Big time.
He was just working on a prototype for a new battle shell. Something he did once in a while when he came up with new ideas to put in it.
But clearly he did something wrong, as it malfunctioned.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal. He would just try and figure out what happened and fix it.
The problem was, what malfunctioned was a trapping net. That he was now caught in.
He didn’t know how, but he ended up with his ankle trapped in one of the net holes, arms tied to either side, and hanging over the rest like a kid playing birds on a swing set.
Sigh. This was very unfortunate. He couldn’t get himself out, his arms were stuck, but nobody was home right now.
‘Except…. Groan. Leo.’
Oh well. It’s not like he had a choice in the matter. He sighed and resigned himself to getting help from his insufferable Twin.
“CAN,” he sighed again, “CAN YOU COME HERE REAL QUICK.”
“OKAY, ONE SEC!” The younger twin replied.
Donnie heard footsteps and then saw Leo, standing in the door frame, looking all to amused for the soft shell’s liking.
“Whahat- what did you do?” Leon asked, clearly trying (and failing) not to laugh.
Donnie sighed again. “My new battle shell prototype isn’t working as intended.”
“Pfft- clehearly.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m hilarious. Can you help me out now? I didn’t call you just so you could make fun of me.”
Leo held up a hand and chuckled, “alright, I’ll help ya.”
He actually was going to help! He swears! …but…
He saw how upset Donnie looked. He was pouting, and just looked so annoyed. Leo couldn’t help but feel like it was his job to put a smile on that scowling face! Not to mention his little brother instinct to be an absolute little shit.
He brought his hand past Donnie’s side, giving it a little tickle as he did so.
Donnie want expecting the sensation and squealed.
Leo smirked and did it again.
Donnie didn’t squeal that time, as he was expecting it more, but he did snicker a bit.
“Nahardo, what exactly do you think you’re doihing?”
“Oh, nothing~ just putting a smile on my pouty twins face~” Leo said with a lilt as he started to more rapidly scribble against the older twins sides.
“Nohohoho! Nahahahardo doho nohohot!”
“Too late~~” the slider started with a sing song, “and hey! Look! It’s working! Look at that smile~”
He wasn’t wrong either. Donnie’s face had stretched itself into a wide grin against his permission as he giggled wildly.
“Tickle tickle tickle DonTon~”
“Ohoho shihihit! dohohont sahahay thahahat!”
“Why not~? Seems to be making you all giggly~ tickle tickle tickle tickle~” Leon brought his hand up to Don’s underarm, exposed from where the net had caught his hands.
“NAHAHO! WHYHY! Hahahahahaha!” The tech-wiz giggled loudly. The fact that he couldn’t move his arms seemed to make it feel a thousand times worse. But, he was having maybe just a bit of fun. Not that he would ever admit it in a thousand million years.
“I already told you why! I wanted to see you smile dear twin o’ mine! Spirits know you need to smile more often!”
“Y’know~ I wonder what would happen if I were to get your shell right now?” Leo asked in mock pondering.
Donnie gulped internally. He was really regretting calling for Leo’s help. He should of just waited for someone to get home! Obviously since he was working on a battle she’ll prototype, he was looking at his battle shell for reference. Which meant he wasn’t wearing it.
“Are you ready, DonTon~”
“Ahahahbsolohoutly nohot.”
“Oh, well~! I’m doing it anyway~” Leon started to scratch gently along Don’s soft shell in an extremely ticklish fashion.
Donnie felt like he was seeing the gates of the afterlife from how much that tickled. He would probably be freaking out more if it was anyone but family, but he trusted his brother not to go too far with his shell.
Just enough to absolutely wreck him into next week!
“I know~ but look, no more pouting now~”
Leo could tell he was serious and did as instructed. Donnie glared at him in shock and suspicion.
“Whyhy- why dihidnt you stohop sohooner?”
“You didn’t tell me too.” Leo smirked at the indignant look that got him.
The slider actually freed his twin now, and helped him up.
Leo was adamant that Donnie needed to smile more. Thankfully he would always be there to put one on his face when the soft shell was pouting.
———THE END————————————————
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