#Liana Mahariel
psalacanthea · 1 year
A lil’ bit more of Solas hanging out with the Arainai-Mahariel-Tabris kiddos (and their mom).  Just a blood mage and a traitor god teaching four year olds about how change requires suffering.
Adaia   Ashalle  Cyris and Tamlen
Liana glanced up from her food as Cyris and Tamlen came barreling into the Skyhold kitchen, the courtyard door thrown wide.
The servants glanced over, but when it was only the Inquisitor’s children, they went back to work.  Much like Lia herself, her children had become an expected thing, as all of them preferred to use side entrances and be out of sight, rather than marching through that big noisy hall.  She wished desperately that there was an alternate exit to her rooms, but alas.
Her nearly four-year-olds were both scuffed and red-faced, but Zevran had kept his word and they weren’t muddy.  When they came to a stop at her side, Cyris beaming delightedly up at her, she returned the smiles and tilted her head.  The twins shared a look.
“Yes, loves?” she prompted.
Like usual, Cyris took the lead.  “Mumae, Tamlen wants an earring.”
“Can Tamlen tell me that’s true?” she asked, and then sighed and reinforced when the twins immediately looked at each other again instead of at her.  Creators that could be frustrating.  “I need Tamlen to tell me himself, please.”
“Tamlen says–”
“Cyris, let him speak for himself,” Lia interrupted chidingly, and turned her attention to her solemn, blond-haired, golden-eyed son.  He looked, much to everyone’s eternal amusement, almost exactly like his papa Zevran, but was the quietest and gentlest of their children.
All of their da’len were rather pragmatic apart from Tamlen, who would cry over a crushed flower and agonize over every mistake.  Instinctively, all the other children tended to protect him.  It was sweet, but it would make things difficult when they tried to do everything for him.
Tamlen nodded, eyes serious and calm.  “Yes.  Cyris too, mumma.”
“Like papa an’ da!” Cyris agreed, voice scaling up in excitement.
“Well, we’ve had this talk before, and you know the rules.  I will do your ears, or just one ear, but when you say stop, I stop.  Because it will hurt.  If you’re ready, you’ll be able to sit and not say stop for the whole time.  Yes?”  Lia smiled at their shared nod, giving one of her own.  “It’s okay if you need to cry, you can even yell!  Nobody likes pain.  But if you want to wear earrings, there has to be pain.  Yes, cubs?  Do you understand that?”
She got her ‘yes mamae’s before she would relent.  Lia had known this would happen eventually, all of the children loved to emulate their parents.  An earring wasn’t too far, in her opinion, they were so young that even if they healed the ears with magic, they would still grow over in time.  There was no reason to say no.  
Well, she doubted either of them would actually manage to go through it, but she’d been surprised too many times by children to rule it out.
Especially hers.
“Well, let us see if Hahren has time to help us,” she decided, before gathering up her chicks.
Once she’d retrieved her kit and informed Derry and Zevran of what was happening (and they’d bet on if the twins would go through with it), they found Solas and asked if he would come be their healer.  Lia was annoyed with the necessity, but she’d promised herself to limit her blood magic usage when in Chantry custody.  Every time she called it custody she knew Leliana would get annoyed, which might have been why she was still saying it.
They’d even forced her to be Inquisitor, she’d say what she wanted.
Things were…rocky between her and Leliana.
Solas seemed interested in the proposition, and they adjourned to a nearby balcony, where there were no witnesses to berate her for piercing her four year olds’ ears at their request.  Humans could be odd.  Even some city elves– their grandfather Cyrion still would fuss over the idea of the children getting tattoos.
As if she would deny them a perfectly reasonable request.
Clasping the brightly-dyed, felted piercing kit her foster mother had made for her, Lia gazed down at her sons, crouching before them as they sat on the balcony.  She met Cyris’ fearless brown eyes, and then Tamlen’s sober golden ones.  They still seemed steadfast, though Cyris was upset because he wanted a ‘ring earring, not a dot’.  But she had her limits, and risking a ripped earlobe on a four year old was one of them.
“Now,” Lia said once they were settled, Solas standing by with curiosity, his hands clasped behind his back.  “It is time for an important speech, because you decided you’re old enough for this, yes?”
The twins looked at one another, and then Cyris nodded firmly.  Lia waited, though, until Tamlen nodded as well.  It wasn’t hesitance, just his usual habit of forgetting that he had to speak for himself.  She returned the nod.
“You did not choose your body.  You were born with it, yes?”
“Not like Cole,” Cyris said, as quick as always.  “Cole was a spirit, mumae.  Like Justice!”  He confided this with the air of someone sharing a great secret.
“Mmh.  Like your friend Justice.  But we are talking of your bodies, little mischief.  A body is important for many things.  It keeps you safe, and can keep others safe, and helps you take care of others.  It lets you make life, like mamae and papa made you.  It lets you experience joys spirits do not understand.  Like sweets, and swimming–”
“An’ frogs,” Cyris interrupted, gleefully off-track as usual.
Creators, they were probably too young for this talk, but it had to be done.
“And frogs,” Lia said, and she knew she hadn’t hidden her exasperation as much as she’d wanted, because Solas smiled faintly.  “We must take care of our bodies, so it can bring us joy.  But sometimes our bodies don’t look the way we want, so we change them.  With clothes, art, or jewelry, or even bigger things, like when Uncle Gaharan from clan Lavellan removed his breasts.  Do you remember?”
Cyris shook his head, but Tamlen nodded hesitantly.  That was fair.  They hadn’t seen any of the clans since they were newly turned three, and a four year old’s memory could be quite short.  
“Do you remember when Tamlen cried because we had to cut off some of his hair that got caught in the bramble?”  This time she got very emphatic nods from both of them, and even a little tearing up from her most sensitive child.  Cyris took his hand firmly, a little protective gesture that softened her heart as always.  “It hurt Tamlen’s heart, but things like tattoos and piercings hurt your body.  Earrings will hurt.”
“A lot, mumma?” Tamlen asked nervously.
“It will.  To change is difficult,” Lia said, lifting the needle in two fingers.
“Mumae, does it hurt the frog?  To be frog?” Cyris asked, little voice stilted by his concern.
Lia understood why it was coming up again– Derry had told her frogs and tadpoles were a current obsession for Cyris’ very hands-on curiosity.  Very well, if frogs it had to be, frogs it would be.  “To change from a little pollywiggle to a frog?  I don’t know if it does, but…growing up always hurts a little, I think.  Do you think hurting a little to have legs and to be able to jump up is okay or–”
“Yes!  Up, up, up!” Cyris agreed, throwing both hands into the air.
“Sometimes to gain something we desire, it hurts,” Solas said quietly. 
Tamlen nodded, voice quiet.  “It’s trade.”
Lia beamed, all the more amused to see Solas’ proud smile as well.  She knew they would wriggle through his defenses eventually.  She’d known it all along.  He had a temperament to get along with children quite well, if he let himself.  Which he had.
“Very good, da’len.  You understood very well,”  Solas complimented Tamlen, who glanced down and fidgeted with his fringed belt shyly.
“When Addie got her t’too, mum said it’s trade for hurt, Hahren.”
Lia flushed, embarrassed to have been caught out.  Solas lifted his gaze slowly, and gave her a condescendingly knowing look.  With a little huff, she rolled her eyes to the side.
“Well, perhaps I’ve given this speech before,” she admitted, ignoring his silent laugh.  Creators.  It wasn’t like she could be blamed for some repetition, she was trying to teach the same things to four very different little people.
“Adaia has a tattoo?”  Solas asked, both eyebrows raising.
“A small one, in a spot that will be easy to cover over when it stretches as she grows,” Lia dismissed, finding it silly to hear Solas say things she’d heard a thousand times from Derry’s side of the family.  “Her da and papa are covered in them, it’s natural to her.  If a child is prepared for the consequences and the discomfort, who am I to say no?”
Solas didn’t bother to hide the subtle smirk that curved up the corner of his wide mouth.  “Their mother, perhaps?  She is only six, Lianalle.”
Lia lifted a hand and flickered it in dismissal, annoyed with him for the very rare usage of her full name.  She knew he did it on purpose.  Smug old man.  “A tattoo does no harm but the pain of receiving it.  Besides, it will be good practice to know what it feels like, for when she receives her Vallaslin.”
Solas’ silence was sudden and profound.  She glanced sidelong at his face, absently using a hand to pull Cyris away from the balcony’s edge.  Although Solas’ face was placid, there was a sudden tension in the muscles at the back of his jaw, a curiously pained emotion in his eyes.  He was hiding something.
She followed his gaze down to Tamlen, who was sitting on the floor still holding Cyris’ hand, gazing at his twin with a small, gentle smile.
Why did it give Solas such an uneasy expression?
“I'm going to poke your fingers with the needle,” she informed her sons.  If Lia was right, that would be enough for one of them to give in, which would make the other one give in.  “If you can stand the finger poke and still want your ear afterwards, I will do your ear.”
“And I will heal you,” Solas agreed.  They shared a look, and he shook his head slightly at her, obviously amused.
She wasn’t as certain as him that they would give up after a single poke.  While neither of them was nearly the bulwark of stubbornness that Adaia was, nor as carefully thoughtful, they were quite adventurous.  For four year olds.
They both took the needle to their cautiously outstretched finger quite well, though Tamlen immediately teared up when he saw the little drop of blood.  Luckily his brother was there to kiss it better, and then Solas to heal it afterward.  Much to her surprise, however, it was at that point that they diverged.
Usually when Tamlen decided to back down about something, Cyris would immediately follow him.  But this time, after their small twin conversation that involved more significant looks than words, Cyris decided he wanted to keep going.  And Tamlen…was all right with that, instead of immediately bursting into tears.
She was rather proud of them both for that choice.
Of course, she only got halfway through piercing Cyris’ ear before he gave up, left with a little bloody hole that Solas healed over.  Thankfully without judgment.  Solas seemed highly amused by the whole process, but interested as well, as she’d rather thought he would be.  
It was an endlessly fascinating thing to watch children learning the rules of life.
When the boys ran off after she dried their tears, unharmed and declaring they would be ‘brave enough soon’, Lia opened the soft felted case again, gazing down at the gleaming needles.
She had no doubt they would be ready sooner rather than later.
“Mmh?” she asked, glancing up at Solas as she rose from the stone, knees chilled.
“The Vallaslin…” he trailed off, but not out of awkwardness.  More because he knew just how far to push her by now, she thought.  His face was still perfectly composed when she met his measuring gaze.
“Were you going to say something about ‘Dalish nonsense’ again?” she asked him mildly, not worrying too much about it if he were.  By now, at least, she felt comfortable scolding him.  “I thought we already agreed not to have that fight any more.  I let my children call you Hahren, Solas, don’t make me regret it.”
Solas chuckled faintly, the sound a hint strained.  But when she glanced sidelong, his face was placid, and his voice even as he spoke.  “I wonder, as a mother, do you ever fear that the teachings you impart to your children may be…wrong?”
Lia considered that for a moment, and then took a moment longer to filter it through her understanding of his mind.  He thought her gods a farce, or worse, dangerous.  He found Dalish culture to be a misshapen thing because it did not conform to the truths he thought he had seen in the Fade that contradicted it.  Yet he could not truly understand Dalish culture.
How could he educate that which he didn’t first understand?
She knew that he was earnest that the Vallaslin was what bothered him, but wouldn’t doubt for a moment that there was more to his distaste than the process of tattooing young people.  “The details may not all be correct, and I will make mistakes, and pass on some of the mistakes that were taught to me.  But what I worry about are the things the world will teach them when I am not there to protect them.  So I suppose, Solas, the best I can do is teach them to understand the world, how it works for ones such as they, and why it is better to live in it with kindness, nobility of spirit, and resilience.  So that when I, or their fathers are not here, they can pass through the trials and suffering of this world with those qualities intact.”
“Resilience.  Well, their mother certainly exemplifies that quality,” Solas said with an incline of his head.  And then he chuckled.  “Fathers as well, though with a great deal less…dignity.”
Lia laughed, not needing to argue that point with him when he was so very correct. “Zevran and Darian are far more good-hearted than I, however.  I am not kind.  Perhaps that’s why I need them both, to anchor me.  You know, if you found someone to temper your need to always be correct, falon, you might be a good father yourself.”
“You claim I require a partner to correct me?  Do you not find that sentiment as distasteful as I?” Solas countered, raising an eyebrow.
She hid her amusement that she’d needled him.  “Everything we do and everyone we meet changes us, doesn’t it?  Life isn’t a road, and it isn’t a lonely one.  It’s a pond that is constantly shifting, surface rippling with even the most delicate of contacts.  Everything we are touched by changes us, in curious and unexpected ways.”  Unbidden, she glanced down at her marked hand, forehead furrowing as she flexed her fingers.
Solas’ voice eased, softening as it always would when they spoke of her difficulties with the Anchor.  “You would know.  This is your second world-ending cataclysm, after all.”
“The Blight was…different,”  Lia said, troubled as always.  Would that saving the world twice followed the same pattern– she would have preferred it.  “We were so young, and we never had time to look at the scale of what we fought.  It was not so entangled in complications and Thedas-wide politics.  They claim they need these politics to garner the forces we–” She cut off, swallowing her many tearful, terrified speeches that she had only shared with her husbands.  Face and mind calm; emotions should not be so easily shared.  “I fear what ripples I am being forced to make.  And for whom I make them.”
“Yes,” Solas said, an echo of many other conversations they had engaged in, once she had trusted him enough to be honest.  His voice was sober and quiet, thoughtful.  “But necessity must drive us, da’len.”
Lia shot him a sidelong look, lips pursing.  “Da’len?”
“Ir abelas,” Solas said, with the faintest twitch of his lips.
She narrowed her eyes at him.  “You should be calling me hahren.”
“I beg your pardon?” Solas scoffed.
She lifted a needle, spinning it in her fingers.  “Will you be brave, then, Solas?  I’m here prepared, but with nothing to pierce.”
“I find myself in no need of decoration,” he replied, eyeing the needle in her hand.  “We struggle through a time of great change, and there are enough without my adding to them.”
“Or you could embrace the change, and let yourself change as well, falon.  Even if only a little, and frivolously.  In a way that brings you joy.”  With a sad smile she tucked the needle away into the felt case, voice slowing.  “Joys are in short enough supply.  We must take what small ones we can.”
Solas was quiet for a time, but when she glanced away from the vista of distant mountains to his face, there was a ghost of a smile at the very corners of his eyes, nearly reaching his lips.
“Perhaps another time,” he said quietly.
With a small nod, she turned back for the door, slipping the woven leather cord around the case and tying it securely.  She had a foot past the threshold when Solas spoke again.  She was pleased to hear a hint of humor in it.
“Were you aware that your husband cheats at cards?”
Lia smirked to herself, tucking the case into the front of her tunic.  “Oh my, yes.  Zevran mentioned you’d demanded another game.  He will cheat again.”  That thought was tinged with overwhelming affection.
“And he will lose,” Solas replied with calm confidence.
“I look forward to seeing it.  It will doubtless be very entertaining,” she said, smiling to herself as she departed.
A small joy– a brief reprieve from the pain.
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wardenmages · 1 year
I want to finish my current DAI playthrough with Elissa but also I found screenshots from some old Lavellan playthroughs and. I'm a little bit in love. and kind of bored with playing a normal human bc while I have Elissa's whole story in my head, the game itself is pretty ordinary :'|
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violasarecool · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
top row: adison amell (he/she/they/zie), liana lavellan (she), rascón cadash (he)
middle row: dwinna aeducan (she), fox tabris (he), kit mahariel (they/she)
bottom row: mackenzie hawke (she/he), ketkoni brosca (she/they), merle mahariel (they)
some dragon age keep tile edits i did for my new oc page! i love the keep art style, but they are. you know. all white brunettes. so i made some quick edits :3
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psalacanthea · 2 years
WiP Wednesday
angst! angst! angst! angst!  wooooo!  I just felt like posting a bit from the chapter of the fic in progress, I’m quite happy with how this conversation is shaping up <3
Fixing Zevran with a cold, hard look, Liana lifted her chin and raised an eyebrow.  He stared at her in return for only a few seconds before he laughed and turned away, the sound humorless and mocking.  Taking a step away, further into the darkness, he rested a hand on the brick wall of the alley.  The lone light over the bar's back door highlighted him, turning his hair to gold.  A spot of brightness in a terrible place.
Like he always had been for Lia.
“You should be happy.  You and he can be together now, yes?  Without any...mmh, messy complications.”
“I am not an excuse for you to avoid facing your own fears,” she responded quietly.
She saw his shoulders flinch, just the slightest motion, before he lifted his head and glanced over his shoulder with a smile.  “That is an unkind accusation.”
Lia felt a surge of regret.  There was no point in not admitting the truth.  “I am not a kind person.”
Zevran shrugged his shoulders, a relaxed, lazy roll.  “What is done is done.  After all, there are no feelings to be hurt, are there?”
It was designed to be cruel, which was the reason it didn't sting.  She understood what it felt like to wrap oneself around a deep wound, to close it off from the world in fear of others knowing your weakness.  For all their many stark differences, she and Zevran were quite alike.
Both of them had been raised in fear.
It was good that he did not feel so cautious of her like he did Darian, for perhaps lashing out would drain the wound.  “I wonder what part it was that pushed you too far.  Was it him being in love with you?”
He scoffed, glancing over his shoulder at her, his face slashed by shadow and light into sinister shapes.  “I believe you are exaggerating a momentary infatuation, yes?”
Lia blatantly ignored his words, refusing to let him change the subject or hide the truth.  “Or was it the fact that you love him in return?”  She didn't feel pleased when Zevran's eyes averted, she felt sick with herself for prodding him like this.  But she would rather he made her the enemy, if it meant he could conquer his fear and let himself be happy.  “Or was it my fault, perhaps, for sticking my nose in and reminding you of unhealed wounds?”
“Stop,” he said quietly.
If he wanted to leave, he could have, but she wouldn't remind him of that fact.  No, she wanted him to stay.  Even if it meant he was angry at her.  She knew her bluntness could be cruelty, and right now it might be...but it also might be one of the few things that could break through his shell.
“You were all raised to kill, but you loved each other...in what fashion you could after all that suffering.  You found some comfort with each other. Now they have both died by your hands.  I imagine-”
Sometimes she would forget how quickly he could move.  When they trained he would hold back for her sake, and when they fought together her attention was generally elsewhere.  But her words were cut off, abruptly, when he disappeared into the shadow and then reappeared, a half-foot away from her face and yet further away then ever.
The distance between them felt like an impassible gulf.
“I said stop,” he said with a sudden amiable note to his voice, resting a hand on the wall, dangerously close to her neck.  He lifted his thumb, pressed it to her jugular.  “I would not stress my good nature, were I you.”
“You promised not to smile for me if you did not want to,” she reminded him quietly.
“Well, promises are for breaking.”  His voice was dismissive, but he was still there.  He hadn't walked away.  That meant there was hope.
But oh, she hated this part of him, because she knew what it had cost him.
“Zevran, I did not save your life so you could live in unhappiness,” she said quietly, refusing to break eye contact, searching the amber depths for signs of emotion.  “Darian is very frightening, isn't he?  His heart is so big, so vast, so terrifyingly full of love and anger. It's overwhelming.”
He lowered himself down to her ear, voice chillingly cheerful.  “I do believe I asked you to stop, hmm?”
“But you don't want me to,” she said quietly, taking him by the chin and leading him to meet her eyes again.  She searched her mind for the right words, her heart, and cobbled together every broken piece of fragile feelings she held for him.  She wove them together as tightly as she could, making them into a wish, a prayer.
“If your life truly belongs to me, Zevran, then I demand you do not give up on living it.”
The hand against her neck flexed, very slightly, but any fear she'd had was draining from her.  He was still staring into her eyes, and the mask she hated so much was gone, even if only for a moment.  She could see the pain now, that deep and abiding wound that might never be healed.
But it could be shared.
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psalacanthea · 2 years
For the banter ask: Hawke & Sebastian (& Varric too, maybe?) and Liana, Dorian & Solas? :D (you can also just do two instead but I feel like three would be fun)
I did two of each >D Because I can. For the banter ask:
Sebastian & Naomi Hawke
Sebastian:  I seem to be missing most of my arrows.
Hawke:  Then I guess you’re going to have to be thrifty!
Sebastian:  If you need them, I’m happy to share.  I just haven’t seen you draw a bow in quite some time.
Hawke:  I’ll give them back to you when I’m done with them.
Sebastian:  Hawke, please don’t poison my arrows.
Hawke:  It’s like you don’t like my presents.
Sebastian: I appreciate your effort and your thoughtfulness, thank you.  I just prefer to kill my foes cleanly, to avoid needless suffering.
Hawke:  Dead is dead.  Not dead and poisoned is also dead.
Sebastian: Please.
Hawke: (Sighs.) Fine.
Sebastian:  So.  Hawke.
Hawke:  Vael.
Sebastian:  Your mother invited me to dinner tomorrow.
Hawke:  (Laughs.) Um, what?
Sebastian:  Well, I came to return the knife you lent me, and you weren’t at home.  Your mother and I had a chat– she’s a lovely woman.  And she invited me to dinner.
Hawke:  Hopefully she wasn’t too disappointed.
Sebastian:  …was I supposed to say no?
Hawke:  You realize my mother’s been trying to arrange my marriage, Sebastian?
Varric:  (Laughs.)  What an interesting shade of red, Choir Boy.
Sebastian:  I will tender my regrets.  I’m sorry, Hawke.  I didn’t know.
Hawke:  It’s fine, don’t cancel.  You’re much better looking than my other options.
Varric: And he just keeps getting redder!
Dorian & Liana Mahariel (+Solas!)
Dorian:  I beg pardon, Herald, but was that blood magic I saw you using?
Liana:  Why?
Dorian:  Mere curiosity, not condemnation.  I wouldn’t let Cassandra catch you doing that, were I you.
Liana:  Did you see the statue of the Hero of Ferelden outside of Redcliffe?
Dorian:  I’m not sure what that has to do with this conversation, but yes.
Liana:  Did you notice that someone chiseled off the tips of his ears?
Dorian:  I…did not notice that, no.
Liana:  I will not change the shape of myself.  When this is over, they will do that for me so that they do not have to notice anything that makes them uncomfortable.
Dorian:  A fair point.
Dorian:  So what do you think of blood magic, Solas?
Solas:  Why do you ask?
Dorian:  Well, our Inquisitor seems intent on not giving her opinion.
Solas:  I think that it is a potent tool which can be used to great effect.  And, like all tools, blood magic can be misused.
Liana:  So can a shovel.  I could hit you with a shovel.
Dorian:  Please don’t.
Liana:  Someone stabs me.  I am in pain.  I am bleeding.  I can use the blood and pain productively, or I can let the power go.  I am not a wasteful person.
Dorian:  But have you ever used it to…control someone?
Liana:  Once.  He deserved it.
Solas:  I suggest you endevor not to deserve it, Dorian.
Dorian: Yes, thank you for the advice.
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psalacanthea · 2 years
20 Lived-In OC Asks
asks for some of the little unimportant details that make up a person
What’s their night time routine like?  What’s their morning routine like?  Is there anything they have to do before going to sleep or facing the day?
Do they have a favorite chore?  Least favorite?
What is a smell that always brings up a memory for them, good or bad?
How do they de-stress when having a bad day?
What do they consider a ‘little luxury’?
Everyone has at least one harmless, inane thing that drives them absolutely bonkers.  What’s theirs?
What’s their favorite kind of weather, and what’s their favorite activity during it?
What’s their favorite thing to touch, be it with hands or feet?
If they were given a diary to fill out, would they keep up with it?  What would they write about?
 What is one thing they keep from their childhood/wish they had kept?
What’s their favorite scar, blemish, or quirk about their body?  What physical attribute makes them feel self-conscious?
 Is there anything non-sexual that feels intimate to them?  What is it?  Is it something they avoid, or something they reach for?
  Do they prefer socks, shoes, or bare feet?
 How do they prefer to bathe?  A quick shower, a long bath?  Alone, or with someone else?  Is it just a task for them, or is it a ritual?
 What noise do they hate?
 Do they over or under dress for the weather?  Do they run warmer or colder, and are they sensitive to it?
  Given a mixed-flavor bag of jellybeans (or equivalent treat), how would they eat them?  Would they pick out the flavors they like and eat the rest?  Do they do it by the handful, or one at a time?
 On a scale from knick-knack insanity to minimalist decor, where do they lie in the home decorating spectrum?
What tiny thing– be it skill, attribute, or ability– are they proud of?
 Do they believe foods should be strictly consumed in meal order/during a certain time of day, or are they eating chocolate cake for breakfast and scrambled eggs at 2am?
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psalacanthea · 2 years
Dragon Age Banter Asks
Send in an ask with an OC/Character pairing, and I will write a banter for them!
Dragon Age Origins:
Alistair, Leliana, Sten, Shale, Zevran, Morrigan, Dog
Nathaniel, Anders, Velanna, Sigrun, Oghren, Justice
Dragon Age 2:
Anders, Fenris, Isabela, Merrill, Varric, Bethany, Carver, Aveline, Sebastian
Dragon Age Inquisition:
Varric, Solas, Cassandra, Blackwall, Sera, Vivienne, Dorian, Cole, Iron Bull
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psalacanthea · 1 year
Thanks @oxygenforthewicked for the WiP Wednesday tag!  I’m not writing this week due to Reasons, but I dug this out and I hope it’s amusing.  Texting Thursday?  IDK.  Lol.  A little Darian Tabris x Zevran Arainai x Liana Mahariel (plus baby Adaia)
Arainai/Mahariel/Tabris Family Chat
Darian:  So say somebody got rested last night
Darian:  Arrested
Darian:  But they already got bailed out and theres no charges filed 
Darian:  Because someone had proof of 
Darian: Hang on autocorrects not getting it
Darian: Excessive force 
Darian:  The **** Templar’s Office isn’t going to file charges cousin **** threatened to release video of them threatening to curb stomp me when I stopped them beating on um this mage ****
Zevran: Don’t use speech to text.  You always get angry at it. 🖤
Darian:  I’m tired of **** spelling things wrong shut up and listen okay
Darian:  How I get it to make a question
Zevran:  You have to say question mark.
Darian:  They kept me overnight just to scare me **** cowards like I ain’t been in jail before I burned down **** Denerim once
Darian:  Well three blocks of it anyways
Zevran:  Your wife wants me to tell you that she’s going to kill you.
Darian:  **** why’s she just my wife?
Zevran:  My wife would never have a reason to get so angry.  Obviously.  I do not get caught. 
Darian:  That’s not how it works she’s your wife even when she’s mad at me
Zevran:  Did you get video of you fighting them?  I’m assuming that is what happened.
Darian:  Yea I got the whole thing Shianni recorded it
Zevran:  Send it I want to watch. 🗡️
Lia:        NO.
Darian:  Hi bby
Zevran:  That is my cue to open a bottle of wine.
Lia:        You put that video on a physical storage device and delete it off of your phone RIGHT now!  How many times have I lectured you about data security?
Darian:  lol
Lia:       Derry don’t you dare laugh this off.  I’m very serious.  You need backups, you need physical storage, and you need to delete it off your phone.
Darian:  Love you baby
Lia:       What does that have to do with anything?
Darian:  I got **** arrested and this is what you’re worried about it’s just cute as ****
Zevran:  It is extremely cute.
Lia:       Yes it’ll be very cute when the Templars you upset show up at your door, take your phone and destroy it, and beat you to within an inch of your life.  Do you not remember what happened in Amaranthine to Anders?  
Zevran:  No love that doesn’t sound cute.
Lia:        You’re not helping.
Zevran:  Oh.  I was not trying to help.  I am a neutral party in this debate.
Lia:        Data security isn’t something we can be complacent over!
Zevran:  😂😂😂 🖤
Darian:  **** lol
Lia:       Just…send me the video and delete it, please.  I’ll handle it.
Zevran: Hi da
Darian:  Baby girl!  Hi Adaia are you being good for mama and papa?
Zevran:  No
Darian:  Lolol
Lia:        At least your daughter is honest.
Darian:  You gotta try baby girl.   Da will be home soon and then we can cause trouble together
Zevran:  She handed me my phone back and said: I’m too tired for this
Darian:  Gee wonder where she got that from
Zevran:  [image ID: an elven toddler with dark brown curls, golden eyes, and sunglasses on top of her head is dressed in a fuzzy purple bathrobe and Griffey Griffin cartoon character slippers.  She’s holding a wine glass that’s much too large for her, full of pale effervescent liquid.  Her face is painted with garish makeup and a child’s attempt at drawing Vallaslin, and her tiny fingernails have been carefully painted black.]
Lia:       …Derry it’s sparkling grape juice.  Baby wine.
Zevran:  Seriously love?
Darian:   Can’t you put it inn one of her little plastic cups or something shell break it
Darian:  We don’t have many good dishes
Lia:        You bought that wine glass from the dollar store.
Zevran:  Did he really think we would give her wine?
Lia:        From a man who spent the night in jail, no less.
Darian:   🤬
Zevran:  😂 
Lia:        Good job successfully changing the subject, Zev.
Zevran:  😏 😏 🖤
Zevran:  Addy wants you to do my nails, too.
Lia:        Do you want black, purple, orange, or holographic sparkles?
Zevran:  Orange with sparkles.  Do you do Orlesian tips?
Darian:   That sounds like a sex thing
Lia:         It really does.
Darian:  GTG babe sweetie I will try not to get arrested again
Darian:  Love
Zevran:  I love you.  Addy loves you too.
Lia:        I love you, please send me the video.  Have Shianni delete it, too.
Darian:  Data security
Zevran:  Data security! 
Lia:       😒
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psalacanthea · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Tag
Thank you, @my-dumb-obsessions for ze tag! I’m not sure I’ll tag anyone because I’m sorta crazy-busy and I’d probably miss people’s and feel bad, but I’ll be happy to at least participate!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
What We Are- DA Post-Canon, Fenris x Anders
Anders leaned against the sauna shed in the darkness, arms folded, chin tucked into the depths of his scarf and what looked to be a thick woolen sweater.  “That is horrifying.  Just watching you do that makes me feel like I’m about to freeze to death.”
“Coward,” Fenris said flatly, the skin of his feet peeling away from the ice as he walked through the cloud of steam rising from his drenched body.
Reforged in Dragon’s Fire-  DA: Awakening, Nathaniel Howe x Cousland
“What are you glarin’ at me for, Feebs?”
Phoebe slung her pack onto the ground, giving him a cold look.  “If Felsi shows up with an axe and a grudge, I’ll help hold you down.”
Oghren gave a small, rusty laugh.  “Yeah.  That’s fair.”
Somnium- Modern DA AU, Solas x Lavellan
“You're heavy,” she scolded, but didn't push Solas off as he breathed her in, arms tightening around her waist. She was comfortable and laughing with a crackly warmth as he mumbled a protest at her words and tugged. “No, I'm not coming back to bed, stop it. I have an appointment before work I have to go to.”
Dissonance and Debauchery, the Drama of an Ill-Fated Bard- Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Astarion
Astarion’s finger tucked under her chin, stroking lazily up from her throat.  An enticing little threat of a caress that dragged her full attention to him, turning her away from the party.  Shadows cast across his face, adding intrigue and mystery.  “So...you do remember after all?”
Where the Road Leads - Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Gale
“I am saying that perhaps inside this wizard’s heart there is a bit of bard,” Zyn replied, reaching down and pressing a hand over Gale’s heart.  It sent her stomach sloshing up her throat.  She sprawled forward over his shoulder, giving a long groan.  “Oh, why do I drink so much?”
A Sky of Shattered Stars- DA post-canon, Hawke x Varric
Naomi wished she could say Merrill wasn’t right for her worry, but introspection was the last thing on her mind.  All she knew was if she didn’t deal with this, get rid of this problem trying to take Varric from her, she might go insane. Maybe that should have been a concern.
Valse des Fleurs-  DA pre-canon Iron Bull x(&) Orlesian Bard OC
“Love?  You have sold me!  Made me chattel!  Your love disgusts me.”
“Your life is in danger!” Elys shrieked, cowering with a hand on her wax-burned cheek.  “We did it to protect you!  All of this is to protect you!”
“What good is a life in a gilded cage, you idiot cow?!”  Claire retorted, fury incandescent.
Anarchy in Denerim- DA: Origins (modern) Zevran x Tabris x Mahariel
Zevran’s light voice only made the frustration all the worse.  "It is...not a threesome we are proposing, you know."
"Well, it is in a way," Liana said, and then laughed faintly as Zevran dismissed her words with a flip of his hand.  "Darian, are- you know that a relationship doesn't have to be just two people, don't you?"
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psalacanthea · 2 years
Just cuz I was thinking of it, this is usually what my OC profiles look like (for Derry and Lia, my DAO protags).  I found that in writing original stuff I needed templates like this to help me keep from getting my characters ‘muddy’.  When editing or if a character starts to feel off character I can go back and look it over.  
The character traits help guide me to look at how they would make a choice or cause a wrinkle in the story.  Likes and dislikes are good for conversations and how they interact with other ppl.  The emotional arc of the character, so I don’t forget to give them growth throughout the story (I make them even for small bit players, just make the arc suitably small or petty).  This isn’t like...guided by any book or writing advice or anything smart like that.  
It’s just what I’ve found helps me.
Name:  Liana Mahariel
Age:  24-30s
Foster mother- Ashalle
BF- Zevran Arainai
BF- Darian Tabris
Nicknames:  Lia, Mouse (z&d, leli), Pebble(aeducan), Lily(zevran), Fawn(ashalle), Killer (anders)
Class and Spec:  Mage, Blood Mage
Associations:  The Wardens, The Dalish Federation
Alignment:  True Neutral
Height:  5'
Hair: Chestnut Brown, 3A
Eyes: Dark Brown
5 Adjectives:  Stoic, Cautious, Protective, Ruthless, Intelligent
'Negative' character traits: Standoffish, casual liar, single-minded, poor social skills, vengeful
'Positive' character traits: Goal-oriented, active listener, pragmatic, humble, thoughtful
Most likely to: mercy-kill someone without guilt
Least likely to: speak up for herself when someone upsets her
Likes: The color orange, lily of the valley and lilacs, autumn, swimming, wine, blackberries, seafood, writing poetry, photography and videography, traveling, animals, gardening
Dislikes: Skirts, impracticality, crowds and elevators (agoraphobia), slobs, hotels, smoking, fast food, beer, anything apple flavored, television, people who will not choose a restaurant when offered suggestions, second chances
Character arc 1:  Due to severe generational trauma, does not easily open up to or accept others. Because of that, tends to simply ignore or accept poor behavior towards her with the assumption that it  is simply how others are and saying anything would be wasted.  Has a very dim view of people as a whole.  Also has a very dim view of herself- tends to see her own attitudes and behaviors as 'unchangeable' because she doesn't really believe anyone can change.  In following Darian and being exposed to his unrelenting love for the city of Denerim and the people of the alienage, she begins to see the worth of the world outside her own, and Zevran's unquestioning support and unobtrusive sympathy helps her learn to forgive and understand herself.  She grows to be honest and trust (a few select people, let's not go crazy here).
Name: Darian Adaian Tabris
Age:  20- late 20s
Father- Cyrion
Cousin- Shianni
Cousin- Soris
GF- Liana Mahariel
BF- Zevran Arainai
Nicknames:  Derry, Troublemaker (L&Z), Kid(aeducan)
Class and Spec:  Warrior, Champion
Associations:  His band
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height:  5'11”
Hair:  Dark ginger, 1B
Eyes: Blue
5 Adjectives: Enthusiastic, Aggressive, Emotive, Supportive, Impulsive
'Negative' character traits: Prone to violence, bad listener, self-centered, unpredictable, judgmental
'Positive' character traits:  Loving, protective, strong sense of justice, community-minded, charismatic
Most likely to: start a fight without understanding the situation
Least likely to: buy thoughtful presents :(
Likes:  The color black, fashion, summer, cheap beer, good chocolate, junk food, music, fist fights, self-expression, art in general, being surrounded by friends, causing problems on purpose, dogs and cats, running, physical contact
Dislikes: practicality, schedules (ADHD), wildlife; especially insects and snakes, strawberries (allergy), being sick, licorice, fancy food, rich people, television, lying, snobs, hypocrisy, new things (esp food)
Character arc 1:  Due to Andrastian religious upbringing, both thrives on and wallows in guilt.  Finds it very motivating (sometimes positively) but also punishes himself deeply for perceived 'wrongs' and 'evils'.  But on the other hand, has a natural rulebreaker's spirit, and enjoys indulging in a great many 'minor' sins with a hedonistic bent; claims it's so he has something to confess.  Intially clings to the Chantry's definition of right and wrong even when it directly contradicts his own morality. Grows to let go of his childish view of good and evil, and to focus more on understanding and combating what causes harm to others.  Allows him to accept the idea of a) being in love with a man, and b) being in a relationship with more than one person.
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psalacanthea · 2 years
WiP Wednesday
thank you for the tag @oxygenforthewicked!  Here is a bit from the next chapter about my least favorite kind of people!  I made myself angry writing it!  Hooray!
“I wasn't sure it was at first, but that's not fake Vallaslin, isn't it?”
The question in a pleasant baritone drew her out of her quiet contemplation, and into a pair of stormy blue eyes that were just a bit too close.  Reflexively rearing back from the elven man, Lia lifted a hand to her chest.  He took a half step back himself, smiling apologetically.  “I startled you.”
“I was lost in my head,” she replied softly, by rote, and then blinked.  Wait, what? “Fake Vallaslin?”
“Unfortunately. Sometimes as a fashion statement.”  He smiled at her small scoff, dropping his head and nodding.  “It's so disrespectful.” Glancing up, he tucked his shoulder-length brown hair behind his ear and then extended his hand.  “Sorry.  I'm Girard.”
This was the consequences of letting Darian drag her out to a bar, she supposed. Forcing a smile, she briefly took the hand and shook it.  “Liana Mahariel of Clan Sabrae.”  She regretted the habitual words as soon as she said them, as his eyes lit up.
“So you are Dalish?”
“Why else would I have Vallaslin?” she said, feeling a bit adrift in the conversation.  
“I suppose that was a stupid question,” he laughed, ducking his head again.  She supposed it should have been charming and self-effacing, but she had already removed herself from the conversation in order to survive it. “This place is great, huh?  Really real, you know?”
Lia had no idea what to say to that, so she said nothing-- but that didn't deter him.
Her not being part of this conversation continued as he expounded to her about his University study of Elvhen anthropology, sipping at her wine and making appropriate noises.  She wasn't certain why exactly he thought she would care.  Well, no, that wasn't correct.  She knew exactly why he thought she would care, and would care to be educated.
She was female.
In her distant, analytical state, she made her own amusements.  For example, the number of times he asked her a question that was about herself.  The number was zero.  The number of times he tried to lean a little closer than she was comfortable with, forcing her to edge away slightly instead of saying something that might be construed as rude? Three.  How many times he offered to buy her another drink?
None; he just did it without asking her.
Rather than touch it, she just let it sit between them, and started a new tally in her head of how many minutes it would take for him to notice she was only being polite to him.
She got to two before a hurricane interrupted.
“Fuckin' excuse me, is this guy botherin' you?”  the voice bristled with surprising aggression, as Darian thumped an elbow down on the bar and leaned around Girard, staring at the side of his face.
“He was just telling me about the post-Elvhenan migration,” Liana replied mildly, trying not to smile.  
“Yes, I was just-”
“Did he buy you that?”  Darian jabbed an inked finger at the untouched glass of wine sitting between them.
Torn between tolerant amusement with his bulldozering and relief at not having to have this confrontation herself, Liana just nodded.  Darian snorted, still far too close to the bewildered Girard, and picked up the glass of wine.  Silently he extended it behind the bar, and dropped it with a shattering crash into the metal sink between the wells.  Liana turned a tired look on him.
“Really, you needed to break the glass, Darian?”
“Go away,” Darian snarled at Girard, who looked nervous askance at Liana.  What was he expecting?  For her to stand up for someone who couldn't even be bothered to ask her if she wanted a drink before buying her one?
“I apologize for him,” she said, and saw his face clear slightly.  Darian's darkened even further.  “Have a lovely night.  Good bye.”
Girard's face fell again.
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violasarecool · 6 years
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16, 17, 25, 28, 31, 34, 38, 42 and 46 for the ragnarok asks.
anon ilu
3. Nairoim: “You’re officially pardoned… from life.” *kills the person*
4. Ahsalin: “You have no idea what’s possible.”
6. aHSALIN (or Nairoim): “It’s come to my attention that you don’t know who I am.”
8. Feebs: “Who are you? You think you’re some kind of sorcerer? Don’t think for one minute you second rate–” *gets magically removed*
16. Merle: *appears*Kit: “Oh shit.”
17. Nairoim, to some Imperial acquaintance probably: “You didn’t really think I’d come to see you, did you? This place is disgusting.”
25. Zevran: “Surprise!”Lirin: *throws a soda can at him*
28. Enemy NPC: “You have made a grave mistake.”Saani: “I make grave mistakes all the time.” (this could be a canon swtor smuggler line tbh)
31. Siat: “It’s probably for the best that we never see each other again.”Ahsalin: “That’s what you always wanted.”
34. Saani: *sees someone she probably stole from* “I have to get off this planet.”
38. Liana: *in disguise under a cloth*Blackwall: “I can still tell it’s you.”Liana: “Not when I do this, you can’t.” *covers half her face with the cloth*
42. Enemy NPC: “Destiny has dire plans for you.”Rascón, fed up w this “chosen of Andraste” shit: “I have dire plans for destiny.”
46. Ahsalin: “It hurts, doesn’t it? Being lied to. Being told you’re one thing and then learning it’s all a fiction.”
Send me a ragnarok line and I’ll tell you which OC, if any, would say that [x]
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wardenmages · 7 years
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Top: Elissa Cousland, Alet Surana, Lyna Mahariel Bottom: Liana Lavellan, Lydia Guerrin, Maeve Theirin
made using >this doll maker<, their names are links to their tags on my blog
these were really fun to make and they all look so cute and i’m rly happy with them
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psalacanthea · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Thanks @kirkwalls-dumbest for the tag!  Usually I like to post funny bits, but this is an angsty bit from my modern au DA2 fic.  tw for discussion of sexual assault.
Shianni sat down on the edge of the roof with a sigh, gaze fixed out across the skyline of Kirkwall.  Picking up one of the beers next to her hip, black-painted nails bracing against the metal, she offered it over to Liana.  When she took it with a smile, Shianni returned a tense, strained one and picked up the other can.  It was cheap, awful Ferelden light beer, but Lia had noticed that seemed to be a common libation of Derry and his family.  
When she’d asked Darian why the Tabris family drank it despite being able to afford better, he’d just say ‘it tastes like home’.
She understood that.
Sunset washed over them, made the city look less dirty, less worn-down and tumultuous.  But under the obscuring wash of reds and golds and lengthening blue shadows of oncoming night were dark and dismal things.  But also beautiful and precious things that needed to be protected.  This poor city, so loved.
So broken.
“Thank you for not asking if I’m all right, Mahariel.”
“You don’t have to be,” Lia assured her quietly, cracking open the beer.  “It’s what I always tell Zevran when he tries to smile too much.  It’s important sometimes to not be all right.  And what they’re doing, invading your privacy like this…it’s not something you should be all right about.”
“I don’t know what to do.  And- and we’ve got people who can handle things like this,”  Shianni stopped, took a deep breath, and shook her head.  “Our manager says we could make this go away, but…”
The sentence died, the rest exhaled in a sigh.
“But?”  Lia asked quietly.
Shianni lifted her beer blindly to take a sip, and then glanced down at the still-closed can.  She grimaced, chagrined, and thumbed it open with a hiss.  “But we’d have to lay low.  Leave Kirkwall.  Ignore what’s happening here to the mages, the refugees.  And you know how Derry feels about that.”
“I must say, as his girlfriend, I feel confident in telling you that it is very much not about him.  What do you want?”
Shianni stared fixedly at the horizon, but she could see her lashes fluttering, blinking rapidly.  Lifting a hand, she dashed it across her eyes, smearing eyeliner.  Her jaw tightened.  “I don’t want to listen to people telling me how strong I am.  I don’t want to be an inspiration for what happened to me on the worst day of my life.  I don’t want to be the ‘brave little girl who was raped’.”
The last word was full of old venom, but it was a tired hurt these days, not a jagged one.
Liana nodded slowly, glancing down at her beer.  She took a long sip, crisp and cold and not tasting like much of anything.  It was quiet for a few moments, but she knew Shianni wasn’t looking for platitudes.  She needed an ear.
There were enough empty sentiments being lobbed at her right now.
“I’m not like Darian.  I want to move on from things, not make them…make them part of my-”  Shianni gestured vaguely, and wiped her eye again.  Staring at the black-smeared back of her hand, she muttered a quiet ‘fuck’ and lifted a hand to blindly fix her eyeliner.
“Part of his legend?” Lia guessed quietly.  “I understand that.”
“You would,”  Shianni agreed simply, a quiet acknowledgement of their shared history.  “But he just took it all.  All the guilt, all the blame, he took it right off of mine and Soris’ shoulders and let them pin all the crimes on him, and we just got off bloody fucking free.  I don’t know.  Do I deserve this for letting him go on the run to save me?”
Liana glanced down at her beer, watching the light paint the rim of the cheap aluminum gold.  It was difficult to know what to say.  She had been assaulted, but never violated in the same way, and so she could not claim to understand.  But she did know what it felt like to blame yourself for someone else paying the price for what you thought was your fault.  Perhaps passing on Zevran’s words would help her believe, to lighten her own burden.  
“None of what has or did happen was your crime.”
Shianni turned her head, stare penetrating and yet oddly vulnerable, in a way she so rarely was.  “Darian didn’t kill Kendalls.  He shot the others, and then handed me the gun.  I shot him.  Three times.  His face was-”  she stopped, looked away, her voice trembling with tension in and pain- “and Derry took the fall for me.  He suffered, so no one would have to know what happened to me.”
The confession was unexpected, but perhaps not as much as Shianni thought it would be.  It made sense.  Darian wouldn’t have known what to do, how to fix it…but he knew how to help other people take back their power.
It made sense.
But Lia wasn’t sure what Shianni was looking for from her.  Absolution, maybe?  Someone to blame her?  It was a complicated situation, especially with whoever was trying to bring up the Kendalls murder all over again for no other reason, it seemed, than to hurt.  Someone was luring the bottom feeders who now demanded that Shianni speak about what had happened to her, to confirm or deny her own trauma.
Lia couldn’t understand.
Why did she have to suffer publicly to be deserving of their sympathy?
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wardenmages · 7 years
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happy pride month! here’s (some of) my lgbtqia+ ocs! (names are links to their tags on my blog)
Elissa Cousland - asexual and biromantic
Lyna Mahariel - transgender and lesbian
Alet Surana - pansexual and genderqueer
Laila Hawke - bisexual
Arianna Hawke - asexual
Alix Trevelyan - gay
Liana Lavellan - asexual and bi
Lydia Guerrin - lesbian
Maeve Theirin - asexual and aromantic
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psalacanthea · 2 years
Some Sentences Sunday
I didn’t count but I tried to make it brief, lol.  Here is some infuriating dude at a bar.   Thanks @kirkwalls-dumbest for the tag
This was the consequences of letting Tabris drag her out to a bar, she supposed. Forcing a smile, she briefly took the hand and shook it.  “Liana Mahariel of Clan Sabrae.”  She regretted the habitual words as soon as she said them, as Girard’s eyes lit up.
“So you are Dalish?”
“Why else would I have Vallaslin?” she said, feeling a bit adrift in the conversation.  
“I suppose that was a stupid question,” he laughed, ducking his head again.  She supposed it should have been charming and self-effacing, but she had already removed herself from the conversation in order to survive it. “This place is great, huh?  Really real, you know?”
Lia had no idea what that meant, so she said nothing-- but that didn't deter him.
Her not being part of this conversation continued as he expounded to her about his University study of Elvhen anthropology, sipping at her wine and making appropriate noises.  She wasn't certain why exactly he thought she would care.  Well, no, that wasn't correct.  She knew exactly why he thought she would care, and would care to be educated.
She existed, and was female.
In her distant, analytical state, she made her own amusements.  For example, the number of times he asked her a question that was about herself.  The number was zero.  The number of times he tried to lean a little closer than she was comfortable with, forcing her to edge away slightly instead of saying something that might be construed as rude? Three.  How many times he offered to buy her another drink?
None; he just did it without asking her.
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