#Mari Gildow (PKWSW)
kiwikipedia · 2 years
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In Loving Memory of Those We Have Lost, Mourn Not, For Luminous beings Are We.
Did you know that there is a saying among the Temple Guard? They say that every Temple Guard dies twice. Once, when they are killed, and once when they surrender their identiedy, their face, their lives and individuality to the Order. 
Bonus and taglist under the cut
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@jedifisto @spaceydragons @purgetrooperfox @jawajawas​ @spacerocksarethebestrocks @insanelytomato @maulpunk @certified-anakinfucker​
Taglist Form or feel free to ask me to get tagged (just DM!)
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Bene: If it excites you are scares you at the same time, you should probably do it.
Mari: Time to release all these photos of Master Krell I have to the rest of the Order
Bene, hurrying after her: Oh, wait, no—!!
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
“Pull your mask up, Demon.”
Mari’s voice came to Hakra’s left as he dropped the most recent clone who had tried to rush at him. He had failed, of course, rather horribly too. But Hakra’s hand went up to his face nonetheless.
Despite her blindness, Mari was right. The mask that he normally wore to cover his lower face had slipped down in the middle of the massacre that he had gotten into. He was one of the few who did wear one, though unlike those who preferred to wear it to avoid getting blood and other things in their mouths, or the younger ones who were still hesitant to drop their guard masks, he wore it for another reason.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Mari kneel down and wrap her arms around Roq as he came trotting back over.
Mari didn’t bother keeping her face covered when the Order came through, and Hakra envied her almost. When she fought through every battle with that fixed smile on her face, even when spattered with blood and gore.
Not like him.
Mari was confident and serene in battle, able to read the slightest muscle movements before a full action came to pass, able to ignore things around her and keep moving forwards with that smile.
Not like him.
He wondered if her Master had taught her that, because he had seen a similar state of fixed emotion on Shaak Ti’s face before. If Master Ti also did it, then it would make sense that they had both learned from their master as Lineage siblings, right?
Hakra wasn’t sure.
His thumb brushed against his mouth, before he forced his face to relax. The blood that pumped through his veins burned and sang out to him, itching for more, itching for a fight— one that he and Mari would not seek out, he knew.
To leave the Creche undefended would be a crime... and yet, even knowing that he still itched to fight.
His lips twitched again before he could stop them, twisting into an expression he knew would terrify the children if they saw him.
A twisted grin.
“Demon. The next wave is coming.”
Mari’s voice made him jolt a bit before he reached down and pulled his mask  back up.
“I envy your relaxed attitude, Truth.”
With a snap, their sabers ignited and Roq snarled, smoke already curled at his maw. Mari just let out a soft huff of mirthless laughter.
“I only wish I was half as terrifying as you, maybe then these guys would stop thinking I was an easy target.”
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
I'm sorry wrong blog for the ask game! If you still want to do 4 for any of your ocs, of love to hear about it!
No worries it happens!
4. What are 3 of their irrational fears?
For Mari:
A lot of people don’t associate Mari with Fear so to speak. She’s often calm and relaxed even in the face of danger but she does have some major fears she doesn’t talk about.
- speluncaphobia and claustrophobia (fear of caves and fear of confined places) are in tandem with one another. She and her master were attacked and left to die in a cave, so that sorta leaves you with a major fear. She made it out but her master didn’t.
- Ommetaphobia (fear of loosing sight) is another which is a bit strange because she’s already blind. But it’s more or less the case of her being afraid of loosing her ability to ‘see’ at all. She uses the Force as Force Sight and then her other senses to ‘see’. She is very much afraid of loosing that ability to see or sense things around her.
[OC Ask Meme]
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
Love Is Made With These Hands Of Mine
Fresh ingredients were rare for the Guard, they make the most out of it
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Tumblr decided to delete the original version of this because I changed my URL lmao? I hate this site sometimes. The original date of this fic was 10/14/2021
Ashe had been surprised when Master Cin Drallig sent him a message that a few AgriCorp members had dropped off a few crates of food in exchange for blackmail material.
The AgriCorps rarely came to them for that, but without a doubt, it was easily voted as a go-ahead. Fresh food was good and rare for the Guard. Even with the “supply line”, as Styr called it, set up to the kitchens, the Guard almost always ended up with the leftovers still. It was the best they could do.
Nonetheless, Ashe had forwarded the information to the supplied com codes and then gone with Yin’Shinhen and Mavvo Veenningels to pick up the crates.
They had invaded Cin’s quarters after that— much to Bene’s amusement, but the teenager had picked up her datapad and books, grabbed her friend’s hand (a dark-haired girl with sharp eyes and Ashe was pretty sure her name was Miho Fukuhara, but he wasn’t sure) before the two of them left.
Fukuhara wasn’t given clearance to see their faces, after all— and technically neither was Bene, but she was Cin’s student and so it was technically a loophole.
It had taken the three of them a few hours to get everything done— Cin’s kitchen wasn’t large, and they had to work with what they had to serve nearly two-hundred and seventy Jedi.
But they made it work.
Ashe liked to cook, Yin’shinhen liked to as well, and Mavvo had originally been a Culinary Jedi before he joined the Guard.
They managed, with minimal nicks from knives on Ashe’s part.
(Which was rather funny, wasn’t it? He was so good at handling them when he wasn’t cooking, but he couldn’t go one meal prep without cutting himself at least once.)
Syo, Mari, Idus, and Atus were in the designated Guard “Break Room” when the three of them carted in the platters. Mari’s head jerked up when they entered, the blind Guard sniffing before a lazy grin settled on her face— she had known about the AgriCorp's delivery, it seemed.
Syo’s ear-feathers twitched as she sniffed as well and she looked up, as did Idus and Atus, the Nautolan’s tresses shifting as the Zabrak’s eyes dilated a bit.
“Uwahh, that smells amazing, Ash!”
Syo was the first one over to them but Ashe held a hand out, stopping her with a slight chuckle.
“Praise Yin and Mavvo too, kid,” he says, and the young woman who really was only three years younger than him huffed.
It wasn’t much, nothing fancy, but soup was nice, fed a lot of people, and was warm. Coruscant was heading into its colder months, and the Night Patrol, Snipers, and Front Guard would especially enjoy something to warm them up.
“Thanks Yin! Thanks, Mav!”
“No problem, just one bowl, though, we need enough for everyone,” The Rodian told her, already dishing up his own plate. Yin’Shinhen was doing the same, ears flicking as a few other Guards stumbled out from the bunk room, Ner Askau blinking the sleep from his eyes as Kita yawned. Tanu wasn’t even walking, the pantoran being carried by the Cimzo, the Talz’s looking just as tired as the others.
“Hurry and get some while it’s warm,” Ashe chuckled, reaching over and patting Roq as the Charhound bounded out as well.
Mari never ate much, he knew the other half of her bowl would be Roq’s. She wasn’t much of a soup person, in all fairness— not all of them were, but it was warm and even though Cin had done his best, there was little doubt that the Guard Halls were freezing in the colder months.
Still, Ashe smiled as Yohi and Opaku popped out of the vent system, running over and hugging his legs before running to the others getting bowls dished up. K’Ramga followed them out, though shut the grate after him, the Tusken chortling and giving Ashe a bow, signing his thanks before following the Jawa and Valapset over.
Sienna and Dron both popped their heads out from the Slicer’s Den before moving to join the rest, the Nautolan and Besalisk vanishing back into the said den when they were done with grabbing their bowls.
Cin came out from his office, greeted some of the Guards before taking a bowl and returning to work, and Ashe saw a few Guard take extra bowls and vanish down the hall to where the exit hatch was to get up to the Bird’s Nest. The Snipers could eat up there, no one ever saw them.
“Ashe,” Yin’Shinhen rumbled as he walked over, two bowls in hand, and Ashe blinked, chuckling a bit as the older Guard pressed the bowl into his hands. His bandaged fingers warmed and he let out a soft sigh before huffing as the large feline’s paw ruffled his hair.
“You eat too, you made half of this.”
“All I did was cut stuff up and put it in a pot, you and Mavvo did most of the work,” he huffed, raising the bowl to his lips.
( Using a spoon was for boring people— and the fact was that the Guard really didn’t have spoons clean at the moment. A few had been found, but most were just drinking the soup. )
The Togorian chuffed, leaning back against the back of the sofa— one of three that were in the room.
“Everyone’s happy tonight. A far cry from the usual that’s been going on,” Aculeatus said from the other side and both of them turned to look down at the giant Nautolan.
“You’re right about that,” Ashe murmurs, closing his eyes for a moment.
War wasn’t heroic. Not to the Guard. Even if the Jedi were seen as heroes, it wasn’t.
It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t cut and dry as people thought. And all the Guard could do was wait.
Wait and take the frustrations thrown onto them.
The Guard could withstand strikes from others. And so far Ashe’s only broken three ribs from getting slammed into a wall.
War had damaged the Guard more than people thought but… it also made moments like these so bittersweet.
To see the Guard eating together, talking and laughing.
It warmed Ashe.
It really did.
for reference, I've been calling F "Fukuhara" after her English VA  (Miho is just another name I chose for her given name)
Syo and Opaku are both members of non-canon star wars races— Syo from a fan-created race (me, I'm the fan) and Opaku from a crossover I was messing around with (Sky Children of the Light)
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
(@thesithformerlyknownaskenobi) 1 and 20 for the OC asks!
Since you didn't name an OC I'll do Mari for this one <3
How good is their sight?
Without aid of the Force? real bad. Like. She's blind lol so she doesn't really have sight. With the aid of Force Sight though, she's got decent 'sight' though can't 'see' anything that's projected via light— so holo forms and screens she can't see at all.
20. Glass half full, or glass half empty?
Usually a glass half full kind of person!
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
New Tag Yourself Meme Just Dropped!
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Step Two, Three
Fandom(s): Star Wars
Rating: K/T
Summary: Some Jedi are really good at dancing! Others aren’t... And Ashe is one of them
Notes: Implied canon x oc relationships (Commander Fox/Ashe Lark/Quinlan Vos, Sha Koon/Mari Gildow/Hound, Kit Fisto/Plo Koon/Dara Idella)
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I actually meant to post this on valentines day but then died and forgot about it
A soft hiss left Shaak Ti as Ashe stepped on the older Jedi’s foot again, grimmancing.
“Ah- I'm sorry-“ he started but the other Jedi just shook her head, smiling a bit though her brows were furrowed just slightly.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
The two stopped dancing, dropping their hands which allowed the Togruta woman— and himself— to take a break for a bit.
“This seems a bit redundant,” Ashe sighed a bit, shaking his head, “Clearly, I can’t dance.”
Shaak Ti smiled sympathetically, starting to say something before Kit Fisto spoke up as he walked past.
“Oh, don’t speak like that, Lark,” he interjected, the tall Nautolan grinning a bit— a grin that showed off all of his front teeth. “If I remember, it took Cin close to seven months to learn how to dance. It just takes time.”
The Master in question huffed a bit from where he was leaning against the wall, watching them all with his arms crossed and still dressed in the Halls of Healing's ward robes.
“I think the Battlemaster would prefer if not many people knew that, Master Fisto,” Omura Vane grinned from where it was sitting on the bleachers in the Training Hall they were all in. Several of the now part-time Guards there, their oaths having changed since the end of the War— he wasn’t the only one there, after all, a Temple Guard was never only alone. Part-time or not.
(The Guard was now only part-time, the other half of security was filled in by volunteers. Things were much more relaxed now, strange to think that the change had only taken a few weeks.)
Ashe, to an extent, wished that he was also sitting there, watching in amusement and knowing full well that for the impromptu gala that the Jedi were holding for themselves and the public, they wouldn��t need to learn how to dance at all. And neither would Cin. They were all security, after all.
It wasn’t like Cin could. Not while he was still healing from his duel with Palpatine— with Sidious. Which also meant that Mace Windu was out for the count, much to Master Bilaba’s amusement, as were Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, all three bedridden and being looked after by the second head of the Halls of Healing, Raim Collins. Somehow, out of the lot of them, Kit had healed the fastest and was able to get up and walk around, but he wouldn't be dancing either.
Unfortunately, that meant that all of the rest of them did have to attend and dance. And not everyone knew how to dance.
A good number of them could, but that still left the ones who couldn’t learn before the day arrived. That meant that it was up to those who did know to teach those who didn't— so far classes were being held by a number of Jedi from Aayla Secura to Master Sinube to Master Theld to Knight Coria, and more.
(He hadn’t seen the elder Rodian or the other Twi’lek at all as of late, but maybe they were just on a different schedule for lessons. And he knew for a fact that Master Plo Koon could, but the Kel Dor hadn’t been seen either. Apparently, he was teaching padawans with Sinube. He actually knew that for a fact, because Fisto wouldn't shut up about it. Damn romantic. At least Dara kept Kit from talking Ashe's ear off.)
Surprisingly, it seemed that Quinlan Vos could waltz like no one’s business.
And unsurprisingly, so could Shaak Ti, hence why she had been helping Ashe out.
The Togruta had moved on to helping out the Nautolan Master, Dara Idella, though. An easier choice, he supposed.
Nonetheless, Cin— who really didn’t like the sudden hero worship that came with slaying the Sith Lord and ending the war— had just shaken his head and agreed when asked to let them (by them, Ashe meant the Jedi who didn’t know how to dance) use one of the larger Training Halls for the dance lessons, as long as the Council promised that he wouldn’t have to participate at all in the festivities aside from security coordination.
It was agreed upon and the current members who had sworn oath into the Temple Guard before the War ended had split into two groups— Uniformed and Plain-clothed Security. And Ashe had drawn the short straw on plain-clothed Guard. If he was a suspicious person, he would've assumed the entire lot drawing was rigged since both Mari and Syo had gotten out of dancing... but then again Hakra had been the one to suggest drawing lots and made them all, so it likely could've been rigged.
Still, drawing the short straw meant that he had to learn how to dance— but despite the fact that it had been days, he still couldn’t get a grasp on the activity.
“Rough time?” Serra asked him as he sat down with the Guard and other Jedi who weren’t on the floor at the moment. Ashe just groaned a bit, head falling back as the other Knight just laughed at him. 
“Yeah. can’t seem to grasp the concept,” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair.
“You’re too nervous, Ash,”  he heard and he opened his eyes, looking over at Mari as she rested her chin in her palm, a lazy grin across her lips. Ashe made a face, brows furrowing a bit.
“I don’t see you down on the floor, Mars.”
She just grinned wider as Roq’s ears perked up from where the Charhound was laying at her feet. 
“Because I already know how to dance. Besides, I’m on duty that night.” “We’re all on duty.”
“Well, you know, I’m not going to be out on the floor. Too many people, too much noise. 'sides, Sha isn't fond of dancing, and Hound's also on duty.”
He let out a defeated sigh, dropping his head a bit as Mari hummed happily in the small victory. A small game they had begun to play when they were both younger, but the game was simple— just try and win the small victories. It had kept his nerves low when he first joined, it was just habbit for them now.
“You haven’t changed at all, Gildow,” Bultar laughed as she sat down, stretching her back out. He saw Mari’s hand twitch a bit, she must have been startled by the other’s sudden arrival.
Bultar Swan was another who was just out and about helping the others learn the correct steps for dancing and Ashe had to admit that he was a bit jealous of the other Knight— for all his years of training and combat flexibility, he had no idea what he was doing but Bultar was as graceful as ever.
Mari just hummed again, taking a moment to consider her agemate’s words.
It was still so weird, and he supposed that she felt the same way as he did. Something the entirety of the Temple Guard were feeling. It was just weird to be walking around without his mask on, with his identity allowed. To reconnect and have old agemates and friends talk to them… it was taking time to get used to.
(Not that Ashe had many, but he knew that Mari did and Bultar was one of them.)
Mari tilted her head towards Bultar.
“I just think that Ashe needs someone who he’s comfy with to help him with dancing, don’t you think?”
“Like Master Vos?” Serra piped up and Ashe felt the tips of his ears heat up as he scowled back at the black-haired Knight. Serra just grinned back as a few others chuckled or just outright laughed.
Mari snapped her fingers, though, seemingly in agreement as Bultar nodded.
“Exactly. We should call Vos. Or Commander Fox, for that matter.”
“Absolutely not—!”
It was emberassing enough that the others were watching him fail— he didn’t need either of those two teasing him about it either.
His cries fell on deaf ears though, as he saw not only Syo, Serra, and Enir, but Omura and Kit Fisto reach for their Comms.
So Ashe did the next logical thing aside from trying to fight all five of them at once— he put his head in his hands and accepted his fate.
As usual, Omura Vane and Enir belong to the lovely @certified-anakinfucker​
Dara Idella belongs to @spacerocksarethebestrocks​ 
Theld belongs to @mysteryhacked​
Knight Coria belongs to @milfplo-koon​ 
All other OCs belong to me 
Thank you for letting me borrow ur OCs for cameos loves <3
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
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I’ve been meaning to draw more of the guard but keep running into problems because I’m stupid
Anyways! Mari beloved <3
Tags: @spaceydragons @jedifisto
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
fragrance for as many OCs as you can think of and yea I'm counting Cin
Madz Said: Do Everyone
And I fuckin will
fragrance: what do your OCs smell like?
Ashe Lark
There's something floral in his scent, and the sharp scent of hair dye but that fades depending on how long it's been since he's redyed his hair. There's the smell of smoke and tabacco from his smoking habbit and sometimes the scent of cooking oil clings to him as well.
Mari Gildow
Like smoke and flame, there's a bit of an earthy scent too, but likely the smoke and flame comes from being around the Charhound Roq all the time. When she doesn't smell like smoke and flame, that earthy scent is more prominent, but it's more like the scent of dirt after rain
Feathers and sky mostly. There's also the smell of a warm summer day on a hilltop, but there's a sharp metallic sent from the Temple's vent system that she frequents during her patrols.
Hakra Dorgoa
Blood and sweat. He pushes himself to be stronger when he's not on patrol usually, and has no fear of getting injured in the process. The scent of smoke and tobacco also clings to him, despite him not smoking often, but he hangs around and often socializes with those who do while they are. There's a spicy yet pleasant scent that also clings to him at times.
Cin Drallig
Sandalwood, perhaps, or just various wood types in general. The scent of the forest after it rains. There's metal there too, and the scent of ozone/plasma, from handling lightsabers all the time. It's not a sharp smell, rather pleasant, actually.
Raim Collins
Cinnamon, Lavender, vanilla— often a sweet scent, attributed to the amount of tea he brews and keeps with him often. There's also the scent of medicines and bacta, of sterile walls and clean spaces from the Hospital Wing.
Tobias Enzo
There's the scent of the woods that clings to him, but also the scent of food, of warmth, of a homecooked meal. There's the slight smell of cologne, but there's also the scent of smoke, of salt, and spice, and a hint of something sweet.
Sylv Rex
Of Cigarettes and Alcohol, the scent of gunpowder, and an animal that's nestled close. There's also the scent of food, something that warms someone up from the inside at the same time. There's the faint scent of spice and cologne as well.
Bruce Rion
Like Raim, there's the scent of medicine and bacta, and everything else that clings to the healers, but there's the tang of salt— like standing on the shores of a beach during a rainstorm, there's salt and sand, but it's not overpowering.
Aruarush Chana
The scent of paints and inks, of wood, lacquers, varnish, and dyes. He's the type whose profession you can tell just by standing nearby and catching the sents that cling to him. That boy is an artisan.
Ask Meme
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
you know what? gimme some Agen Kolar hcs. We need more of him.
Agen is really good at doing hair, as long as it’s not his own. He can do simple things for his own hair but braiding? Absolutely not.
He used to braid Bultar and Mari’s hair when the three of them were younger
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Picking a fight with a Temple Guard is a very unwise choice unless you, yourself, are a Temple Guard or you are very confident in your fighting abilities.
Yes, they have oaths that keep them from retaliating in many situations (though they will be very put off if you like, shove them into a wall for no reason other than malicious intent), but if you’re specifically picking a fight with them? Oh boy.
These guys were trained with withstand certain blaster fire with the armor under their Robes, so they’re already sturdy, no matter their body types, but take into account that these guys are all trained further by Cin Drallig to be the strongest defense that the Temple has on the homefront.
So on top of their original saber-training with their first Master, Cin personally trained the Guards as well. These guys are powerful, there’s nothing more to it. They picked up tricks, such as lightsaber throwing and using the force to fling them through the air, and snap-decision form-changing from Cin. A number are skilled in blaster fighting, despite it being ‘uncivilized’ and always roll their eyes behind their masks when a Jedi talks about it being as such.
On that note, fighting against a Guard one v one is usually one that ends in a loss for the Challenger— the best way to beat a Guard is to completely overwhelm them or to be another one of the Guard.
The Guard actually make good sparring partners for Jedi who want to face strong opponents but are too nervous to ask the High Council— and are often asked to spar with members of the High Council if the Council feels as if the Guards need to stretch from standing alert on duty all day (or night). They don’t mind being asked to spar, so they go along with it, and it gives them a way to train outside of the Guard’s own training hall.
That said, they have their own tournaments within the Guard that have different rules, requirements, and so on. Currently the reigning champions of these tournaments are the Wookiee Guard Lofanurra, the Iridonian Guard Styr Rox, the Human Guard Mari Gildow, and the nearly nine-hundred year old Kel Dor Guard, Saa Kowa.
Cin does not often get involved in these tournaments because he has fun refereeing them, but he can and has wiped the floor with a number of the Guards.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Oc personality sheet / tag game
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs!
I decided to do two of these hfjdhfjdhfjd so thanks for the tag @certified-anakinfucker and i uno reversed you earlier
Name: Mari Gildow
Pronouns: She/They
Nickname: Mars, Truth (Guard Assigned Codename), Mar
One Word To Sum Them Up: Blind
Noun to Describe Them: Adaptable
Temperament: Laid back
Enneagram Type: The Peacemaker
Other’s First Impression of Them: Laid back, almost lazy, easygoing, unnervingly observant despite being sightless, a little playful, very easy to talk to
General Likes: salty foods, sleep, Roq, listening to music or general hub of people, soft things, tripping people up with accurate observations using her Force Sight
General Dislikes: The Senate, Certain other Jedi (cough, krell, cough mundi), In-fighting in the Temple (more work for her), people poking too deep into her personal buisness, people talking shit about her former Master, people thinking that she’s useless because of her blindness, animal abuse
Romantic Status: It’s Complicated (everything happens post war if at all)
Love Interest(s): Sha Koon and Hound
Good Friend(s): Sha Koon, Bultar Swan, Lissarkh, Voolvif Monn, Commander Fox, Commander Stone (Canon), Ashe Lark, Hakra Dorgoa, Syo, Yin’Shinhen (OCs)
Enemy: Ventress, Palpatine, Pong Krell, Ki-Adi Mundi, Yoda (at times), Whoever killed her Master, Cad Bane (to an extent)
Hobbies: Sleeping, training with Roq, listening to music
Songs They Relate To: 0ptimi2er (FUZI x Neru), To Another Level (Oh the Larceny), Way Less Sad (AJR)
Fictional Characters Similar To Their Personality: Justice from Helltaker, Hektor of Troy (Fate/Grand Order), 
Fun Fact: It’s a horrible habbit, but she will drink anything that Syo or Ashe put down in front of her. Syo likes giving her random drinks when they’re all at 79s to see what her reaction will be. They’ve learned that she really hates anything that Thire drinks about sixty percent of the time.
Free Space/Ramble: She states that if she could she would like to write more, but as it’s very difficult for her to see text on a screen with her Force Sight, she has since given up on the idea. Sometimes though, Ashe writes down what she says while talking about story ideas with the rest of the Guard
Tagging! @crc-the11tailed @crclocalunhingedsith @hotshot9 @kkrazy256
and anyone else who wants to
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
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Finally got around to making this and tbh there was a lot because uhh, I might’ve, sorta, made a google site with all sorts of OC info on it for my OCs so it was hard for me to pick and choose what got on the sheet and what didn’t lol
But anyways, here’s Mari Gildow who is kinda a star wars sona, kinda not? All my Sonas end up becoming their own characters so who really knows at this point lol
Template belongs to @queen-breha-organa​ !!
Art Taglist: @spaceydragons @jedifisto
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Never Forget What I Have Endured
Chapter 3: The Guard Hall
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Expanded Universe
Rating: T/M (Swearing, Gore, Major Character Death, possible later happenings, AU Bullshit, Angst to High Hell)
Summary: In an instant, the world exploded into color and smoke- and then nothing. And the Temple Guard were so easy to pin a crime on considering how they were sworn to silence. AKA: Even though Barriss joined the Guard, the flow of time only altered a bit. The bombs still go off, but the Temple Guard are put to blame instead of Ahsoka.
Notes: AU bullshit, Same universe as We Who Listen To Many And Speak To Few meaning its nibeul​’s Temple Guard Barris AU
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Trying my best but big ass writer's block said fuck you to me oof
Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard knew the Jedi Temple Guard decently well.
Shared drinks with them, kind of well. Shared drinks and ate meals and laughed and conversed with them kind of well.
While he was aware of their Oaths (the Cordru-Ji guard named Jiyu-Se had explained them to him once) and how on a technicality, Fox and the rest of the Coruscant Guard shouldn’t know or see their faces, let alone their names— but things were different off of Temple Grounds and with Cin Drallig instated as the new head of the Guard.
Fox knew names, faces, was friends with some, closer with others— hell, he had been added into the general comm chat thread for the Temple Guard under the guise of him knowing what was going on. For security reasons.
He had been on Senatorial Escort duty with some of them, defended the senate building and Temple with others— Commander Fox knew the Jedi Temple Guard pretty well.
And perhaps that was why everything was so jarring.
The attack on the Jedi Temple Hangar was something that had shaken up nearly everyone from the Jedi to the Clones— and even more so with the knowledge that their brothers had been killed in such a blast.
Part of Fox burned when he had been allowed a full report of the investigation so far.
A Temple Guard had known.
And yet they hadn't been able to stop it.
Part of Fox burned, but the better part of him knew that it wasn’t their fault— at least, as far as he was concerned as of now.
The Temple Guard had suffered their own losses as well, three deaths and all the others in the Hangar at that time injured— though he hadn't been privy to who had suffered the said injuries.
The comm thread that he was allowed in with the other Commanders of the Coruscant Guard was disturbingly silent. Not a single message from the Temple Guard.
And on top of that General Skywalker was dead. And Rex hadn’t stopped talking about it in the Commanders and Captains communications link between all of them.
( Cody was oddly quiet on the matter.)
Fox always felt odd giving his input when the others talked about their Generals, he didn’t really share any of that same connection to the Jedi. Sure, he could consider Drallig like a General to him, but he didn’t oversee the Coruscant Guard. And he could understand why Rex was talking about it, but…
He really didn’t have much to comment on, and he had to agree when Wolffe had snapped at Rex earlier to shut up about Skywalker.
( Wolffe didn’t like Skywalker, Fox didn’t know why. )
They had all suffered losses in some way or shape or form. Skywalker wasn't the only Jedi dead and there were Clones who were dead as well.
Still, the 501st would be needing a new General, something that Fox wasn’t super interested in, but there was just a lot of talk that went through the Command Comms. Lots of mixed feelings. And Fox’s own thoughts on the matter were jumbled and as much as he respected, and would say he was friends with, a number of the Temple Guard— he had other matters to worry about.
Security on the Senate Building was tightening, who could say that it wouldn’t be next? And the riots were getting worse.
( Fox wondered if he should pull his men back from Riot control on the Temple Grounds. The Temple Guard were competent, none of the Citizens would be able to get in with them watching the front. )
There were too many things that were going on, too many factors, too many unknowns…
And it gave Fox a migraine trying to work at all of it at once— and of course, it had to be at once.
The Clones were supposed to be peak human condition physically, but that didn’t mean that he could go or days on end without sleep.
It had been several days already when Fox had gotten an alert from the general police force on Coruscant.
The Jedi Temple Guard are Under Investigation as per the Jedi Council and Senate Mandate. Proceed to the Temple to Assist in the Investigation.
Fox’s own disbelief had been reflected back to him when he had pulled Thorn, Hound, and Tracker with him to join in the investigation.
He wasn’t even sure why he and the Coruscant Guard were needed to assist in the investigation. Not even the Coruscant General Police were getting involved.
(Then again, they often didn't and shoved work onto the Coruscant Guard. Maybe this was yet another thing they were shoving onto them instead.)
Nonetheless, he and the other three— along with Grizzer and Bear— had met up with two Jedi outside of the temple— an old Cosian Jedi and a middle-aged-looking Kiffar.
Cin Drallig was there as well, looking the same as ever, if not a bit more tired.
He had been the one to lead them to the Temple Guard’s hidden hall, after all.
“This is it?” the old Cosian Jedi mused as Grizzer and Hound and Bear and Tracker moved to investigate the Halls. They were all standing in what appeared to be a common room of sorts, and it looked rather small in Fox’s eyes. But then again, he had no idea how big the Temple Guard actually was. It seemed like no one did, really.
Cin shook his head before pointing down the hall to their immediate left, past the side door that lead into his office.
“Training halls, a storage closet, bathroom room, a Kel Dor anti-ox chamber, and the Healer’s office is down that way,” he said simply before indicating to another doorway that connected directly to the breakroom. “The bunk room for the Guards who are off duty and need to sleep."
Another gesture off to another room to their right. "And then we have a place where we can monitor the holocams for security and data logs.”
“Hoh, that's where the blackmail logs are kept?” the Cosian mused as the other Jedi moved to also investigate as well.
Cin just hummed. “Perhaps, Master Sinube.”
There was a faint touch of humor to his tone but it was wary. Fox could understand why.
From what Fox knew, no one except for Cin and the Temple Guard— and maybe Cin’s Padawans— had been in this hall since he had taken over as Head of Security and the Guard, and before that, the only people aside from the Guard were those who were in charge of it. Other Jedi just weren’t allowed to, after all. The Temple Guard’s hall was a place of refuge for them, a place for them to remove their masks and armor, to relax, to exist.
No other Jedi was supposed to be in there if they weren't related to the Guard.
It wasn’t really his… issue, so to speak.
While he had doubts about the Jedi Temple Guard being the ones behind the bombing, part of him just felt a headache coming on. There was so much to do still, he really didn’t have time to be here. There was no reason for him to be there, nor was there any reason for him to have brought Hound and Tracker.
But it was the loud barks from Grizzer and Bear that pulled him from his thoughts, making him blink from behind his helmet. Cin stiffened and the others turned to where the two Massiffs and their handlers were, or where the noise was coming from at least.
Cin moved first, an expression that was both confusion and worry across his face as he moved across the breakroom and into the bunk room. Fox followed him with Sinube into the room.
It was... rather sparse, so to say. With a row of ten bunks on the left and right sides of the wall and five in front of them, all with storage boxes under them. Fifty beds. There had to be more than fifty Temple Guard, right? That number was just too low. Maybe they didn't all have their own beds and just rotated out who slept where depending on who was on duty.
Fox's eyes moved from observing the room to where his brothers were. Hound and Tracker were kneeling at one bunk, the two Massiffs sitting and sniffing at a pile of robes.
“What did you find?” Fox asked as he crossed the room over to them. Hound tossed a small container to him in lieu of answering right away. he took it, and to the naked eye, there seemed to be nothing in it. He glanced to Tracker for an explanation.
“Nano-Droids, most likely , sir,” Tracker answered without missing a beat. “Traces of ‘em at least. Grizzer and Bear reacted the way they were trained to when they smelled explosives. This was inside the robes.”
Sinube turned to Cin, as did Fox, but Cin was still, brows furrowed.
“Master Drallig, do you know which Guard these robes belong to?” Sinube asked. There was silence before Cin shook his head. “No,” he said carefully, slowly, and Fox could tell that he was still thinking, maybe he was in shock. He knew how much Cin trusted the Guard. “I don’t. The Temple Guard uniform is the same for every Guard, the only difference being the sizing. But there are too many Guard with similar builds to make a guess now. We would have to gather more information.”
There was another moment of silence, one that stretched too long. Fox glanced at Hound and Tracker, who both shrugged a bit. This wasn’t their jurisdiction. He didn’t even know why they were there in the first place.
“How long will that take?” Sinube asked, tone careful and Fox saw Cin glance back to the robes that Tracker was carefully folding. Always the careful one, always neat and orderly, that one was.
Cin shifted again, arms crossed loosely. “A few days at least.”
Sinube seemed to think on that before nodding slowly. “Three days.”
“If we work fast enough, yes.”
And again, Fox had a feeling that Cin was hiding something, that Cin knew whose robes those belonged to. The few times that he had talked to the Jedi, Fox knew that he was extremely sharp. He had to know whose robes those were. Even if they were all uniform and the same, every single Guard had their own way of designating their things is what Cin had said once.
He knew.
And it made part of Fox burn.
But he didn’t say anything, because he wanted to trust in Cin. Maybe he didn't know, maybe the confusion and the hesitance was genuine.
And yet, he wondered if it would end up being a fruitless trust because he knew that he and Cin were alike.
Neither of them would give one of their own up without a fight. And if obscuring information and hiding things that could be used against them happened to be part of that fight?
Well, Cin could probably get away with it. He was a Jedi after all.
(And again, Fox felt part of him burn.)
Barriss Offee had enjoyed her new life as a member of the Jedi Temple Guard. She had joined the same time that another one had— Siv Vera— and that had been three months ago.
Siv had lost her battalion and her Master, Barriss had lost her faith in the cause. Siv was young, very young, two years younger than her kind of young.
And because of that, Barriss had found herself slowly again, with the Temple Guard. She looked out for that little redhead, learned how to heal from some of the best former Healers in the Temple in order to mend the damage that the Guard did to themselves or inflicted onto them. Barriss had found herself again, protecting and defending those who could not alongside the other Temple Guard.
And now it was being questioned, now the faith in the Order was faltering again.
Like all the rest of the Guard, Barriss had been… well, startled wasn’t quite the right word, there was something more there, but she had been startled when Master Drallig had sent out a message to them.
The Guard was under suspicion, traces of Nano-Droids had been found in a spare set of robes.
But that was, by all means, impossible.
The members of the Temple Guard got less pay than other Jedi did because of the belief that the Guard needed no personal possessions— a technical truth— aside from their uniform, sabers, masks, and armor. And even those weren’t fully theirs anyways.
What pay they did get was hardly enough to get Nano-Droids, even if they saved for a whole year.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true.
Siv had said, while they were on break and banned from guarding the front, that if you weren’t aiming for anything high-end, you could probably get a set of them with a year's worth of what the Guard got paid.
(It was about a third of what a Knight got because it was assumed that the Guard didn’t need any expenses for Padawans or missions, being Temple Bound, which was true.)
But still, that was if the Guard who got those bots didn’t take money out for other things.
Things like cigarettes and nights at 79s, or Charhound food for Roq, or things like the books that sat on the bookshelves, or materials for lightsaber parts. Or things like ordering from Dex’s for celebration because of someone’s birthday, or things like that.
So either way, it wouldn’t have made sense for there to be Nano-Droid traces, let alone the bots themselves, in the Hall.
One could make the argument that maybe Sienna would make that purchase, but in the short time Barriss had known the Nautolan head of the Slicer team, she learned that she had a rather strong dislike for droids, bots, and AI systems.
None of the others under her had a fondness for them either— if they were going to run surveillance and get messages and information, they do it themselves, thank you very much. Or that's what Dron Uttox had told her, the Besalisk rather put out when Siv had asked him about it.
Nonetheless, part of her was worried as she sat down across from Mari Gildow, an eerie glow to her sightless, silver eyes as she nodded to her. A clear sign that she was using her Force Sight, Barriss knew.
The blind Guard used it often, and Barriss learned that the brighter the glow, the more she was seeing— what it was she was seeing, she didn’t know. She hadn’t asked, either. She wasn't very close to her just yet, not close enough to ask something like that in her mind, anyways.
“Sorry for calling you in like this, Barriss,” Mari said as Barriss settled on the chair across from her. They were both in Cin’s office, Mari sitting on the couch that was normally littered with documents and files. It had been cleared off and a recording device was sat down next to her on the cushions.
Barriss shook her head instead, hands in her lap. “It’s alright, I understand why you had to.”
Mari just nodded as Roq shifted from where he was laying. It was no secret that the Guard was under suspicion now, but none of them had any idea how and why the residue and evidence of Nano-Droids were in the Guard Hall, much less the Temple.
But it was unnerving. Sienna said that there had been no sign of suspicious activity in the Hall either, so it made no sense.
Nothing did.
“Master Sinube wants to know about the Guard and where all of us were during the incident,” Mari started, pulling Barris from her thoughts and she blinked.
“I was with Siv, we were in the kitchen, Siv wanted to try making something, but we had only gotten the pot out when the Temple shook.”
Mari’s gaze was unnerving, but she nodded.
“Siv said the same thing, but are there others who can confirm your story?”
She nodded. “Adona was in there, making tea. And Arnd’la was talking with Dron as they waited for the Caf machine to wake up.”
Mari’s lips twitched at that. The Guard needed to get a new Caf machine. K’Ramga had claimed that it was probably older than him, and none of the other Guard older than him refuted the claim. It took a good ten minutes for the thing to start working, and even then the first cup was always lukewarm and gross.
Barriss shifted a bit as Mari leaned back a bit.
“Adona hasn’t been questioned yet, neither have Arnd’la and Dron. But I can tell you’re not lying,” she told her after a moment before sighing. “I personally don’t think that any of the younger Guard would pull anything like this. Honestly, it’s hard to think anyone in the Guard would. We all know better than that…”
The blind woman shook her head, sighing again. It was a problem, Barriss knew. All of the Guard felt the same.
There was a restlessness to them that couldn’t be shaken, the feeling of need to prove that none of them would have dared to bring harm to the Temple.
It troubled Barriss, and she had only been with the Guard for a few months. No doubt, it troubled Mari and the others who had been there for longer.
But she could only hope and trust in the Force to show the truth now.
And yet... that fracturing feeling of her faith was back again.
If the Order, the Council, ruled them guilty... she didn't know what she would do.
I kinda want to draw parallels between Fox and Cin, and also the CGs and the Temple Guard as a whole. I hope it does end up coming across in a way.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
We Are What Family Is
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy)
Rating: K
Summery: Cin Drallig always cautioned Padawans who looked at the Temple Guard in awe, always cautioned them to make sure that it was what they truly wished to do. And yet, he would not ever turn one away if it was what they wished to do. Because family didn’t reject each other, right?
More Temple Guard stuff because I love them
Cin Drallig always cautioned Padawans who looked at the Temple Guard in awe, always cautioned the ones who looked at him and the Guard as they walked through the halls to the front of the Temple every morning, to make sure that it was what they truly wished to do.
To guard the Temple was important, yes, and it was a high honor to serve as a Guard— in text, that was. In archives and books, it was marked down as a sacred job.
But it was not for everyone.
While Jedi were on the field, The Temple Guard was at home.
Some thought that their job was cushy, easy, and unimportant, that the Temple Guard was full of cowards who didn’t want to see the real battles out there, the real danger. Cin had heard all of those words before, listened with a straight face from under his own Mask while he stood with his brothers and sisters and siblings in silence when he was still just another body for the Temple’s defenses, or when he stood in for another Guard who had been injured when some idiot bounty hunter tried to break in. It wasn’t very often that a Guard was injured and no one was free to sub in for them, but it happened.
The Jedi as a whole were not cruel, but there were those who looked down on the Guard, just like they looked down on the Agricorps and Educorps. A certain Besalisk always came to mind.
Cin, himself, had been part of the Guard before Yoda had suggested his skills were better put as a Lightsaber Instructor. He had taken the mask off, and stepped away, but never allowed himself to forget the feeling of being a faceless Guardian to the rest of the Order.
Being a Gaurd was not as soft and cushy as one liked to think. The Temple Guard were known as the "Iron Wall of the Temple" for a reason. They trained until their hands bleed, set their own bones and dislocations. They learned, they looked down the barrels of blasters so that they knew the impact of a shot and how to withstand with the armor weaved into and under their robes. They trained and fought, actions that were hidden to the rest of the Temple because that's just how it was.
And it was draining in ways that the others didn’t realize. Draining to simply be nameless, to be another number among the Guards with no identity.
He knew that. He knew that the moment he accepted the position of being Head of the Temple Guard, Head of the Temple’s Security, on top of being the Temple’s Battlemaster.
It was because he knew this that he had spent hours late at night setting up a secured com-channel for the Guards to talk to one another freely outside of the one used for relaying work orders and changes. That he had sent for each of their helmets and masks to get refit with sound muffling tech so that their conversations went unheard. He never did know why the previous Heads of the Guard never commissioned for the masks to be altered, but it was no matter.
Still, Cin cautioned Padawans who wanted to be part of the Guard, gently told them that while it was an important job— one that was looked upon with respect in the texts— they must also be prepared to surrender themselves to the fact that they would not become someone known by face or feats.
Some Guards did not even hang on to their names, taking the role of being just a faceless guard to the extreme— even though he made attempts to dissuade them from that path.
Every mask was the same, there was nothing that defined them from one another side from their physical forms. Lofanurra, Cimzo Mes, and Yin’shihen were tall, with robes hiding fur and masks specially made to not look any different externally despite the different facial structures of a Wookiee, a Talz, and Togorian. Various helms were specially designed in the same sense to make space for their extra anatomy— So that a Twi'Lek's lekku weren’t pinched and Zabrak's horns didn’t destroy the material. And those were just a few examples.
Despite that, every mask was the same, every set of robes was the same, the only difference they were allowed were their personal lightsabers within their robes, but even then, they used Sabersaffs and Pikes to remain uniform while on duty.
Cin Drallig knew this, had lived it. And when he took over as the Head of the Guard, the Head of the Temple Security, he opened his doors to the Guards who needed them.
It was strange at first, especially to the older ones who had been a part of the Guard longer than he had and remembered when he was just a Padawan himself, but still, he did it.
It started with Mari Gildow and Ashe Lark popping in one day when Cin was meditating between the classes he had to teach that day, and then staying for tea. And then things changed from there. Sienna Tanneri further adjusted the comlink to create various conversations so that groups could talk or send messages without overlapping, Cin moved his living quarters from where they had been to the Guard's designated Hall so that those who did drop in were comfortable and could remove their masks and hoods without breaking Oath, more and more of the Guard dropped by and stayed for a while— and Serra and Bene found themselves tripping over dozing Guards in the sitting space in Cin's quarters.
But it was good, the aged Battlemaster mused as he stretched, waiting in the small personal kitchen within his quarters for water to boil and looking up when he heard a whoop from the other room.
There was an image of the Temple Gaurd and him in the minds of the Jedi of the Temple, in the minds of the public, and even the Clones.
One that was strong, stone-cold, and harsh.
Silent guardians to the Jedi as they moved about the Temple, faceless figures of uniformity to the Public when they passed the Temple, and a strange, different type of Jedi to the Clones— ones who were more like them than Jedi in some of their minds, only they donned robes with Saberpikes and staffs instead of armor and blasters.
Silent, still, strong, unshakable guardians of the Jedi Temple.
They were intimidating to those who didn’t look at them in awe and often simply blended into the Temple as fixtures that were always there.
Since he took over as the Head of the Guard, Cin just had to hide a chuckle every time he overheard someone whispering about how the Temple Guard were so unreadable, unnerving, and always there.
Because at the same time, Saa Kowa and Lofanurra were tossing around some weird sort of word game that only half of them could understand due to the language barrier and the two of the oldest Guards tossing in words that were hundreds of years old that none of them quite recognized— you tend to pick up various phrases when you're a nearly nine-hundred-year-old Kel Dor and nearly four-hundred-year-old Wookiee.
Thank the little gods for the voice mufflers and internal coms of their helmets, and Cin’s own ability to keep a straight face, or else the rest of the Jedi would’ve caught onto them and their antics.
And even now, the Guards were still at it, tossing words around as a few of them settled on the floor of his sitting-room as they played cards together— until they either had to switch with some of the other Night Guard for their own shifts or until they fell asleep.
He heard Mari mutter something, the blind Guard flopping back as she tossed her cards down.
A losing hand it seemed, he mused as he waited for the tea to finish brewing. Hakra Dorgoa laughed, the Iridonian Zabrak patting his human friend on the stomach as she huffed. The cards all had little divots punched into them, something that was done so she could play as well, even when she told the others she was fine just sitting and listening to them— but Nira Tal had insisted. The red-skinned Twi’lek was always figuring out ways to get around Mari’s blindness, as her Force Sight wasn't strong enough to pick out print and text.
Cin loved the Temple Guard. They were his children, save those who were older than him. But the sentiment of being a family was still there nonetheless.
And so, if the Guards wanted to use his quarters as a place to relax, then he was fine with it as he glanced out the door of the kitchen. And he smiled slightly to himself.
Mari’s long hair that normally was kept tied back when she was in full uniform was loose and fanned out on the floor. Hakra’s was in a loose ponytail, his tattoos visible and horns a bit too long but he wasn’t on until the night shift tomorrow, so he had time to file them down. The Guard's Charhound, Roq, was wagging as he laid happily near the two of them.
Nira was leaning over the Togruta, Adona Haalim, who was looking through her own cards, the two seemingly working as a team instead of playing separate hands. The Guard had an interesting number of House-Rules for their card games.
Ashe Lark, another human Guard whose hair was dyed a pale pink for no other reason than one of the others must have done it to him when he was asleep was next to them both, his green eyes narrowed as he studied his cards as well.
Lofanurra had been reduced to a comfy pillow as the Red Nikto Ner Askau, along with the Nautolan Tacar Anulig and Pau'an Varrom Selon leaned against him with the large Togorian form of Yin'shinhen next to him. Tacar's violet tresses were curling as she looked over her own cards and it seemed as if Varrom was specifically looking for a way to trip up her next move. It was expected from the two agemates though, he supposed.
Bene was stretched out across Lofanurra and Yin’Shinhen, half asleep with her datapad that had what was probably her work for classes tomorrow on it in her hands. Well, she usually finished all of her work on time, so Cin wasn’t worried.
Bene would be thirteen soon, he realized. He’d have to ask Maks Leem what she did for Padawan Malreaux’s lifeday. Serra was… very much a different person than Bene in likes and dislikes.
But Padawan Malreaux and Bene were good friends and had a number of the same interests despite Bene being a year older than him. He was a talented boy, to be chosen as a padawan so young.
Still, it was a sight that made him smile again as Mari pulled herself up, putting the cards back into the deck as Ashe placed one down.
“Don’t make Mari lose all the games you play,” Cin chided as he went back to watching the tea, waiting for it to finish steeping.
“She’s not, Master Drallig,” Tacar huffed, her tresses flicking. "She definitely won the last two rounds."
“I’m not!” Mari said at the same time. “But Yin is definitely cheating.”
“Cheating is not the Jedi way, so why the hell would I?”
“Because you’re a horrible, horrible feline—”
“Hey, apologize to felines! We don’t claim him,” Hakra huffed and Cin chuckled softly under his breath at Yin’Shinhen’s huff.
“Be less loud,” came Varrom's drawl. “The little one is sleeping.” Bene huffed. “‘m not, ‘m awake.”
“Yeah, because of these idiots, go back to sleep.”
His Padawan huffed again and Cin carefully picked up the tray of tea, walking out to the common area.
“Mari, tea,” Ashe said as Cin handed the cup down to her. She blinked, silvery eyes catching the light but she reached up, taking the cup with a hum
"Thanks, Master Drallig."
Cin just hummed in return, continuing to hand tea out to those who had asked before sitting down on the other side of Roq. "Who's winning this round so far?"
Ashe grinned a bit. "Yin'Shinhen was but I think I just managed to pull ahead."
"You wish, but I'm sorry to say that I'll be taking that spot from you, Ashe Lark," Adona hummed and Nira laughed softly as the blue-skinned Togruta set down a card. Ashe scowled and various grumbles and groans came from the other Guards who were still playing.
"That's not a legal move, Adona," Hakra pointed out and she only tilted her head back.
"Is it? Last I checked we were playing with the same suit match rule," she said and the Zabrak groaned, tossing his hand down.
"You just had to get me out, huh?"
“I as well, unfortunately,” Ner Askau sighed, shaking his head.
"You really have nothing you can play? Sucks to suck," Varrom deadpanned and Tacar laughed at the other Guard's offended face.
Mari just hummed, patting Roq as he set his head down on his paws, smoke trailing up from his snout. Cin smiled behind his own cup of tea, settling with his back against the sofa.
This was the true face of the Guard, a strange family who played with a whole set of strange House-Rules that not even they could all keep straight. And certainly, he knew that if they were off duty, a number of others would have been here with them, laughing and talking and telling them about something or another that they had been witness to while on Duty— there was no such thing as enough blackmail material after all.
He watched as Tacar played her cards, Yin'shinhen grumbling at the low number before his own was set down.
Perhaps he'd play the next round.
Varrom Selon is the name I gave the eventual Grand Inquisitor because I cant just call him Grand Inquisitor and I’m not gonna ignore a canonical Guard! What do you take me for?
Edit: So I realized I made a mistake when doing the math for whie's age? And for some reason thought he was older than Bene. That's tragic. Whie was 14 when he was killed :(( I'm so sad now
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