#Me too Mhin me too
cutie-pinay · 4 months
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Valentine's Day is almost here, what are these two newly lovebirds up to 🤔?
Vere being a great wingman. From picking the time and place to the matching outfits they're wearing ✨.
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someiicecube · 11 days
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chimera mhinnie :3
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shadowgirl-noa · 5 months
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Don't worry, Mhin jumped off at the start. They refuse to go along with these shenanigan's (or hold on to Leander).
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r0tmagier · 1 year
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No talk them, they angy... 😡
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aaapplepie · 1 year
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listen I know 5'6 isn't that short but
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danger-bird · 2 months
Touchstarved Astrology Headcanons🌠
Mostly based on my own irl observations over the years, as well as my bookworm era a few years ago . Also taking into account my own impressions & feelings for the LIs, so sufficiently biased and I'm not sorry. In the words of Danny DeVito: "I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it!" /lovingly❤️
Venus in Virgo. Period. I'm dying on this hill. Fight me. No but fr, first he's a diehard animal lover and will jump into a dog fight to save a puppy. Second, he's giving "mother hen" behavior - says "watch your step", then grabs you when you trip and scolds you "told you to watch your step"(Virgo 101); sends you off with an ESCORT, jumps in fists first when the roughneck tries fighting you then hides you from the purple gang later and escorts you back himself - need I say more? Not to mention he VERY likely helped Kuras save us (his scent lingers in the clinic when MC wakes up), and helps in the clinic regularly (so a part-time nurse, most likely helped save Mhin too). Also, he was definitely watching over us even before the Seaspring (the scarred woman knew our name from somewhere, also the Unnamed can feel Ocudeus' presence outside the clinic). He craves taking care of someone - people, animals, soulless, poor unfortunate souls - you name it. And it's not for show - that's just how he is. That's how he shows love - by being attentive. All my favorite people have this placement, they're all like him in this regard - best Venus placement imo (yes, I'm a biased Venus in Taurus, BUT I'm also right, lol)
Scorpio Ascendant I mean... come on. Come on. He's LITERALLY a gang leader! Not that anybody needs convincing, but aside from the sharp, intense eyes and the fact he oozes sex appeal, this would place his Sun in 10th House- he is known publicly as a leader, his presence demands respect and attracts attention. BDE for sure. Also he's very smart, intuitive and observant. Very aware of his surroundings, can pick up on people's moods & intentions like it's nothing. I'm convinced he can literally read our mind. A smart, sexy and caring bastard, lord help me...
Virgo Signature sign Kuras is very service-oriented, focused on helping the community and always looking for ways to assist others. Very mindful of people’s problems and what they’re in need of - and ready to provide it, no matter what it may cost him. He’s also very polite, but comes off rigid, like he’s read “Social Etiquette for Humans 101” and is following it to the letter lol. Also kinda nerdy – has his special interests, and if you let him he’ll talk about reductions and concoctions all day, every day. I don't think it's a specific placement that influences this behavior, it's the whole picture, thus - a signature sign!
Saturn Dominant This man is a Capricorn already, sure, but there’s a difference. Capricorn placements have an inner spark, a fire about them – they’re ambitious and driven while being practical and disciplined. Saturn, however, is a dry and dark, malefic - almost apocalyptic planet. It’s the last visible planet – the gatekeeper of the divine knowledge (depicted by the outer planets). It represents time, boundaries, a sense of duty and responsibility, guilt and the consequences of one's actions. A symbol of Kronos and the Devil, it represents the falling of God, the grotesque expression of divinity. Kuras has a curious mind, fascinated by science and humanity, and in light of the Kuras character lore (and his not-too-subtle mischievousness) he def has strong Uranus & Jupiter influence as well. But the Saturnian themes in particular parallel the themes and main conflict in his story most strongly.
Mercury Retrograde I had to. The way he's so precise and eloquent, but roundabout when he talks? How he's so tight-lipped and takes his sweet time before answering a question? Mercury retrograde, 100 percent. I don't make the rules.
Moon in 1st House. How do I know? I have it. The color of printer paper (the sun hates us), emotions written all over their entire existence and impossible to hide, as well as rather intense emotional outbursts? Yes, yes and yes. Big-time tsundere? Yes. Big softy, too? Yes. We could be twins, honestly. I stg they have a crush on Ais, but unlike with Kuras they're not happy about it. I dunno, call it twin telepathy. The Christmas photo doesn't help either.
Water moon, most likely in Cancer. Not Scorpio, because their emotions fluctuate rapidly, and are overtly moody. The difference between big waves and a rip current, for example. But more so, this makes for a Sun-Moon square - the dissonance and lack of harmony between their outer persona and their inner needs and desires is clear. They have difficulty expressing their emotions, not difficulty as in showing them, but in a way where they come off wrong and get interpreted the wrong way. Very protective, like a smol soft crabbie shielding themselves with their shell. Pushes people away consciously, but hoping for someone to have enough of a "spine" to handle them and protect them, giving them a safe space to finally relax. Most of all they need love, reassurance and acceptance (my poor little meow meow💙)
Mars square Mercury That Mercury is in Aries, you can't tell me otherwise. The extra 'angry' coming from Mars in Capricorn is helping, too. But not only that, it also makes a square to their Sun AND an opposition to their Moon - a T-square, a highly difficult & stressful configuration. The Mars is in Capricorn because they like a partner with authority and attitude (Cap in 7th), and it makes for good synastry with Kuras (my cutie patooties). Also for how small they are, they're very agile and skilled with knifes (ruled by Mars).
Venus conjunct Pluto. Sexy. Magnetic. He pulls you in with the gravitational force of his tits. These people are the definition of an intense lover. Obsessive and hungry for love - and pain, equally, very big on extreme and overwhelming sensations. You have a terrible curse? Oooh, danger - gimme! You can never give them too much attention - they want it all, and they're not sharing. Possessive, wants to draw you into their little world and keep you for themselves.
Leo Ascendant, for a few reasons. I was initially thinking Libra, but after looking at everything, I decided on Leo. He has a noble presence - not surprising considering his upbringing. He's a very charismatic talker, well-spoken, lovely voice, can charm anyone into trusting him (Libra in 3rd coming through). To his credit, he takes his work seriously and comes off as a reliable boss (Cap in 6th, also Taurus in 10th). He wants to take care of people... or rather, wants to be seen as a savior. I really see him as a Gemini-Cancer cusp, but technically he's a Cancer so his sun will be in 12th house. It’s a house of self-undoing, the afterlife, illusions - ego and reality go to disintegrate here. All that connects into the life-and-death theme surrounding him and his design. The sun here becomes a fantasy, a goal rather than reality – a dream of being a leader, a hero, someone who people look up to for help and answers. He’s really giving Jesus-wannabe, with the resurrection and savior complex he has going on, as well as the over-the-top generosity. A big red crab, with a big red flag... and the tits to match (Cancer rules the booba).
Venus conjunct Midheaven, Midheaven being in Scorpio. With Sun in Scorpio. Lots of Scorpio. He’s so pretty! Pretty in an elegant, sensual, effortless yet manicured to perfection way. Apparently, the BBC (Big Bulky Collar) on him does not signal “DANGER!” to the rascals who take him for an easy target, because all they see is the approachable, delicate face and inviting voice. He knows the effect he has on people, and he’s using it to his advantage – to get a free drink, or to make people trust him juuust enough to get what he wants. He is attracted to power, powerful people, and wants power for himself – and he’s ruthless about achieving his goals, too (Scorpio in 10th); there’s a lot of gossip surrounding this man’s public image, his reputation. Venus conjunct Midheaven places a focus on art – he is an artist, appreciates art as well as creating it himself. He IS the art, or that’s the perception of him anyway.
Venus in Scorpio As Venusian as he appears, Venus is in detriment here – there’s conflicting emotions regarding his looks, and the perception of him – or rather, the expectations placed on him because of it. He'll break rules on purpose, act outrageous, play coy, use his beaty for all its worth – he’ll purposefully play the ‘bad guy’ as a form of rebellion, a defense mechanism. He can’t find comfort in a traditional relationship dynamic and has a hard time liking someone who likes them back - he’s afraid of commitment. I believe his confidence is a façade; there’s an underlying fear of betrayal and rejection, and a paranoia that any good thing that comes his way is a trick, a trap, or a lie. That he doesn’t deserve love or care, really. Buuut… if you’re like Ais and see him for all his ‘ugly’, and accept him anyway… then you’re really something💜.
1525 words. Yikes. I tried keeping the word count down.
Unsuccessful. Obviously.
If you’ve read this far, go have some water, a snack, a stretch – you deserve it! Doctor’s orders!!!
P.S. : Ais' side profile sprite is giving me "ex-punk mom wearing a cozy cardigan", is it just me? Anyone? Are you seeing it? Am I crazy? Do I need help?...
...I'll see myself out.
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luvring · 1 year
Been going feral over the shy reader headcanons . I'm very biased towards Ais and Leander, but I'd love to see more shy reader hcs with the other boys too ❤️
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(shy) gn!reader | yippee!!! there's less for each since it's 3 charas but i did my best. not sure how the notes got so long... lol?
** suggestive notes
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a kiss while he compliments you, whether you're actually wearing something new or look the same as usual. kuras can't help how attractive you are!! he Can let you know though. you walk toward him and he greets you with a smile as usual, so you're caught off guard when he gently grabs your hand and cups your cheek to kiss you. it's only right to make sure you know he adores you, isn't it?
kisses to your temple as he rushes around the clinic or before running errands because even if he's busy he never forgets to thank you for sticking around and helping. he promises to take a break soon, And to treat you to dinner later. your favourite spot, or maybe you want to check out the new place that opened nearby? he's happy wherever you choose
soft kisses goodbye/goodnight ! an actual kiss on your lips, or the back of your hand,, maybe on the inside of your wrist. it's a good balance between polite and teasing when your relationship is just starting. he smiles afterward, not commenting on your flustered state, only asking if you're available to spend some more time together tomorrow
kisses to your shoulders and back while he massages you. kuras's voice is soft while he asks how you feel, if there's anywhere he should reach, or something he can do. you feel stuck in a (good) loop of relaxation and surprise every time he reaches a knot or hums near your ear
**kuras is tall. it's easy to sit somewhere between his legs as his fingers trail across your hips under your shirt, and his lips kiss the space between your jaw and ear. he asks what you'd like him to do, saying he needs to hear you say it out loud. and when he moves to kiss you properly, it shifts from soft intimacy to a rougher one at the sounds you let out despite his best attempts
asks you for a kiss for good luck or something before he goes on a job. or when he has to deal with someone annoying. or when you have to part ways and well Don't you want to make sure He gets back safely. really any excuse to see how you react and if you'll do it, since you both know he'll always make his way back to you safe and sound
kisses that turn into nips at your skin (or lips.) you're flustered enough when he leans in and hovers at your neck, but then he catches you off guard when you feel his teeth instead of his lips. he laughs at your reaction, and if you feign annoyance hard enough, vere might halfheartedly apologize before actually kissing you
he does a thing when he wants attention where he'll come and wrap himself around you before trying to distract you with kisses. they start slow, one to your hand that he pulls into his, but they escalate quickly until you finally stop to give him the unwarranted attention he wants deserves
intimate kisses while he's being vulnerable. vere doesn't like spilling his heart out, he isn't well acquainted with it. but he knows physical affection well and naturally finds comfort in your touch. you gently kiss him as reassurance and he smiles—its somewhere between being grateful and incredulous—before he asks for another so he can Really feel better
**messy kisses while you stumble toward the bed. his hands find their place, one rubbing your thigh and the other pulling your top to expose your collarbones/shoulders. vere whispers about how much he's wanted to do this, boldly listing everything you could do, trying out pet names to gage your reaction. at the same time, he leaves hickies both in obvious places and ones he says only the two of you get to know about
a kiss when (they think) you're asleep. they might softly poke you or say something to see if you react. if you don't, they make sure you're in a comfortable position and gently kiss your temple before also getting ready to sleep. embarrassed if they notice you were awake afterward so you might have to kiss them back and say now you're even! 🫣
kisses after a long day apart and they're slightly more open to physical affection. their replies are mumbled as you lie together, and they can't stop themself from melting into your touch. it's nice to finally feel safe and relax. the conversation dwindles, you're looking at each other, and the way their gaze flickers down to your lips doesn't go unnoticed in such close proximity. the kisses are soft and quick, but come in groups of 2 or 3 before you have to smush your face into the pillow to cover how flustered you are
a casual kiss that catches you off guard, especially since you either just made them worry or frustrated. maybe you've just come back later than expected and you're sitting in front of them as they tend to your wounds. you say something cheeky and they roll their eyes. the kiss is quick, to the top of your head or temple, before they stand up to grab something. you barely register the comment they mutter about needing someone to watch you
a kiss to prove a point after jokes about how if people didn't know better, they'd be shocked to find out you're a couple. mhin doesn't kiss you in front of a crowd or anything—it's more for them/the both of you. somewhere in private, their hand on the back of your neck or small of your waist. a few seconds longer and you'd wonder if they wanted to go further, before they pull away with a determined look (blush tinting their cheeks), as if that was all the confirmation they needed
**the kisses that happen when they finally accept they want you that take your breath away and have your hands tangled in their hair. ones where their hold on you tightens with every noise you let out, and their eyebrows furrow as they reach to take off their cloak without looking. mhin's chest presses against yours as they breathe heavily, and there's a second where the both of you check to make sure the other is okay before leaning in again
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mhin-t · 5 months
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mhin <333
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aiscapades · 1 month
it's quiet and calm, before a storm. light breeze. i'm drinking matcha with ais
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strunmah-mah · 3 months
Touchstarved Characters as DnD Classes
Given the existence of Ocudeus and Ais's relationship with it, Ais is an easy choice for a warlock, a person who gets their powers from a patron entity. My choice would either be The Great Old One, or The Fathomless. The both have those eldritch vibes but with slightly different emphasis. The Fathomless buts a strong emphasis on the oceanic tentacle monster, while The Great Old One has some tentacle imagery but focuses far more on the effects Eldritch beings have on the mind. Which one you think suits him more comes down to personal preference I think.
Given that magic for humans seems to largely be a learned skill, and stuff devs have said about Leander coming from a more more formal background giving him access to a proper education, Leander would 100% be a wizard. With as little information as we have about him exactly which school might be harder to pin down, but for the purpose of this I'm going School of Illusion. I think it works both as a fun reference to the first spell we ever see him cast (the illucitory lily) and a sort of foreshadowing of him duplicitous nature.
As an angel, Kuras's divine power is innate to him in a way that I think the Divine Soul Sorcerer would be best at replicating. Not really sure what else to add, this might be an even easier pick than Ais as a Warlock.
Vere is interesting. Given our first impression is that of a snarling shadow beast in the corner of out vision, part of me is inclined towards Shadow Magic Sorcerer. His power seems to be innate to him and I think the Hound of Ill Omen ability synergizes well with Vere's status as the Senobium's hunting dog. HOWEVER, the devs recently dropped the extra bit of lore implying that Vere used to be worshiped as a god, which does make an interesting argument for casting him as a cleric. I don't think most cleric abilities mesh as well with Vere's in game abilities, but thematically the Ambition Domain meshes well with his personality.
Mhin is the one I'm least confident on. Their attempt to sneak into the Senobium speaks to them being a Rogue, The revelation that they're regular collecting bounties from soulless hunting points them to being a Ranger, and the Alchemist's observation that their a scientist suggests that when the full games drops they might be something of an Artificer, or depending on your tolerance for psuedo canon, maybe a Blood Hunter? IDK, I'm a little bit at a loss of what to do with this guy.
Bonus the Origins
Now given that all Origins more or less have the same skill set with some flavor difference All of them could easily be Aberrant Mind Sorcerers and be done with it. Their power is innate to them, and that power is power over the minds of others. It's a good solid choice, but if you wanted to give the Origins more influence over their skills sets below would be my choices
The Unnamed
Raised at a temple as an oracle? The Unnnamed is a Cleric. Given that it was thought their ability could create a groupmind the Solidarity or Zeal Domains could be an interesting choice, That the people under their influence are so violent could be an argument for the War Domain, or that everyone was so mislead as to what your ability is could be an argument for Trickery Domain. Ultimately as a self insert the Unnamed's background is fluid and any choice is valid, but thematically I think I think those four could all work really well. TBH I really wish there was a Madness Domain or something so you could channel that Dionysus Maenadic energy, I think that'd work really well, but homebrew is not my area.
The Alchemist
This Origin knows magic, magic is a learned skill for humans, The Alchemist is a Wizard, maybe an Artificer. Again, self insert, either choice is valid. If you go Wizard I think School of Enchantment could be a good choice, would tie into their powers a bit better then some of the other options. If you go Artificier there is an Alchemist subclass, it's a match made in heaven
The Hound
The Hound has a very specific archetype built into it and that is the Rogue: Thief. They're a street kid who survived by stealing. I don't know if there's another choice that could work for this Origin even half as well. works for this
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venvellan · 11 months
touchstarved is such a sick twisted game. i'm not talking abt the plot or theme at all that's all good and dandy. i mean the way that it's possessed my soul and body.
i seriously need and want all five of them. to a sickly degree. i don't wanna have to pick a route. i want five lovers. yea some of them hate each other but i'm not making them hang out it's fine.
tack on a 2 year wait for the full release and it's only a matter of time before i'm hysterical
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fruityfroggy · 9 months
I’ve been thinking about this weird thought for way too long…
But is it just me, or does Mhin exude such ABSOLUTE meringue energy.
Like, look at these two images side by side
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Anyways, I’m going to be calling them my an adorable little dollop from now on (you can do so as well if you want).
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todayis-snowy · 11 months
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I’ve stared at all the relationship charts and played the demo too many times over so here is my take on all their silly relationships + a blank version + ur OC if you wanna do the same :)
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portsandstars · 4 months
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Content im making only for myself
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sssusuki · 11 days
Chicken Mhin? Kentucky Fried Mhin? Do you think they would eat fried chicken? Would they think that's cannibalism?
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lord-shitbox · 1 year
[dont repost, i say, about to post the dumbest images conceivable to man]
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do you guys think the devs are proud of what im up to
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