#Natsu and Asuka
Laxus Friendship Headcanons:
He's the only person who can get away with throwing Erza over his shoulder to pull her out of a fight. He's done it multiple times and has a scar from when she bit him to get away.
Gildarts roasts his ass all the time. Laxus cannot even breathe without getting called a nerd
When Gildarts isn't around, Cana bullies him instead. Laxus usually responds by lifting whatever she's drinking above her head and laughing at her try and get it back
Laxus likes to stress out Elfman by talking to Evergreen and then looking over at him and glaring
Asuka asked him to have a tea party once. He of course agreed and even wore a tiara
He adores Wendy. If she asked him to kill someone, he’d do it without question.
Natsu really looks up to him. Laxus doesn't get it because in his opinion Natsu is the epitome of everything Fairy Tail stands for and shouldn't idolize anyone least of all him.
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xanvasofxords · 1 year
“She’s such a cutie.” Lucy says, watching the little girl sleep peacefully. Grinning when Asuka mumbles something into her chest, the blonde gently rubs circles on her back.
“Yeah, only when asleep.” Natsu lets out a huff, remembering how she made him play horse and rode on his back the whole day. And did it take hours to put her to sleep. “Kids are dangerous, I tell ya Luce.”
Lucy giggles, throws him a look. She knows he doesn’t mean what he said. He loves being around kids almost as much as he loves eating and napping. If anything, she believes Natsu will be a great father to his children.
“You love her anyways.”
He laughs softly, “Of course I do.”
“I’d love to have a kid like her someday.” She expresses with a smile, “Though I don’t know if I can be a good mother.” Natsu places his hand above hers in reassurance.
“I think you’ll be the best mom.” His eyes reflecting so much adoration, it makes her heart flutter. Though she’s nowhere near prepared for what she hears a moment later.
“Our Nasha will be the luckiest to have you, as her mama.”
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happilychee · 5 months
fairy tail rainy day headcanons
because it's rainy where I am
♡ a heavy rain cloud hangs over magnolia, and it feels like the sky is sobbing and howling with the wind outside. juvia worries that her guildmates will be mad at her for the rain, but they insist that it's the perfect weather to spend some time bonding in the guild hall.
♡ mira enlists juvia and wendy (not lisanna. she's a menace in the kitchen) to help her make warm drinks for everyone. there's hot chocolate, warm mugs of apple cider with cinnamon, and mulled wine. the fairy lights floating above the first floor seem to burn brighter when the dark sky obscures the sun. even though it's the morning, it feels like evening.
♡ no one is eager to go outside in the rain, so they open the sacred board game closet in the back of the guild hall. there's a variety of games, from simple ones like connect four to the complicated four-hour agriculture roleplays. levy and fried settle down for the most intense game of scrabble known to man. cana drags laxus into a series of card games with gray and loke. pantherlily, mira, erza, and wendy clear a table so they can act out an entire kingdom's history as they try to save their farms from extinction.
♡ if she ever frees herself from scrabble, levy wanders down to fairy tail's archive, where lucy is curled up with asuka, happy, and carla, reading an old storybook. they're on one of the plush couches, surrounded by fluffy pillows and a blanket. lucy feels her eyes drooping, and eventually she dozes off with the little cowboy and two exceeds in her arms. bisca and alzack are grateful for the quiet, taking the time to read their own books.
♡ of course, not everyone is happy being cooped up. erza has to break away from her game multiple times to stop natsu from going outside. she does not believe that him having fire magic will save him from getting a cold. eventually, natsu manages to slip past her, and he and lisanna splash around outside. lisanna drags juvia out, and they all end up soaking wet. erza and mira drag them back in with worried scolding.
♡ this prompts mira to start cooking a giant stew for everyone. natsu is tasked with keeping the huge pot hot with his fire while gray and mira chop vegetables and meat. the result is a hearty soup that the entire guild can enjoy. everyone leaves their board games (bisca gets lucy, asuka, happy, and carla) to settle at the guild's weathered wooden tables. the storm rages on, but inside the fairy tail guild hall, it's warm and lively as everyone shares a meal together.
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hatsumishinogu · 1 month
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Secret After Work
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Alzack, seeing Asuka cry: What’s wrong, Asuka? Why are you crying? What happened?
Bisca: Are you okay? Did someone make you cry? Who is it? I’ll go talk to them if you want me to.
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scarletgray · 1 year
remember that fanfic where no one knows how natsu gets asuka to go to sleep and lucy is dead set on finding out and when she does it's 🥹 one of the most wholesome fics ever
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tamibae · 1 year
Not joking you are literally the only person I feel safe to express this opinion to lmao. But anyways, I'm probably the only person who thinks this but, I really don't see Natsu and Lucy as parents?? They seem more like the fun Uncle and Aunty. Like Edolos Natsu and Lucy having a kid, fine, yeah sure, they are opposites so makes sense. But yeah, fun uncle and aunty, but not parents. Just me tho 🤷‍♀️
Ty, I'm glad y'all feel safe to express opinions here!❤️
Hmm... indeed an uncommon opinion lmao, I haven't met anyone who thinks the same as you. Honestly, neither do I. I'm in the majority here, who think Natsu and Lucy would be great as parents!
We all know how much Natsu loves being with kids (Asuka, Nasha), he took care of the dragon egg and Kemokemo. It was prolly in a game visual- Natsu was seen getting along with a bluenette kid. He's easily a great elder brother to both Wendy and Romeo. I think this just shows he can be a good parent. Natsu may act goofy all the time, but he can be wise and mature when time calls for.
Take the 'Natsu and Asuka' omake for example, he acted like an actual parent throughout the day. Letting Asuka have wins even tho he himself gets worked up over winning anything, and then helping her get her parents' momento back from the robbers while making her feel independent. Even tho younger, he was responsible enough to take care of the dragon egg (albeit Lisanna helped). He literally kept the egg warm, sacrificing his sleep, until Kemokemo hatched. This really shows that despite his boisterous nature, he can handle kids just like every other father.
As for Lucy I think, she'd be a great mom tbh! She had a happy relationship with Layla before her demise. Layla would've supported Lucy's dreams, she would've understood her feelings, unlike Jude. Naturally, that's how Lucy believes a mother to be and the same qualities of Layla would inspire her to become a great mother or even better. In Trouble Twins novel illustrations by Mashima, Lucy was shown to take care of the kids, putting them to sleep beside her. She gets along with Asuka really well. Happy practically sticks to her side all the time, she gives him emotional support. And even Kemokemo acknowledged her as a part of his family, along with Natsu.
So yeah, I think Natsu and Lucy would be absolutely amazing as parents!
That said, it's completely okay to have different opinions. Doesn't matter if you're the only one or not. Just keep enjoying!
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I love the headcanon that you did for lucy! Can you do the same for Natsu hehe, he's my favorite character! "Wondering if you think Natsu is ticklish and who all would abuse it and why if he was." Thank you so much beforehand!!
Thank you! I feel like Natsu is ticklish but only in certain spots so not a whole lot of people know? Here's some people that were brave enough to figure it out
Lucy abuses it the most. He starts it tho! She just loves revenge
Happy is pretty brutal about it too! Natsu is not scared to toast him tho
Gray figured it out once during a brawl but only tickles him when he's losing bad
Erza does it to wake him up after train rides. He's super sensitive in his sides
Levy also knows about it. Lucy told her so Levy hasn't abused it yet, but plans on it (she thankfully has not told Gajeel)
Asuka knows. She was determined to figure it out. Natsu was able to hide it from her for awhile but she got him good one day and was relentless
Romeo also abuses it. Natsu has such a soft spot for kids that they are the only ones who can do it without consequences
Wendy knows but chooses not to abuse it
While Loke knows, he doesn't abuse it. He is the one that told Lucy that Natsu was ticklish tho
Lisanna, of course, abuses it and knows every spot that ticklish. You often see Natsu sprinting away from her as she tries to get at his sides
Because Lisanna knows, Mira also knows. She likes to tease him about it more than she actually tickles him tho
Gildarts also found out while fighting Natsu. When he's not feeling like fighting, he just tickles the shit outta Natsu until he runs away
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kursed-arcana · 1 year
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titania-no-kingdom · 1 year
Une journée avec Erza Scarlet.
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Erza est réputée pour sa puissance alors ce serait légitime de croire que c'est une femme difficile à contenter. L'on ne pourrait pas plus se tromper.
Erza apprécie la paix et le silence. La solitude ne lui fait pas peur mais elle préfère être entourée de ceux qu'elle aime.
Quand il s'agit d'une journée entre amis, elle aime les retrouver autour d'un bon dîner, à la plage, au parc.
Dans ces moments-là, elle enchaîne les activités avec eux.
A la plage
Volley de plage avec Natsu. Ils aiment tous les deux gagner alors le match tourne souvent au chaos. Le ballon finit complètement grillé par les flammes de Natsu et Erza a revêtu son armure de la nature. Makarov et Kanna sont hilares. Lucy et Wendy, le sont un peu moins, se contentant de regarder la scène de loin. On entend les cris d'exclamation d'Elfman : "C'est comme ça qu'un homme joue au volley". Ils doivent se mettre à plusieurs pour séparer Erza et Natsu et c'est généralement Grey, Luxus, Mira et Lisanna qui s'y collent.
Château de sable avec Wendy, Azuka et Carla. Les deux mages sont sous les ordres de la fillette, qui se révèle être bien plus expérimentée qu'elle en construction de tours et de douves.
Dégustation de cocktails avec Biska et Kanna. Cette dernière leur fait goûter toutes sortes de mélange. Erza finit complètement allongée sur le comptoir les yeux perdus dans le vague.
Compétition de surf avec Grey
Farniente avec Mira et Lucy
Au parc
Cerf-volant avec Romeo et Azuka. Il se coince souvent dans les branches des arbres et Erza perd toute patience. Elle attaque le tronc de l'arbre avec une telle véhémence qu'Azuka fini par éclater en sanglots et Romeo a bien du mal à la calmer
Pique-nique !!!!!! Erza partage généralement sa nappe avec Wendy, Carla et Kanna. Comme elle ne cuisine pas, elle ramène des fruits ou des petits sandwichs achetés dans la meilleure des boulangeries de Magnolia.
Mira ramène un cake à la fraise exprès pour elle. Elle ne le partage avec personne et le ramène chez elle.
Course à trois jambes avec Grey, Juvia, Elfman, Bixrow et Luxus.
Cueillette de pâquerettes avec Raki et Kinana.
Au zoo
Erza n'a qu'une hâte, celle de voir les panthères noires qu'elle trouve élégantes et impressionnantes. Elle peut passer des heures à les scruter derrière les barreaux de leurs cages. "Il y a une panthère dans notre guilde. Il s'appelle Lily, vous le connaissez ? Remarque, il est beaucoup plus petit que vous et bien moins impressionnant !" Son sourire ne s'estompe pas de la journée une fois qu'elle les a vues. Gajeel et Lily observent un silence de mort tout le long du chemin menant à la guilde.
Ce qu'elle aime au zoo, à part les panthères noires, ce sont les glaces à l'italienne qu'elle achète au vendeur ambulant. Ça la rend d'humeur joyeuse. Sa préférée est celle au coulis de fraise. Erza a les yeux qui brillent rien qu'en y pensant.
Au cinéma
Erza n'a pas de genre préféré mais elle raffole des comédies. Les vraies comédies. Celles qui la font tellement rire qu'elle manque de s'étouffer avec son pop-corn. Ce genre de films, elle aime bien les regarder en compagnie de Makarov ou de Gajeel et Natsu.
Son péché mignon c'est les comédies romantiques. Personne ne le sait à la guilde mais les rencontres au détour d'une ruelle et les baisers sous la pluie la font frissonner. Erza ne peut s'empêcher de penser à une certaine personne lorsque les trois fameux mots sont prononcés à l'écran. À chaque fois, elle devient aussi rouge que ses cheveux. Heureusement, ses amies, Lucy et Juvia sont trop absorbées par le film pour remarquer quoi que ce soit !
Erza n'est pas très fan des films d'horreur mais ne dit jamais non à une petite frayeur de temps en temps. Sachant que Grey en est le spécialiste, elle ne manque jamais de l'inviter à ces séances mais le regrette instantanément quand il ricane au moindre de ses sursauts. Elle lui fait promettre de ne rien dire aux autres membres de Fairy Tail, sous peine de se faire taillader par un de ses sabres.
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dynamitekansai · 2 years
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djcanipe99 · 1 year
Dick,Natsu:Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright
Little darlin', it's been a long, cold, lonely winter
Little darlin', it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright
Little darlin', the smile's returning to their faces
Little darlin', it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Little darlin', I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darlin', it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright
Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the sun
It's alright
It's alright
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andjoshiforall · 2 years
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deus-sema · 8 months
Natsu's emotional intelligence is greatly underestimated. He is anything but blissfully unaware; he is highly perceptive of how others feel and reacts accordingly. For instance, when Jellal was about to be arrested by the Magic Council towards the end of the Oracion Seis arc, he could sense Erza's turmoil and understood what the former meant to her which led to him taking a stand for Jellal. He reassured Juvia that they would get Gray back during the Avatar arc. He was mature enough to put up an innocent charade of incompetence to keep Asuka happy. He has lent emotional support to Lucy on several occasions and showcased utmost sensitivity.
That brings us to two questions: Why does he play the clueless fool and what will make him acknowledge his feelings and, eventually, act on them?
First, it is my interpretation that what terrifies Natsu more than anything else in the world is loss. He cannot so much as entertain the possibility of losing the people he loves. Let alone accept its inevitability. It is why he adheres to a maladaptive coping style where he simply avoids difficult situations and feelings. Instead of facing the reality of Igneel's death and allowing himself to be supported by his friends, he chose to isolate himself from everyone with only Happy for company. Natsu would sooner bear the burden of the entire world than share his own with his friends.
When the situation is under control and whatever crisis they're facing is averted, he wilfully regresses to his childish ways, content with the knowledge that he wouldn't have to face his feelings or address them. That everything will be how it always has been.
For Natsu to experience growth, he will have to experience a loss from which he can neither escape nor avoid. It shouldn't be a permanent one but it needs to last a while and end with the realisation that life is too short to not be savoured in its entirety. That he needs to break out of the shell he so stubbornly clings to and let people in.
Then there are his feelings for Lucy, who, I daresay, is in an entirely different category from the rest of his friends.
His words to Lucy at the end of the manga, that they will always be together, are not so much a statement, as they are a promise, both to her and to himself for when he believed that he had lost her forever, the outcome was frightening. Much like his brother Zeref, whose whole tragedy was triggered by his inability to come to terms with losing the one he loved most, Natsu's intense devotion for Lucy can bring out the worst in him.
For NaLu to unite for good, I need them to be apart for a while. When faced with the reality that Lucy might not be by his side forever or vice versa, Natsu will have no choice but to face his demons and get his act together. It will not be an easy process but a little angst has never harmed anyone.
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laramcelino · 23 days
My head is wrapped on Nalu baby's soo...
Headcanons about the children of the canon couples in Fairy Tail ✨✨
or at least the ones closer to canon, I'm watching your teasing Mashima
Get angry with me all you can, but they don't have a lot of children, oddly enough Nasha is one of the few in the guild who were planned.
Natsu is totally a girls daddy, it's the vibe.
They have Nasha after getting married, she is the spitting personality of Natsu, but learned to like books like Lucy.
They had some false alarms and when it really happened the pregnancy was hard for Lucy and the baby.
They got scared to try again, and Lucy was brokenhearted because she knew Natsu would want more despite him constantly saying that Nasha would be more than enough.
After at least two years they end up adopting a baby boy they rescued on a mission.
The boy is almost as chaotic as Nasha, but is more calculating than his impulsive sister.
The two fight a lot, Lucy is the rigid parent who makes them stop, Natsu is the one wrapped around their fingers, and gets scolded together.
Despite fighting, the kids are very close, play together all the time and protect each other a lot.
When the kids are sad and wanna talk about it they go to Lucy, when they just wanna be held they go to Natsu.
Both times when the kids arrived the spirits were very eager to meet then but waited, except for Aquarius, she used her own energy, and brought gifts, but she also said they were very ugly.
Even though Natsu and Lucy don't have other kids, they would be parental figures to any lonely children who come across their life, and are the favorite uncle and aunt for most of the guild kids.
They have three at max, none planned as Gray was insecure about being a parent.
Gray cried at every single birth.
Juvia is a boys mother and is very jealous of all her kids.
Gray is the parent who puts then on tracks, and so he receives all the hate.
Greige was born months before Nasha, and has the shy nature of his mother .
The middle child is a girl, and if they have a third one would be a boy.
The girl is the princess of the house and is very spoiled, she has Gray infinite devotion.
Those two have at least five. None was planned.
As in the twin trouble novel Asuka seems to be at her mid/late teens, and the twins look six at most, I believe they are not the firsts but the second to born (I couldn't read the full novel to know more).
The first one is a girl, definitely born to defy Gajeel in every possible way, going further enough to ask Natsu some Dragon slayer tricks.
The twins are much more level headed than the firstborn, but Yajee is more impulsive than Jutla.
The fourth and fifth kids are the mischief ones, doing mess and troubling Levy, they also have different magic from their parents.
The fourth and fifth are closer to Natsu and Lucy's boy due to age closeness. When the three are quiet for too long it means they are making some trouble.
Both Gajeel and Levy are good at controlling their kids, but Gajeel does it by being strict and Levy does by tricking the kids, it works better with the more hot-headed ones.
All their kids know that Gajeel is soft-hearted about them getting hurt, so if they do trouble they come crying for him first, because if Levy learns she will be angry, and an angry Levy is a scary one.
They only have one child
They are both scared of having children, cus of their bad childhood, Jellal never interacted much with kids and Erza tends to scare them.
Both are very protective.
Their son was an accident that happened on their honey moon.
Was a happy accident though.
He is very smart and takes after Jellal more, being closer to Erza on the aspect of being a good leader.
He is closer to age to the oldest of Gajeel and Levy, so the duo control the kids brawls in the guild hall.
The boy is also very independent from a young age, and Jellal is always scared of not being present enough for him.
Erza tries to be subtle but she loves to say how proud she is of her boy.
As Erza gets older she takes after Makarov when she becomes the master and develops a kind of motherly feeling to the younger generations of the guild, so subtlety she gets a lot of kids.
Have only one boy, who very fiercely loves Fairy Tail.
They have him some years after their wedding, the kid would be closer to the twins age.
Cobra didn't want kids, as they make much noise, but accepts because of Kinana, so he would be one of few planned ones.
She is a very dedicated mother, and the type who only stopped working when was due to labor, and returned very early on too.
Kinana would come to work with the baby wrapped in cloth like a kangaroo and it was the sweetest sight at the guild.
They have two, I don't care gender.
In a very cartoonist way one is the spitting image and personality of Elfman, and the other of Evergreen.
Evergreen loves to brag about how awesome and handsome her kids are.
She also likes to dress up then, uncle Bixlow likes too.
Elfman engages in any stupid ideas the kids have.
Both kids are scared of Laxus, and he got offended by it.
Mira spoils her nephews/nices a lot, but none the parents have the guts to ask her to stop, so anytime the kids wants something and the parents don't give, they run to aunty Mira.
As the kids grew Elfman and Ever become the type of parents that the kids ask them to grow up.
Characters I believe would be a single parent, either by adoption, having a child without contacting or knowing the father, or the child simply appears years later (like Cana to Gildarts).
Cana: adopted.
Bixlow: simply appeared, no one questions who the mom is, just how the kid will survive .
Laki: def don't know the father.
Lyon: appeared.
Kagura: adopted two girls from Mermaid Heel.
Hibiki: adopted, but everyone suspects the blood relation.
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celestialulu · 10 months
the coca-cola omake is my fave next to natsu and asuka like its just such a cute little story (sorry this might be a bit of a long post its just me being silly over nalu as per usual)
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shes literally ranting so hard shes so cute shes so excited
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gray and erzas faces are so funny here everytime i see it i laugh so hard
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i really love the framing here its so good even without dialogue to show whats happening
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the way they reach for her im sooooo </3333333 
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natsu and happy care for lucy so much even from early on i mean look at them ???? they searched so hard to find the book for lucy so they could make her happy again
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Lucy looks really cute in this panel i love her outfit her little bracelet and i love being able to see her guildmark <333 :)
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I love how it looks like everyone gave them so much space for themselves also they look so tiny here their faces are so funny
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I really love when lucy brings up her mother because i feel like she has influenced lucy as a person so much so i love it when shes mentioned by lucy because of the impact she has had on lucy as a person
and also lucy was so excited that natsu and happy wanted to read the book she wrote influenced by her mother bc it didnt sell IM SO SAD
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happy is so... LMAO and natsu just saying to please not cry and to just punch him is so :( also idk if the translation is right but natsu saying to kill him?? hello??? LMAO hes literally that meme thats like “my girls mad at me i hope i die” and lucy just being the sweetest im going to sob
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their sad faces i cant theyre so </333 :,)))) 
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their faces are so cute (natsus smile?? <333) but i cant ignore the big ass product placement with the tagline its so funny LMAO i love this so much but yeah sorry i just needed to rant (i think ive literally ranted about this before but idc idc i’ll do it AGAIN)
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