#Reconstruction Services
A bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced legislation Wednesday that would require the Pentagon to return a portion of its enormous and ever-growing budget to the Treasury Department if it fails another audit in the coming fiscal year.
The Audit the Pentagon Act, an updated version of legislation first introduced in 2021, comes amid mounting concerns over rampant price gouging by military contractors and other forms of waste and abuse at an agency that's set to receive at least $842 billion for fiscal year 2024.
"The Pentagon and the military-industrial complex have been plagued by a massive amount of waste, fraud, and financial mismanagement for decades. That is absolutely unacceptable," Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement as he unveiled the bill alongside Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
"If we are serious about spending taxpayer dollars wisely and effectively," said Sanders, "we have got to end the absurdity of the Pentagon being the only agency in the federal government that has never passed an independent audit."
In December, the Pentagon flunked its fifth consecutive audit, unable to account for more than 60% of its $3.5 trillion in total assets.
But congressional appropriators appear largely unphased as they prepare to raise the agency's budget to record levels, with some working to increase it beyond the topline set by the recently approved debt ceiling agreement. Watchdogs have warned that the deal includes a loophole that hawkish lawmakers could use to further inflate the Pentagon budget under the guise of aiding Ukraine.
Late Wednesday, following a lengthy markup session, the House Armed Services Committee passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which proposes a total military budget of $886 billion. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) was the only committee member to vote no.
A huge chunk of the Pentagon's budget for next year is likely to go to profitable private contractors, which make a killing charging the federal government exorbitant sums for weapons and miscellaneous items, from toilet seats to ashtrays to coffee makers.
"Defense contractors are lining their pockets with taxpayer money while the Pentagon fails time and time again to pass an independent audit. It's a broken system," said Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), a co-sponsor of the new bill. "We need to compel the Department of Defense to take fraud and mismanagement seriously—and we need Congress to stop inflating our nation's near-trillion-dollar defense budget."
"Putting the wants of contractors over the needs of our communities," he added, "isn't going to make our country any safer."
If passed, the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023 would force every component of the Defense Department that fails an audit in fiscal year 2024 to return 1% of its budget to the Treasury Department.
A fact sheet released by Sanders' office argues that "the need for this audit is clear," pointing to a Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq report estimating that "$31-60 billion had been lost to fraud and waste."
"Separately, the special inspector general for Afghanistan Reconstruction reported that the Pentagon could not account for $45 billion in funding for reconstruction projects," the fact sheet notes. "A recent Ernst & Young audit of the Defense Logistics Agency found that it could not properly account for some $800 million in construction projects. CBS News recently reported that defense contractors were routinely overcharging the Pentagon—and the American taxpayer—by nearly 40-50%, and sometimes as high as 4,451%."
Further examples of the Pentagon's waste and accounting failures abound.
Last month, the Government Accountability Office released a report concluding that the Pentagon can't account for F-35 parts worth millions of dollars.
Earlier this week, as The Washington Post reported, the Pentagon said it "uncovered a significant accounting error that led it to overvalue the amount of military equipment it sent to Ukraine since Russia's invasion last year—by $6.2 billion."
"The 'valuation errors,' as a Pentagon spokeswoman put it, will allow the Pentagon to send more weapons to Ukraine now before going to Congress to request more money," the Post noted.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chair of the Senate Finance Committee and a supporter of the Audit the Pentagon Act, said Wednesday that "taxpayers can't keep writing blank checks—they deserve long-overdue transparency from the Pentagon about wasteful defense spending."
"If the Department of Defense cannot conduct a clean audit, as required by law," said Wyden, "Congress should impose tough financial consequences to hold the Pentagon accountable for mismanaging taxpayer money."
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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dogma didn't want to do a portrait but tup and kix made him… and there's only so many flashes he can take before it looks like war.
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lilmcttens · 1 month
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👻⊱ Amity is struggling with the fact Mother's Day is coming and her forced visit with her mum is coming up. Though she would rather call her 'Odalia.' Her family needed to get through a few hearings before Alador could have sole custody of her and her older siblings. This was Spider-Horse shit! Amity knew better than Anyone else in her family their mother was toxic for all of them but she was still forced to be in the same proximity as her once every few years. She wished every time she was 18 already!
"This is Snorse-shit, this is Snorse-shit, This is Snorse-shit."
Amity couldn't wrap her brain around how this was necessary.
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balajihospital · 2 months
Balaji Hospital | Urology Specialists for Urinary Tract Health
Balaji Hospital's Urology showcases a team of specialists providing care for urinary tract & male reproductive health issues using advanced diagnostic techniques
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drjainsdental · 2 months
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Gentle Pediatric Dentistry: Bright Smiles at Dr Jain's Dental Clinic
Welcome to Dr Jain's Dental Clinic, where we specialize in Gentle Pediatric Dentistry for Kids of All Ages. Our experienced team understands the unique needs of young patients, providing compassionate care in a comforting environment. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, we prioritize your child's dental health and comfort above all else. Trust us to make every visit a positive experience, ensuring bright smiles for years to come.
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muskaandentals · 2 months
What is Full Mouth Reconstruction?
In today's dynamic world, where first impressions and personal health hold paramount importance, the condition of our teeth can significantly impact both our professional and personal lives. Whether you're grappling with missing, damaged, or aesthetically unpleasing teeth, full mouth reconstruction emerges a promising alternative. Let’s understand the concept of FullMouth Reconstruction in detail.
Understanding Full Mouth Reconstruction
Full mouth reconstruction transcends the realm of mere cosmetic enhancement, offering a holistic approach to restoring one's oral health to its optimum state. This process involves a combination of restorative dental procedures designed to rehabilitate the entire mouth, including the teeth, gums, and sometimes even the jaw structure. From addressing decayed or broken teeth through therapeutic interventions to replacing missing teeth with state-of-the-art prosthetics, full mouth reconstruction tailors a treatment plan to the individual's unique needs.
Full Mouth Reconstruction Vs. Smile Makeover
While often used interchangeably, full mouth reconstruction treatment and smile makeovers serve distinct purposes. A smile makeover typically focuses on cosmetic enhancements for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, targeting specific areas of concern. In contrast, full mouth reconstruction is a necessity for those looking to resolve functional and health-related issues affecting their entire oral cavity. Despite this difference, both procedures ultimately contribute to a more attractive smile, improving both functionality and appearance.
Initiate the Journey of Rejuvenation
The process begins with a thorough examination by a qualified cosmetic dentist, who assesses the overall state of your oral health. Through a series of diagnostic tests, including X-rays, dental models, and discussions about your dental goals, a personalized treatment plan is crafted. This plan may incorporate various procedures such as dental implants, crowns, veneers, and even periodontal therapies, each selected to address specific concerns and improve oral health.
Timeline and Procedures
The duration of a full mouth reconstruction varies widely, depending on the complexity and number of procedures involved. Some treatments may be completed in a single visit, while others, such as implant placements or orthodontic adjustments, may span several months. A key aspect of the process is the phased approach, allowing for gradual improvement and proper healing between treatments.
Financial Considerations and Insurance
Understanding the cost and financial options is crucial for patients considering full mouth reconstruction. While insurance may cover certain aspects deemed medically necessary, other procedures might be out-of-pocket expenses. Muskaan Dentals offers transparent cost assessments and flexible financing options to ensure patients can proceed without undue financial strain.
Why Choose Muskaan Dentals for Your Full Mouth Reconstruction?
Opting for a full mouth reconstruction is a significant decision that can profoundly impact one's quality of life. If you are looking for ‘full mouth reconstruction near me’ Muskaan Dentals is the right choice.
Our team of dental professionals leverages the latest technologies and techniques to deliver results that not only enhance oral health but also boost self-esteem and functionality.
If you're considering full mouth reconstruction, or simply wish to explore your options for a healthier, more attractive smile, Muskaan Dentals is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us to learn more about our full mouth reconstruction and rehabilitation treatments, and let us help you rediscover the joy of a vibrant, confident smile.
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spokanestonecreation · 3 months
Get perfect Home Kitchen Renovation Spokane WA
You must expedite the process of remodeling your kitchen if you want it to be the most visited or healthiest area of your home. Yes, well-executed kitchen remodeling can enhance the space's interior beauty and provide designs that help you get rid of boredom from your everyday kitchen routine. You may encounter numerous difficulties, but we have the ideal answer. We have something effervescent for you if you're searching for a skilled contractor to decorate your kitchen or want to have Home Kitchen Renovation Spokane WA, which is one of your favorite rooms in your house. There, our team of experts is ready to fulfill your needs.
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Feelings of satisfaction accompany us
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Get improved kitchen designs
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In Spokane, Washington, we also specialize in bathroom reconstruction, Home Kitchen Renovation Spokane WA, etc. The modern appliances we select for you can lower your monthly utility bills and help you save money. So why wait? Select the greatest 3-D design for your kitchen makeover to get the best deal possible when it comes to house remodeling.
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andersonmastronelli · 8 months
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pureaesthetics41 · 10 months
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balajihospital · 2 months
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Balaji Hospital's Anesthetist showcases their skilled team who ensure safe surgical experiences by working closely with surgeons to customize anesthesia plan
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coastalrestorationca · 2 months
Rising from the Ashes: The Journey of Fire Damage Restoration
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When fire strikes, it leaves behind not only physical damage but also emotional turmoil. The aftermath of a fire can be devastating, with homes and belongings reduced to ashes and lives disrupted in an instant. However, amidst the chaos and destruction, there is hope. Fire damage restoration professionals are there to help homeowners pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives from the ashes.
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drjainsdental · 4 months
Swift Smiles: Dr. Jain's Dental Offers Expert Single-Sitting Root Canal Treatment
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