#Riley Mackin
pluckysidekick · 1 year
So no trailer this week with two and a half weeks to go, le sigh. We did see ads from local stations (using old promo photos), and we got what appears to be the Nancy Drew 4.01 title and description. Read on for that and a bunch more show and cast bits from the past week.
“The Dilemma of the Lover’s Curse.” They’re hitting the curse head on, which I like. Two different sites posted the title along with an episode description that came right from the season 4 description we got back in January.
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Now that we’re so close, the reality of Nancy and Ace having potential love interests is sinking in. We know that Nancy will not risk Ace’s life as long as there’s no solution to the curse. I’m still hopeful for lots of Nace scenes, with plenty of delicious angst. Curious how this squares with Kennedy’s discussion of Nancy and Ace’s emotional openness with each other - I still expect Ace to figure out the curse quickly.
I’m also super hyped about the sins of the town’s past, the multiple supernatural mysteries, and the stories for the entire crew. May 31 is so close I can taste it.
Scott Wolf gave us some insight into S4’s resolution for our beloved characters in a new interview - it was a big deal for them to know it was the final season ahead of time, the season will cover the things that are most important to us, but “not every resolution is going to be satisfying for everyone.”
Glad to hear they planned real resolutions for everyone, terrified about them not all being satisfying. I’m absolutely expecting Nace endgame, but I want good things for all of our family. They’re keeping us on our toes…
We saw lots of our cast this week - Kennedy made a surprise appearance in an Arizona bookstore with her author parents (note this pic is with her mom and the bookseller, not McDad), Maddison was in Paris and England with her Versailles cast and her family, and Riley is appearing in another episode of Station 19 this week.
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Alex has been on vacay in Italy and France (Hannah captioned the first photo “Alex doesn’t like PDA. So I fixed it” ☠️). Alex’s new show High Desert premieres this week on Apple TV. There’s a new in depth, spoilery review at AV Club. According to the article (spoiler alert), Peggy (Patricia Arquette) is “no longer speaking to her grown son.” We won’t see Alex until episode 6 - could he play Peggy’s son?
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Leah’s show Matlock was picked up for the fall (watch the trailer), and she’s celebrating in Mexico with her bf.
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Meanwhile Queen Charlotte is another huge hit with fantastic exposure for Tunji - check out the in depth Tatler profile on our favorite Scotsman, where he draws an interesting parallel between Charlotte & George’s and Harry & Meghan’s experiences - and admits he’s never watched Bridgerton.
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In more show news, the Nancy Drew writers’ request for fan input has generated tons of great questions but only chaos from the writers so far - no real answers yet.
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Speaking of chaos, Kennedy stepped into the fray to drop four songs from her S4 playlist. “The Winner Takes it All” (no more ace to play), “all my ghosts” (all my ghosts are with me), and “Thinking of You” (cause when I’m with him I am thinking of you) are killing me, the pain. “Big Poppa” has me thinking about Nancy under some kind of spell a la Burning Bride (as she described Episode 2) hitting on everyone in sight - “mackin’ hoes” while “my crew’s behind me.” Now in honor of “Big Poppa”, what if it’s Ryan!?
Finally, two more cast members were added to IMDB - Fred the car towing guy is back for 3 episodes (3, 5, and 13), and there’s a new security guard in Episode 9.
You get a gold star if you made it to the end. Another week, another wish for a trailer and new photos. I’m busy wrapping up The Space Between - expect the thrilling (I hope) conclusion before the season premiere. Also planning a fluffy epilogue, I at least can promise satisfying conclusions for everyone!
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magicalgirllove92 · 1 year
The show called LA Brea. The synopsis was an sinkhole that swallow up Los Angeles sending strangers including an mother and son back in to prehistoric times. Left alone is an very scared teenage daughter who lost her leg due to scary accident is disabled with mechanical leg is in dire need of an assistance by her father who suffered from psychic hallucinations due to drinking and an troubled past who is unlikely to solve a mystery with his best friend. Unfortunately, after the family is reunited, the narcissistic wife Eve Harris played by FX's critical acclaimed hit neo-western action drama Justified actress Natalie Zea is sleeping with her former husband Gavin played by BBC's Merlin 2008 actor Eoin Mackin's best friend the evilish betrayer Captain Levi Delgado played by The Princess and the Barrio Boy actor Nicholas Gonzalez. Still unfortunately, the group includes 3 kids played by TikToker Jack Martin, disabled model Zyra Gorecki and young actress Veronica St. Clair who has an career downgraded era from Golden Globe-winning miniseries Unbelievable to terrible Jurassic Park saga ripoff struggles to go back to their own time because of arguing like immature teenagers, being slaves by The Others ripoff, Exiles led by the late Jason Momora wannabe Tamaart, getting run-in with disastrous situations including poorly rendered CGI prehistoric animals and dinosaurs and mysterious evil woman and James Harris played by Australia's longest running soap Neighbours actor Jonno Roberts' personal minion named Kiera played by the actual good actress Simone McAcully. In the worst twist during season 2, the sinkhole that sending The Harris Family, Levi, Riley, her dad Dr. Sam Medez played by Selena and Bad Boys 2 actor Jon Seda and their friends to prehistoric times were responsibled by the evil group The Lazarus Project from 2076 who are working to find the way to deal with their time period's depleted resources as well as how to master the de-extinction. The Lazarus Project is headed by James and Kiera with the assistance by Tamaart and "the liar" Aaron. Unfortunately, the ratings of season 1 was the best, even the best written comedies Abbott Elementary and Ghosts USA is getting clobbered by Twilight Saga and Riverdale meets Jurassic Park movies soap opera by the season's end. However, during last year's Halloween week, 2nd season of La Brea was brutally beaten by an much better written teen drama All American from The CW and The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXXIII with 2 hit segments the Death Note anime parody Death Tome and WestWorld parody SimpsonsWorld with Jon Roberts as Linda Belcher from Bob's Burgers makes a cameo towards the end of the segment and the episode. This could send LA Brea fans to panic while its haters is satisfied, not even the show is safe from YouTube podcast video and the entertaintment reviews for "problematic, Jurassic Park and Days in Our Lives ripoff, an actual toxic "woke", sending a wrong messages to teenagers and sending Latino people and people dealing with anxiety issues into stereotypes." Thankfully, the show was delayed until next year, fell victim to current WGA writer's strike despite they're still filming "the final season" in Australia. If the the final season comes within the first weeks of January, don't watch or watch in case of curiosity or cringe. This is why NBC's infamously Jurassic World/Lost Mashup ripoff telenovela LA Brea is an very bad show. Next time, I'm tackle the hunks of Jurassic Park movies and it's called Jurassic Heartthrobs.
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rainingmusic · 6 years
Childish Gambino - Stand Tall
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tornbetween2loves · 3 years
My Heart Torn Apart, 5 Years Later
Inconsolable King
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@ask-kennaandval @nestledonthaveone @kingliam2019 @sirbeepsalot @blackcatkita @lovingchoices14 @mrsnazariowrites @leelee10898 @darley1101 @innerpostmentality @texaskitten30 @lodberg @alesana45 @mom2000aggie @blog-just-here-to-read @angelasscribbles @indiacater @tessa-liam @twinkle-320 @imjusthereforliam @gkittylove99 @21-wishes @parisa-kh @killerkennacrisp @lyannacyrill706 @princess-geek @peonierose @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @aussiegurl1234 @jovialyouthmusic
Book: TRR, takes place after book 3. Does not consider anything that happened in TRH or any other series.
Pairing: Liam x Drake x Riley
This is a chapter in a series. You should read previous chapters before reading this one. You can find previous chapters here.
This series is adult-themed. Some parts will be NS*W, some deal with sensitive subjects and the main pairing is a poly relationship. Please don’t read if you’re under 18.
All characters belong to pixelberry.
After much pleading on the verge of tears, Bastien reluctantly allowed Olivia into the royal apartment. She knew Liam had entrusted her with an important task, but she had to make sure her friends were ok before she could focus on that. She lingered a moment just outside the living room entrance. She could hear the sound of the tv, but not much else.
“…the lab paperwork shows that the king has a low sperm count. Our fertility expert, Dr. Jane Mackin, explains that the chances of the queen being pregnant with the king’s baby are slim to none.”
Olivia’s mouth dropped open as she listened to the expert explain the science behind her statement. T
his was bad. Really, really bad. She took a deep breath and held her head high. She was determined to be strong for her friends. She stepped into the doorway and saw Liam and Drake on the couch. The look on their faces would be etched into Olivia’s memory forever. She had never seen them this forlorn. Drake was pale and his eyes were sad. The lines of worry across his forehead seemed to be etched there permanently. Liam’s face was red and his eyes bloodshot. Olivia could see the thick vein that pulsed on the side of his neck when he was angry. It was worse than she thought.
She cleared her throat and stepped through the doorway of the room. Neither one of them acknowledged her. She stood there for a few moments with her hands on her hips. She cleared her throat again. Still no response. She had never seen Liam look so defeated. How could she pull him out of this? She walked over in front of the tv and turned it off with the power button on the side. They both looked up at her, but said nothing. “Where’s Riley,” she asked as she shifted her gaze between them.
Liam sighed and stood up slowly. “Lying down. She is not feeling well.” He made his way over to the bar and poured himself a drink. “None of us are feeling well,” Drake mumbled almost inaudibly. He grabbed his glass off the table and downed the rest of it, then got up to join Liam at the bar. “I’ll take some of that,” he said as he slid his empty glass over to him. Liam poured Drake’s drink as he glanced at Olivia. “Would you like one Liv?” She nodded and came over to stand next to Drake. The three of them drank in silence for a bit. As they finished the first and Liam poured another, Olivia finally spoke.
“You guys can fight this. It will be ok. You have my support and I’m sure the nobles will have your back.” Liam smirked as he swirled his glass and downed his second drink. “Sure. I’m sure the whole fucking country is thrilled to know that their king is shooting blanks. I’m sure the nobles will just brush it off. They won’t view me as less of a man. They won’t care that I can’t produce an heir.” Drake groaned and hung his head low. Olivia opened her mouth to reply, but before she could Liam let out a guttural moan as tears flowed down his cheeks and his face grew beet red. He took his empty glass and threw it at the far wall with all of his strength. Olivia jumped and Drake winced as the glass shattered against the wall and crashed to the floor.
Drake stood up abruptly. “I know you’re hurting Li, so am I. But I can’t be around you when you’re like this.” He turned to leave and ran into Bastien in the doorway. Bastien looked at Drake with concern. “I’m going to check on Riley,” Drake said. “No, please wait a moment. I have news.” Bastien took a few steps into the room. “Your majesty, I sent for Madeline, as you requested.” Liam ran his hands through his hair and sighed heavily. He looked up and smirked again. “And?”
Bastien swallowed the lump in his throat. “She’s gone, your majesty. Cleared out her room. I also checked her office and that’s empty too. We searched the whole palace. Checked the garage for her car. She is definitely not here.” Liam grabbed a new glass and poured another drink. He took a swig and started laughing. A deep, dark tormented laugh that chilled the entire room. “So here I am, in the middle of the biggest media crisis I’ve ever seen, and my press secretary is MIA.” He threw his head back in laughter then downed the rest of his drink. Drake looked like he might explode as he walked over and pounded his fist on the bar in front of Liam. “We. We are in this crisis. You are not alone in this, dammit! We should have never trusted that bitch. Stop pushing me away. This is my fight too. And Riley’s.” He pounded his fist again as tears of frustration and anger coursed down his cheeks. He took several deep breaths as he and Liam locked eyes. “For better or worse. We took vows,” Drake’s voice was cracked with emotion. “Please stop trying to shoulder the burden of the crown on your own.” He spun around and left the room quickly to avoid eye contact with Olivia or Bastien.
The three of them stood in awkward silence for a few long moments. Olivia locked eyes with Bastien, then shifted her gaze to Liam. He was holding his head in his hands as tears slipped silently down his cheeks and onto the bar. She felt her upper lip quiver as her eyes moistened. She was at a loss, she searched her mind for something she could say to make the situation better. Bastien cleared his throat and took a few steps toward the bar. “Your majesty, may I make a suggestion?” He locked eyes with Olivia and held her gaze, even after Liam sighed and nodded. “You need to appoint a new press secretary, immediately. Someone who is media savvy and can be trusted implicitly.” He raised an eyebrow at Olivia.
“Me? Are you suggesting that I do it?” Olivia shifted her gaze to Liam, then back to Bastien who shrugged. “I can think of no better person to speak for the Royal Family.” She shook her head slightly. “I don’t know. I mean, sure I’m used to dealing with the press, but I really don’t have any experience dealing with something of this magnitude.” Liam sighed and shot her a pleading look. “Liv, I trust you implicitly. I just want to be truthful and upfront with the people. I don’t want to hide anything anymore. Will you help me? Please?”
A small smile crossed her lips as Olivia reached out and laid her hand on his forearm. “Of course. I will do everything in my power to help you.” Liam laced his fingers through hers and squeezed tight. “Thank you.” Then he narrowed his eyes on Bastien. “I want a full investigation conducted. I want to know how this very private information was leaked to the press. I want to know to what extent Madeline is involved. Send a patrol to Fydelia to detain her. If she’s not there, tell her parents I request a visit with them.”
Bastien nodded and turned to leave, but Liam stopped him. “Don’t disappoint me, Bastien. I’ll be expecting multiple updates daily. From you personally.” Bastien gritted his teeth as he turned and flashed the king a smile. “Of course your majesty,” then he spun on his heel and left.
“You’re awfully hard on him,” Liv said, and regretted it as soon as the words came out of her mouth. Liam’s head snapped up as he glared at her. “I just don’t trust him, Liv. That’s the reason I invited you here, remember? How is that going, by the way?” She shrugged. “We were supposed to have dinner together tonight.” She took a step back and gestured to her outfit. “But I was stood up. Duty calls.” Liam nodded and poured them both another drink. “So how do we fight this? What are we gonna do?” Olivia took a swig of her drink and shrugged. “Well, I think you need to release some kind of statement. You need to decide if you’re going to confirm the report or deny it. And then I think I’ll reach out and try to schedule an exclusive interview with all three of you together.”
Liam nodded as he finished off his drink. “Yes. A United front.” He started to pour another drink, but Olivia grabbed the bottle. “I think you’ve had enough for tonight. You need to get some rest. The last thing you want is to face the public hungover with bags under your eyes.” She capped the bottle and put it back on the shelf behind the bar. Liam sighed as he stood up and swayed back and forth a bit. A wave of nausea crashed over him as he sat back down. Olivia was right. He was drunk. How many of these drinks did he have anyway?
“Come on Li, I’ll help you to the couch,” Olivia said as she pulled him to his feet and tucked herself under his arm and used both arms to steady him. With great effort she walked him around to the couch. He collapsed onto the couch face-first as he mumbled incoherently. Olivia stood in front of him and watched him closely until his breathing was steady and he snored slightly.
“What a mess,” she thought aloud as she turned to leave. She had a lot of work to do.
Riley heard the crash downstairs in the living room, but she didn’t stir. She knew it was Liam. Her poor king. He was inconsolable. She was devastated. What were they going to do? She wrapped her arms around her midsection. She already felt regret about this pregnancy. She loved this baby so much already and wished it didn’t have to be born into such a scandal. She didn’t really care what people said about her, but the possibility that her child might have to pay for her mistakes was unthinkable. Life is so unfair. Tears fell silently as she thought about the difficulties her unborn child would face.
She heard the door open a few minutes later, but remained quiet. She pretended to be asleep. “Riley, are you awake,” she heard Drake whisper from the door. She didn’t answer. He came in and undressed quietly, then slipped under the blankets and snuggled up next to her. She smelled the whiskey on his breath as he nuzzled into her neck. “I don’t know how to help Liam. He’s a wreck,” he mumbled softly. Riley stirred a bit and rolled onto her back to look up at him. “I can’t imagine how he feels,” she whispered as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Fear flashed across her eyes as she looked at him. She took his hand and placed it on her midsection. “I’m so scared for this child, Drake. It shouldn’t have to pay for my mistake.” Drake shook his head. “You’re absolutely right. We just have to do everything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
He rubbed her belly gently and kissed her forehead. “Maybe we are all over reacting. Maybe we should give the Cordonian people some credit. They know we are all married, so any child produced from this union should be considered an heir.” They were quiet for a long moment as Riley contemplated Drake’s words. “Maybe you’re right,” she said as she stroked his cheek. “Besides, there is a chance that this is Liam’s child. A slim chance is still a chance. We were trying to conceive, we tracked my cycle in order to determine the days I was most fertile. And on those days, I made sure Liam and I had sex, regardless of what you and I were doing.”
Drake nodded, but he couldn’t hide the shadow of doubt that crossed over his features. “Let’s try not to worry about this anymore and get some rest. We will need all our energy to face this tomorrow.” He laid down on his back and Riley curled up under his arm.
“I love you, Drake Walker,” she mumbled sleepily. They both felt safe and protected in each other’s arms.
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snitchytycoon · 3 years
Yo i used to live 6 blocks from ol Dusty here on east 14h, which is the “blade” (hoe stroll). Never seen him once, of course, just a bunch of prostitutes. The only rappers I seen in Oakland were Big Hongry and Phishcale Mackin (at 7-11). Big Hongry lived around the corner from me and wanted me to take his dog off him. Oh and Boots Riley ate at the restaurant I worked at once (ben n nicks).
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My Audio List
I have a smaller collection that I thought, but at least I have them...
Washington, DC
Date: October 14,2018
Notes: First preview
Dear Evan Hansen
Date: May 13, 2018
Note: Mike's last show
Cast: Ben Platt, Mike Faist, Will Roland
The Prom
Date: 10-24-18
​Cast: Caitlin Kinnunen - Emma
Isabelle McCalla - Alyssa
Beth Leavel - Dee Dee Allen
Brooks Ashmanskas - Barry Glickman
Josh Lamon - Sheldon Saperstein
angie Schworer - Angie
Christopher Sieber - Trent Oliver
Coutnay Collins - Mrs. Greene
​Michael Potts - Mr.Hawkins
Ensamble - Mary Antonini, Coutney Balan, Jerusha Cavazos, Shelby Finnie, Josh Franklin, Sheldon Henry, Fernell Hogan, Joomin Hwang, Becca Lee, Wayne "Juice" Mackins, Vasthy Mompoint, Anthony Norman, Drew Redington, Teddy Toye, Kalyn West, Brittany Zeinstra
Notes: Jessie's final show
Date: 3-24-17
​Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Charity Angel Dawson (Becky), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr. Pomatter), William Popp (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Joe Cassidy (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie)
Notes: Second preview
Date: 4-1-17
​Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Troy), Beth Leavel (Mrs. Adams), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Brandon James Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Nate Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Joey Pero (Nick Radel)
Be More Chill
Date: Unknown
Dear Evan Hansen
Date: 2-10-19
Cast: Andrew Barth Feldman, Mallory Bechtel, Lisa Brescia, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Alex Boniello, Michael Park, Sky Lakota-Lynch, Samantha Williams
Date: 3-15-18
Taylor Trensch, Alex Boniello, Lisa Brescia, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Michael Park, Sky Lakota-Lynch
Hamilton Chicago
Date: 10-12-16
Cast: ​​Miguel Cervantes (Alexander Hamilton), Ari Afsar (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Karen Olivo (Angelica Schuyler), Jonathan Kirkland (George Washington), Chris De’Sean Lee (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), José Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Samantha Marie Ware (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Alexander Gemignani (King George III), Jin Ha (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), José Amor (Samuel Seabury), John Michael Fiumara (Charles Lee), Remmie Bourgeois (George Eacker), José Amor, Amber Ardolino, Remmie Bourgeois, Chloë Campbell, Carl Clemons-Hopkins, John Michael Fiumara, Jin Ha, Holly James, Dashí Mitchell, Justice Moore, Emmy Raver-Lampman (Ensemble)
​Date: 10-5-16
Cast: ​Miguel Cervantes (Alexander Hamilton), Ari Afsar (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Karen Olivo (Angelica Schuyler), Jonathan Kirkland (George Washington), Chris De’Sean Lee (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), José Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Samantha Marie Ware (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Alexander Gemignani (King George III), Jin Ha (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), José Amor (Samuel Seabury), John Michael Fiumara (Charles Lee), Remmie Bourgeois (George Eacker), José Amor, Amber Ardolino, Remmie Bourgeois, Chloë Campbell, Carl Clemons-Hopkins, John Michael Fiumara, Jin Ha, Holly James, Dashí Mitchell, Justice Moore, Emmy Raver-Lampman (Ensemble)
Date 1-8-17 (Closing Night)
Cast: ​Christian Borle (Marvin), Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Tracie Thoms (Dr. Charlotte), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason)
​Pretty Woman
Notes: Second preview
Date: 3-14-18
​Samantha Barks (Vivian), Steve Kazee (Edward), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Jason Danieley (Philip), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson), Kingsley Leggs (James)
The Lion King
Date: 6-8-13
Andile Gumbi (Simba), Jaden Jordan (Young Simba), Derek Smith (Scar), Alton Fitzgerald White (Mufasa), Buyi Zama (Rafiki), Chantal Riley (Nala), Teshi Thomas (Young Nala), Jeff Binder (Timon), Ben Jeffrey (Pumbaa), Fred Berman (Zazau), James Brown-Orleans (Bonzai), Bonita J. Hamilton (Shenzi), Enrique Segura (Ed), Derrick Davis, Lindiwe Dlamini, Bongi Duma, Joel Karie, Ron Kunene, Sheryl McCallum, S'bu Ngema, Nteliseng Nkhela, Sindisiwe Nxumalo, Chondra La-Tease Profit, Vusi Sondiyazi, L. Steven Taylor, Rema Webb (Ensemble Singers), Lawrence Alexander, Lamar Baylor, Gabriel Croom, Charity de Loera, Christopher Freeman, Lisa Lewis,
Jaysin McCollum, Ray Mercer, Bravita Threatt, Natalie Turner (u/s Fireflies specialist), Donna Michelle Vaughn, Camille Workman (Ensemble Dancers)
Date: 2-22-18
Cast: ​Caissie Levy (Elsa), Patti Murin (Anna), Jelani Alladin (Kristoff), Greg Hildreth (Olaf), John Riddle (Hans), Robert Creighton (Duke of Weselton), Kevin Del Aguila(Oaken), Timothy Hughes (Pabbie), Andrew Pirozzi (Sven), Mattea Conforti (Young Anna), Brooklyn Nelson (Young Elsa), Tracee Brazer, Wendi Bergamini, Ashley Blanchet, James Brown III (King Agnarr), Claire Camp, Lauren Nicole Chapman, Jeremy Davis, Kali Grinder, Zach Hess, Donald Jones JR. Nina Lafarga, Ross Lekites, Austin Lesch, Synthia Link, Adam Perry, Olivia Phillip (Bulda), Noah J. Ricketts, Ann Sanders (Queen Iduna), Jacob Smith, Nicholas Ward
​Ben Platt (Boston)
Date: May 9, 2019
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ddkkii · 6 years
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atlanta-fx · 5 years
Donald Glover’s Childish Gambino Collaborators Say ‘Something Big Is Coming’
“Extra” spoke with composer Ludwig Göransson backstage at the Grammys, where he took home awards for his work on Childish Gambino’s “This Is America,” and “Black Panther.” Ludwig, who was joined by mastering engineer Mike Bozzi and producer Riley Mackin, revealed he's been working with Donald Glover, who performs under the name Childish Gambino. While Glover has said in the past that he is retiring Childish Gambino, Ludwig teased “something big” is coming, while Mike, who also worked on “This Is America,” confirmed they've been working on new songs, and that Donald has “another vision.”
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Written By Rochelle Jordan, Ludwig Göransson & Childish Gambino Director of Photography Hiro Murai Label : Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC Recording Ruben Rivera & Riley Mackin Mastering Chris Athens Mixing Andrew Dawson Additional Vocals Yesi Ortiz Backing Vocals Rochelle Jordan Recorded AtThe Temple, Pacific Palisades, CA Release Date December 10, 2013
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signalboobs · 7 years
with every straight couple I see making out in this park I become more bitter about their ability to fuxking make out wherever and whenever they want and shove it down my throat
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iam-valrie · 2 years
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“About Adele on ‘30′”
Reaction/Review paper written by Marie Rosalina Valencia (Grade 12 HUMSS Quartz) 
Famous English singer and songwriter Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (just known as Adele) has returned to the studio and has recorded her new album “30”-her fourth studio album released after six years. Her album was released on November 19, 2021-a month after she released her single “Easy on Me”. According to Genius, other than Adele herself, the writers of the songs from the album were Erroll Garner, musicians Inflo, Ludwig Göransson, producers Greg Kurstin, Max Martin, Tobias Jesso Jr. and Shellback. Other musicians include Chris Dave, Joey Pecoraro, David Campbell and Serena Göransson. The sound engineers who worked on her album were also Inflo, Riley Mackin, Shawn Everett, Steve Churchyard, Tom Campbell, Alex Pasco, Brian Rajaratnam, Julian Berg, Randy Merrill, Bryce Bordone, Todd Monfalcone, Șerban Ghenea, John Hanes, Matt Scatchell, and Tom Elmhirst.
The “30” album includes twelve hits on the tracklist if not looking at the Target Exclusive tracklist. The first song is “Stranger’s By Nature”, second song is “Easy on Me”, third song is “My Little Love”, fourth song is “Cry Your Heart Out”, fifth song is “Oh My God”, sixth song is “Can I Get It”, seventh song is “I Drink Wine”, eighth song is “All Night Parking” where Erroll Garner was featured with his great piano skills, ninth song is “Woman Like Me”, tenth song is “Hold On”, eleventh song is “To Be Loved” and the twelfth and last song is “Love is a Game”. On the Target Exclusive tracklist, the order of the twelve hits is the same-the songs that follow after considering the album as the deluxe version already in order are “Wild Wild West”, “Can’t Be Together”, and the duet version of “Easy on me” that featured Chris Stapleton-consisting a total of fifteen hits. 
Each of the songs have their own meaning based on how the listener interprets the message or the lyrics of it-although the official meaning of the songs can be found on Genius some annotated by the fans and followers of the singer, and some annotated by Adele herself through interviews. Adele expresses her sincerity by being open to the listeners about the experiences and problems she has been facing recently-about her divorce with her ex-husband Simon Konecki, being famous, being a mother raising a child despite being famous, and having to deal with the pain of heartache and heartbreak and how she was able to get through it all. 
As a music lover, I have heard some of Adele’s previous albums with the help of my mother since she was the one who was mostly interested to hear Adele’s work. I was glad to know that Adele was back after a while on hiatus and I have listened to “30” alone twice on SoundCloud and Spotify and after hearing all of the songs the second time, I have realized how there are three songs on the album I was able to relate to and would play on repeat in a single day. The three songs I liked listening to are as follows-first song I liked is “Cry Your Heart Out” because of the lyrics “When I walk in a room I’m invisible, I feel like a ghost”, “I created this storm, it’s only fair I have to sit in its rain” and “When you’re in doubt, go at your own pace”, second and third songs I liked are from the deluxe version of the album “Wild Wild West”’s lyrics “From LA to San Francisco, I lost my mind in San Bernardino, even Chula Vista and Modesto, I break my heart wherever I go” and “Can’t Be Together”’s bridge “Since we were together everybody's change, our reflections in the mirror no longer look the same. And we're only just beginning to live the lives we'll make, but I will always miss you at the end of each day” and the outro “But we can't be together.. no, we won't be together”. I love how Adele was experimenting with her sound in music by changing her style a bit compared to her other albums. I would rate the album 9/10, mainly because only these three songs stood out to me even though the other songs sound great, some of the songs on the album sound a bit repetitive with the music-but that’s just my opinion and critique on it. 
Anyone can listen to Adele’s brand new album “30” as long as the songs stay uploaded for free on various music applications and websites. 
Photo from Billboard
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cuethetommo · 7 years
2018 Grammy Nominations
*this is only a reflection of those categories that Solo OT5 were nominated in (except Best New Artist, I just wanted to include it), for the full list, click here.
Category 1 - Record Of The Year (Award to the Artist and to the Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s) and/or Mixer(s) and mastering engineer(s), if other than the artist.)
Redbone - Childish Gambino (Ludwig Goransson, producer; Donald Glover, Ludwig Goransson, Riley Mackin & Ruben Rivera, engineers/mixers; Bernie Grundman, mastering engineer)
Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber (Josh Gudwin, Mauricio Rengifo & Andrés Torres, producers; Josh Gudwin & Jaycen Joshua, engineers/mixers; Dave Kutch, mastering engineer)
The Story Of O.J. - JAY-Z (JAY-Z & No I.D., producers; Jimmy Douglas & Gimel "Young Guru" Keaton, engineers/mixers; Dave Kutch, mastering engineer)
HUMBLE. - Kendrick Lamar (Mike Will Made It, producer; Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt & Matt Schaeffer, engineers/mixers; Mike Bozzi, mastering engineer)
24K Magic - Bruno Mars (Shampoo Press & Curl, producers; Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers/mixers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer)
Category 2 - Album Of The Year (Award to Artist(s) and to Featured Artist(s), Songwriter(s) of new material, Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s), Mixer(s) and Mastering Engineer(s) credited with at least 33% playing time of the album, if other than Artist.)
"Awaken, My Love!" - Childish Gambino (Ludwig Goransson, producer; Bryan Carrigan, Donald Glover, Ludwig Goransson, Riley Mackin & Ruben Rivera, engineers/mixers; Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, songwriters; Bernie Grundman, mastering engineer)
4:44 - JAY-Z (JAY-Z & No I.D., producers; Jimmy Douglas & Gimel "Young Guru" Keaton, engineers/mixers; Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters; Dave Kutch, mastering engineer)
DAMN. - Kendrick Lamar (DJ Dahi, Sounwave & Anthony Tiffith, producers; Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt & Matt Schaeffer, engineers/mixers; K. Duckworth, D. Natche, M. Spears & A. Tiffith, songwriters; Mike Bozzi, mastering engineer)
Melodrama - Lorde (Jack Antonoff & Lorde, producers; Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Laura Sisk, engineers/mixers; Jack Antonoff & Ella Yelich-O'Connor, songwriters; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer)
24K Magic - Bruno Mars (Shampoo Press & Curl, producers; Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers/mixers; Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence & Bruno Mars, songwriters; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer)
Category 3 - Song Of The Year (A Songwriter(s) Award. A song is eligible if it was first released or if it first achieved prominence during the Eligibility Year. (Artist names appear in parentheses.) Singles or Tracks only.)
Despacito - Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber)
4:44 - Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (JAY-Z)
Issues - Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels)
1-800-273-8255 - Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury & Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid)
That's What I Like - Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Category 4 - Best New Artist (An artist will be considered for Best New Artist if their eligibility year release/s achieved a breakthrough into the public consciousness and notably impacted the musical landscape.)
Alessia Cara
Lil Uzi Vert
Julia Michaels
Category 5 - Best Pop Solo Performance (For new vocal or instrumental pop recordings. Singles or Tracks only.)
Love So Soft - Kelly Clarkson
Praying - Kesha
Million Reasons - Lady Gaga
What About Us - P!nk
Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran
Category 6 - Best Pop Duo/Group Performance (For new vocal or instrumental duo/group or collaborative pop recordings. Singles or Tracks only.)
Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber
Thunder - Imagine Dragons
Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man
Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara
Category 9 - Best Dance Recording (For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances. Vocal or Instrumental. Singles or tracks only.)
Bambro Koyo Ganda - Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa (Bonobo, producer; Bonobo, mixer)
Cola - Camelphat & Elderbrook (Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, producers; Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, mixers)
Andromeda - Gorillaz Featuring DRAM (Damon Albarn, Jamie Hewlett, Remi Kabaka & Anthony Khan, producers; Stephen Sedgwick, mixer)
Tonite - LCD Soundsystem (James Murphy, producer; James Murphy, mixer)
Line Of Sight - Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair (Clayton Knight & Harrison Mills, producers; Eric J Dubowsky, mixer)
Category 12 - Best Rock Performance (For new vocal or instrumental solo, duo/group or collaborative rock recordings.)
You Want It Darker - Leonard Cohen
The Promise - Chris Cornell
Run - Foo Fighters
No Good - Kaleo
Go To War - Nothing More
Category 14 - Best Rock Song (A Songwriter(s) Award. Includes Rock, Hard Rock and Metal songs. For Song Eligibility Guidelines see Category #3. (Artist names appear in parentheses.) Singles or Tracks only.)
Atlas, Rise! - James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica)
Blood In The Cut - JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, songwriters (K.Flay)
Go To War - Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, songwriters (Nothing More)
Run - Foo Fighters, songwriters (Foo Fighters)
The Stage - Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold)
Category 15 - Best Rock Album (For albums containing at least 51% playing time of new rock, hard rock or metal recordings.)
Emperor Of Sand - Mastodon
Hardwired...To Self-Destruct - Metallica
The Stories We Tell Ourselves - Nothing More
Villains - Queens Of The Stone Age
A Deeper Understanding - The War On Drugs
Category 61 - Best Song Written For Visual Media (A Songwriter(s) award. For a song (melody & lyrics) written specifically for a motion picture, television, video games or other visual media, and released for the first time during the Eligibility Year. (Artist names appear in parentheses.) Singles or Tracks only.)
City Of Stars - Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone)
How Far I'll Go - Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli'i Cravalho)
I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker) - Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (ZAYN & Taylor Swift)
Never Give Up -  Sia Furler & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia)
Stand Up For Something - Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common)
Category 83 - Best Music Video (Award to the artist, video director, and video producer.)
Up All Night - Beck (Canada, video director; Laura Serra Estorch & Oscar Romagosa, video producers)
Makeba - Jain (Lionel Hirle & Gregory Ohrel, video directors; Yodelice, video producer)
The Story Of O.J. - JAY-Z (Shawn Carter & Mark Romanek, video directors; Daniel Midgley, video producer)
Humble. - Kendrick Lamar (The Little Homies & Dave Meyers, video directors; Jason Baum, Dave Free, Jamie Rabineau, Nathan K. Scherrer & Anthony Tiffith, video producers)
1-800-273-8255 - Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid (Andy Hines, video director; Andrew Lerios, video producer)
Category 84 - Best Music Film (For concert/performance films or music documentaries. Award to the artist, video director, and video producer.)
One More Time With Feeling - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Andrew Dominik, video director; Dulcie Kellett & James Wilson, video producers)
Long Strange Trip - The Grateful Dead (Amir Bar-Lev, video director; Alex Blavatnik, Ken Dornstein, Eric Eisner, Nick Koskoff & Justin Kreutzmann, video producers)
The Defiant Ones - Various Artists (Allen Hughes, video director; Sarah Anthony, Fritzi Horstman, Broderick Johnson, Gene Kirkwood, Andrew Kosove, Laura Lancaster, Michael Lombardo, Jerry Longarzo, Doug Pray & Steven Williams, video producers)
Soundbreaking - Various Artists (Maro Chermayeff & Jeff Dupre, video directors; Joshua Bennett, Julia Marchesi, Sam Pollard, Sally Rosenthal, Amy Schewel & Warren Zanes, video producers)
Two Trains Runnin' - Various Artists (Sam Pollard, video director; Benjamin Hedin, video producer)
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nemzetinet · 5 years
A női előadók és a rap győzelmét ünnepelték az idei Grammy-gálán
Nyitókép: Us Weekly
A rapper Childish Gambino, Dua Lipa brit énekesnő és a countrysztár Kacey Musgraves vitte el a fődíjakat a 61. Grammy-díjkiosztó ceremónián.
Childish Gambino rendőri brutalitásról és rasszizmusról szóló száma, a This is America megkapta az év dalának és az év felvételének járó elismerést is a ceremónián.
Gambino, eredeti nevén Donald Glover további két díjat gyűjtött be a Grammyn, amelyen személyesen nem jelent meg. Ludwig Goransson, a This is America társszerzője és társproducere elmondta, hogy megpróbálta vele felvenni a kapcsolatot a gála után, de nem sikerült elérnie.
Riley Mackin, a This is America hangmérnöke annyit tudott mondani az előadóról, hogy utoljára pár napja találkozott vele a stúdióban, ahol együtt dolgoztak. Hozzáfűzte, hogy nem tartja furának eltűnését. „Minden kicsit különös, amit Donald csinál” – mondta.
Dua Lipa brit énekesnőnek az év legkiemelkedőbb új előadója elismerést nyújtották át. Az elektropop műfaj 23 éves énekes-szerzője 2016-ban mutatkozott be Hotter than Hell című felvételével, később pedig az amerikai Top 100-as slágerlistára felkerült Blow Your Mind (Mwah) című dalával vált híressé.
Az amerikai zenei szakma legrangosabb díjátadóján Kacey Musgraves countryénekesnő Golden Hour című lemeze kapta az év albumának járó díjat, maga mögé utasítva többek között a Black Panther: The Album, Music From And Inspired By vagyis a Fekete párduc című film zenéjét tartalmazó albumot is.
Az estén Gambinóhoz hasonlóan négy díjjal is jutalmazott Musgraves, akinek lemeze az év legjobb countryalbuma díjat is elnyerte, beszédében férjének és a lemezborítóit tervező húgának mondott köszönetet, és tisztelgett a többi jelölt előtt is.
– mondta.
Lady Gaga három Grammyt vehetett át a gálán, köztük a legjobb popduó/csoportos előadás díját – Bradley Cooperrel megosztva – az Oscar-díjra is jelölt Swallow című számért. Az estén elő is adta a dalt, de ezúttal Cooper nélkül, mivel a színész-rendező éppen a londoni Bafta-díjátadón vett részt.
A háromórás Los Angeles-i díjkiosztó háziasszonya, Alicia Keys azzal indította a műsort, hogy a színpadra hívta az Egyesült Államok korábbi first ladyjét, Lady Gagával, Jada Pinkett Smithszel és Jennifer Lopezzel egyetemben, hogy személyes élményeiket felidézve mondják el, miképp változtatta meg az életüket a zene, és erősítette meg őket női mivoltukban. A csillogó, ezüst színű ruhát viselő Michelle Obama megjelenését viharos taps és ünneplés fogadta.
– jelentette ki a volt first lady, aki jelenleg bemutatókörúton népszerűsíti Így lettem (Becoming) című memoárkötetét, amelyet világszerte 28 nyelven jelentettek meg.
A női előadók és a rap győzelmét ünnepelték az idei Grammy-gálán a Nemzeti.net-en jelent meg,
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forever-childish · 7 years
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Listen to Battle Tapes’ New Single “No Good”
Riley Mackin, frequent Childish Gambino collaborator and engineer of “Awaken, My Love!”, has released a new song with his group Battle Tapes called “No Good”
Click here to listen to Battle Tapes’ new single “No Good”
Click here to listen to Battle Tapes’ “Childish Gambino - Sweatpants Remix”
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childishnews · 7 years
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Listen to Battle Tapes’ New Single “No Good” Riley Mackin, frequent Childish Gambino collaborator and engineer of “Awaken, My Love!”, has released a new song with his group Battle Tapes called “No Good” Visit ForeverChildish.com to listen to the song (link in bio)
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fromthe-point · 5 years
ECHL Transactions - Mar.08
Adirondack Thunder: Shane Conarcher, F || activated from injured reserve Conor Riley, F || loaned to Providence (AHL) Alex Sakellaropoulos, G || loaned to Springfield (AHL)
Allen Americans: Malcolm Gould, F || added to active roster (traded from Newfoundland) Dalton Thrower, D || activated from injured reserve
Atlanta Gladiators: Brett McKenzie, F || assigned by Providence (AHL)
Brampton Beast: Jake Ringuette, D || signed contract, added to active roster
Florida Everblades: Callum Booth, G || assigned from Charlotte (AHL) by Carolina (NHL) Tommy Thompson, F || activated from reserve
Fort Wayne Komets: Greg Burmaster, F || activated from reserve Garrett Clarke, D || placed on injured reserve (effective 02.25) Oskari Halme, D || placed on reserve Phelix Martineau, F || assigned by Laval (AHL)
Idaho Steelheads: Alexander Dahl, F || placed on injured reserve (effective 03.03) Tanner Froese, F || placed on reserve Steve McParland, F || returned from loan to San Diego (AHL)
Jacksonville IceMen: Scott Dornbrock, D || suspended by team, removed from active roster Christian Frey, G || added to active roster (traded from Utah) Tanner Jaillet, G || placed on reserve Dajon Mingo, D || activated from reserve Matt Ustaski, F || placed on injured reserve (effective 02.14) Justin Woods, D || recalled by Manitoba (AHL)
Kalamazoo Wings: Trevor Boyd, F || signed contract, added to active roster Tyler Ganly, D || activated from injured reserve Matt Joyaux, D || placed on reserve Brandon Lubin, D || placed on reserve
Newfoundland Growlers: Semyon Babintsev, F || placed on reserve Cory Dunn, D || signed ATO, added to active roster Brady Ferguson, F || assigned by Toronto (AHL) Maxim Mizyurin, F || placed on reserve Ilya Nekolenko, D || placed on reserve Zach O’Brien, F || recalled by Toronto (AHL)
Norfolk Admirals: Shane Eiserman, F || added to active roster (traded from South Carolina) Christian Horn, F || added to active roster (traded from South Carolina)
Rapid City Rush: Dexter Dancs, F || added to active roster (traded from Manchester) Matt Harrington, F || activated from reserve Garrett Klotz, F || activated from injured reserve Alex Rauter, F || added to active roster (traded from Fort Wanye) Michael Stenerson, F || suspended by team
Reading Royals: Corey Mackin, F || signed ATO, added to active roster Jamie Phillips, G || assigned by Charlotte (AHL)
South Carolina Stingrays: Cameron Askew, F || activated from reserve Chase Harrison, D || added to active roster (traded from Norfolk)
Toledo Walleye: Greg Wolfe, F || loaned to Cleveland (AHL)
Tulsa Oilers: Craig Pefley, F || signed contract, added to active roster
Wheeling Nailers: Dane Birks, D || activated from reserve Craig Skudalski, D || placed on reserve
Wichita Thunder: Dillon Donnelly, D || activated from reserve [03.07] Tyler Elbrecht, D || placed on reserve [03.07] Mark MacMillan, F || placed on injured reserve (effective 03.01) [03.07]
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