#Robert Bourke
diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Studebaker Commander
Studebaker was one of the very first to market with a brand-new car after World War II, which sent shockwaves through the American auto industry, making even the Big Three scramble to lead the pack. But, having barely survived a bankruptcy during the 1930s, Studebaker was acutely aware that it would be extremely hard-pressed to beat the Big Three at sales—as such, the company sought to be an engineering, styling and technology leader. As the 1950s began, Studebaker started falling behind again and needed a smash hit.
Designer Raymond Loewy and Robert Bourke worked together to create a sleek, low-slung vehicle that would look like nothing coming out of Detroit. Shown as a coupe and sedan, Studebaker immediately adopted the design and predicted the sedan would take 75% of the sales while the coupe would absorb 25%. Interestingly, the coupe was meant as more of a styling exercise for a potential concept car of the future, but Studebaker’s board wanted both. The new Studebaker would stun the market with its smaller design, rakish lines and clean overall look. Sadly, it wouldn’t sell as well as the company had hoped for a variety of reasons, and the coupe outsold the sedan, creating production problems and slowing public confidence even more. For 1955, the company went all out with a restyled front end, new paint options and more brightwork to better compete against the likes of the Big Three and their seeming obsession with chrome.
Studebaker also corrected quality control issues and build concerns and offered a wider range of options including power steering, power brakes and a power seat—V-8 cars could even have air conditioning. All things told, things should have been looking up, but sales still lagged. Fitted with a matching-numbers 259/185 HP HiPo V-8 engine and an automatic transmission, this Commander also boasts a pushbutton radio, leather interior .
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savageonwheels · 2 months
Car Spot: 1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk
The story of a classic automotive underdog. The Studebaker Golden Hawk is this week's car spot.
Cool came too late for this car company … Being an AMC geek I’m a big fan of underdog car companies and Indiana-based Studebaker is one for sure. Studebaker and Packard merged in 1954 in an effort to survive, but the lack of resources and revenue only fueled the company’s continued decline. Just when it looked like Studebaker would never recapture its “golden touch” enter the Golden…
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politicaldilfs · 4 months
Iowa Governor DILFs
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Belated Governor DILF entry that I started doing on the day of the caucus.
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palianshow2 · 4 months
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"The Irascibles" The group of artists that led the 1951 fight against the exclusion of abstract expressionism from a New York show included, from left, rear: Willem de Kooning, Adolph Gottlieb, Ad Reinhardt,
Hedda Sterne; (next row) @abwwia
Richard Pousette-Dart, William Baziotes, Jimmy Ernst (with bow tie), Jackson Pollock (in striped jacket), James Brooks, Clyfford Still (leaning on knee), Robert Motherwell, Bradley Walker Tomlin; (in foreground) Theordoros Stamos (on bench), Barnett Newman (on stool), Mark Rothko (with glasses).”
Nina Leen/Life Pictures/Shutterstock | source
Nina Leen (born 1914, died January 1, 1995) was an American photographer born in the Russian Empire. She was a constant contributor to Life. She is remembered above all for her photographs of animals, many published in book form, as well as her portraits. Via Wikipedia
Hedda Sterne (August 4, 1910 – April 8, 2011) was a Romanian-born American artist who was an active member of the New York School of painters. Her work is often associated with Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism. She was also the only woman to appear in the famous photograph of abstract expressionist artists dubbed "The Irascibles", although the group included other women.
Hedda Sterne in her studio source
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Hedda Sterne, 1947, photograph by Margaret Bourke-White
Margaret Bourke-White (/ˈbɜːrk/; June 14, 1904 – August 27, 1971) was an American photographer and documentary photographer. She was arguably best known as the first foreign photographer permitted to take pictures of Soviet industry under the Soviets' first five-year plan, as the first American female war photojournalist, and for taking the photograph (of the construction of Fort Peck Dam) that became the cover of the first issue of Life magazine. Via Wikipedia
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theultimateflix · 7 months
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Gen V is an American superhero television series, developed by Craig Rosenberg, Evan Goldberg, and Eric Kripke, serving as a spin-off of The Boys by Kripke, and based on The Boys comic book story arc "We Gotta Go Now" by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The series serves as the third entry in The Boys franchise.
The series, set concurrently with the fourth season of The Boys, premiered on Amazon Prime Video on September 29, 2023. In October 2023, less than a month after its premiere, the series was renewed for a second season.
Young adult superheroes, or "supes", are tested in battle royal challenges at the Godolkin University School of Crimefighting founded by Patrick Godolkin run by Vought International.
Jaz Sinclair as Marie Moreau, a hemokinetic (the ability to psychically manipulate blood) Supe with a tragic past.
Jaeda LeBlanc portrays a young Marie.
Chance Perdomo as Andre Anderson, a popular student and Luke's best friend with magnetic manipulation capabilities.
Lizze Broadway as Emma Meyer / Little Cricket, a Supe with the ability to alter her size by "purging" or eating.
Maddie Phillips as Cate Dunlap, a Supe with telepathic abilities, primarily in the form of tactile mind control, and Luke's longtime girlfriend.
Violet Marino portrays a young Cate.
London Thor and Derek Luh as Jordan Li, a Supe gender-shifter. Thor portrays Jordan's feminine form who can fire energy blasts and Luh portrays Jordan's masculine form who has superhuman durability.
Asa Germann as Sam Riordan, a young Supe with superhuman strength and durability.
Cameron Nicoll portrays a young Sam.
Shelley Conn as Indira Shetty, the dean of Godolkin University and former behavioral therapist who does not have superpowers.
Patrick Schwarzenegger as Luke Riordan / Golden Boy, Sam's older brother and a popular student with pyrokinesis and superhuman strength.
Maia Jae Bastidas as Justine Garcia, a Supe influencer attending the Crimson Countess School of Performing Arts
Daniel Beirne as Social Media Jeff, the social media manager for Godolkin University.
Sean Patrick Thomas as Polarity, Andre's dad and a famous superhero who is a trustee at Godolkin University.
Alexander Calvert as Rufus, a psychic student at Godolkin University who possesses telepathy, astral projection, and clairvoyance.
Marco Pigossi as Dr. Edison Cardosa, a therapist at "The Woods".
Ty Barnett as Malcolm Moreau, Marie's father
Miata Ada Lebile as Jackie Moreau, Marie's mother
Robert Bazzocchi as Liam, a classmate of Emma's
Alex Castillo as Vanessa Haycraft III
Clancy Brown as Richard "Rich Brink" Brinkerhoff, a renowned professor at Godolkin University and Chairman of the Lamplighter School of Crimefighting.
Warren Scherer as The Incredible Steve, a student with a healing factor sufficient to reattach lost body parts.
Jessica Clement as Harper, a rat-tailed student at Godolkin University.
Siddharth Sharma as Tyler Oppenheimer, a student with intangibility.
P.J. Byrne as Adam Bourke
Jackie Tohn as Courtenay Fortney
Matthew Edison as Cameron Coleman
Laura Kai Chen as Kayla Li, Jordan's mother.
Peter Kim as Paul Li, Jordan's father who disapproves of their gender-shifting ability.
Derek Wilson as Robert Vernon / Tek Knight, a former supe turned true-crime TV host who uses his show to cover up scandals for Vought.
Jason Ritter as himself via Sam's hallucinations of an episode of the educational TV series Avenue V.
Andy Walken as Dusty, a Supe resembling a teenager whose body ages slowly.
Special guests
Elisabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell
Jessie T. Usher as Reggie Franklin / A-Train
Colby Minifie as Ashley Barrett
Chace Crawford as Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep
Jensen Ackles as "Soldier Boyfriend", Cate's childhood imaginary friend who is based on the films of Soldier Boy
Claudia Doumit as Victoria Neuman
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fotopadova · 2 months
La fotografia documentaria come forma d’arte (sesta parte)
La fotografia umanista
di Lorenzo Ranzato
Con questo articolo completiamo il nostro racconto sul vasto mondo della fotografia documentaria, affrontando il significativo capitolo della fotografia umanista. Com’è facile intuire, la selezione degli argomenti e degli autori trattati è stata del tutto personale: quindi una scelta selettiva e parziale, che trascura inevitabilmente molti altri fenomeni del documentarismo che si sono manifestati nella seconda metà del ‘900.[1]
Come abbiamo visto, questo importante filone della fotografia del ‘900 si afferma a partire dagli anni ‘30, con un comune filo conduttore che può essere ben riassunto in questa frase: “il desiderio di vedere qualcosa riconosciuto come una realtà”[2]. Come ci segnala David Bate, questa aspirazione o volontà di raccontare in modo diretto (straight photography) il reale in tutte le sue manifestazioni “può includere approcci differenti, dove la verità è valutata in termini di interpretazione e rappresentazione”.
In effetti, seguendo il suo ragionamento, possiamo riconoscere all’interno del genere documentario la presenza di due tendenze diverse che si relazionano con il reale in modo oggettivo oppure soggettivo.[3]
A grandi linee, avremo un tipo di fotografia oggettiva o descrittiva che tende a porre un filtro tra fotografo e soggetto, cercando di mantenersi in una posizione neutrale senza farsi coinvolgere all’interno della scena ripresa. Questo tipo di fotografia è comune ad autori che abbiamo già conosciuto nelle precedenti puntate e che si esprimono con modalità espressive diverse: ci riferiamo a fotografi come Albert Renger-Patzsch o August Sander, oppure ai fotografi del Gruppo f/64.
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1-Cartier-Bresson, foto da Images à la Sauvette 1952, “il libro” per eccellenza secondo Federico Scianna
Diversamente, la fotografia soggettiva o espressiva non pone barriere tra il fotografo e il soggetto, anzi vuole entrare dentro le cose che desidera raccontare, cercando di coinvolgere lo spettatore nella narrazione, pubblica o privata che sia. In questo filone molto variegato possiamo riconoscere le esperienze del documentario sociale (in particolare quella della Farm Security Administration) e più in generale quelle del fotogiornalismo – da Robert Capa, il più famoso fotoreporter di guerra, alla Bourke-Withe -, sino ad abbracciare la stagione d’oro della fotografia umanista che si afferma come “la tendenza dominante del documentario postbellico”[4].
A conclusione di questo breve riepilogo, segnaliamo che sul sito di Fotopadova è presente un contributo in due puntate di Guillaume Blanc, La storia della fotografia documentaria, tradotto e pubblicato da Gustavo Millozzi (a cui dedichiamo questo articolo). Una sua consultazione potrà essere utile per inquadrare l’argomento in una prospettiva temporale più allargata, che non solo riassume la storia del documentarismo sviluppatosi nel corso del ‘900, ma va anche alla ricerca dei precursori e di tutti quei fenomeni ragruppabili sotto l’etichetta di “documento”, che rappresenta fatti o persone reali oppure descrive avvenimenti storici.[5]
La fotografia umanista
“L'oggetto della fotografia è l'uomo, l'uomo e la sua vita breve, fragile, minacciata”.
La frase di Henri Cartier-Bresson, registrata in un’intervista del 1951 viene generalmente considerata da molti studiosi un modo per definire “la fotografia umanista”.[6]
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2-Innamorati per le vie di Parigi, foto di Doisneau, Boubat e Izis.
In realtà, questo filone della fotografia soggettiva/espressiva, nasce all’interno del milieu fotografico francese degli anni ’30, dove un nutrito gruppo di fotografi condivide un comune interesse per l’uomo e le sue vicende di vita quotidiana. Particolarmente attenti alla vita della città, ci restituiscono “le figure di un’umanità autentica e sincera: uomini semplici, lavoratori e le loro famiglie di ceti modesti, bambini ricchi della loro innocenza e spontaneità solitaria, o coppie di innamorati rese migliori dalla forza dei loro sentimenti”.[7]
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3-Brassaï, Paris de nuit, libro sulla vita notturna parigina.
La maggior parte dei fotografi umanisti condivide la professione di “reporter-illustratore”, ma ciò non toglie che molti di loro raggiungano lo status di fotografi-autori, grazie all’editoria che costituisce la parte più gratificante del loro lavoro. Valga per tutti il famoso libro fotografico Paris de nuit (1933) del fotografo ungherese Brassaï, che si stabilisce a Parigi nel 1924 dove frequenta l’ambiente surrealista e conosce Picasso. Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale “le flaneur des nuit de Paris” si trasformerà in un “globe-trotter”, grazie a una lunga e fruttuosa collaborazione con Harper’s Bazaar.[8]
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4-Foto di bambini di Doisneau, Ronis, Izis e Boubat
Assieme a lui, ricordiamo i quattro più importanti rappresentanti della fotografia umanista francese: Robert Doisneau, Willy Ronis, Izis e Édouard Boubat che hanno in comune un grande amore per la città di Parigi e per le sue strade che diventano la principale scenografia dei loro scatti. Soprattutto a partire dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, trasmettono al mondo “une certaine idée de la France”, attratti da quanto c’è di incanto o di mistero nei fatti quotidiani oppure alla ricerca di temi cari ad altre arti quali le canzoni, il cinema, la poesia e la letteratura.[9]
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5-Doisneau  Au Pont des Art 1953, Un regard oblique 1948
Ma per il pubblico restano due gli indiscussi protagonisti di quella stagione d’oro della fotografia: da un lato Robert Doisneau, con la sua visione del mondo romantica e compassionevole e il suo sguardo attento a cogliere lo spettacolo permanente della vita quotidiana, che trasforma le anonime persone della strada in attori naturali della commedia umana, trasfigurandoli spesso in figure fantastiche e oniriche [10]; dall’altro, Henri Cartier-Bresson, che nei diversi periodi della sua vita è sempre riuscito a rinnovare il suo sguardo sul mondo, tanto da essere definito l’occhio del secolo e considerato il massimo interprete del cosiddetto “realismo espressivo”, che si contraddistingue per la capacità di saper individuare e cogliere dentro il flusso ininterrotto del tempo l’istante decisivo.[11]
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6- Cartier-Bresson, Hyères 1932, Ivry sur Seine 1955
Il movimento umanista inizia ad avere un certo seguito anche al di fuori della Francia a partire dagli anni ’50, come reazione al terribile dramma della seconda guerra mondiale, con la volontà di affermarsi nel resto del mondo come linguaggio universale accessibile a tutti.
Il movimento raggiunge il suo apice con la Mostra The Family of Man - organizzata da Edward Steichen al Museum of Modern Art di New York nel 1955 - che assume una risonanza planetaria, grazie ai suoi messaggi di fratellanza universale e di dignità dell’uomo, di speranza e di condivisione di un medesimo destino. È un progetto grandioso, costituito da 503 fotografie provenienti da 68 paesi diversi, che diventa la più grande manifestazione nella storia della fotografia e che verrà esposta negli anni successivi in molte parti del mondo.
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7- The family of man, 1955
Alle fotografie di grandi autori come Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Édouard Boubat, Robert Capa, David Seymour, Bill Brandt, Elliott Erwitt, Eugene Smith, Robert Frank, August Sander, Sabine Waiss, Margaret Bourke-White, Richard Avedon, Garry Winogrand, si affiancano immagini di fotografi meno noti, mentre altre fotografie di Dorothea Lange e Russel Lee provengono dall’ archivio della Farm Security Administration, realizzato negli anni della Grande Depressione statunitense.
Come abbiamo già detto nell’introduzione, il movimento umanista diventa la principale espressione della fotografia a livello mondiale a cavallo degli anni ’50 e ’60, ma verrà ricordato anche come uno dei periodi più caratterizzanti della fotografia francese, che dagli anni ’30 fino agli anni ’60 ha avuto il suo centro indiscusso nella metropoli parigina.
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8- The family of man, 1955
Gli anni del secondo dopoguerra sono caratterizzati da importanti trasformazioni politiche, sociali e culturali, dove il generale benessere dell’occidente, sostenuto dal boom economico, convive con “la guerra fredda” e il rischio nucleare. Ma già negli anni ’60 iniziano a manifestarsi fenomeni di crisi, alimentati anche dalla contestazione dei tradizionali valori borghesi da parte delle giovani generazioni in nome di una nuova ideologia libertaria: contestazione che raggiunge l’apice nel 1968, che verrà ricordato come l’anno delle grandi manifestazioni di piazza e degli scioperi dentro le fabbriche e le università. 
Nello stesso tempo, con l’affermarsi del pensiero liberale e il propagarsi di nuove forme di consumismo, al di là dell’oceano gli Stati Uniti acquisiscono progressivamente un ruolo egemone a livello mondiale, diventando la principale forza trainante dell’economia di mercato, che porterà a radicali cambiamenti anche in ambito culturale.
In particolare nel campo delle arti visive, assisteremo a un grande sviluppo dell’arte e della fotografia americana - inizialmente influenzate da quella europea - che nel corso del tempo si imporranno autonomamente a livello internazionale. Con lo sviluppo dell’Espressionismo astratto (in particolare l’Action painting di Jackson Pollock) e con l’affermarsi di una particolare forma di street photography tipicamente americana, si aprirà una nuova stagione per le arti visive caratterizzata da una radicale trasformazione dei linguaggi, che segnerà una forte discontinuità con il passato.
Anche il mondo della fotografia a cavallo fra gi anni ’50 e ’60 dovrà affrontare una vera e propria “rivoluzione visiva” attuata da Robert Frank con il suo libro The Americans: dalla critica Frank verrà considerato come l’anticipatore di un nuovo linguaggio che sovverte radicalmente i paradigmi che hanno contraddistinto l’estetica e le più tradizionali forme espressive della fotografia umanista, un linguaggio “informale” che ancor oggi possiamo riconoscere in molte manifestazioni della fotografia contemporanea.[12]
---- [1] Ci riferiamo in particolare a quanto già scritto in un mio precedente articolo pubblicato il 18 giugno 2021: I territori del “fotografico”: pittorialismo, documentarismo, concettualismo. Documentarismo va inteso nello specifico significato che gli attribuisce David Bate nel suo libro La fotografia d’arte, (Einaudi, 2018). Bate prova a reinterpretare il mondo della fotografia, della sua storia e dei suoi autori attraverso tre categorie del fotografico - pittorialismo, documentarismo e concettualismo -, entro le quali circoscrivere i diversi comportamenti della fotografia, così come si sono evoluti a partire dalle origini sino ai giorni nostri: comportamenti che di volta in volta hanno assunto proprie specificità linguistiche e poetiche e che, a mio avviso, in alcuni casi hanno avuto modo di contaminarsi o ibridarsi, soprattutto nella più recente fase della contemporaneità.
[2] David Bate, Photography. The Key Concepts, 2016, Trad. it. Il primo libro di fotografia, Einaudi, 2017, p. 89. 
[3] Bate, op. cit. p. 83.
[4] Bate, op. cit. p. 68.
[5] Gli articoli sono stati pubblicati rispettivamente il 10 dicembre 2022 e il 23 gennaio 2023. Il testo originale è consultabile al seguente indirizzo: https://www.blind-magazine.com .
[6]Ricordiamo che sul sito di Fotopadova ci sono diversi articoli che trattano della fotografia umanista, articoli rintracciabili con una ricerca dal menu collocato in alto a sinistra: Edouard Boubat, sguardo di velluto di Marie d'Harcourt, da: https://www.blind-magazine.com/news/edouard-boubat-a-velvet-gaze/ (trad. Gustavo Millozzi); Henri Cartier-Bresson: “Non ci sono forse - vivere e guardare”, da https://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/ (trad. Gustavo Millozzi); Adolfo Kaminsky: la Parigi “umanista” e popolare (seconda parte) di Lorenzo Ranzato; Templi, Santuari, Cappelle e capitelli della Fotografia: 2, Casa dei Tre Oci a Venezia:“Esposizione” di WillY Ronis, di Carlo Maccà; Sabine Weiss, ultima fotografa umanista, di Gustavo Millozzi.
[7] Si veda: La photographie humaniste sul sito del Ministero della Cultura francese-Biblioteca nazionale di Francia: https://histoiredesarts.culture.gouv.fr/Toutes-les-ressources/Bibliotheque-nationale-de-France-BnF/La-photographie-humaniste-1945-1968.
[8] Brassaï, Photo Poche n. 28, 2009, con introduzione di Roger Grenier e un’ampia bibliografia alla fine. La collezione di questi agili ed economici libretti tascabili, pubblicati dal Centre national de la photographie, presenta un vastissimo catalogo di fotografi con più di 150 titoli.
[9] La photographie humaniste, cit. Segnaliamo anche il libro La photographie humaniste, 1945-1968: Autour d'Izis, Boubat, Brassaï, Doisneau, Ronis..., Catalogo della Mostra omonima, a cura di Laure Beaumont-Maillet e Françoise Denoyelle, con la collaborazione di Dominique Versavel, ed. Biblioteque Nationale de France, 2006
[10] Fra i molti libri si veda il recente: Robert Doisneau, Catalogo della Mostra a cura di Gabriel Bauret, Rovigo 23 settembre 2021-30 gennaio 2022, Silvana Editoriale 2021.
[11] Fra l’immensa bibliografia consigliamo la lettura del libro tascabile: Henri Cartier-Bresson, Gallimard 2008, con testi di Clément Chéroux, storico della fotografia e conservatore per la fotografia al Centro Pompidou. Alla fine, oltre ad un’ampia bibliografia, sono riportati alcuni testi e aforismi di HCB. Ricordiamo una delle sue celebri frasi: “Scattare una fotografia significa riconoscere, simultaneamente e in una frazione di secondo‚ sia il fatto stesso sia la rigorosa organizzazione delle forme visivamente percepite che gli conferiscono significato. È mettere testa, occhio e cuore sullo stesso asse”.
[12] Per un approfondimento si rinvia a: Claudio Marra, Fotografia e pittura nel Novecento (e oltre), Mondadori, 2012. Particolarmente interessanti i capitoli: Sull’onda dell’informale e La grande armata delle avanguardie che racconta il rapporto fra mezzo fotografico e i nuovi fenomeni artistici della Body Art, Narrative Art e Conceptual Art che si affermano nel corso degli anni ’70.
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ikimono-clips · 2 years
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Fortfield Drive _ Robert Bourke Architects_ Dublin _ 2021 _ Detail by Ste Murray
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devilscreekballad · 11 months
Alright, I could use a sounding board (here and on the discord) cause I think trying to tackle the name hijinks code all alone with only basic help from the twine discord was... a mistake. (bite off more than you can chew... and then chew it >>)
So, below are all the possible combos for names (Mc, Charlie, Others and Horse) I can think off. Did I forget anything? Is something doubled when it shouldn't be? Also spoilers for which names net you special text
MC can share the following names with NPCs:
For Charlie:
Charlie, Charley, Charly, Charles, Charli, Charlee, Charleigh as First or Nickname, First Name not in Combo with Mulligan or Mullygan. E.G. 'Charly Mullygan' is not possible, but 'Charlotte 'Charly' Mulligan' is.
Mulligan or Mullygan for Nickname or Last Name. Restrictions similar to the above, also not as First Name.
TO DO: Charlie, Charley, Charly, Charles, Charli, Charlee, Charleigh as Last Name, Restrictions pending.
First name and Nickname can be identical/similar to NPC names, but not in combo with Last Names.
Current list (copied from twine):
"tommy", "tommie", "tomas", "thomas", "tom", "thom", "sean", "seán", "shawn", "shaun", "quinn", "quin", "giles", "gyles", "florence", "robert", "ada", "tess", "therese", "finley", "finn", "lien", "lian", "leanne", "liane", "lianne", "josephine", "josie", "josy", "josefine", "josey", "josee", "josée"
"burke", "burg", "bourke", "o'brian", "o'bryan", "o'brien", "o'briain", "quinn", "quin", "o'reilly", "o'reileigh", "o'riley", "giles", "gyles", "florence", "robert", "ada", "tess", "therese", "finley", "finn", "meadow", "meadows", "mckee", "mcgee", "magee", "mckey", "mackee", "macgee", "mackey"
Meadows/Meadows will lead to Mrs Meadows addressing you as Fleabite.
Certain RDR2, TOH and DbD names will also net you bonus bits and bobs.
Need to add the sheriff to the lists?
Combos for your horse (all overlaps net an achievement):
MC, Charlie and Horse share a name (all varieties of Charlie and/or Mulligan)
Charlie and Horse share a name (doesn't have to be the same)
Horse and Mc share a name
Mc and horse share a name along with an npc (e.g if Mc and Horse are called a variety of Tommy).
Horse can be named Horse.
Horse cannot be named "wicklow", "bullsnot", "caboose", "cahoots".
That's what I have so far. does this sound right, does this make sense, did i overlook something?
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Sorted screencaps from The Boys, S1-3. Found HERE.
A-Train / Jessie T. Usher #16,800
Actress (Stormfront) - Charlize Theron #500
Adam Bourke - P.J. Byrne #1,370
Alastair Adana - Goran Visnjic #1,800
Also Ashley - Sabrina Saudin #900
Anika - Ana Sani #1,300
Annie January / Starlighter - Erin Moriarty  #78,000
Ashley Barrett - Colby Minifie #14,700
Becca Butcher - Shantel Van Santen  #7,800
Billy Butcher - Karl Urban #64,800
Black Noir - Nathan Mitchell #183
Blue Hawk - Nick Wechsler #1,600
Cameron Coleman - Matthew Edison #1,300
Carol Manning - Jessica Hecht #915
Cassandra - Katy Breier #3,500
Cherie - Jordana Lajoie  #1,000
Connie Butcher - Lesley Nicol  #248
Crimson Countess - Laurie Holden  #1,700
Donna January - Ann Cusack  #3,200
Eagle the Archer - Langston Kerman  #1,400
Elena - Nicola Coccia-Damude  #2,900
Ezekiel - Shaun Benson  #1,000
Frenchie -  Tomer Capone  #30,000
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Grace Mallory - Laila Robins  #7,500
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950
Homelander - Antony Starr #80,000
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300
Hughie Campbell - Jack Quaid  #82,800
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400
Kenji Miyashiro / Mouse - Abraham Lim #1,800
Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep - Chace Crawford #22,174
Kimiko Miyashiro - Karen Fukuhara #20,000
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
Madelyn Stillwell - Elisabeth Shue #12,400
Maggie Shaw / Maeve - Dominique McElligott #23,600
Mesmer - Haley Joel Osment / Aram Avakian #3,700
Mindstorm - Ryan Blakely #411
Monique - Frances Turner / Alvina August #1,500
Mother’s Milk - Laz Alonso #25,000
Nathan - Christian Keyes #2,500
Popclaw - Brittany Allen #3,300
Robert Singer - Jim Beaver #1,800
Robin - Jess Salgueiro #800
Ryan - Cameron Crovetti #8,000
Sam Butcher - John Noble #500
Soldier Boy - Jensen Ackles #8,900
Stan Edgar - Giancarlo Esposito #6,400
Stormfront - Aya Cash #15,400
Supersonic - Miles Gaston Villanueva #3,400
Susan Raynor - Jennifer Esposito #2,900
Tessa (TNT) - Kristin Booth #600
The Legend - Paul Reiser #1,800
Todd - Matthew Gorman #1,200
Tommy (TNT) - Jack Doolan #600
Translucent - Alex Hassell #800
Victoria Neuman -  Claudia Doumit #7,500
Young Butcher - Luca Villacis / Josh Zaharia #300
Young Lenny - Bruno Rudolf #800
Young Mallory - Sarah Swire #1,600
Young Nadia - Elisa Paszt #200
Young Sam Butcher - Brendan Murray #150
Young Stan Edgar - Justin Davis #800
Young Starlight - Maya Misaljevic #500
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laurengrabelle · 1 year
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I’ve been waiting two years to share this news. I’m not really sure how this came to be, but certainly it is a highlight of wishing my work out into the world. 26 years ago in a crowd of many I could not take my eyes off a dancer at the Schemitzun Powwow and, I think for the first time in my life, approached a stranger to ask for a portrait. This is what we made together, “Tommy in His Car”. And now it is in this stunning new book, Our America, A Photographic History, by Ken Burns with an introduction by Sarah Hermanson Meister. Oh, and it is on the facing page of an image by Sally Mann, and just page widths away from the iconic works of Hansel Mieth, Elliott Erwitt, Minor White, Walter Iooss, Richard Avedon, Danny Lyon, Eve Arnold, Dennis Stock, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Gordon Parks, Robert Frank, Bruce Davidson, Jerome Liebling, Dorothea Lange, Ansel Adams, Eudora Welty, Helen Levitt, Marion Post Wolcott, Walker Evans, Margaret Bourke-White, Paul Strand, Charles Sheeler, Alfred Stieglitz, Laura Gilpin, Lewis Hine, Edward Curtis, Mathew Brady, Timothy O’Sullivan, and Carleton E. Watkins. There are many more known and unknown photographers, but these are the names that leapt out at me when I finally got to hold the book in my hands last night.I’m kinda excited! Many thanks to Tommy Christian, Ken Burns, and Susanna Steisel.
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STUDIO CITY, CA – April 26, 2023 – Cindy Busby (“Marry Me in Yosemite,” “Chasing Waterfalls”) and David Gridley (“The Duff,” “It Takes Three”) star in “Love in Zion National: A National Park Romance,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, May 20 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel.
Lauren, (Busby) assistant curator at the Denver Museum of Natural History, has just received an exciting donation to the museum’s Native American Collections – a set of Anasazi wedding vases. But not everyone is as excited about the donation as Lauren. The benefactor’s grandnephew, Grady Hollingston (Bourke Floyd, “The Locksmith”), plans to contest the donation, claiming his great aunt had no right to give away such valuable family heirlooms. Lauren believes that based on the design of the vases there is a fourth vase that is missing from the set and if she can find it in Zion National Park herself, she can make the case that the vases should be returned to the Pueblo Nation. She heads to the park where she meets a local ranger and native Puebloan, Adam Proudstar (Gridley). Adam is at first skeptical of Lauren’s motives, but reluctantly agrees to accompany her search for the missing vase. When they arrive at their destination, they discover that Hollingston has also started a search of his own. Believing that they failed and have run out of time a disappointed Lauren and Adam prepare to part, despite growing feelings for each other, but perhaps not all is lost when a family secret is revealed.
“Love in Zion National: A National Park Romance” is from Johnson Production Group. Timothy O. Johnson and Joseph Wilka are executive producers. Robert Ballo serves as producer along Robin Conly is co-producer. Sam Irvin directed from a script by Bryar Freed and Jacob Cooney and a story by Conly.
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globefan · 2 years
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George Fouracres as Stefano Ferdy Roberts as Prospero and Rachel Hannah Clarke as Ariel Peter Bourke as Gonzalo Ciarán O'Brien as Caliban Ferdy Roberts as Prospero Ralph Davis as Trinculo, George Fouracres as Stefano and Ciarán O'Brien as Caliban
Tempest pics, part 2 , (c) Marc Brenner
Creatives Assistant Director: Naeem Hayat Casting: Becky Paris Co Director: Diane Page Composer: Cassie Kinoshi Costume Supervisor: Jackie Orton Design Associate: Sandra Falase Designer: Paul Wills Director: Sean Holmes Dramaturg: Zoë Svendsen Globe Associate - Movement: Glynn MacDonald Movement Director: Rachael Nanyonjo Text Associate: Christine Schmidle Voice Associate: Tess Dignan
Musicians Musical Director / Double Bass: Rio Kai Percussion: Magnus Mehta Guitar: Shirley Tetteh Recorder: Olivia Petryszak Cello: Midori Jaeger
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Tuesday 8 January 1839
8 ½
12 ¼
ground sprinkled with snow – sun and wind and F35° at 9 ½ and breakfast in ½ hour – then with Robert Norton in the west tower – in my study there – the library as A- and Mr. Harper and all the rest call it – had the 2 large window frames taken out, and the places boarded up – the glass of both the windows very nearly all  blown into the room – a snow shower before we could get the west window blocked and the room floor drugget covered with snow – I swept  it off into a dust pan and threw it out of the window – then had my uncles’ room (oak room) windows secured or all the old glazing would have been blown in – then backwards and forwards with A- whom I could hardly persuade not to go to Cliff hill – bad as the day was – the pony stood sometime saddled in the stable till the snow was so deep on the ground A- sat it would be madness to run the risk of balling and being down – M- was to have come yesterday – expected her today – could no send the market cart to meet her at the Lodge – the large fallen oak and another smaller block the road against carriages except a little low common cart that might slip thro’ – I went to the Lodge at 12 40 – told George Thomas to wait till the mail passed – if Mrs. Lawton came to ask her to wait at the Lodge till John Booth took cloaks and the pony for her – then in and out – in the stables – spoke there to the gardener about pots to cover seacale [seakale]and George going for them to beyond Boothtown etc. – said I thought 8/. a ton for manure to be paid to Mr. Crossland too much – the gardener said it was the top price, and they paid him a very under price for his garden stuff, and would always pick the best – then walked again towards the Lodge – at 2 ½ met George Thomas coming to say the mail had passed – came in – with A- dressed – a little with Robert the Joiner – then at my desk about 4 ¼ and till 5 ¾ had written to ‘Mr. Brown artist Blake street York postpaid’ to go tonight – civil about his ‘valuable work on York minster’ – congratulate him (Mrs. L- and Miss W-) on the manner in which he has brought out his 1st no. – shall be glad to pay for the nos. as immediately as possible after having received them – beg to know what we are already indebted expecting a good opportunity of sending the money in a few days or a week – ‘shall have great pleasure in mention his work in such terms of praise as it promises well to deserve’ – then wrote memoranda and all the above of today till near 6 after having written copy of letter to Mrs. Lister with the rent and copy of note to Mackean to go tomorrow – 2 new joiners from York came about noon – their two chests of tools at Hx- sent John Booth for them with old bay, and sent George Thomas with the 2 men-bays this afternoon for the seacale [seakale] pots beyond Boothtown – Joseph the lamed joiner pretty well but very stiff – Mark Hepworth sent home Captain in good spirits before it was light this morning – George Wood the groom went home this morning to see his friends – dinner at 6 5 – A- read French – coffee –  A- wrote to her sister and I read the newspaper – came upstairs at 10 10 – ten minutes in my tower study – F33 ½° inside at 10 20 pm and whistling wind – snowy wintry day – Letter tonight from Madame de Bourke, Paris – the shawl reached her on the 1st instant but no letter! Letter also from M- York – dated not travel in the wind (much damage done in York and to the west end of the minster) – obliged to next Mr. Lawton at Manchester tomorrow night, and .:. disappointed – sorry – cannot home here – Received the packet sealed blank envelope from Mr. Parker tonight Mr. Bull’s bill, fresh copy, seeming to me rather different from the original bill
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
A young man leaves Ireland with his landlord’s daughter after some trouble with her father, and they dream of owning land at the big giveaway in Oklahoma ca. 1893. When they get to the new land, they find jobs and begin saving money. The man becomes a local barehands boxer, and rides in glory until he is beaten, then his employers steal all the couple’s money and they must fight off starvation in the winter, and try to keep their dream of owning land alive. Meanwhile, the woman’s parents find out where she has gone and have come to America to find her and take her back. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Joseph Donnelly: Tom Cruise Shannon Christie: Nicole Kidman Stephen Chase: Thomas Gibson Daniel Christie: Robert Prosky Nora Christie: Barbara Babcock Danty Duff: Cyril Cusack Mary Kay: Eileen Pollock Kelly: Colm Meaney Dermody: Douglas Gillison Grace: Michelle Johnson Bourke: Wayne Grace Joe Donnelly: Niall Tóibín Paddy Donnelly: Jared Harris Colm Donnelly: Steven O’Donnell McGuire: Barry McGovern Gordon: Gary Lee Davis Farmer: Peadar Lamb Peasant: Mark Mulholland Peasant: P.J. Brady Landlord: Wesley Murphy Priest: Jimmy Keogh Villager: J.G. Devlin Villager: Gerry Walsh Tavern Keeper: Brendan Cauldwell Peter: Derry Power Matthew: Noel O’Donovan John: Macdara Ó Fátharta Lady: Eileen Colgan Lady: Kate Flynn Lady: Joan O’Hara Map Vendor: Frankie McCafferty Hat Vendor: Poll Moussoulides Irish Vendor: Pat Kinevane Flag Vendor: Donncha Crowley Fruit Vendor: Tim McDonnell Thug: Todd Hallowell Thug: Ken McCluskey Rebel Leader: Brendan Ellis Flynn: Clint Howard Coniff: Jeffrey Andrews Glenna: Judith McIntyre Olive: Rynagh O’Grady Lamplighter: Martin Ewen Social Club Policeman: Brendan Gleeson Doctor: Frank Coughlan Crew Boss: Hoke Howell Old Man: Arnold Kuenning Immigrant: Rocco Sisto Immigrant: Michael Rudd Railworker: Donré Sampson Derelict: Harry Webster Officer: Mark Wheeler Tomlin: Rance Howard Blacksmith: William Preston Prostitute: Pauline McLynn Prostitute: Joanne McAteer Prostitute: Cara Wilder Prostitute: Aedin Moloney Piano Playing Prostitute: Helen Montague Boxer: John-Clay Scott Boxer: Clay M. Lilley Boxer: Cole S. McKay Boxer: James Jude Courtney Boxer: Jeff Ramsey Boxer: Anthony De Longis Boxer: Carl Ciarfalio Bigoted Man: Tim Monich Boston Maid: Alecia LaRue Turner: Ian Elliot Social Club Thug: Bobby Huber Social Club Woman: Julie Rowen Social Club Woman: Louisa Marie Henchman: Brian Munn Honest Bob: Bob Dolman I.M. Malone: Phillip V. Caruso Immigration Policeman: Tom Lucy Dancing Girl (uncredited): Kris Murphy Film Crew: Original Music Composer: John Williams Producer: Brian Grazer Costume Design: Joanna Johnston Producer: Ron Howard Editor: Daniel P. Hanley Editor: Mike Hill Animal Coordinator: Greg Powell Screenplay: Bob Dolman Stunts: Tony Brubaker Stunt Coordinator: Walter Scott Director of Photography: Mikael Salomon Stunts: Corey Michael Eubanks Stunts: Gary Powell Movie Reviews:
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timegents · 8 months
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aliveadelaide · 1 year
Former Bathurst mayor facing blackmail charges didn't think letter was threatening, court told
A district court has heard the former mayor of Bathurst asked someone else to post an anonymous message because he did not want "anything to do with" an alleged blackmail letter. Robert "Bobby" Bourke is on trial in the Orange District Court after pleading not guilty in July 2022 to misconduct in public office and blackmail with intent to influence public duty.In March 2020 former councillor Jacqui Rudge received an anonymous letter in the mail allegedly threatening to reveal her mental health issues unless she resigned.
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