#Roots n Blues n BBQ
1whimsicalgal · 3 months
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Pam Lives!
Pam Lives! Part I
Saturday, August 18, 1973  The Sawyers It was on a Saturday it all happened down at the old Sawyer place, hot as hell, a real scorcher. That’s when it all went down. Old lady Faulk said she's seen 'em stop off at the cafe earlier asking for directions. Bob Hewitt, today, 81 years young, and sharp as a tack, saw 'em that day, too. "Them girls stood out, half neked, short-shorts, no brassiers. That shit didn't fly, least ways not back in '73." Hewitt, as it turned out, proved to be a wealth of information when it came to the Sawyer family history. You can judge for yourself. This is what Bob Hewitt related to me about 'em, word for word . . . "First big mistake was leaving him home alone, him bein' "Leatherface." They'd called him by that ever since, oh, it wuz years ago. Freddie first showed off his handiwork ta young Jed. Jed, well, he wuz so impressed, he slipped, n showed it off to Pop and Grandpa, something he sorely regretted later on. Pop and Grandpa, now they'd always favored Freddie over Jed. That wadn't no secret, bragged to anybody who stopped in at the cafe about him, and 'specially out at the slaughter house. Not Jed tho, no sir, pissed Jed-off-no-end, kept him on a low simmer ninety-nine percent a the time. "Assholes" I 'member he'd say, n as he got older it all jest got worse.
Back in '64, that was when Frederick “Freddie” Theodore Sawyer, become "Leatherface"… least ways around the Sawyer house, anyhoo. Give it to him more like some rite a passage. It wuz one that had some roots in one of Sawyers' deep… well, some real dark family secrets. Pop and Grandpop Sawyer both liked the name right off, heard 'em both call him that down at the cafe, droppin' hints they give it their o’fficial Sawyer sanction. It wuz one day I wuz in eatin' my dinner there, an' they wuz laughin' about their lil ol' party the night before, sayin' how it wuz includin' lots a Jim Beam n plenty a hootin’ n a holler-in.' Neighbors confirmed it ta me later on, but here they were a settin' right in the cafe, Red n ol' Grandpa, the two of 'em jest hootin' n kindy howlin', then talkin' low, goin' on 'bout the full moon. It wuz like they wanted me ta hear some stuff, n then they'd get ta whisperin' so's I couldn't hear the rest, n they'd look sideways over at me n smile tagether. Ta be honest I couldn't wait ta git outa there. Gave me the heebie-jeebies. Somethin' wuz off… jest couldn't put my finger on wat it wuz, know what I mean? 
Didn't all start out that way though. Jed, always wuz a little weird, kindy "off" you might say, but he  seemed polite, nice enough, quiet . . . always kept his head down, as I recall him. He even baby sitted for the Lanky kids now n again, n for Sheriff's kids, too. So did Freddy! Never saw it comin'. Never. Nothin' like what happened to him later. Nothin'. I 'member Freddie as a kid used to walk together with Jed to school, took care of him, ya know, like protective and all. Both of 'em wuz always dirty, n covered in bruises. I always wondered if that was a "birthmark" on Jed's face, like they said, or if somebody hadn't burnt him. Get right down to it, truth be known, Jed jest downright hated Freddie after he wuz around twelve or thirteen, hated him, 'specially after their momma, Lorrine, run off and left 'em all alone with their Pop and Grandpa.
Who can blame her? Woman wuz covered in black n blue many a time, n they worked her like a damn dog over at the cafe. There's lots a stories floatin' round 'bout how folks seen Grandpa comin' up behind her, tryin' to feel her up, kissin' on her while she wuz sweepin', her a cryin', n the whole time, her own damn husband, he'd jest be laughin' 'bout it. She run off twice n Red 'd go find her n haul her back. 
BBQ wuz so good, folks didn't stay away tho. Fact is, startin' 'round '64… '65 'ish they did a pretty damn good business, cuz a the location, right on the highway n all, folks passin' through to Austin n Taylor n such. Hell, they didn't know 'em, n it wuz the only place ta git any good BBQ anywhere for twenty miles around, any that tasted like them Sawyers could do it. Nobody could beat it. Juicy n tender… mmmm-hmm, it jest melted right in your mouth. Old Pa, "Red," we called him, cuz his face wuz always so damn red, he'd laugh, tell his jokes, n flirt with all them young girls, right there big as day in front a poor Lorrine. She wadn't bigger n a minute. Lorrine wuz left orphaned after her folks wuz washed away down in Galveston in that 1915 hurricane. Somebody found this poor little squallin' baby right on the beach after it hit. She never even knew her real name, cuz nobody could find no trace nowhere of her folks, nor any family… nothin'. Red met her when she wuz about 14, brought her up here. Folks said Grandpa wuz pretty excited, I remember hearin' that. 
Grandma Sawyer wuz taken to Terrell Institute for the Insane way back in 1915, lost her mind early. Now, that wuz real sad. She came back home here n there, n he'd send her back. They dropped "Insane" from the name in '25, switched it ta "State Hospital." My grandma knew her, grew up with her, over in Kaufman. She lived at the hospital off n on fer almost 30 years, finally died there. I guess you already knew about her though.
Red, liked the young girls… the tighter the tops n shorter the shorts. He'd eye 'em up and down, give 'em his slick wick-ed crookety ol' smile, n pop 'em some extras n freebies in their bags. The local boys caught on quick, got smart ya know? They'd drive 'em up, git the girls to go in n pick up their stuff to-go, tell 'em ta jest work it a little, "jiggle it," they'd all say, n have a big ol' laugh watchin' Red oglin' 'em. Round about '68… '69, cafe got ta be so bleepin' busy you had to git there early, or you'd be waitin' a half hour, or more. Weirdest one was that durn red haired kindy baldy-boy, some cousin or somethin' from the Gein side a the family. They said he come down from Plainsfield, Wisconsin, n they had him washin' windshields n turnin' meat. Odds n ends, I guess. First time I laid eyes on him, I said, "Wut-Is-That?" Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, needed a check-up from the neck up… if you git ma drift? He disappeared one day just like that. Makes a body wonder, don't it? What I wanna know is where's all that BBQ money. Never kept no bank accounts. I guarantee ya it's buried somewhere on that property. 
 But ever body talked 'bout them poor boys, n wut must be goin' on at home. After Lorrine left, that's when they quit comin' to school. Somebody said they saw her climbin' into a semi headed south on I-35, late one night. "bout two years later, somebody else told me she wuz livin' in Needles, California, but I don't know. She never showed up here again that's fer sure. Freddie… funny, hard for me to call him that now. I jest call him, Leatherface now days. We all felt bad for them boys, but you didn't screw around in Sawyer's business. Funny thing, just like all kids that git beat, they still want their daddy's to be proud of 'em. Know what I mean? Damnedest thang, but, it happens a lot. Sad.
"Big goddamn bully," Jed told everybody around town, "… ever since Pop got him that first chainsaw." They'd all worked out at the slaughterhouse at one time or another. Had to 've changed 'em. Somethin' did. Later, Jed didn’t sleep in the house no more, he wuz just too scared of him. That wuz no secret. Slept in the barn, or in good weather in a tent he set up in the woods, down near the tank on the edge of their back property. You know, down near the Simpson place? Town joke was: Jed liked old Leatherface just a little bit less the day that semi splattered him from Austin all the way to Waco.
Freddie, that is, "Leatherface," he had what they said wuz "special talents." Freddie might be two beers short of a six pack, but he sure as shit had talents, always showin' off out at the slaughterhouse. Skinnin' things. Yessiree, he did. Talk buzzed out at the old slaughter house about him. You could tell Red n Grandpa admired him for them talents. Jed did, too, but he was jest too damn jealous to ever admit it, ya see. It just made him boil over, bore a hole in his measly little 'ol soul. Jed wuz warped. As I come ta wrap my mind around it, only later you understand… it wuz that way with Jed only 'til they got the bodies home. Then he got some kinda kick or somethin'. You know we had many a grave robbin' went on here fer years, all of 'em wuz middle aged ladies, n no-body-wuz-ever-caught. Came together better when we found them masks n . . . well . . . let's just say, body-parts. They wuz all over the house. Yes sir, I went with the sheriff and saw it fer myself! They had all sorts a contraptions n thangs we found in that house afterwards . . . made me so sick ta my stomach, I went outside n upchucked. Hell, we found that poor kid's damn heart n liver in a pan on-the-stove! We both jest had ta go outside ta breathe finally . . . smell wuz somethin' I can't ever get off me.
Anyway, the story is, Leatherface stayed home all alone with Grandpa that day, while Jed and Pop were gone. Pop Sawyer off to the cafe, and brother Jed, off to who knows where, up to no good that’s for sure. Course, there was Grandpa, upstairs. Back in the day, Grandpa was more mo-bile and he could kindy keep an eye on Freddie, most a the time. OK that is anyway… when he started to go a little crazy, ya know? But, not  by ’73. That day it was just Leatherface, left all alone with Grandpa. Well, he did have one thing to keep him company, his evilness… and his “devices." We’ll just never know. Maybe that day would have gone down differently if only those poor youngsters hadn’t wound up running outa gas. 
Leatherface said it was all their fault, “those snoopy fuckin’ kids,” after we got 'em all back to the sheriff's office. That’s what the sheriff and the rangers said set him off the worst, n then all of a sudden he'd break out a gigglin'. Red kept yellin' at him ta shut-up. Pretty quick we wrestled Red out and took him over ta the Taylor jail. Once Red wuz gone, he got back ta blabbering on about it, then makin' them squeakin' sounds, n gruntin' like a pig, only got one oar in the water, that one."
With that, Bob gave me a wink, bobbed his head, n clucked his tongue. You can bet they weren't any too happy to get Red Sawyer over in Taylor. This wuz Round Rock's problem and they wanted no part of those Sawyer creeps.
Pam’s True Story Before Jerry opened the freezer and was instantly killed by Leatherface, Pam slipped in and out of consciousness. When Leatherface pushed her back in the freezer, she was awake. Dizzy, her head pounding, her back throbbing, but awake. She began to slowly realize the terrible horrors that had occurred in the last hours that day, 
Then, it came back to her. Kirk, oh, God, no! Kirk! The memory ran through her veins… Kirk lying on that putrid table, that other room, the chicken… and were those bones? Human bones? That monster! Suddenly she felt herself sweating, and an overpowering desperation to escape. Frantically, in the dark cold, Pam began to feel around clumsily for the freezer latch. There! There it is!! It was then she realized: the latch was broken! It was broken! The lid was not locked, it was open! Hyperventilating, Pam sucked in her breath, and tried to swallow, but her throat was so dry. She held back a cough, as she laid there in fear… for minutes, but what seemed like forever to her. 
She wept silently, listening in agony to Sally's pleading, begging, her screams, men laughing at her, taunting her. Oh, Sally! Dear God, please help us! Who were these other voices? Where was that monster with the chainsaw? What was IT, human? One of the voices, she thought she recognized. She’s heard that voice. But who? Who was it? Had she met him? Where? She felt utterly and completely helpless. Then she remembered the voice was that scuzzy idiot hitchhiker!
In her gut, Pam knew exactly what she had to do. There was nothing she could do for Sally, her beloved friend, not alone. No way, not now, not with all of them there. How many were there? She then knew, she had to escape to get help. Now! With all the courage she could muster, Pam made what would be the most prophetic, and the toughest decision she would ever make in her entire life. The decision, she would escape. 
She could hardly move with the enormous pain shooting through her battered body, but carefully, ever so very carefully, with all the strength she had left, she slowly pulled herself up, and climbed out of the freezer. She shook in panic every time she heard their movements, cringing at their grotesque laughter. Afraid even to breathe, little Pam,  slipped soundlessly out the kitchen's back door. Dizzy, numb, frozen, heart pounding, hardly breathing, in her desperation and sheer terror she began to feel her feet as they began to run. Run! Run!  End Pam Lives! Part I
🚀💋🎥🪝🪚⛓ 🐓 Cover Designs by Desmond Ambrose Root "Pam Escaping" - Drawing by @Tadeo Mendoza ** (Inside stories)
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USA Music Festivals 2024 Roots n Blues n BBQ 2018 – Photo: LTTL USA Music Festivals 2024 Over 1000 Events Listed Here Continue reading Untitled
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oldsalempost-blog · 1 year
The Old Salem Post
   Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                              Volume 7 Issue 16                                                                                                  Week of April 17, 2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: I can think of no better words to share than my morning devotion:  I Chronicles 16: 8-9 “Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.  Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk of all his wondrous works.” LRMartin  
Town of SALEM: The town is hosting Litter Pick-up on Saturday, April 22, which is Earth Day.  Meet at Calvary church parking lot at 8:30am to begin at 9am. We will cover from the post office on highway 130 north to highway 11. We need tons of volunteers.  We have trash bags, gloves, vests and some grabbers.  If kids need community service hours this is a great opportunity.                          Two Cruise-ins this summer:  May 13th at 5pm. September 9th at 5pm.                Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 18 at 5pm.                                             Rec Department: Spring games have begun.  Uniforms were given out on Friday night.  Home games will be held at both the Eagle field and the Tamassee field. Check with the town on schedules.  Come out and support our teams!
SALEM LIBRARY:  Open Monday 10am-6pm– Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm.                      
Jottings from Jeannie: My HEROES and SHEROES are folks who get an idea and use their talents to breathe life into a business.  As a young man, Leon Levine used his $6000 life savings to open his first Family Dollar Store in Charlotte.  These small, convenient neighborhood stores fulfilled a need.  By 2019, Leon owned 8,000 stores and was a billionaire. He used his profits to fund hospitals, colleges, public projects and research labs.  Leon died last week at age 85. Thanks Leon. Good Job!  Don't you love it that we have two convenient neighborhood stores nearby! I am so thankful that we no longer have to run in to Walhalla for every little thing!  Think of things for which you are grateful in our little corner of the world!  You Princesses of Pickett  Post!  You Fine Fellows of Fiddlers' Cove! Miz Jeannie loves you!                        
Pat’s Cash and Carry open 11am-4pm Tuesday–Saturday-Hotdogs, Icecream, sandwiches &more
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed–Sat-Sat 8am-9pm.  Sun 2pm-7pm. Events this week:  Special Open Tuesday this week for Trail Talk Tuesday at 5pm-9pm.  Wednesday: Blue Grass Jam at 6:30pm, Food Truck:  Kiss My ASADA to set up at 12pm.   Fri– FOOD Truck : Kodesh BBQ bowls Music: Fayssoux McLean at 6:30pm.  Sat–Music: Mary Mahaffey 6:30pm Food: Wing Wagon.        
CONSERVATION CORNER:                                                                                  Land owner meeting:  There was great representation of kindred spirits at a recent landowner meeting on preserved property of the hosting landowner.  We broke break together before sunset, below the protected scenic view of Stump House Mountain.  This area was almost closed to public access due to  a developer in Florida wanting to build a gated community in 2007.  Local grass-roots efforts of conservation minded individuals and groups brought such national awareness that over 4.1 million dollars was raised and matched in 7 months.  OPUS Trust was one of those groups with feet on the ground and petition signs high in the air.  OPUS Trust is still behind grassroots efforts to save precious open land, farm land, habitats, and precious property from development.  The invocation was presented by the local landowner and preservationist, Dr. Watson.  His words echo my own heart when he said that if we all are fortunate enough to own land, then we are called to be stewards of that land.  He reminded that people are connected to the land. If we lose our land, we lose our connection.                                                                                  Black Bears:  When bears lose their habitats, or when humans encroach on their homes by continued development, bears can lose their wildness, making them a threat to people and property.  The black bear has recovered from near extinction in the Southern Appalachian Mountains.  But, despite efforts of the Southern Appalachian Natural Resource Agencies, bears are still dying from improper disposal of garbage.  The bear has a keen sense of smell, easily lured from a berry patch to unsecured food and garbage.  When camping, never leave any food scrapes on the ground.  Do not leave food unattended or outside at night. If you are approached by a bear  yell loudly and wave your arms. Keep your children and pets close. Wild bears are afraid of humans.  Let’s help them stay wild, and alive and home.                                                                          Who is the first American conservationist?  George Bird Grinnell (1849-1938)- the legacy of this man endures from his conservation movements to protect national forests, resources, and wildlife.
ASHTON RECALLS:  Here's the continuation of Pauline Kelley Cannon's story: DAR STUDENT FROM 1942-46 RECALLS EXPERIENCES (Fifth Installment of Pauline Kelley Cannon's Memoir) - One of the girls who lived in All States Hall was always complaining and calling people names and tattling on everyone. One day she was walking down the hall and I heard her say, "That Maggie is the bossiest person that ever lived," and I jumped her right then and there. She told Miss Jule on me, and I was sure I would have to go to Mr. Cain's office, but Miss Jule just gave me a talking-to herself. . .Mrs. Marett, the dietician, was moved to Indiana Cottage to be house parent for the youngest girls, and Miss Pearl Hunsinger was hired as dietician. She had a hard time trying to keep the girls quiet while they were working. One day she said, "Girls, turn your volume down," and Faye Phillips said, "Miss Hun, just what is 'your volume'?" She told Faye, "You know, that little knob on the radio that makes it softer or louder," and Faye said, "Miss Hun, I just want you to know that I fell down the other day and broke my volume and it won't turn down". . .One day Mr. Lawrence Grant and the boys butchered a hog, and as we were rendering out the fat to use the lard to make biscuits with, I tried to move the pot of grease off the stove but the potholders slipped and the grease splashed out and burned both of my hands. . .Mrs. Hunsinger poured vanilla on my hands, but that didn't help any so they called Dr. John Davis. He put some kind of jell on my hands that he said was a new medicine for burns and was supposed to leave no scars. He also said I should not do any work until the burns healed, so I had to stay in the infirmary and Mother Frazier had to feed me my meals. But I soon got well and returned to the dormitory and resumed working. . .Another memorable thing about that year was that Maggie and I both got measles. . .TO BE CONTINUED
EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem  
Seat Naming Opportunity at the ENAC:  Place your name or family name on a seat in the ENAC auditorium. A single name is $200 and a couple or family  is $250.  This makes a wonderful gift in a special place we all share and will help us continue to support our sacred school grounds.  Please call Darlene at  710-8758 or email [email protected] for more information.                                                                                                                                                GET YOUR TICKETS:  Trial by Fire, a Journey Tribute Band to perform Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 7pm.  Tickets before the event are $25 available at Salem Town Hall and on Ticketleap or call 864-280-1258. Tickets at the door are $30 day of the event.     Doors open at 6pm.  
OCONEE MOUNTAIN OPRY:  Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 7pm.  Tickets $10.  ENAC presents a unique variety and evening of Local and Regional talent with comedy and old-time, home-town fun.  
FORGIVE: Jesus came to teach us how to live.  In his final breaths, Jesus cried “forgive them.”  If in his final breaths of despair and pain Jesus forgave us, we should all set an example, to live the last words Jesus cried on the cross….
Thought:   When we are caring for the earth, we are praising God!                        Happy Birthday Sena! LoveMom
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hexonthepeach · 1 year
ok but imagine y/n & johnny being assigned to some suburb as husband and wife to gather? idk something about surveilling a suspects home life etc. and just the mr & mrs smith vibes of it all. trying to fit in with the neighbors. setting down some sort of roots. trying to cozy up to the suspects family. maybe even jaehyun coming to visit every so often as johnny's "step brother" and just the potential chaos of a neighbor maybe seeing y/n and jaehyun through a window and being scandalized.
i'm genuinely dying rn because while this scenario did not come up in what i currently am writing for the d&s crew it is absolutely perfectly aligned with it. like this is scarily perfect to the point that i need to know if we've synced brain waves?
thank you for planting this seed i hope you don't mind me using it in the future [lemme know if i can give you credit even if you just want to pick an anon emoji]
i'm on my first ever watch through of The Americans and spy power couple in suburbia is such a fantastic trope, i love the tension of persona vs identity. Don't Worry Darling was a disappointment but it got me thinking about how the dark suburbia cliches used could be done more meaningfully. also dating myself here but my life was inexorably changed by The X-Files s6 ep 15 Arcadia (the real monster of the week are HOAs) and Scully's constant exasperation at Mulder's in-jokes--which is something Johnny would be relentless at, so he's the perfect suggestion for this
as always with this trio it would have to be sex comedy with dark elements and maybe a little more weird? it would be incredibly funny to have the whole thing go sideways on multiple levels including an increasing escalation of violence
here's how i imagine this playing out (under the cut for spoilers):
this is a long-term assignment/infiltration and one of director lee's "special projects" i.e. team-building exercise for the throuple. unbeknownst to them the agency has a secret betting pool on how badly this can go (the winner is someone who put a worst case scenario so outlandish it was supposed to be a joke)
johnny and y/n are currently in the middle of a minor disagreement on their approach for this op--maybe someone wanted to "borrow" a kid to make it legitimate and the other put a kibosh on that based on the stakes being higher. or we're just dealing with a petty argument about the level of lethality involved. (i have another idea but don't want to spoil current wip). they're bickering behind closed doors and duking it out in subtext every time they're forced to play their roles
jaehyun is running surveillance and infiltrating houses. for validity of him being in the neighborhood from time-to-time, he's brought in at the "Johnson's" housewarming party/backyard BBQ as the blue collar handyman brother-in-law. they can get into more homes now, but he's also finding that every sink repair or ceiling fan light bulb replacement has him dealing with escalating attempts at being seduced. our best boy is now the unwilling target for every future divorcee on the block
johnny ends up forced to participate in a variety of Stepford Husband-like activities to get access to more information/be inducted into some kind of club, leaving y/n frequently at home pretending to be a housewife and growing increasingly more sick of the assignment. and also maybe just a little (a lot) jealous when she hears the gossip about/is questioned about her "brother-in-law" by the other wives at the hair salon, grocery store, etc
cue y/n inviting jaehyun to do some household repairs and initiating a little role-playing scenario straight out of a bad porno. unbeknownst to them of course (or maybe knownst!) they are caught in a very lurid scene by one of jaehyun's new fans peeking through the window. (i'd absolutely have to write this from the POV of the nosy neighbor--it would be too funny to pass up)
gossip spreads, suddenly its common knowledge. but--here's the kicker--johnny gets into the good old boy's club where it's revealed that they're one of *those* communities where cuckolding and exhibitionism are a bit of a collective turn-on. a little bit eyes wide shut/bohemian grove/society type escalation of weird beyond sex stuff
now it's the three of them versus a neighborhood--a little public shunning of course, but mostly under siege from those who want to get them to participate in some kind of bacchanalian ritual. a perfect opportunity to get into the head honchos' house but also a perfect set-up for things to go absolutely and horribly wrong . . .
we're talking actual violence and maybe a little murder and mayhem under the cover of whatever anonymity those ritual masks provide. all of it conveniently walked away from by the fact that this can't become public information although it will certainly add to conspiracy theory fodder
the morning after has them pretending to be moving out/getting a divorce. definitely will need to end on the agreement that they're never setting foot in a planned community ever again
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victorl0 · 2 years
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I am glad to see the relaunch of Food Junction’s new flagship at Lot One Shoppers’ Mall with a new logo. The interior unveils a sleek, modern look while encompassing the roots of serving quality food options at affordable prices. This newly-renovated outlet even boasts an alfresco area resembling an outdoor bazaar with fairy lights & neon lights! It’s now holds 19 stalls featuring a good mix of both halal & non-halal food choices, including the addition of notable local brands in the F&B hawker scene. Food Junction has tapped into the mobile self-service technology in a digital ecosystem to heighten convenience for you, stall owners & delivery riders with a Mix & Match contactless ordering & payment system. With the entire menu available in a single view, you can simply scan the QR code at your table & order across multiple stalls in a single transaction & pay through your own mobile devices. Food Junction also offers a cashless payment loyalty card option – the Food Junction Tap Tap Card, which comes with a new design in collaboration with local designer brand wheniwasfour, and allows you to enjoy unlimited 10% off all orders with no minimum purchase across all Food Junction outlets, also doubling up as an ezlink card & NETS Flashpay cashcard. Featured dishes, drink & desserts: 🐓 BARA PENYET’s Ayam Penyet 👍🏻😋 🍜 BLANCO COURT BEEF NOODLES’s Mala Beef Noodles 👍🏻😋 🍲 KING GROUPER FISH SOUP’s Seafood Soup 👍🏻😋😋 🍝 PUTIAN HENG HWA CUISINE’s Putian Mee Sua 👍🏻😋😋 🎣 FIRE WESTERN N GRILL’s Grilled Fish with Fries 👍🏻😋 🐄 PAGI SORE NASI PADANG’s Beef Rendang + Vegetable + Blue Pea Rice 👍🏻😋 🍱 JJ JAPANESE’s Chicken Teriyaki + Fried Fish Bento 👍🏻😋 🍛 FU XIANG KITCHEN’s Curry Chicken 👍🏻😋😋 🍔 BURGS’s Classic Cheese Burger 👍🏻😋 🥤 QUENCH!’s Coco Cloud 😍😍😍 🧇 QUENCH!’s Mochi Waffle with Ice Cream & Choco-Banana 😍😍😍 🥤 QUENCH!’s Chendol 😍😍 🥢 FORTUNATE DIM SUM’s Egg Tart & Deep Fried BBQ Pork Bun 👍🏻😋😋 [S$1 Tasty Deals] Visit http://www.foodjunction.com/promotions/ for promo details. 📍Food Junction 21 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4 # 04-14/15/16 Lot One Shoppers’ Mall Singapore 689812 🕙 Mondays to Sundays: 10am to 10pm 📞 6764 4556 (at Food Junction Lot One) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg8GW0cB4YW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omnomwithrob · 5 years
Because we had to.
On the night of our fifth wedding anniversary, Rob gave me one of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received - tickets to the Roots N Blues N Barbeque Festival! Not only had I been jonesing for a trip to our beloved Columbia, MO (where we met <3), I had FOR YEARS been wanting to see a Lake Street Dive/Avett Brothers show. They’re two of my favorite bands and they happened to be playing together on the same night at Roots and Blues this year. BEST HUSBAND EVER. So when the festival rolled around at the end of September, we recruited the grandparents to head east from KC to babysit Rose while Rob watched me eat this corn dog in preparation for the show.
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Rob is less easily swayed by carnival fare and found a barbecue truck serving plates of delicious ribs. I wish I could remember who the vendor was, but I remember them being tender and delicious! If you find yourself at Roots and Blues this year, just order all the ribs you can find, and you’ll probably run into them. Whichever ones you like best, let’s just say those are these.
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I am the world’s weirdest person and don’t usually enjoy the live music experience very much. But I love both of these bands and know all of their songs, so I was willing to put up with spilled beer and noisy teenagers. Even though I have been to many Avett Brothers shows and have loved each and every one, I dare say Lake Street Dive was the better act this time around!
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After the show, we took a bus from Stephen’s Lake Park pretty much directly to Trops (because we had to - and I still have my frequent buyer punch card and had a free drink to cash in). And if you’ve ever been to Columbia, you’ll know by the brightly colored walls and line of people behind me exactly where we went next.
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El Rancho is not a culinary destination. It is pure nostalgia, covered in silky white cheese sauce that can never be duplicated - to quote good buddy Bryan Butler, “If you mix it with dirt, you could eat dirt.” It is late night, college-town cuisine that I only once made the mistake of eating for lunch. It’s meant for nights like this (even though it was only like 11pm and I’d had more coffee than alcohol that night - not that I ever could hang, but I really can’t now).
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Rob ordered the chimichanga, but once I discovered the nachos in like 2007, I could never go back. I should preface by saying that they should not be good. Chips, meat, and the runniest cheese sauce you’ve ever seen. But - and I mean this in the absolute best way possible - the whole thing couldn’t be greasier. And it. is. sublime. No need for lettuce, tomatoes, or sour cream, onions or cilantro. This right here is all you need.
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We took a Lyft back to the hotel (wowowow to have had Lyft in college - or even, like, a smartphone), and the next morning we happily reunited with Rose after our first ever night apart from her. We decided to romp around campus, which is not only where Rob and I met, but where my parents met, too! It’s taking a great deal of restraint not to post all the cute family pics we took with Rose, but I’m trying my best not to smear her face all over the internet before she can consent to that. So here’s my dad in his prime state, recalling memories from his days as an engineering student at Mizzou.
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We had takeout from Booches for dinner that night, which was the first time I’d had Booches since they scolded me for taking pictures of their burgers about 12 years ago (picture a large grizzly man telling an 18 year-old girl: “I don’t wanna be in your magazine.”) In the spirit of that memory, I refrained from taking pictures. But I did take pictures at brunch the next morning, which was our last meal in Como before heading back to Chicago.
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Lucy’s has been gone for years, and Cafe Berlin had a line a mile long, even in the early morning hours when parents like us get up. So we tried something new - Glenn’s Cafe - in a familiar place, where Bleu used to be. Rob and I celebrated our first Valentine’s Day there, eight and half years before. <3
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Glenn’s serves Southern-inspired fare. Rob and my dad both had the southern eggs benedict (two pictures up), a biscuit topped with smoked pulled pork, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. My mom had the above vegetable quiche, which was LOADED with artichokes, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, and asparagus. Rob’s mom and I both had the below eggs nouvelle, which involved little fried shellfish cakes (shrimp + crawfish + crab) with sunny side up eggs and hollandaise sauce. It was great, but in keeping with the El Rancho theme, very greasy!
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We last visited Columbia while driving back to Virginia after our wedding, ready to start a new stage of life together. Every time we visit, so much has changed, and so much has remained the same. Having the opportunity to be in Columbia and go to Roots and Blues was such a wonderful gift - a fitting anniversary gift from my college sweetheart. I couldn’t have asked for a more thoughtful experience - great food, great music, great company, and great memories. We will always love going back to Como.
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alleventsalert · 3 years
Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival 2021
Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival 2021
Rootsnbluesnbbq.com – Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival 2021 are organized by Thumper Pond It will be held on 24 September – 26 September 2021 in Columbia, USA, How To Enter Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival? You just need to follow the steps to participate in Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival. Open your default internet browser.Type rootsnbluesnbbq.com in your address bar. Fill in all the required…
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
NAME SOMETHING BEGINNING WITH THE LETTER PROVIDED FOR EACH CATEGORY: LETTER B A Beverage Beer. A Mammal Bear. Something You Drive Boat. A City Boise. Free Activity Board games (after the initial buy of course) Someplace you would spend money Bowling alley. A Cartoon Character Blue from Blue’s Clues. A Sea Creature Blue whales. A Comedy Movie Bridesmaids. A Children's Book The Berenstain Bears books. A Dessert Banana bread. A Boy's Name Brian. A Girl's Name Brianna.
LETTER M An Old Fashioned Boy's Name Michael. Items That are Frozen Milkshakes. Television Show From the 2000's Mad TV. A River Maple River. A Vegetable Mushrooms. A Fruit Melons. Things That are Yellow Mangoes. Trees Maple trees. Marching Band Instrument Mellophone. College Subject Math. Dish Made From Pasta Macaroni and cheese. Book about Animals Mammals by Edwin Gould. An Insect Monarch butterfly. LETTER C Type of Sport Croquet.  A Poem Title Child Whispers by Enid Blyton. Part of the Human Body Chin. An old Fashioned Girl's Name Carol. An Ethnic Dish Curry. Type of Transportation Car. A School Supply Colored pencils. An Item found in a Library Computers. A Type of Bird Cardinal. A Type Of Flower Carnations. Types of Shoes Crocs. A Halloween Costume Clown. LETTER T Flavour Of Ice Cream Triple chocolate. An Actor Toby Maguire. An Actress Tina Fey. A Television Series That’s So Raven. Types of Balls Tennis balls. An Animal in a Zoo Tiger.
Things found in a park Trees. Types of Cats Tabby. A gemstone/crystal Topaz.   A reason a child may be grounded Talking back. A colour Turquoise. Something found in a work office Table. LETTER E Book Author Elle Gray. 
Country England. 
Something that is round Earth. Types of Clothing Earmuffs?  Games played at school recess/lunch Eenie meenie miney mo? lol not a game, but I literally can’t think of anything that stars with an E. A Mammal Elephants. Types of Relatives Extended. A Holiday Destination Europe. Something found in a Forest Evergreen trees. A Colour Eggplant purple. LETTER P Sports Star Peyton Manning. Restaurant Pizza Hut. A Villian Poison Ivy. A Superhero Peter Quill aka Star Lord. A Toy Polly Pockets. A Weapon Pistol. Something that is Square Picture frame. Something used by a bodybuilder Protein powder. Something you would find in a bathroom Paper towels. Something found in a backyard Playground (like a swing set). A Dessert Pie. Type of Exercise Push-ups. Something found in space Planets. LETTER S Something at a picnic Sandwiches. An Athlete Serena Williams. A Body part Stomach. Someplace you want to visit Sweden. An Occupation Secretary. Name Brand Swiss Miss. Something associated with Christmas Santa. Something at a Theme Park The swings ride. A Frozen Food Sorbet. Something you would keep refrigerated Soda. Something Green Spinach. A random word Spaz. LETTER A A State Alabama. A Tool Axe. Something found in a cafeteria Avocados? lol I got nothin’. Something found on a farm Animals. ha. A fear Agoraphobia. Something Sweet Apple fritter. A Dental Procedure A root canal. A Perfume Amor Amor. A Type of Candy Almond Joy. A Type of Chocolate Andies mint chocolate. An Accessory Ankle bracelet. Things Used by the Handicapped Assistive devices. Sounds an animal makes Alerting sounds. LETTER F Something Hot Fire. Something Cold Frozen drinks. A Breakfast Food Fried eggs. A Graduation Gift Funds. A Type of Drink Frappe. Something found in or by the ocean Fish. A Hobby Fishing. A Child Actor/Actress Elle Fanning. A Health Issue/Complication Fibromyalgia.
A Type of Cheese Feta. A Type of Transportation Ferry. A reason to be late Feeling unwell. A profession Firefighter. LETTER G Something that is cold Gelato. A Topping for Pizza Garlic. A College George Washington University. Something with Spots Goals. An Item found in a dresser drawer Gloves. A Way To Relax Gel eye masks. Something found in the Sky Giant clouds. Type of Bread Garlic bread. Something Australian A popular ice cream, Golden Gaytime. A Food: Fried chicken. Something Pink Flamingos. LETTER W Fictional Character Walter White. An Item on a Lunch menu Wheat bread. A Magazine Woman’s Day. A Book Wicked. Something with a Tail Wolf. A Crime I’m blanking. Vanilla Item Vanilla wafers. A Type of Popcorn White cheddar. A Large Ticket Item (Something expensive) Weight machines. An Item you'd find in your grandmas kitchen Whitman’s chocolate. A Dog Toy Kong Wobbler. An Item found in a backyard Water hose. LETTER H Something Sticky Honey. An Award Honor roll. Type of Vehicle Honda. A Herb Horseradish. A Utensil for Cooking Herb chopper. Cosmetics Huda Beauty. A Bad Habit Habitual nail biting. A Reptile Hairy Frog. A Scandal Home wrecker. Monthly Expense Household bills. A Leisure Activity Hobbies. Something found on a Construction Site Hardhat.  LETTER D A Pet Name Dino. A Toy Dolls. Something you can buy used Dresser. A Game Dungeons and Dragons. A Clothing Company Dickies. On Your Feet Doc Martens.  A Candy Dove chocolate. Something you Love Desserts. Someone Famous Dakota Fanning. A Bird Dove. Something you'd pack in a suitcase Deodorant. An Animal Dog. A Website Doordash.com A Cereal I saw that Dunkaroos is a cereal now. LETTER N A Name Nicole. A Food Snack Nachos. An Animal Newt. Something Red Nesquik’s strawberry syrup. Something Blue Navy uniform. Something you can see close by Nice painting by my uncle. An Occupation Nurse. A Movie Napoleon Dynamite. A reason to be late Nauseous. Something you can cook French fries (in the oven). Something you can bake Funfetti cupcakes. LETTER R A piece of stationary Ruler. A place you can visit Rome. Something you'd find in Disneyland Railroad. Something you could use at a BBQ Relish. A Name Rebecca. Something Black Black roses. A type of Car Rolls-Royce. Something in the office Rolling chair. Something Green Radish. LETTER O An Animal Orangutan. A Sea Creature Octopus. Something you would find at an arcade Uhh. A Name Olivia. An Australian Animal Olive Ridley turtle. Something in Nature Ocean. Wildlife Ostrich. A Soda Orange soda. A Colour Orange. A Movie Oliver and Company. A Television Series Once Upon a Time. A Bird Owl. A Medical Procedure Obstetric ultrasonography. Something from History Operation Overlord. Something you would Paint Original piece. A Country Oman. Something Sweet Orange popsicle.
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def-sol · 4 years
21 questions and tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @dark-muse-iris thank you lovely!
1. Nickname: Ruby because I don’t like my real name which is my grandmothers, my mom origionally wanted to name me Ruby but switched it when my dad said no. I plan on legally changing it to Ruby eventually.
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Height: 5′0
4. Hogwarts: Slytherin
5. Last thing I googled: “Prodigal Son next episode” because I wanted to know if there’s one more episode before the finale
6. Favourite musicians: Monsta X, ATEEZ, Dir En Grey, My Chemical Romance, G-Dragon, EXO, Blackbear, Got7, Sunmi, Sik-K, DPR Live, Trevor Hall, The GazettE, BVNDIT, Shinee (solo works included), WayV, NCT, Twice, Loona, Pristin V (r.i.p), HINAPIA, and a shitton more
7. Song(s) stuck in my head: SOSO by WINNER
8. Following: 166 though I think a lot of them have left at this point
9. Followers: 115 but based on interaction activity like 9 that 115 will drop when I comb through to report more of the P*rnbots
10. Do you get asks: Nope maybe twice a year
11. Amount of sleep: 3 - 10 hours depending on if the moon is out, my menstrual cycle or if I’ve had caffeine
12. What are you wearing: Black tanktop, my white Cloud9 hoodie that I got during season 5 of LoL and fuzzy purple pjama pants with silverish outlines of bears
13. Dream Job: Something that sustains the way I want to live without causing harm to my physical and mental wellbeing
14. Dream trip: Portugal, Spain to find any roots of my ancestery, South Korea, Japan, the countryside of France, wherever I can see aurora borealis, I want to eat good and immerse myself in different cultures
15. Instruments: Drums. Took lessons for 8 years or something close to that but have always been shy about it so don’t look at me if I play
16. Languages: English and the Korean alphabet though I want to get back into learning it, I also need to start picking up French for easier employment when I’m in Canada
17. 10 favourite songs right now:
Everyday by Perfume
Embarrassed by Kennie
Guard You by Miyavi
Orbit by Nao
U R by Monsta X (okay it’s actually the entire album)
Love Talk by WayV
Unless I’m With You by Jackson Wang
Other People by Amber Liu
Dozing Green by Dir En Grey
18. If you were an animal, what would you be: I’ve been compared to a panda and sloth often but a black cat would be cool, maybe a witch companion could be a good life
19. Favorite food: dolsot bibimbap I know it’s considered “basic” but it’s delicious and makes my stomach feel good, my mom’s chicken n’ dumplings that’s actually more of a casserole than a soup but with an amazing homemade biscuit top, Western North Carolina style bbq sandwiches
20. Random fact: Despite my dad being a chef and my mother a baker neither actually taught me how to do either so I had to teach myself though it seems I’m a much better baker than chef
21. My aesthetic: Soft yet can kill you. It really depends on the day, one day it can be hot goth gf the next is soft library girl then hippy. My closet is mostly black, purple and red form fitting things with my shoes either being black knee high combat boots or sk8-hi classic black and white vans. If I ever make enough money a dark sultry goddess out to steal your girl is my goal aesthetic. Red lipsticks of all shades, getting into purples and kinda want to try some blues and black. My glasses soften my apperance a lot but I’m lazy and contacts are EXPENSIVE.
I don’t want to bother 21 people so I’ll just tag a few: @miss-noo-na @countrysundae @amazzjin @softhoures @dearmingki
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velostl · 5 years
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Dave Alvin (pictured) and Jimmie Dale Gilmore performed September 29, 2019, at the Roots N Blues N BBQ festival in Columbia, MO. Originally photographed for Arch City Media.
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oldsalempost-blog · 2 years
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                        Contact: [email protected]                                Distributed to local businesses, town hall and library.                            Volume 6 Issue                              Week of June 27, 2022                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                    Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: +++ I heard from at least one reader on my concerns for our area:  Quote “I hope Salem doesn’t succumb to the fate of surrounding cities.  Someone needs to pay attention to what’s going on or Salem will suffer the same fate.  Don’t believe the artists’ renderings which show the beautiful tree shaded streets and walkways.AC*Lynne
TOWN OF SALEM:   Downtown Market every Sat. 7a-1p.    July 4th Fireworks Celebration at the Eagle Ridge School Ball Field.  Gates open at 7:30PM.  Fireworks at 9:30PM. Bring your chairs, blankets, snacks to enjoy our beautiful fireworks show.  No Pets or Smoking allowed on the grounds. Next Cruise in July 9, 5pm.                        SALEM LIBRARY: Sign up for the Summer Reading Program. Read 500 minutes.  Hours Mon: 10am-6pm, Tues-Friday: 9am to 5pm.  Closed 12-1.   944-0912 more information.
Jocassee Valley Brewing Company (JVBC), 13412 N Hwy 11 Open 8am-9pm Wed-Sat,  Events this week: WING Wednesday & the Blue Grass Jam. Fri: Music: Fayssoux McLean.  Food: IRON OAK BBQ  Sat: Music: Fall Creek  Food: IRON OAK BBQ.  Sunday: 11a-7pm  Food: IRON PIG   Music CONSERVATION THEORY, 4pm.  MONDAY, July 4th we are open 12pm-8pm.  FOOD: IRON PIG   Music: GOERS & ALLEN, 2pm and CHRIS WAYNE 4pm.  864-873-0048      COFFEE SHOP Wed-Saturday 8am-9pm.     Nancy Basket class: July 14, 11am Basket class. $20                       Preregister for the LANDSCAPE  ART CLASS: July 21, 5pm-7pm $30.  BOOK CLUB: July 28, 10am.
JULY 4th 9am-3pm- HILLBILLIE DAY in Mountain Rest, SC  is the best and likely longest going festival in SC for over 50 years.  Located north of Walhalla, just off hwy 28, on the left, just passed the old Cousins Store, ( and now a Dollar General too)  you will experience the most heart-warming authentic gathering, true to our roots.   BBQ, Snow cones, pig chasing, greased pole climbing, local artisans, local musicians, and more.  
+ + ASHTON RECALLS+___________           By Ashton Hester_____   MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HISTORIC SALEM HOMECOMING DAY - Last week in this column there was a story about Homecoming Day at Salem First Baptist Church on May 25, 1952 that attracted "thousands of visitors from across Oconee and adjoining counties." Following is some more information about this historic annual event, which occurred every fourth Sunday in May, that I have found in old issues of the Keowee Courier, mostly in the Courier's Salem area correspondents' columns. . .Visitors would begin arriving in Salem early in the morning on horseback, on foot, or in wagons and buggies. . .Even back then, one writer around 1907 stated, "Even the oldest Salem residents do not remember when this tradition began". . .There was some speculation that it began with the church holding a foot-washing each fourth Sunday in May. Foot-washings traditionally drew large crowds back then. . .Unfortunately, by the early 1900s the masses of visitors did not all have good intentions, as there was a worrisome amount of alcohol consumption and rowdyism. One year there was even a shooting in the front yard of the church, with the shooter escaping on horseback. . .In fact, some Salem residents would stay inside their homes all day, according to reports in the Courier. . .Fortunately, it appears from the Courier's 1952 story about the event, which was in this column in last week's issue of The Old Salem Post, the bad elements had been eliminated and it had once again reverted to its original purpose. . .Does anyone remember when this annual pilgrimage to Salem every fourth Sunday in May ended? Or maybe it's still happening!                                                           
* Visit the polls on Tuesday, July 28, 7am-7pm for the state runoffs!                                                                                                       JOTTINGS from Jeannie: By Jeannie Barnwell: The 4th of July will be upon us in one week.  Let's Truly CELEBRATE Independence Day by admiring this "Brilliant Work in Progress" called the United States of America.  We  ARE a work in Progress! In 2122,  2022 will be considered a backwards time. Did you know? It is disgusting to realize only 158 years ago, slavery auctions still existed in our beloved city of Charleston.  Only 142 years ago were doctors all over the world FINALLY  accepting that they REALLY DID need to wash their hands between amputating a gangrene leg and delivering a baby.  Society and technology are changing our world.  HEY!  Oconeeonians!!! Be Smart and Brave!  Stand up to folks who BULLY you or BULLY weaker friends.  Don't do this alone.  Take someone with you when you decide to educate a bully!  I love All- All of Y'All Miz Jeannie
SC STATE MUSEUM:  TheState Museum 4D Theater is showing this Summer:  Superpower Dogs, Penguins 4D and Tom and Jerry 4D experience.  Great for children. A. Martin 
Watch MAKING IT GROW, with Host Amanda McNulty on Saturday mornings from 8 to 9am on SCETV to learn about our native plants, and more.  One sponsor is a farm:  McLeod farms peaches, located way up north  highway 11.  Farms help keep scenic highway 11, still scenic, and provide delicious local food to be healthy and enjoy.                                                                                                                                                                                        
OCONEE COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: invites you to a free Ice Cream Social, June 30, from 5pm-7pm at Sweet Retreat, 510 E Halfway Branch Road, Walhalla, SC. Learn about membership benefits. Join our team. Gifts, Raffles, and more!    
Salem Seventh-day Adventist Church: Located Hwy 130, 240 W Main Street, Salem,   Vacation Bible School:  July 11-15 6pm-8:15pm  Theme: The Creator Is My Friend “What do you smell?"
PLEASE HELP US GET THE WORD OUT! Or, help us sell tickets to this fun and entertaining bluegrass performance.  We do not have county tax dollars to spend on advertising like our sister cities do.  We don't boast nor fluff up a “ big draw” from all over. Our county alone is already a big draw.  We want to draw our local communities to our new and undiscovered venue.  The Eagles Nest Art Center, ENAC, presents the Po’ Ramblin’ Boys in concert Thursday, July  7,  7pm-9pm.  Presale tickets are $20 and  available on Eventbrite or contact 864-280-1258. $25 at the door.  Tickets also may be purchased at the Town of Salem and Talk of the Town, Antique, Gun and Fishing supplies, ACDM. 
Heavenly Father– Help us to help a hurting world.  Help us to see where we are needed to be the heart and hands of Christ and illuminate our path with Your Presence as we go.  Amen.          
We will be on holiday the week of the 4th.  See you at the polls! LRM
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Steve Berlin, Los Lobos @ Roots n Blues n BBQ 2018 #steveberlin #loslobos #rootsnbluesnbbq #jimsface #trifestmusictour #listeningthroughthelens (at Columbia, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvgD4pJA0hG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=688by2kg31ow
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Part two of my previous review! I’ve got the last seven scents on this:  Koi No Yokan; Arabesque; Ensorcelant; Elixir of Aphrodite; Smoke and Mirrors; Midnight Garden; and Love is Nearer Death.
NOTES: Plum Blossom, Lotus, Lily of the Valley, Cedar, Black Currant, and Tamarind.
This is the perfume that made me realize that the dominant note that I was smelling in Mina Harker and very strongly in Salome was, in fact, plum, and I like me some plum.
Anyways, this perfume: it's really, really pretty. In the bottle it's this super smooth floral, and then I put it on and it gets bright. Like, really bright. Y'know. Because of that plum blossom. The plum doesn't overwhelm the rest of the florals, though, simply sits atop them - and it's those florals that really sets it apart from Mina. While Mina makes me think of a cold, reserved purple, this is all bright yellows and blues.
This one's got more throw than most - i'm just kinda laying around in bed, wrists nowhere near my nose, and i'm catching the faintest tail-end scent of it. It eventually dries down to something more traditionally sugary-sweet--i'm guessing the tamarind--and lasts a pretty long time. I wore it to bed and when I woke up, there was still a faint hint of it on me.
NOTES: Arabian sandalwood, Mysore sandalwood, precious Egyptian kyphi, sweet orris root, benzoin resin, cassia, and blessed spikenard.
This one I was kinda neutral about when I first got it, and upon putting it on... I'm still pretty neutral about it. The sandalwood is way more subtle than the other sandalwood scent I have - which is The Weird Sisters from Sixteen92. In fact, it's so subtle that the woody notes in this only exist for maybe the first half hour before this just turns into something that is both smooth and creamy, and sugary-sweet, almost like Foxfire but not quite as mouthwatering. And... That's kinda just where it stays.
This has pretty decent longevity - around 5-6 hours - and... I want to say nice throw, but honestly I was getting this the most when I was driving around with the AC in my car basically pointed at my wrists and blowing the scent into my face. Realistically, it's probably just Standard Alkemia On Abby throw.
3/5. It's not bad, but i'm not too excited about it.
NOTES: Ripe Raspberries, Jasmine Sambac, Caramel, Aphrodisiac Incenses, Patchouli.
So. When I first opened this one up, this was so unpleasantly sour that I balked and basically resigned it to 'i'll try it once, but this is kind of awful'. It's been a few days, and i'm trying it, and... Well, it's better than 'kind of awful'. It's still dizzyingly sour in the bottle, but upon putting it on, it gets... Better? Ish?
Like at first it gets more 'fresh' than 'sour'. And then a little chalky - it starts toeing that 'tums' line but doesn't quite hit it. And then... The caramel starts coming out? And it turns into a sorta subtle fruit-over-caramel? It's not bad, though if I really huff at it, i'm still getting some chalkiness down there. Nice spring or summer scent, maybe.
Dries down to a fruity candy scent, doesn't have a ton of throw, but man, this is another one that I tried washing off and it's still there. Wants to s t a y .
NOTES: Persian apricots, orange blossom honey, peach and plum blossoms, mimosa, white star jasmine, ambrette, guiac wood, and vanilla musk.
So my mom buys this pie sometimes, right. It's an apple and peach lattice pie, and it's probably in my top 5 favorite desserts, mainly because i'm so intensely weak for peaches. I can, and will, eat that pie all by myself if left to my own devices. It's delicious. It smells delicious.
And this perfume smells like that pie, but prettier.
I can't say it smells like peaches - no, it's specifically peach pie, sweet and candied but not overbearing. The thing that makes it 'but prettier' is the florals underneath it that are subtle but definitely there, and the hint of woodiness from the guiac wood that balances out the sweet. There's also some sharpness - no doubt that plum! Always the plum.
This fades a little fast - its throw is getting closer to the skin within an hour, and it gets to be more reserved/floral and... ....buttery?? as it dries down.
Oooof I just love this, but i'm so biased. It's like this was made for me. Definitely a spring scent, but i'm sitting here like, yah, I could wear this all year round. 5/5.
NOTES: Burning wood, Madagascar Vanilla, and Tonka.
This undoubtedly got included because I told Sharra that I love a smoke note, but, uh. Man. Not a smoke note like this. This is pure BBQ. This is, I sniffed it, and went 'geeze, do I smell a hint of bacon?' This is like, man am I wearing liquid smoke? I could not detect even the slightest hint of vanilla or tonka. Just... Smoke.
I'd read some reviews suggesting using this in layering, so I grabbed the most vanilla-y perfume I have - Foxfire - and tried to layer that. It... Helped. Some. But ultimately it just ended up smelling like Foxfire with a very unwelcome smoke. I scrubbed this pretty quickly, so I guess i'll never know how it does in the drydown.
NOTES: Night flowering Tuberose, Honeysuckle, Gardenia, and Lily.
This sure iiiis a floral! Like... A really basic floral - this is what I would've thought of if someone had said 'floral' to me before ever getting into perfumes. White flowers. Sharp, perfumey, a little soapy. The only note I know i'd be able to distinguish is Honeysuckle, cause I grew up with honeysuckle, n i'm not smelling it here.
It dries down to... A softer basic floral. Again, this isn't bad, just nothing that's really wowing me.
NOTES: Narcotic Florals - Tuberose, Jasmine Sambac, Dark Orchids, Spicy Carnation, Neroli.
Full disclosure, I didn't give this one much of a chance. In the bottle and on my skin, I didn't actually get much by way of 'florals' - no, all I was picking up was... Black pepper, for some reason. And not a good black pepper like in The Raven. This was like... The black pepper I smell when cooking eggs or steaks. It is not a scent I enjoyed.
Beyond that, on my skin, this mostly just smelled like that and some bitterness underneath. Not crazy about it - I scrubbed it pretty fast.
UPDATE after trying it some time later: I'm picking up more than just black pepper, definitely, but this just kinda smells like... Ass. That's all I really got for it. It's a scrubber - I can't get to the drydown.
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komodo-bros · 5 years
((Headcanons for the Komodo Brothers’s thoughts on the Crash Bandicoot cast part 1. This list will have the well-known enemy mutants and mad scientists. I’ll do the rest in later parts.))
((Warnings: Large wall of text and some strong language in a few entries.))
Dr. Nefarious Tropy (N. Tropy)
Joe: Oh boy, the, “master of time”, himself. Joe doesn’t like how pretentious and condescending this member of the Blue Man Group is. During the whole race competition, Joe would grate his teeth hearing Tropy go on about how nobody can beat his time trials. Not to mention, the time puns; by the ancients they’re terrible. They should be burned in a fire pit along with the time lord himself.
Moe: Looks like an alien and acts weird. Probably needs to eat a snickers bar to stop being grumpy.
Dr. Neo Cortex (N. Cortex)
Joe: Wouldn’t trust him within a 1000 km range. He knows about Cortex’s chronic backstabbing and what happens later on after the job is done. It makes working for the big-headed scientist not an ideal situation. 
Moe: Why is his head bigger than his own body?! It could crack open any second now! He must put this guy out of his misery.
Dr. N. Gin
Joe: Isn’t sure if he should feel pity, or want to throw him in the nearest junkyard. Anyone working for Cortex would have to greatly suffer under his bullshit attitude and endless mockery (he knows through Brio). But at the same time, Joe seex how dangerous N. Gin can be with his robots. Plus, the physicist has an overall unpleasant vibe to him. Not a person he would want to hang around with at all.
Moe: A potato sack given sentience through the evolo-ray. Now why would Cortex want a bag of root starches as a henchman is anyone’s guess.
Dr. Nitrus Brio (N. Brio)
Joe: Despite creating the two brothers, Joe doesn’t have great opinions on their former boss. After losing to Crash in the second game, Brio gave a stern lecture to the two with Joe arguing back. He felt it was best to cut ties, and went on to take Moe with him to the outside world. Joe figured Brio would forget about them, and try to make other mutants to get back at Cortex. 
Moe: Feels sorry for him despite what his brother might think. The scientist looked so miserable and tired in his eyes. He wished he could’ve had the chance to talk to him.
Nina Cortex
Joe: Scary as hell for a young kid. He’d hate to ever have an encounter with her, and would rather hide than fight the cyborg. Joe is worried that if she ever gets a hold of Moe, she’ll break him in half and possibly take him back to the lab to be experimented on.
Moe: Thinks Joe is a big chicken for being scared of her. He’ll show this prodigy a thing or two about being tough.
Pinstripe Potoroo
Joe: Absolutely hates his guts. He thinks Pinstripe is this dirt-faced asshole who believes he’s hot shit as this Scarface, wannabe gangster. They had numerous races and poker games together during their off time, with both having used dirty tactics to get ahead of the other to win; often for extremely petty reasons. Whenever Pinstripe makes a snide remark, Joe responds with aggression and goes straight for the potoroo’s throat. It usually ends with the two left with severe markings and shattered egos.
Moe: While he doesn’t understand the rivalry between him and his brother, Moe wouldn’t hesitate to throw a saber at him.  He’s a bully who has made fun of his size and intelligence.
Tiny Tiger
Joe: This extinct marsupial is dumber than his own brother, which is saying a lot. He often cons Tiny into buying cheap, counterfeit trinkets in exchange for anything of value the thylacine carries on him. It’s both satisfying and hilarious at the same time.
Moe: Likes to throw meat snacks at Tiny. He does cool tricks, and will even scream with Moe to let out their anger. Good times.
Joe: He’s ok in his book. Not someone he can call a friend, but isn’t bad to play card games and pool with. Dude also knows how to make a mean BBQ lunch.
Moe: He makes great BBQ food, it’s a sign that he can be trusted.
Ripper Roo
Joe: A weird kangaroo with issues, but is very smart and well educated. Only ever interacted once under Brio, so he doesn’t have much of a solid opinion. He enjoys reading his book, “Through the Eyes of the Vortex: A Study of Rapid Evolution and Its Consequences”. It’s got a bunch of information Joe can sink his teeth into.
Moe: Finds his book boring as beans. He’s more interested in how Roo is blue compared to the other kangaroos. Now that’s a story he would read about.
Koala Kong
Joe: Another dumb muscle to rival Tiny. He’s only ever met the buff koala in a few card games and not much else. But has seen him in the action movies he stars in. After watching them, Joe think they’re brainless, vapid pieces of cinema.
Moe: Loves the movies he’s in. He would want to get his autograph if given the chance.
Joe: He will never work for that two-faced, devil bastard of a prick ever again. After helping to get the treasure map back, Viscount only gave 1/10 of what he promised the brothers at the beginning. Joe was so outraged at this sleazy,  millionaire asshat, he wanted him dead on the spot (Along with having his head be fed to a bunch of wild crocodiles). This never happened, and he was kicked out of the mansion along with Moe.
Moe: Hates him the same reason Joe does.
Rusty Walrus
Joe: Not a big fan of his food. Prefers Dingodile’s cooking over the pinniped’s any day.
Moe: Watches his show every week . He wants to try some of his dishes in real life despite not having access to some of the ingredients shown.
Rilla Roo*
(*Note: While the player has the option to fight the brothers as Roo in Crash Bash, I bet most picked the other characters and not this DK crew reject. If the ape was chosen, it’s possible that the two never heard of this dude’s name. In that case, this mysterious primate was given the nickname by Moe as, “Pants Monkey”. Hence why they don’t know of Rilla Roo’s existence.)
Joe: Never’s seen him, and likely will never meet him. For all he knows, this hybrid is some sort of urban legend spoken among the inhabitants of the islands.
Moe: Who?
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verycollectionangel · 3 years
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Productions-F.F.C. Productions-1999-RAGEMP3 fabe-comme un rat dans lcoin-vls-fr-1999-scr fabe-impertinent-fr-vls-1999-fsp Factor-Tha Bomb Connect-1999-RNS Fadel Level-Totally Devastatin-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 Faf Larage-C'est Ma Cause-FR-1999-128k Faf Larage-Cest Ma Cause-FR-1999-RV Fairchilde-Creep Wit Me-1999-CR Fantomas-Fantomas-1999-RAGEMP3 faouzi tarkhani-guerrier pour la paix-fr-1999-kef Fase (Lil Belle)-Ya Neighborhood Superstar-1999-RAGEMP3 Father Time-Banned In Toledo-1999-RAGEMP3 Feinkost Paranoia-Biofeedback-DE-1999-SHiVA INT Fiend-Street Life-1999-RNS fiend-street life-1999-sut First Born-Riders-1999-EMG INT First Born-Riders-Retail-1999-Recycled INT First Degree-In The Name Of Game-1999-RAGEMP3 First Degree-Planet Zero-1999-CR First Degree The D.E.-Planet Zero-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Flawless-Living Life Flawless-1999-RAGEMP3 Flint Town Presents Faces Of Death-The Rawest-1999-RAGEMP3 Flipsyde-2 Hell and Back-1999-RAGEMP3 Flipsyde-Gloss N Floss-1999-RAGEMP3 FOD-Midwest Poision-1999-RAGEMP3 fonky family-hors-serie volume 1-fr-1999-tt Fonky Family-Hors-Serie Volume 1 (FULL)-FR-1999-128k Fonky Family-Hors Serie Vol 1-FR-1999-SO INT Fonky Family-Si Dieu Veut-FR-1999-iSOCELL Fonky Family-Si Dieu Veut-FR-1999-KaNA force pure-de lobscurite jaillira la lumiere-cdm-fr-1999-mop Forever Hustlin Records-Holdin It Down-1999-0MNi Foxy Brown-Chyna Doll-1999-ALW Foxy Brown-Hot Spot-CDM-1999-GCP Foxy Brown-Job Bw A Dog and A Fox-(Vinyl)-1999-OSC Freeman-L Palais De Justice-1999-MBI INT Freeman (Feat K-Rhyme Le Roi)-Lpalais De Justice-(Limited Edition)-FR-1999-SO INT Frekzanatcha-Freksho-1999-RAGEMP3 Freres Lumiere-Dans Nos Yeux Denfant-(CDS)-FR-1999-SO Freundeskreis-Esperanto-Reissue-DE-1999-KrbZ FRJ-Le Dernier Cri Des Condamnes-FR-1999-SO INT Frostie-Counteract Or Die Early-1999-RAGEMP3 Fumanschu-Niedere Motive-TAPE-1999-DCS Funkmaster Flex and Big Kap-The Tunnel-(Retail)-1999-TS4L INT Funky Aztecs-Addicted-1999-RAGEMP3 Funky Aztecs-Addicted-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Furious-Sip The Life-WEB-1999-ENRAGED G-Idez-Aggravated Assault-1999-CR G-Idez-Lyrical Angel Dust-1999-CR G-Money-Da Struggle-1999-CR G-Money-Ghetto Drama Vol 1-Who Can I Trust-1999-RAGEMP3 G-Tight Playas-The Session-1999-RAGEMP3 G.O.G.z-That G Filez-1999-RAGEMP3 G Fellas - Lowride-CDM-1999-BOSS G Wreck Cartel-Riot-1999-RAGEMP3 Gabriel O Pensador-Nadegas A Declarar-BR-1999-100REAL Galifea-Straight Out Da South-1999-RAGEMP3 Gang Society-The Games Finest-1999-RAGEMP3 Gangsta O-Strivin Till I Ball-1999-RAGEMP3 Gangsta Pat-Smoke Somethin-(VLS)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ganksta Gank-Me And My Killaz-1999-RAGEMP3 Ganxsta Nip-Psycho Thug-1999-RNS Gary T-Louisvilles Most Wanted-1999-RAGEMP3 Geetas-Last Of The Best-1999-CR Geno-Unknown Lifestyle Vol. 1-1999-RAGEMP3 Geto Black-Southern Hospitality-1999-RAGEMP3 GFK featuring Raekwon-Apollo Kids-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU Ghetto Commentary-Make It Hot-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ghetto Mafia-Straight From The Dec Vol.1 (The Movie)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ghetto Soldiers-Married To The Game-1999-RAGEMP3 Ghostface Killah-Mighty Healthy-VLS-1999-RFL Giantman-Livin on Ej-1999-0MNi Gin-Clean Money-1999-RAGEMP3 Gizza And Tha Whoolgunz-Truballa-1999-RAGEMP3 Gold Rush Entertainment Presents La-Lo-Street Life Volume 1-1999-CR INT Goodie Mob-Chain Swag-Promo CDS-1999-Gully GOTM(Gangstas On The Move)-Comin 4 The Goods-1999-CR Gotti Dog-What You Doin Foe Me-1999-RAGEMP3 GP-Finally-1999-CR Grenade Posse-Self Titled-1999-RAGEMP3 Gued 1 (Du Menage A 3)-Les Gens Veulent Largent-(CDM)-FR-1999-O4S Guerilla Maab-Rise-1999-RAGEMP3 Guerilla Maab-Rise-Retail-1999-Recycled INT Guillotine-Death Sentence-1999-RAGEMP3 Gurus Jazzmatazz-Jazzmatazzmixx-1999-DSP GZA-Beneath the Surface-1999-EMG INT gza-beneath the surface-1999-vma Gza-Genius-Beneath The Surface-1999-aPC GZA Genius-Breaker Breaker (Remix)-Promo VLS-1999-CMS Gza Genius Ft RZA-Hip Hop Fury-(Promo-VLS)-1999-JCE H-Wood-Its Been A Long Time Comin-1999-CR H-Wood-Its Been A Long Time Comin-1999-RNS H-Wood-Its Been A Long Time Comin (Radio Edits)-(Promo Vinyl)-1999-RAGEMP3 H.S.E.-Hustlaz Stackin Endz-1999-RAGEMP3 Hakim J Mack-Playalistic-1999-RAGEMP3 Harlem World-I Really Like It-CDM-1999-GCP Harlem World-The Movement-1999-RNS Harvest Hill Entertainment-The Album-1999-RAGEMP3 Heartlez Records-What Ya Know Bout Da South-1999-RAGEMP3 Heavy D-Heavy-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Hell Hole Click Presents-Lost Souls-Let It Ride-1999-RAGEMP3 Hellborn-Hellborn-1999-RAGEMP3 Herculeez and Big Tyme-Chunka Luv-1999-pLAN9 Hillside Hustlas-Part II-1999-RAGEMP3 His-Story-Makin History-1999-RAGEMP3 Hitman Sammy Sam-Last Man Standing(1st Retail Release)-1999-RAGEMP3 Hogstatus Productions-Takin Over-1999-RAGEMP3 Holla Point Deciples-Mississippi Burning BW Bad-(VLS)-1999-RAGEMP3 Holopoint-Pointblank-1999-CR Hot Boys-Guerilla Warfare-1999-RNS Hundred Strong-Strength Of A Hundred-1999-CMS Hustla Orgonization-Organized Hustle-1999-RAGEMP3 Hustler-Life An Times-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 I.B.G.-We Ballin-1999-RAGEMP3 Ice-T-7th Deadly Sin-1999-DeBT iNT Ice T-7th Deadly SIN-1999-RNS Ice Water Slaughter-Life Without Fear-(Promo Vinyl)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ideal J-Hardcore (Feat. Method Man)-CDS-FR-1999-FSP II Sicc-Judgement Day-1999-FTD Illicit Outlook-Too Illicit-1999-CR Illustrate-Focus-1999-RAGEMP3 Impire Family-The Time Is Coming-1999-RAGEMP3 Indangered Species-Self Titled-1999-RAGEMP3 Indian Funk Crew-Stayin Real-1999-RAGEMP3 Indo-The Proper Dosage-1999-RAGEMP3 Inner City Clique-Wanna Be Down-1999-RAGEMP3 Insane Clown Posse-Amazing Jeckel Brothers (Retail)-1999-RNS Insane Clown Posse-Psychopathics From Outer Space-1999-tS Insane Clown Posse-The Amazing Jeckel Brothers-1999-DeBT iNT Insane Clown Posse-The Amazing Jeckel Brothers-1999-EMG INT Insane Clown Posse-The Amazing Jeckel Brothers-1999-TIN Inspectah Deck-Show N Prove (Power of God) Bw Movas And Shakers-1999-0mni Inspectah Deck-Uncontrolled Substance-1999-RNS Inspectah Deck-Uncontrolled Substance (Retail)-1999-RNS Intoxicated-Get Em Put Dat Thang On The Table-CDS-1999-CR Island Boyz Cartel-700 Deep-1999-RAGEMP3 J. Wells-More Than Meets The Eye-1999-CR J.B.-Unda Da Influenced Vol. 1-Purple Cush-1999-CR J.E.T.-American Dream-1999-CR J Billa (Of Tha Nssgs)-Ghostales Untold War Stories-1999-RAGEMP3 J Bond-Paperchase-1999-RAGEMP3 J Flexx-Stayinalive-1999-RAGEMP3 J Smoove-Call Me Up-1999-RAGEMP3 J T Money With Too Short-Something Bout Pimpin-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Ja Rule-Holla Holla-CDM-1999-GCP INT Ja Rule-Venni Vetti Vecci-1999-RNS Ja Rule-Venni Vetti Vecci (Retail)-1999-RNS Jahil Slimm-The Familation-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Jahlani And Chachi-Power Moves-1999-RAGEMP3 Jake The Flake-Mr. Jakafella Vol. 1-1999-RAGEMP3 Jay-Z-Vol.3 Life And Times Of S. Carter-1999-FS Jay-Z-Vol.3 Life And Times Of S. Carter-1999-RNS Jay Dee (The Godfather)-The Life I Live-1999-RAGEMP3 Jay Z-More Money More Cash More Hoes Remix-Vinyl-1999-LiViTY Jayo Felony-Underground-1999-eDm Jaz-Psycotic Murderous Thoughts-1999-CR Jerry G-G Style-Bootleg-1999-RAZAMP3 Jiggs And Cheeks-The Don-1999-RAGEMP3 Joey Badass-1999-WEB-2012-ENRAGED Joey Diamonds-Chapter One Definition Of An MC-1999-RAGEMP3 Joker The Bailbondsman-In Real Life-1999-RAGEMP3 JT Money-Pimpin On Wax-1999-RNS JT Money-Pimpin On Wax-WEB-1999-ESG Jugga the Bully-Bully Izms-EP-1999-CMS Julox - Mr 5150-1999-XXX Juvenile-Being Myself Remixed-1999-aPC Juvenile-Tha G Code-1999-RNS Juvenile-U Understand-CDM-1999-Gully K-Day 2000-The Ultimate Puglist-EP-1999-RAGEMP3 K-Still-Transactions-1999-CR K.C. Redd-Its A G-Thang-1999-RAGEMP3 K Chill And Tetraz-This Is What You Want-1999-RAGEMP3 Kain und Einz-Erfahrungen-EP-DE-1999-SHiVA Kami Kazi-Mr. Extreme-(Bootleg)-1999-RAGEMP3 Kan Kan And Echo-The Kan Kan Meets Echo-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 Kane and Abel-Rise To Power-1999-aPC Kane and Abel-Rise To Power-1999-EMG INT Kapital Boyz-Kapital Boyz-1999-CR Katey Redd-Melpomene Block Party-1999-CR INT Keak Da Sneak-Sneakacydal-1999-CR Keeno-Behind Enemy Lines-1999-RAGEMP3 Ken-Eld Och Djupa Vatten-CDS-1999-VFN Kent-Zo--Lolympe-FR-1999-WUS INT Kent-Zo-Lolympe-FR-1999-SO INT Khaalis-From The Roots Of Hip-Hop-(EP)-1999-CRQ Kheops-Sad Hill Impact-FR-1999-iSOCELL Kidrock-The Polyfuze Method Revisited-1999-RNS Kinderzimmer Productions-Die hohe Kunst der tiefen Schlaege-Spec.Edt.-2CD-DE-1999-KrbZ Kinfolxs Klique-Blood Is Thicker Than Water-1999-RAGEMP3 King D-Its About That Time-1999-RAGEMP3 King D.-Executive Decisions-1999-RAGEMP3 King George-War Casualties-1999-CR King J C-Underground Terror-1999-RAGEMP3 King Royal-The Next Nigga On Tha Mic-1999-RAGEMP3 Kingfish-The Boss Of Bosses-(Tape)-1999-RAGEMP3 Kingpin Skinny Pimp-2000 RapDope Game-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Kinto Sol-Self Titled-1999-RAGEMP3 Kinto Sol-Self Titled-(Trackfix)-1999-RAGEMP3 Klassy K-They Call Me Mr. Kinky-1999-RAGEMP3 Klondike Kat-Autobiography Of A Made Man-(Promo)-1999-CR INT Knights Of Bass And Techmaster P.E.B.-Slow Jam Bass II-WEB-1999-ESG Kohndo-Prelude A Lodyssee-(CDEP)-FR-1999-SO Kokane-They Call Me Mr. Kane-1999-RNS Koma-Le Reveil (IMPORT)-FR-1999-224k Kool Keith-Black Elvis Lost in Space-1999-RNS Koopsta Knicca-Da Devils Playground-1999-RNS Koopsta Knicca-Da Devils Playground Underground Solo-1999-FiH iNT Kottonmouth Kings--Hidden Stash-1999-WUS INT Kottonmouth Kings--Stashbox-1999-WUS INT Krayzie Bone-Thug Mentality-2CD-1999-RNS Krayzie Bone-Thug Mentality 1999-2CD-1999-EMG INT Krazee Alley--In Medias Res-FR-1999-WUS Krazy Kay-If Reality Could Rhyme-1999-RAGEMP3 Krazy T-Straight Lace Killa-1999-RAGEMP3 Kung Fu Vampire-Spacebar-WEB-1999-ESG Kurupt-Tha Streetz Iz A Mutha-1999-RNS Kut-N-Kru-Nightbreed-1999-RAGEMP3 Kvee-So Sick-1999-RAGEMP3 La Boussole-On Fait Comme On a Dit-FR-1999-DiN La Brigade-Le Testament-(Reissue)-FR-1999-SO INT La Brigade-Operation Coup De Poing-VLS-FR-1999-CMS La Clinique-Cest Reparti BW 109 Radio-(VLS)-FR-1999-SO La Clinique-La Playa-CDS-FR-1999-SD2T La Cliqua-La Cliqua-FR-1999-SO La K-Bine-La K-Bine-(CDM)-FR-1999-SO La Legion-2eme Versus-FR-1999-128k Lavant Garde - Volume 1-CDM-FR-1999-WZE Lavant Garde - Volume 2-CDM-FR-1999-WZE Lee Majors Side Industry-The Lost Tapes (Million Dollar Classics Volume 1)-WEB-1999-ESG Les Repentis-Une Bombe Apres La Balle-FR-1999-SO INT Les Specialistes-Eponyme-FR-1999-IHH INT Les Specialistes-Les Specialistes-FR-1999-SD2T Les Specialistes-Les Specialistes-FR-1999-SO INT Lessentiel--Le Jour Se Leve-FR-1999-WUS Lighter Shade of Brown-If You Could See Inside Me-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Lil Wayne-Tha Block Is Hot-1999-FaiLED INT Loko-Git Dat Money-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Lord G-Hot Ta Def On Tha Mic Cord-Retail-1999-Recycled INT Lost Boyz-Ghetto Jiggy-CDM-1999-Gully Lost Boyz-Take A Hike-Promo CDS-1999-Gully LP and Quicksilver Cooley-Cha Jammit-Promo CDM-1999-FTD Mac Dre-Mac Dre Serves You the Rompalation 2-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Mafia Trece-Lenvers Du Decor-(Promo CDS)-FR-1999-SO Mafia Trece-Lever De Rideau-EP-FR-1999-SD2T MBS-Le Micro Brise Le Silence-FR-1999-192k MC Eiht-Section 8-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT menage a 3-vampaia-(vls)-fr-1999-hrs Mercedes-Rear End-Retail-1999-Recycled INT Meshach-Too Deep In The Game-1999-CR Method Man-Alter Ego Remix EP (Japan Import)-1999-CMS Method Man And Redman-Blackout-1999-RNS Missy Elliott-Da Real World (Dirty)-1999-RNS Mista Rodd-Campaigning N Da House-(CDS)-1999-EMG INT Movez Lang-Heritiers de La Rue-FR-1999-192k Mr. Shadow-Till I Die-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT N.A.P.-Le Boulevard Des Reves Brises-(CDEP)-FR-1999-SO INT NAP-Le Boulevard des Reves Brises-FR-1999-128k Nas-I Am The Autobiography-(Bootleg)-1999-GCP Nas-Nastradamus-(CDS)-1999-SO Nastik--Sous Labi Dun Reve-FR-1999-WUS Naughty By Nature-Nineteen Naughty Nine Natures Fury-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Newark Anonymous Clik-Fiendin 2 Get It On-(CDS)-1999-CR Nonfiktion-Creative Differences-Reissue-1999-CR INT Noreaga-Oh No-Promo CDM-1999-GCP Ol Dirty Bastard-Nigga Please-1999-CMS Ol Dirty Bastard-Nigga Please-Reissue-1999-FTD INT Outsidaz-Night Life-1999-EMG INT Pastor Troy-We Ready I Declare War-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Peanut Butter Wolf-Definition Of Ill-WEB-1999-hbZ Petter-Bananrepubliken-1999-wAx Pistol-Ballaholic-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Play-N-Skillz-Texas 2 Da World Vol. 1-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Prodige Namor-Lheure De Verite-FR-1999-MSK Project Pat-Ghetty Green-1999-FiH iNT PSK-13-Pay Like You Weigh-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Public Enemy-Theres A Poison Goin On-1999-DeBT iNT Puff Daddy-Do You Like It Do You Want It-VLS-1999-CMS Puff Daddy-P.E. 2000-(CDM)-1999-R3D INT Puff Daddy-P.E. 2000-Promo CDM-1999-GCP Puff Daddy-P.E. 2000 (CDM)-1999-VMA Puzzle-Puzzle-(Reissue)-FR-1999-SO INT Pymp Tyte-All N Yo Face-1999-CR INT Raekwon-Immobilarity-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Raekwon-Immobilarity (RETAIL)-1999-RNS Raekwon-Live From New York-CDS-1999-TS4L INT Raekwon ft American Cream Team-Giant Size-VLS-1999-JCE Rally Boys-Rally World Vol. 1-1999-CR INT RBX-No Mercy No Remorse The X-Factor-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Revelation--Revelation-FR-1999-WUS Revelation--Revelation-FR-FUCK NUKES-1999-WUS Rocky Padilla-Tribute to the Oldies 2-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Rohff-Le Code De Lhonneur-FR-1999-CLASSIC Rohff-Le Code De Lhonneur (Titre Bonus)-CDS-FR-1999-AG Ruff Ryders-Ryde Or Die-Promo CDS-1999-GCP INT RZA-Ghost Dog Score-1999-NOGRP Saian Supa Crew-Saian Supa Crew-(CDM)-FR-1999-SO SAINt JHN-1999-SINGLE-WEB-2016-ENRAGED Sens Unik-Pole-Position-FR-1999-SO INT Shyheim-Manchild-1999-RNS Shyheim-Unconditional Love-(Promo VLS)-1999-FrB Silkk The Shocker-Made Man-1999-FaiLED INT Silkk The Shocker Ft Mystikal-It Aint My Fault 2-Promo CDS-1999-WHOA Slick Rick-Frozen BW Why Why Why-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Snoop Dog-Buck Em BW JT Money-Player Ass Shit-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Snoop Dogg-No Limit Top Dogg-1999-TIN Snoop Dogg Presents Tha Eastsidaz-Gd Up-(CDS)-1999-MTD Snoopdoog Feat Dr Dre and Jewell-Just Dippin-Promo CDS-1999-Gully Sonat-In Da House-1999-CR Spice 1-Immortalized-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Stomy Bugsy-Le Calibre Qu'il Te Faut-FR-1999-128k sunz of man-rosewood bw hells inmates-(vls)-1999-wsd Tear Da Club Up Thugs-CrazyNDaLazDayz-1999-FiH iNT The Best Of-JT Money And The Poisen Clan-WEB-1999-ENRAGED The Black Mob Group-Presents The Capitol-1999-EMG INT The Deffa Heffa-Ghetto Woman (Million Dollar Classics Volume 2)-WEB-1999-ENRAGED The Notorious B.I.G.-Born Again-1999-RNS The Notorious B.I.G.-Born Again (Retail)-1999-RNS The Notorious B.I.G.-Dead Wrong BW Real Niggas-VLS-1999-WCR The Notorious B.I.G.-Rap Phenomenon BW Let Me Get Down-VLS-1999-WCR The Roots-Come Alive - Limited Edition - Enhanced Cd-2CD-1999-RNS The Roots-Things Fall Apart-1999-DeBT iNT The Whoridas-High Times-1999-EMG INT Thieveland-Da Land Of Da Scandalouzz-1999-GCP INT Too Short-Cant Stay Away-1999-FR3SH INT Triple 6 Mafia-Underground Vol 1-1999-FiH iNT Triple Six Mafia-Underground Vol 2 Club Memphis-1999-FiH iNT Tupac featuring The Notorious B.i.g-The Here After-Aim4005CD-CD-1999-XTC iNT U-God-Bizarre-VLS-1999-JCE U-God-Golden Arms Redemption-1999-EMG INT UGK-Trill Azz Mixez-(Bootleg)-1999-CR INT Ul Team Atom-1er Volet-Mixtape-FR-1999-iHH INT VA--Face Cachee De Mars-FR-1999-WUS VA-A Tribute To Tupac-WEB-1999-ESG VA-Alkamic Inc-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU VA-Cornerstone Mixtape Volume 5-2CD-1999-Gully VA-DJ Clue-You Cant Impeach The President 99-1999-GCP INT VA-DJ Premier-Greatest Hits-1999-128k VA-DJ Screw-Chapter 103-Popped Up Sittin Low-Bootleg-2CD-1999-FiH VA-Dusty Fingers Vol. 5-1999-CMS VA-Dusty Fingers Vol. 6-1999-CMS VA-Dusty Fingers Vol. 7-1999-CMS VA-East Sides Most Wanted Volume One-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA-East Sides Most Wanted Volume Two-WEB-1999-ESG VA-Hell On The Pacific (Compilation)-WEB-1999-ENRAGED VA-Hot 97 Taking it to Da Streets-Bootleg-1999-Gully VA-Into The Groove Vol 24-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 25-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 26-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 27-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 29-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 31-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 32-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 33-1999-SO INT VA-J Prince Presents R.N.D.S.-Promo CDS-1999-CR VA-La Cosca et Les Turntable Dragunz-(Promo)-FR-1999-SO VA-La Rapublique Francaise-FR-1999-SO INT VA-Latino Gangster Rappers-Retail-1999-Recycled INT VA-Masters Of The Game-1999-EMG INT VA-Mob Tales-1999-EMG INT VA-Murder Dog Magazine Presents Southern Xxx-Posure-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA-Original Bombattak Atlantide (Mixe Par DJ Nels)-(TAPE)-FR-1999-SO VA-Rap Wars-FR-1999-SO VA-Sick Wid Its Greatest Hits-1999-EMG INT VA-Southern Hospitality (Hosted By Luscious Ice)-1999-EMG INT VA-Straight From The Streetz The Houston Hard Hitters Vol.2 The Soundtrack-1999-FrB VA-The Wicked Streets of Chi-The First Episode-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA-Turf Stories-1999-EMG INT VA-West Coast Trippin 2-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA - Ruffhouse Records - Greatest Hits-CD-1999-ADR Warren G-I Want It All-1999-SO INT Warren G-I Want It All-CDS-1999-GCP What You Want-The Roots featuring Jaguar-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Wu-Tang Clan-Chronicles-1999-GMZ Wu-Tang Clan-Classic Instrumentals-Bootleg-1999-TS4L INT Wu-Tang Clan-Shaolin Worldwide-(Promo-VLS)-1999-JCE Wu-Tang Clan-The RZA Hits-1999-EMG iNT Wu Syndicate-Bust A Slug-(Promo VLS)-1999-PROXY X-Raided-The Unforgiven Vol 1-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Young Bleed-My Own-1999-EMG INT Young Ren-Undaground Mailroad-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Young Ren And Doja Clik-Underground Mailroad-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Premium Reseller
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Quake - the big one (1998 [inglewood, ca] M.c. Shy-d - groove (benz 1990) M.c. Spade - you betta recognize (n.o.) (1996) M.c. Twist - step-off 1990 M.c.12 - kackies 2 my knees [1995 memphis,tn] M.c.12 - kackies 2 my knees [memphis,tn 199..) 1 track M.g.b. - nowhere to run [pontiac, mi. 1999] M.g.m. Gran - caught in the act [1998] M.i.p. (mac's in progress) - alwayzinprogress (1994) M.i.p. (mac's in progress) - strictly 4 da trench (1993) M.i.p.(macs in progress)-151 task (1994) M.i.p.(macs in progress)-strictly 4 da trench (1993) M.j. Freeze - catch the contact (vinyl,12 199. Sac, ca)) M.j. Freeze - naked rabbit (vinyl,12 199. Sac, ca)) M.j. Freeze - sidin' (vinyl,12 1989 sac, ca)) M.n.l.d. - ghetto media (2001) (denver, co) M.o.b. & p.b.c. Presents- made of brown & proud by choice 2006 M.o.b.b. F.a.m.i.l.e. Download lmms for windows. - chronicles vol. Ii mic checkin (1999 denver,co) M.o.e. money - mainza yero (rich warrior) (2003 berkeley,ca) M.o.p. - how about some hardcore (vinyl 12', 1993) M.o.p. - rugged neva smoove (12') M.o.p. - stick to ya gunz (vinyl,12 (promo) 1996 M.s.b. - underground chronicles (1997) (memphis, tn) M.t.c.- on top of thangz M.u.c.h. Posse - rollin wit much posse (1992) houston,tx M.v.p.(a.k.a.the click) - the kings men 1988 M-1 - rage ep 1993 (detroit, mi) M-4 sers - i am a star (1987) M-4-sers-one nation-full-12 Mac bonez - skeletonz in the closet (1996 antioch, ca) Mac boo-rue - west coast offense (2002 santa monica,ca) Mac brown - put your butt down (1993 new orleans, la) Mac clan - livin the life (san francisco, 1993) Mac dash mone - angels are you there (1997) (oakland, ca) Mac dre - california livin' 1991 Mac dre - young black brotha 1993 Mac fleet - right on time (1994) (oakland, ca) Mac fleet - right on time (tape only) -1994 (oakland, california) (cash n records) Mac mall - ghetto theme (12) 1994 Mac mill - one mill yon (ep) - 1995 Mac shawn - music fo tha mobb 1997 Mac t - retaliation (1995) Mac t presents it's blood on'nis money (1999) Mac t- retaliation - 1995 Mac ten - the whole tens yards (grand rapids, mi)[1993] Mac v - squash the funk (2000 denver, colorado) Mac v - squash the funk (2000) Mac_mall_-_illegal_businness_1993.zip Mac-e - da nu boi (memphis, tn 2004) Mace - the fatal lapse - 1995 Machos - 1 gramm arany Mack 10 - bang or ball 2001 Mack 10 - foe life (the best of mack 10) Mack 10 - ghetto gutter & gangsta Mack 10 - hustlas handbook 2005 Mack 10 - mack 10 (1995) Mack 10 - paper route 2000 Mack 10 - the recipe Mack 10 & tha dogg pound - nothin but the cavi hit (cds, 1996) Mack da maniac - what goes up - fuck that shit (tape) (1995) Mack da maniak - loco motive 1995 Mack lew - living up to my rep (oakland, 1993) Mack lew - music 4 da late night (oakland, 1994) Mackadelics - exposed to the game (1996) Mackadelics - power of a playa (cds 1997) Mad cj mac - come and take a ride (1995) Mad cj mac - platinum game 1999 Mad cj mac- true.game.1995[south.central.los.angeles,.ca] Mad daddy's old school classics-full-12 Mad decent worldwide radio #30- bounce it Mad dog clique - just mad dog'n it [1996] Mad drauma - flip personality bw blow up da spot (vinyl,12 1994) Mad flava - feel tha flava (vinyl,12, 1993) Mad flava - from da ground unda 1994 Mad flava - to tha break -gotz ta flow to this (test pressing) Mad lad - night 2000 (1998 los angeles, ca] Mad man shawn -the east comin' is thru ep 199 Mad mone - the maddening (1997 lansing, mi) Mad mone - the maddening (1997, lansing, mi) Mad norm - can i hit it (1995) [south central] Mad skillz - ghost writer (vinyl,12', 2000) Mad skillz - it's goin' down [vinyl,12 1996] Mad skillz - it's goin down' single 1996 Mad skillz - move ya body bw va. In the house (vinyl,12 1995) Mad wisdom - this is one crazy muthafucka (dallas,tx 1996) Madd blunted - a day in the life of 1995 Madd hatta - all about me (houston, 1995) Madd hatta - serious 1995 (houston, 1995) Madd mann killa - killa comin at 'cha - 1998 - nls (madduzic records) (gary, indiana) Madd_rapper_-_tell_em_why_you_mad_2000 Maddi madd - a million wayz 1998 Made men - classic limited edition 1999 Madface - black attracts heat (1995) Madflowas - enter the realm pt.1 (1996) Madstyle - bloodrush 1994 Maestro fresh-wes - symphony in effect 1989 Mafia - causin' pain (1994 tape) nola Mafia - criminal personality - 1995 [nv] Mafia causin pain - das real [tape] (1995) [new orleans, la] Mafia genie - mafia me (1999) Mafia genie - mafia me (texas) 1999 Mafioso chapter-crime family 12' '96[akutt] Mafioso crime family - flossin' (vinyl,12 1997) Mafiosos - fo tha money - 1996 (dead eye records) (richmond, ca) Mafiosos - take cover - 1995 Mag - hustlaz heaven (1998 michigan) Maggozulu too - we've come to rock - 1989 Magic juan - still clueless (vinyl 12, 1995) Magic mike - old game with a new twist (1996, richmond,ca) Magical so-i brothas - the beginning (1996) Magnetic force - 12-52-365 (1989) Magnificent three and fearless master - crush (vinyl,12', 1984) Magnolia shorty - monkey on tha d$ck 1997 Main one - birth of the ghetto child [1995] Main one ft trigger tha gambler & smoothe da hustler - something special bw cross examination Main source - (1991) - just hangin' out (vinyl, 12') Main source - (1992) - fakin' the funk (vinyl, 12') Main source - looking at the front door (vinyl) (1990) Main source- peace is not the word to play Maja $crill - big shady (1997) (kansas city, mo) Maja scrill - big shady (1997, missouri) Majestic productions - take it to the breakin' point 12'(ur 927-1987)(urban rock records) Majestic productions - we can do this 1987 Major bank - life after death (1995) [atlanta, ga] Major damage - sho nuff real (1997) (minnesota) Major damage - sho nuff real (1997) [st paul, mn] Major league phalayaz - gangstaz n da playin phield (1997) (phoenix, az) Major weight media - music speaks lourder (1997) (seattle, wa) Major weight muzic - east on 80 (1999) (nv) Major weight muzic - east on 80 (1999, from las vegas nevada) Majors - majors (2008, australia) Makeba & skratch - mental fitness 1991 Malachi - the 2nd coming (1997) [chicago] Malcolm mclaren - buffalo gals double dutch [12in] (1982) Malcolm_mclaren_-_d_ya_like_scratchin___charisma_1983 Malis- 16 switches lp (south central,la 1995) Man from u.n.c.l.e. - annihilating rhythm (area code) (1989) Man parrish - boogie down (vinyl,12 1984) Man parrish - hey there, home boys 85 Man parrish featuring freeze force - boogie down (bronx) (sugarscoop 1984) Maniac - 2deep 2peep (1994)(compton, ca) Maniac mc - problem child (2000 chicago, il) Maniacal one - who am i' (1987 compton,ca) 1 track Maniak lok - on the block (94) Manish mike - forever living manish 1997 Mann - opposition 2004 Mannish - audio sedative 1995 Manrtonix - in full effect 1988 Manslotta - west up muthaphukazz (1996 tape) oaktown Mantronix - ladies (12 inch) (1986) Marc live - validation attack of the grunge 2004 Mark b presents task 4orce - new mic order (uk)(1999) Mark d & the o.c.c. - sadistic journal [oakland, ca] [1997] Mark dee - all in a day's work 1990 Marked for death soundtrack (1990) Markey fresh - the mack of rap 1989 Marlon money - ghetto life (2001 oakland,ca) Marlon money - let em know (1995 oakland,ca) Marlon money - mean joe green (2002 oakland,ca) Marlon money - misterous wayz (oakland,ca 2003) Marquise porter - porter house 2006 Maruader & the fury-get loose mother goose-full-12 - 1987 Marvelous j.c. & the unique force - thank full Marvin lee - da ghetto raised me (1996) Mask murda' mafia' - mynistry thee obituary (1998) [gary, indiana] Masked assassinz - gates of hell - (orlando, fla 1999) Maspyke - the gong show (vinyl,12 2000)) Mass 187 - 187thugs [2000] Mass 187 - krooked city Mass 187 - real trues paying dues Massive ring - middle east (vinyl, 12- 1993) 2 tracks Masta ace - take a look around Masta ace incorporated - sittin' on chrome Masta killa - made in brooklyn 2006 Masta killa - made in brooklyn Masta_ace_and_baldhead_slick-conflict_vls-2000-cms Masta_ace_and_stricklin-the_hitman_bw_just_get_down-vls-2006-c4 Masta_ace_incorporated_bw_pharcyde-summa_madness_remixes-(vls)-1993-jce Masta_ace_incorporated-sittin_on_chrome-1995-osr Masta_ace_incorporated-slaughtahouse-(vls)-1993-jce Masta_ace_incorporated-slaughtahouse-1993-apc Masta_ace_incorporated-the_i.n.c._ride-(full_vls)-1995-jce Masta_ace_inc-turn_it_up-vls-1996-cms Masta_ace-a_long_hot_summer-2004-mob_int Masta_ace-acknowledge_(boogie_man_diss)-2001-apc Masta_ace-archives_inc-bootleg-vls-2002-ftd Masta_ace-brooklyn_blocks_(vinyl_single)-2000-ftd Masta_ace-cars-vls-1998-ftd Masta_ace-da_grind-vls-2004-b2r Masta_ace-dont_understand_(pump_it_like_this)_(12_inch)-2001-ego Masta_ace-dont_understand_bw_acknowledge-vls-2001-mc Masta_ace-favorite_trackz-2004-ftd Masta_ace-ghetto_like-vls-2000-cms Masta_ace-good_ol_love_bw_the_ways-vls-2004-c4 Masta_ace-grand_masta_(the_remix_and_rarity_collection)-2006-c4 Masta_ace-hits_u_missed_2-2004-ftd Masta_ace-hits_u_missed-2004-cms Masta_ace-jeep_ass_niguh-saturday_nite_live_(vls)-1992-whoa Masta_ace-lost_remixes_and_b-sides_ep-2002-ego Masta_ace-movin_on-remix-vls-1990-cms Masta_ace-music_man-vls-1990-cms Masta_ace-rip_the_jacker_(presented_by_omnious)-(remix-ep)-2005-vinyl Masta_ace-spread_it_out-vls-2000-ddc_int Masta_ace-take_a_look_around-1990-rfl Masta_ace-the_best_of_cold_chillin-2001-ego Masta_ace-the_best_of_master_ace-1995-dsp Masta_ace-the_lost_tapes-2001-ego Masta_killa-iron_god_chamber-vls-2007-ftd Mastamind - lickkuiddrano ep (1995) motown Master p - jack of the jackers-(tape)-1991 Master cylinder - your missions impossible - it's rhythm 1988 Master gee - do it (full 12-1985 Master o.c. & krazy eddie - masters of the scratch (12 inch) (1984) Master o.c. & krazy eddie - private lessons (12 inch) (1985) Master o.c. & krazy eddie ft peso and tito of the fearless four - masters of the scratch (1984) Master o.c. & krazy eddie ft peso and tito of the fearless four - private lessons (1985) Master p - im going big time (tape single 1992) Master p - mamas bad boy (1992) Master p - trust no body (1993) Master p - trust no body (tape single 1993) Master p fallen angels Master rappers - poverty (vynil,12)1981 Master_ace-i_got_ta-vls-1990-jce Master_ace-me_and_the_biz-vls-1990-rfl Masters of ceremony - dynamite (1988) Mausberg - non fiction 2000 Maximus iii - rock it out (12 inch) (1982) Mayhemm - global mayhemm - 1997 Mayjor playahz - 19 ninety playah ha8te (sacramento, ca 1997) Maz kunfuzun - face da funk (1996 - texas) Mb - paper chase- (ep)-1996 Mc 900 ft jesus - one step ahead of the spider 1994 Mc 900 ft jesus - welcome to my dream 1991 Mc a.d.e. - an all out bash (1991) Mc a.d.e. - how much can you take (4-sight records, 1989) Mc a.d.e. And posse - just somethin' to do (1987) Mc ant - dancefloor [raw dog, 1989, full 12] Mc ant - the great (1989) Mc b & disco t - get nasty express (1992 dade county, fl) Mc bam bam - wind me up 88 Mc black - smoothtalk cassingle (nola 1994) 1 track Mc blvd - i remember you homie (1997) Mc boo & the crew - outta gas - 1993 Mc boob - do the fila and the peewee dance (1986 t Mc boob aka steady b - yo mutha (vinyl,12 1986) Mc breed - to da beat ch'all (1996) Mc candy man - money talks Mc capers - reality (beautiful sounds records 1986).mp3 Mc chief---beef box.mp3 Mc chile & the koncrete jungo - everything you wanted to know about compton..but was too Mc chill - bust this rhyme (vinyl 12', 1985) Mc chill - mc chill (1986) Mc chill - mc story 86 Mc cool rock and mc chaszy chess - boot the booty (vinyl, 12 1987) Mc dice - down for my crown (1995 taperip) Mc dice - down for my crown-1997 Mc dice aka dice - scratavachi (1999 new orleans, la) Mc don and ez ed 1988 zakia Mc dr.'t' - i don't want to be late!]--[dtt 142]--[dr.'t' tunes-1986]-- Mc drew - big nut's bw take no prisonerns (vinyl,12 1988) Mc duke - organised rhyme (1989) Mc duke - the final conflict (vinyl,12 1990) Mc ec - beauty and the beat (vocal).mp3 Mc ec - girl you aint no vanessa.mp3 Mc eiht - affiliated Mc eiht - geez make the hood go round (cds) Mc eiht - streiht up menace (12') Mc eiht feat daz - hit the floor 1997 Mc ez & troup - just rhymin' , get retarded 1988 Mc flash-the whop (jam-all promo) full 12 (1985, philly) Mc fresh c-my brougham-full-12 Mc general lee - can you handle it (general) - 1986 Mc general lee - can you handle it (vinyl,12 1986] Mc groove -this is for suckers (1990) Mc hammer - active duty (2001) Mc hammer - look 3x 2006 Mc hammer - turn this mutha out & ring 'em (12-inch) (1988) Mc holiday - gucci man (vinyl, 12 1986) Mc j ro j - ain't nuthin nice (nola 1988) Mc jazzy jeff - real hip hop my man (pow wow-430-1988) Mc j'ro'j - let's jump (rosemont, illinois, 1988)track 2 Mc kooley 'c' & dj kj - our time has come 1988 Mc l - keep steppin 1997 ward (1997) Mc luscious - lollypop the album (1995) Mc mack - macknificent 2003 (memphis,tn) Mc mack - pimpin as a mack (1995)(memphis, tn) Mc mell -o - mell 'o' gone crazy 12' (1992) Mc mell'o' - thoughts released [revelation 1](1990) Mc miker g & deejay sven - holiday rap (12 inch) (1986) Mc money & gangsta gold - heart of frayser 1993 Mc money and gangsta gold - da hard on frayser (1993, memphis, tn) Mc mr tink - quest for survival (vinyl rip) Mc nas-d & dj freaky fred - it's my cadillac (1992) Mc nas-d & dj fred - gold diggin' girls (vinyl,12 1992) Mc nero baby - i gotta lotta respect- da album (1996) Mc overlord - a better funk (1995) (austin, tx) Mc price & dj double trouble - my life story (vinyl,12 1991) Mc rell & the houserockers - into the future - 1989 Mc ren - renincarnated (2003) Mc ren - may day on the front line (vinyl, 12, promo 1993) Mc ren - may day on the front line [vls] 1993 Mc ren - renincarnated (promo) - 192 Mc ren - ruthless 4 life 1998 Mc ren - shock of tha hour 1993 Mc ren & jon doe - renincarnated (2003) Mc renegade - wabbit (full 12') Mc rod - life's a bitch (1993 houston,tx) Mc rod - life's a bitch (1993) Mc serch - (1987) - hey boy! (12') Mc serch - (1992) - back to the grill (12') Mc serch - (1992) - daze in a weak (12', promo) Mc serch - (1992) - here it comes (cd, single) Mc serch - (1992) - here it comes bw back to the grill (12') Mc serch - back to the grill (1992) Mc serch - here it comes (cd promo single) Mc serch - here it comes 12 Mc serch - return of the product 1992 Mc shan - down by law Mc shan - pee-nile reunion - don’t call it a comeback (vinyl 12', 1993 Mc shan - pee-nile reunion bw don't call it a comeback Mc shan - play it again,shan 1990 Mc shy d - commin' correct in '88 (luke skyywalker rec. - 1988) Mc shy d - got to be tough 1987 Mc shy d - tearin' it up 1987 Mc skat kat & the stray mob - skat strut (1991) Mc smart - straight from the south - 1991 Mc spice - don't treat your girly like a dog (vinyl,12 1988) Mc spud - gettin blowed (1997, nola) Mc spud - the undertaker (1996, nola) Mc spud & dj def - holla if ya hear me (199.nola) 1 track and bonus Mc spud & dj def - holla if ya hear me (1993, 1 track) Mc sugar ray & stranger d - knock 'em out sugar ray 1989 Mc tee & lord tasheem - gangster nine (vinyl,12 1988) Mc thick - now whatcha think (1996 new orleans,la) Mc thick - now whatcha think new orleans, 1996 Mc thick - the show ain't over till the fat man swings 1993 Mc tony tee & dj sammy sam - get busy (vinyl,12 1986] Mc twelve gauge - oaktown criminals - 1991 Mc twist - bad influence 1990 Mc twist - mvp 1998 Mc twist & the def squad - comin' thru like warriors (vinyl,lp 1989) Mc twist & the def squad - comin' thru like warriors [1989] Mc twist & the def squad - just rock - (vinyl,12')1987 Mc. Jr. Cas - born 2 flow (1991) Mc. T.n.t. - bustin out (vinyl, 12 1987-88) Mc_breed_-_funkafied_-_1994 Mc_eiht_-_affiliated_2006 Mc_eiht_-_section_8_1999 Mc_eiht_-_underground_hero_2002 Mc_eiht-representin-2007-rns Mc_flex___the_fbi_crew_-_rockin__it_1984 Mc_ren_-_kizz_my_black_azz Mc_ren_-_the_villain_in_black__1996 Mc_sayrie_-_nosy_people_1984 Mc_shan_-_down_by_law_1987 Mc_shan_-_the_best_of_cold_chillin Mcgruff - before we start bw gruff express (vinyl,12 1997) Mcgruff - destined to be 1998 Mcgruff - harlem kids get biz (vinyl,12 promo) Mcgruff - make it hot (vinyl,12 1996) Mcgruff - many know (vinyl,12 1998) Mcgruff - villain guys (vinyl,12) Mcg'z - 53 chambers of danger (199..gary, in) Mci (master of conversation inc.) - commandments (vinyl,12 1984] Mcjx - black in time (1990) (chicago, illinois) Mc's of rap - ain't no stoppin us now 1988 Mc's of rap - got to be funky 1990 Mddl fngz - trouble (2000) Mddl fngz - trouble 2000 M-doc - it's a summer thang 1994 Mds productions - because i'm a pro Me & my cousin - international 1996 Me & my cousin - let your rhymes run (1994 tape) oaktown Me & my cousin - smooth (vinyl, 12' 1996) Me and my cousin - international (1996) Meance to society - life of a real one (1993 inkster-detroit, michigan) Mecca machete - can i touch somethin (1999, denver) Meen green - the smoking section (1998) Megadons - i got your back (1995) (meadows music) (cleveland, oh) Melle mel & whipper whip - live on the westwood show Melle mel and furious 5 - piano (1989) Melle mel and scorpio - right now (1997) Mello p - pamoja tutashinda (1997 fort worth, tx) Mello tone tee - get with the five (vinyl,12 1989) Mello tone tee - mission is possible (full 12) 1988 Mello tone tee - mission is possible (vinyl,12 1988) Mello-mackin-d & mr. Stretch - back to school Mello-mar - say goodbye to a.p.g. (oakland, 1993) Mel-low - it's a b.g. Thang (life of a youngster) (1995) Mellow man ace - escape from havana 1989 Mellow man ace - linda (vls) 1992 Mellow man ace - mentirosa - 1990 Mellow man ace - rhyme fighter (vinyl 12', 1989) Mellow man ace - the brother with two tongues (1992) Mellow man ace - vengo a cobrar-2004 Melly mel - the mad scientest (1998) (stockton, ca) Melo-d - let it ride - 1993 (little rock,ar) Melo-d - let it ride (1993) tape - little rock, ar) Meltdown - no risk no reward (2004, alabama) Men of the hour - cop's aint shit 2 me bw psycho (vinyl,12 1991) Menace - take it how ya wanna (2000 new orleans, la) Menace clan - da hood [1995] Menace ii society (ost) Menace to society - in a state of emergency (1992) (tape) Menace to society - life of a real one 1993 Menace to society - pure & uncut (1996 inkster, michigan) Menace to society - situation critical (2000)[inkster, mi] Menaceter g - life in the city of chicago (1993 chicago) Me-naj-ah-twa - cha-licious (1994) Men-e-faces - reincarnation [2001 memphis, tn] Mental ward click-retribution(memphis, 1997) Mentally dasturbed - life of a criminal (flint, mi)[1993] Mercedes (4) - rear end 1999 Merlin - born free 1988 Merlin - merlin 1991 (uk) Mersinary thuggz - tyme 2 shine (2000, from gary indiana) Mersinary thuggz - tyme 2 shyne (2000, gary, indiana) Mersonary killaz - blood thirsty (199. Detroit, mi) Mersonary killaz - eastside desperados (1998) [detroit, mi] Mesanjarz of funk - mesanjarz of funk [1993] Mesanjarz of funk - mesanjarz of funk 1993 Messy marv - messy situation 1996 Method man - tical 1994 Method man - tical 2000 judgement day (instrumental lp)-1998 Method man , gza - uh-huh (remix) , fame (remix) Method man feat. Mary j. Blige - i'll be there for you_you're all i need to get by cd maxi single Method_man_and_redman_-_how_high_ost.zip Method_man-blunt_force_vol_1_mixtape-(bootleg)-2006-rrt Mettaforic - premonitionz (1998) dallas Mf boys - back in the days 1989 Mf991 - idol the bloodsport 1993 Mg & scott rock - how many haterz (1999) memphis,tn Mhisani (aka goldy - call it like i see it (1991) Miami boyz - getting off 1988 Miami boyz - the outlawed bass (1992) Mic cain - a little poetry (vinyl,12')1989 Mic fox and queing with q93 - ya boy wild wayne (199.nola) 1 track Mic geronimo - it's real (1994) Mic geronimo - the natural (1995) Mic geronimo - vendetta (1997) Mic geronimo-it's real remixes promo '95[akutt] Michael b. & roger - telling the truth (vinyl,12 1985) Michael peace - rrrock it right (1987) lp Micky slick - hardcore (vinyl,12 1984] Microphone prince - trunk of funk (1993) Microphone terrorists - no food (vinyl,12 1996) Mid-atlantic hip hop volume 4 (1992-2001) Midknight thuggs- livin a thug life chicago 97 Midnight star & whodini-don't rock the boat 1988 Midnite rydaz - reinvention (compton,ca 2009) Midwest funk - vol.3 columbus,oh (1999) Midwest killaz - welcome to the section (2000, flint) Midwest m.a.f.i.a - mission annihilating fake individuals anywhere (1997) Midwest mafia - 93102 hellrose - 1996 (cleveland, ohio) Midwest playaz - purgatory (1996) kansas city Mighty b-force - we got you rockin it (vinyl,12 1987] Mighty rock - life's a struggle (vinyl,12 1985) Miilkbone - da miilkcrate (1995) Miilkbone - keep it real, how ya like it (vinyl, 12') [1995] Mik - uncut (2003 stockton, ca, 2 track) Mike & pepeu - sebastian boys rap (1 track 1986 brazilia)) Mike e - good news for the bad timez (1992) Mike e - pass it on (1995) Mike g - 414 ridaz (1998) (milwaukee, wi) Mike gee - mike gee's limit (1987, pow-pow) Mike gee - rappers revenge . 12 inch vocal (1984)(1 track) Mike zoot - chessbumpin (vinyl,12 (199x) Mikey d & the la posse - i get rough 86 Mikey d & the la posse - out of control 1988 Militia - militia (los angeles,1998) Milk dee ft king ad rock spam '94 Milkman - reminice ep (1996 tape) oaktown Million dollar dream - return of the high powered double album (1997) Million dollar dream presents 1st og compilation (1996) Mill-town hustlas - just anotha hustle (milwaukee & wisconsin 2001) Mind over body - un-x-pected - (1996,st louis,missouri) Minds of mischief - unexpected changes (1998, houston texas) Minds of the hood - straight from the bushes (1994 greenwood) Minds of the hood - straight from the bushes (1994)[greenwood, sc] Minister k.b. - when i was alive ep 2000 (mobile, al) Minnesota threat - midwest madness (2002 minnesota) Minnesota threat - rough cut (1994-98 minnesota) Minnesota threat - rough cut (1998, from minneapolis minnesota) Misery- it's going down (2001) (indianapolis, indiana) Mission control presents - unconscious mcs (mood) bw millionaires (talib kweli) (vinyl,12 2000) Mississippi down south playaz - playaz mentality (1999) Mississippi mafia - another murder (1997) Mississippi mafia - southern funk (1996) Mississippi mud - southern kaos [1999,jackson,ms] 1 track Mista bossmann - pimp or die (1995)frisco Mista cavi - raw & uncut (los angeles) 2002) 1 track Mista grimm - situation grimm (1994) Mista humble - humbleizm - 1996 (oakland) Mista humble - humbleizm (1996 oakland,ca) Mista lanse - lyrical blues - 1998 (carson, ca) Mista meaner - winners & losers [vinyl,12 199..) Mistachuck ( chuck-d) - ali rap Mistah bello - daddy on the run 1994 Mistah_f.a.b_-_nig-latin_2002.zip Mix master spade & compton posse - genius is back (1988) Mix master spade - compton's in effect (promo l.a. Posse rec. - 1989) Mixmasta d - turntable scientist ep (vinyl, ep 1993) Miz korona - game over ep Mizta sandman - don't sleep (1997, denver,co) Mizta sandman -don't sleep [1997] Mmg 2 black 2 strong - across the 110 (1991)(harlem,ny) Mmg 2 black 2 strong - burn baby burn - 1990 Mmg 2 black 2 strong - doin' hard time on planet earth - 1991 Mnm presents the funk squad compilation (1998) [watts, ca] Mnmsta (foesum) - walk in my shoes (2004) Mo game - game affiliation (2000 hayward, ca) Mob affilliated - trippin off life(chicago, il 1999) Mob axshin - no morals (2000 chicago) Mob town hustlers - influenced by a life of crime (1999) Mobb deep - cop - 1997 Mobb deep - cop hell (primo remix) (unreleased 1992 Mobb deep - infamy 2001 Mobb deep - juvenile hell 1993 Mobb deep - peer pressure (1992) Mobb deep - pre-hell ep (vinyl) (1996) -2007- Mobb deep - pre-infamous demo tracks Mobb deep - shook ones pt.1 (beatnuts remix) Mobb deep - temperature's rising bw give up the goods (vinyl, 12 - 1995) Mobb deep - tha infamous Mobb deep ft. Onyx - qb meets south suicide 1998 Mobb deep, big noyd & roxanne shante - we live this (2000) Mobb tyght hustlers - s.t (´95, seattle) Mobb unit - brain dead [vallejo, 1997] Mobb_deep-drop_a_gem_on_em_vinyl_promo-apc Mobb_deep-hell_on_earth-vls-1996-cms Mobb_deep-peer_pressure-vls-1992-cms Mobb_deep-shook_ones_part_2-vls-1995-qke Mobb_deep-still_shinin-promo-vls-1996-cms Mobb'in - w-da flat foot hustlers (1998 dallas, tx) Mobo click - a brand new funk (199.) Mobo joe - federalli (nola,2004) Moe (the terrible) - be afraid! (flint, mi)[1995] Moe man - straight real (1996) (santa rosa,bay area) Moebadis & snake - stock-n-bondz (2002 detroit) Moebadis & snake - thug'z millenium (detroit 2000) Mojack daniels - mojack daniels-1996-cr (sacramento) Mo-jo - battmann let mo-jo handle it (vinyl,12 1982] Mojo magazine - music guide vol. 2 - roots of hip hop Mojoe - classic ghetto soul (2003 san antonio, tx) Mojoe - dirty gene-single track (texas 2009) Moment of impact - it's crazy (199x looks midwest) 1track Money black - smashin' dem boyz (2000)(houston,tx) Money earnin crew - stars are shinin (b boy 1988) Money mall - outta sight outta mind (indianapolis, in 2001) Money miles - dirty money (2000, los angeles california) Money_gang_-_bang_fo_bread_2005.zip Monzie d. & too quick - intelligence (vinyl,12 1983) Monzie-d & too quick - intelligence (12-inch) 1983 Mood - hustle on the side (vinyl 12' ,90's Mood - hustle on the side (vinyl,12 1995 ohio) Mooke dog - straight from da d (1997 detroit Mooke dogg - war time (1998) (detroit, mi) Mooke dogg - war time [detroit,michigan] [1998] Mop top - forever (verbal assault) (feat. Nine) bn i'm alright (1996) Morocco moe - (1988) - crack alley (def turntable).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - i rest my case (mo roc productions).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - reality (def turntable).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - task (mo roc productions).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - x-tremely dangerous (def turntable).mp3 Morocco moe - task (full 12') 1988 Morocco moe - task bw i rest my case (vinyl,12 1988 sf,ca) Moss - erb-n-reality (flint, mi)[1995] Mossberg - ashes 2 ashes dus 2 dus (1996, from little rock arkansas) Most ill crew - ill funk fl - oz and trax [columbus, oh. 1996] Most loon strnjas - stranja stories (1999, san jo,ca) Most valuable payers - the game of life (1997) Most wanted - make it happen 1993 Most wanted posse - it was a westbank thang (´92, nola) Motor city crew - let's break (12 inch) (1983) Movement ex - movement ex [1990] Mr dalicks - my struggles 2000 ( las vegas ) Mr dividenz - tha dolla bill (1998 oakland,ca) Mr freeze & the homewreckers - cold wave of terror (1994) Mr joker - the inside man (2009 hungary) Mr joshay - 21st krunk st (1998, san antonio) Mr magic's rap attack - volume 1 Mr money loc - imma rolla (1997) (cleaveland) Mr nastee nass - northern exposure (1997 ohio) 1 track Mr nastee nass - northern exposure (ohio) Mr peter parker presents how hard do you hustle vol 7 (2009) Mr shysty - the gatherin 19shysty7 (1998) (cleveland, ohio) Mr sinista - state of grace (1999) [chicago, il] Mr something something & ikwunga the afrobeat poet - deep sleep (2007) Mr. Amc & lil' c - breakadawn (1998, oakland,ca) Mr. C and dirty red - southern ballas (1999 new orleans,la) Mr. Complex - the complex catalog (2000) Mr. Criminal - love letters (2009) Mr. Criminal - organized crime (2006) Mr. D. Original - 3 joints ep [ep -ldqz- 1997] Mr. D. Original - now you da man-five feet deep [12inch -ldqz- 1995] Mr. D.o.g.- gettin' paid (1995,tacoma,wa) Mr. Do it to death - the life [tale of a rapper]--2000--milwaukee, wi Mr. Doctor - bloccstyle (remixes) Mr. Doctor featuring brotha lynch hung - bloccstyle (sacramento, ca)[1995] Mr. Dog - wet (1998,tacoma,wa) Mr. Fox - smooth talk 1980 Mr. Grass - bout 2 go down [2000, milwaukee] Mr. Hershey #1 - pimpology (1996) [omaha, ne] Mr. Hershey #1 - southside balla (1996) [omaha, ne] Mr. Hyde - the witch- hyde's beat (vynil,12) 1987 Mr. Iroc - finally on tha map (1996) [phoenix, az] Mr. Jekel - twisted reality (2000 los angeles, ca) Mr. Keal aka kill kill - conspiracy 2 sale - 2007 Mr. Know it all and the esence of(ep) [tacoma,wa1999] Mr. Ku - confeshun 2 da street 1996 Mr. Lee - get busy (1990) Mr. Live - placebo (vinyl,12 1997) Mr. Live & tony bones - the bus' off [ep 1997] Mr. Live feat. Tony bones - the bus off (vinyl,12 1998) Mr. Loco clown - jealous ep (1996) (east palo alto, ca) Mr. Low kash 'n da shady bunch - r.i.p [vinyl,12 1995] Mr. Magic - potential 1980 (12 Mr. Magic - rappin' with mr. Magic 79 Mr. Magic's rap attack vol. 3 1997 Mr. Malik - malik goes on (vinyl 12', 1995) Mr. Money loc - no fear, no pain [cleaveland - 1996] Mr. Monsta aka mr. 781 gotti - capo'z 2 don'z 1998 denver Mr. Mostafah - rags to riches (1997 stockton,ca) Mr. Mostafah - rags to riches (199x) [stockton, ca] Mr. Mr. Rell - playaphernali (1997) Mr. Nitro - hustlin pays (2002 oklahoma) Mr. P - roller skate rap Mr. Pookie - return of tha rippla (2006)(dallas,tx) Mr. Q - d.j. Style 79 Mr. Quick - 69 wayz (1998) Mr. Rhymes - stop breakin' bw cheater (vinyl,12 1986) Mr. Sandman - 10% love me 90% hate me 1996 Mr. Sche presents - pimpminista funk for ya trunk (2003 memphis,tn)) Mr. Solo - no way out (san jose, ca 1999) Mr. Stinky - armed criminal action(kansas city,mi 1998) Mr. T's commandments Mr. Tuxedo & king stro 12 (1987) Mr. Will - tat nigga (1996 new orleans,la) Mr. X - one time at my door (promo single, 1995 )la Mr.ill - the rebirth 1996 Mr.ivan - 187 in a hockeymask (1998) Mr.keal - opposite of hate (1996) [watts](1 track only) Mr.p, mr.q & king j.c - scandalous]--[wow records-1987]-- Mr.x - any ole sunday(1996) cd single Ms.tee - having things (1995 nola) M-slash - good timez (vinyl,12 1996) M-slash - telekenesis ep (199x) Mt bronks - nova era (1993) Mt bronk's - nova era (1993) M-team - for deposit only (1991, waylo) Much posse - make it rough ep (take a sip 199x) 1 track Mudd - murda outcha speaka [vinyl,12 1994] Multiple felons - behind da line 1998 Munchie - north highlands california (1997) {sacramento Munchie - prepare yourself 1998 sacramento Munk - wit da funk (vinyl, philly 1995) Munk wit da funk - i been here i'm stayin (philadelphia 1995) Murdafeen - me and my dawgs (1999) Murder city mobb - the criminal type (1992) flint Murder one gangster - exposed to the game - 1992 Murder squad - knock on wood (single) Murder wone - can't fade me - (fresno) [ca)[1996] Murderous klick - klickalation mafioso [las vegas, nv](2002) Murderous klick - maddness n evil wayz (1996) (las vegas, nevada) Murdersquad - knock on wood (remix radio edit) 1995 Murfee de'rock - what does it take Murs - bac for no good reason (1996) Mvp (of the monsta klick) - c.l.o.u.t. (1995(memphis,tn)) Mydus - southern gold [lafayette,la] 1999) 1 track Mykill miers - it's been a long time coming (los angeles,ca., 2000 Myron & e - cold game (7') -2008- Mystidious misfitss - a who dat (1995) Mystidious misfitss - i be (vinyl, 12') [1995] Mystidious misfits-upside down (word is born)-vls Mystik journeymen - the black sands ov eternia (1999) Mystik kwest - mystik kwest(mississippi) Mystikal - mind of mystikal 1995
Connect GoPro to PC/Mac using GoPro Quik for Desktop. To connect GoPro camera to PC/Mac for photos and videos transferring, actually GoPro has its own software. That’s GoPro Quik. The free software is installed in the same way you install any app on the Mac - download the file and double-click to begin the installation process. The first step is to download and set up the Quick GoPro app; Then, use a USB to connect the GoPro camera to your Mac; Start the Quik App, and you come across the “import files” option. You can then import the photos using the app to your computer. NB: If you happen to experience the GoPro not connecting problem, then repeat the above steps. Download files from gopro to mac. Upload with SD Card Reader (Fastest Method) This is my favorite method because it is the fastest. From there you can drag & drop the files from your SD card to your computer. Method #3 - Automatically with Image Capture. Image Capture allows you to: Import files to a location of your choice; Delete files; View files before importing; Select the file(s) you want to Import and select Import, or Import All if you want to import everything. Use and SD card reader, it's the fastest way to do it and it gives you full access to your SD card. Trying to hook the camera up with a USB cable can be problematic, up to 50% slower and only gives you access to video and photo files, no lrv or thm files.
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palindromestoner · 4 years
Next we are going to make some rules.
Please do not stand in grease spots within the parking lots
Please do not throw cigarette butts upon the Earth :((((
Please close the chip bag correctly without the air in the bag
Please take your shoes off all of the time
Wear socks and sandals no not THOSE sandals
Drink drank drunk drenk dronk drunk drynk
But if one were to constantly find that
It caused gastritis then, *pours glass* no
Do do do do do it quietly shhhh. A memory. You want to feel normal. You already taste the alcohol and it already stings.
Home dog biscuit skillet slice
Okay also JENGA
When the holidays come I would just plain avoid me
It is time now
Ten thousand miles
Kaleidoscope shifting
Oh the years clicking
Mere mortals taking life for granted so miserably ...
I endeavor us all to live and to heal, so I hurt deeply
I am by the fountain
Would you please not put hamburger helper in the Mac N Cheese
Why won't my neighbors talk to me directly but they pray for me loudly
I would like to tell you this: I associate BBQ sauce with root beer
No to the color red because I loved a man that liked red and I got all blue so I went up back the sand and there I grew some green you know
Give Charlie Sheen his show back now
Oh Jim Carrey how he did seem scary and people didn't care that they were feeding fear as fuel to his ego. So he tried to put the light of color within his life again. Like an old friend I saw him in a dream, and then in the mirror we switched places during the triple eclipse. Oh how our faces did shift.
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