#Shoulder replacement
kdkeenan · 2 months
My Big Fat Weight Loss Campaign: Part 1—How It Began
I gave up on losing weight a long time ago. I have all my life found the subject of my weight a huge embarrassment. I was not fat as a child, but I was plump, and bullies discovered early on that they could make me miserable by singing “Fatty Fatty Two-By-Four” on every occasion. My father harped on my weight all the time. He was thin as a blade without making any effort, and couldn’t understand…
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rheumannoyed · 1 year
Yo whats up I still love my new joints and my RA is under control ✌️
Always feel free to shoot a message or question my way. Reminder about who I am:
Robyn, 32, she/her
Rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed at age 14, secondary osteoarthritis diagnosed in early 20’s
I got 2 knee replacements and 2 shoulder replacements before age 30
On my 7th different biologic
Joints all working pretty well now! Woo!
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drabhishekbarli · 2 months
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Best Robotic Knee Replacement surgeon In RTC X Road The robotic knee replacement is the latest technology introduced to enhance the surgery’s accuracy, and it is well-known to exceed the aliment and the joint line restoration significantly. It also comes with the potential to speed up the recovery process compared to traditional procedures.  It is an individually tailored approach.
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revatiu12-blog · 2 months
Reverse Shoulder Replacement – When Is It Required?
Every year thousands of people suffer from different kinds of fractures and broken bones in different parts of their body. It can happen due to numerous reasons. One of the most common areas which get affected with a fracture is the shoulder. A shoulder fracture can be really painful and will not allow you to carry on with your daily activities.
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So, if the Orthopaedic Surgeon you visited has suggested you to undergo a reverse shoulder replacement, here are all the details that you should know about it.
What is Reverse Shoulder Replacement?
A reverse shoulder replacement is very much similar to the general anatomy of the shoulder. In the normal shoulder anatomy a cup is fitted into the shoulder glenoid and along with it, a metal ball is joined to the top of the upper arm bone. But it is exactly the opposite in a reverse shoulder replacement. The metal ball and the socket are switched. The metal ball is attached to the socket and the plastic cup on the upper end of the humerus. The reverse shoulder replacement works in a much better way for the people who have cuff tear arthropathy since it relies on different muscles to make the arm move.
So this is the main aspect of this kind of replacement. Now we will discuss the different reasons because of which the people undergo this process of the shoulder replacement.
When To Undergo Reverse Shoulder Replacement?
Here are some situations during which a person needs to undergo a reverse shoulder replacement. When there is a completely torn rotator cuff that cannot be repaired by any means.
Patients who have underwent an unsuccessful shoulder replacement. Chronic shoulder pain and due to difficulty lifting your arm away from your side or over your head.
When a person suffering from a complex fracture of the shoulder joint. A chronic shoulder dislocation also leads to this replacement. Shoulder replacement is also required when there is a tumor of the shoulder joint.
Complications of Reverse Shoulder Replacement:
Any kind of surgery comes with a set of complications. Since this surgery is highly technical, there can be different risks related to it. The different complications include bleeding, nerve damage or even postoperative infections. Other than that there are certain complications related to reverse shoulder replacement after it has been operated. This includes – wear, loosening or even dislocations of the different components used to operate the replacement.
Final Verdict – Before you undergo a reverse shoulder replacement, make sure share all your medical and health details with the doctor so that no serious damage is faced.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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gwydionmisha · 2 months
Mystery Solved and Jesus Fuck is it stupid and pointless.
We solved the sling. It is all to stupid for words. The first two weeks post op are crucial for correct recovery. We wasted them on needless pointless torture because I am fat. We'll find out the extent of the catastrophe tomorrow afternoon.
She did this terrible, nightmarish dangerous thing to me without examination or measuring me based entirely on her first glance at me from the hallway. I could have lost some fingers or the whole hand. I could have had nerve damage. I have no idea if the bones healed right.
I suspect they were treating me at the surgeon's office on Friday like I was crazy and hysterical because the things I was telling them made no sense. It was likely inconceivable to them that a PT would over ride a surgeon like that to do something so pointlessly damaging to a patient, so clearly I must be saying it wrong.
We were planning for Squirrel to come into the appointments as a third party to explain things since I am not in great shape from two weeks of extreme sleep deprivation necessary for holding my arm as still as possible and keeping the arm from falling out of the sling and the constant battle to keep massaging blood into my hand.
We are still doing the Squirrel talks to the doctor thing because "PT knew the surgeon had messed up when she saw I was fat from the hallway" can't sound anything other than insanity. I'm keeping the sling fitting appointment because I have now directions for things like proper strap and arm position for the normal people sling only the special fat people torture device one which I don't trust for obvious reasons.
How did we solve it you may ask? I was taking things out of the bag from the hospital to put away, retrieving the papers with things like sleep directions, when I looked down and saw my entire arm had slithered out of the sling for the second time. I must have been holding the Forbidden Sling at the time. In my alarm, I put what I was holding down and went to get Squirrel to fix the arm issue.
It's black. I set it on the canvass back pack next to wear the bags go. Camouflage. The arm thing was so dramatic since I wasn't used to having to manhandle it back in constantly yet. I thought I was doing something wrong because they hadn't mentioned how easy it was for the arm to fall out of an immobility sling. I had intended to put the forbidden sling next to the sink to use when I showered. When we couldn't find it anywhere I thought I must have misremembered things given I'd had my bones stolen earlier that day and anesthesia recovery.
When the forearm began to deteriorate precipitously I searched again in hopes because I thought that having a sling that would hold my wrist at a natural angle and not restrict blood to the hand might help, and my normal sling had likely slid between the desk and the filing cabinet and I was struggling to cope with the pain the jostling from breathing was causing, so crawling around on the floor trying to keep the arm from falling out of the sling while the arm felt like it was being stabbed, flayed, and set on fire all at once. I couldn't do a thorough search because of my condition.
By Sunday, my neck, back, shoulder, and arm muscles were exhausted from almost two weeks of having to constantly try to hold the arm still without help from the sling. Keep in mind I wasn't meant to be using the shoulder at all if I could help it because you are supposed to give it as close to complete rest as humanly possible, but because of the special fat person torture sling that wasn't physically possible. Even the trick of sitting at my desk using a pillow in my lap to take some of the weight off my shoulder and trapping the arm between my stomach and the desk couldn't help any more because the shoulder muscles were just done.
I could think a little better with the Millennial altered sling because my hand was better and if I kept my wrist still enough it didn't hurt that much more than the surgery. I hadn't seen the bags during the Friday search, but the little table where things going to the car like bags go is cluttered, and had a lot of extra stuff I'd forgotten to stow in the hectic couple of days before surgery. I decided to see if I'd left the sling in a bag by accident and found it on the back pack.
Squirrel put me in it and built the stabilization nest before leaving for game. Millennial altered sling went into the wash as I wanted to run that after Goth Millennial bathed me so I could produce it in evidence for the doctor and explain why we had to alter it and why everything had gone to shit and why we went against medical orders and had me wear the Forbidden Sling.
So I'm lying there using meditation to try to unclench the muscles I'd spent all that time training never to relax, and I notice what feels like darted fabric against my forearm skin similar to the Millennial alterations to the other sling. O.o. So I felt the parts of the sling I'd never seen because I was looking from above. I'd had a neural block so there had been no chance of me feeling the dart in the couple hours before it had been confiscated because I was "too big." (She kept talking about how big I was and how that that was a problem to me and the nurses. I'm short. There is no ambiguity here.)
The sling had been carefully hand altered.
If it had really been the wrong sling it would have been generic.
They'd measured me for the sling at a pre-op appointment. It had been carefully altered to match my arm which was why it was so small. It had been a size large because you need more fabric to do alterations, so she replaced a custom fitted sling that had been cut down from a large so as to do essential work in the crucial first two weeks with a generic extra large I could have fit both arms plus random cargo into that compressed my hand and held my wrist at an angle it can't go without a lot of force and immobilizing hand and wrist and providing almost no support for a shoulder that had literally just been replaced.
Every other sling any of us had ever seen had let the thumb and fingers poke out, but the hole for that was in my armpit in the Special Fat Person Torture Sling. She either didn't notice or didn't care.
She kept looking at me like she'd never seen a fat person before and acting like there had never been one in short term post surgical. This was certainly not the case. I've had surgery there a lot. I've seen plenty of people a lot bigger than me. Squirrel works there and is like yeah they have plenty of bariatric supplies and there are other fat patients in the hospital all the time so them not having any experience with fat people at the hospital is exactly as weird as it seemed to recovering from anesthesia at the time. (To be clear there is nothing wrong with being fat. I'm not ashamed. I'm mentioning the range of fat people they help regularly to try to convey how weird it was that no one seemed to have any kind of training to deal with not skinny people and that I was not remotely unusual. If I had required bariatric equipment, I still would have deserved to be treated like a person. Everyone deserves to be treated like a person. I'm visibly queer and other staff were using pronouns. I can't remember if she got mine right or not. I can't rule it out, but she never mentioned it, whereas she made clear repeatedly that she was doing this because I'm big).
She could have examined the sling, but she would have had to see me as a person instead of assuming all fat people automatically needed an XL sling for all medical situations regardless of size. She could have measured me to see what size sling would be normal for a person my actual size, but she'd have had to look at and touch me to do that and she could barely force herself to do that during the confiscation. She could have called someone more experienced who'd seen a shoulder replacement sling and/or a fat person before to ask if the sling looked wrong to her. She could have checked my chart. She could have called upstairs to ask if they were sure they had the right sling. She could have called the surgeon or surgeon's office. She could have looked at the custom sling properly while cannibalizing it for a belly strap. She could have actually looked at the fit after hastily and squeamishly putting it on me and thought, "Shouldn't I see fingers?" and stopped to think for a minute.
It took me about a minute to think of all these options that would have been simple and common sense. She couldn't take even a minute to think of one of them.
She did this dangerous horrifically damaging and painful thing without a single thought. Not a one.
I'm sure nothing will happen to her. She'll likely never even be told what she did so she would know not to do it again.
I spent two weeks in hell just because she glanced at me from the hall, saw I wasn't thin, and never noticed or thought through anything after.
None of it was necessary.
I wish I could find out right now how fucked I am on arm recovery. Afternoon feels a long time away.
I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to post something this personal about my health, but I think people need to know because shoulder replacement is a pretty common surgery once you pass a certain age.
Did I mention I had to talk her into letting me keep the forbidden sling. She was really reluctant. She almost threw it out.
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drnaderfahimi2 · 3 months
Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
About Us: Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine specializes in delivering comprehensive care for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Led by Dr. Nader Fahimi, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional and innovative orthopedic care. Our expertise covers various issues, including rotator cuff tear, hip labral tear, knee arthritis, hip arthritis, shoulder replacement, knee replacement, hip replacement, and hip arthroscopy. With convenient locations in Wayne, Riverdale, and Clifton, New Jersey, we warmly welcome both new and existing patients. Count on us to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge nonsurgical and surgical techniques, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care for your orthopedic needs.
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Contact Us:
Phone: (973) 956-8100
Address: 1035 Route 46 East, Suite G2, Clifton, NJ 07013
Website: https://eoasm.com
Business hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday is closed
Business GMB: https://g.page/r/Cf5m0vFFFePLEBM
Owner Name: Dr. Nader Fahimi
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drnaderfahimi1 · 3 months
Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
About Us: Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine specializes in delivering comprehensive care for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Led by Dr. Nader Fahimi, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional and innovative orthopedic care. Our expertise covers various issues, including rotator cuff tear, hip labral tear, knee arthritis, hip arthritis, shoulder replacement, knee replacement, hip replacement, and hip arthroscopy. With convenient locations in Wayne, Riverdale, and Clifton, New Jersey, we warmly welcome both new and existing patients. Count on us to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge nonsurgical and surgical techniques, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care for your orthopedic needs.
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Contact Us:
Phone: (973) 956-8100
Address: 44 Route 23 North, Suite 3, Riverdale, NJ 07457
Website: https://eoasm.com
Business hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday is closed
Business GMB: https://g.page/r/CYY6hMcU7yBGEBM
Owner Name: Dr. Nader Fahimi
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drnaderfahiminj · 3 months
Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
About Us: Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine specializes in delivering comprehensive care for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Led by Dr. Nader Fahimi, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional and innovative orthopedic care. Our expertise covers various issues, including rotator cuff tear, hip labral tear, knee arthritis, hip arthritis, shoulder replacement, knee replacement, hip replacement, and hip arthroscopy. With convenient locations in Wayne, Riverdale, and Clifton, New Jersey, we warmly welcome both new and existing patients. Count on us to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge nonsurgical and surgical techniques, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care for your orthopedic needs.
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Contact Us:
Phone: (973) 956-8100
Address: 342 Hamburg Turnpike, Suite 209, Wayne, NJ 07470
Website: https://eoasm.com
Business hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday is closed
Business GMB: https://g.page/r/CSuOySlbhqOvEBM
Owner Name: Dr. Nader Fahimi
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drpushpakreddychada · 4 months
Understanding Shoulder Replacement Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide by Dr. Pushpak Reddy Chada
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Introduction to Dr. Pushpak Reddy Chada, a leading orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder replacement surgeries
Introducing Dr. Pushpak Reddy Chada, the shoulder savior! If you've ever experienced shoulder pain or mobility issues, then you're in for a treat. Dr. Chada is here to guide us through the world of shoulder replacement surgery – a comprehensive guide that will leave you feeling informed and empowered. With years of experience as a leading orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder replacements, Dr. Chada has earned a reputation for his skillful hands and compassionate approach. He understands that living with constant shoulder discomfort can severely impact your quality of life, which is why he's dedicated to helping patients regain their strength and independence through innovative surgical techniques. So, whether you're considering undergoing shoulder replacement surgery or simply curious about this remarkable procedure, join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the intricacies of this life-changing treatment option! Get ready to uncover all there is to know about shoulder replacement surgery – because knowledge is power when it comes to taking charge of your health and well-being!
What is Shoulder Replacement Surgery and when is it necessary?
Shoulder Replacement Surgery, also known as shoulder arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves replacing the damaged or diseased parts of the shoulder joint with artificial components. This surgery is typically recommended when conservative treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications have failed to provide relief from severe pain and limited mobility caused by conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or traumatic injuries. When is Shoulder Replacement Surgery necessary? Well, it's important to understand that this procedure is not usually considered until other treatment options have been exhausted. The decision to undergo shoulder replacement surgery is based on several factors including the severity of pain and functional limitations experienced by the patient. If daily activities become increasingly difficult due to persistent pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, then it may be time to consider this surgical intervention. The goal of shoulder replacement surgery is to reduce pain and improve function by replacing damaged bone and cartilage with prosthetic components. There are different types of shoulder replacement surgeries available depending on the extent of damage and specific needs of each patient. These include total shoulder replacement (replacing both the ball and socket), partial shoulder replacement (replacing only one part), and reverse total shoulder replacement (switching the positions of ball-and-socket). During a typical shoulder replacement surgery, an incision will be made over the affected area followed by removal of damaged bone surfaces. The artificial components will then be securely implanted into position using specialized techniques. Afterward,sutured closure will ensure proper healing. In conclusion,"What is Shoulder Replacement Surgery?" It's a complex yet highly effective procedure designed for individuals suffering from debilitating chronic pain in their shoulders that cannot be managed through non-surgical methods alone." When conservative treatments fail to provide relief,and quality-of-life progressively deteriorates,this surgical option can offer hope for improved mobility,pain reduction,and overall functional restoration in patients seeking long-term solutions for their condition. In these situations,a consultation with a skilled orthopedic surgeon, such as Dr. Pushpak Reddy
Types of Shoulder Replacement Surgeries (Total, Partial, Reverse)
Shoulder replacement surgeries are performed to relieve pain and restore function in patients with severe shoulder joint damage. There are three main types of shoulder replacement surgeries: total shoulder replacement, partial shoulder replacement, and reverse total shoulder replacement. Total shoulder replacement involves replacing both the ball and socket of the damaged joint with artificial components. This surgery is commonly recommended for patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis that affects both sides of the joint. Partial shoulder replacement, also known as hemiarthroplasty, involves replacing only the ball portion of the joint. This procedure is typically done when the socket remains healthy while the ball is damaged due to conditions like fractures or avascular necrosis. Reverse total shoulder replacement is a unique procedure designed for patients with rotator cuff tears who also have severe arthritis. In this surgery, the positions of the ball and socket are reversed -the metal ball component is attached to the scapula while a plastic socket component replaces where it used to be on top of your upper arm bone. The Procedure: Step by Step Explanation
Shoulder replacement surgery is a complex procedure that aims to restore function and alleviate pain in individuals with severe shoulder joint damage. Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step process involved in this remarkable surgical intervention. Step 1: Preoperative EvaluationBefore the surgery, your orthopedic surgeon will conduct a thorough evaluation of your overall health and assess any potential risks or complications. This includes reviewing your medical history, conducting physical examinations, and ordering imaging tests such as X-rays and MRI scans. Step 2: Anesthesia Administration Once you are inside the operating room, anesthesia will be administered to ensure that you remain comfortable throughout the procedure. The options may include general anesthesia or regional anesthesia like an interscalene block. Step 3: Incision The surgeon begins by making an incision on the front or side of your shoulder. The length and placement of the incision depend on various factors including patient anatomy and the type of prosthetic being used. Step 4: Joint Access Next, your surgeon carefully separates surrounding muscles and tissues to gain access to the damaged shoulder joint. This allows them to visualize the joint clearly for precise implant placement later on. Step 5: Removal of Damaged TissuesThe next step involves removing any damaged bone or cartilage from both sides of the shoulder joint using specialized surgical tools. This prepares space for proper alignment of artificial components during implantation. Step 6: Implant Placement Using highly durable prosthetic components made from metal alloys or ceramics, your surgeon replaces both parts of the damaged joint - humeral head (ball) and glenoid cavity (socket). These artificial components mimic natural anatomy while providing smooth movement upon healing. Step 7: Wound Closure After placing implants securely in position, sutures are used to close up incisions. These sutures are typically absorbable but may require removal at a later follow-up appointment. shoulder replacement treatment in Hyderabad
If you are experiencing severe shoulder pain and limited mobility that is affecting your daily life, shoulder replacement surgery may be a viable option for you. Dr. Pushpak Reddy Chada, an esteemed orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder replacements, can provide the expertise and care needed to help restore function and alleviate pain. With his extensive experience and commitment to patient well-being, Dr. Chada has earned a reputation as one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in Hyderabad. His meticulous approach to shoulder replacement surgeries ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking relief from debilitating shoulder conditions. If you are considering shoulder replacement treatment in Hyderabad or surrounding areas, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pushpak Reddy Chada. With his compassionate nature and dedication to delivering personalized care tailored to each individual's needs, he will guide you through every step of the process. Don't let shoulder pain hold you back any longer - take the first step towards regaining an active lifestyle by exploring your options for shoulder replacement treatment today!
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Shoulder Joint Replacement  | Maruti orthopaedic hospital
During a shoulder replacement, deteriorated portions of the shoulder joint are replaced with artificial parts known as prostheses in an effort to remove the cause of pain and dysfunction. Osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tear arthropathy, avascular necrosis, or rheumatoid arthritis are the conditions most frequently causing shoulder replacement surgery. Your discomfort will be reduced, your strength will be enhanced, your range of motion will be expanded, and you will be able to use your shoulder and arm.
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softzenia · 6 months
A Full Guide to Greater Noida Orthopedic Surgeon’s Excellence
Are you sick and tired of letting joint pain stop you from enjoying life’s adventures? Your search is over; the answer to returning to a busy, pain-free life is correct in the middle of Greater Noida. Imagine a world where every step is painless, and your joints move with the grace of well-kept machinery. Experience a place known for its orthopedic expertise, where cutting-edge treatments and…
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healthinsurancesky · 8 months
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saifnshah · 9 months
Shoulder replacement surgeon in Lucknow
Regain shoulder function and live pain-free with shoulder replacement by Dr. Saif N Shah, a skilled Shoulder replacement surgeon in Lucknow.
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drabhishekbarli · 2 months
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Best Hip Replacement surgeon In RTC X Road The hip joint is made up of the ball and socket, where the socket is made of bone and cartilage, and the balls are the top of the thigh bone called the femoral head. Sometimes, any injury to the socket of the hip or even the thigh bond leads to pain, or difficulty with regular tasks, and the pain subsides. To overcome such situations, the hip replacement surgery is the operation that replaces the damaged ball and socket with a new and durable artificial synthetic part which mimics the ball and socket.
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drsssoni1 · 9 months
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medifact · 9 months
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. It's designed with a complex arrangement of structures working together to provide all the upper arm movement needed for daily life. Trauma or repetitive stress can easily damage or destabilize the shoulder structures.
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