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Optimizing the Therapeutic Potential of SINEMET for Parkinson's Disease Management
Maximizing the Benefits of SINEMET for Parkinson's Patients
It can be hard to live with Parkinson's disease, but with the right medicine and the right way to take it, people can see big changes in their symptoms. In this blog post, we'll look at the most important tips a doctor gave us for taking SINEMET, a drug that is often used to treat Parkinson's disease.
The Theory Behind SINEMET
SINEMET is a drug that contains both carbidopa and levodopa. Levodopa is a crucial component of treating Parkinson's disease, which is primarily due to a lack of dopamine in the brain. After being given, levodopa is quickly changed into dopamine, which helps Parkinson's people feel better.
Boosting Absorption and Reducing Side Effects
Carbidopa is in SINEMET to stop sickness from happening, which is a frequent side effect of levodopa. The ratio of carbidopa to levodopa in the drug may also change so that side effects are kept to a minimum while its treatment benefits are maximized.
Important Things to Think About for Good Administration
For people with Parkinson's, giving SINEMET the right way is very important. It is best to take the medicine without food because protein can make it harder for the body to absorb levodopa. Furthermore, when you eat is also significant. The best times are 30 minutes before or 90 minutes after a meal.
Adapting to Changing Needs
As the disease gets worse, the amount and regularity of SINEMET may need to be changed. Patients and their caretakers should pay close attention to any changes in their symptoms and work closely with medical workers to make sure the drug plan continues to work.
Understanding the details of taking SINEMET is important for people with Parkinson's who want to get the most out of it and avoid any problems that might come up. People can make sure they get the most out of their treatment by following these expert tips. It's important to get medical advice and changes that are made specifically for your needs.
This essay talks about ways to get the most out of SINEMET, a drug that is often given for Parkinson's disease. By understanding how the medicine works, thinking about the best dose and time, and making changes to their lifestyle, people with Parkinson's can make SINEMET work better for them in controlling their symptoms. Patients may be able to improve their quality of life and get better control of their symptoms by addressing key factors that affect how well it works.
Source https://youtu.be/kiJ439n1v-o?si=R39m9trHk6hfNhOm
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Meal against remedies.
 Am  hearing often question a how right take remedies, a simple question, but answer depends from a cure effectivity and side effect   on organism displaying, let s check this problem deeply  , that for a future avoid mistakes, affecting of recovering.
A prescribing remedy doctor usually consulting for patient a how to use, what to drink, which pause keeps, after or before meal, these are useful advices , that a cure process. A few remedies are bad diluting, thus for their's  absorbing better a drinking lots of water   and use before 40 min till meal, and if remedy diluting good and absorbing good, and not depending on a how much liquid you are drunk, optimally 100 ml. of boiled water.
All remedies are interacting with meal, as a few can to rise or low effect till a full neutralization, when a cure and remedy having ,  but result is not having. A    last calling forming for chelant complexes are bad diluting and bad absorbing by organism amino acids with ions of minerals as tetracycline and milk, ions of calcium which forming with antibiotics are hard diluting connections and fast lowering his activity.
A few remedies having a big molecular mass  that better absorbing are on the meal time, with a mixing a meal and is anti fungus griseofulvin or diuretic as spironolactone and verospiron and importance role plays and meal contain.
As any eating fish with a using acetyl salicylic  acid as thrombo ACC , cardiomagnyl and other is rising effect for last, and prolonging a time for bleeding ,thanks  for omega 3 in fish -  fatty acids, which are lowering aspirin absorbing.Aminazine neuroleptic, metformin and glucifage   anti-diabetic  remedies with any smoked meal are forming cancerogenic  nitrosamine     as protein connection and nitrates, are harmful affecting for cells and lead to oncologic diseases.
Which products are interacting with remedies, and affecting on the cure process?
1.Milk with a using glucocortecosteroids  as prednisolone, dexamethasone and NSAID  as  voltaren, indomethacin, butadion a speed and a fullness for absorbing a remedy is increasing , but with antibiotics by peniciline raw as amoxiclave, amoxiceline, flemoclave, solutab are decreasing , but with teracicline raw as doxicicline, tetracicline are forming a bad absorbing complexes. With milk affecting are ferments pancreatin, pancurment, laxative bisacody l, laxatin  is diluting sour  stability pills membranes, destroying absorbing and destructing for effective substance.
2. Animal origin products. Are cheese, smoked herring, fish canned, sausages, caviar with antidepressants using as fenelzin, isocarboxazide, pirlindol, befol,  eprobemide and psycho stimulants as amilonosar, vinotripil, gopantam, divaza, cogitum, combitropil causing cheese syndrome as fast rising pressure till hypertonic crisis, and crisis, cramps, and who is a constant  using warfarin need to know, that using pig s liver lowering his anti coagulant effect.
4.Chicken eggs, with sulfonamides as biseptol, osarcide, ftalazole in blood forming toxic connection a methaemoglobin, lowering entering oxygen in cells and tissues.
5. Fitin products with are nuts, millet bread, millet porridge, caffeine, tea, milk products are not matching with  iron preparations as of pills ferrocal,  ferroplex and not absorbing micro elements ,forming his not diluting forms.
5. Products are  rich with B6 AS soya, millet, rye flour, corn, barley, yeast, meat, fish, milk, cheese are lowering effect for anti-  parkinson     remedies as nacom, madopar, sinemet, thanks for this a symptom for Parkinson  is increasing.
6. Folic acid products as beef s liver, bean, yeasts, petroselinum, spinach, tomatoes, lowering effects of anti microbe groups antibiotics as biseptol, osarcide, ftalazol till effect will full absence from theirs use.
7. Vegetables, fruits, berries as cabbage white, leaf salad, radish black, tomatoes, green peas, lowering therapeutic effect a warfarin as anti coagulant for diluting blood .Rich  with a sorrel acid are parsnip , rhubarb, sorrel, spinach with a same using calcium preparations and poly vitamin complex interacting with calcium salts, forming not soluble connections, which lowering effects from these remedies.
Viburnum, aronia, fragaria vesca, beet are rising effect for all lowering pressure remedies , as leading to fast his lowering and worsening for a common feeling.
These products are lowering pressure, thus not use remedies with these effects.Calium rich are fig, raisin, dried apricots, baked potato with peel, nuts are not matching with diuretics as spirolacton, triamteren , as from theirs neighbouring rising risk for calium in blood and displaying problems with heart.
8. Juices .Avoiding drinking with grapefruit juice  are remedies with groups antagonists calcium   as nifedipine, amlodipine, statins are liprimar, torvacard, livazo, crestor, anti allergy remedies are terfenadin, tre , trexyl, immune depressants are cyclosporin , restasis, orgasporin, leading to rising theirs concentrate in blood serum and toxic effect.
9.Cherry juice delaying absorbing calcium chloride preparations, ibumetin, and analogists , furosemide is diuretic, izoniazide as anti tuberculosis remedy and tetracicline.
10.Cranberry  juice is not matching with warfarin so as a rich with salicylic acidum, which affecting on the blood coagulation system, and not thrombocytes sticky together, and thus ability to increase effect of  anticoagulant  and causes risk for bleeding.
11.Sour fruit juices as currant, lemon, are increasing pharmacologic effect till toxical  salicylates as aspirin, aspirin cardio, otinum, barbiturates as barbytal, fenobarbytal, acetazolamides , acetazolamide acri , nitrofuranes  as enterofuril, 5 nock , buformines as adebit,  silubin retard . Effect for antibacterial preparations as erytromicine, ampicilin,  and immune depressants ciclosporine, orasporine, restasis ,they are lowering.
12. Alkaline mineral water.
With remedies drinking as of pills with a sour stable covering, is destroying for membrane happening and decreasing absorbing, that leading to lowering remedy effectivity . With  anti microbe preparation as biseptol, osarcide, ftalasol, are increasing  absorbing, but lowering probably for prolapse of effective substance in sediment, that leading to stones in urinary bladder and kidneys.
13. Tannins drinks and caffeine.
As Tonic drinks Fanta, Pepsi, Cola and same, theirs drinking are decreasing absorbing and lowering effect for antibiotics as erythromycin, oleandomicine, spiramicin vero, clartromicin, lincomicin, clindamicin, tetracycline they are decreasing speed and level for absorbing oral contraceptives and lowering effectivity for calming remedies as neuroleptics.
A first, importance rule for remedies effectivity are avoiding meal eating  ,which are not destructing , and for avoid from ration, if you are going using remedies by course ,  but if for all life, thus  avoiding eating forever. But a few products if needing by doctor s prescribing are including in ration, but calculating by a method using and not destructing with meal remedies approximately in   the one hour /  a remedy taking beginning /.
Regime for use a remedy, keeping all doctor s advices and keep for instruction, which entering in box maker. And in a few remedies taking as different by effect, if in instruction not having special indications ,thus a keep between every remedy    pause in 30-60 min.
By A.Kondrahin, pharmacologist , M.D.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/cwJitFj via https://ift.tt/deNwyE1
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hairloss24 · 2 years
Hair Loss
Describe it. From little hair thinning to complete baldness, hair loss can vary. There are numerous causes of hair loss. Medically, hair loss can be classified into a number of groups, including:
• Telogen effluvium – This typical type of hair loss occurs two to three months after a significant physical stress, such as a protracted sickness, major surgery, or life-threatening infection. Additionally, it can occur when hormone levels suddenly fluctuate, particularly in women right after childbirth. All sections of the scalp experience moderate hair loss, which can be seen on a pillow, in the tub, or on a hairbrush. Although there may be less hair in some areas of the scalp, there are rarely any significant bald spots. • Drug side effects — Medications like lithium, beta-blockers, warfarin, heparin, amphetamines, and levodopa might cause hair loss as a side effect (Atamet, Larodopa, Sinemet). Additionally, several drugs used in cancer chemotherapy, such doxorubicin (Adriamycin), frequently result in abrupt hair loss that affects the entire head. • Symptom of a medical condition – Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), syphilis, thyroid disorders (such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), a sex-hormone imbalance, or a major nutritional issue, particularly a protein, iron, zinc, or biotin shortage, can all cause hair loss. People on restrictive diets and women with extremely high menstrual flows are most likely to have these deficits. • Tinea capitis (fungal infection of the scalp) – This type of patchy hair loss results from the infection of the scalp by specific fungi. This results in the scalp flaking or becoming scaly and the hair falling out at the scalp's surface. Children frequently have patchy hair loss due to tinea capitis. • Alopecia areata – This autoimmune condition results in hair loss in one or more tiny patches. Although it is more frequent in those who also have other autoimmune disorders, the etiology of this condition remains unknown. Alopecia totalis is the medical term for when the same process completely removes all hair from the scalp. • Traumatic alopecia – This type of hair loss is brought on by hairstyling procedures that pull the hair (such as tight cornrows or braids), subject the hair to high temperatures and twisting (such as using a curling iron or hot rollers), or harm the hair with harsh chemicals (bleaching, hair coloring, permanent waves). Additionally, some people develop trichotillomania, a rare psychiatric illness in which excessive hair pulling and twisting can result in bald areas. • Androgenetic alopecia, or hereditary pattern baldness, in men can cause hair loss that resembles the usual male pattern (thinning hair on top of the head and/or receding front hairline). This is the most typical type of hair loss in men, and it can start at any age, even in adolescence. Male hormones, advancing age, and a hereditary propensity for baldness interact to produce it most frequently. Many women will experience female-pattern baldness to some extent. The entire top or crown of the scalp thins in women, sparing the front of the scalp. Symptoms On average, we shed 50 to 100 scalp hairs per day. If more than this is coming out, you can see disproportionately big amounts of hair in your clothing, brushes, and tub and sink drains. Additionally, you might see that your hair is getting thinner overall, that your part is getting broader, that your hairline has changed, or that one or more bald patches have formed. While tinea infections and alopecia areata cause hair loss to occur in localized patches, telogen effluvium and pharmaceutical side effects typically cause hair loss to occur all over the head. Additionally, tinea infections can result in other symptoms like scaling of the scalp or sections of hair that appear to be damaged. . In cases of traumatic alopecia, the pattern of hair injury—hot rollers, braiding, or chemical treatments—determines the area of hair loss. In cases of male-pattern baldness, the hairline typically starts to narrow at the top of the head before receding towards the temples. The hair on the sides and back of the head gradually recedes, leaving the crown area completely bald. Diagnosis Based on your medical history, the drugs you take, your nutritional status, your haircare routine, and a physical examination, your doctor will determine the cause of your hair loss. Your doctor could take a sample of your hair for testing in the lab if they think you have a fungal infection of the scalp. If your doctor detects a medical condition (like lupus), a thyroid issue, an iron deficiency, or a sex-hormone imbalance, blood testing will likely be recommended. Estimated Time Depending on the reason, hair loss can linger for a while. For instance, in telogen effluvium, hair often falls out over weeks to months before growing back over the following few months. When a drug causes hair loss as a side effect, hair growth typically resumes once the drug is stopped. . With the exception of traction alopecia, which is brought on by years of twisting the hair back in tight braids, hair loss caused by abusive hairdressing typically disappears once you switch to more natural styling. The fungus that causes tinea scalp infection must be treated for at least 6 to 12 weeks, and hair regrowth may be gradual. In order to avoid potential irreversible hair loss, early treatment is crucial. Male and female pattern baldness can both be treated, although both tend to develop worse over time. Prevention By reducing stress, maintaining a balanced diet, adopting sensible hair care methods, and, if it's possible, switching to medications that don't cause hair loss, several types of hair loss can be avoided. Maintaining clean hair and never using another person's cap, comb, or brush will stop fungal infections from causing hair loss. In some cases, medicine can stop hair loss caused by genetic baldness. Treatment Usually, the only course of action for hair loss brought on by telogen effluvium or pharmacological side effects is to stop using the offending medicine. Hair loss may be reduced or stopped by limiting damage or chemical exposure (such as using a blow dryer, hair straightener, dyeing, or perm). When a healthy diet and the underlying medical condition are adopted and treated, hair loss caused by malnutrition or sickness typically stops. Six to twelve weeks of oral medicine, such as terbinafine (Lamisil) or itraconazole (Sporanox), with or without shampoos containing selenium sulfide (Selsun Blue, Head & Shoulders, etc.) or ketoconazole, are needed to treat a fungal scalp infection (Nizoral). A corticosteroid that is injected or administered topically can treat alopecia areata.
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fanasa · 2 years
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robertpatrick · 2 years
In July 2021 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease; I was 68 years old. It wasn’t a surprise, in fact, it was a relief. It helped explain all of the physical things that had been going wrong over the last several years. The hoarse voice was the first indication. Over the past 2 or three years, whenever I spoke with people, my voice would catch, sound scratchy and invariably, someone would…
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yopdartist · 2 years
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Carbidopa with Levodopa
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Brand Names: Sinemet, Sinemet CR
Generic Available
Dosage Forms:
10/100: 10 mg carbidopa and 100 mg levodopa.
25/100: 25 mg carbidopa and 100 mg levodopa.
25/250: 25 mg carbidopa and 250 mg levodopa.
25/100 CR: 25 mg carbidopa and 100 levodopa.
50/200 CR: 50 mg carbidopa and 200 levodopa.
FDA Indications/Dosages:
For the treatment of the symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (paralysis agitans), postencephalitic parkinsonism, and symptomatic parkinsonism which may follow injury to the nervous symptom by carbon monoxide or manganese intoxication: Initial dose: One 25/100 tablet three times a day or one CR tablet twice a day. Maintenance dose: Therapy should be individualized and adjusted according to the desired therapeutic response. When a greater proportion of carbidopa is required, one 25/100 tablet may be substituted for two 10/100 tablets. When a greater portion of levodopa is required, a 25/250 tablet should be substituted at a dosage of one tablet three or four times a day, up to eight tablets per day. Tablets of the two ratios may be given separately or combined to provide the optimum dosage. CR tablets may be taken whole or in half tablets but should not be crushed or chewed.
Pharmacology/Pharmacokinetics: Levodopa crosses the blood-brain barrier and is converted into dopamine in the basal ganglia. A large portion of levodopa is converted to dopamine in extracerebral tissue. Dopamine does not cross the blood-brain barrier. Carbidopa inhibits dopa-decarboxylase in extracerebral tissue, thereby increasing the level of levodopa available to the central nervous system, and decreases the side effects (nausea) seen from high levels of peripheral dopamine.
Drug Interactions: Hydantoins and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) may decrease effectiveness. Hypertensive crisis may occur if given with MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS.
Contraindication/Precautions: Use is contraindicated in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, in patients with a suspicious, undiagnosed skin lesion or a history of melanomas, and in patients currently taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors or within 14 days of therapy. Use with caution in patients with present or past psychosis, severe cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, and renal, hepatic, or endocrine disease. Also use in caution in pregnancy and lactation. Discontinue current levodopa therapy at least 8 hours before initiation of therapy. Pregnancy Category C.
Adverse Effects: DYSTONIC or involuntary movements, depression, dementia, and nausea.
Patient Consultation:
May be taken with food or milk if GI upset occurs.
Avoid vitamin products containing vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
Extended-release tablets may be given whole or in half tablets but should not be crushed or chewed.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and children.
If a dose is missed take it as soon as possible. If it is closer to the time of your next dose than the dose you missed, skip the missed dose and return to your dosing schedule. Do not double doses.
Contact a physician if the above side effects are severe or persistent.
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noodledesk · 2 years
Not too long after Maria’s visit, Diana returned home one day looking tired and depressed. She sat down on the sofa next to me, took my hand, and said, “The students tell me that I’m seeing things that aren’t there.” I admitted that Maria had already told me about this. By then, Diana had begun treatment for Parkinson’s disease, taking a standard cocktail of medicines in small amounts: levodopa combined with carbidopa, in a drug called Sinemet. She had received the diagnosis only because her doctor couldn’t otherwise explain her onset of general weakness. Aside from fatigue, she had virtually no symptoms, and her behavior had been absolutely normal while taking Sinemet. Now she confessed that she was seeing things at home as well. She pointed at a wadded-up sweater on a chair across the room. “That’s not really a cat, is it?”
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julypink93 · 3 years
seven Supplementary Indications Of Parkinson's Illness
Despite the fact that numerous men and women, specifically individuals who make it with their youthful a lot of years, could probably have much more speedy symptom improvement, signs progressively boost more than actually many yrs. Deep brain excitement delivers electric powered arousal to targeted areas within the brain that manage activity, preventing the neural signs that may lead to abnormal motion. Deeply head excitement provides considerable gain inside of 70 percentage of individuals that undergo the treatment. We stimulate men and women to get treatment method around the health-relevant centre which offers a class method and also the wide selection of treatment solution approaches, which contains treatments, surgical procedure, and also treatment. Scientific study are evaluation reports by that new treatments-drugs, diagnostics, procedures, with the exact same several hours as various other treatments-are analyzed in gentlemen along with ladies to get out out nevertheless, if they are generally safe and powerful. Assessment is continually turning into conducted to a lot more improve the common of wellness attention. Details about current specialized medical research studies, that includes qualifications, protocol, and regions, are situated inside the Internet.
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Melanin from that could proceed to the substantia nigra as neuromelanin that fades away with PD. I stumbled on excessive exercise by using pickleball getting very important lessening my signs when i could not endure sinemet. Additionally, i get Mucuna, acetyl-l-carnitine, magnesium, ubiquinol,pantethine, nicotinamide riboside, vit c and experimenting having a couple of various other people. Any individual shown without having a cover up was both saved before COVID-19 or documented within a non-patient proper care area in which social distancing at the same time as other safety methodologies had been implemented. It will be the blend of several indications that may bring up suspicion for Parkinson's condition. One particular specific sign just isn't really adequate to make a diagnosing Parkinson's sickness. Jodi's The Parkinson’s Protocol This evaluation represents the regulatory system of neuronal GSH creation and also its possible restorative program in the solution of neurodegenerative problems. 10 outpatients with PD have been recruited from Kyung Hee Healthcare Medical facility. Personality and also neural answers have been examined pre in addition to publish 8 weeks of acupuncture treatment method. A semi-customized therapy method was used; individuals have been dealt with for fifteen minutes with 120-Hz electro-traditional chinese medicine working together with the correctly GB34 and Taechung , associated with handbook homeopathy in series utilizing the personal indications and indicators of the personal. The typical qualities of one's incorporated research studies are summarized in Desk 1. Comparing of HM monotherapy compared to. placebo was performed in one particular demo (Zhao et al., 2009). Scientific investigation has confirmed that oxidative tension and also apoptosis play a vital aspect from the Parkinson's condition strategy. Isoquercitrin (quercetin-3-O-ß-d-glucopyranoside) is truly a standard flavonol compound and one particular around the major vibrant components of agricultural waste materials apple company pomace. Raising facts signifies that this compound offers anti-oxidation, contra --getting older, and in addition anti-soreness attributes.
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el-rom · 3 years
Sesame seed extract shows promise for Parkinson’s
Sesame seed husks, a waste product from the manufacture of sesame seed oil, are rich in the antioxidant sesaminol.
Scientists have found that sesaminol protects nerve cells in laboratory cultures from damage and prevents Parkinson’s symptoms in an animal model of the disease.
Clinical trials are necessary to determine whether the antioxidant can prevent Parkinson’s or slow its progression in humans.
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects dopamine-producing neurons. It causes tremors, muscular stiffness or rigidity, and slowness of movement, among other symptoms. There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, though several drug treatments can help alleviate the symptoms. The most commonly prescribed medication for this purpose is levodopa (Sinemet), which replenishes dopamine levels
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Meal against remedies.
 Am  hearing often question a how right take remedies, a simple question, but answer depends from a cure effectivity and side effect   on organism displaying, let s check this problem deeply  , that for a future avoid mistakes, affecting of recovering.
A prescribing remedy doctor usually consulting for patient a how to use, what to drink, which pause keeps, after or before meal, these are useful advices , that a cure process. A few remedies are bad diluting, thus for their's  absorbing better a drinking lots of water   and use before 40 min till meal, and if remedy diluting good and absorbing good, and not depending on a how much liquid you are drunk, optimally 100 ml. of boiled water.
All remedies are interacting with meal, as a few can to rise or low effect till a full neutralization, when a cure and remedy having ,  but result is not having. A    last calling forming for chelant complexes are bad diluting and bad absorbing by organism amino acids with ions of minerals as tetracycline and milk, ions of calcium which forming with antibiotics are hard diluting connections and fast lowering his activity.
A few remedies having a big molecular mass  that better absorbing are on the meal time, with a mixing a meal and is anti fungus griseofulvin or diuretic as spironolactone and verospiron and importance role plays and meal contain.
As any eating fish with a using acetyl salicylic  acid as thrombo ACC , cardiomagnyl and other is rising effect for last, and prolonging a time for bleeding ,thanks  for omega 3 in fish -  fatty acids, which are lowering aspirin absorbing.Aminazine neuroleptic, metformin and glucifage   anti-diabetic  remedies with any smoked meal are forming cancerogenic  nitrosamine     as protein connection and nitrates, are harmful affecting for cells and lead to oncologic diseases.
Which products are interacting with remedies, and affecting on the cure process?
1.Milk with a using glucocortecosteroids  as prednisolone, dexamethasone and NSAID  as  voltaren, indomethacin, butadion a speed and a fullness for absorbing a remedy is increasing , but with antibiotics by peniciline raw as amoxiclave, amoxiceline, flemoclave, solutab are decreasing , but with teracicline raw as doxicicline, tetracicline are forming a bad absorbing complexes. With milk affecting are ferments pancreatin, pancurment, laxative bisacody l, laxatin  is diluting sour  stability pills membranes, destroying absorbing and destructing for effective substance.
2. Animal origin products. Are cheese, smoked herring, fish canned, sausages, caviar with antidepressants using as fenelzin, isocarboxazide, pirlindol, befol,  eprobemide and psycho stimulants as amilonosar, vinotripil, gopantam, divaza, cogitum, combitropil causing cheese syndrome as fast rising pressure till hypertonic crisis, and crisis, cramps, and who is a constant  using warfarin need to know, that using pig s liver lowering his anti coagulant effect.
4.Chicken eggs, with sulfonamides as biseptol, osarcide, ftalazole in blood forming toxic connection a methaemoglobin, lowering entering oxygen in cells and tissues.
5. Fitin products with are nuts, millet bread, millet porridge, caffeine, tea, milk products are not matching with  iron preparations as of pills ferrocal,  ferroplex and not absorbing micro elements ,forming his not diluting forms.
5. Products are  rich with B6 AS soya, millet, rye flour, corn, barley, yeast, meat, fish, milk, cheese are lowering effect for anti-  parkinson     remedies as nacom, madopar, sinemet, thanks for this a symptom for Parkinson  is increasing.
6. Folic acid products as beef s liver, bean, yeasts, petroselinum, spinach, tomatoes, lowering effects of anti microbe groups antibiotics as biseptol, osarcide, ftalazol till effect will full absence from theirs use.
7. Vegetables, fruits, berries as cabbage white, leaf salad, radish black, tomatoes, green peas, lowering therapeutic effect a warfarin as anti coagulant for diluting blood .Rich  with a sorrel acid are parsnip , rhubarb, sorrel, spinach with a same using calcium preparations and poly vitamin complex interacting with calcium salts, forming not soluble connections, which lowering effects from these remedies.
Viburnum, aronia, fragaria vesca, beet are rising effect for all lowering pressure remedies , as leading to fast his lowering and worsening for a common feeling.
These products are lowering pressure, thus not use remedies with these effects.Calium rich are fig, raisin, dried apricots, baked potato with peel, nuts are not matching with diuretics as spirolacton, triamteren , as from theirs neighbouring rising risk for calium in blood and displaying problems with heart.
8. Juices .Avoiding drinking with grapefruit juice  are remedies with groups antagonists calcium   as nifedipine, amlodipine, statins are liprimar, torvacard, livazo, crestor, anti allergy remedies are terfenadin, tre , trexyl, immune depressants are cyclosporin , restasis, orgasporin, leading to rising theirs concentrate in blood serum and toxic effect.
9.Cherry juice delaying absorbing calcium chloride preparations, ibumetin, and analogists , furosemide is diuretic, izoniazide as anti tuberculosis remedy and tetracicline.
10.Cranberry  juice is not matching with warfarin so as a rich with salicylic acidum, which affecting on the blood coagulation system, and not thrombocytes sticky together, and thus ability to increase effect of  anticoagulant  and causes risk for bleeding.
11.Sour fruit juices as currant, lemon, are increasing pharmacologic effect till toxical  salicylates as aspirin, aspirin cardio, otinum, barbiturates as barbytal, fenobarbytal, acetazolamides , acetazolamide acri , nitrofuranes  as enterofuril, 5 nock , buformines as adebit,  silubin retard . Effect for antibacterial preparations as erytromicine, ampicilin,  and immune depressants ciclosporine, orasporine, restasis ,they are lowering.
12. Alkaline mineral water.
With remedies drinking as of pills with a sour stable covering, is destroying for membrane happening and decreasing absorbing, that leading to lowering remedy effectivity . With  anti microbe preparation as biseptol, osarcide, ftalasol, are increasing  absorbing, but lowering probably for prolapse of effective substance in sediment, that leading to stones in urinary bladder and kidneys.
13. Tannins drinks and caffeine.
As Tonic drinks Fanta, Pepsi, Cola and same, theirs drinking are decreasing absorbing and lowering effect for antibiotics as erythromycin, oleandomicine, spiramicin vero, clartromicin, lincomicin, clindamicin, tetracycline they are decreasing speed and level for absorbing oral contraceptives and lowering effectivity for calming remedies as neuroleptics.
A first, importance rule for remedies effectivity are avoiding meal eating  ,which are not destructing , and for avoid from ration, if you are going using remedies by course ,  but if for all life, thus  avoiding eating forever. But a few products if needing by doctor s prescribing are including in ration, but calculating by a method using and not destructing with meal remedies approximately in   the one hour /  a remedy taking beginning /.
Regime for use a remedy, keeping all doctor s advices and keep for instruction, which entering in box maker. And in a few remedies taking as different by effect, if in instruction not having special indications ,thus a keep between every remedy    pause in 30-60 min.
By A.Kondrahin, pharmacologist , M.D.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/r06oX5M via https://ift.tt/oL6OERD
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Medications to Help Control Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
If you have Parkinson’s disease, there aren’t any treatments that can slow, reverse or stop the condition’s progression. But although there is no cure, more than a dozen medications can help patients manage symptoms.
Our goals when prescribing medications for Parkinson’s disease are twofold: to improve day-to-day functioning and quality of life and to keep people functioning as long as possible. Hopefully, your physician has the same goals in mind for you.
In the University of Michigan clinic, we work with people individually to find the best medication for them. Here’s an overview to help you manage your care.
Picking a Parkinson’s medication
When assessing which medications will work best, we ask patients the following questions:
Are you able to do what you want to do?
Are the medications you are taking now wearing off before the next dose?
Do your medications have side effects? If so, what are they?
Are you having dyskinesias (extra involuntary movements)? If so, how bothersome are they to you?
Based on the answers to those questions and the medical exam, we choose a medication from the following list:
Carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet): The most effective and well-tolerated drug the medical profession has to offer at this time is carbidopa-levodopa. It often helps with bradykinesia (rigidity and rest tremor). It generally does not help with imbalance or falls, freezing and non-motor symptoms.
Side effects include:
Dyskinesia (abnormal, involuntary movements)
Patients should also be aware of these important dosing instructions:
Take 30 minutes prior to meals (note that a high-protein diet may decrease absorption of the drug).
Generally, do not take it right before bed unless you need it overnight to reduce cramping or restless leg syndrome.
Consistent timing is important. If you miss a dose, your symptoms may return.
Sinemet controlled-release tab: This drug can be given at night to help with early morning symptoms, or it may be used instead of the immediate-release version to decrease nausea.
It has not been shown to help treat motor fluctuations (variable “on-and-off,” early morning “off,” etc.) and dyskinesia.
Rytary: This drug is a new, long-acting carbidopa-levodopa.
It provides an extra one to two hours of “on” time per day compared with regular Sinemet.
Rytary is not available in a generic version, so it may be expensive. Some insurance companies do cover it.
Dopamine agonists (pramipexole, ropinirole, rotigotine patch): There is good evidence to support that these medications work by themselves or in combination with Sinemet. If they are used in combination, it helps prolong the effect of the Sinemet.
Significant side effects can limit their use, including:
Leg swelling
Sleepiness and sleep attacks
Worsening cognition
Impulse control disorders
Apomorphine: Effective in patients with severe motor fluctuations, it can be useful to get patients going in the early morning or during “off” times.
This medication is injected, which many people don’t like. In addition, it can cause severe nausea, so it requires scheduled anti-nausea therapy. The first dose will need to be monitored in the office to ensure safety, tolerability and adequate dosing.
MAO-B inhibitors (selegiline, rasagiline): These may have a mild symptomatic benefit early in the course of Parkinson’s disease.
Similar to dopamine agonists, this medication may help to smooth the motor fluctuations in advanced disease.
They may also be used with Sinemet to prolong the action of the Sinemet.
Many people with Parkinson’s have mood disorders, and there could be a drug interaction if these medications are taken with certain antidepressants. Patients should be watched closely.
COMT inhibitors (entacapone, tolcapone): These drugs decrease “wearing off” in advanced disease.
They may make the side effects of carbidopa-levadopa worse.Amantadine:
This may have a modest effect on motor symptoms in early Parkinson’s, but it is particularly helpful with treating dyskinesia.
Cognitive (thinking and memory) side effects may limit its use. Trihexyphenidyl (Artane): This can be helpful in treating rest tremor if refractory to Sinemet and dopamine agonists, but side effects may limit its use. Nonpharmacologic treatments If you have a neurologist, he or she will harp on exercise, exercise, exercise. People with Parkinson’s disease who participate in exercise and exercise therapies will improve their ability to function. We encourage 30 minutes of activity every day.Speech therapy is also beneficial because patients often develop a soft voice, and they can learn how to project their voice. Such therapy may also help if they develop swallowing problems. In this guide we will depict the Parkinson's Slow Progression and Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson's Disease. Contribute to our knowledge about Parkinson’s disease.
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purpleavenuecupcake · 5 years
AIFA: Aggiornamento su carenza Sinemet
In merito alle notizie diffuse su possibili carenze, l’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco precisa che il medicinale Sinemet®, indicato nel trattamento della malattia di Parkinson e della sindrome parkinsoniana, è attualmente disponibile nelle confezioni 100mg + 25mg compresse, 50 compresse (AIC 023145028) e 200mg + 50mg compresse a rilascio modificato, 30 compresse (AIC 023145030). Su tali confezioni può ancora registrarsi una discontinuità della disponibilità nelle singole rivendite, legata all’elevata richiesta generata a seguito del precedente stato di carenza. Per quanto riguarda le confezioni 250mg + 25mg compresse, 50 compresse (AIC 023145016) e 100mg + 25mg compresse a rilascio modificato, 50 compresse (AIC 023145042), il titolare MSD ha comunicato la carenza temporanea, dovuta a un ritardo nella fornitura da parte del produttore, e dichiarato la probabilità che le ulteriori forniture saranno rese disponibili già nelle prossime settimane. In considerazione di tali rassicurazioni, si raccomanda un approccio consapevole all’acquisizione dei prodotti, evitando l’immotivata corsa all’approvvigionamento. Laddove siano ancora riscontrati dei problemi di accesso al medicinale, AIFA autorizza eccezionalmente l’importazione di medicinali analoghi dall’estero alle strutture che ne facciano richiesta. L’Ufficio Qualità dei Prodotti dell’Agenzia ([email protected]) resta a disposizione per fornire ogni chiarimento e supporto nell’attivazione della procedura di importazione. Per qualsiasi altra informazione si invitano i pazienti, i professionisti sanitari e le associazioni a contattare il servizio FarmaciLine al numero 800 571661, attivo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 13.00. Read the full article
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Physically The Cause Can Be Medication
Like the new research, they found Viagra targeted problems from the genetic mutations, although inflammation also dropped. Citrulline is found in all colours of watermelon and is highest in the yellow-fleshed types, said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a USDA researcher in Lane, Okla. However, the problem with this natural remedy, is that, it can generate some negative side effects just like Viagra can. However, it is always best to consult your doctor regarding the required dose per day. The evening belongs, however, by the lovely belly-dancing ladies who can show you a move or two! Rosen and a team of investigators from NYEE based their study on a 31-year-old patient who arrived at an urgent care clinic complaining of red-tinted vision in both eyes that hadn't gone away in two days. Viagra for women is normally delivered within 4 -12 working days from the date of payment. They conclude that using higher doses of Viagra could eventually lead to significant long-term vision damage. Our study uses much lower doses of sildenafil over a shorter period than the Dutch trial. In the mouse model, small doses of Viagra reduced the formation of polyps by 50 percent. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Maximum Powerful, a product promoted for sexual enhancement that contains sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. But new, preliminary research finds that coating stents with a drug normally used for treating erectile dysfunction may prevent the arteries from clogging or narrowing again. For some patients, stents reduce the risk of "restenosis" - the renarrowing of arteries. In medicine, there is this “dose relationship” effect which says the more of disease-causing drug is ingest the greater the risk of developing that affliction. Of course, in the case of people prone to having clogged arteries, doctors may prescribe anti-platelet drugs to reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. People with an APC genetic mutation might develop hundreds of colorectal polyps, which may eventually result in cancer. The same team would have failed if they came forward with a random machine learning idea that conceptually might make sense but didn’t fit Evite’s objectives. This was the conclusion that researchers at the University of Ottawa in Canada came to after they tested the effect of tadalafil (Cialis), sildenafil (Viagra), and an inactivated version of the flu vaccine Agriflu in mouse models of post-surgery metastasis. The damage was similar to that seen in animal models of hereditary retinal disease such as retinitis pigmentosa or cone-rod dystrophy. Using these techniques, the team looked in detail at the cellular makeup of the man's retina and investigated it for Viagra-induced damage. The scientists also looked at the prescription drug linaclotide, which is used to treat constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and, like Viagra, is known to increase cyclic GMP. Men with erectile dysfunction are now going to be able to buy Viagra over the counter after health officials reclassified the drug. The ACC also leads the formulation of important cardiovascular health policy, standards and guidelines. To stay ahead in the competition that involves many online Viagra vendors, different tools like keywords optimization, back links etc have been incorporated. Commonly referred to as a wonder drug, Viagra was initially developed to treat high-blood pressure and chest pain, but soon showed that it could also combat erectile dysfunction. Viagra is best known for its ability to relax the smooth muscle cells around blood vessels so the vessels can more easily fill with blood, which is how it helps both erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. Sildenafil is so helpful in treating erectile dysfunction and hypertension because it relaxes smooth muscle cells around blood vessels, allowing blood to more easily move into them. Surgery with no drugs or vaccine resulted in 129 metastases. Maybe they don't believe drugs or they are healthy. What are those diseases? Its worldwide prevalence is 15.5%, comprising about 20 million children born each year, but the vast majority of low-birth-weight cases — 96.5% — are in developing countries. These products are labeled as generic Viagra or herbal Viagra in order to cash in on the brand recognition that Viagra has. Cho immediately greenlit the idea. The research centers on the idea that increased levels of a chemical called cyclic GMP has been seen to suppress some intestinal cancers by reducing excessive cell proliferation in the gut. The basic idea is the medicine weakens the crown of each individual sperm. Medications that contain nitrates can increase the likelihood of side effects and complications in the body. The drug seemed to slightly increase fetal growth, so they drew up plans for a larger, international trial spanning Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the U.K. This means that performance becomes even less as the person becomes dependent on taking the drug. “It was all spam.” So, Evite took steps to address it even though it meant taking a short-term hit. The 31 year-old man, who took the medication to help his erectile dysfunction, was admitted to hospital. These come as patches, tablets for sucking, sprays for inhalation or as solutions for intravenous use in hospital. Today, it is used to help diagnose conditions such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Making me sometimes run out of breath before I reached the end of the sentence. We’re making a running list of the widespread complaints about the new phones, online pharmacies and we encourage you to add your own grievances in the comments. “We’ve been getting the love fumes for years now for free,” added Debbie’s mother, Sadie. In Port Douglas I went through a trial and error routine of getting used to Sinemet and getting the dosage right.
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manju123 · 3 years
Parkinson's Disease Drug Market Supply-Demand Analysis & Distribution Insight 2021
The report delivers the challenges in front of the Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market that allows the better understanding of the market and provides the lucrative opportunities that are available. Analyst has studied the current market scenario while concentrating on the new business objectives. Report includes change in customer requirements, customer preferences and the vendor landscape in the market.
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market Report study provides in detail information to understand the imperative market parts that aligns with the business decision related to raw materials, demand, and production capacity. The analysis provides demands for the future, besides the opportunities that are available for individual. Study focuses on industry chain analysis, upstream and downstream raw material suppliers, key players, production process analysis, cost analysis, market distribution channels and major downstream buyers.
The Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market Report delivers analysis of various organizations, affiliation and new businesses. Study includes authorized estimations to develop better understanding of the organizations. Report provides the information about Key players in the market, manufacture analysis, market CAGR, production capacity, product segmentation, supplier analysis, trends and forecast. Research furthermore consolidates impact of government regulations and standards over the market.
Research analysis covers historical data from the year 2015 to 2019,In addition to this report considers 2021-28 as the forecast year. This helps manufacturers and clients understand the past trends and analyze the future trend. Competitive development like expansion of the plant, ventures, agreement, and acquisition are discussed in the report.
Access Full Report @ https://www.profsharemarketresearch.com/parkinsons-disease-drug-market/
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market report is segmented based on below parameters:
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market: Product Type
Comt Inhibitor
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market: Companies Covered
Boehringer Ingelheim
Teva Pharmaceutical
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market: Application / End User
Under 40 Years Old
40-65 Years Old
Above 65 Years Old
Research study on Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market is based on following regions and countries:
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South East Asia
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Market Report delivers comprehensive analysis of :
Challenges and Opportunities
Emerging and Current market trends
Market player Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value)
Market Forecast for 2021-28
Market growth drivers
Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import analysis
End user/application Analysis
About Profshare:
Profshare Market Research is a full service market research company that delivers in depth market research globally. We operate within consumer and business to business markets offering both qualitative and quantitative research services. We work for private sector clients, along with public sector and voluntary organizations. Profshare Market Research publishes high quality, in-depth market research studies, to help clients obtain granular level clarity on current business trends and expected future developments. We are committed to our client’s needs, providing custom solutions best fit for strategy development and implementation to extract tangible results.
Contact :
Kalyani D.
Profshare Market Research
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dclevinson · 6 years
5/10/18 update
We had a 2nd visit with our MGH neurologist yesterday. As I’d hoped, he and our Spaulding physiatrist had talked and seemed to mesh well, as I thought they would. They have a more specific sense of how they might try some combo or sequence of anti depressant and stimulant drugs, but more serious stuff still on hold till we see how insurance reacts to requests for a brief in patient stay to best monitor. Not expecting a positive response on that request, so out patient options also in the pipeline. When we know our path, the med choices will get made.
 We are going to try right now what they think is the safest first attempt: a generic version of Sinemet, a dopamine stimulator usually used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Docs say it can have a more generalized effect on emotional responsiveness. Should see in a few days if it’s doing anything. I’m leery of being the primary drug monitor, but in for a dime, in for a dollar.
Speaking of how to elevate Cindy’s spirits, we finally found a chocolate product (at least for the moment) that she reacts to as we’d expect her to: Godiva dark chocolate truffles. Thanks, Brenda and Mady! This is not a call for more sweets, though. We’ve got plenty. However, do hope this, too, can be a mood enhancer. After all, this is the woman who has a T shirt reading, give me some chocolate and no one gets hurt.
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